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Paulie's Thoughts: Round 2
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Paul Heyman

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05-22-2017, 07:14 PM

I can't help but think that I've made, excuse the pun, a grave mistake, in regards to this matchup. Do not misunderstand me, only a fool would underestimate Dolly Waters. The thing is, when I made this matchup it was with the idea that Dolly would not be all alone. Thaddeus Duke would obviously watch her back right? Wrong. Shortly after I made the match, that sneaky back stabbing cunt kicked poor Dolly in the face and I was watching in Vincent's office when it happened. My jowls hit the floor and my eyes grew wide.

Dolly Waters is all alone in this world and Micheal Graves has been stalking his prey like the disgusting piece of shit that he is.

I fear I've done the wrong thing in setting this match inside the House of Horrors. Certainly, the chamber makes it virtually impossible for AX3 to interfere. Key word, virtually. The Titanic was virtually unsinkable. The Twin Towers were virtually indestructible.

Titanic sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic.

The Twin Towers crumbled to twisted steel and broken concrete in Lower Manhattan.

The moral here, is do not tempt fate, because it has a way of pushing back. I dislike very greatly, tempting the gods. I dislike very greatly, locking a child predator inside of a chamber with a child.

I fully expect for Dolly to be able to handle herself against Micheal Graves. However, I'm not confident this was a good decision. If something bad happens to Dolly Waters within the House of Horrors, it is something that'll haunt me the rest of my days.

I know her and I have had a rocky 2017, but nothing I have done makes me more proud, than watching her defy the odds. I just hope she has it in her to do it once more at High Stakes.
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