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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Warfare 06/19/13
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-20-2013, 12:13 AM

Michigan Stadium 'The Big House'
Capacity: 114,000
Ann Arbor, Michigan
June 19, 2013

The Punisher
- vs -
Satoshi Daiki
- vs -
Logan Hunter

Triple Threat -- One Fall

"Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a triple threat match!"

Jim Ross: "Well here we go folks we're starting off with a triple threat match, first man to gain pinfall or submission will win the match."

Wayne Witasick: "Right you are J.R and we've got three newcomers to Wednesday night in this match."

Alive by POD plays as smoke fills the entrance. Out steps Logan Hunter as red siren lights splash throughout the arena.

"Now entering the arena! He is making his way from Syracuse New York! He stands at 6 feet and 2 inches tall and weighed in at 235 pounds! He is LOOOOGAN HUNTER!"

Jim Ross: "I saw this young man from Syracuse New York in his tryouts and I must say he is quite the athlete."

Wayne Witasick: "Well athletic will only get you so far in this business."

Jim Ross: "Ain't that the god given truth."

Another Me plays and The Punisher makes his way to the ring accompanied by strobe lights.

"Now entering the arena! He is making his way from Japan! He stands at 6 feet and 7 inches tall and weighed in at 120 pounds! He is THE PUNISHEEEERRR!"

Wayne Witasick: "Wow look at this guy, he looks sick."

Jim Ross: "He sure does, looks like a stiff wind could knock this guy head over heels."

Freak on a Leash by Korn begins playing and out steps Satoshi to the ramp with his arms raised. He walks confidently to the ring, shakes Feng Shui's hand and bows before stepping through the ropes and walking to his corner and stands waiting for the match to begin.

"Now entering the arena! He is making his way from Tokyo Japan! He stands at 6 feet and 1 inch tall and weighed in at 233 pounds! He is SATOOOSHIII DAIIIKIII!"

Jim Ross: "Now here's a man I've heard a lot about Wayne, Mr. Daiki is a very young man, in his early 20's, but has already become a huge superstar in his native Japan."

Wayne Witasick: "Well that's Japan J.R this is the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, you have to do more than just come here with a big name in another country to get noticed here."

Jim Ross: "There's the bell and we're underway as these three men circle eachother."

Wayne Witasick: "Who will be the first to strike here."

And it's The Punisher going after Satoshi and backing him up in the corner and connecting with two punches to the ribs before Hunter joins the attack and the two drop Satoshi in the corner with multiple boots to the gut.

Jim Ross: "Logan Hunter and the Punisher laying a beat down on Daiki here."

Wayne Witasick: "They pick Satoshi up and irish whip him hard into the opposite corner, and he flips over the turnbuckle and lands hard on the outside."

Jim Ross: "That was quite a fall, and here comes Logan going to the top rope."

As Logan ascends the top rope The Punisher hits him in the back with a forearm.

Jim Ross: "The Punisher positioning himself under Logan here, he's got him set up for a powerbomb."

Wayne Witasick: "And there it is the TKO by The Punisher, that could be it, Punisher with the pin."



Jim Ross: "And Satoshi jumps in with the save."

Satoshi goes on the attack now with lefts, rights and knife edge chops. The Punisher cuts him off though with a knee to the gut.

Wayne Witasick: "The Punisher looks like he setting up for another powerbomb here."

Jim Ross: "But there's Logan, and he delivers a dropkick that's drops The Punisher."

Logan quickly grasps Satoshi and lands a russian leg sweep.

Jim Ross: "Logan going to the top again and he jumps off with a moonsault!"

Wayne Witasick: "But Satoshi gets out of the way just in time and he eats canvas."

Logan quickly gets up holding his ribs, he turns around and walks into a roundhouse kick from The Punisher.

Jim Ross: "Punisher with the cover."



Wayne Witasick: "And Logan kicks out!"

Jim Ross: "The Punisher looks a little frustrated."

Punisher picks up Logan and signals once again for the TKO. He lifts him up on his shoulders.

Wayne Witasick: "He's going to powerbomb him again."

Jim Ross: "No, Logan with a hurricanrana counter, Punisher gets up and stumbles, right into a ddt from Satoshi!

Wayne Witasick: "That looked brutal! Now Satoshi with the cover."



Jim Ross: "And it's Logan with the break up this time with an elbow drop to the back of Satoshi."

Logan lifts up Satoshi and attempts a german suplex but it's blocked.

Wayne Witasick: "Satoshi with a back elbow to the head and he switches into a waistlock of his own."

Jim Ross: "And he delivers a german suplex of his own with a bridge."



Jim Ross: "And Logan Hunter kicks out!"

Wayne Witasick: "I thought it was over right there."

Satoshi picks up Logan Hunter and grabs him by the waist again.

Wayne Witasick: "It looks like he's going for another german here."

Jim Ross: "But Logan ducks out, and there's Punisher with the think fast superkick right on the jaw of Satoshi!"

Logan tries to kick Punisher but his foot is caught.

Jim Ross: "And there's an enzugiri by Logan, and Punisher rolls halfway out of the ring."

Wayne Witasick: "It looks like Logan is setting up for something here."

Logan grasps the top rope and jumps over with a leg drop onto the prone Punisher, causing him to fall out of the ring.

Jim Ross: "There's the X-ecution!"

Wayne Witasick: "Wow what an athlete this guy is."

Logan makes his way back up to the apron and gets caught with a roundhouse kick to the head from Satoshi that staggers him.

Jim Ross: "That was quite a shot, but it didn't drop Logan."

Wayne Witasick: "But that did, a spinning back fist from Satoshi sends Logan flying off the apron to the floor."

Satoshi jumps out of the ring after the other two, he walks over to The Punisher and bends down to pick him up but Punisher pulls him by the tights and sends him headfirst into the steps.

Jim Ross: "Good gawd he could have just cracked open his skull!"

Punisher drags himself to his feet using the ring apron. He taunts the crowd, grabs Satoshi and throws him back into the ring.

Jim Ross: "Punisher with the pin."



Jim Ross: " And Satoshi kicks out, by gawd he kicks out!"

Logan rolls himself back into the ring and Punisher charges at him.

Wayne Witasick: "Logan with a big back body drop to Punisher, but Punisher's right back up."

Jim Ross: "And Logan Hunter with a codebreaker! That one jacked the jaw of Punisher."

Wayne Witasick: "And there's a pin."



Jim Ross: "And there's Satoshi to break it up."

Satoshi lifts Logan up, shoves him into the corner and delivers a knife edge chop. WOOOOO! He lifts Logan up and puts him on the top turnbuckle.

Wayne Witasick: "Looks like Satoshi's setting him up for a superplex."

Jim Ross: "But here comes Punisher lifting up Satoshi on his shoulders, TOWER OF DOOM! OH MY GAWD Logan Hunter caught the brunt of that and it looks like Satoshi didn't fair much better."

Wayne Witasick: "But wait a minute J.R, Satoshi has Punisher in a triangle choke, he must have locked it in during the fall!"

Jim Ross: "You're right Wayne, it's locked in, Punisher's trying to stand up but Satoshi hooks his leg and drops him back to the canvas."

Wayne Witasick: "And there's the tap! Satoshi Daiki wins by submission!"

Jim Ross: "What a way to kick of Wednesday night, the Japanese fighter came out and did exactly what he said he would Wayne he won by submission."

Wayne Witasick: "I can't wait to see more of this guy J.R he definitely lived up to the hype tonight."

Winner: Satoshi Daiki

White Lion
- vs -
- vs -
Baron Van Schultz

Triple Threat -- One Fall

White Lion and Baron Von Shultz made their entrances during the commercial break, and wait eagerly in the ring for the debut of Mystica.

First eight chords of "Sick Sick Sick" ring out as a pale blue mist leaks from the floor. Mystica walks in slowly, draped in a flowing white robe, which he discards after he passes through the mist. He glares down at the ring, gives a slight smirk, and presses his hands together in prayer. After bowing his head for a moment, he walks calmly down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

Jim Ross: "We don't know much about this man, but he does seem very passionate about his beliefs. Perhaps that will be what drives him in this business."

Wayne Witasick: "I don't know, Jim. He's got White Lion and Baron Von Shutlz standing in front of him. This will be a tough debut for him."

The bell rings as White Lion and Barn Von Shutlz immediately go after Mystica.

Jim Ross: "It would appear as though White Lion and Von Shultz are threatened by this newcomer."

Wayne Witasick: "Nah, these guys are just playing it smart, taking out the most spiritual man in the match. Who knows what God this man worships?"

White Lion jumps off the top rope with a double axehandle to the head of Mystica while Baron stomps Mystica into the mat. The alliance between Lion and Baron doesn't last long though as Lion hits a springboard off the ropes and knocks Baron down with a drop kick. Lion goes for a pin on Mystica, but Mystica kicks out after 1. Lion delivers some kicks to Mystica, picking up where Baron left off.

Lion takes Mystica down with a snapmare. He goes for his next move but he's caught by Baron's clothesline. Baron then goes to work on Lion with some stomps. Baron carries Lion over with a side slam. He pins Lion, but Mystica dives in for the save at 2.

Mystica gives Baron a Russian leg sweep and then throws some kicks to the side of Baron. He continues to kick him until Baron rolls out of the ring.

Lion charges after Mystica for a flying headscissors, but Mystica counters by simply throwing Lion down. Mystica puts Lion into the corner with a series of chops to the chest. He follows up with some corner stomps as well. Mystica sees Baron trying to get back into the ring and charges into him with a flying knee strike. Baron falls off the apron and back to the outside floor.

Mystica then sizes up Lion who's still leaned up against the corner.

Mystica runs after Lion and gives him a flying knee strike in the corner. He then puts Lion into a headlock, and pulls Lion out of the corner with a running bulldog to the center of the mat. Mystica sees Baron trying to rush back in the ring, and knocks Baron out with a Mystikick! (Running enzuigiri)

By this time, Lion has recovered and is stalking Mystica from behind.

Lion goes for a jawbreaker, but Mystica blocks it, and reverses the attack into a Boston crab! Mystica turns Lion over in the center of the ring with the deadly submission move locked in.

Baron shows no sign of recovery as he lies on the mat motionless.

Lion is out of options now as Mystica is damn-near sitting on his back with the Boston crab still applied.

Lion sees that he's got nowhere to go and taps out! He's tapped out to a Boston crab from Mystica.

Wayne Witasick: "Wow, I don't think Mystica was expecting to win his match with a Boston crab tonight."

Jim Ross: "I think you're right, Wayne. I think Mystica was expecting some tougher competition."

Wayne Witasick: "I'm sure Wallace had a close eye on tonight's match and is working on getting this man some real competition."

Winner: Mystica

The Janitor
- vs -
Eli James IV

Standard Match

JIM ROSS: "It is now time for some good, one on one action as we will see The Janitor take on Eli James the fourth. Your thoughts on this match Wayne?"

WAYNE WITASICK: "The man who cleans up our trash against a man who should be in a psych ward. Only the best here on Warfare, haha."

JIM ROSS: "Just give the match a chance Wayne."

In Time by Mark Collie begins to play in the arena and out steps Eli without a care to the world.

"Introducing first, from a unknown location.... weighing in at two hundred and ninety pounds.... Eliiiiiii Jamessssssssssssss THE FOURTH!"

Eli walks down to the ring to the with a smile on his face. The fans boo Eli but he shows them that his boos do not affect him as he slides into the ring. He takes off his straw hat and throws it to the outside.

Sleep Now in the Fire by Rage Against The Machine begins to play in the arena and out steps The Janitor.

"His opponent, from Brooklyn, New York.....weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds....THE JANITORRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

JIM ROSS: "Looks like The Janitor has a new entrance theme now Wayne."

WAYNE WITASICK: "I know my brother will be happy to know this. That theif can finally stop using my brother's entrance music and use his own."

The Janitor makes his way towards the ring to a mixture of cheers and boos. He walks into the ring and raises his fist up into the air. The ref brings both men to the center of the ring and explains the rules. He motions for the bell.


Our match is underway. Eli and Janitor lock up in the center of the ring. Eli puts Janitor in a side headlock takedown. Janitor slides to the ropes and breaks the hold. They lock back up in the cetner of the ring and Eli Irish whips Janitor into the ropes. Eli goes for a stiff lariat but Janitor blocks it and hits a strong clothesline of his own.

JIM ROSS: "What a hard clothesline by The Janitor. Shades of the legendary Stan "The Lariat" Hansen."

Janitor goes for the cover.


Janitor picks up Eli and Irish whips him into the ropes, he locks in the sleeper on Eli. The ref begins to check the hand of Eli's. He raises it once and it goes down. He raises it once more and it falls down. The ref signals one more time and it's over. He goes to raise it once more but Eli keeps it raised. He walks with Janitor on his back. With enough strength, Eli lands back first sending Janitor crashing down behind him. Janitor begins to grab at the lower part of his back. Eli picks up Janitor and hits a vicious backbreaker.

Eli goes for the cover.


WAYNE WITASICK: "This Eli James is a powerhouse Ross, I think Janitor has picked a fight with the wrong guy."

JIM ROSS: "Be that as it may Wayne, The Janitor has a strong heart and he is not going to give up easily."

Eli sets up for his finisher, The Cleansing but Janitor reverses it into a small package.


Janitor and Eli start to go at it in the center of the ring, Eli goes to hit James with a big boot but Janitor football tackles Eli down. Janitor goes to lock in the MMA style armbar but Eli makes his way to the ropes. Janitor backs off as Eli gets back to his feet. Eli and Janitor lock up in the center ring once more. Janitor whips Eli into the turnbuckle and places Eli in the tree of woe.

JIM ROSS: "Business is about to pick up right here."

Janitor backs away from Eli, then comes running and hits a low dropkick to the face of Eli while in the tree of woe. The Janitor picks up Eli and goes for the pulling piledriver. He connects and goes for the pin.


Janitor rush Eli to his feet as he goes for his next big move. He picks up Eli and sets him up for the jumping piledriver.

But Eli reverses into a small package!




Jim Ross: "He got him! Eli rolled Janitor up with a small package and got the win."

Wayne Witasick: "Wow, that was quick, JR. What an impressive showing by this young talent. Janitor can't even believe how quick that small package was."


Winner: Eli James IV

*Eric Rex is shown backstage with Sal Valencia, Victor Gobalsky, Lacey Witasick, and a woman with about 20 other children from all ages. Rex is throwing them all a pizza party*

Sal: Barbara, it was so kind of you to bring the kids here to meet Mr. Rex in person!

Barbara: Of, course! It's literally the least we could do after The Academi funded us with so much money. You people are lifesavers. That's why we've changed the name of St. Mark's Home for Underpriveleged Children to Eric Rex's Hope House.

Rex: Oh, you really shouldn't have. (said through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw)

Barbara: No, no, no! We really can't thank you people enough. What do we say, kids?


John Black
- vs -
Adam Rollins

No DQ Match

Jim Ross: "Up next we have a match between newcomer Adam Rollins and XWF veteran and future hall of legend John Black."

Wayne Witasick: "I've watched youtube videos of Rollins and I gotta say, this one is gonna be close, Jim."

This means War by Nickelback plays as Adam Rollins walk down the ramp. The fans are very lond as they pop for him. He enters the ring, and jumps up to the 2nd rope, poses for a little before jumping down.

"Shimmy Shimmy Ya" plays for John Black. Some few minutes into the song, Black comes out from the stage and walks down to the ring boobing to the beat as he goes near the squared circle. He enter's the ring and the beats cuts off and sits on the top turnbuckles as he awaits for his opponents.

But Black doesn't wait for long as Adam Rollins rushes into him with some punches. Black is caught up on that top turnbuckle he was sitting on top of while Rollins deploys a steady flow of strikes. No one has ever come at John Black in this manner!

Rollins attempts to take Black off the top with a super plex, but Black shoves Rollins down to the mat. Black then lands on top of Rollins with a flying cross body. A pin attempt earns Black a two count.

Black throws Rollins into the ropes and gives him a jawbreaker. He then takes Rollins down with an armbar. Rollins struggle to break free from the arm bar as he's left with no choice but to swing his feet over to the ropes for a rope break.

Black puts Rollins into the ropes and hits him in the face with a drop kick. He works over Rollins with some punches to the back before knocking him across the ring with an uppercut. Black goes for the Blacklisted (Death Valley Driver), but Rollins kicks his feet and moves out of it. Rollins then hits Black in the jaw with a superkick! Rollins pins Black but only gets a two count.

Rollins sizes Black up in the corner. He goes for a spear, but Black side steps and Rollins crashes into the ring post. Black quickly rolls up Rollins after the counter, but he only gets a two count. Black puts Rollins into a headlock. He then switches over into a Texas Cloverleaf, and applies it like he's Dean F*cking Malenko. Rollins throws his arms around as he panics. It takes him a while, but he eventually crawls over for a rope break.

Black waits for Rollins to get up and goes for the Shimmy Do Ya (super kick), but Rollins ducks it. Rollins then catches Black turning around with a superkick of his own to the face!

Following the superkick, which came out of nowhere, Rollins hits Black with a Death Valley Driver. He covers Black and gets the three count!

Jim Ross: "What a competitive match. Black tried his best to fend off this talented rookie, but he just couldn't keep up!"

Wayne Witasick: "Black should've done his homework, Jim. There are plenty of youtube videos of Adam Rollins that Black could have studied, but based on his performance tonight-- he didn't!"

Winner: Adam Rollins

Zayne Vyper
Shawn Hero
- vs -
'Slickster' Rick Jones

Standard Tag Match

Jim Ross: Folks it's time for tonight's only tag team match of the evening as Three members already wait for the final to arrive in the ring.

Wayne: Rick Jones, Shocker, and even Zayne Vyper waiting for his teammate stand in the ring until...

'Here comes the boom!' by POD plays over the X-tron and our hated superstar makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos..

Jim Ross: Yup, it's Shawn Hero alright, The 220 pound feisty little bastard out of North Carolinah!

Wayne: Carolinah?

Jim Ross: That's right Wayne! Decked out in his full ADIDAS gear with a look on his face like he's ready to deliver here tonight...

Wayne: Purple and grey lights emancipating throughout the arena and before they can even disappear this match is underway...


Hero and Shocker will start things up here as the other men retreat to their respected corners..

Jim Ross: Both men jockeying for position as they begin circling the ring looking to strike. Hero points out in the audience..

Hero: What the heck is that?"

Wayne: Is shocker an idiot or something? He looks and gets caught clean with 'BLACK OUT!' (Superkick)

Jim Ross: Did I just see a finisher from Hero with two seconds into the match... Hero stands on top of Shocker for the pin... Rick Jones comes running in....

Wayne: ANOTHER BLACK OUT!!! Both men are down can you believe it. We haven't even gotten in this match and we've got two men collapsed in the ring... Hero TAGS! Vyper?

Jim Ross: What the hell did he tag him for, he has this won!"

Vyper looks confused but enters the ring to catch a perfect!!!


Wayne: He just kicked his teammate!

Miraculously he falls directly on top of both Shocker and Slickster and makes the pin..




Winner: Shawn Hero & Zayne Vyper

*A live-streaming video is shown on the X-Tron. A large building with a sign reading 'Eric Rex's Hope House' is clearly visible.*

JR: Oh, what is this? More Eric Rex propaganda?

Liz: Well, hold on just a minute, JR. Why the hell is KnightMask there?

*A figure that looks identical to KnightMask in body and wearing the mask is sneaking around the orphanage. He's got a can of gasoline and he pours it all over the front of the school.*

Liz: There's your hero! What in the world is he doing!?

JR: This is clearly one of Rex's men from The Academi!

Liz: Look at that face! There's only one man with that face!


*The could-be-KnightMask lights a match and tosses it, sending the orphanage ablaze. The camera cuts immediately to the room from earlier with Rex, The Academi, and the orphans. They're all watching the screen in horror as Eric Rex slinks to the back of the room.*

Rex: Don't worry, children. It'll all be ok.


Salman Van Dam
- vs -
Mr. Satellite

Non Title No Holds Barred

The bell sounds as the two men attempt to lockup, or so Van Dam thought but Mr. Satellite surprises him with a European uppercut that sends Van Dam stumbling back. Mr. Satellite runs toward Van Dam and grabs his arm, whirling past him and then pulling him into a hard Irish whip point blank into the corner turnbuckle. Van Dam's chest hits hard and he bounces back, falling right into a neckbreaker by Mr. Satellite.

Satellite rolls out of the ring, grabs Van Dam's leg, and pulls it toward the corner ring post. He slams the leg into the post and then grabs Van Dam's other leg, pulling him with one leg on each side of the post so it crushes Van Dam's groin!!!

Fans: Oooooooooooohhhhh!!! That was NUTS! That was NUTS! That was NUTS!

Certainly the fans have chosen the more appropriate chant for Warfare, and they're right about the nuts!

Van Dam rolls around on the canvas holding his groin as Mr. Satellite smirks for a second, just observing his handy work and then looking to the fans where a very mixed reaction is brewing wildly. Mr. Satellite calmly walks up the steps, along the ring apron, and then steps through the ropes. He towers over Van Dam's fallen body and looks down at him before finally...

WAIT! A kick to Satellite's shin! Van Dam brings Satellite down to one knee after catching him off guard! Van Dam backs up a few steps and charges... shining wizard!!! Satellite doesn't take long to start getting back up to his feet... ICON KICK! The force of that superkick from Van Dam nearly took Mr. Satellite's head off!

Mr. Satellite might need to go back to wearing a burlap sack after THAT kick!

Van Dam with the cover...




Van Dam instantly is pulling Mr. Satellite up and right into a spinebuster. He stomps on Satellite a few times, aiming for the stomach and ribs before pulling him back up and delivering a gutbuster!

The force with which he drove that knee into Satellite's abdomen was sickening!

Van Dam circles around the aching Mr. Satellite and waits...

...Satellite starts to get to one knee...

...He's got both of his feet planted now, about to push himself to a vertical stance...



Clearly they both were thinking the same thing in this no holds barred match and now they're BOTH down on the canvas, writhing in pain because of it. The fans are in an uproar! They're starting another chant!

Fans: Double Nutshot... Double Nutshot... Double Nutshot...

Mr. Satellite looks like he's trying to fight through the pain and crawl over for a pin... he makes it over to Van Dam and hooks his leg for a cover!




Van Dam screams in pain when he kicks out. It must have hurt his groin to use so much lower body strength after being kicked in the balls just moments before!

Mr. Satellite slowly starts to get to his feet as Van Dam crawls toward the ropes and exits under the bottom rope to the outside. Mr. Satellite goes to reach through the ropes and grab him but he rakes the eyes of Mr. Satellite and then pulls him through the ropes to the outside with him. Van Dam stomps away on Mr. Satellite before yanking him to his feet, Irish whipping Satellite into the ring steps... NO WAIT! SATELLITE REVERSED THE IRISH WHIP! Van Dam is sent hard into the ring steps and they get knocked loose as Van Dam flies over them after cracking his legs into them.

Mr. Satellite: Well it's a no holds barred match... I think I'm going to "hold" onto these steps and then drop them onto Salmon Van Dam!

Some of the fans right there at ringside here Mr. Satellite's announcement and cheer the idea! He grabs the steel steps...

He lifts them up...

CRASH!!! Right down onto Salman Van Dam's body!!! The steps go bouncing away after hitting their target hard and Mr. Satellite offers no recovery time, instantly peeling Van Dam's flattened body up from the mat and rolling him into the ring.

Mr. Satellite walks around Van Dam, stalking him, awaiting the perfect chance to strike...

Van Dam takes some time to recover and slowly starts pulling himself up with the aid of the ring ropes. He gets himself to his feet, stumbles around toward the direction of Mr. Satellite...

Mr. Satellite drives Van Dam down with SEEING STARS! (RKO) ...but wait! Mr. Satellite keeps his arm locked around Van Dam's neck after landing and he begins to rise, pulling Van Dam back up with him and keeping his arm locked around his neck. He spins Van Dam's head down and under, perfectly transitioning into the DARKEST LIGHT! (Cross Rhodes)

He makes the cover...




Winner: Mr. Satellite

Nightmare (WC)
- vs -
World 1 International
Standard Match
Wild Card Match

The Arena Lights fade until it is pitch black. “Your Nightmare has arrived” is shown on the X-Tron as Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare begins to play over the loud speakers. A trail of fire begins on the ground at the top of the ramp and begins to head down towards the ring, once it reaches the ring it splits into 2 and heads around the ring. Once the 2 trails meet on the opposite side of the ring Flames explode out of the turn-buckles. An unknown masked hooded figure appears at the top of the entrance ramp and stands there for a few seconds.

The crowd are all at the feet looking in confusion as Nightmare makes his way onto the top of the ramp behind this unknown person. They slowly begin walking down to the ring. The unknown person remains on the outside of the ring as Nightmare climbs up onto the apron and then into the ring.

"The Only One" plays as World-1 International runs down the aisle, does a cartwheel, and hops up on the apron.

Jim Ross: "By Gawd, that boy is ready!"

Wayne Witasick: "This is World-1's moment to shine, Jim. Imagine the reaction if World-1 were to somehow pull it off tonight."

The bell sounds, and World-1 goes straight to work! He dashes across the ring and leaps into Nightmare with some fiery punches. He hits Nightmare with some fast moving lefts and rights. He gives Nightmare a drop kick-- it doesn't faze Nightmare. So World-1 hits him with a running drop kick-- this time it knocks Nightmare over the top ropes! Shortly there after, World-1 runs off the ropes, and slams into Nightmare on the outside with a plancha! World-1 quickly tries to get Nightmare back into the ring.

Wayne Witasick: "Remember, World-1 must pin Nightmare in order to win the wild card."

Jim Ross: "Right, but he's having trouble getting the big man up to his feet."

Just as World-1 props Nightmare up, Nightmare fights back by delivering a sledge to the back of World-1. Nightmare locks in a full nelson hold on World-1 and slams him face-first into the ring apron. Nightmare keeps the full nelson applied, drags him over to the ring post and slams World-1 into that as well! Nightmare throws World-1 into the ring, covers him... but he only gets a two count as World-1 bravely kicks out.

Nightmare applies the full nelson again, and this time slams World-1. He covers World-1 again, still only two.

Nightmare works over World-1 with some kicks. He throws World-1 into the ropes and throws him over with a spinebuster. Nightmare drags World-1 into the corner and proceeds to mud hole stomp him in the corner!

World-1 tries to defend against he stomps, but he can't!

Nightmare draws blood from World-1 as the sole of his boot busts World-1's mouth.

Nightmare pulls World-1 to the center of the ring, and gives him a power bomb!

Jim Ross: "Surely that's enough..."

Nightmare pins World-1 with one hand, but World-1 kicks out! The fans can't believe it!

World-1 shakes his fists as he begins to regain his energy, somehow.

Nightmare cannot believe what he sees!

Nightmare scoops World-1 up but World-1 shifts his weight and lands on his feet behind Nightmare!

World-1 throw some punches, followed by the pele kick!

World-1 runs off the ropes and goes for a crossbody, but Nightmare catches him and breaks him in half with a back breaker.

Nightmare then grabs World-1 by his throat, lifts him up, and drops him with the Nightmare Slam (Falling choke slam)! Nightmare hooks the leg. The ref counts, and Nightmare gets the three. Nightmare retains his wild card.

Winner: Nightmare

Peter Gilmour (WC)
- vs -
Eric Rex
Standard Match
Wild Card Match

Jim Ross: "Our next match is for a chance to be in the Elimination Chamber which is two weeks from now. Peter Gilmour defends the wild card contract which was gifted to him last week against young up and comer Eric Rex."

Wayne Witasick: "Gifted? Jim, have you lost your mind? Peter is a future king and you're going to accuse him of being given handouts?"

Jim Ross: "Well that's what happened, Wayne! Peter lost his main event contract and Wallace gave him a new one."

Wayne Witasick: "Jim, you need to give Peter credit where credit is due. Peter is a veteran, damn it."

Jim Ross: "You know what? If Peter can get the job done tonight then I'll give him credit. But for now, I hope he gets a Texas size ass whippin' from that boy Eric Rex. Peter needs to be taught a lesson in respect."

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see red strobe lights going around the arena and then come to the entranceway where a big explosion of fire hits as "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In This Moment begins to play. After the initial guitar riff, we then hear a loud scream from the lead singer as Rose Smith comes out wearing a very sexy red halter top with black pants. She gives the crowd a sadistic wink of her eye and then we see Peter Gilmour come out in a black vest and black tights with PBK on the sides. Peter grabs Rose's hand and they make their way to the ring. They get in normally and then both get into the center of the ring and flash the "X" symbol as fire emits from the turnbuckles. They then pose for the audience as they wait for Peter's next opponent to come out.

Erix Rex came out next and provided no fan interaction.

Eric Rex started off strong with some take downs and ground holds that Peter Gilmour struggled against. Some Muay Thai knee strikes from Rex left Gilmour dazed in the center of the ring. A t-bone suplex to Gilmour earned Rex only a two count after Peter kicked out. Rex stayed in control with some more submissions in the center of the ring.

An Irish whip was overturned by Peter Gilmour who threw Rex into the ropes and caught him in a Samoan drop. A pin by Peter scored him only a two count. Peter Gilmour pointed at Good Ol' JR who was announcing the match, and began to hammer down on Rex with some punches.

Jim Ross: "Damn him! He's still threatening me!"

Wayne Witasick: "I think Peter was just dedicating those punches to you, Jim. Relax!"

Peter sent Rex into the ropes and gave him a Yakuza kicked, followed by a falcon arrow. Another pin attempt by Peter gets him 2 and a half as Peter argues with the referee over the close count. Rose Smith tries to calm her man down from the apron, but Peter is beginning to build up a lot of anger. He works over Rex with some kicks and punches. He throws Rex into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. But Rex ducks, bounces of the ropes, and hits Peter with a Kiss of Death! (Sole Food) Rex quickly covers Peter Gilmour, the referee's hand comes down for the three, but Rose Smith sneaked by and put Peter Gilmour's food on the ropes!

Jim Ross: "That damn jezebel saved Peter's ass!"

Wayne Witasick: "Careful, Jim. Peter might hear you."

Rex knocks Peter down with a European uppercut and then goes right back to utilizing some Muay Thai strikes. He throws Peter into the ropes and then takes him over with a spine buster. Rex makes a cover, but only gets two! Rex sees that he only has one option left. He goes to lock Peter into the Cuban Neck Tie (Triangle choke), but Peter is able to roll out of it before Rex can get it fully locked in. Peter gives Rex a gutbuster, followed by some stomps. Peter attempts to use the Death Strike (underhooked pile driver) on Rex, but Rex powers out of it and gives Peter a back body drop.

After Peter takes the fall from the back body drop, he reaches up and rolls Rex into a pin. But it only gets him two as Rex rolls out. Rex runs into Peter, who's still in a seated position, with a shin kick to the nose. Rex goes after Peter with the triangle choke again, and this time he gets it! The Cuban Neck Tie is applied. Peter struggles against the Cuban Neck Tie as Rex keeps Peter isolated from the ropes. Peter has no choice but to muster up his strength. He lifts Rex and slams him down to the mat with a powerbomb move. That almost gets him the 3 count as he simply leaned forward for the pin.

Peter Gilmour throws some elbows into the back of Rex' head. He lures him in for the Deathstrike.....

But wait, John Madison shows up again, coming through the audience!

Peter Gilmour sees John Madison and pushes Eric Rex down to the mat. Gilmour is ready to go this time as he instructs Rose Smith to stand behind him. Rose Smith hops into the ring and stands behind her protective fiance.

John Madison, with his goofy smile, struts into the ring like a creepy little bastard. He's wearing his crown and looks as though he's had a lot to drink tonight.

Peter challenges Madison to enter the ring.

Madison enters the ring. He doesn't seem to be taking Peter Gilmour's threats serious at all. Peter is in his fighting stance though, ready to go...

Madison is about to go for Peter when suddenly...

The lights in the arena go out. It's pitch black and shrouded in total Darkness.

Many seconds go by.

Then, over a minute.

Still Darkness.

Finally, the X-Tron explodes into flames. Madison can be seen in the ring within the flickering light from the flames. He's unsure of what to do. Run for his life and cower in fear, or take advantage of the Darkness and lay down an attack on Peter Gilmour.

On the X-Tron, still ablaze, a shaowy figure comes into view. The man, cloaked in a hood, sits in a golden throne.

JIM ROSS: "That's gotta be Sebastian Dukes Messenger!"

WAYNE WITASICK: "No one has ever seen his face, JR! It very well could be!"

The man on the X-Tron begins to speak.

...John Madison...

...May 25, 2013...

...Is a day you'll live to regret...

...When you double crossed the Angel of Darkness...

...You sealed your own fate...

...You see, John...

...You really should have finished the job...

...Yes, you buried him alive...

...There's something, those in the XWF are not aware of...

...After High Stakes left the air waves...

...John Madison and Shane ...

...Tried to bury him permanently in a Las Vegas cemetery...

...Unfortunately for you, King Madison...

...He walks again...

...The return of the Angel of Darkness...

...Is imminent...

The X-Tron fades out and the flames die immediately. Moments later, the arena lights return. John Madison stands near the ropes doing nothing but staring at the now vacant X-Tron.

He turns to face Peter Gilmour who swings at Madison with an Asmodeus Cane. How the hell did that Asmodeus cane end up in Peter's hands? I don't think Peter even knows. Madison narrowly avoids being struck and quickly escapes the ring. Gilmour points the object at Madison and all he can do is hightail it up the ramp at the sight of the object.

JIM ROSS: "King Madison is runnin' like a scalded dog!"

WAYNE WITASICK: "How did Gilmour get that cane!?"

JIM ROSS: "That is unmistakeable! That cane belongs to Sebastian Duke!"

WAYNE WITASICK: "How did Peter Gilmour end up with that cane!? Sebastian Duke isn't here! The Messenger isn't here! How, JR!? HOW!?!"

JIM ROSS: "What I've learned of Sebastian Duke, is that the Angel of Darkness, is everywhere!"

Peter Gilmour drops the Asmodeus Cane and turns his attention back towards Eric Rex who's just now recovering. He grabs Rex, and throws him up into the Death Strike! (underhooking pile driver). Peter pins Rex, and he gets the win![/i]

WAYNE WITASICK: "He did it! John Madison tried to get involved somehow, but luckily Duke's messenger prevented anything serious from happening."

Jim Ross: "I still don't care for this lunatic, but I do believe the right thing happened here tonight."

The cameras catch one last shot of Peter celebrating with Rose Smith before we cut to commercial.

Winner: Peter Gilmour

Heironeous (WC)
- vs -
Tony Santos
Standard Match
Wild Card Match

Jim Ross: LLLLLLadies and Gentlemen it is time for ANOTHER Wild Card Match here on Warfare tonight. They just keep coming and coming don't they Wayne-O!

Wayne Witasick: And I certainly don't get sick of them Jim. My brother is a genius when he created stuff like this. The man is an absolute..

Jim Ross: Alright, we've done plenty of blowing smoke up your brother's rear for tonight. Let's get straight to this match.

Wayne: Two rising XWF talents both striving for a chance to hold that wild card spot. First making his way down to the ring at 5'10 and weighing 170 pounds. He is.... HEIERONEOUS!

Jim Ross: Boy he sure does love these fans Wayne... He's given more high fives tonight than I've ever seen.

Wayne: Making his way to the ring now is his opponent from Boston Massachussets weighing in at 224 pounds... TONY SANTOS!

Jim Ross: Tonys smirk is despicable Wayne and the crowd is going to let him hear it as they boo the holy hell out of him. It's obvious who they are in favor of here tonight.


The bell rings and both men immediately run at a full sprint directly at one another. Heironeous is quick to dodge a clothesline and spin himself around with a quick pivot as Santos comes back off the ropes..

Jim Ross: Massive Dropkick to the face!!!

Wayne Witasick: I felt that one...

Santos goes down and now Heironeous with the quick cover..




Jim Ross: We didn't think we would see Santos kick out of that one. That boy's got a lot of fight in him.

Herioneous quickly lifts Santos back on his feet and proceeds to connect with a series of punches that set him backwards a bit. Santos ducks one and...

Jim Ross: Dropkick of his own!

Wayne: Anything you can do I can do better?

Jim Ross: Santos with the pin!




Jim Ross: Neither men going away that easy as Santos now stands above Heieroneous... He flips him over onto this back and then locks him up from behind with a boston crab. Pulling and wrenching on his hold as Heironeous reaches for the ropes like he was being held underwater fighting for air.



Wayne: What little strength he has left he is able to muster enough to grab the ropes.

Jim Ross: The fans boo as Santos continue to wrench the hold and ignore the referees request for it to break. Finally it's going to be enough as he threatens disqualification.

Santos backs away and begins to climb the top turnbuckle... He's going up folks!!

Wayne Witasick: Heironeous is climbing up to his feet as well... Diving Cross body as he lands flush on top of Heironeous for a pin...




Jim Ross: By Gawd Wayne! By Gawd!

Santos is in shock as he wasn't able to score the pin.. He helps Heironeous to his feet again and begins flyinig against the ropes... Heironeous retaliates by smashing into the ropes opposite him..

Duck a clothesline



Wayne: Both men building up speed....

JIM ROSS: FLYING HEADBUTT!! Heironeous took off like a missile in Santos direction... Santos falls to the ground as Heironeous stands up and begins to amp up the crowd. He's getting a lot of cheers as he waits for Santos to rise to his feet.

Wayne: Why is he waiting? Finish him off!

Santos to his feet and...


Heironeous was waiting because at the exact moment that Santos got to his feet he performed his ultimate 'Bolt From the Heavens finisher' a perfect time for a stunned opponent struggling to his feet.

(This is a fast paced attack that only requires his opponent to be stood in front of him. The attack itself is simple, he flips backwards snapping through a full 360 degree flip catching them under the chin.)

Wayne: I blinked? What did I miss..

Jim Ross: That move was literally faster than lightening Wayne!




Winner: Heironeous


Mark Flynn (WC)
- vs -
Steve Davids
Standard Match
Wild Card Match

As his music (What I’ve Done by Linkin Park) hits the ring, the lights flicker briefly as Steve Davids makes his way out of the shadows with his head and arms held high. Davids struts down the ramp focusing directly on the ring in order to remain concentrated. Grabbing the middle rope he pulls himself onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring and starting to punch the air in front of him as if to prepare for the fight about to happen.

Mark Flynn comes out in an overblown robe. He has no expression on his face, and makes no eye contact with Steve Davids. The referee calls for the bell, his eyes widen and the match gets underway.

The two men lock up, Steve’s power is shown at First as he grasps Flynn in a headlock but Flynn uses his speed to spin out of it and he drags Steve to the mat by the arm, and attempts to lock in an arm-bar in the early goings. He does so, Steve pulls himself towards the rope though, and grasps it, forcing Flynn to break the hold reluctantly. Steve is fast to his feet with a clothesline to Flynn, and then another, Flynn continues to get back to his feet but then walks into a big boot. Steve sprints to the outside of the ring climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a flying clothesline…. But Flynn is up and hits a standing drop kick to the oncoming opponent. Then runs off the ropes and hits a brutal shining wizard. Now… The cover….



Kick out!

Flynn goes to work again, kicking Davids in the spine, and then again in the shoulder blade, and then to the head. David catches the ankle though and pulls Flynn to the mat and stomps on the back of the knee. He picks Flynn up now, and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Stalks Flynn, and then executes another. Waits again…. Flynn counters though using the momentum to flip over and land on his feet then hit a high knee to Davids, before running off the ropes and hitting a knee to skull. Knocking Davids down to the mat and going for a quick cover that Davids immediately powers out of.

Flynn pulls Davids up by the head, then turns to his back and goes for an atomic drop. He hits it. To high impact. Davids is slammed to the mat. Flynn climbs the top turnbuckle, but Davids gets to his feet and punches Flynn across the jaw, then climbs to middle turnbuckle. He jabs Flynn in the ribs, grabs him by the head, and then lands a superplex! Both men remain down for some time but eventually Davids desperately crawls into a cover.



Kick out.

Davids looks up in disbelief and drags Flynn to his feet again and grabs him by the head and looks for the snap DDT but Flynn hits a knee to the gut and then some knees to the skull. He hits a final knee and follows it up with a kick to the gut and hitting a Spike DDT of his own. Planting Davids on the mat. He waits for Davids to get up, lining him up… but Davids ducks under a kick and then grabs Flynn by the arm and pushes him into the ropes before Irish whipping him across the ring. Davids turns around and lifts Flynn up and flipping him over his shoulder, Flynn lands on his feet though and runs to the opposite ropes and leaps onto the middle rope, flying and turning, hitting a springboard cross body. Davids throws Flynn off of him immediately, and runs off the ropes goes for a clothesline again that Flynn ducks, but Flynn turns into a hand grasping on his neck. He raises Flynn up! There’s the sit-down choke slam that put Chris Legend away on Monday!

Davids into the cover….



Kick out!!

Davids scores his first near fall of the match, but Flynn shows great resilience. Davids kneels over Flynn though, and unleashes a flurry of fists to the face, blood begins oozing out of Flynn’s skull. The referee breaks it up and drags Davids to the corner as Flynn slowly reaches his feet, he runs at Davids with a high knee to the skull and then a devastating corkscrew neckbreaker! Knocking Davids to the mat. Flynn then drops knees relentlessly on the skull of Davids who now also begins to bleed.

Flynn runs off the ropes and leaps with a splash onto Davids, and a cover, grasping both legs.



Kick out at two by Davids. Flynn then grabs Davids by the leg, and it seems as though he is going for his signature figure-four-leg-lock but Davids kicks Flynn in the back with the other leg and then tackles Flynn to the mat, they begin exchanging punches and head butts relentlessly. Davids overpowers Flynn, flinging him to the mat. He hits a kick to the mid-section and picks Flynn up by the legs, spinning him around and throwing him to the outside of the ring. Davids drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring. He picks up the wounded Flynn and throws him head first into the barricade, then takes a few steps back and spears him into the barricade. He rolls into the ring and then rolls back out allowing the count out to start again. He then throws Flynn into the steps, and places him on the ring apron, he climbs the steps and goes for a leg drop but Flynn dodges. Davids is now on the edge of the apron, but Flynn pulls him back in and locks in a single legged Boston crab. He pulls Davids to the centre of the ring but the monster drags himself towards the ropes desperately. Whilst screaming in agony. Ring break! Davids gratefully pulls away from Flynn who is offloading a lot of damage right now.

Davids sizes up Flynn who's stirring up to his feet.

Davids runs off the ropes and straight through Flynn with a running knee to the head! Davids pins Flynn.



Flynn gets a foot on the ropes.

Davids works over Flynn with a set of mounted punches. He then grabs Flynn by the scalp and rams the back of his head into the mat. Davids picks up Flynn and throws a knee to the gut. He gives Flynn a headbutt, followed by a set of chops to the chest. Davids centers Flynn in the ring with a scoop slam, followed by an elbow drop to the heart.

Davids goes to the top rope, and lands on top of Flynn with a knee drop from the top rope. Davids then grabs Mark Flynn, kicks him in the gut, and sets him up for the Shock Wave (cradle neckbreaker)

But wait...

John Madison?

John Madison is out here for the second time tonight! What's is he doing?

John Madison hops up to the apron and starts talking trash to Steve Davids. Madison's words don't seem to work on Davids though, as Davids drops Flynn with the Shockwave! Davids is about to go for the pin, but John Madison runs in and tries to interrupt. Davids catches Madison though and pushes him down!

Wait, out from the back comes Wallace Witasick's assistant and bodyguard TYRONE.

Jim Ross: "It's about damn time! Wallace must have had it with John Madison and has sent Tyrone out here to get rid of him!"

Wayne Witasick: "My brother is a smart man, JR. He wants to see this match go down fairly."

Tyrone steps into the ring and immediately Steve Davids backs away as he sees that the big man is just there to get rid of the trash in the ring, a.k.a. John Madison. Tyrone picks up John Madison, and throws him over his shoulder! Madison is kicking his feet, trying to squirm out of Tyrone's grasp.

Wait just a minute...

For some reason, Tyrone places John Madison down on his feet. Both men still in the ring while Davids and the referee look on, confused. Flynn is still down from the Shockwave.

John Madison looks over at Tyrone...

and he... nods?

Madison gives Tyrone some kind of signal, and ducks as Tyrone charges forward. Tyrone runs past Madison and delivers a running lariat to Steve Davids!

Jim Ross: "What the hell?!"

John Madison pops back up as he screams orders at Tyrone!

The referee is about to call for the bell, but John Madison delivers a knee to the referee's gut and throws him out of the ring! The referee wasn't able to call the match off in time!

Tyrone is still going to work on Steve Davids, stomping him into the mat. John Madison is still barking orders, and throws his crown on the ground.

But wait-- Wallace Witasick is making his way to the ring! YES!

Wallace Witasick makes a beeline for Tyrone in the ring and begins shouting in his face.

Wallace Witasick: "What are you doing? I said for you get rid of John Madison!"

Wallace smacks Tyrone across the face! Oh sh*t!

The smack has enraged Tyrone as he stares down at Wallace Witasick.

Wallace Witasick: "Fix this NOW!"

Wallace is demanding Tyrone to undo his large mistake.

Davids is still down from the attack from Tyrone. Flynn is just starting to recover from the Shockwave he took earlier at the hands of Davids..

Tyrone raises his fist...

Wallace looks worried as beads of sweat roll down his face.

Tyrone hesitates though. He can't do it! He can't hit Wallace.

Tyrone drops his guard, but at that moment...

JOHN MADISON attacks Wallace Witasick from behind with a cattle prod!

Jim Ross: "By Gawd, that's the same cattle prod that Shane used to help Madison at Gauntlet City!"

John Madison continues to go to work on Wallace with the cattle prod while Tyrone watches in shock.

John Madison then points to Mark Flynn.

Tyrone grabs Mark Flynn who's still hurt from the Shockwave he took earlier, and John Madison strikes Flynn across the chest with cattle prod! Madison gives Mark Flynn the Rebellion (Rock Bottom) in the center of the ring.

John Madison drags Wallace Witasick out of the ring and commands Tyrone to follow.

Madison pounds his fist on the announce table and yells his next command at Tyrone.

John Madison: "Put him through it!"

Tyrone looks down at what's left of Wallace Witasick. Wallace is still in pain from the multiple strikes he took at the hands of John Madison and the cattle prod.

Wallace is looking up at Tyrone, speechless.

Tyrone grabs Wallace by his jacket and pulls him up.

John Madison: "Yes. DO IT."

Tyrone smiles down at Wallace, shoves him between his legs, throws him up in the air, and sends him crashing through the announce table with a powerbomb!! Oh my God! Tyrone just powerbombed our General Manager through the announce table! What in the hell...

John Madison reenters the ring with a microphone in hand. Tyrone follows closely behind.

John Madison: "Your GM is dead. Your champion doesn't give a damn. Oh, and look at the X-Tron, will you please?"

We direct our attention to the X-Tron where Peter Gilmour is shown getting beaten up by Luca Arzegotti! Luca is striking Peter down with a pipe! Blood is pouring from Peter's head while Rose Smith screams in horror.

John Madison: "Luca is pretty good with a pipe, you know. Hey, Tyrone! Pick this piece of sh*t up."

Tyrone does as Madison says and drags Mark Flynn up to his feet. Flynn cannot even stand at this point. While Tyrone is holding Flynn up like a ragdoll, John Madison cattle prods Steve Davids out of the ring.

John Madison: "I wanted to make sure that our 'king of the midcarders' here makes it to Wild Card Weekend. So, seeing as how Wallace Witasick is no condition to call the match, we'll just have Tyrone do it. Tyrone will count while our defending wild card holder watches! Better yet, here Flynn. You're the King of the Midcarders, wear this f*cking crown!"

Madison takes his King of the XWF crown, and smashes Mark Flynn in the back of the head with it! The shot knocks Flynn out cold as he lands face-first on the mat.

Tyrone begins to count Steve Davids out...



John Madison forces Mark Flynn up to his knees and places the King of the XWF crown onto his head. He holds Mark in place, mocking him, forcing him to watch the count out.



John Madison: "Look, Mark, you're gonna win the match! YAY! Look at you, you're a king!"



John continues to hold Mark Flynn in place with the crown still being forced on Flynn's head.



John Madison: "Wake up Mark! You're gonna miss your big victory."


John Madison: "Here, get a closer look."

Madison kicks Mark in the back of the head causing Mark to fall back down on his face. The crown flies off of Mark's head and rolls out of the ring on its side like a wheel.


Ding ding ding!

John Madison: "Tyrone, bring me back my crown."

The crowd boos loudly as the match comes to a close.

At that moment, Luca Arzegotti comes out on stage, dragging Peter Gilmour behind him with a belt wrapped around Peter's neck. Shane shows up as well, sporting a sling.

John Madison: "Hey Luca! Hey Peter! Hey Shane! Glad you could join us. We're celebrating Mark's victory."

Tyrone reenters the ring and places the crown on John Madison's head.

John stretches out his arms as he looks up at the lights.

We close the show with the King of the XWF standing tall in the ring, surrounded by wreckage.

Winner: Mark Flynn

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(06-20-2013), (06-20-2013), Archie Lawson (06-23-2013), Mystica (06-20-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-20-2013), salmanvandam007 (06-20-2013), Satoshi Daiki (06-20-2013), Swift Ion (07-03-2013)

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