This Warfare will be a little special. The Kings will not only be in the house this week but HOSTING THE SHOW! Whatever it is they have in mind is unknown, but they promised gifts, prizes, and surprises! So we shall see! ***
Warfare opens to a somber John Samuels, standing at a large, wooden pulpit with his head bowed and his hands raised high above his head. As the organ begins to play in the background, he opens his eyes and motions for the congregation to be seated.
"Brothers and sisters of the XWF! As I'm sure you've heard by now, at this past edition of Saturday Night Savage, AX3 met their untimely end. As Michael Graves turned on his brother-in-arms, and Jim Caedus bounced off the canvas like a defective bouncy ball, a dark chapter in the XWF's history was closed permanently.
But my brothers and sisters! We are gathered here not to mourne.. oh no. We come together in celebration! I know, we are tempted to hang our heads in sadness as we realize that all those easy wins have come to an end. But instead be thankful! Thankful that you can look back and fell your children that you were there when AX3 so masterfully made the rest of the active roster look better by losing to them indiscriminately.
They sacrificed their own dignity. Their own legacies. And we should be thankful for that. So please, join me as we say our final goodbye to AX3."
The camera cuts to a dick shaped coffin being lowered into a freshly dug grave. As the coffin hits the soft dirt below, John Madison stands over the hole and drops a single rose onto the top of the coffin. Madison steps away as hundreds of pounds of pig shit cover the coffin, putting the final end to AX3 while Doctor D'Ville and Theo Pryce look on from the stage, a somber look stapled across each of their faces.
The camera pans across the roaring crowd as the scene arrives at Edinburgh Castle! Old Man Johnson and Luca Arzegotti sit high above the crowd in seats made for kings!
Hello everyone and welcome to Wednesday Night Warfare! We are LIVE in Edinburgh for the next round of the King of the Ring Tournament!
Plus more, Old man!
Absolutely! Not only do we have THREE King of the Ring matches, but we have two former Universal Champions Jim Caedus and Peter Gilmour along with the returning Travis Mccoy in a three way match!
And Jack Cain! Jack Cain versus new comer Finn Kuhn!
It's going to be an amazing night leading up to King of the Ring, folks! Stay tuned!
Basic Bitch Doctor Joshua Reno
- vs -
Jean Baptiste Le'Croix
- vs -
Dr. Psycho Standard Match
The following contest is scheduled for one fall!
The arena goes black, as Trucker Anthem by Kid Rock starts to blare over the loudspeakers. A blast of pyro goes off and the lights turn on. A massive man dressed entirely in black begins to walk down the ramp.
Introducing first! From Montreal, QC. He weighs in at 345 lbs and stands at 7’3…. Jean Baptiste Le’Croix!!!
He approaches the ring and steps right over the top rope. The crowd cheers the gargantuan man as he raises his arm in the air and shouts.
This man is a monster!
We’ll see if he picks up a monster win tonight against two amazing challengers!
Introducing his challenger! From Baltimore, MD! Standing in at 5’9 and weighing 199 Lbs…. Doctor Psycho!!!
Psycho approaches the ring, brandishing two scalpels. As he moves to the ring he makes a few motions with them resembling martial arts swords before motioning a cutting motion towards the crowd. The crowd boos loudly and a sick smile flashes across the doctor’s face.
What kind of a sick man brings scalpels to the ring with him?
And finally, The Basic Bitch Doctor…. Joshua Reno!!!
Reno runs to the ring and gets right in before his theme music even starts. Both challengers look at him briefly and ignore him, preparing themselves for the match.
Le’Croix stands front and center in the ring and stares down both his opponents. Reno and Psycho both take a look at each other and decide to go after the big man. Both men hail Le’Croix with a flurry of punches, it’s obviously hurting the big man, but they can’t get Le’Croix down.
It’s a two on one out there right now!
They still can’t find an answer to the size and strength of La’Croix!
Le’Croix throws a punch at Josh Reno, knocking him over, and then turns to Doctor Psycho and knocks him down with a big boot. Le’Croix is really using his size to his advantage now. He picks up Reno and throws him against the ropes. Reno bounces off the ropes heading at a high rate of speed, Le’Croix goes to nail him with a forearm, but Reno ducks and gains some speed bouncing off the other end. Doctor Psycho watches what is happening, still reeling from being hit.
Reno hits Le’Croix with the full force of his body, but Le’Croix doesn’t move, instead Reno finds himself knocked over. With Reno flat on his back, Le’Croix hits him with an Elbow Drop. Le’Croix picks up reno and throws him hard against the ropes, with the force given Reno hits it hard and goes right over the rope. Reno is now lying outside the ring and Le’Croix turns to look at Psycho.
That look is the stuff nightmares are made of!
I’ve never seen someone murder someone else with their eyes before!
Psycho barely gives him a look and gets to work on Le’Croix. He hits Le’Croix with a series of punches and kicks. They might not be knocking him down, but Le’Croix winces as he’s hit in a few areas. Finally, with his back against the corner turnbuckle, Doctor Psycho hits Le’Croix hard with a spinning head kick. It lands clear on his jaw, and it appears Le’Croix loses consciousness for a second.
He wakes up slumped against turnbuckle only to be met with more punches. Wobbly, Doctor Psycho allows Le’Croix to wander back into the middle of the ring before he hits him with a quick neckbreaker.
The big man is finally down!
They’ve solved him! This could be a turning point!
Doctor Psycho stops for a moment and composes himself. He motions to the crowd, who is booing loudly, and picks up Le’Croix to his feet. With the crowd going, Psycho tries to hit his Psycho Driver. But Le’Croix is too big! Psycho can’t lift him! Psycho clutches his back after trying to lift, but Le’Croix clutches his throat and hits him with a Chokeslam.
That chokeslam was so hard, you’ll hear it’s sonic boom sometime next week!
I think that one just registered about a 5.3 on the richter scale!
Le’Croix goes for the cover.
Reno is back in the ring and has broken up the cover. Le’Croix glares at him angrily and Reno runs at him with a punch. He throws everything he has into it and manages to catch Le’Croix pretty convincingly, Le’Croix is stung with that.
Reno bounces off the ropes and hits Le’Croix with a strong clothesline.
Le’Croix goes down!
They just keep finding ways to get him off of his feet
That might be the smartest strategy right now!
Reno begins stomping on him, before Doctor Psycho, now up, joins in on the beatdown. Le’Croix now starts to cover up after being assaulted by a barrage of kicks from both men. It’s two on one right now!
Reno starts to move away from Le’Croix as Psycho continues the assault. Psycho turns to him and motions to keep going. The two men are now arguing in the ring as Le’Croix rolls around in pain. Reno punches Psycho, and Psycho gives one right back. Reno then kicks Psycho, and Psycho delivers a high kick to Reno. These two are really going at it. They’re so focused on beating each other up that they’ve missed Le’Croix, angry and up, walking in their direction.
As they trade blows, Le’Croix grabs each of them by the throat.
He’s going for a double chokeslam!
Reno wriggles loose and delivers a few kicks to the midsection. Le’Croix drops Psycho and turns to face Reno. Reno charges at him and hits an RKO Outta Nowhere!!!!
Le’Croix is hurt, Reno scrambles for the pin.
Psycho breaks that up quickly and Le’Croix rolls out of the ring. Reno and Psycho turn to face each other. Reno goes for another RKO on Psycho but the good doctor ducks and rushes against the ropes. Psycho catches Reno with a hard clothesline.
Reno is down!
Psycho looks at the booing crowd and yells for them to shut up. He starts pounding his chest
The Psycho Driver #4 is coming!
He hits it!
That was perfection! What a great move!
Reno is down….
Le’Croix comes back into the ring and breaks up the pin. Psycho can’t believe it. He gets up shaking his head as Le’Croix boots Reno out of the ring.
It’s Le’Croix vs. Psycho now.
I would not want to by Psycho at this moment.
Dead man walking!
Psycho goes in for another head kick, but Le’Croix catches his leg and hits him with a hard uppercut. Psycho picks the nearly unconscious man up of the ground and raises his arms to air.
Psycho is out! Reno still looks out of it outside of the ring! Le’Croix hits the cover and the ref counts
3... !!!!!
Le’Croix has done it!
Winner: Jean Baptiste Le'Croix
The two men were up for a challenge, but they couldn’t match his size and strength!
It was like a man amongst two boys in there! Wow did he hit that Eliminator with a chip on his shoulder!
John Samuels, the new XWF Xtreme Champion walks out onto the stage carrying the Xtreme Championship on his shoulder and a microphone in his hand.
Now THAT was one hell of a start to the Warfare presented to you and hosted by none other than the Kings! Huh, Edinburgh?
The crowd cheers.
As the Kings promised, THIS Warfare was going to be special like NO other. Surprises! Prizes! All kinds of shit. And that's why I'm standing here right now!
The crowd goes crazy!
After the hard fought match that I witnessed backstage, there's no question that one person deserves massive recognition here.
Le'Croix stands in the center of the ring, Reno remains on the outisde, and Dr. Psycho has rolled to the outside.
Dr. Psycho! Come on down!
The crowd laughs and mixes with cheers and jeers as Psycho remains down on the outside while Le'Croix looks confused in the ring.
You took the fall tonight. You're looking at the lights. That's why....
Samuels digs in his pocket.
On behalf of the Kings AND the XWF AND Jefferson Jackson's wallet, I bestow you....
Samuels pulls a wad of paper from his pocket and reads from it.
You and one other person get a free day pass at Cedar Point Amusement Park!
Samuels smiles and nods.
You couldn't deserve it more, Dr. Psycho! Jean Baptiste Le'Croix, congrats on your win. Reno, you owe the Kings money. Psycho, congrats on your prize! Many more tonight on the KINGS WEDNESDAY WARFARE!
Samuels music hits again and he waves as he makes his way to the back.
I don't know about you, Luca, but I'm not sure Dr. Psycho was expecting a prize, or that prize at least, tonight.
You ever been to Cedar Point, Old Man? It's fucking great.
- vs -
Super Mario Standard Match
This match is sure to be interesting.
Is that a new way of saying “awful”?
No, just that neither of these competitors have stepped in a Warfare ring for some time.
I truly wish it would have stayed that way.
Introducing first, he hails from New York City and weighs in at 170 pounds, CALYPSO!
Calypso jogs out from the entrance and poses at the top of the ramp. He attempts high fives to the crowd on his way down, but misses several of them or no one returns the gesture. Nearly falling out of the ring, he pulls himself in from the middle rope, and falls on his face on the ring apron. He uses his "natural" guns with his fingers to point out to the crowd and then holsters them in his imaginary holsters.
And his opponent, he comes from Brooklyn, New York and weighs in at 235, SUPER MARIO!
Mario rises up from the stage out of a giant pipe that seems to have appeared from out of nowhere. Smoke billows out of the pipe. Mario hops down and walks confidently down the ramp and into the ring.
I heard our esteemed GM has been on the phone with lawyers from Nintendo all day.
The ref gets both men into their respective corners and calls for the bell. Both men come to the center of the ring, and Mario goes for a lock-up but Calypso backs off, holding his hands up. This draws some jeers from the crowd and Mario looks annoyed.
Things are a little bit different when you're not vying for the garbage titles there bud.
Mario presses on and goes to force Calypso into a lock-up, but Calypso counters by kicking him in the knee cap. Mario drops down to his one good knee, and Calypso bitch slaps him and then scampers to the far corner.
No respect for the pop culture icon!
Mario looks seriously pissed now! He dashes to his feet and grabs hold of Calypso by his hair. The ref balks at this but Mario doesn't listen. He picks the smaller man up and scoop slams him, and then he jumps up and down on his chest like he's squashing a Goomba!
But Mario isn't done! He forces Calypso up to a vertical position and nails him with a back cracker! Calypso cries out in pain and rolls out of the ring. The ref starts counting him out!
Hopefully he'll run back to whatever hole the Heavy Metalweight title is defended in and stay there.
Calypso does seem to be having some difficulty adapting to a style that doesn't involve ambushing people in dark hallways.
Calypso looks back towards the entryway as though he is going to do just that, but then he puffs out his chest and runs back into the ring to the resounding pop of...okay, well not very many people. But he's gonna stick it out! Calyps slides under the bottom rope and Mario goes to drop a big elbow on him, but Calypso rolls out of the way and up to his feet. Mario closes in and Calypso jabs a thumb in Mario's eye, and then he runs towards the ropes while his opponent is stunned and hits a flying cross body! He grabs Mario's leg for the pin!
Maybe Mario ate his power up mushroom before coming to the ring...?
Oh God, just stop....
Both men get to their feet. Calypso, feeling bold, chops Mario's chest, but it seems to have little effect. He reels back to chop harder, but Mario catches his wrist and turns that into a deep hip drag. He locks in a headlock on the seated Calypso. Calypso kicks his feet out, trying to escape. Finally, he drags a toe under the bottom rope and the ref forces Mario to break the hold, so Mario drags Calypso back to the center of the ring and looks like he's going to try the headlock again, but Calypso rolls onto his back and kicks Mario in the head. He then somersaults into a safe corner. Mario charges but Calypso is gone just as quickly. Mario crashes into the turnbuckle and Calypso school boys him!
Ya gotta hand it to him. Calypso is showing a certain amount of savvyness here now.
You're just polishing the hell out of those turds here, old man.
It's what I'm paid to do.
Mario is on Calypso now, and he's looking frustrated. Mario whips Calypso into the ropes and nails him with a big time flying clothesline! Calypso reflexively sits up but then slumps back down. Mario picks hm up on his shoulder as though he's going to go for a running power slam, but Calypso slips out and behind Mario. Mario turns around and catches another bitch slap from Calypso! But now Mario is pissed! Calypso goes to flee but Mario catches him and pulls him back into a headbutt! Calypso stumbles leaving Mario just enough time to hit him with the FIREBALL STRIKE!
Big time heart punch!
Calypso gasps in pain as he sinks to the canvas. Mario covers!
3...NO! Calypso gets a foot on the bottom rope! Mario looks up at the count breaker and yells at the ref. He drags Calypso by the arm into the center of the ring and goes to the top rope!
Might we see the Super Mario stomp?
Mario takes flight, but Calypso lifts a boot right into Mario's testicles! Mario cries out in pain and crashes and burns! Both men are down and hurting!
Calypso slowly crawls towards the corner of the ring and using the turnbuckles pulls himself up to his feet. As he does so Mario rolls over and starts pushing himself up using both hands. Calypso gets himself to the second turnbuckle and as Mario turns around he leaps off nailing the Nintendo Warrior with the BLOCKBUSTER!!!! A diving neckbreaker from the second turnbuckle.
That should be it.
Both men hit the mat hard but Calypso is able to roll over for the pin.
A great match from these two competitors.
Winner: Calypso
Calypso celebrates in the ring like he had just won the Universal Championship when the lights go out.
Um. Uh oh.
Another King coming in, Old Man! Another prize to whoever!
The lights come back on and Doctor Louis D'Ville is sitting on the top turnbuckle across the ring from Calypso.
There he is.
Calypso turns around to defend himself as he takes a defensive stance, but Doc laughs as he produces a microphone from thin air. He pulls the mic to his chin and looks at Calypso... then takes the mic away and chuckles. He snaps his fingers and in a
Cadryn Tiberius poofs as a jester in front of them. Cadryn looks at the Doc with a smile as he's handed the microphone.
There's no need to fear! The Doc doesn't bite! He's not here to shed tears! He's not looking for a fight!
Doc claps and laughs while Calypso continues to stand frozen in the middle of the ring.
He's here to spread joy and make you feel great! Here's a coupon for Subway! It's expired, too late!
Cadryn removes his jester hat and pulls the coupon from it and hands it to Calypso. Doc snaps his fingers and the lights go out again, then flicker back on and he and his jester are gone.
I'm not one to judge, Luca, but I'm not sure the Kings put too much effort or thought into their prizes tonight....
Feed the hungry, Old Man!
Barney Green
- vs -
Phantom Panzer Standard Match
The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a part of the XWF “King Of The Ring Tournament”!
[pink]Introducing first, Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, and weighing in at 320 pounds, BARRRRNEY GREEEEEEN!!!
"I Hope You Suffer" by AFI starts to play throughout the arena as fans start to boo loudly. Out walks Barney Green slowly. Green, dressed in a black shirt that just says "Green" in white lettering across the front, black shorts and black shoes, just walks down to the ring ignoring the fans as they start booing even more. He enters the ring and just stands in the corner as his music fades.
And his opponent, hailing from PLACE, and weighing in at WEIGHT pounds, PHANTOM PAAAAAANZER!!!!
He slowly walks out as the lights dim. Then they light up on the ramp only, and he walks out and as he walks along the lit ramp, blood seemingly follows his every step, coating the ramp. As he reaches the ring, the ring is lit up and before he enters, and as he steps foot inside the squared circle, the effect rushes from all four corners. After a minute, he throws his arms out fast upwards, and the lights brighten as bloodied confetti shoots out and into the crowd.
The two men slowly walk towards each other in the center of the ring. They stand there for a moment sizing each other up. Suddenly Panzer fires off with a big right to the face of Green. Green no sells the punch and looks back to Panzer with a satisfied smile. Barney Green picks up Phantom Panzer and drives him back first into the corner and delivers a back elbow. Green climbs up to the second rope, pinning Panzer in the corner and fires off 10 punches to the head! Green hops down and taunts the fans for a moment before turning his attention back to Panzer. Green chops Panzer in the corner, but the strike seems to snap Panzer back to life. He grabs Green and forces them to change positions. Panzer lands a few corner chops of his own and ends the series with a powerful discus clothesline! Barney stumbles out of the corner dazed.
That clothesline seems to take a lot out of Barney Green!
Panzer goes up top but Green lands a running elbow that sends Panzer face first into the ring steps.
I don’t know if Phantom Panzer will be able to recover from that fall!
I don’t know if anyone will care!
Panzer grabs the ropes to pull himself up to the ring apron, but Barney Green hits a baseball slide that sends Panzer crashing into the ring barricade!
Barney rolls out of the ring, breaking the count. He grabs Panzer and tosses his into the Barricade!
Barney pins Panzer up against the Barricade and begins choking him with both hands, a mad look in his eyes.
Barney Green is out of control tonight, and this isn’t even a hardcore match!
Wouldn’t be nice if Barney Green could simultaneously choke the life out of Phantom Panzer and Ghost Tank?
Green releases the choke hold and Panzer slinks down the barricade. Barney Green stands over him breathing heavily.
Green reaches down and grabs Panzer by the hair and rolls him back into the ring. Green climbs up onto the apron and stands there for a moment looking at his downed opponent. Mika Hunt calls for Barney to get back into the ring, but Barney seems to have other ideas.
What is Barney Green doing!?!
It looks like it’s going to be something foolish.
Barney slowly climbs to the top turnbuckle. He struggles to maintain his balance on the top rope.
Barney Green has no business trying to fly, what is he thinking!
Barney Green leaps off of the top rope with a big splash that looks more like a big fall. Panzer however, manages to roll out of the way of the very large Barney Green. Green belly flops onto the canvas below!
There was no way that was going to end good for Barney Green!
Green is clutching his belly in pain as Panzer gets back to his feet. Panzer rushes over and covers Green.
That damn clown is looking to steal one here!
It’s No good!
Panzer struggles to pull Barney back to his feet. Barney makes it up to a knee and fires a shot into the guy of Panzer. Panzer staggers back. Barney rushes in with a clothesline, but Panzer ducks it. Barney turns around only to get hit with a backflip kick! Barney stumbles back, but doesn’t go down. Panzer whips Barney into the corner. Barney hits hard and stumbles out of the corner, but Panzer puts him right back into place with a missile dropkick! Panzer backs into the opposite corner and rushes in with a second missile dropkick! Barney stumbles out of the corner again, this time collapsing to the mat.
Phantom Panzer has taken control of this match!
Panzer jumps up to the top rope. It looks like he was going to go for the Psycho Flop, but Green rolls onto his stomach. Panzer looks a little upset, but after a moment, he begins yelling down to Green, trying to get him back to his feet. It’s Working! Barney Green begins to stir. He crawls up to his hands and knees as Panzer continues to shout down at him. Green finally makes it to his feet, but seems a little dazed still. Panzer yells out to him again. Barney turns just in time to be met with a diving hurricanrana!
Barney Green taken down with a diving Hurricanrana! Have you ever seen such a sight Luca!?!
Huh, what? Oh, I was watching YouTube clips on my phone,what did I miss?
Phantom Panzer transitions into “The Gag” submission. Mika Hunt gets into position to check on Barney.
This could be it right here! This submission is well known for being hard to break!
Are you sure that you aren’t confusing real life with a video game?
Barney Green is fighting like mad to try and get out of the hold but all that does is force Panzer to lock it in even more. Barney keeps fighting...
and fighting....
and fighting...
Until he can fight no longer and taps.
Winner: Phantom Panzer
I don't believe it. Phantom Panzer is going to the finals of the King of The Ring tournament.
This roster is a shit show.
As Panzer celebrates his way around ringside and officials tend to Barney Green in the ring, Steve Sayors heads out from backstage with a microphone and catches the victorious Phantom Panzer halfway up the ramp.
Phantom Panzer! Phantom Panzer! Steve Sayors here, can we get a quick word from you on how it feels to be the FIRST official finalist in the 2017 XWF King of the Ring tournament? This is a career highlight for sure, right?
Panzer grins from ear to ear and takes the mic from Sayors. He cackles and takes a deep breath, then shouts into the mic.
STEVE! I am...
The crowd loses its shit as Vincent Lane, crown atop his head, emerges from the back with a microphone of his own. He soaks up the crowd response with a smirk for a few moments before waving his hand and calling for his music to be shut off.
Whoa, whoa, whoa... hold on a sec there, dude! Steve, what the heck are you doing, my man? No one asked you to come out here and grab an interview. No one even knew you were here. When's the last time you even showed your face on an episode of Warfare? What do you even do in the months between when some poor wannabe decides he wants you to interview them for a promo? WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR???
Steve Sayors looks nervous. Panzer laughs.
Whatever, Steve... just get lost.
Sayors scurries off, getting a swat on the back of the head as he passes by Vincent Lane.
Now Panzer... I mean, this isn't really how I wanted to go about this, but Sayors went and opened a can of worms with his bullshit journalism. I have a little bit of an announcement, dude. Good news and bad news, you know what I mean?
Panzer's smile fades a little as he starts to look confused.
Bad news first, dude. Like ripping off a band-aid, right? Get it over with! So... okay. You won tonight here on Warfare over a bonafide XWF legend Barney Green. You got there by overcoming the challenge of the current XWF Television Champion, Neville Sinclair. You've made a mark in the XWF and in the King of the Ring tournament. But dude... you are NOT in the finals.
The crowd boos loudly at this announcement, shocking everyone who's ever seen a Phantom Panzer promo. Panzer himself looks angry and takes a step toward Vincent Lane, who backs up and raises his hand in a plaintive gesture.
You don't want to do that, dude... just relax. You aren't in the finals because your win tonight only advances you to the SEMI finals. At King of the Ring on August 19th, we will see two semi-final matches followed by the final one on one between the two winners, where the 2017 XWF Co-King will be declared. Now, the other semi-final match is going to consist of the winners of tonight's matches between Chris Chaos and The Engineer, and Thaddeus Duke and Trax! As for you? Well, here's the good news I mentioned. Your semi-final match opponent is actually here for you to meet, RIGHT NOW!
Just then a commotion occurs in the crowd right behind Phantom Panzer, and a man in a black leather coat leaps over the barricade with a metal pipe.
Holy crap! That's Seth Feder!!!
Seth Feder rushes up behind Phantom Panzer and slams a forearm into the back of his skull, sending him sprawling on the entrance ramp. Feder stomps and stomps away at Panzer, then lifts his pipe high over his head and slams it down onto the painted skull of Panzer, splitting him wide open.
Good god! Phantom Panzer might be DEAD!
Seth Feder kicks Panzer's unconscious body off of the ramp and then moves to stand next to Vincent Lane at the top of the entrance way.
Ladies and gentlemen of the XWF Galaxy... let me introduce you to my hand-picked entrant into the 2017 XWF King of the Ring tournament, and the beneficiary of my executive privilege to receive a first and second round bye in that tournament... the son of XWF Legend and Top 50 all-time talent, former partner of mine, and the namesake of the Federweight Championship, Sid Feder... put your hands together for MY PROTEGE... TEN TIMES BETTER... SETH... FUCKING... FEDER!!!
The crowd boo and hisses, throwing trash onto the ramp.
Folks let's take a break here and try to get some help for Panzer and get this cleaned up!
Warfare fades to commercial as Seth Feder showboats for the camera.
Finn Kuhn
- vs -
Jack Cain Standard Match
This next match is gonna be real interesting, two completely different superstars with different strengths going up against one another - this is power and strength v speed and skill. Let's get to ringside.
]Tig O'Bitties: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!
No Mercy begins it's slow beginning, with all lights in the arena going out sans a lone spotlight at the stage. After a few seconds, Finn comes out with his head bowed, hands behind his back and a black hooded jacket being worn. Finn begins to slowly walk his way to the ring, the spotlight following him.
Introducing first, from New York City, weighing 200 pounds - Finn Kuuuuuhhhnnnn!
As the song begins to say, "No Mercy..." for the first time, Finn kneels on one knee, hands going to the metal grate, and as the song revs up, Finn shoots up, removing his hood and runs into the ring. From there, Finn poses on the turnbuckle for the fans, and bounces on his feet as he prepares for the match.
And his opponent...
From Queen's New York, weighing 328 pounds, Jack Caaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnn!
Cain makes his way to the ring, never taking his eyes of his opponent. He steps in over the top rope and removes his leather jacket, tightens the wristguards on his gloves and waits patiently in the corner with a scowl on his face.
This one is a real clash of styles, Luca, Finn Kuhn is the new kids, quick, aggressive, with a mean streak and undefeated so far - plus he's got some devastating moves in his arsenal.
I like the kid, but look at what he's in there with Old Man - that's a monster right there. A mean, ugly, monster who's pissed off. This can't end well for the kid.
Cain leans in the corner almost casually as Finn removes his jacket. The youngster isn't intimidated one bit and bounces to the centre of the ring. Cain shakes his head in disapproval and walks to meet him. Cain towers over the smaller younger man, but Finn just responds with a big grin. He starts to trash talk Cain, winding him up and making him mad.
I think that's what he's gotta do Luca - he's gotta keep Cain off his game - if he tries to match power with him, he's gonna lose - and get destroyed while he's doing it.
But maybe pissing him off ain't the right way to go about it - look.
Cain has grabbed Finn around the throat with one hand and forces him back to the corner. Once there, he starts driving brutal uppercuts into his jaw. Finn strikes back with a forearm to the gut that Cain shrugs off easily, then hits Finn with another uppercut that sends him over the top rope and out to the floor.
I think you might be right Luca - all he's done is make him mad.
Of course I'm right - this kid's got attitude, I'll give him that, but you don't start rattling the cage of the damned bear and expect him not to want to eat you, do you?
Cain pursues Finn to the outside, with the smaller man getting back to his feet. He side kicks Cain in the gut, doubling him over, then grabs him in a front facelock and drives knees into his chest. Mika Hunt is counting in the ring as Cain proceeds to lift Finn up and slam him against the post.
Cain grabs Finn and throws him back into the ring, but the younger man is up quickly - with Cain catching a sliding dropkick in the face as he gets back in under the bottom rope.
Nice manoeuvre by Kuhn - took the opportunity while the bigger man was down!
Kuhn now zeroes in on Cain's back, booting him viciously while he tries to get to his feet. Cain gets up to his knees, but the youngster stomps on the backs of his legs, sending Cain onto his side. Finn then rebounds off the rope and hits another sliding dropkick into Cain's midsection.
This is smart by Finn - he's got the bigger man down, working on his stomach, that's gonna make his ribs hurt, make it harder to breathe, make him arch his back, he can wear him down for that Death's Grip and really make him hurt.
He's just gotta hope that Cain doesn't get back to his feet - if he does, then he's in trouble. Keeping him down and using his stamina and speed is gonna be the key.
Kuhn rolls Jack over, but Cain gets up to one knee before he can capitalise, swatting Finn away, but just as he looks up to see where he's gone, Finn hits him with a running knee to the face that sends Cain flat on his back.
What a knee - that's gotta have knocked him out for sure!
Finn makes the cover.
Cain gets the shoulder up.
Nope! Gonna take more than that to put the big man away.
But y'see Finn's been smart, taken some early punishment, then waited for his spot to strike, and he's got Cain on the backfoot now - he's outsmarted him so far.
Finn lifts Cain up by his hair and smashes a kick across his face. Cain is dazed, as Finn follows up with another one. He goes for a third, but is stopped as Cain grabs his leg.
Uh oh Luca.
Cain wears an angry expression as he gets to his feet, still holding on to Kuhn's boot. He's hopping around on one leg as the bigger man taunts him, but Finn responds with an enziguiri!
But Cain moves out of the way!
But Finn lands on his feet
Only to take a big boot square in the face, dropping him to the mat.
Cain makes the cover.
But Finn kicks out. Cain shakes his head and grabs Finn, hitting him with gut punches, and pushing him back into the corner. Mika tries to separate them, and Cain asks why - only for Finn to reach over and slap him in the face. Mika wisely gets out of the way as Cain charges, but Finn moves and Cain slams into the turnbuckles.
Stupid move there by Cain, let his temper get the better of him.
You go up there and tell him he's stupid Old Man, I dare you!
Maybe next time..
Finn postures for the crowd, encouraging a chorus of boos, as Cain gets his bearings, only for Finn to take him to the mat with a quick combination of a chop block, and then a kick to the back of the head. Making a sign to the crowd, he stands over Cain and locks in the Death's Grip Sharpshooter!
This has gotta be it Luca, he's worn Cain down for this!
Finn grins as he cinches in the hold. Cain roars in pain as Kuhn leans back and puts pressure on the spine, ribs and abdomen, not to mention the knees of the bigger man.
Think you might be right here Old Man, he's got that locked in - he's outsmarted the bigger man all the way through, and now he's making him pay.
Cain tries to make it to the ropes, but Finn notices and drags him forward - which takes a huge amount of effort and loosens the hold slightly. Cain again tries to make it to the ropes but Finn resists, again losing some of his grip.
This is a war of attrition, Luca.
It's just plain war!
Cain grits his teeth and plants both his palms on the floor, and pushes upward, relieving some of the pressure. He carries on pushing, and Finn struggles to maintain the hold, before Cain breaks it, hurling him against the ropes.
That's just pure power.
Finn runs the ropes, Cain flattens himself to the ground and Kuhn jumps over him, but when he comes back, the bigger man nearly takes his head off with a brutal clothesline that leaves Finn in a heap on the floor. Cain makes the cover as Mika counts.
But Finn gets the shoulder up. Cain though is angry, and grabs Finn by the throat, hauling him up off the canvas. Now he trash talks him, paintbrushing him with one had as he tightens his grip with another. Mika Hunt gets in Cain's face to tell him to rlease the blatant choke, but the big man doesn't relent.
Finn Kuhn is turning red - look at that face!
It's an illegal chokehold Johnson, Cain should be disqualified!
Do YOU wanna go up there and disqualify him?
Cain releases the hold and Finn falls to the mat, coughing. Cain takes two steps back and punts him in the temple with the toe of his boot. Kuhn rolls onto his side, while clutching his head. Cain leaps and drops a big elbow right on top of his head. Finn rolls to the outside, seeking refuge, only for the big man to follow him. Finn tries to boot Cain in the knee again, but he's aware of it, and deftly dodges. He grabs the smaller man, and military presses him back into the ring over the top rope.
Both men are now in the ring with the smaller man ascending the turnbuckles. He gets to the top turnbuckle, turns around to face his opponent one more time and then leaps off....
Holy shitsnacks!!
Jack Cain just reversed Finn Kuhn's attempted moonsault into a TKO in mid air!
Cain with the cover...
Winner: Jack Cain
Jack Cain rises to his feet as Finn Kuhn rolls out of the ring. The referee holds his hand in the air as "Money Talks" appears on the Xtron.
King and Half Owner of the XWF, Theo Pryce, walks out and heads to the ring with a microphone in his hand while Jack Cain waits inside the ring. He enters and approaches the winner.
The crowd cheers!
Are you having fun TONIGHT?!
The crowd cheers even louder!!
You would have to be right?! I mean, you've had prizes, surprises, announcements... Everything we promised last Warfare. We're GREAT Kings, right?
The crowd does some chanting, some whistling, some cheering.
Jack Cain, I have to say, you've been an impressive asset to this company from the start. You've proven yourself, you've taken your falls... We all do. Hell, you even went head-to-head against Doc. You've ran through the mill and the Kings see that, man.
Theo looks at Jack Cain with a father's approval.
Which is why, as not only a King and host of this Warfare. Not only a proverbial Santa Clause tonight. BUT as half owner of the XWF... I will assure you ALL that Jack Cain......
Will once again contend for the XWF..............
Television Championship.
Theo's music starts up again to an odd look from Jack Cain as Theo leans forward once more before leaving the ring.
Got anything for this one, Old Man?
The Engineer w/ Madison Dyson
- vs -
Chris Chaos Standard Match
Introducing first, from Tampa, Florida, and currently residing in Clearwater Beach, Florida, CHRIS CHAAAAAOS!!!
The words "FOLLOW ME" show up on the X-Tron screen as smoke billows at the entrance. Blue and white lights flicker. At the 10 second mark, he steps through the smoke wearing his jacket (Rated R Edge trench coat). Looking to both sides of the crowd. He walks slowly to the ring until he gets about 3/4 of the way down, then jogs and slides into the ring (edge style)...When he gets into the ring he gets up on the far turnbuckle and gets up on it, throwing both arms up.
And his opponent, from parts unknown, THE ENGINEEEEEEER!!!
The entire arena is washed in sterile white light as the following words are spoken through the sound system:
Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill Is Dexter ill today?
Mr Kirk, Dexter's in school!
I'm afraid he's not, Miss Fishborne. Dexter's truancy problem is way out of hand. The Baltimore County school board have decided to expel Dexter from the entire public school system!
Oh Mr. Kirk, I'm as upset as you to learn of Dexter's truancy. But surely, expulsion is not the answer!
I'm afraid expulsion is the only answer. It's the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane…*echo*….insane….insane….insane….
On the main screen is a grainy image of an old television test screen. After the initial dialogue the sound slips into “Frontier Psychiatrist” by The Avalanches. As the offbeat tune picks up, the test screen fades and is instead replaced with a series of Rorschach ink blots. Each panel of ink blots at first looks innocuous, but soon slithers into the shadowy outlines of terrible scenes: a knife going through a head, a body with entrails spilling out before it, a bisected human torso, a figure whose face appears to be slipping off. Interspersed with the morphing inkblot tests are other images of rats flitting about in sewers and pictures of pleasant “whitebread” 1950’s families whose members have no faces. The white lights are now accompanied by small red lights panning all over the arena that look like droplets of blood in contrasts with the white lights.
The Engineer steps to the top of the ramp, his head ticking back and forth as he shoots the crowd paranoid, nervous glares and mutters to himself. He stalks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, whereupon he paces back and forth like a caged animal, still talking to himself, while he waits for the bell. Madison Dyson is with him and struts confidently down to the ring. She walks around the side and takes a seat next to Luca.
Hello, gentlemen. Figured I would join you tonight, I hope that's alright.
Just before the bell rings.......
Jenny walks down the ramp like a woman on a mission. She walks around the side of the ring. Engy stares at her the entire way, and is drooling, seemingly. She walks over and sits next to Old Man Johnson.
You didn't think I would let Madison have all the fun out here tonight, did ya?
Engy jumps Chris as soon as the bell rings, shoving him into the corner with a flurry of punches and slaps while yelling uncontrollably. He slaps Chris a few times in the chest, then whips him into the other set of ropes and hits a splash.
Oh my god, what a start from Engy here!
You're damn right it is! He's focused.
On me.
Who isn't?
Fair enough.
You both suck, literally.
In the ring, Engy goes for a suplex, but Chris reverses and locks his arms around Engy for a belly to back suplex. But Engy reverses and runs him chest first into the ropes. Engy elbows him off his back, and Chris goes for a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Ref Richard Wang pulls Chris off, berating him and pushing him into the corner on the far side.
Chris is throwing his arms up like "what the fuck?".
What the hell is this?
Your beau is trying to cheat.
Engy runs and splashes Chris in the corner, and he stumbles to the middle of the ring. Engy comes off the ropes with a flying cross body, and as soon as Chris's shoulders hit the mat Wang was down for a quick count.
---Chaos gets a shoulder up after and extremely fast count.
He pops back up, clearly pissed off and gets in Wangs face asking him what the hell that was. Just as he does, Engy rolls him up from behind. Small package.
Another quick count.
---Chris rolls out, and Engy is still sitting up. Standing dropkick to the chest of Engy, taking him down. He then gets in Wang's face again.
This ref is trying to screw Chris, but why?
This is highly unprofessional from Wang. I need to have a word with Vinnie.
You need to have a word with a lot of people around here. This place is going to shit.
Engy is back on top of Chris, yelling again, resorting to slapping him on the side of the face. Chris powers off, throwing Engy. Engy charges back, Chris goes for a boot to the face, Engy ducks, and grabs the ankle of Chris and shoves him back into the corner. He elbows Chris in the face and puts his legs up on the ropes, spread eagle.
He is going for shattered dreams here!
He better not!
I taught him that.
I resign.
Engy charges, and Chris moves at the last second, and his knee/leg collides with the turnbuckle. He yells out, grabbing his knee, and Chris grabs him by the legs and drops him on his back. Spreading his legs out, he brings a foot down to the lower torso. Wang backs him off, threatening to DQ him. Chris shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips. He is frustrated from the actions of Wang but can't do anything about it.
Engy is starting to gain some confidence now.
He attacks Chris again, trying to clothesline him over the ropes but Chris pops him up and drops him to the outside. The fans cheer, they love the action.
Chris rolls out of the ring, and grabs Engy. He throws him into the ring post. He looks over at Wang and sits Engy up against the steps, putting a boot to Engy's throat. Chaos picks up Engy and Irish whips him into the ring, he slides in behind him and quickly locks in the sleeper on Engy. Wang begins to check the hand of Engy. He raises it once and it goes down. He raises it once more and it falls down. Wang signals one more time and it's over. He raises it once more, and it drops again, for a third time, but Wang pretends to get something in his eye and jumps up, turning his back to the action.
What is this crap!? Can we get an honest official out here please!!!
Honest? How can you sit there and throw accusations at a man without any proof!
This is obviously a screw job!
Why would we need to cheat honey?
Chaos releases the sleeper hold and storms across the ring. He grabs Wang by the shoulder and swings him around. Chaos begins to argue with Wang. Wang tries to explain the fake dust in his eye, but Chris is having none of it. Chaos starts to shove Wang back, but realizes that action would result in a DQ.
Good thinking Chris, don’t play into his dirty games!
Edgy managed to crawl over and hits Chaos with a low blow from behind! Chris doubles over in pain and falls over holding his crotch in pain. Edgy scurries to cover Chris and Wang is quick to recover from the dust in his eyes.
Chaos kicks out before Wang can get the three count!
This is a handicap match damnit!
What, no it’s not!
What else should I call it!?!
Edgy pulls Chaos up by the hair and looks around the crowd with a crazed wide eyed stare before turning his attention back to Chaos and taking a huge bite out of his forehead! Chaos struggles and fights, managing to push Edgy off of him. Edgy rushes back and Chaos swings with a wild punch, but Edgy ducks under it and Engy rolls Chris into the cover.
Chris gets a shoulder up after the quick count. Engy is mumbling something to himself, with a crazed look on his face.
He picks Chris up by the head. He goes for another powerbomb and Chris reverses and hits a giant SPEAR as Engy comes off the ropes!
Dear God he almost broke Engy in half!
Chris puts and arm into the cover.
Wang just stands there. Chris looks up at him with daggers in his eyes.
Fuck this, I am fixing this.
Jenny gets up and throws the headset. She slides into the ring and grabs Wang by the shoulder and spins him around spraying him with the Pepper Spray. She then slaps him in the face and takes his ref shirt off while he is on the ground and puts it on. She bends down and counts.
---Madison pulls Jenny out of the ring by the leg. She looks up at her new found friend with a look of anger. Madison shrugs. Engy is using the ropes to get to his feet as Chris sets up for another spear in the corner. Chris rushes in for the spear, but Engy side steps, causing Chaos to crash into the turnbuckle shoulder first!
As if having Richard Wang as the official wasn’t enough, Chaos may well have just broken his shoulder!
Engy goes for another quick cover, but Wang is nowhere to be found. Suddenly Mika Hunt runs down to the ring, sliding in and making the count.
Chaos kicks out!
Engy looks furious. He begins arguing with Mika Hunt, something about getting what he paid for. Chaos shakes the cobwebs and gets up to his knee. He begins to get psyched and readies another spear. Engy turns around just in time to get demolished by Chaos!
Chaos hooks the leg!
Engy manages to kick out as well!
Chaos and Engy start to go at it in the center of the ring, Engy goes to hit Chaos with a big boot but Chaos football tackles Engy down. Chaos goes to lock in an armbar but Engy makes his way to the ropes. Chaos backs off as Engy gets back to his feet. Engy and Chaos lock up in the center ring once more. Chaos whips Engy into the turnbuckle and places Engy in the tree of woe. Chaos backs away from Engy and comes rushing in with another spear, but Engy sits up, causing Chaos to once again crash into the turnbuckle! Engy frees himself from the Tree of Woe and climbs up to the top rope. Engy readies himself, and jumps from the top!
Oh God He Had A Lot of Blood In Him!
What!?! He’s not bleeding!
It’s the name of the move dummy!
Engy goes for the pinfall!
Engy gets up and charges straight at Mika Hunt. Hunt warns Engy of a DQ if he touches her. Engy nods and starts to back away, but Maddison grabs Mika Hunt by the ankle and drags her out of the ring. Engy turns his attention back to Chaos who is trying to get to his feet. Engy walks over and stomps on Chaos’s fingers!
We’ve completely lost control out here!
Maddison rolls a half conscious Wang back into the ring. Jenny storms over and the two begin to bicker. Bickering turns to full on shoving as these two "friends" go at it on the outside! Meanwhile, in the ring, Engy is setting up to put Chaos away! But Chris sees him out of the corner of his eye. Engy rushes in..... Chris picks him up for the Equalizer!!!!
Engy reverses!!!!
Delirium Tremens!!!!!!!!!!
Chaos's head bounces off the mat and Engy goes for the cover!
Winner: The Engineer
Engy advances! He will face whoever wins tonight in our Main wevent!
Either Trax or Duke, Old Man! All I can say.... is EPIC!
The Kings are seen sitting backstage in their luxory locker room. John Madison, Doc D'Ville, John Samuels, and Theo Pryce all sitting in separate thrones of their own backstage looking on.
Is anyone going out for this one?
Samuels and Doc look at each other and take a drink while Madison completely ignored the question.
Travis McCoy
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Jim Caedus Standard Match
The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL, and it is a TRRRRRRIPLE THRRRRREAT MATCH!
Introducing first from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 250 pounds... TRRRRRRRRRAVISSSSSS MCCOYYYYYYYY!
Travis saunters down to the ring, looking confident tonight.
Introducing his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 260 pounds... PEEEEETERRRRR GILMOURRRRRRR!
The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being told and then an explosion of fireemitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of COMANCHE by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, Peter Gilmour and his wife Maria Brink come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Maria as they wait for his next victim.
And their opponent, from Naples Island California, weighing in at 230 pounds... JIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMM CAEEEEEEDUSSSSSSS!
The now familiar opening notes to "Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begin to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer plugs. The fans erupt. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.
Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates, the former XWF Universal Champion Jim Caedus, sadly sans strap, steps out as the house lights come up.
His hair hangs freely, emotion absent in his eyes. He glances around at the majority population of fans who now know exactly who he is. The small pockets of his smarks seem less enthused to be a part of the crowd but remain cheering nonetheless.
As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.
As soon as the bell rings, Travis McCoy takes action and immediately jumps Peter Gilmour with a Lou These Press and begins to hammer him with shots!
An explosive opening to this match, ladies and gentleman! While this card was in the works, Travis McCoy could be heard saying he wanted a match with Peter Gilmour!
Who doesn't want a free win every now and then, Jenkins?
I wouldn't go that far, Luca! This man is one of the most experienced people this business has to offer! Nearly twenty time Xtreme Champion, former Hart Champion, former Universal Champion... this man has witnessed the birth and death of eras in this company in front of his own eyes! And I think Travis McCoy doesn't know what he got himself into! Sure, he's big, he's vicious, he's solid in the ring, and he's hungry for glory, but one of the first rules in this federation is to never count Gilly out!
On that note, Gilly uses his strength to turn over McCoy and enter full mount! Gilmour begins to rain down heavy hammerfists as Maria sits at ringside, shouting words of encouragement to the Gilmeister. Caedus, meanwhile, looks out of place and knows it, so he decides to spice things up early in this match. Considering that triple threat matches have no count-outs and no disqualifications, he slides out and starts to go under the ring!
Oh-ho-ho! Looks like things are gonna get interesting already! I wonder what our former Uni Champ has up his sleeve?
Caedus starts pulling out a variety of weapons and tossing them in ring!
Kendo sticks!
Steel chairs!
A sledgehammer!
A baseball bat!
A table!
A... dildo?
Jim Caedus eyes the dildo in disgust and tosses it into the crowd, where it ends up landing in a kid's open soda. Tragic.
Meanwhile, inside the ring, Gilly continues to try punching the lights out of Travis McCoy. McCoy is trying to cover up the best he can, but some shots break through. Caedus slides in and grabs a kendo stick, twirling it around while eyeing up Gilmour's back. Maria tries to warn Gilmour as she sees Caedus coming, but it's too late.
Goodness gracious! I think people all the way up in the nosebleeds could hear that shot with the kendo stick!
Haha, yeah! Hit him again!
I can't believe you're actually saying that!
Aw, come on Jenkins-- all's fair in love and war, and we're seeing three tough guys go to war!
On immediate impact, Gilly holds his back in pain as McCoy rolls out from under him. Gilly hunches over onto all fours, but Caedus refuses to give the Xtreme Icon any respite.
The kendo stick shatters into pieces on the last swing as even McCoy could be seen wincing at the pain Caedus dished out. It was clear that after the events of Savage, Caedus was in a fighting mood. Gilmour slides out of the ring, but before Caedus could deliver the assault, a heckling fan can be heard at ringside.
YOU'RE A FUCK UP! *clap clap clapclapclap* YOU'RE A FUCK UP! *clap clap clapclapclap*
Caedus quickly stares at the offending fan with lazer beams for eyes, but it's too late as the chant catches on like wildfire.
YOU'RE A FUCK UP! *clap clap clapclapclap* YOU'RE A FUCK UP! *clap clap clapclapclap*
YOU'RE A FUCK UP! *clap clap clapclapclap* YOU'RE A FUCK- oh come on, Jenkins, where's your sense of humor?
Disgusting. This is absolutely disgusting.
A familiar chant can be seen at Savage with Caedus losing his will to fight. His eyes reflect the pain he's in. He doesn't get much time to stew on it though, as McCoy is back! He turns Caedus around-- THE REAL MCCOY (modified snap powerslam)! But it's reversed! Caedus flips out-- KNIFE EDGE CHOP TO MCCOY! Some of the crowd members can be seen wincing as McCoy isn't backing down! A knife edge chop to Caedus now, complete with a "WOO!" to boot. The two men proceed to stare each other down-- they know it's on.
Suddenly, Gilmour's back and almost kills both men with a HUGE double clothesline! Caedus flips from the clothesline in midair and looks dazed as he rolls out of the ring.
Ha ha, ho-lee shit. I think Caedus got turned inside out there!
Turning his attention back to McCoy, Gilly picks up McCoy by the air and gives him a small pat on the cheek, taunting McCoy and looking like a massive scumbag. Irish whip by Gilmour on McCoy now! McCoy bounces off the ropes as Gilmour sets up for a Big Boot-- no! McCoy ducks down, picks up the sledgehammer Caedus threw into the ring, and hits Gilmour right in his exposed Gillys! Maria has her hands over her mouth, shocked as the fans pop loudly for the nut shot. Gilmour drops like a sack of bricks, clutching his family jewels as McCoy laughs before going for the pin.
I'll be honest, as soon as Gilmour's children went good-bye, I thought this one was over.
This match has gotten off to a brutal start already! Gilmour isn't backing down one bit, and I have to say neither are McCoy or Gilmour!
Gilmour shakily rolls out once more as Jim Caedus looks on, rubbing his chin from when the clothesline connected. McCoy looks out to him and tells him to come on in. A few seconds pass, and Caedus shrugs before running into the ring and to McCoy! McCoy looks to hit a clothesline, but Caedus ducks underneath! McCoy turns around--
A HARD knife edge chop makes it's way across McCoy's chest, which causes him to cover his hands over the now bright red chest while his mouth makes an 'o'. Caedus looks to go in and continue the offense, but instead he gets met with a knife edge chop, which causes Caedus to let out a small cry as his chest gets lit up!
The two look at each other again dead in the eyes as they knew they were going to go after each other like before Gilly interfered. Caedus goes after McCoy with a chop--
McCoy grits his teeth and bares through it, before responding in kind.
Caedus with a chop!
McCoy with a chop!
Caedus with a chop!
McCoy with a chop!
The two keep going at it!
Unbelievable! These two and the fans do not seem to be willing to stop!
These are just two #fuccbois giving each other the beating of a lifetime! This is great!
And McCoy is the first to let up, his deep red chest unable to take any more punishment as Caedus clotheslines him out of the ring. But as soon as he turns aroung-- GILMOUR'S BACK! He tosses a steel chair to Caedus - Caedus catches it--
SUPERKICK! The chair collides with Caedus' skill causing blood to trickle out from a large cut.
Caedus might have a concussion after that superkick! The referee needs to get in there and examine that cut!
Stop being a little bitch, Jenkins. It's just a fuckin' cut. These guys knew what they signed up for.
Gilmour slides in for the cover!
THR- NO! Caedus kicks out!
Gilmour looks stunned for a second, checking with the referee, checking to make sure if that was three. After confirmation, Gilly eyes the table Caedus brought into the ring as the fans pop loudly. He gives a devilish smile and a sadistic wink to the cam, before moving to set up the table. Slowly, Gilly sets up the legs and taps it a few times to make sure it's all set. Grabbing Caedus by his long, golden locks, Gilmour sets him up on the table while giving the cam another sadistic wink.
Uh oh, this doesn't look good. Dare I say, Gilmour has evil intentions for Jim Caedus.
Gilmour climbs up onto the table along with Caedus, before dragging him up by his hair. Gilmour mouths off to Caedus before kicking him in the gut and locking his arms into his legs! COULD WE SEE AN ENDGAME THROUGH THE TABLE?!!
Travis McCoy had came out of nowhere, climbed onto the turnbuckle and delivered a diving clothesline to Peter Gilmour while he had Jim Caedus up in the air! All three men crash through the table as Maria, the commentators, the fans, the referee, hell even Gilly looks stunned. All three men look to be down and out as the fans chime in once more, three sections being split and chanting over one another.
All three men slowly start to recover. Gilmour being the first to his feet followed by Travis McCoy. The two lock up and after an attempted kick to the knee by Gilmour, McCoy responds with an eye poke a move subtle enough but also extremely effective as it gives McCoy a few inches of space allowing him knee Gilmour in the mid section and then pull him in close for "Seeing Red", a spinning tilt-a-whirl piledriver that leaves the former Universal Champion dazed and down on the mat.
This could finally be it! McCoy is about to pick up a huge upset!
Not so fast!!!
Out of no where Jim Caedus enters the picture and in one quick motion grabs Travis McCoy by the head and tosses him through the ropes and out of the ring before quickly turning around and pinning Gilmour.
The ref slowly slides into place and makes a cover...
Winner: Jim Caedus
An excellent match from two former Universal Champions and a new comer who looks like has some serious staying power.
Speaking of staying power...
Wait a second, that's John Madison. What's he doing here?
John Madison rolls into the ring and stands between all three men, he looks them all over one at a time before reaching into his pants. Deep, deep down in there. He grabs hold of something...
Oh God! He's not going to whip it out is he? On live television?
Like we haven't seen that before.
Madison begins to pull his arm back out of his pants, smiling as he does so. McCoy, Gilmour and Caedus all take a step back expecting the worst but then...
Madison pulls out a roll of Xbux and starts making it rain like he were Peter Gilmour at a Transgender strip club.
You get an Xbuck and you get an Xbuck and you get an Xbuck...
Madison continues this until his roll of xbux disappears but not before placing the final xbux in Peter Gilmour's waistband. Gilmour being Gilmour rips the Xbuck out of his waistband, rips it in half and goes to punch Madison in the face but Madison is one step ahead of The King of Xtreme and rolls out of the ring and backs up the ramp and out of sight.
McCoy and Gilmour exit the ring and head up the stage as Jim Caedus begins to celebrate his victory.
Suddenly Micheal Graves pops his head up from a trap door in the middle of the ring.
Turn around Jim, Graves is right behind you!
Graves climbs up from under the ring without Jim noticing and creeps up behind him. Graves rears back to throw a punch, but Jim spins around and levels Graves with a Clothesline sending him crashing to the mat! Graves quickly jumps back to his feet but…
Wrexus Plexus!!!
Jim Caedus just leveled Graves with that kick!
Graves struggles to get up as Jim grabs him by the hair and pulls him the rest of the way up to his feet. Jim struggles to get the larger Graves up to his shoulders.
It looks like Caedus is setting up for;
Caedus lets out a war cry fueled by pure anger and hatred as he fires off the move!
Jim Caedus leaps back to his feet and storms around the ring displaying his dominance!
Caedus dropped him on his head so hard that he may actually start spelling his name correctly!
Jim stomps back over to Graves and grabs him by the mask. Jim pulls him up and begins undoing the straps on the back of the mask.
Oh no, what is Jim doing?
It looks like he is about to remove Micheal Graves mask! Come on Jim, nobody wants to see what lies underneath that mask!
Jim yanks to mask off to the awe of the crowd, but the looks on Jim's face says it all.
Wait a minute, that's not Graves!
Suddenly another Micheal Graves jumps the barricade and slides into the ring. He gets the jump on Caedus and pounds away with a flurry of wild clubbing strikes to the back of Jim’s head. Caedus fight’s back and hits this new Graves with Nail Driver! Jim leans down and rips the mask away from his face, but once again it’s an imposter!
Suddenly yet another Graves comes marching down the entrance ramp!
How many Micheal Graves are they tonight?
Whatever the answer is, it’s too many!
This Graves slides into the ring, but Jim is all over him before he can even get to his feet. Jim mounts the newest Graves and ground and pounds him into submission. Finally Jim pulls the mask off of this Graves and reveals him to also be a phoney.
This is getting ridiculous!
Jim jumps to him feet. He’s breathing heavy and his face is blood red from anger. Jim storms towards the camera man who is up on the apron and points while shouting.
Is this the best you’ve got Mikey!?! Fuck these games, come at me like a man you peice of;
Before Jim can finish, his entire head disappears into a stream of fire that seemingly emits from the camera!
Oh my God, what in the hell just happened!
Jim Caedus drops to the mat with his face buried in his hands!
The camera man tosses the camera to the floor and grabs his hoodie, pulling it down to reveal his face!
Micheal Graves, it’s Micheal Graves!
Graves stalks the fallen Jim Caedus as the crowd boos!
Micheal Graves is a dirty son of a bitch! At least have the decency to fight like a man! Don’t hide behind tricks!
We’re talking about a man who treats everyday like it’s Halloween. You really expect to see honor and courage out of him?
Graves stands over caedus and pulls him up to his knees, shoving Jim’s head between his legs.
Come on Micheal, you’ve done enough!
He doesn’t seem to think so!
Graves flips double fisted birds down to Jimmy before lifting him up into the Cradle to the Graves (Razors Edge) Graves walks over to the ropes with Jim being help high above his head!
What is he thinking here Luca!?!
Graves smiles ear to ear as he leans back slightly.
It’s not good!!!
Graves leans forward and dumps Jim Caedus over the top rope to the unforgiving concrete below! Jim crashing into the thin protective mat on the outside with a sickening thud that the camera easily picks up on.
Graves just killed Caedus!
Jim lays on the floor motionless as a team of EMT’s rush out to attend to him. Meanwhile back in the ring, Micheal Graves is getting showered with trash and debris as he walks around the ring with his arms held high soaking in the fan adoration that just isn’t there.
Micheal Graves and Jim Caedus were best friends, brothers! Now they seem locked on a path that is going to see them collide head on!
Graves is jealous of Jim Caedus. He’s Jealous that Jim has the fans support, the better record. He’s Jealous that Jim managed to hold onto his title longer, and he was Jealous that Jim was going to win it back last week on Savage. Micheal Graves is just a jellous, petty little fuckboi, and I’m betting that when this is all said and done, he’s going to regret the day that he betrayed Jim Caedus trust!
Graves drops and rolls out of the ring. He mouths off with some fans in the front row before turning his attention to Caedus as he backs up the ramp. The huge smile from before hasn’t gone anywhere.
Micheal Graves seems very proud of himself tonight!
The EMTs finish loading Caedus on to the stretcher and begin rolling him up the ramp as Graves disappears behind the curtain.
- vs -
Thaddeus Duke Standard Match
Well, this match has a definite change in scenery.
Yeah, it WAS for the Xtreme Title.... Until yesterday.
That's right, fans! John Samuels took advantage of Thaddeus Duke having to defend the title 24/7 and is the NEW XWF Xtreme Champion!
Trax must be furious, Old Man.
The following contest is set for one fall and is the semi-finals in the King of the Ring Tournament! The winner will advance to the finals and fight for the crown at the King of the Ring pay-per-view!
Introducing first!
Walks down to the ring in his wrestling attire and a black trench coat that reads "Mr FN' Dominance" and shades, he looks around at the crowd pointing and beating his chest smiling.
Hailing from Los Angeles, California! Weighing in at 270 pounds! "Mr. F'n Dominance".... Trax!
Before he walks to the ring like a man with a mission and climbs the ring steps before climbing onto the turnbuckle. He raises his right arm into the air in a clench fist before jump off the turnbuckle into the ring. He takes off his shades and coat places them both into the corner before walking to the middle of the ring shadow boxing as he does, he then stands in the middle of the ring and raises his arm once more in a clenched fist, before backing up into the ring corner and shadow boxing some more and bouncing up and down on the spot waiting for the match to start.
And his opponent....
GUITAR! White light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from the ring posts illuminating the vertical Illuminatus Iron Cross banners (white field, blue cross,) hanging from the lighting rigging above each corner of the ring. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Dolly Waters, Revolution Prime hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement. The Xtreme title slung over his shoulder
Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in blue and white colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.
From Old Saybrook, Connecticut! Weighing in at 210 pounds! Thaddeus Duke!
GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose with the Xtreme title held high. Once all four corner are done, he hops back to the outside and takes selfies with fans at ringside. Mostly kids and teens.
This should be one hell of a match, folks. Both of these competitors have proven themselves time and time again and are looking to do just the same tonight.
Trax has some size on Duke, Old Man.
You're absolutely right, Luca. Trax with the clear height and weight advantage here. Like I stated, however, Duke has had disadvantages before and came out victorious.
The two measure each other up as they circle the ring. They tie up and Trax immediatley overpowers Duke and forces him to a knee. Duke pushes back, but is pushed back down. He uses Trax strength against him as he breaks the tie up and sweeps the legs out from under Mr. F'n Dominance!
Trax hits the mat hard!
Both men don't last long on the mat as they're on their feet almost immediately. They circle around the ring again. Trax wants another tie up, but Duke ducks and grabs Trax from behind. Trax rushes toward the corner and grabs the corner turnbuckle. Referee Chaz Bobo rushes in and begins a count for Duke to release the hold, but before he does, Trax brings an elbow around to the side of his face!
That had to hurt!
Duke staggers back, Trax grabs him in a side headlock and jumps across the ring slamming Duke down with a running bulldog!
I would bet THAT hurt more.
Trax lifts a slumping Duke and begins nailing him with right and left jabs to the face. Duke absorbs each one before Trax winds up and nails Thaddeus to the mat with a hard right hand.
Trax with the upper hand here. The man's definitely on a mission tonight! He wants to be King!
Thaddeus picks himself up to his hands and knees as Trax slowly walks cocky around the ring. He kicks a boot at the back of Duke's head that sends him back down to the mat face first. Trax shrugs and walks over to pick up Duke, but gets his leg swept again from under him! No! Trax jumps over the leg and stomps down on the chest of Duke!
Fool me once, Old Man!
Trax is definitely on his toes here, Luca!
Duke rolls towards the ropes and starts pulling himself up from the outside. Trax attempts taking advantage by rushing Thad, but is countered with a shoulder through the middle rope! Trax takes a step back, but Duke graps him and pulls him in! Thaddeus grabs Trax's head and drops from the apron springing Mr. F'n Dominance into the air and onto the mat in the center of the ring.
Duke steps back into the ring, seeming unphased from before, and circles Trax like a wolf stalking it's prey. Trax takes a moment before rolling back up to a knee where he watches as Thaddeus stares him down from across the ring. He takes his feet and rubs his neck one more time before approaching his opponent.
Trax forces another tie up here. His size and strength obviously take the advantage. Thaddeus needs to work on beating Trax strategically and not with strength.
Don't underestimate a Duke!
The two tie up and Trax pushes Thaddeus around until wrapping his arm around his head again. He throws a few fists into Duke's skull then grinds the headlock tighter. Duke manages to pull a knee up into Trax's midsection and push him into the ropes throwing him off of him! Trax bounces off the other set of ropes and meets Duke as he jumps off the middle rope and catches Trax with a hurricanrana!
Trax flips through the air and lands on his back, but then keeps tumbling to the outside of the ring where he lands on his feet. The crowd claps as Trax paces back and forth until reaching up and climbing back onto the apron. Duke wastes no time and rushes him!
Oh man! Watch this shit, Old Man!
Duke bounces from the ropes and somersaults over the opposite ropes grabbing Trax's head on the way down! Neckbreaker on the floor from the apron! Trax is in agony while Thaddeus isn't doing so great himself. Both landed hard on the outside of the ring, but that doesn't stop Chaz Bobo from starting his count!
Trax and Duke continue to lay still.
Both stir at the same time, Thaddeus looks over to Trax and crawls up to his feet. Trax still remains sitting up trying to gather his bearings before Duke kicks him hard in the back of the head!
Trax falls to his side while Thad grabs his own knees and catches his breath.
Duke looks up to the referee then down to Trax. He grabs Trax by his head and slingshots him under the bottom rope and into the ring.
Duke follows closely behind and slides into the ring.
Thaddeus Duke just rang Trax's bell.
Trax is definitely still dazed from taking that back neckbreaker from the apron.
Trax is back sitting up again, he blinks his eyes a few times and catches Thaddeus stalking him again from across the ring.
Duke rushes him, but Trax manages to slide and get his legs under Duke's and trip him up. Duke slams his face on the mat and Trax rolls over and reaches for the ropes to assist him to his feet. Duke lies for a moment then slams the mat with both hand before getting right back to his feet. He rushes over to Trax, who was waiting for him, and gets lifted over the top rope back to the outside of the ring.
These two think it's still and Xtreme Title Match, I think!
It's the XWF, Old Man! You're a referee, you should know this shit!
Duke hit his head off the ring steps as he was sent sailing. He lies flat on the ground on the outside while stars circle above his head. Trax exits the ring and grabs Thaddeus by his hair and lifts him up. He stretches back and knocks Duke back down with a hard fist!
Trax brings Duke back to his feet and throws him back into the ring. Duke rolls across towards the center and lies motionless. Trax takes his time getting in the ring, walks over to Thaddeus and places a boot on his chest!
Is that a cover?
Looks like it.
Chaz Bobo gets into position and .....
Thaddeus grabs Trax's leg and whips himself around into a figure four leg lock!!! Trax bounces around the mat as Bobo rushes over from just making a pinfall to checking on a submission! Trax reaches out and hops a little to reach the bottom rope closest to him and Duke is forced to release the hold!
These two have had an incredible back and forth this match. Everytime one gets the upper hand, the other counters with something.
It's like a wise man once said, "To be the best, you gotta BE the best, Old Man."
I think there's more to it--
Look at this shit!
The two competitors have made it to their feet simultaneously and stared each other down. The barely hesitate to begin laying fists into each other. The two battle it out in the middle of the ring like two cavemen fighting over a rock. Back and forth they go!
Chaz Bobo finally gets between them and forces them to a corner along with a chorus of boos from the crowd. He signals for the two to proceed and they go back to doing the same thing again to the pleasing of the crowd!
These two just want to go at it, folks!
They sure do, Old Man.
Back and forth they go again before Bobo decides to start counting. He reaches four before he decides to get between the two and takes a few blows himself! The two finally separate as Bobo hits the ground.....
But he's okay! He stands up and threatens to disqualify the two if they do that shit again. Verbatim.
Chaz Bobo proving his authority in this match tonight, folks.
So is he like the new Head Official now that you've stepped down?
Trax and Thaddeus Duke stand head to head in the center of the ring, once again measuring each other up like before. Trax quickly bounces off the ropes and lifts up a boot, it's ducked by Thaddeus who rushes across the ring and bounces off the same ropes. He bounces back and goes for a spinning heel kick, but Trax ducks it. Thaddeus rolls off Trax's back and bounces from the ropes again, where Trax hits the dirt and Duke runs over him. Trax gets back to his feet while Thad bounces from the ropes again......
Trax goes for the Trap Silencer!
Duke goes for Better Than You!!!
They both duck out of the way halfway through their own move!!
I think it was a smart move on their part, Luca...
You would!
They both reach their feet, feeling the stalemate scenario they're stuck in. Trax goes for another Trap Silencer out of nowhere! Thaddeus dodges and hits
Trax just got all of that under that chin! He's out!
He may have been out, but he hit the mat close to the edge and rolled out and off the apron.
That's ring awareneess there, Old Man. You know about that shit.
Yep, I do, Luca.
Thaddeus hops up to the top rope and looks down at Trax who's sprawled out. He's going for the elbow! Too Sweet to be Sour!
Duke mimicks the late, great Macho Man Randy Savage! And there he goes!
Duke leaps off the top rope as Trax rolls out of the way! Duke hits hard to the outside! Trax, playing possum, gets to his feet, pulls Duke up, and rolls him into the ring. Duke finds some energy and rises to a knee as Trax enters and crosses the ring. Trax reaches down to grab Thad...
Shell Shocked! Out of nowhere!
Thad grabs Trax as he's brought back to his feet and the two lie flat on the mat. Duke crawls over and turns his opponent over for the cover. Chaz Bobo with the pin....
Kickout by Trax!
The two roll around until they find a corner and stare at each other some more from opposite ends. Pulling themselves up, Thaddeus pushes himself out.. Trax meets him in the middle and swings down with a forearm! Thaddeus grabs him and Irish whips him! Trax reverses and nails him with a TKO!
That's the Trax KO!
It's over, Old Man! Trax is advancing!
He covers Duke!
Kickout by Duke!
The kickout sends the two sprawled across the ring. Breathing heavily, they both reach for their neighboring rope friends again to pull themselves up. Trax steps forward towards Duke who's still resting against the rope. Duke meets him with a back hand slap across the chest that Trax absorbs. He kicks Duke into the corner, but Duke reverses and beats Trax over and over again with rights and lefts into the corner turnbuckle.
He points up in the air and proceeds to lift Trax up to sit him on the top. He climbs up and jumps onto Trax's shoulders looking for the Frankensteiner, but Trax reverses into a Jacknife Powerbomb!
Powerbomb! Jacknife Powerbomb from the top rope! What a reversal!
That may as well have been Ode to the Machine, Old Man! Trax with the OTM!!!
Trax covers Duke!!!
Winner: TRAX
Trax did it! He moves onto the semi-finals!
Trax and Chris Chaos!
Trax slides out the ring, despite the match being over he doesn't appear done yet, he grabs a steel chair from ringside and slides back into the ring, placing the steel chair around Duke's neck. before viciously stomping away on it!
Lucas:: Shit Trax isn't finished! He said he was gonna end Duke's career and he seems to be trying to do just that!
Trax continues to stomp on the steel chair wrapped around Thaddeus's neck driving it into his throat, Thaddeus begins to cough and spit out blood as Trax yanks the steel chair off his neck and picks him up by his hair with one hand while placing his other hand on Thaddeus's chest. Trax's eyes then glow amber as he unloads repeated energy blasts point blank to Thaddeus's chest while holding him in place! 1 blast! 2 blasts! 3! 4! 5! 6! Thaddeus's whole body goes limp as his eyes shut and Trax drops him. Trax then looks around and soaks in the thunderous boos the crowd are showering him with. Trax then picks up the lifeless Thaddeus and sets him up for the O.T.M when suddenly ...
"MONEY TALKS" appears on the X-Tron and the crowd goes nuts.
The big screen shows a video montage of The Kings as the XWF co-owner Theo Pryce walks out on stage. John Madison walks out and stands to the right of Theo, and then John Samuels walks out and stands to his left. Doc steps out, standing middle with Theo, and the four walk to the ring. The tag team belts gleam over the shoulders of the John Madison and Doctor D'Ville while John Samuels has the X title over his.
They have smug looks as they walk down the ramp, very confident. The crowd is buzzing hard as they make their way to the steps. A few seconds pass and as the Kings slowly begin to enter the ring, Trax puts up his guard while keeping an eye on each member. John Samuels, X-Treme title in hand, steps forward in front of Trax with a microphone in his hand.
"Easy. Easy."
Samuels holds his hands up as if to say 'settle down' as Trax jaws at him with his fists raised.
"We're not here to cause any problems. You're thinking of the old Kings The old Kings who, if they wanted to beat you down, would come down to the ring and surround it."
Samuels looks around at his stablemates.
"Kind of like we're doing now. But, then one of us would grab a microphone and get into the ring and try to convince you that we weren't about to attack you."
Samuels looks down at his microphone and shrugs.
"Kind of like I'm doing now. And then..."
Samuels gets nose-to-nose with Trax, staring a hole into him.
"One of us would get right in your face."
Samuels smirks.
"While the others jump you from behind!"
Trax immediately spins around, looking for an attacker. The other three Kings clap their hands and laugh. Samuels lurches forward and throws his arm around Trax's shoulder.
"GOTCHA!" He says with a laugh.
Trax removes Samuels' arm from his shoulder and gives him a cold, side-eyed glance.
"Here's the deal Trax: When we came back, it was to a...tepid reception. Some were thrilled, some weren't so happy. And try as we might to assuage those negative feelings, you haven't budged from bad mouthing us every chance you get. Hell, you even assaulted us physically. But, we're not here to make enemies. And to prove it to you, I'm offering you this:"
Samuels holds out the X-Treme title to Trax, urging him to take it.
"See, I won this title fair and square from baby Duke but a lot of people, us included, felt that the winner of your match should be the rightful X-Treme champion. And since you've walked away the victor, I think it's only right that you become THE NEW XWF X-Treme champion!"[white]
Trax smiles and snatches the title before making his way to the ropes to exit the ring. Samuels holds his thumb and pointer finger together behind his back as he raises the microphone to his mouth.
[white]"With just the teeny, tiny, itty, bitty little caveat that should you retain your title through King of the Ring, I get a title match at a date of my choosing."
Halfway through exiting the ropes, Trax stops for a moment. Without looking back he simply shakes his head 'yes' and exits the ring.
Hello, my friends.
Doc smiles.
My name is Doctor Louis D'Ville.
The crowd cheers and gets behind Doc.
As much as it took there to not rip Trax into a couple of pieces just for the sake of doing it, that's NOT why I've joined my fellow KINGS out here tonight. No, not at all.
Doc holds a single finger in the air as to say, "Hold up.".
But I'm here to wish the best of luck to the competitors in the Tag Team Tournament that's been going on for the past four months. To the , to the Motherfuckers, and to AX3.
Samuels shakes his head and leans into Doc, who listens, then laughs and shakes his head.
Silly me, AX3 is dead. The XWF Power Couple conisting of Chris Chaos and his girlfriend.
Doc hangs his head for a moment.
I suppose you couldn't hope for BETTER line up could you? I think the only one missing out of potential candidates is the Purebred Killers and that's only because Peter Gilmour is a saint!
The crowd goes wild and chaints......
Doc holds up his hand and pats the crowd back down.
Oh I know, I know.
The Gilly chants calm down and Doc's voice can finally be heard again.
As you all SURELY know, I have been an XWF Tag Team Champion since September of LAST year. It's almost been a full year since Doctor SATAN! pillaged through the LAST Tag Team Tournament and won the championship.
Doc pauses for a moment, reminiscing maybe?
And as you ALL KNOW! It's been an interesting year, a rough road, and a bumpy ride for he good doctor and his titles. All was not lost however!
Doc stands his ground again, holding a single finger into the air.
When all seemed lost, when I was left alone, and when my titles were but a simple tug away from being taken from me, I reached out and sought.............
Doc breathes in deep.
A solution.
He looks behind him to the other three KINGS standing there. Theo holding the other half of the titles, Samuels holding his Xtreme Championship, and Madison picking his nose. Doc holds his half high and grabs the other title and Theo takes his and just polishes it.
I found a solution that has YET failed me and, at this point, it's HIGHLY unlikely that it will. We've defeated AX3 three different times and, one of those times, unified the XWF Trios Titles with our Tag Team Titles. On a separate occassion, my fellow KINGS defeated the Owners that Mister Loverboy put together to try and get rid of us. It's a damn genocide people. Tag Teams be warned: "Don't Bother". We look forward to a new challenge now that AX3 is dead, we truly do, my friends, but there isn't a force, a factions, a friendship that can even touch the KINGS. Failed. Failed Failed. KINGS are made, people. KINGS are made and that's the end of it. You can defeat me, you can maim me, you can kill me. I'll always be KING We will ALWAYS....
The crowd lets out a small wave a cheers.
You see this is what it is all about. We are generous Kings John is giving away a title he rightfully earned. The Good Doctor and I will be defending our titles at the PPV, giving the new number one contenders a chance to not only win some gold but to take down some legends. Giving is what we do.
But all that aside let's talk about King Of The Ring. August 19th, we'll see the conclusion of the King of the Ring Tournament with two semi-finals matches followed by a final to crown a new King! The NEW Xtreme Champ, Trax, will go head to head against the Engineer and Phantom Panzer will face the returning Seth Feder!
Not only that, but, of course, the Tag Team Titles will be on the line as myself and Doctor D'Ville face the winners of the Tag Team Tournament! The Television Championship will be defended and a NEW Hart Champion will finally be crowned as well as the XWF's FIRST Bombshell Champion!!
That's not all as the XWF Universal Champion, Brucette Blingsteen, will be defending her title against XWF Legend, the winner of High Stakes II, James Raven!
Exciting times in the XWF to be sure. Make sure all of you tune in Saturday to find out who will be facing Doc and I at King Of The Ring.
"Anti You" by Blue Stahli hits the airwaves as The Kings exit the ring. Each member of The Kings starts taking pictures and signing autographs for various fans seated in the front row as Warfare goes off the air.
Panzer can be seen in the back, laughing softly at first, then it became more uproarious
After it ends, he looks to the camera in the back and smirks
"So. It's come down to this, hm? Hello, Seth."
He lets the camera linger on him for until it is very awkward.
"Welcome back."
With a wide grin, he then disappears before everyone's eyes.
The following 3 users Like Phantom Panzer's post:3 users Like Phantom Panzer's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-03-2017), Vincent Lane (08-03-2017)
Finn can be seen in the trainer's room, getting his jaw looked at after a grueling, physical match with Jack Cain. An audible click could be heard at as the trainer slides Finn's jaw back into place as he goes to look for some medicine to give to Finn. "Ohhh man..." Finn could be heard muttering before he notices the camera.
"Well, well, well, Jack Cain, you did it. You managed to pin me. But let me just make one thing ABUNDANTLY clear," Finn says as he starts to lean in, "You didn't beat me. You survived me. You hit me with that... stupid fucking knockout punch which laid me out for the pin, fine, I admit it. But that was just a fluke. Lightning striking. But, congratulations! You were just barely the better man here tonight, and you have a free title shot for the XWF Television Championship. But whenever we meet again, this time for that same belt I mentioned, be it at a random Savage or at Wembley Stadium at King of the Ring, just know..." Finn leans in closer, his voice only a deathly whisper as the camera barely picks it up.
"...lightning doesn't strike twice."
OOC: Great show guys, from top to bottom. Shoutout to Jack Cain too again for his work this week, he definitely deserved the win there. I'm looking forward to if and when we face off again!
January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -
The following 2 users Like Finn Kühn's post:2 users Like Finn Kühn's post JimCaedus (08-03-2017), Vincent Lane (08-03-2017)
Trax is backstage, the Xtreme Championship draped around his left shoulder.
Hm, those King guys aren't too bad, they did the right thing.
Trax re-adjusts the title on his shoulder and smirks.
Now...whats that guy called...Engy is it? Engy, you and everyone else should all do the right thing too and bow when you see me, your future KING of XWF. Or... choose not to, regardless of what you choose... see you at your next loss.
Trax continues to smirk as he walks away.
Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno
XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:
One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"
The following 3 users Like Mr Killjoy's post:3 users Like Mr Killjoy's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-03-2017), Vincent Lane (08-03-2017)
Neville Sinclair
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Mixed reactions (cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
(08-03-2017, 07:54 AM)Finn Kühn Said: "Well, well, well, Jack Cain, you did it. You managed to pin me. But let me just make one thing ABUNDANTLY clear," Finn says as he starts to lean in, "You didn't beat me. You survived me. You hit me with that... stupid fucking knockout punch which laid me out for the pin, fine, I admit it. But that was just a fluke. Lightning striking.
Can I just point out two different things that I really don't think you understand.
First, I wouldn't consider anything a fluke when it was meant to be done. Had Cain won the match by having the building collapse on top of you. That might be a fluke. If he tripped, fell, and accidentally pinned you. That might be a fluke. Had aliens come at that exact moment and somehow distracted you, that might be a fluke. No, getting punched and pinned is hardly a fluke. Jack Cain meant to do that.
Second, Lightning striking is hardly ever an anomaly. Every day in many places lightning strikes something. Did the lightning strike you, Cain, another human being? Being struck by lightning might be a little bit off the odds. Your general usage of lightning to try and prove something shows that you never get out of your basement enough
The two things that irritate me most about you Finn, is that you claim this was a fluke and then give your congratulations. You're like a little boy who gets caught doing something wrong and will fight to the bone to say he didn't do it. Everyone knows you lost this because you weren't the better man, you seem to acknowledge this later on. But really, you don't know what a fluke is. lSecond, stop talking about the TV title like it's already yours. The TV title is a lot like a beautiful woman, you have to be good enough to deserve her, and there's no way she's ever getting anywhere near Finn Kuhn's midsection.
Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
The following 3 users Like Neville Sinclair's post:3 users Like Neville Sinclair's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JackCain (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-03-2017)
Jean Baptiste Le'Croix
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Teens, some men, few kids (cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Sat Jul 08 2017
Posts: 41
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Hates Given: 2
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0 X-Bux: ✘50,000
now I gotta admit that I have been in a lot of triple threat matches in my short time. also in my short time in those kinda matches ive gotten my jaw jacked by a whole lot of different men and women, and I gotta say to reno and physco....................................................good god both of you jacked my jaw pretty good, and I say I owe the both of you two for that. you two gave me a fight.
The following 4 users Like Jean Baptiste Le'Croix's post:4 users Like Jean Baptiste Le'Croix's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JackCain (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-03-2017), Neville Sinclair (08-03-2017)
(08-03-2017, 07:54 AM)Finn Kühn Said: "Well, well, well, Jack Cain, you did it. You managed to pin me. But let me just make one thing ABUNDANTLY clear," Finn says as he starts to lean in, "You didn't beat me. You survived me. You hit me with that... stupid fucking knockout punch which laid me out for the pin, fine, I admit it. But that was just a fluke. Lightning striking.
Can I just point out two different things that I really don't think you understand.
First, I wouldn't consider anything a fluke when it was meant to be done. Had Cain won the match by having the building collapse on top of you. That might be a fluke. If he tripped, fell, and accidentally pinned you. That might be a fluke. Had aliens come at that exact moment and somehow distracted you, that might be a fluke. No, getting punched and pinned is hardly a fluke. Jack Cain meant to do that.
Second, Lightning striking is hardly ever an anomaly. Every day in many places lightning strikes something. Did the lightning strike you, Cain, another human being? Being struck by lightning might be a little bit off the odds. Your general usage of lightning to try and prove something shows that you never get out of your basement enough
The two things that irritate me most about you Finn, is that you claim this was a fluke and then give your congratulations. You're like a little boy who gets caught doing something wrong and will fight to the bone to say he didn't do it. Everyone knows you lost this because you weren't the better man, you seem to acknowledge this later on. But really, you don't know what a fluke is. lSecond, stop talking about the TV title like it's already yours. The TV title is a lot like a beautiful woman, you have to be good enough to deserve her, and there's no way she's ever getting anywhere near Finn Kuhn's midsection.
"Well, you're just the life of the party, aren't you? Last I checked, 'fluke' equates to an unlikely chance occuring-- in this situation, Jack Cain caught me in midair with that knockout punch and got the win, hence, a fluke. The only reason I gave congratulations is simple- Cain should enjoy this victory while he can, because everyone knows next time this isn't happening. He barely caught me, he barely pinned me. But like I said, Jack Cain didn't beat me, he survived me."
"As for the Television title, I'll do whatever the hell I want. You want me to believe I'm never getting that belt? Prove it. Prove to me on Savage that your 'intellectual superiority' equates to in-ring and beat me decisively."
January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -
The following 2 users Like Finn Kühn's post:2 users Like Finn Kühn's post JackCain (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-03-2017)
(08-03-2017, 07:54 AM)Finn Kühn Said: "Well, well, well, Jack Cain, you did it. You managed to pin me. But let me just make one thing ABUNDANTLY clear," Finn says as he starts to lean in, "You didn't beat me. You survived me. You hit me with that... stupid fucking knockout punch which laid me out for the pin, fine, I admit it. But that was just a fluke. Lightning striking.
Can I just point out two different things that I really don't think you understand.
First, I wouldn't consider anything a fluke when it was meant to be done. Had Cain won the match by having the building collapse on top of you. That might be a fluke. If he tripped, fell, and accidentally pinned you. That might be a fluke. Had aliens come at that exact moment and somehow distracted you, that might be a fluke. No, getting punched and pinned is hardly a fluke. Jack Cain meant to do that.
Second, Lightning striking is hardly ever an anomaly. Every day in many places lightning strikes something. Did the lightning strike you, Cain, another human being? Being struck by lightning might be a little bit off the odds. Your general usage of lightning to try and prove something shows that you never get out of your basement enough
The two things that irritate me most about you Finn, is that you claim this was a fluke and then give your congratulations. You're like a little boy who gets caught doing something wrong and will fight to the bone to say he didn't do it. Everyone knows you lost this because you weren't the better man, you seem to acknowledge this later on. But really, you don't know what a fluke is. lSecond, stop talking about the TV title like it's already yours. The TV title is a lot like a beautiful woman, you have to be good enough to deserve her, and there's no way she's ever getting anywhere near Finn Kuhn's midsection.
"Well, you're just the life of the party, aren't you? Last I checked, 'fluke' equates to an unlikely chance occuring-- in this situation, Jack Cain caught me in midair with that knockout punch and got the win, hence, a fluke. The only reason I gave congratulations is simple- Cain should enjoy this victory while he can, because everyone knows next time this isn't happening. He barely caught me, he barely pinned me. But like I said, Jack Cain didn't beat me, he survived me."
"As for the Television title, I'll do whatever the hell I want. You want me to believe I'm never getting that belt? Prove it. Prove to me on Savage that your 'intellectual superiority' equates to in-ring and beat me decisively."
Funny, that looks a lot like a 1 in that loss column to me son...
The following 3 users Like JackCain's post:3 users Like JackCain's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-03-2017), Phantom Panzer (08-03-2017)
Neville Sinclair
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Mixed reactions (cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
(08-03-2017, 12:32 PM)Finn Kühn Said: "Well, you're just the life of the party, aren't you? Last I checked, 'fluke' equates to an unlikely chance occuring-- in this situation, Jack Cain caught me in midair with that knockout punch and got the win, hence, a fluke. The only reason I gave congratulations is simple- Cain should enjoy this victory while he can, because everyone knows next time this isn't happening. He barely caught me, he barely pinned me. But like I said, Jack Cain didn't beat me, he survived me."
"As for the Television title, I'll do whatever the hell I want. You want me to believe I'm never getting that belt? Prove it. Prove to me on Savage that your 'intellectual superiority' equates to in-ring and beat me decisively."
Actually the Oxford English Dictionary defines a "fluke" as an unlikely chance occurance - ESPECIALLY A SURPRISING PIECE OF LUCK. Just like most of the other shit you spout around here, your definition is half-truth and bent to making it say what you want to say. Why then would you go on and give an example like "lightning striking"? Which also made me laugh because you completely forgot to mention the subject of what it struck.
Maybe the reason you're not using grammar correctly is because you're so busy talking out of your own ass.
Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
The following 3 users Like Neville Sinclair's post:3 users Like Neville Sinclair's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JackCain (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-03-2017)
::Head wound scrubbed clean, stitched and bandaged, cursory once over complete, an unconscious Caedus is once more lifted by the hands of the EMS techs onto the same stretcher he was carted out of the ring on.
They roll the Star Killer through the castle; we catch glimpses of several familiar XWF superstars and crew along the way combined with the occasional how-the-fuck-did-a-douche-like-that-get-backstage juiced-in male fans doing their best job of fuckin' up the moment as they beam and "hi mom!" wave to the camera like idiots.
Guiding Jim on the stretcher out the opening massive castle doors, a sudden staccato THWUP-THWUP-THWUP is heard and we spy Jim's swift ticket off the top of Castle Rock: an emergency evac chopper.::
I come to, the machine gun hum of a grounded helicopter's blades and the mostly inaudible conversation of EMS techs greeting me along with the unfocused haze of vision before my eyes.
The fuck's goin' on here, I muse, blinking my eyes against the fuzz dominating my pov. It clears in moments. And then...I recall...
Rage suddenly boils from within, what heart I've left combusting in the flames of the furious. I sit up.
"Whoa, easy there Jimbo," an EMS tech advises.
I ignore the man, swinging my legs over the edge of the stretcher with such force I topple along with it to the ground.
I growl out:
"Micheal Graves left immediately following the attack, bud," announces another tech.
I pull myself angrily to my feet, shrugging off the help and slapping away the hands of the techs aiding me. I shove the closest out of my way, he falls ass first.
Surprising myself with it's volume, rumbling like thunder, audible even with the spinning chopper blades, I roar out:
(ooc: I knew a Kings card would be a hoot and you guys didn't disappoint. Amazing job bros, special kudos to the writer of the Gilly/McCoy/Caedus match, thank you that was kickass. Graves, excellent attack seg!)
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner
~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It
---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---
Gator's Archive💙
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers
Gravy's Archive💙
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners
The following 5 users Like JimCaedus's post:5 users Like JimCaedus's post (08-03-2017), Archie Lawson (08-04-2017), Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JackCain (08-03-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-03-2017)
(08-03-2017, 12:32 PM)Finn Kühn Said: "Well, you're just the life of the party, aren't you? Last I checked, 'fluke' equates to an unlikely chance occuring-- in this situation, Jack Cain caught me in midair with that knockout punch and got the win, hence, a fluke. The only reason I gave congratulations is simple- Cain should enjoy this victory while he can, because everyone knows next time this isn't happening. He barely caught me, he barely pinned me. But like I said, Jack Cain didn't beat me, he survived me."
"As for the Television title, I'll do whatever the hell I want. You want me to believe I'm never getting that belt? Prove it. Prove to me on Savage that your 'intellectual superiority' equates to in-ring and beat me decisively."
Actually the Oxford English Dictionary defines a "fluke" as an unlikely chance occurance - ESPECIALLY A SURPRISING PIECE OF LUCK. Just like most of the other shit you spout around here, your definition is half-truth and bent to making it say what you want to say. Why then would you go on and give an example like "lightning striking"? Which also made me laugh because you completely forgot to mention the subject of what it struck.
Maybe the reason you're not using grammar correctly is because you're so busy talking out of your own ass.
"Y'know, for someone who claims to be so smart, you're a fucking moron, Neville. THE UNLIKELY CHANCE AND SURPRISING PIECE OF LUCK IS JACK CAIN PUNCHING ME OUT OF MID-AIR AND PINNING ME. If you could get your head out of your ass, that would be as plain as day. And another thing, 'lightning not striking twice' is a common saying. In this case, it happened to me, and according to the Cambridge dictionary- since you're a stickler for official definitions- it is 'said to show that it is unlikely that something bad or unusual will happen to the same person twice.' Again, if you could get your head out of your ass, that would be evident."
"And Jack? Fuck off. When I beat Neville and take that TV title and you cash in your shot, I'm gonna right the wrong you caused."
January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -
The following 2 users Like Finn Kühn's post:2 users Like Finn Kühn's post JackCain (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-04-2017)
Neville Sinclair
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Mixed reactions (cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
Quote:"Y'know, for someone who claims to be so smart, you're a fucking moron, Neville. THE UNLIKELY CHANCE AND SURPRISING PIECE OF LUCK IS JACK CAIN PUNCHING ME OUT OF MID-AIR AND PINNING ME. If you could get your head out of your ass, that would be as plain as day. And another thing, 'lightning not striking twice' is a common saying. In this case, it happened to me, and according to the Cambridge dictionary- since you're a stickler for official definitions- it is 'said to show that it is unlikely that something bad or unusual will happen to the same person twice.' Again, if you could get your head out of your ass, that would be evident."
"And Jack? Fuck off. When I beat Neville and take that TV title and you cash in your shot, I'm gonna right the wrong you caused."
Do I need to define luck you as well?
I wouldn't call anything lucky when Jack Cain brought his fist back and meant to hit you when he did. I don't necessarily care for Cain, but even I can see that was skill.
But you keep getting angry... keep running your mouth. You won't know what luck is when I mean to hit you on Saturday.
Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
The following 2 users Like Neville Sinclair's post:2 users Like Neville Sinclair's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-04-2017)
Quote:"Y'know, for someone who claims to be so smart, you're a fucking moron, Neville. THE UNLIKELY CHANCE AND SURPRISING PIECE OF LUCK IS JACK CAIN PUNCHING ME OUT OF MID-AIR AND PINNING ME. If you could get your head out of your ass, that would be as plain as day. And another thing, 'lightning not striking twice' is a common saying. In this case, it happened to me, and according to the Cambridge dictionary- since you're a stickler for official definitions- it is 'said to show that it is unlikely that something bad or unusual will happen to the same person twice.' Again, if you could get your head out of your ass, that would be evident."
"And Jack? Fuck off. When I beat Neville and take that TV title and you cash in your shot, I'm gonna right the wrong you caused."
Do I need to define luck you as well?
I wouldn't call anything lucky when Jack Cain brought his fist back and meant to hit you when he did. I don't necessarily care for Cain, but even I can see that was skill.
But you keep getting angry... keep running your mouth. You won't know what luck is when I mean to hit you on Saturday.
"Oh, I'm not angry. I'm cool, calm and collected. You're just a fucking moron however, and I had to spell things out for you. You go on and on about luck and skill, well the only skill on display on Saturday is gonna be when I beat your ass around Universal Studios when you get thrown into the Lion's Den, and I'll be coming out with a Television Championship."
January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -
The following 1 user Likes Finn Kühn's post:1 user Likes Finn Kühn's post JimCaedus (08-04-2017)
(08-03-2017, 08:34 AM)TRAX Said: Trax is backstage, the Xtreme Championship draped around his left shoulder.
Hm, those King guys aren't too bad, they did the right thing.
Trax re-adjusts the title on his shoulder and smirks.
Now...whats that guy called...Engy is it? Engy, you and everyone else should all do the right thing too and bow when you see me, your future KING of XWF. Or... choose not to, regardless of what you choose... see you at your next loss.
Trax continues to smirk as he walks away.
I had a kitty named Tracks once.
It died.
When I eated it.
The following 3 users Like The Engineer's post:3 users Like The Engineer's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), Phantom Panzer (08-03-2017), Theo Pryce (08-03-2017)
Loved reading my match. Shocked at how close I was to winning.
Good stuff jim and Travis.
And doc... thanks...
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post Finn Kühn (08-03-2017), JimCaedus (08-04-2017), Travis McCoy (08-04-2017)