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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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06-18-2017, 08:47 PM

I decided to write a short backstory explaining a few things.If there is any questions or comments leave below and I will address them.Please keep the bullshit to a minimum.I'm also sorry it's a bit long.I kinda got into a groove.

Patrick Coldwell was your run of the mill kinda guy.Nothing too fancy or too drab.He loved his family, his girlfriend Marsha and his two children Sionn and Connor.After the years in the Army, Spending time as Fighter in
MMA and time In Japan and the short stint as a merc with Micheal Davis.HE had finally found the one thing he had been missing....Happiness. The thing he had spent all that time doing all of those things in search of.He met the catalyst of his happiness in a bar, a gay bar of all places.

They had the aforementioned children together and he had the family he always wanted.He was happy They were happy.Until they found out Connor had Leukemia. From that day forward happiness was a fleeting commodity in low reserve.It was worsened after They had thought that Connor was in remission and it the battle was over.The end result was the medicines didn't work and Connor had relapsed.They were in for another fight, this time it was harder and more
aggressive.They had little to no options in the matter. They decided that they would fight as long as he could.He went into a medically induced coma to help with the pain. After the doctors found leukemia in his liver, the option dwindled to nothing.The once happy parents were now left with only one decision.They took him home and let him die in peace.No pain, No stress, No more wires and tubes, just peace.

That is how Patrick will remember his son, peacefully sleeping in his arms as he carried him to the coroner's van.The following days were rough but he made it through it. The funeral was tougher but he made it through it. The day he received the ashes of his son, that day....that day was the toughest but he made it through it.He found solace in friends and his son whos would tell him it would be alright every time Patrick was sad.But even though he had all the support in the world the voices inside his head and the dreams he had were getting worse.He had
no way to explain it and they were not letting up.

He thought that maybe if he got a job he would be okay. So he worked at a local Chipotle for awhile, but he was eventually fired for being too angry.You would be angry too if your son had died and you were being tormented by dreams and voices.He sought professional help and all they gave him was pills and a pat on the back.The pills did nothing and the pat on the back was fucking useless.He began to wonder if he was even sane anymore until on night he had a dream.A dream that wasn't anything like he had before, this is the night he found MEZIAN again.

He stood in the room of his son at the hospital. The bed was empty but he could still him laughing and he could still here all of the monitors.He felt great sadness and loneliness.He also felt incredible rage and unrelenting angry.At himself, Marsha, the doctors and to the situation itself.He could not control the rage and anger.He felt it boiling inside him, consuming his every thought.He felt his body contorting under the weight of it all as he collapsed to the floor.As he laid there he saw a figure walk out from behind him.He figure looked and sounded just like him.Skin darkened like he was covered in ash.His eyes were a brilliant bright emerald green.Had what seemed to be blood pouring from his mouth in a constant stream.The liquid dripped and splashed against the floor leaving burn marks where the lay before they evaporated.His voice more dark and sinister. Even with the whispered tone, he spoke in, the fear in Patrick was overwhelming.

What are you?Why do you look like me?

Because I am you.I am the Seraphim Known as Mezian. We are the same person. We have existed as long as time had been recorded.You don't remember, do you?

I always though you were a voice in my head.I though after I tried to kill myself you was just a side effect of my medication.

No, There is no medication that can make me go away.Your suicide woke my..I mean it woke us up.We are Chosen.We are the keepers of the balance in the this fucked up world.We live forever, well at least most
of us do.We go from one life time to the next learning and expanding.We are the the closest thing to the creator that these people have

Why are you so evil looking and speak so sinister?Why is mouth oozing blood?

Because this is the embodiment of us that is fed by hate, anger, rage, malice and our internal fury.You have been through some rough shit lately and this is what we look like on the inside.We are the epitome
of emotions, thought, and energy.We are nigh immortal and unstoppable.We are Seraphim, We walked this earth before humanity did.We are the by-product of the primordials and we are here to protect the balance.When humanity breaks the laws of fate and sets things of balance we are there to restore order.

We have killed countless tyrants and dictators.We have overthrown governments and freed countless people.We are the ones who save the innocent and punish the vile.We are no to be angered and we are not to be toiled with.We have seen the end of humanity many times and we have helped it rebuild.

We....Why do you keep saying we?

Because we are the same person.WE have had many of what you call lives.We are the Harbingers of the sisters of fate. We follow their will and strike down those who oppose them.We can not and will not be stopped.

So we are reincarnated?Is that why I have memories of stuff I didn't do?That I know people I have never met? Is that why it seems like all of the times I should have died I didn't?

No we are not reincarnated.that would imply that we die we simply finish our life from a different person's perception.And as far as the other stuff....Yes, you being a chosen has done all of that.There were thousands
of us but we have slowly diminished over time.We are few in number now but we are still strong.The sisters of fate still guide us and we still have power as long as they exist.

Who are the Sisters Of Fate?What kind of power?

I can't believe you don't remember.The sister of fate is the life force that holds this existence together.They 're the reason why we exist.The very notion of life was there doing.The three pillars of what all humanity strives to accomplish.Compassion, Peace and Eternity.They 're the reason we breathe and we fight for all of those who can't fight for themselves.We can heal the wounded, Protect the Meek with our wards, We can speak with the departed beings of this world and we see the flow of time through our surroundings.We are the very essence of the world around us.We are its Protectors.

Patrick ponders on what he is hearing.It all makes sense now to him. His entire life has been in the protection of others and keeping the balance of the world around him. But one thing sticks with him.The idea of speaking to the departed from this world. Did this mean he could speak to his mother or more importantly speak to his son?

No you can't see Connor or your mother.The sheer emotional distress that would cause in you and the veil that separates us from that side would kill you. So no don't do it don't try.

How did you know that?How bad would it really be?I just miss him.

Because I am you.It is really bad it would kill you in the most painful way possible.And as long as we have lived we have never crossed that line.There are things on the other side that are meant to be there. I know it is hard, I am you remember. I feel all the pain you do, This is the reason you need me.I can use your anger emotion and thoughts to power the abilities we have.I just need you to let me feed sometimes.I ll just need to be within a range of a target to absorb their emotional energy and their thoughts and memories.Just a small setback of being a chosen.We can do all the good in the world that we need to, but we have to hurt people to charge said powers.

Now you are going to wake up and I need you to remember all of it. I need you to find that silver ring in the jewelry box. It has our essence in it.I need you to make the connection again and let me be one with you again.You need to have
some faith in me, I mean I am you.

The next morning Patrick searched for the silver ring Mezian asked for.After a few hours, he found it. He stared at it for a while wondering if it was just a dream. Marsha had not made it back from work yet and Sionn was still asleep.
Patrick slipped on the ring and waited.he felt nothing happen.He shrugged if off as just a dream and went to get his coffee and first cigarette of the day.

He sat on the porch of his second-floor apartment and watched the Cardinals play in the trees.he was still perplexed by the dream and how specific it all was.he began to take a sip from his coffee when it hit him.A sharp pain shot through his spine and buried itself in his skull.His vision went blurry and his legs gave out on him.The pain crippled most of his body as he writhed in pain.The same sinister voice from the dream thundered through his mind.

Oh it been so long since I have been in this body.Tell me again why I was locked away?

Because we scared Marsha, She thought we were dangerous together.So I told her how to separate us.I couldn't have you in my head and have her too.I love her I wouldn't want to lose her. I couldn't have a family with you n my head either.
So i took the proper steps

Oh so you do remember me I'm touched.I thought you didn't care Patrick.So, I as tucked away so you could play family with the gothic human girl?You know we can't have children?And you sure as hell know we don't get emotionally attached to humans.Why would you want that, they die so easily. And so will your kids.

I wanted to feel human for once. I put all of the Chosen shit behind me. I even put up my cross.I wanted to find happiness. Killing and fighting weren't cutting it anymore.I needed to be a normal human being.I am well aware of the consequences of what I have done.I know I have made the fates upset.I know that is why Connor died.I hate myself for all of it.

But fighters and killers are what we were meant to be.Also, you are not normal and you are not human.And the stuff about Your son, it wasn't meant to be that way. the fates had a different plan for him.He will be fine, he is in the veil serving the fates like we are.Haven't you told the human girl anything about that, have you?You haven't told about your son being one of us either have you.

No I haven't, I probably won't.I don't need her to worry about any of this shit.Can I get up now I have a son to check up on?

Patrick stood up downed his coffee and put out his cigarette.He walked into the apartment through the patio door and walked towards his son's room.He peeked in to check on his son.The young boy slept peacefully in his bed. Unaware of the possible hell he was destined to experience in his life. Patrick didn't want to him to have the life he had.He wanted his son to be happy.

He contemplated severing the tie that Sionn had to the veil.Then maybe he could find the peace Patrick never had.He wouldn't have to see the all of the things that the veil protected humans from.He wouldn't be made out to be crazy all
of his life.Patrick thought more about it but decided against it. Sionn was too young, he had a full life ahead of him maybe he wouldn't have a hard time.

He heard hs phone ring from the living room.The sound pierces the silence and startled him for a second.His son stirred in his bed but didn't wake up.Patrick went to see who was calling at 9 am in the morning.The caller ID said....


He had remembered he had made contact with the company about working as a wrestler.But he didn't expect a call so soon.
He answered the call tentatively....

Hey, Colton Whats up?

Hey there Is this Matt Goldwill?

Do you mean Pat Coldwell?

Hey Fuck you, buddy, you don't tell me what I meant to say.....But yeah are you that guy?

Yeah I am that guy.What is this about?[/color]

I calling you to offer you a job at the XWF.I watched your fights and your Kumite finals. I like it, really aggressive.That's the kind shit I need in the XWF

[green]I mean I guess, I still have to talk to my girlfriend.Can I call you back?

Yeah, I guess, you go get permission from mommy and I'll be waiting.Bye

Before Patrick could answer the tone was dead. He sat back outside on his patio thinking about what he was going to do.

That guy was a fucking dickhead.

The voice in his head began again.This time a little tamer......

Forget him he won't be there for long, You know it.He is right though the aggression you have is perfect for that place.Also the emotions there are perfect for you. You can feed off of their emotions and grow stronger. You can be unstoppable. You will be unstoppable.But you need to start small. Like that bird over there.The cardinal, Go get it and drain it of its life force and emotions.

Im not gonna eat a cardinal.that is fucking sick.Why I just make breakfast, I'm hungry and Sionn will be up soon.

No... not eat it dumbass. Take its life force. Extract its emotions and energy.You can do it without even moving from your chair here on the patio.Just concentrate on the bird.Use your mind to find its life essence in
the veil.Then take it for your own.Now concentrate....

Patrick closed his eyes and tried to see the bird in the veil.He scoured the part of the veil in front of him until he found it.He slowly outstretched his hand towards the cardinal once he found it.He opened his palm, he could feel the transferal of energy from the bird to him.Although the amount was small it was an invigorating experience.

Like drinking two red bulls at once. he felt better than he had in months.The more he pulled the more he felt the bird die.As he drew the last once of Life from the bird, it fell to the ground an empty husk of what was once a beautiful bird.He let the energy roll through his body, he felt alive again.He had forgotten what it felt like to drain something of its essence.But he also remembered how addictive the Idea is.The ability to take someone's life at a distance, without a gun, without them knowing just by finding them in the veil.It was dangerous and wanted nothing
to do with it.

he shook his head as a shiver went down his spine.An after effect of the drain.It always did unsettle him a little.He began to make the pancakes Sionn asked for the night before.The smell brought back good memories, of before it all went
to shit.The days of just him and the kids having fun and being goofy. Then it hit him, like a hammer to the skull.The memory of Connor being diagnosed, the heartache and fear.The helplessness and the sadness.The weight of it broke
him all over gain.Patrick fell to the floor again.This time with a bowl full of pancake batter in hand.

That is what is called a "ripple".We don't get to chose when we have happy or sad thoughts or memories. It happens all at once all the time or not at all.Damned if you do damn if you don't.We are emotion-based beings, when you have the happiest memory it will quickly be followed up by a shitstorm of bad ones.

How do I fix it? does it get less painful?

There s no fixing it.And it only gets worse.Just dont feel emotions,youll be fine.

It was about this time that Sionn woke up and Marsh came home from work.His son and girlfriend found him on the floor of the kitchen at the same time.They both moved quickly to see if he was alright.Making sure not to step in the batter on the floor.

Daddy, are you alright?

Ian, what happened?Are you okay?

Yeah, Ill be fine.I'm so glad to see you two its been a rough morning.

Yeah?Well, we have to get ready to leave. We are going to my parents.

When?Like now?

Yeah, like now.Get dressed.Get your son ready too


Patrick gets dressed and get his son dressed. he doesn't want to go to Marsha's parents and he doesn't want to be down in Kentucky.He has never liked her parents, they're overbearing and judgemental. He has been using his son's death as a way to get sympathy. There people at Connors funeral who didn't even know his gender.But they were there for "emotional support" for her parents.He thought that was bullshit and hated people like that.

The drive to her parent's house is arduous, after a certain point, there is just trees, rocks, and road.The ride down there was silent. Marsha hadn't really spoken to him since the funeral which by this point is almost a month.Basic communication is what he got. The niceties were replaced with necessities, and the love was replaced with resentment.The only thing that was worth his time was his son.Now he has to deal with her parents.

They are met by people who are there to help her parents grieve.To help them heal.But there is nothing to heal there.They were not even there that often.The only reason they would show is that he would guilt them into it.The fact that these strangers were acting like her parents were the grieving parent made him sick.The real intentions of most of these people are to get attention for how much of a "good" person they are.One of the people begins to walk towards
Patrick and his family.

Oh I'm so sorry for your loss...But he is wi

If the next words out of your mouth are with God, I'll break your goddamn jaw

The man stood there in awe for a moment while Marsha took him and told the man no tot take Pat seriously.

He better fucking take me seriously.They all should stop showing up here acting like you were a part of sons life.Your God doesn't like liars right?You are a bunch of fucking selfish liars who are taking advantage of a child dying to
look good in front of people.All it takes is a few phone calls and I will know where all of you live. I will come and burn down every one of your goddamn houses.

At this point Marsha is dragging him into the house.And trying to keep him from hurting someone.Once al of the people leftSionn and Pat went outside to run around and play. He always likes running around with the kids.Marsha sat the porch and crocheted some stuff together.They were acting like a normal family.he was acting like a normal father, at least on the outside.On the Inside, he was a mess, while he was inside the house waiting for for the people to leave he saw the den.

Inside the den Marsha's parents to down all of their pictures and replaced them with pictures of Connor.He tried to remain calm, he tried not to have any emotional reaction to all of the pictures but he couldn't.He started having memories
of what was happening when all of the pictures were taken.One where he walked from chair to chair trying to learn how to walk.One where he stole Marsha's keys and shook them because he lost his toy rattle.One after another flooded his memory.Then it happened again a rush of sorrow and misery came to ruin his day.All of the bad memories.He fell to the floor again, Marsha and her mother came to check on him.They found him on the floor crying and shaking uncontrollably. It seemed like he was having a seizure.A seizure was not, All of the emotions were catching up to him all of the thoughts he tucked away
had finally surfaced.The energy released by this caused his body to convulse and he began to scream.Patrick had fits like this before and all the two worried onlookers could do was watch and make sure he didn't hurt himself or break anything.

After his body settled and the pain receded the thoughts were still there.The most sinister and depraved ways to kill himself.Marsha found him outside on the porch smoking.

Whats wrong with you Ian?Why were you so angry?You haven't been acting right all day.

There is nothing wrong.I am always angry you know this.

As Patrick takes a draw off of is cigarette she sees the ring on his hand.

Thats why....The fucking ring. Mezian is in you, isn't he?I thought you were never going to put that ring back on?You fucking lied to me, Ian.Why would you let him take control of you again?

The ring has nothing to do with my anger with the plebs down her.Mezian and I are the same people Marsha, you know this.The ring wouldn't have stopped him the long run.He got out and spoke to me in my dream.He is going to help me control my anger and rage.It won't be like before, I won't just go on rampages hurting everything that moves.I won't go to other countries ad kill people for money.I'm not that person anymore. I have a family to take care of.

That's right lie to her.Tell her what she wants to hear.She will not let you do what you need to do to survive.

Give me the ring.He cants control you without the ring.

That is not how this works but okay.

Patrick gives Marsha the ring and she puts it in her pocket.She seems worried about the situation.She hesitates for a second then she speaks.

You can sleep out here if you want, But don't come to sleep in the same bed as me.

Are you seriously pissed at me for this?

Marsha says nothing before closing the door.Patrick sits on the porch for a few more hours.Drinking his soda and watching the evening sky.The sky down in Kentucky where they live is beautiful.The sky seems to go on forever and the stars shine brighter than anywhere else he has been.Patrick goes inside and grabs a pillow and blanket.He then lays on the cool grass of the front yard.He thinks of all of the things he has done recently and how he could have done things
differently if could have.The depression hits him hard this time. He lies in the grass crying hoping for it to end soon.

After about half an hour he stops crying. He stands up, walks to Marsha's dad's garage and finds about twenty feet of rope.The man walks towards the open fields behind their house.Just beyond the edge of the field is a tree line.The woods
are filled with spruce, pine and oak trees.There is one oak tree that Patrick has in mind.The monstrous oak can be seen for miles as it towers over the rest of the trees in the woods.Patrick uses the rope to repel up the massive tree, stopping
about thirty feet in the air. He wiggles his way out on to a tree limb.He stands on the massive tree limb, he jumps on the tree limb a few time to see if it can hold his weight.He ties one end of the rope around the limb,using his knowledge
of various knots.He ties the other end into a slipknot.He slides the knot over his head.

He sits with his legs dangling over the limb. He begins to cry as he realizes what is about to do.He closes his eyes and pushes himself off of the limb.He falls towards the ground and then is suddenly stopped.The fall did not break his neck,
he begins to suffocate. He can feel all of the blood going to his head and him losing consciousness.he doesn't try to stop it.He isn't going to live thinking he was a failure. He would rather be dead than to think he was a failure as a father.As his eyes close for the last time he feels himself stop breathing and he dies.He loses his bowls on himself as he sways in the wind coming through the trees.

With a violent jarring thud, his body hits the ground.He gains consciousness again.he can feel the piss and shit on his body as he gains feeling slowly throughout his body.He lifts his head slowly to see what or who is in front of him.
It is a girl no bigger that a preteen.Her features are blurred and she is wearing a long white dress.The girl reaches down and grabs Patrick by the neck.Her grip lifts him up, the pain shoots his neck as she squeezes.

Mezian your attempt at killing yourself again is disheartening.You do not die until we say so.You are not finished with your assignment.Do I need to make an example of you?

Who are you?Why am I not dead?

I am a Sister of Fate, I am Compassion.You are not dead because you can not die by mortal means.I am here to make sure you and this body do not fail me and the other sister.

You don't seem compassionate.You know choking me and all that.

Your humor is still intact I see. I was hoping that would go away with the brain damage.I am compassionate, just not too stupid Seraphims who try to kill themselves over and over again.What is your name Seraphim?

Patrick Coldwe.....

The sister of fate squeezed tighter as she grew angrier.She lifted him higher, off of the ground at this point.

I said what is your name?

Patrick was about to loos consciousness again when he felt a surge of energy engulf him.It was Mezian.

My Name is Mezian, I am the first Son of the Primordials. I am the defender of the week and punisher of the vile. I live and die at the will of the Sisters of Fate.I serve as your humble servant and eager soldier.

Good that is what I wanted to hear.Now to stop this separation silliness from happening again. I will just brand you with a cross to keep you in this body.

Compassion placed her hand on his chest, as his skin boiled up and seared with pain.The Leviathan cross was now embossed onto his chest.The wound seeped blood through his shirt.

Dont worry your healing factor will stop the bleeding and no one else will see it either.Now go back to the house and sleep in the grass and act like none of this happened. Destiny has a plan for you, you'll need to be alive for.
Dont make me have to do this again.I will kill you next time.

Patrick falls to his knees and he looks up to the sister.

Yes sister,as y ou wish.

Patrick walks back to the lawn and lays down.Mezian and he are one once again.For good now.He thinks about the call he had with Kato.The idea of beating up people intrigues him. As he lies on the cool grass he counts the stars and falls soft sleep.The next morning he awakened by his son sitting on his chest.Mezian rolls over and lets out a moan.he was not prepared for that.

Dad,Wake up.Its morning you need to get up.

Okay bud.Go het my phone will you.I need to make a call.

Okay,you getting up now?

Yeah buddy go get my phone.

Yay,I got him up mom!I got him up!

Mezian lay there for a moment and thought of the night before.He didn't know what the sister meant by his destiny.He did know that he had reason to smile with his son, a reason to love with Marsha. Now he may have a reason to fight
if he can get this job at the XWF.Sionn brings out his phone and flops into his lap.While still on the lawn Mezian calls Kato.The phone begins to ring.....

Hello....? Who the hell is this?

This is Patrick Coldwell.I'm calling you back about your job offer.

Do you know what time it is Fuckhead?

It's uhhuh....9:45 am sir.

Maybe where you are, but where I am ist not even 7.So what do you want?

I want he job you offered.

Okay cool I'll have someone call you.What Name are you gonna use in the ring


What the fuck kinda name is that?Whatever when they call you can have them figure that shit out. I'm going back to sleep.Goodbye and Fuck you for calling me this early.

Awhile later someone called him.They spoke for a moment and hung up.Was this his Destiny?Was he meant to rid the world of evil in a wrestling ring?He didn't know, what he did know is he had to be in North Korea in
a month and needed to train.

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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