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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » High Stakes II RP Board
The raod to High Stakes part 1
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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06-04-2017, 07:18 PM

May31,2017Raliegh North Carolina.2237

Moments after being thrown from the top the cage we bear witness to Mezian being placed into an ambulance and headed to a local hospital.The scene in the back of this ambulance is grim.Mezian hasn't moved or made a sound since he fell. The paramedics have him strapped to the gurney to make sure he does move and possibly cause more

Matt is sitting in the back with His friend.All of the things they have gone through has not prepared him for this.
He may have lost his best friend.Although he is breathing it is faint and very sporadic. He watches and the lights pass by and the cars begin to move after pulling over. The view out the back of this ambulance is occasionally
highlighted by the red light of the sirens on the top of the vehicle.

Matt waits a little longer before calling Marsha. It is a call he doesn't want to make...

Hey Marsh, its Matt we need to talk about something....

Marsha has had these kinda calls before, usually because Mezian had gotten drunk, or he had done something stupid.
But with the empty deadpan sound of Matt's voice and the faint sound of the siren in the background, she knew this was different.

Hey Matt what's up?is everything okay? How is Ian doing?How did his match go?

Marsha never watched the XWF, not because she didn't support Mezian, It was because she thought the Idea
of men fighting in their underwear was"stupid".She knew Ian loved it and she knew that it was what made him happy. He needed that kind of happiness.

Okay so Ian took a pretty nasty bump. he was thrown off the top of a steel cage. He hit the announcers table.
Then the concrete. He is breathing but he hasn't moved since he fell and he is non-responsive. I need you to come down
to Raliegh.

Matt paused trying to find the right word for the situation.

You know ....Just in case. So have Jessalyn watch Sionn and grab the plane and head down here.I 'll try to keep him
around as long as I have the power to.

What hospital are you going to?

Its called Duke Raliegh Hospital.I need you here as soon as you can. I don't have the power to make decisions.

Okay ill be there in a few hours.You keep around, You hear me. You better not let him die.

Matt hung up the phone and began to wonder what if He does die.What will happen to his family?What if
he makes it and he can't walk anymore? That would kill him, the only thing his friend has ever really felt at home was in a ring.

Whether in was an octagon, a square or a patch of dirt in the backyard of someone's house.He had to make sure he would be okay. No matter what he felt about Mezian he was a friend.He had to make the right choice for the
sake of his friend.

[Image: duke-raleigh-hospital-imaging-services_1...k=tGdQUQn-]

They arrived at the hospital and Mezian was rushed to the back. The doctors and nurses swarmed him like bees
to honey. Matt bared got a word in edgewise to explain the situation before Mezian was rushed off for an x-ray.
he had never seen his friend bad off. With tubes and wires coming from different parts of his body.He had
to ensure his friend would make it.

He went to the closest empty bathroom with Mezians gear bag.He knew Mezain kept a Leviathan cross in his bag
for safe keeping. He also knew that this would be as good of a time as any to speak to the Spirits or Souls that inhabited the cross.he found one of the Handicapped stalls towards the back.

He threw the bag on the floor and locked the stall door behind him. he propped the Cross upon the back of the toilet.As he stood straddling the bowl he took the ceremonial knife out of the bag.He stared at the knife for a
moment he had never spoken to the sisters of fate. He wondered if they would even answer him.But now was not the
time to question his abilities as a chosen.

Matt slices his palm open and blood seeps from his open wound. He clinches his palm, filling his hand with blood.
He then places the bloodied palm on the bone cross and recites the summoning ritual.

Sisters of Fate I seek your guidance, I beckon thee for the hopes of enlightenment, Come forth and show me my fate, Help this chosen to find his way.

Matt felt himself crumple to his knees as he heard the whispers of the whispers...

Azrial Why do you summons us, We do not answer to you.Where is Mezian?

Mezain is hurt badly. I summoned you to ask for guidance. I need you to show me a way I can help him.
I can't let him die, I have to do something.

Silly boy, Mezian isn't going to die, his body is just damaged badly. It is not the time for him to join the other side yet.Do you wish to help him speed up his healing?

Yeah, That works I wanna help him heal.

You must hurt like he hurts, you must bleed like he bleeds, You must sacrifice a part of your life
essence to preserve Mezian's.

Yes I will, I will do what it takes.

At that moment Matt felt all of the pain Mezian did. The broken ribs, as his ribs gave way to the pressure
placed on them by the sisters. The concussion and injuries to his cervical sections of his spine, while the sisters
contort his head and neck.Finally, his legs snapped inside the skin as the sisters twisted them like twigs. Matt finally passes out from pain able to scream or make any noise.

Matt seems like hours later Matt wakes up in the Waiting room. The gear bag next to him, the knife and cross inside
the bag.The cut on his palm healed to almost nonexistence. And all of the pain he went through a terrifying memory.He hears footsteps approaching from behind him. He turns to see who it is. There stands Marsha with a Nurse.

There you are, Matt, they didn't know where you were.Where have you been?

Matt looks at his hand once more to see if he had a scar. He found himself more disappointed anything else that
he didn't.

I guess I fell asleep. I had a really fucked up dream.How is Pat? Is he okay?

He was touch and go there for a few moments, but he made it through the rough parts. Which is sort of
a miracle? He had a lot of injuries, mostly to his neck and spine.

Marsha watched Matts face as the nurse explained things.He looked relieved in what he had heard. Like he had
been the reason he was hurt.

You alright Matt?How did this happen?

Like I said it was a really bad bump.Cadryn through him off the top of a steel cage.I guess he didn't expect it.
But as long as he is okay It doesn't really matter now.

You can see him if you guys want.

Matt and Marsha answered in unison with careful excitement" Yes".The nurse walked them back to the elevators.
from there they walked down a long quiet hallway.Marsha had been in hallways like this before, they still made her uncomfortable.They walked a little further to an area marked as ICU. They both knew that it wasn't good if he was in the ICU.

They turned a corner and Mezian was visible from where they stood. They were separated by two large glass doors.
They could see his neck brace and all of the monitors watching every function his body could make.They also could see
the tube that protruded from his mouth, taped to his face to help him breathe. matt wondered if he actually helped him
at all.

The nurse led them through the doors and closed it behind them.she started to explain exactly what was wrong.

Mr. Coldwell has fractured three of his cervical vertebrae. This may lead to him not walking ever again.
He also has several broken ribs which caused his lungs to fill with water. Which is why he has the respirator.
He also Broke his pelvis and both legs below the knees. He is a fighter for sure.

You can stay here or we can get you bed on the floor so you can sleep better. Either way, you will be informed of
any changes or news that occurs.

I've slept in a hospital chair before ill be fine. Matt do you need a bed?

Ill probably not sleep, If I do it will be on the floor in the other chair.

Okay if you need something let us know the nurse's station is just down the hall.Call us with the button
if you need something.

The nurse left the room. Marsha sat in the chair and curled up to sleep.She found an extra blanket and pillow
in the linen closet in the room. Matt just sat there staring at his friend.The sounds of his heart monitor and respirators the only sound in the room.The consistent sounds lulled Marsha to sleep while giving Matt something to fixate on. It remained that way until the next day.

June 1,2017.Mezian's Room 0845

The sounds of alarms and doctors rushing into the room is what awakens Matt and Marsh both.The sight of doctors and nurses trying to restrain Mezian. There was medical staff on all sides of him.The sound of Mezian gagging as he
tore the tube out of his mouth echoed over the sound of the alarms.

Ian, stay still let them do what they need to do.Don't hurt yourself worse than you already are.Please
just lay back and let them take the tube out.

Seriously dude just lay back and let them take care of shit.You need to chill the fuck out like right
now.I'll knock you back out right now if you don't chill out.

Where is Cadryn?I'll kill him.He fucked with the wrong person. Let me at him.Wait, where am I?Why am I in the
Hospital?How bad was that fall?

Mezian begins to calm down once he realizes the fact he isn't in the arena training room. The onset of confusion
and fear kicks in.That followed by the pain of him removing his breathing tube.He begins to cough, occasionally a bit of blood come with it.He relaxes and the doctors, Matt and Marsha explain what happened.

Really?I honestly don't remember any of it. I remember being on top of the cage and then I woke up here.

Here dude let me show you.I have the footage on my phone for you.

Mezian watches the Matt replay and Matt pauses it right before the last moments.He looks at Mezain

And this is where things went sideways. You may not like it.

Quote:The arena illuminates once more!

Mezian is sitting on the top of the cage with one leg over each side when he realizes that directly in front of him is Cadryn Tiberius!

Cadryn winks at Mezian before grabbing him and in one deft move, launches Mezian off of the top of the cage!

Mezian crashes through the announce table and to the concrete below!



The arena goes silent.

The sound of 3 bell tolls can be heard across the arena..


Mezian sits in horror as he watches his body bounce off of the concrete after going through the table.
He sits and watches the video over and over again and with every view, he cringes and feels all the pain over and over again.he begins to question why he is even alive.But he knows there is a reason he isn't paralyzed.

Mezian looks at Matt, Knows that he used the cross. he knows that Matt had to sacrifice something to get this result. But he also knows that he can't really talk about it in front of Marsha. She knows about the chosen
rituals but she doesn't need to know how they work.

Can we leave soon I have work to do. I need to prepare for High stakes. I have to get a hold of Jody.
I have to make sure he knows I'm okay.

I already took care of all of that stuff. I called Jody, Mr.lane and Mrs. .They all know what is
going on.I still haven't called them to let them know you're awake.

Dont, I wanna talk to them personally.I wanna let them know I'm not dead, nothing they can do will kill me.

What do you mean you have to get ready for High Stakes?You are not going to do anything other than getting some rest
and go home. I'm not gonna let you kill yourself over some stupid match.

Marsha I understand that this is upsetting for you. but this what I love to do.this is my passion, this is what pays for all the things you have and all the things you want to have.This is my lively hood. You and Sionn are
my life. I want you to have everything you guys want.

Just let me do these matches in the tourney and I'll hang it up for a month or tow. Please, just let me finish what
I started.

Alright, You can finish this tourney. When it is done I expect you to take some time off.Okay?

I promise, I will take time off. Now go call Jessalyn and check on Sionn.

Marsha leaves the room to make the phone call. Matt looks at Mezian he knows he is lying.

You aren't really gonna give it up for a few months are you? Why would you lie to he like that?

I didn't lie to her. I am gonna hang it up for a few months. I have enough money right now. I took care of some loose ends.We will be fine even if I'm not working.And why do you care so much?

Is it because you have feelings for my girlfriend? Do you think you could treat her better than I can?Well
do you? Answer me goddamn it.

matt didn't know how Mezian knew all these things. But they were true, All Of it was one of the reasons
he wanted out of the house. He couldn't be there and feel the way he did and still call Mezian a friend.

Look Pat its not like that, Man I...I ..Don't know what to say to you[/ornage]

There is nothing you can say, Matt. When you gave a part of you to save me I saw your deepest darkest thoughts.
Isaw your thoughts about Marsha.I expected more from someone I call a friend.The cross has joined our thoughts. At least your thoughts to mine.It won't last forever but you need to know, I know all of your secrets now.

I am inside your head, I have seen the things you have done and how you truly feel about me. So you have this one chance to get out of my room. Before i get up and toss you out that window.

Pat, look all of what they showed you is true but I'm not trying to plot against you. I'm trying to look out
for Marsha and your son.And I don't think you're in the best place to be making threats.I mean you're in a neck brace with
a broken pelvis bud. I'm not gonna be intimidated by you right now.So I'm gonna stay right here and wait for Marsha to get back from her call.

Mezian sat up took his neck brace off and stood up. He removed all of the wires that were connected to his monitors.He cracks his neck and sighs in relief. He calmly and menacingly walks to Matt and leans into his ear and

What makes you think you can do anything to me?I am near immortal, I have been almost killed multiple times.
the last person that sat in front of me and said they were not afraid of me put a bullet through his own skull.Now I'm gonna say this once and only once.You are going to leave here go to your apartment that I pay for and pray that I don't
come looking for you.

There is nothing you can do to that will change the outcome of your destiny.You merely are awaiting the moment where
you die alone in a hotel room with a hooker on one arm and a need in the other.Matt, I have seen your future, and it isn't
what you think it will be. So be happy with the life you have now.Because it will be very very unhappy if you cross me again.Do you understand me?

Matt sat in the chair he slept in shook his head yes. He had seen the evil inside of his friend but not towards him.Matt caught up in the fear and anxiety of the situation relieved his bladder on himself

No go clean yourself up, Matt. You wouldn't want Marsha to see you like the sniveling weasel you really are. I love how Cupcake soft you really are.

Mezian looks through his gear back and find his cell phone. it still ha some charge. He checks some things and watches some promos. He listens to Jody's and makes a note to call him tomorrow after his consultations with the doctors.
be he decides to cut a promo while he has the time.

Well I guess you assholes though I was done. Well, guess what I'm not.Cadyrn a lot can be said about you but the one
thing I will say is you have got some goddamn balls. You got me this time bud you got me good.We are even for now.But
once it is all said and done I want you and me to handle this like men in a cage.

Speaking of things I need to do. I see Jody and I Have a match against the "the Purebred Killers".That is almost as
bad as BX3. You mother fucker think that you are killers, hahaha hahaha that ha to be the funniest shit I have ever seen.
So let me get this straight you two think for a second that you have a chance in the tourney?Honestly, I thought you guys
were just part times who got jobbed out to the bosses and their buddies....I'm looking at you, Gilmour.

Peter F'n Gilmour....The King of Extreme.The only extreme thing about you is the fantasies you have about being relevant
in this company. Your EXTREMEly delusional, EXTREMEly outdated and most importantly you are EXTREMEly out of your depth.
Yes, I know that I haven't done much compared to you but I am just starting in this company. I am part of the new generation,
The set of stars that will light the skies for years to come. While you....You are a dwarfed sun releasing its last bit of
energy trying to stay important. But when the encroaching darkness that is this new generation of Star eclipses you last beams of light, you will be snuffed out and no one will remember you or your accomplishments.

So tell me how extreme are you, Peter? How extreme will you be as a bleeding puddle on the floor while Your partner
McBride watches on helpless to do anything.

Now Micheal Mcbride he...he is a different story. The pride of the Irish, The man who has in the short time I have been here
as done next to nothing. I mean I guess gloating about his "kill" count is something to be proud of. Which I have to question for a moment. Micheal, I honestly have to ask have you ever really killed someone?Have you ever really taken a
life?Have you watched as their light leaves their eyes? Or how the body lets go of its bowels as every muscle relaxes.
The smell that creates will turn your stomach.It's something you don't forget.And you will never get that smell out of your nose. So, Micheal, do you have that smell still, Do you still have the images of every one of those people engraved into your mind. Do you dream of them, do they haunt your thoughts? Because my kills all haunt me, I still see there empty
expressions and I can still smell their piss and shit as it left their body.

So the chances of you guys being "purebred killers' are highly Unlikely. The more likely team name should be
"Purebred Posers". That's all you are irrelevant, archaic, posers that represent a dying breed.And I will personally
take you out back behind the arena and put you down for good.High Stakes is the beginning of the end for this tag division
and you are just casualties of the war. You are just victims 3 and 4.

Mezain stops the recording and sends it to the website. he notices Marsha coming down the hall and he hops back into bed. Right then Matt walks out of the bathroom and sits back into the chair. The act like nothing happened.

to be continued....

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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