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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes II RP Board
Talk With A Murderer Part # 2
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-06-2017, 12:56 PM

Continued From CrashTalk With A Murderer Part # 2


How did you know I would come?

Serial Killer: That’s an easy question Mr. Main. I thought when you and I met for the first time you would more interesting questions. But I'll entertain your first question only if you'll answer one of mine after. Do we have a deal Mr. Main?

Yes we have a deal.

Serial Killer: You've come today because of your curiosity my dear boy. After all of this time, you just had to know why I tried to kill you. This is going to be very anticlimactic. Mr. Main, there isn't a reason. There is no method to my madness. You see that is why it took them so long to catch me. Everyone I killed was completely random. Most Serial killers have certain characteristics they look for. Or follow. That is what seemly gets them caught and incarcerated until they die. Me, on the other hand, it didn't matter who I killed as long as I just did it. The person would have a glow to them. That is how I knew they would be the one. There is nothing like strangling the life out of another human. Watching their eyes gloss over, watching them take their final few breaths before dying in my hands. It’s euphoric, to say the least. After I did it everything was normal again for a short while. I didn't crave blood or even the need to kill. I would go back to my normal life. A job. A wife and children. The urge though, mmmmmm! Stronger than the strongest drug it would always come back stronger than before. I would fight it until I could not fight it anymore. Like needing a fix I would give in. Eventually, I just embraced what I was. I was a murderer. A killer. I was the judge and jury. I was the reaper of death. I have no remorse for what I have done.. You though Mr. Main were different. You are the first to escape the death penalty I placed on someone's head. You are my white whale! The one that got away. I often dream of you at night. Yes! I dream of different ways I'd kill you if I had the second chance to do so. Those dreams are so real. When I have them I wake up and feel energized. I feel alive. Just know if I ever did escape this hell hole I live in now. I would most definitely try to kill you again! I would hunt you down enjoying every single second! Now that I have answered one of your questions. You need to answer one of mine. Mr. Main what is your darkest hour in life? What almost broke you?

Robert thinks to himself for a moment. Some people are born good and always trying with all their might to fight off the bad that creeps in from time to time. Some people are born bad and become good through great effort. A back and forth fight. Being pulled from the good to the bad and vice versa. Others are born in light and fall to the evil darkness everyone has inside them. And others are born in darkness and cannot ever seem to find that bright light. Robert tries very hard for a moment to believe otherwise, everyone fits into one of these categories. Robert wonders which one he belongs to. Is he good or bad? An angel or a demon? Robert has always thought he rides the line in between good and evil. He's tried to find that grey area and work within it. Robert understood when Michael passed away, that the life ahead of him would be one filled anger, pain and hatred. Was this the darkness that people turn to? To become pure evil, and is this what Robert wanted for himself.

Throughout Robert's life, he has been surrounded by blazing hot fire and gritty ash. The poison of others and death. It was the only thing Robert always knew, he has fought the darkness for years. Maybe it is time to let it in and embrace it. He was always taught to love people for who they are. To treat others how you would want to be treated. An act of kindness can change a person's life. Kindness can turn a terrible day around. A simple call to a friend in need can keep them sane. Keep them from doing the wrong thing. Robert always smiled, behind it though a man full of malice and cruel intent. Robert isn't sure what he is becoming now. Something is changing inside of him. What he isn't sure. He knows he isn't like this psychopath trapped behind bars for the rest of his days. Robert wasn't trained to be the perfect killer. Like the man in front of him. This man could use anything out of your imagination and with surgical precision cut you into little pieces like a butcher. Put anything in this man's hands and it instantly becomes a weapon. If he got the chance he would use it to bludgeon you to death.

When my friend passed away from leukemia! He was a great baseball player. He could have gone to any college he choose. He'd be playing in the major leagues today. That is the darkest moment of my life! Want to know the worst part of it? I wasn't there to say goodbye! I was chasing my own dreams. I'll never forgive myself for it either. I honestly do not know why I am here!

Serial Killer: Oh but Mr. Main you do know why you are here. You are fighting the same darkness I have inside of me. But yours is something far different than what is inside of me! You see I was born with the devil inside of me! When you watch someone's last breath leave their body. I always looked deep into their eyes. Watching them fade away Robert. In that very moment, I made the decision that sealed their fate! I was like God. Robert, you need to embrace this darkness. It will make you become better at what you do in the ring! Oh yes, Mr. Main I know what you do and I even get to watch.

The cold look reflected on the serial killer's face that gave Robert shudders. His hands were tightly closed around the cold surface of the metallic grey colored cell bars. He seemed to have no sense of humanity left inside of him. His heart seemed to be made of stone, the way he had brutally killed so many innocent souls. Robert would never forget the evil glint in the man's cold hazel beady eyes. The man behind the bars had a smell of danger to him. He was bound much differently from the rest, both of his feet were shackled with heavy duty leg chains attached to the floor. The chains were very heavy and long they were wound all the way around his body twice, holding the man in place. The killer also has a thick metal collar and two rings on his neck, one attached to the floor as well as the others. The other which hung two irons reaching to his waist with two manacles fixed to them in which his hands were secured by a big padlock so that he could not raise his hands to his mouth or lower his head to his hands. As the killer stares at Robert not moving a muscle his now frail skin and bone body ready to strike if Robert were to get close enough. With every move, the killer's chains rattle like a snake warning that you're too close.

The term murderer was a word mostly reserved for psychopaths. Of the mentally insane. If killing was done for a means of survival no-one would blink an eye or even think less of you as a human being. If you killed because someone broke into your home and you were defending your family and property. No one thinks twice about it. They just move on with their lives. But the. You have those who took life the beautiful life that was given to them and committed acts of unforgettable violence. They crumpled under the weight of guilt, even if they'd no choice. There were some who killed when necessary and never lost one bit of sleep over what they had done. They never thought for a second about the families they destroyed. The careers that they ended. Hearts were broken and shattered into millions of pieces. These vile people made killing a hobby, look at them the wrong way and they attacked with lethal force. Either way, you look at it! A killer is a killer.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I am nothing like you! You kill for enjoyment. You have ruined countless people's lives because you could not control yourself. You are sick in the head and need more help than anyone on this planet would ever be able to give you. We all have dark times in our lives. But normal people do not kill random people. I do not have a monster inside of me! You're insane!

Maniacal laughter!

Serial Killer: Insane? Insanity is nothing more than working a nine-to-five job sitting there every day with people you hate. Trying to climb your way up the corporate ladder. You get up every day putting on that Suit & Tie you hate! The fake smile the kissing your boss's ass. All for what money? Money never brings happiness. You go to work because you have to. Because of debt or as I would like to call it modern day slavery! That Mr. Main to me is insanity at its finest. I'm crazy because I cut someone up toss then in a wood chipper and spread their body all over the state. Look at society today. Everywhere you look there is insanity. You must take it in Robert if you ever want to become more than what you are.

What do you mean more than what I am? I'm a double champion. In my business that's not good, that's great. I'm doing something so few have done!

Serial Killer: Oh Mr. Main! Is that all you want to be? A double champion? I watch you every single time you wrestle. You have become my sick obsession. My dirty little secret. All I have in here is watching you become more and more successful. So one day I can say I killed one of the greatest wrestlers on Earth! I see the men you have allied yourself with. I'm a huge fan of Graves and his work. Tell him I said hello if you would!

What else could I become?

Serial Killer: Oh Robert I thought you were smarter than this deep down you know what you want to become. You know the dark path you must take to get there. After all this whole pay per view is called High Stakes correct! We will be watching it illegally I might add. What is the grandest opportunity Robert in the main event?

A shot to become The Universal Champion!

Serial Killer: Yes my child! But before we get ahead of ourselves you have a championship match against a man you have already beaten twice. On Warfare we watched you destroy this man. But Robert there is something more to this man. He is loved. Many people look up to him! He uses his twisted humor to get underneath your skin. Robert, you have to approach this man differently. You must attack his mind first and break him down mentally. You must knock him down from his spot among the loved. Bring him down to your level. Show people who he truly is. Turn the people against him. After you break his mind Robert to kill him. You must attack his heart!

Why would you want to help me? You tried to kill me And what do you mean by attack his heart? I don't understand?

Serial Killer: Oh Mr. Main don't remind me of my failure! I know you got away! I merely just trying to give you advice! Take it or not! Drag this man down into the trenches and go after his wife! Robert Main! Go after his wife!

Are you being serious? I cannot go after a man's wife! That's beyond low. I might be a son of a bitch. But I'll never go there! That's just wrong!

Serial Killer: You say you don't! Or you won't Robert! Do you want to win this match? Do you want to defeat him? Do you want your shot at becoming even greater than you already are?

Yes I do!


Robert quickly gets up falling over the metal stool placed in front of the cell. Robert backs away from the cell coming to a stop at the guard's feet. Robert slowly gets up dusting off his black Gucci suit staring into the cell.

Mr. Main are you alright? Don't let this guy spook you. He's always trying to work some angle. Somehow a few months ago he enticed a guard to get close enough to his cell and this crazy nearly killed him.

Serial Killer: How is Ricky! I only ripped out one of his eyes. God gave him two for a reason! Remember Mr. Main let it in. Let it consume you! Also when you bump into The Good Doctor tell him to come and see me sometime.

Robert begins walking away past all of the other cells filled with maniacs. He looks down towards his hand. He watches them tremble. He feels his heart racing. His mind wandering.

He cannot be, right? To do something so disgusting so slime ball like! That would be taking things to a whole new level. He is right Cadryn is nothing like I have ever faced before. He is adored. Fans and wrestlers alike flock to him. Plus there is more on the line at High Stakes! A shot at the Universal Championship! Either way, if I want what is due to me. What I am owed I have to win my match. Holding the Hart Championship long enough gets me a shot. But winning High Stakes would take my career to new heights!

Guard: Hey are you alright? You're talking to yourself man!

I'm fine.

Robert's mind begins racing like a runaway train barreling towards a bridge that's out. He thinks to himself what if the crazy killer in the cell was right! Sanity is nothing more than a limited mind. Sanity is just a mental operating system that everyone is supposed to accept. The masses believe within normal parameters everything will always be okay until it's not. Robert isn't like the run of a mill normal thinking person, He has something beautifully different from the others. He can turn this crazy on and off like a light switch. He can shift from the normal cocky, egotistical ass hole that he is known worldwide for another person altogether quite invisibly. Robert knows if he goes here it will change things in the wrestling world forever! It will change how he is perceived. This match this opponent has left him no choice in the matter this time around locked inside a triple story cage he must unleash the inner monster he has tried to hold down. No more cozy chats, no more honesty, no more bull shit, time to make this match something far more personal.


A sadistic smile slowly forms on Robert's face as he walks through the front door out into the parking lot of the Clark County maximum security prison. Robert pulls his dark black aviators from his suit pocket with a half smoked a Cuban cigar and his silver Zippo lighter. He places his cigar in his mouth and places his sunglasses over his eyes. All with one motion, as he's coming back down with his hand his lighter is already lit. He lights his cigar walking towards his lime Lamborghini. Robert gets to his car slowly unbuttoning his suit jacket taking a seat on his beautiful car. He pulls his cigar up to his lips inhaling the sweetness before blowing the thick smoke out into the air. The smoke quickly dissipates into nothing.

Roberts’s brain is now nothing more than an extinguished fire. Once burning bright, he has now flipped his switch. Walking into the prison he knew happiness and light. Now all he can see is a dark future filled with torture, pain! To get what he wants in this business he has to change. Now his mind is dark, subsisting on the burnt tinder of who he was a few hours ago. In these very ashes of his mind nothing to even renew the spark of light. All he can do is live in the moment. Live heartbeat to heartbeat. Letting the darkness take hold!

Cadryn I've seen your last two promos and bra-fucking-vo! You see I have been going about this whole thing the wrong way. Clearly, wins and losses don't matter to you. Famous last words of second place! The first loser. You are one fucking foolish man. To think making a puppet and mocking me would do anything more than make you look like the we've all come to think of when your name is spoken. Cadryn is synonymous with the word loser! Second best! Coming up short. You wasted the world's time trying to make a point with the ranking system. You went through the dates and times. Where you were and where I stood at each of these specific dates and times. Who fucking cares! That's the past dick! What people care about is the right here and now. Where am I today Cadryn? Where? That’s right number mother fucking 1! Number one you bitch! You claim I have leveled out. Funny how being number one is plateauing! I need you to wrap your small brain around something! Look at one thing. You claimed you’re the greatest thing since sliced fucking bread. Reaching levels of stardom I’ll never see! But in the rankings all rankings you stated. Where were you? That’s right bitch boy! Below your daddy! Getting the big fat MAIN dick shoved down your throat! You can claim to be better than me. You can dream of beating me. I’ll allow that! But if you do dream of beating me. You better goddamn apologize when you wake up. You tried to make this valiant point about how you were better. Or rankings didn’t matter! Bull shit. If Heyman thought for a split second that you were better than I was you would be placed above me, ass hole! You can meat spin this however you'd like. You are delusional! You can run to a knight’s tale! You can pretend you have this situation under control. Deep down inside I know you are nothing more than a scared little boy crying for his mommy! I can smell the fear in the air Cadryn! Right now as I speak that fear is running through your veins like a poison! Slowly making you doubt who and what you are capable of. I can see the fear written all over your face! You have the look in your eyes of uncertainty! You know you cannot defeat me! You can try to mask what you are truly feeling inside! Just know I know it’s all a lie! I am the face of fear Cadryn! High Stakes you will find out first fucking hand!

What I have to say you call mundane and generic! I call it something else entirely Cadryn! The things that I have to say is something called the truth! You can twist anything up that I say! That’s the name of the game! But when have I spoke out and been wrong? When have I not followed through on my word? Each and every time I step foot in the ring. I go in kick the living shit out of whomever! I walk out with another win! You see I care about winning. I care about championships! I want to cement my legacy for generations! I want to be something more than what you want! I don’t want to be remembered as a sideshow act! A comedian! You can play the funny guy as long as you’d like! Where has it gotten you? Beaten time and time again! But there is another reason you are beaten! You have no true grit. Maybe if you’d pull the The Kings dick from your mouth for a split second! Maybe you’d see who you truly are! Of course, you have to wipe that white creamy The King’s ransom from your face as well! If you would like to see a true king. Look no further! I’m right here in the flesh. I know that I talk a lot. I’m cocky well, very cocky! But why wouldn’t I be? No one and I fucking mean no one Cadryn, is on my level when it comes to wrestling in the ring! I shine when it is all on the line! Something you can’t say for yourself! I don’t know you? I don’t know your potential? I’ve bested you two other times! In tag team matches! Where you came up with excuse after excuse on why you lost the match! You have no potential when you are in the ring with me! You are dead in the water! A boat with no motor! I know you very well! You would better fit asking people if they would like a large coke with their meal! You are the very fucking definition of a loser! You think you have seen my tactics? Sub par at best? I’m just warming up! Once I am done with you the cat will most definitely have your tongue! Generic tough guy? Really? That’s your best shot besides a sock puppet? Cadryn I am so much more than a tough guy! I’m something you will never become! Just like I told Danny Imperial a few weeks ago! I am a true champion! I am a winner! As long as I am champion! You will never become Hart Champion!

Robert gets up off the hood of his car and walks slowly towards the driver’s side flipping his now finished cigar onto the ground! He checks his silver Rolex for the time leaning up against the driver’s side door.

You say that I don’t get how life works? I don’t understand the things that go on around us! How do you know what I understand? Do you know the things that I have been through in my life? I have overcome all of the odds. I have been through things you couldn’t even begin to understand! I’ve talked about them before! Seems you weren’t listening! So I’ll go over them again! I know you’re slow! I’m sure you will have your own trials and tribulations. But don’t tell me I don’t understand how life works! I’ve lost family members in a plane crash in Texas. Take from the world too soon! I’ve lost a friend to leukemia at 18 years old! I had my neck broken in Japan! I was told I would never wrestle again! I’ve had insane murderers try to kill me. How many times have you had someone try to kill you? Shooting bullets into a taxi cab hitting the driver flipping the car several times. Getting my arm broken in two spots. Almost losing my life when it burst into flames. Do not fucking tell me I do not understand how life works! I get how it works! Life is a bitch then you die. You take the good with the bad. You fight when you have to! Life works Cadryn the way I want it to! To your life might not be about wins and losses! To me winning is everything! You have winners and losers in life. Chumps and Champions! I know where I stand! You are the one who seems to be confused about where you do! So you are the humble man! Being humble is for losers and pussies! If you want to accept the fact that you are a loser and a man humbled by each loss that’s okay! I am a man who must win by any means necessary! I am a man above being humbled! Because I am the one handing out the humble pie! Cadryn I will spoon feed you crow! I am not this hero you think you are I am the villain in this story! In this story called life Cadryn! The villain wins! You want to brag about beating men like Nixon! Jack Cain! By all means, shout from the rooftops until you are blue in the face! Get in front of any recording device that you can and tell the world! You beat Nixon! But wait a second! You didn’t really beat Nixon! As soon as that title touched your grubby little hands it went right back to where it belongs around Nixon’s waist! You didn’t do anything against him! It didn’t count dumb ass. Maybe it’s a moral victory for you? I face Nixon with his title on the line! I beat him every time! No disrespect to him! He has a lock on the Television Championship! But if I ever did want that title! I’d walk in and take it before he ever knew what had hit him! Much like you Cadryn that title and Nixon are below my standards! I’m moving up in the world where you seem to float from mid-pack to the back of the pack! I’m number one for a reason! I don’t live my life based upon moral victories and false hope! I’m sure half the damn roster is cheering you on hoping somehow some way you walk away as the winner! I get it no one wants to face me because they to know, they cannot defeat me! They know my championship is going to stay right where it belongs! Over my shoulder! Hell Peter is salivating at the fact! He knows facing you is an easy Championship win! This whole routine is about to change! You see I have been going about this the wrong way! So I’m going to change it up!

Robert opens the door to his Lambo he watches the door slowly head towards the sky! He grins taking a seat pulling out his phone. Robert fidgets around with it for a few moments. You can hear One of Cadryn's recent promos in the background when Robert smiles and seemingly hits pause! Robert looks up at the camera smiling.

I only drive the best! See I don’t drive an old piece of shit! When you’re on top and the money piles in and you can have the very best! Unlike yourself Cadryn! Now I see you claim to be this loving and caring husband wrestling in the XWF to put food on your table at night. That right there is a true man. Honorable, only if it were true! If you were this amazing husband you claim to be then why risk everything for your very own personal gain? You are literally risking it all for what Cadryn? To possibly gain something more than a 15-second championship run? Or are you looking to move past the whole 24/7 titles you seem to be so proud of? You are putting cash on the line that you and your wife actually needs? Pathetic! You would honestly have better odds while in Las Vegas if you just went to the roulette table and placed everything in your account on black. I’m the house in this situation! In the end, the house always gets the win! They might trick you into thinking you are winning for a second. But in the end, you end up broke as a joke! You will never win this match. As long as I draw a breath you will never touch my title. You're not a husband! You are a joke. Putting yourself first before your wife? You should be ashamed of yourself! Embarrassed to show your face at home. I hope she eats up everything you have in those cabinets over the next few weeks. Because when I am done with you I'll be cleaning out your account. Not only am I going to beat you in that cage come the pay per view! I am going to take everything from you! I am going to take away your pride! I will steal away your will to go on! I will take away your one shot at glory! And after the nose dive into the earth! Everyone will witness a beautiful crash and burn. After you fall short again! I will take the only thing that you have left! Your money! After this match, I will take everything from you! Even your wife!

Robert turns his phone around revealing Cadryn’s wife. He has his promo from Warfare paused! The camera zooms in on his wife’s face as Robert begins laughing.

Natalie? That’s her name, right? She’s very pretty! It looks like you have done pretty well for yourself in the wife department! I’d never marry a woman that looked like her. I get with super models. But I can make a change! After I take everything from you! I’ll take your heart away! I’ll take your wife! You guys will be in Las Vegas after all! I’m sure she and I will bump into one another! I will find her Cadryn! I would have loved to see the look on your wife’s face when you said I'm putting it all on the line against Robert Main. I’m betting the house! I bet her face turned green and she almost vomited on the spot. You know you will lose to me. Whether she is willing to say it to your face or not who knows. I noticed you've been saying I either have a pussy or am a pussy. Speaking of pussy. Natalie!! She's got one hell of a nice ass. I bet she's been begging for a real man for a long time now. Maybe after our match at the pay per view, I'll show her what a real man looks like. Or hell maybe I’ll find her before! While you’re making sock puppets and acting like a stooge. I’ll be making sweet love to your fucking wife! I'll show her the dick she has been missing since the day she married you! She will love the way my stubble feels between her thighs. Maybe after I'm done popping her pussy like it has never been popped I'll call up Graves and he can film another round in the morning after I wreck her. We can call it “Breakfast With The Omega”. I like the way that sounds. Got a nice ring to it. Don't worry Cadryn I'll make sure she eats all her breakfast up. Nothing better after a long, long night of getting pounded like a jackhammer than a big long sausage in the morning followed by two boiled eggs and a nice creamy vanilla protein shot!

After I'm am done with her all of AX3 will tag in if you know what I mean Cadryn? We are after all the Trio Tag Team Champions! Then when we are through with her after a few hard gang bangs. We'll call our buddy Trax! He loves those country girls. Especially if they got that ass. As Trax likes to put it! They say once you go black you never go back! But I honestly think Jim could change her mind. Hell any of us could after having a shrimp dick like yours in her for years! And to think I heard she was highly allergic to shellfish! Cadryn your wife is going to be my bitch. Beat up from the feet up. I'll have her on her knees begging for more "Omega Loads". Every time she wants to brush her teeth she will reach for my dick! I’ll find her!


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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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(06-12-2017), (06-06-2017), "The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler (06-10-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (06-06-2017), JimCaedus (06-08-2017)

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