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JackCain Offline
Fighting to the last man

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

05-08-2017, 11:47 AM

**A wide angle shot of a city street at night in a run down area of New York. In the distance, emergency services sirens can be heard. Movement can be seen on one street far below. The camera moves in, slowly zooming in on one particular street. Small fires blaze amongst the scene, which is gradually revealed to be a riot. Men, women and children are fighting each other, the cause unknown. Some fight for food, some fight for anger, others fight for no reason at all. One man fights because he wants to. The shot gets closer, finding Jack Cain, dressed all in black, standing in the centre of the carnage as the brawl goes on around him. Screaming, shouting and crying echo throughout the street as the sirens draw nearer.**

They say there’s a science to pain. That it’s not an emotional response. It’s a chemical thing. And it’s true - to an extent. In some ways, you gotta look at how the body responds to the things that cause you pain.

**Cain hits the nearest rioter with a hard right hand - sending him crumpling to the ground while the violence continues to rage around him. The man screams in pain while holding his jaw.**

Tissue damage. That’s what starts it. Something like a rock, knife, bullet or a fist makes contact with your soft tissue. That’s part one. That causes tissue damage, which is picked up by pain receptors in your skin - and they’re fuckin’ tiny - I’m talking microscopic here. There’s millions of them all over you, and they pick up the tiniest amount of trauma. So imagine how fuckface here feels now I’ve broken his jaw?

**The man continues writhing on the ground, trying to get to his feet. Cain plants a boot firmly in his gut. Another man comes at him with a piece of masonry. Cain disarms him, twisting his wrist until he shouts out in pain. Cain then headbutts him, sending blood spraying over the ground, spattering over Cain’s own face, staining it red**

All of these little pain receptors are connected to a nerve, and that sends a signal to your spinal cord. From there, the nerves in your spinal cord send out chemicals to your brain, that say “fuck, that hurts”, and you’d better get the Hell outta whatever it is that’s bustin’ you up. Those chemicals send out signals to different parts of your brain, and you end up with three things.

**Cain boots another rioter who attacked him with a broken beer bottle. He disarms them and smashes it over their head. He then hits them three times in the face with the broken glass - desperate cries ring out with each crushing blow. Cain’s own hand is bloodied as the material digs deep into his palm.**

First signal goes to the somatosensory cortex - that tells ya something is hurtin’ ya. The next goes to the frontal cortex - that’s the thinkin’ part of ya brain. It tells you, logically, that you’d better remove whatever it is that's hurtin’ ya to save ya any further pain. Then, the final one is where it gets interestin’.

**Cain picks up a baseball bat that’s been lying on the floor during the riot. He lunges at another fighter and drives it into their ribs. Then he swings it around and connects with the head of another, sending them flying through the window of a nearby barber shop.**

The final one? That goes to the limbic system, and that’s where the whole science thing goes to shit. The limbic system controls your emotional response. That’s the part of ya brain that makes you scream, cry, or just plain old piss your pants. It’s the part of ya that reminds ya of being an eight year old kid and cuttin’ your knee on grandma’s porch, of the bully that took your lunch money and put his knee in your balls for fun. It’s the part of ya that makes you afraid.

That ain’t science. That’s emotion, and that’s where pain really gets a hold of ya.

I look at the people I’m in a battle royal with on Saturday. I don't know too much about any of you, but I know one thing - you all feel pain. It’s just natural. And when you feel pain, you feel fear.

The Ultimate wants a piece of me? Fine - you still hurtin’ over the fact I kicked your hermaphrodite ass to shit in that battle royal last week? You think I don't know that you want revenge? That’s ok, that’s a natural emotional response too. When you get emotional, you make mistakes, and when you make a mistake, you get scared - so again, it all comes back to fear. How much more you gonna feel when you realise that mistake is gonna leave you open to gettin’ fucked up even more? I’ll make you feel more pain than you’ve ever felt in your miserable life. I will make you wish that somebody would cut off your own ears so you can’t hear your own screamin’.

Dick? You can’t be afraid of much if that’s the name you wanna go by. But then I hear it’s because you like shovin’ that dick where it ain’t supposed to go. What a stand up guy you are - and I don't mean in the way you’re thinkin’. You got emotions - they’re just the wrong kind. You could do with a nice dose of fear - just to make you think twice about stickin’ that dick in the wrong hole. Maybe you go on TV and start rubbin’ your dick over pictures of me and tryin’ to “degrade me”? You better pray it ain’t rough paper, your pencil cock might take a beatin' before I got the chance to cut the fucker off.

Then there’s this Juni chick. You look fuckin’ crackers. If I didn't have to beat the shit of you I might think you were attractive. Unfortunately, I do, so I’m gonna make your boy Lome afraid by crushin’ your fuckin’ head. Even if you don't get scared, I guarantee a fat fuck like that will be beggin’ me to stop when you’re twisted up on that concrete floor and can’t move anything. On second thoughts. That sick bastard might actually like that, so maybe I should just smash him too?

Jenny Myst. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Where do I start with you? I seen enough manipulative bitches like you to last a lifetime. You can flash your ass and titties at me all you fuckin’ well like, but you’re waistin’ your time. While the meal might look good, there ain’t no point in eatin’ if it’s laced with rat poison, is there? You’re probably the most dangerous one in there, because you actually got a brain. But you still got emotions, you still feel pain, and you still feel fear. If I have to break your plastic ass in half to win, then I will, because that’s just how it has to be.

And whoever the other one is in this - I don't really fuckin’ care. Whoever’s runnin’ this shitshow can put King Kong in there and I’ll still knock him the fuck out. I’m so fuckin’ tired of all these people runnin’ their mouths off. Time to do somethin’ about it.

**Cain takes the bat to another couple of rioters, blowing out the knee of one with a sharp blow to the legs, and causing another to cough up blood after whacking him across the chest**

You’re all emotionally vulnerable in some way. You all got somethin’ to lose. I got nothin’.

No pride, no reputation, no honour.

No fear.

So bring your tough talk, bring your crackpots, bring your dicks, bring your weirdos and your pets. I ain’t afraid of any of ‘em.

But I swear to God, ya should be afraid of me.

**The camera pulls back to a wide shot of the fighting going on around Cain as he stares intently at the viewer**

[Image: JackCain.jpg]
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