Chris Chaos
Corporate Chaos
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Tue Jul 12 2016
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Hates Given: 14
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08-18-2017, 10:43 PM
Part 3
Chris's point of view
Bruce's point of view
Michelle's point of view.
"Shoot him Michelle!" He heard his own voice cut through the air.
A smile crossed his face as he watched her finger twitch, pushing down on the trigger she knew it was correct to pull. He wanted to watch the boy drop, to set the girl free. Show her that sometimes you need to do what you need to do in order to get by.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion.
Out of the corner of his eye, however, he saw Bruce dive as well as a 60 year old man can dive just as the sound of the gun rattled the calm Tampa air.
Oh My God!
The old man jumped in front of the gun! She fired it, she didn't know why she fired it, and he fell out of the sky like a boulder dropped off a cliff. Hitting the concrete, the impact was almost as loud as the gunshot.
"BRUCE!" She heard behind her, and the younger came running.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" He screamed at her, ripping the gun away. WHAT? This was her fault? No way was this her fault!
But in the back of her mind she did feel guilty, because she didn't HAVE to pull the trigger. Oh god, what had she done?
Had she just killed someone?
The blonde man was on one knee, tending to the old man. "Don't leave me, old man......stay with me." He looked at her, he had fire in his eyes. He had a scary look. He was going to come after her, she just knew it. She braced her body to get hit.
Everything in her told her that this man was going to make her suffer, make her pay. Maybe this was the plan, somethingto give him a reason to hit her.
But he didn't hit her.
My god, he smiled at her.
"You passed the test" he said. "You can go home now."
A single tear ran down her face and she didn't even know why she was crying.
"Wha---what was the test?"
"I wanted to see if you would pull the trigger. I wanted to see if you would do anything it took to survive an unfavorable position.......I was testing you but I was also testing myself."
"If you, a sub 5'6 hundred pound soaken wet chick can do what it takes....I have what it takes to beat Robbie Bourbon in an Iron Man Match."
She shook her head.
"So you used me to gain yourself some confidence?! I just killed a man!"
"He's not dead"
"Yes he is."
"Michelle, he is not. I checked. Please don't argue, this is a joyous day."
"You're insane,"
"I'm chaotic."
"What's the difference?"
"I'm calculated. Everything I do is planned to a tee. I cause massive amounts of chaos, but it is all part of the greater plan."
"You're fucking insane!"
He stood up.
Here comes the hit, she tensed again, ready.
The girl was tensed up, and he didn't know why. He had no plans to harm her.
"I just needed to know, and now I know. Lets go home."
Bruce moaned on the ground, holding his shoulder. Blood was visible through his shirt, a lot of it, too. His shirt was a polo of crimson.
"We need to help him."
"He will be fine."
"I am not leaving until we help him."
Chris sighed. "Pain in the ass. Okay, I should have ace bandages in the trunk. Get them."
After patching Bruce up, they got him into the car. He was laying in the back, and Chris made Michelle sit in the front.
"You know, I am going to make history this weekend."
"I'd prefer if you didn't talk to me."
"Awww sugar don't be like that."
She just stared out the window. She may not reply but she had no choice but to listen.
"Michelle.....Robbie Bourbon sucks. Everything about him sucks. He doesn't have one redeeming quality. This is a guy who claims he isn't a hero, yet tries to fight again hate and evil......sometimes, hero's don't even know they are heros"
She continued to look out the window. The neighborhood was getting increasingly nicer.
"Have you ever seen that fat guy who has no business doing anything athletic? A guy who is disgusting to you but is soft spoken and people like only because they are intrigued? He is soft spoken and quirky, in all his chubby glory?"
She continued to look out the window.
"That is Robbie. He knows he has nothing original to say. He wears a mask to hide his face, a onsie three sizes too small and thinks he is the juggernaut from X-Men. Hero's don't cheat.....Hero's stick to their morals. Stick to their set of rules. But what if cheating is their morals? What if their entire basis of existence is dishonesty, but they try to fight for good. Would you call them a hypocrite? I would."
He was still talking. Was she just going to sit there in silence? She had to say something.
No, she was going to stick to her guns. This man was a psycho. She just wanted to get home and never talk to or see him again.
"You know.....I am going to beat a man to within an inch of his life......"
The window was beginning to fog from the humidity outside, the heat. The AC inside the car felt good but she no longer had a view.
"Maybe it is time to tell you about me. Maybe it is time for you to learn exactly who you are in the car with. My name is Chris Chaos, I am a professional wrestler. I have a match for the number one contender-ship for the Universal Title. The match is in London. After I drop you off, I am heading to the airport. The match is tomorrow night, if you want to watch it."
She huffed.
"It is a 60 minute Iron Man Match. The winner will have the most falls when the 60 minute marker hits."
She huffed again, still not able to see out the window. But him being a wrestler was interesting to say the least.
"I am going to do horrible, unforgivable things. But Robbie deserves it. Robbie needs a beating of a lifetime. Think about this......"
A brief hesitation at a stop sign, then he continued.
"Robbie is the kind of guy that will say one thing to your face, then another behind your back. He is the type of guy to grab your ass in the club and blame it on the other guy, then bask in the satisfaction that he got away with it. Robbie is a guy who had to cheat to beat me the last time and I STILL won the Universal Title. You see, Robbie claims I whine and complain but everytime I bring that match up all he can say out of his fat lips is how he jumped off the cage and I wouldn't have gotten the win if he didn't basically incapacitate everyone else and himself. I am the whiner? Robbie Bourbon will throw stones, but he is guilty of the same thing. Just ask him. He will tell you about how he is so good yet he has never done anything worthwhile in this company."
She was interested in the story, but she didn't know why.
"So you understand why I have to hurt him tomorrow. You understand why I have to go to a place I rarely go. You see, Robbie would have never opened your eyes. You wouldn't be worth his time. You wouldn't be worth the lesson. But to me you are worth it. I taught us both something today."
She cracked. Goddamnit.
"Robbie Bourbon sounds like he really sucks."
"You have no idea."
They pulled up to her car in the parking lot it feels like they left an eternity ago.
"You know what, I will have the cigarette".
"I know you will."
Something in her tingled. She didn't know why, and she hated it. She hated herself for it but she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She had no more self control.
And she hated it.
But she loved it.
The shot old man groaned in the back seat.
She got up off the chair and exited the vehicle. There was a damp spot on the seat. She didn't notice it, but he did.
Just like that, he was gone.
Her hero.
She quickly pulled her phone out and googled Robbie Bourbon.
"Yuck" she said to herself.
![[Image: CMslBnR.png]](
"So this is it, the final hour before salvation. The final hour before the number one man on this roster is crowned at the biggest Pay Per View we have had in a long time. Robbie we have said a lot of terrible things about each other, but the time for talking is well beyond us. It is time to fight. It is time for one of us to become immortal, and one of us to stay mortal. This is a 60 minute test of wills. A 60 minute battle for XWF supremecy. My trash talk has been harsh, yours as been goofy, but we both brought our own styles. You went to Charlottesville, I went back to my home. You fought Nazi's, I showed a daddy's girl waitress what a real hero is. We both brought epic promos that will stand the test of time and will be looked back upon as some of the best ever in this company's rich history. But before we embark on this journey, I wanted to let you know that the Chaos you are getting is a different Chaos than you or anyone else has ever seen here. I am coming at you straight, and real. I am back to my old self again, and that does not spell success for Robbie Bourbon, or for anyone. Gabe Reno is back apparently, fine. I am over Gabe Reno. I am over what happened in that chamber. I am over Jim Caedus. I am over being the former Universal Champion. I am looking to the future. But just know that whether I win or lose, I am not going anywhere. I will continue to haunt this roster until I get what is rightfully mine. No more bitching about it, its time to act on it. I am not going to go on a big long tirade of trash talk, because it makes me look desperate. I have said what I need to say. You will probably make food analogies, and call me all sorts of quirky names, and say ambiguously gay stuff addressed at me. That is fine. Talk your oversized heart out. Because for me, it is about talking with fists now.
I may be considered a lot of things to a lot of people here, most of them negative. In fact, I can't name a single member on this roster who "likes" me. But you better bet your last chicken wing that they all respect me, Robbie. Every. Single. One. They know what I am capable of when I am focused. Sure, they don't agree with some of the things I do or the things I say and my allegiance with Vinnie after what he did is a head scratcher to some.....but if XWF ever got invaded ECW/WCW style you know damn well I am on that team for XWF. Who else? You wouldn't be, I hate to break it to you. You wouldn't even be in the discussion. Nothing against you, but that is the levels are are both at in our careers. That is why even if you find a way to win this match, I will continue to get these opportunities. If you lose this match, you go back to the bottom of the list. That is just a fact. I am being real with you right now.
But in the name of being real, I wanted to tell you that I don't like you as much as you don't like me.
Oh boy, here we go again. I just said I wasn't going to do this. There I go contradicting myself again. Why don't you copy everyone else's attack and point that out, too. You already have said all the same bullshit that I have heard time and time and time again. So yeah, I am contradicting myself.
Fuck you.
Plain and simple. No fancy analogies or metaphors. I am in a zone all my own, a dark place that even I don't want to be in. But it is a place I NEED to be in. This is the place I was in for Micheal Graves. This is place I was in against Gilmour, against Dolly Waters. This is a place I was in inside that Elimination Chamber. It is a place you have never seen me in. Just had to cheat to beat to beat me when I wasn't in this zone. What do you think you will have to do when I am?
Robbie, when the dust settles from us tearing the house down, I am going to be the one with my hand raised. It is about time that Chris Chaos starts acting like Chris Chaos again. It is time I start running this place again. So when you are sitting there in a pool of blood, just know I will be bleeding too. Know that I will be a mess, and I will love every second of it. You are a fraud, and it is time you get exposed.
Your days of relevancy are limited.
I beat James Raven.
War Pig is AWOL.
Jack Cain is basically a 7 foot punching bag these days.
But James Raven is going to take the Universal Title in the main event and you will fall even further into obscurity. Then, I will beat James Raven and Robbie Bourbon will be left with a thumb in his ass wondering where it all went wrong.
I'll tell you where, in London.
You've turned your back on anybody who ever thought you were worth a fuck in AX3
Think of it this aren't even the best motherfucker.
How does that make you feel?
Like a sad motherfucker, I bet. In more ways than one."