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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Warfare: 05/03/2017
Author Message
Jane Carver Offline
XWF HR Director

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-03-2017, 03:27 PM

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

From the historic Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey

[Image: Boardwalk_Hall.jpg]

Xtreme Wrestling Federation Presents:

[Image: ZPrmNMt.png]

The Ultimate
- vs -
Outlaw Brian Harris
- vs -
Super Mario
- vs -
Jack Cain
XWF Newcomers Battle Royal

- vs -
Singles Match

Delilah Black
- vs -
Isabella Ravenwolf
Barista Babe Brawl:
Match will take place inside of a local Starbucks.
Winner get's free Hot-topic for a year.

Cadryn Tiberius
- vs -
Barney Green
No Holds Bared

Mr. Tidbits & Witch Doctor
- vs -
Revolution Prime
Dolly Waters & Thaddeus Duke
Standard Tag Team

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Jim Caedus
Steel Cage

#1 Contender Match for the Hart Championship
Danny Imperial
- vs -

XWF Trios Championship Match
[Image: SDipzoK.png]

Drake & The Revival
- vs -
Michael Graves, Robert Main & Chris Chaos

Fireworks erupt above the XTron inside of Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City as the Warfare theme music plays throughout the arena. The camera pans over to the commentary table:

Old Man Johnson: WELCOME EVERYBODY TO WEDNESDAY NIGHT WARFARE! I'm Old Man Johnson and alongside XWF Hall of Famer Luca...


Luca appears to be snorting some powdery substance from off of the commentary table.

Old Man Johnson: Luca!

He nervously chuckles while nudging his co-host,

Old Man Johnson: We're on the air, buddy.

Luca jerks his head up from the table, running his hand up his nose,

Luca Arzegotti: We aint on the air! Air is all around us, fuccboi. We're in the air.

Old Man Johnson: Uh, right. Well folks we have a big show for you tonight! The Trio Titles will be decided tonight!

Luca: Yes, and the fate of that sick fuck Micheal Graves! Plus, we will find out who the number 1 contender is for the Hart Title!

Old Man Johnson: Yes---it's gonna be---

Just then, smoke emcompases the ramp way and Old Man Johnson's voice was cut off by the music of Chris Chaos.

Chris Chaos and Jenny Myst emerge from the smoke. Chris has his AX3 tee on, jeans and designer shoes. Jenny has on a skin tight red dress. The two have their hands intertwined. Chris spins Jenny around and she ends up in front of him with his arms around her, she winks and licks at the camera.

Luca: Oh yeah! Talk about starting this show off with a bang!

Old Man Johnson: What could they possibly want out here?

Luca: I know what I want, IN THERE, if you know what I mean.

The two walk to the ring, and Chris holds the ropes the rope open. She leans in between the ropes, giving the crowd an ass and crotch shot with her black thong and a little wiggle, before stepping in. Chris gets in and asks for a mic from Tigs and when she extends her hand to offer it to him he snatches it from her.

Chaos: Atlantic City, your champion has arrived!

The crowd has mixed reactions.

Chaos: The last time I was in this building, I walked out the Universal Champion. Tonight, I will walk out with gold once again. But first, I have an issue I need to handle. Since nobody here seems to know how to handle our current PC disaster, I am going to step in and be the problem solver once again. So, that being said, I would like to invite my AX3 brother and current industry pariah Micheal Graves to the ring.

After a few seconds of silence, Chris brings the mic back to his lips.

Chaos: Graves.......I've got this.........

He snaps and Jenny hands him an envelope that she pulled from her bra. He opened it, and it was an Amazon Fire Stick.

Chaos: I have a two year subscription to Toddlers in Tiara's, Graves, and it is all for you but you just need to come to the ring.

Old Man Johnson: What the hell?!

Madhouse by Anthrax begins to play, and the crowd boos. Graves and Terry sep out from behind the curtain, and Graves tilts his head to one side looking at his AX3 brother. The two walk to the ring as Terry is pointing and yelling things at the crowd.

When they reach the ring, Terry grabs a microphone and the two stand aross from Chaos and Myst.

Terry: Well.....Mr. Chaos, we're here. What do you possibly have to say?

Chaos: Hey, mouthpiece, shut it. Hand that microphone to Graves before I break all your fingers.

He looks at Chris in scorn for a moment, then hands the mic to the masked man.

Chaos: Graves.....listen man. I understand that we all have our kinks. We all have what makes us tick. But we also all have bosses, unfortunently. Our bosses happen to be a washed up rock star, a kiss ass, a frigid bitch with an over startched blouse, and a backstreet boy. The powers that be happen to be pretty offended by your recent actions. You are an important piece to the XWF puzzle, and we need you here if we are going to take down the kings. So I have the solution to your Dolly problem.

Graves: I've already issued my apologies as mandated by Vinnie Lane, haven't I?

Chaos: Yes, you have, now focus.

Chris snaps his fingers as Terry folds his arms across his chest.

Chaos: First, you're going to apologize to Mrs. .

Graves shakes his head.

Chaos: Yes, Graves, you are.

He steps forward, face to face with Graves.

Chaos: Say it.

Old Man Johnson: Things are getting pretty heated here......could this be AX3 breaking down?

Graves: I---I'm--I'm so----

Chaos: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa......I didn't think you'd actually say it. Maybe you can be reached. Okay. Step one, check.

Terry rolls his eyes.

Chaos: Now....if I could ask Jane to come to the ring.

Again, there was silence.

Chaos: He isn't going to hurt you,'re a bit old for his taste.

Jenny smiles.

What's Up- 4 Non Blondes rings through the arena and a very tenative looking Jane steps out.

Chaos: That's right, Jane. Come on down. We are going to settle this right now.

She finally reaches the ring. She has a mic in her hand that she brought with her.

Chaos: Now, have been front and center in the push to get Micheal here suspended. You've been in a consant back and forth and I have to ask you.....where did you get your HR skills? He is mentally ill, Jane. It is like arguing with a drunk person. The more you argue, the more they argue back. So since you aren't capable of handling this sensitive man properly, I have a solution that I feel will be mutually beneficial to both of you.

Jane had a stern look on her face.

: ............ I'm waiting.

Chaos: You see, I have a lot of connections with a lot of important people. What our masked friend here needs is professional help, a shrink. A few good sessions should clear this right up. With XWF's endorcement, I'd like to find a personal mental doctor to help Mr. Graves. But, we need your word that if Graves pursues this help he can stay contracted with the XWF and continue to pursue some sort of a career here.

Graves crosses his arms now.

: Professional help, huh? I think it's a phenomonal idea,
and was in fact my suggestion from the very start.

Chaos nods.

: I'll tell you what- I'll grant you this. But if you cross me, you will find out just how unforgiving I can be. You have two weeks to find this "help". Then maybe the thin ice that Graves is skating on will thicken up.

Chaos nods: I don't need two weeks. I think I've got just the person.

He looks at Graves

Chaos: See how simple that was? You're welcome, both of you.

Graves huffs as he and Terry leave the ring, but Jane brings the mic back to her mouth.

: Oh and Mr. Chaos. Since you're so certain that Mr. Graves is mentally unstable, then I feel it's only beneficial that the Ax3 take full responsibility for his actions while he's seeking help. IF for any reason Mr. Graves acts up while under your stable's supervision- then not only will Micheal Graves suffer the consequences, but so will the ENTIRE Ax3.

Old Man Johnson: WOW!


Old Man Johnson: She sure can!

Terry and Graves leave the ring and Jenny and Chris look at Jane with a distasteful look. 4 Non Blondes is plays as leaves the ring.

The Ultimate
- vs -
Outlaw Brian Harris
- vs -
Super Mario
- vs -
Jack Cain
XWF Newcomers Battle Royal

Tig O’Bitties
The following contest is an over the top elimination style Battle Royal! Introducing first, hailing from an unknown town, in an unknown state, weighing in at 260lbs, The Ultimate!

The Ultimate makes her way down the ramp and into the ring. She paces around the ring for a few moments, awaiting her next victim!

Tig O’Bitties
Our second challenger, hailing from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 245lbs, “The Outlaw” Brian Harris!

A loud rumble can be heard throughout the arena. The smell of gasoline lingers in the air, as we see “The Outlaw” Brian Harris coming down to the ring on his motorcycle. On the side of the motorcycle, “Outlaw”. Brian parks his bike at the bottom of the entrance ramp and climbs into the ring, waiting for the match to begin.

Tig O’Bitties
Our third challenger, hailing from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 235lbs, “Super” Mario!

As fog and and smoke begin to fill the entrance way, we see Mario rising from the underside of the stage, like he would be rising from a giant pipe. He stands stationary momentarily as the fog and smoke overtake him, leaving nothing but a shadow. After a moment, he begins making his way down to the ring. Mario climbs in the ring, climbs all four ring posts, and gives a thumbs up, signaling he is ready to get things started!

Tig O’Bitties
Our final challenger, hailing from Queens, New York, weighing in at 328lbs, Jack Cain!

As his music plays, Jack Cain makes his way down to the ring. He circles the ring a few times before sliding in. He stands right in the center to begin with, and then chooses a corner and goes there until the match officially starts.

Old Man Johnson - Well, this should prove to be one hell of a match! A new comers battle royal. This is how you weed out the weak!

Luca Arzegotti - They are all weak, old man. Ain’t nobody in there worth watching!

The bell sounds and we’re underway here in the historic Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

The Ultimate, Brian Harris, Mario, And Jack Cain all stand in separate corners, waiting for the other to make a move. Brian Harris shows his fortitude by being the first one out and into the center of the ring! Mario spots Harris standing wide open in the center of the ring and makes a mad dash for him!

Old Man Johnson - Brian Harris had a decent showing on Savage against Mario, and Michael Mcbride. Do you think there will be any love lost here tonight, Luca?

Luca Arzegotti - A decent showing? Mcbride wiped the floor with those idiots!

Mario and Harris lock up in the center of the ring, The Ultimate and Jack Cain slowly begin walking towards one another. The Ultimate extends her hand to Jack Cain, showing sportsmanship and respect. As Cain extends his hand The Ultimate hits him with a quick jab to the chin!

Old Man Johnson - That woman in there might actually be the devil.

Luca Arzegotti - She’s my type of woman, old man.

Cain stumbles back a few feet before finding his composure. The Ultimate goes charging towards Cain, but Cain sidesteps!

The Ultimate goes through the ropes and to ringside!

Old Man Johnson - Oh, what a sidestep! That could be the end of the road for The Ultimate!

Luca Arzegotti - Are you blind, old man? She went through the middle rope, not over the top!

Richard Wang signals to the timekeepers!

It looks like The Ultimate is still in the match, as she did not get eliminated via the top rope!

Old Man Johnson - Looks like you may have been right for once, Luca.

Luca Arzegotti - Pfft. I’m always right, you should know that by now!

Cain looks to the crowd and gives them a slight smirk.

Cain takes off running and does a baseball slide, nailing The Ultimate and sending her crashing back into the announcer's table!

Old Man Johnson - Her back could be split in two! She damn near knocked our table clean over!

Luca Arzegotti - Get up girl, show these idiots who the best new comer is!

Back in the ring Harris has gained the upperhand on Mario.

Harris whips Mario into the ropes, following directly behind him, looking for a clothesline over the top rope to eliminate his competitor, but Mario manages to duck under the clothesline, sending Harris stumbling about the ring, trying to catch himself! Mario takes off dashing across the ring, bounces off the ropes, and manages to nail Harris with a missile drop kick that sends him crashing to the mat.

Old Man Johnson - Mario is really beginning to make a name for himself. He’s taking it right to the big man in Harris!

Luca Arzegotti - Mario is a big man himself! And by that I mean he’s wide on all sides..

Cain manages to climb back in the ring just in time to see Mario trying to gain the upper hand once more. Cain rushes Mario and the two lockup. Cain easily overpowers Mario, landing a massive forearm to the top of Mario’s head sending him crashing to the mat alongside Harris.

Old Man Johnson - That man is built like a brick sh...

Luca Arzegotti - HEY! Didn’t you see what happened to Michael Graves? Don’t be trying to get me fired you old coot!

The Ultimate is finally beginning to move, she makes it to her feet, and back into the ring.

The Ultimate isn’t on her feet long, Cain hits her with a vicious standing Clothesline that sends her to the mat!

Old Man Johnson - Jack Cain is just a monster of a man, very impressive to say the least.

Luca Arzegotti - Yeah, but he’s looks like a goon. If his talent resembles his looks, he’s never going anywhere in this company.

Jack Cain stands alone in the middle of the ring. His competition scrambling to get themselves together and to get up off the mat.

The Ultimate, Mario, and Harris manage to make it to their feet.

The three competitors look at each other with a concerned look. They begin mouthing something between themselves. Suddenly, all three of them rush Cain and begin unloading everything they have on him!

Old Man Johnson - As our good friend JR likes to say “Business is about to pick up”.

Luca Arzegotti - If we’re lucky, maybe they’ll all fall over the top rope at the same time.





They are doing everything in their power to take out Cain, but he is doing his best to resist. Blocking a few punches here and there.

Mario gets up underneath of Cain, Harris grabs him by the leg, and The Ultimate grabs him by the waist. They are going to try and eliminate him by way of teamwork.

They manage to get Cain up above the top rope, but he’s holding on for dear life!

The three give him one final push, with everything they have…

Cain manages to hang on!

Old Man Johnson - Even the three of them couldn’t muster up the strength to eliminate the big man!

Luca Arzegotti - Pfft. Let me in there, I’ll do it all by myself.

He catches himself on the Apron and manages to slide back in through the middle rope while the other three have their backs turned.

Cain spins Harris around and begins unloading a barrage of punches!

Harris goes down like a ton of bricks!

Old Man Johnson - Cain leveled Brian Harris in just a few punches, his strength is incredible!

Luca Arzegotti - Well, Steroids tend to have that effect on people, old man.

Cain turns to The Ultimate and begins the same barrage on her!

The Ultimate manages to block!

Cain quickly grabs her by her waist and hits her with a devastating belly to back suplex!

Old Man Johnson - Oh wow! She’ll be lucky if her back isn’t broken after that belly to back suplex!

Luca Arzegotti - We’re all lucky the arena didn’t come crashing down with that much weight hitting the mat at once.

Mario, seeing the path of destruction begins pacing around the ring trying to avoid Cain at all cost!

Harris makes it back to his feet!

He makes a break for Cain, but Cain knows he’s coming!

Cain turns to face Harris..



Luca Arzegotti - Well, Harris is gonna need surgery after this. That was viscous.

Cain hit Harris with his signature maneuver the TKO!

Harris stumbles backwards into the ropes, Cain wastes no time and lands an insane clothesline on the big man!

Harris topples over the top rope and to the arena floor below!

Richard Wang signals to the timekeeper that Harris has officially been eliminated!


Old Man Johnson - And Harris is the first to be eliminated!

Luca Arzegotti - And here I thought Mario would have been the first to go.

Harris can’t believe it!

He begins cursing and screaming as he walks up the ramp and towards the back!

Back in the ring, Cain stands confidently in the center of the ring, as he waves goodbye to Brian Harris.

The Ultimate sneaks up behind Cain, not making the same mistake Harris did.

The Ultimate grabs Cain around the waist and slings him backwards over her shoulders, nailing a perfectly executed German suplex!

Old Man Johnson - Talk about a dose of your own manage, she put some serious force behind that suplex!

Luca Arzegotti - That’a girl, who em’ what you’re made of!

Cain lays on the mat grabbing at his neck, writhing in pain!

Mario and The Ultimate begin stomping away at Cain. More concerned with eliminating Cain, the two work together to try and end his reign of terror!

Mario grabs Cain by the hair and brings him to his feet. He signals for The Ultimate to go to the top rope!

Old Man Johnson - This could spell disaster for Cain!

Luca Arzegotti - I sure hope so, I’m growing bored of this match.

She complies.

Mario, still holding Harris by his hair, signals The Ultimate to finish him off via the top turnbuckle!

Suddenly, Cain swings his head backwards, nailing Mario in the bridge of the nose, forcing him to relinquish the hold!

Old Man Johnson - What a head butt, by Cain!

Luca Arzegotti - Is that even legal?!

Cain sprints towards The Ultimate who is still positioned on the top turnbuckle!

Cain climbs the first two turnbuckles in one seemingly deft move, managing to be face to face with The Ultimate before she has any idea what’s going on!

Old Man Johnson - Like a man on a mission! Look at the speed of Jack Cain!

Luca Arzegotti - I’ll admit, that was pretty impressive!

Cain begins landing blow after blow to The Ultimate!

The crushing blows have her reeling on the top rope, she looks like she could fall at any minute!

Old Man Johnson - This could be it right here, Luca!

Luca Arzegotti - Well, as Chris Chaos once said “yawn”.

Cain jumps off of the turnbuckles, less concerned with eliminating The Ultimate and more concerned with what Mario is up to!

Just as Cain turns around, he see’s Mario charging at him!

Mario nails Cain with an earth shattering spear, right into the corner, directly into the turnbuckles!



The Ultimate goes flying backwards from the force of the spear that Mario landed!

The Ultimate bounces off of the mat like some sort of nerf ball!

Richard Wang signals to the timekeeper once again!

The Ultimate has officially been eliminated!




Cain is still slumped over in the corner! He took a massive spear directly to the turnbuckles!

Mario is on his feet in the middle of the ring, contemplating a winning strategy.

Cain is showing very little movement in the corner, Mario begins slowly approaching him, looking to capitalize!

Mario begins throwing knees into the face and chest of Cain!

Old Man Johnson - Mario can feel the win within his grasp, he just has to get him over the rope!

Luca Arzegotti - I’m about to go in there and help him, this is ridiculous!

Cains body bounces off the turnbuckle over and over, until finally he falls to the mat!

Mario grabs Cain by the head and pulls him to his feet! Mario whips Cain into the ropes..


Cain goes crashing to the mat once again!

Old Man Johnson - That’s gotta be it, right there. He’s out cold!

Luca Arzegotti - You idiot, now he’s going to be even harder to get over the top rope!

Cain looks to be completely out, that punch made it’s mark, and did some serious damage!

Mario can feel the momentum shift, he doesn’t let up!

Mario mounts Cain and begins an assault!





Old Man Johnson - This is it right here! The end is near, for Cain!

Luca Arzegotti - GET EM’ LUIGI!

Cain’s head just bouncing up and down off the mat!

Mario stands to his feet and begins playing to the crowd!

The sound of mixed cheers can be heard all across the arena!

Mario drags Cain’s lifeless body to the center of the ring.

Old Man Johnson - Mario is setting him up for his patented Super Mario Stomp!

Luca Arzegotti - Wait, you mean like the video game?

Mario signals to the crowd that’s it’s time to end it once and for all!

Mario begins climbing the turnbuckles, one at a time!




Mario has reached the top turnbuckle! He steadies himself and sets up for the Super Mario Stomp!

Mario flies off the top rope!


Old Man Johnson - CAIN IS ON HIS FEET!

Luca Arzegotti - HOLY SHIT!



Luca Arzegotti - LIKE I SAID, HOLY SHIT!

Cain hit Mario with a TKO as he came crashing down, looking to hit Cain with his signature maneuver!

Mario is out on his feet!

Jack Cain grabs Mario and whips him into the ropes!


Old Man Johnson - CAN MARIO HOLD ON?

Luca Arzegotti - YOU CAN DO IT, PRINCESS!




Luca Arzegotti - HE STILL SUCKS!


Warfare goes to commercial,

In the locker room, Chris and Graves seem to be in a disagreement.

Graves: I don't need a shrink, Chris! I'm fine!

Chaos: You're anything but fine!

Graves: I don't need or what your help! You are inserting yourself into business that has nothing to do with you!

Chris steps in close to Graves.

Chaos: Listen you demented fuck, do you want AX3 to succeed or not? We need you to stay out of trouble. If we want to take the Kings down, we need to be at full strength. I am not asking you to seek help, I am telling you that you are, you hear me?!

Graves looks dead in the eyes of Chaos and huffs, puffing his chest. Chris doesn't back down. Terry grabs Graves and walks him out of the locker room area as Chris turns his head to watch. The door slams shut off screen.

Chris sits down and exhales with a sigh. The Amazon Fire Stick with the Toddlers in Tiara's subscription sat next to him. He grabbed it and threw it against the wall in frustration.

- vs -
Singles Match

Tig O’Bitties
Introducing first, weighing in at 189 pounds, from Parts Unknown, SHAAAADE!!!

As the Arena becomes pitch black suddenly black with blue lighting then goes on and the X-tron Show Shade's mask enter the screen and the wording appears saying ''Death Walks Among You'', smoke begins to fill the arena and shattered glass falls from the entrances way as a crow flies out of the entrance to the stage. It then begin to circle the stage before Shade walks onto the stage and gestures a gun with one hand, pretending to shoot He walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring.

Old Man Johnson: “Shade isn’t wasting any time getting to the ring tonight!”

Shade walks right up to Tig O’Bittes and snatches the microphone out of her hand.

Shade: “Mezain come out here and fight me like a man! I want Hope back, and I’ll kill you if I have to!”

Luca Arzegotti: “I just wanna see Hope naked, and I’ll kill you both if I have to!”

Shade: ”Come on Mezian, show your face out here and let me rearrange it like I did two weeks ago on Savage.”

The lights go out and the Leviathan cross flashes on the X-tron. The screen opens to Mezain standing with Hope.

Old Man Johnson: “Hope doesn’t exactly look like she’s being held against her will here.”

Luca Arzegotti: “She also doesn’t look naked!”

Mezian: “Oh hello Shade. Have you met the newest Child of Fate? Of course, you have you called her Hope. Now she is Ezariaha.”

Shade is pacing back and forth in the ring, itching to start this fight.

Mezian: “I said I would take everything from you, and I have. What happened two weeks ago was a fluke. In regards to me coming down there to "Fight you like a man"

Be careful what you ask for.”

The lights flash off and then on again and Mezian is in the ring with Shade. He spins Shade around and hits him with an APOCALYPSE NOW! He stands over Shade laughing and tells the ref to start the match.

Old Man Johnson: “Mezian with a cheap shot before the bell, and Chaz Bobo just called for the opening bell! I bet Mezian lined Bobo’s pockets!”

Luca Arzegotti: “Weren’t you known to take a bribe or two in your day Johnson?”

Old Man Johnson: “That… That was different. I had kids to put through school!”

Luca Arzegotti: “Oh okay, I thought you were just supporting a cocaine addiction.”

As the bell sounds, Mezion is quick to get to work on Shade. Mezian lays into him with a few well placed stomps to the head. Mezian throws his arms to his sides and tilts his head back laughing as he circles the fallen Shade. Shade gets up to one knee. Mezian kneels down in the corner with a big smile on his face. He bounces slightly with an almost nervous energy as he waits for Shade to make it to a vertical base. Shade is to his feet. Mezian readies himself. Shade turns around, still groggy… SPEAR!

Old Man Johnson: “This isn’t a fair contest! Mezian attacked Shade before the bell!”

Ezariaha hops up on the apron. Mezian walks over to her, and looks back at Shade. Shade laying on the mat, but he’s not out. His attention is focused on his former Hope and Mezian. Shade sits halfway up. Mezian smiles historically before turning and planting a deep and sloppy kiss on the lips of Ezariaha.

Luca Arzegotti: “TAKE HER TOP OFF!”

Old Man Johnson: “This is so disrespectful! What kind of control does Mezian have over Hope to get her to go along with this!?”

Luca Arzegotti: “Her name is Ezariaha and I think she’s going to take her top off!”

Shade is furious. He quickly jumps to his feet and rushes Mezian. Mezian manages to slip out of the way. Shade hits the brakes big time as to not collide with Ezariaha. For his efforts, she slaps him so hard that he spins around. Mezian is waiting on him, and grabs Shade up onto his shoulders.

Apocalypse Now!!!

Mezian mockingly lays across Shade back first. He smiles and hold up his right hand, counting along with the ref.




Winner - Mezian!

Old Man Johnson: “This victory is complete horse caca!”

Mezian stands up as Ezariaha enters the ring. She begins clapping in support of Mezian as he points and laughs at the fallen Shade.

Luca Arzegotti: “WOW, that HAS to be embarrassing!”

Old Man Johnson: “No doubt, Luca. Shade fell victim to mind games and sneak attacks, but Mezian better keep his eyes peeled, cause I’m sure this isn’t the last that we’ve seen of Shade!”

The camera cuts backstage where we find Dolly Waters escorting Tommy Gun by the hand towards the women's locker room. As they enter we find a figure sitting in the middle of the floor his back turned to the camera.

Dolly Waters: “You seeing this shit Tommy!?”

Suddenly the figure turns its head revealing himself to be Michael Graves. Michael lets out a sharp shriek and tosses a pair of Dolly Waters panties to the side as he frantically tries to get to his feet.

Tommy Gun: “What in the fuck kind of sick shit is this Graves!?”

Without answering Tommy's query, Graves burst pass both Waters and Gun, knocking Dolly Waters to the ground, in a mad dash out of the locker room. Without hesitation Tommy pulls his gun into a ready position.

Tommy Gun: “That’s it, I’ve had my fill of this guy!”

Without hesitation Tommy turns​, stepping out into the hallway and quickly takes aim at Graves who's desperately trying to flee.




Michael stumbles a bit but doesn't go down. He quickly cuts a corner heading towards the parking lot. A lot of anger and frustration but Falls Tommy Gun as he exclaims;

Tommy Gun: ”FUCK!”

At that moment Dolly Waters walks out of the locker room right behind Tommy.

Dolly Waters: “Gee, you're not usually one to miss…”

Tommy Gunn: “...I didn't…”

Tommy let's out an aggressive huff before he turns and storms away. Dolly looks confused by the fact that Tommy is seemingly giving up on his pursuit of Graves.

Dolly Waters: “Wait… Aren't you going to go after him?”

Tommy Gun: “Better, I'm reporting what I just saw to management”

Old Man Johnson: UNBELIEVABLE, LUCA! Micheal Graves has been reinstated for less than twenty-four hours and he's already back to his old disgusting behaviors!

Luca Arzegotti: Damn, I feel legit bad for Dolly having to go through this ish, she was always cool people in my books even for a hick. I hope she kills Graves.

Old Man Johnson: Luca, were you just being empathetic?

Luca Arzegotti: Nah you can miss me with that fuccshit.

Old Man Johnson: What do you think will happen when Jane and the rest of management catches wind of this?

Luca Arzegotti: How the fuck do you catch wind?

Delilah Black
- vs -
Isabella Ravenwolf
Barista Babe Brawl:
Match will take place inside of a local Starbucks.
Winner get's free Hot-topic for a year.

The scene cuts to the Boardwalk Starbucks in Atlantic City

[Image: Starbucks-pier-shops-Caesars-Atlantic-City003.jpg]

We see Delilah Black looking rather pretentious as she sips on a Cinnamon Almondmilk Macchiato while reading a gothy book of brutally deep poems.


Thunder clouds appear in the room, lightening ensues!

Delilah likes the theatrics, she relates them to her life, soooo dark and edgy.

Then organic coffee beans begin to rain from the ceiling!

Delilah is grossed out because even the USDA Organic certified crap still contains GMOS.




The match is.......

Winner- by Total Knockout- Isabella Ravenwolf


Old Man Johnson: No words can-

Luca Arzegotti: Oh shut the fuck up, Old Man. We'll just pretend it never happened.

Old Man Johnson: Okay, but can I give this Hottopic gift card to my granddaughter?

Luca Arzegotti: You mean your grandson?

Warfare fades to commercial.

Cadryn Tiberius
- vs -
Barney Green
No Holds Bared

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a No Holds Barred match!

You ready for this Johnson?!

Luca, I was an XWF official for a long time. You know and well as I do that there is ONLY ONE Barney Green! This match up shoud be top notch!

"Like A Prayer'" by Madonna starts to play through out the arena as fans start to cheer loudly. Out walks Barney Green, dressed in a black and gold bruins jersey with black shorts with a gold stripe on the sides and no shoes.

Introducing first, from Boston, MA! Weighing 320 pounds! Barney Green!

Barney hobbles out from the back dragging a shopping cart filled with you name it in it. Baseball bats, pipes, a spool of barbed-wire, a couple trash can lids, plus more. He stops at the top of the ramp and gives the cart a big shove down the ramp. It rolls down the ramp and crashes against the side of the ring as Barney finishes he trip to the ring.

This is Barney's cut of tea right here, Johnson. The guy loves pain and loves handing it out, too!

And his opponent!

The overhead lights in the arena go dim as strobe lights begin to flash in rhythm to the sound of thunder crashing in the distance. The crowd goes wild as the fog rolls thickly from the top of the ramp as Cadryn Tiberius slowly makes his way out of the back. He stands tall in the midst of the fog as a storm rumbles behind him.

From Morgantown, WV! Weighing 200 pounds... The ITALIAN COWBOY.... CADRYN TIBERIUS!!

Cadryn begins walking down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans on the way down. He walks past the grocery cart spilled on it's side against the apron in front of the ring as he climbs the apron and enters the ring, pausing for a moment in the middle before tossing his white Stetson cowboy hat into the crowd.

Cadryn has had an interesting couple of weeks here, Luca. From being stalked by Michael Graves at one point to running into the Kings in the back...

He's pretty lucky he DID run into those boys, Johnson! Who knows what Graves would have done to a naked Cadryn Tiberius!

Cadryn settles in the ring as Barney makes his way back around to the ramp where his goodies are. He grabs a couple of garbage can lids and slides into the ring. Cadryn seen him coming and goes right after him with a couple of blows over the head, but Barney absorbes them and smacks Cadryn across the faces with one of the lids! Cadryns grabs his face and stumbles backwards as Barney continues by following him across the ring with one smack after another!

Barney didn't waste any time pulling Tiberius into HIS game!

Barney backs Cadryn into the corner and drops one of the lids. He takes the other with both hands and winds it up over his head, but Cadryn responds with a quick kick Barney's gut! Cadryn hops on the middle rope then and dives off hitting an elbow to the XWF legend! The big 300-plus pounder remains on his feet, but is teetering back and forth from the blow to the head! Cadryn grabs the trash can lid on the ring floor and hopes back up to the center rope. Barney charges the corner as Cadryn takes flight and nails Barney across the face! Barney finally goes down and Cadryn falls on top of him!



Barney kicks out at two!

I'm afraid it's going to take a few more of those alumium lids to the head to keep Barney Green down!

Cadryn might have to learn the hard way, Johnson!

Barney rolls himself out of the ring after the kick out and shakes his marbles back into place. Cadryn watches as Barney slowly makes his way back over to the shopping cart of pain still crashed in the entrance way. Just as Barney rounds the far corner, Cadryn was waiting for him and baseball slides under the bottom rope sending Barney crashing into the barricade!

Oh my God! Look out!

Barney almost cleared out that entire corner, Johnson!

Those fans were ready to run for their lives if that barricade didn't hold!

Cadryn looks over to the pile of junk Barney brought to the ring with him and starts shopping himself. He pulls out a baseball bat and tosses it to the side. Then a lead pipe! He tosses it aside, too! Then a tennis raquet! He seems to like that!

Cadryn does kind of resemble a tennis pro.

If you say so, Luca!

Cadryn sizes up the big man as Barney is just reaching his feet! He waits for him to stand straight up and breaks the raquet's wire with one strike! Barney collapses again down onto his ass and is wearing the raquet like a baseball cap!

Man, I knew Barney had a big head, but holy balls, Johnson....

Cadryn walks over to the cart and dumps whatever was left in it out. He pulls it around drives forward into Barney just as he's getting to his feet! The cart bounces off Barney's gut and the attack nearly back fires on Cadryn as the momentum of the cart nearly throws him back! He swings it back around, but Barney catches it, pulls it from Cadryn's grasp, and throws it high in the air down to the ring!

Wow! There's a show of strength from Barney Green! He manhandled that shopping cart like it was a child's play thing!

What the fuck, Johnson?!

Cadryn swings a right hook that pops Barney in the side of the face, but manages to absorbe that blow, too. Followed by another, then another. Barney grabs the back of Cadryn's neck and throws him down towards the ring. Cadryn bounces of the apron from his back and lands on the floor in front. Barney hobbbles over and grabs the shopping cart again and hoists it over his head!

Here we go again! Don't do it Barney!

Cadryn looks up while resting against the ring steps and manages to dodge roll out of the way just as Barney throws down the cart! It pounds off the ring steps and is now a shell of it's former self. The mangled and bent up shopping cart could hardly serve it's original purpose now, but that doesn't stop the XWF Legend. Barney takes the spool of barbed wire, a baseball bat, and a sack with unknown contents and throws them in the mangled cart. With ease he tosses it over the ring ropes and it takes a couple of bounces in the ring. Cadryn takes advantage to Barney's back turned and attacks with a rushing forearm! Cadryn doesn't let up with several fists to the back of Barney's head!

Cadryn pushes the massive body of Barney Green onto the apron and under the bottom rope. He then lifts the ring curtain and looks under the ring.

What could Cadryn possibly be looking for?!

Something that Barney forgot in the back apparently!

What could it be?!

Cadryn pulls out two steel chairs and a long wooden table from under the ring. He slides all three under the bottom rope and then enters the ring himself. Barney is back to his feet and watches as Cadryn picks up one of the chairs.

Is Barney encouraging Cadryn to hit him with that chair?

He definitely is! Barney signals for Cadryn to bring the pain! He lifts the chair behind his head and swings down over the large cranium of Barney Green, who staggers for a moment, but remains on his feet.

I'm convinced that the only reason Barney shows up anymore is just to get his pain fix.

The guy is a fiend for it, Johnson. He gets off on it!

Cadryn looks around as if he doesn't know what to do.

Quit showing remorse you idiot! Take him out! Win a fucking match for once!

Cadryn looks down at the chair and over to Barney Green who has his back turned trying to blink away any dizziness that my have been induced. Cadryn lifts the chair high again and approaches Barney....

What's Barney doing in his shorts?

I don't think I want to know....

Barney pulls something out from inside his shorts and as he turns to face his opponent he throws it in his face!

Oh no!

White powder blasts all over Cadryn's face forcing him to drop the steel chair and fall to the mat holding his face! Cadryn screams in agony as Barney snuck out a small back of salt to assault the eyes of the Italian Cowboy!!

Yeah, well, Cadryn is blind now. That's what he gets for having compassion in a hardcore match!

Barney searches around the ring and finds the small mystery sack that he threw back into the cart earlier!

I can only imagine what's in THAT bag, now....

I could take a few guesses myself!

Barney pulls the tie off the bag and holds it upside down over Cadryn! A thousand thumb tacks pour out of the bag and fall all over!

Oh man, what's he got planned now?!

Barney bounces off the far ropes and after a couple thunderous foot steps barely jumps into the air and hits Cadryn with a big splash!! Thumb tacks inbed into not just Cadryn's back, neck, ass, and abdomen, but Barney Green's as well!! Barney manages to hook the leg....!!!



Cadryn kicks out just before the three count!

Barney pushes himself to his feet, as he does so thumb tacks fall out of his arms and gut, while others remain attached to Barney's flesh.

That doesn't seem to be phasing him too much, Luca...

Like I said, the guy loves this shit. He probably sits at home at night prodding himself with sharp shit all the time!

Barney hobbles to the center of the ring and grabs the table lying flat on the mat. He drags it over to the corner of the ring and props it up in the corner! Cadryn is still trying to pull himself together on the other side of the ring while Barney stares him.

Barney picks up the spool of barbed wire and and begins wrapping it around his right fist. His knuckles and wrist begin to shred as Barney continues going round and round and round over his hand.

This is turning my stomach here...

Cadryn looks up and sees what's happening and manages to slowly roll and escape under the bottom rope. Barney smiles and looks down at his razor sharp crafted weapon. He holds his hand up beside his head and looks in admiration before he starts punching himself in the face! After the first punch he shredded his cheek and the side of his head, but he kept going four more times!!

My God! What the hell is he doing?!

Getting off, Johnson!

Cadryn looks on in horror from the outside before shaking his head and crawling under the ring.

Now where is HE going?!

Cadryn disappears under the ring as Barney continues abusing himself inside the ring. After a few seconds though, he loses interest in bloodying himself and begins watching the different entrances to the ring... No sign of Cadryn... He crawls the ropes and steps out onto the floor, still fully armed with his barbed-wire fist, and lifts up the curtain on one side!

He's not there!

Try Door #2, Barno!

Barney hobbles around the corner and lifts up the other apron curtain! He looks all around, still no Cadryn!

Door #3?!

Barney does the same thing on the other side and lifts the curtain! This time he gets blasted in the face with a fire extinguisher!! The white powder explodes from under the ring and covers the XWF Legend from head to toe, blinding him in the process!

Wow! Anything you can do, I can do better, right?! Both men are now covered in the other's white.... powder.

You've got a sick mind, Old Man.

Cadryn's to his feet as Barney spits the chemical out of his mouth and tries rubbing it away from his eyes but he only has one free hand to do so! He must've had a quick visual because he swung blindly in the air towards Cadryn, who easily ducked and cracked Barney in the side of the head with the extinguisher! Barney stays on his feet! Cadryn then grabs the XWF Legend by the hair and throws him onto the ring apron. Barney rolls under the ropes to the center of the ring as he slowly makes his way back to his feet.

You have to give these guys credit... They've been pounding the crap out of each other, and THEMSELVES in Green's case...

Cadryn is waiting in the corner of the ring with the extinguisher still in hand and rushes at Barney! Just as he swings, Barney stands straight up, dodging the blow! Barney slaps the side of Cadryn's head with the barbed-wire hand and the razer bryers get stuck in Cadryn's cheek and hair!

Now that looks like it smarts...

Cadryn shrieks like a banchee and manages to pull his face out of the mangled mesh over Barney Green's bloodied hand! Blood pours out of the side of his face as he swings the fire extinguisher in desparation and clocks Barney in the side of the head with it making a massive, half-hollow thud sound with the strike! Barney finally falls on his face after taking blow after solid blow to the head.


Barney lies flat on his face as Cadryn takes a moment to feel the side of his face which is shredded apart.

He throws the fire extinguisher down and with all of his strength pulls Barney to the corner of the ring where the table is propped up. He rests Barney against it and leans him in the corner. Cadryn then goes after one of the stee chairs, he opens it up and props it around, or over top, Barney's big gut! Cadryn observes this for a moment and scratches the side of his head... The clean, unbloodied side... He takes the barbed-wire fist of Barney Green and props it up between his face and that face of that chair!

I don't think what Cadryn has planned here is looking too good for the XWF Legend, Barney Green...

Cadryn rushes across to the opposite corner, sizes up his competition in the corner, and does a dead run across the ring. He dives and hits a running dropkick to the chair, which crushes the hand wrapped in barbed-wire into the front of Barney's face, and the impact forced the table to disintegrate! Cadryn bounced off the chair and rolled off Barney's gut, straight back up to his feet! He let's out a weak war cry and pulls with all his might on Barney's massive cankle off the corner and the table. He covers!!




Cadryn just pulled it off! A huge win over an XWF XTREME Legend, folks!

I think both of those guys feel like winners tonight, Johnson.

Winner- Cadryn Tiberius

Mr. Tidbits & Witch Doctor
- vs -
Revolution Prime
Dolly Waters & Thaddeus Duke
Standard Tag Team

Tig O' Bitties: The following tag team match, is set for one fall!

"Footsteps" by Pop Evil begins to play.

Introducing first! With a total combined weight of 3 hundred 7 pounds!

The Xtreeeeme champion Dolly Waters!

Thaddeus Duke!


What are they? An anime cartoon?

What they are Luca, is a couple of young kids that kick ass.

They couldn't kick my ass.

You lost to Thaddeus Duke, Luca.



Waters and Duke burst through the entrance way wearing matches sleeveless hooded robes. The fans cheer in anticipation of the debut of the newest tag team.

It's been Thaddeus Duke all these months, trying to help Dolly Waters find out just who it was that set her up!

So THAT'S how they came together...

Dolly's hoodie has a blue iron cross, the symbol of Duke's Illuminatus, on her back, with WATERS beneath it. Duke's has Dolly's hello kitty logo on his, with Duke beneath it.

That's probably the gayest thing I've ever seen.

What is?

Obviously the iron cross on Dolly's shirt thingy.

As Revolution Prime heads to the ring, they slap some fan hands before both lowering their hoods and head first sliding into the ring. Duke and Dolly choose opposite corners and climb the turnbuckles, playing to the crowd for a few moments. They both hop down and cross the ring to the opposite corners slapping a high five as they pass each other. Just as they reach their respective corners...


Paul Heyman's Xtreme theme plays.

Oh shit! My nigga Paulie!

Paul Heyman ladies and gentlemen! Last Wafare, he unleashed Madness!

Paul Heyman runs a show, ratings go up. It's just how it goes.

Dolly Waters stands near the center of the ring as Thaddeus Duke hangs out in a corner. Paulie comes to a stop on stage with a microphone in hand.



Paulie looks out at the fans as he pauses.

Cute pairing, huh?

Unfortunately though, you're not going to see Revolution Prime in action tonight.

The fans boo loudly.

Why the hell not?

Who the hell is Revolution... Oh yeah, never mind.

I'm sorry 'F'ers. I wanted to see them too. Unfortunately, the Monster of Htaed is nowhere to be found and Bitch Doctor found himself locked out of the building, permanently.

It's sad but it's also true.

Listen, Dolly I know our relationship has had some rocky moments the last few months and I just want to put that behind us. I've always had great admiration for you and the things that have gone on as of late between you and Micheal Graves has been... well... extremely disturbing and pretty damn sickening to say the least.

Here's what I'm going to do, Dolly.

I know you want to get your hands on Graves and put him down once and for all.

On June 13 at High Stakes Two...

Dolly Waters, you are going to get what you want. You are going to defend your Xtreme title against Micheal Graves on pay per view and I have no doubts you will overcome the obstacles that AX3 is going to try and put in your path.

See, I may be a washed up old general manager, but I still know how to get things done.

To keep things on the up and up and to keep AX3 at bay, Waters versus Graves will be contested inside Heyman's House of Horrors!


Wait! What'd he say!? I told you, authority speaks and I just glaze over.

Waters will be defending the Xtreme title against Graves at pay per view, Luca! Inside the House of Horrors!!

I'm less excited now. It doesn't seem to make sense to lock a pedophile up with a teenage girl.


Dolly smiles wide and looks back at Thaddeus momentarily, before looking back toward Paul.

Furthermore, to ensure that AX3 can NOT interfere in any way with this match in SIN CITY... The chamber door, WILL be welded shut!

Without another word, Heyman exits, leaving Dolly to cry out in excitement, playing up to the fans a little. She slings her Xtreme title over her shoulder and turns around...




The fans boo loudly.


I gotta tell ya Johnson, I never saw that coming.

While staring down at Dolly Waters, Thaddeus raises his hood.

And he said I was a bad partner!

He kneels beside her and grabs a hold of her Xtreme title, before standing up right. He continues staring down at her for a few moments before quietly exiting the ring. Thaddeus keeps his head down as he passes by fans that are heckling and booing him. As he reaches the stage he flings the Xtreme title over his shoulder.

Just before exiting through the curtain, Dolly Waters lifts her head up and stares at Duke.

Dolly Waters! Looking equal parts heartbroken and pissed off here on Warfare!

I'm actually at a loss for words.

Except that.

And that.

He may possess the Xtreme title, but Dolly Waters IS the Xtreme Champion!

I wanna know why dammit!

Warfare fades to commercial.

Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Jim Caedus
Steel Cage

Tig O’Bitties
The following contest is a cage match! Introducing first, hailing from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 260lbs, Peter “F’n” Gilmour!

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of COMANCHE by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Mia Yim come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Mia as they wait his next victim.

Tig O’Bitties
And his opponent, hailing from The High Desert, California, weighing in at 230lbs, he is the current XWF Universal Champion, Jim “Big Dick Daddy” Caedus!

The now familiar opening notes to "Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begin to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer plugs. The fans erupt. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates, Mr. 24/7, the XWF Universal Champion Jim Caedus, strap over one shoulder, steps out as the house lights come up.

His hair hangs freely, his eyes devoid of emotion though he appears to be energized by the support. He glances around at the majority population of fans who now know exactly who he is. The small pockets of his smarks seem less enthused to be a part of the crowd but remain cheering nonetheless.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps, places the Universal Title lovingly upon it, then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.

The cage is set up and in place around the ring!

The bell sounds, and here we go!

Immediately Caedus runs and tackles Gilmour! Caedus mounts the unsuspecting Gilmour and begins unloading a barrage of punches the head of Peter Gilmour!

Old Man Johnson - It looks as though Jim Caedus is wasting no time here tonight, Luca

Luca Arzegotti -It doesn’t matter, Peter Gilmour is a legend. This was over before it began.

Caedus climbs off of Gilmour and begins pounding on his chest like a barbarian, the crowd goes wild!

Gilmour begins to get to his feet as Caedus is parading around the ring displaying his dominance!

Gilmour takes a page from Caedus and runs full speed, tackling the champion and unloading his own brand of justice all over the head of Jim Caedus!

Old Man Johnson - Peter Gilmour won’t go down without a fight!

Luca Arzegotti - You get em’ Pete, show these idiots what a real champion looks like!

Peter stands up and begins slapping himself in the chest and face, mocking the tenacity of Jim Caedus. The crowd erupts in a sea of boo’s directed at Gilmour!

Old Man Johnson - Peter Gilmour might be one of the most hated men in XWF history.

Luca Arzegotti - And that’s why I love him, Johnny.

Caedus quickly jumps to his feet, Gilmour begins to go back on the offensive again, catching Caedus with a knee to the midsection, sending Caedus stumbling backwards into the ropes!

Peter follows up with a clothesline that sends Caedus sailing over the top rope and to the floor below!

Old Man Johnson - Gilmour looks to try and finish this one quickly, Luca

Luca Arzegotti - All he has to do is climb out of the cage, and that’ll be it for Bum Caedus.
Gilmour exits the ring and races to the side of the cage!

Gilmour begins climbing, he makes it a few feet up before out of nowhere, Caedus comes flying in with a punch to the head!

Gilmour relinquishes the hold on the cage and falls, crashing to the mat below!

Old Man Johnson - Gilmour got a little too cocky there, Luca.

Luca Arzegotti - He has every right to be cocky, he’s a legend!

Caedus scoops Gilmour up from the mat, and sends him flying face first into the side of the cage via an irish whip!

Old Man Johnson - Gilmour hit the cage with such force, I think I felt my chair move.

Luca Arzegotti - Caedus is weak, Gilmour is just playing along.

Caedus grabs Gilmour by the back of the head and pulls him to his feet.

Caedus flips Gilmour around, grabs him by the waist and throws him backwards over his shoulder, directly into the cage once again!

Old Man Johnson - Gilmour claims to be the “King Of Extreme”, this will definitely test his title!

Luca Arzegotti - Peter Gilmour is more extreme than Caedus when he’s eating breakfast!

Gilmour lays on the floor, clenching the back of his head in pain! Caedus moves on the attack once more!

Caedus begins stomping away at Gilmour!





Caedus alternates his strikes as he tries his best to wear the extreme legend down!

Old Man Johnson - Caedus doesn’t even look concerned about winning the match. He looks more concerned with laying a beating on Gilmour!

Luca Arzegotti - You just wait until Gilmour gets a hold of him!

Lifeless, Gilmour lays motionless on the floor.

Caedus begins to climb the cage, but halfway up he gets a Sinister look in his eyes. Caedus hops down and turns his attention back towards Gilmour. Caedus gets a Sinister smile across his face as he slowly begins to stalk around the fallen Gilmour. Caedus Gilmour with his foot in an attempt to stir the extreme icon awake. Gilmour begins to move but is still obviously out of it from the prior attack. Caedus bends over and begins shouting for Peter to get up. Peter begins to move a little bit more leaning up onto one side. Caedus gets into position waiting for him. Gilmour is up to one knee, Jim shouts “come on Peter”! Gilly finally manages a vertical base. Caedus moves in and grabs him by the waist. Jim attempts a belly-to-back suplex, but Gilmour deadweights him. Jim frustrated tries to snap the suplex again, but Gilmour is just too heavy! Gilly fires back with an elbow to Jim's head. Jim is rocked by the shot but doesn't release his grip. Gilmour throws another elbow to the side of his head, followed by another, and a final one to break the hold. Gilmour hits the ropes and connects with a hard-hitting shoulder tackle on the rebound.

Old Man Johnson - Caedus should have exited the cage when he had the chance!

Luca Arzegotti - It's all of those cum flakes in his beard Johnson, they're affecting his decision making!

Gilmour is back to his feet, and immediately tries to pull Caedus back to his feet. Caedus breaks free of Gilmours grip and fires off with a big right hand. Gilmour staggers a bit, but returns fire with a right of his own! The two men stand toe to toe in the center of the ring and begin exchanging blows. A right from Caedus, then Gilmour, then Caedus! They both look like they are about to go down. Caedus ducks a big right from Gilmour, positions himself behind him, and snaps off a sloppy German suplex that sends Gilmour crashing to the mat at an angle, taking the blow to his left shoulder and neck. Caedus isn’t quick to get up. Both men lay on the mat grasping for the energy to get up and continue.

Old Man Johnson - This isn’t a wrestling match, it’s a war!

Luca Arzegotti - You would think that there was a doughnut on the line. Caedus is starving and Gilmour can’t stop eating!

Both men begin to show signs of life around the same time. Gilmour and Caedus both manage to make it up to a knee. They lock eyes and stare at one another for a moment. Each man trying to figure out what it’s going to take to stop the other. Caedus springs to his feet and rushes Gilmour. Gilmour can barely get to his feet before Caedus is all over him. Caedus is throwing wild punches and kicks, literally everything but the kitchen sink at Gilmour. Gilmour does his best to cover up as he backs into the corner. Caedus begins to gas, and Gilmour finds an opening. Gilmour grabs Caedus by the back of the head and tosses him face first into the cage! Caedus slinks down, draped over the turnbuckle. Gilmour lifts him up to a seated position, and climbs up to the second rope. Gilmour wraps his arms around the waist of Caedus and pulls Caedus down into a German Suplex that sends Caedus crashing to the mat, and rolling to the opposite side of the ring.

Old Man Johnson - Neither of these men have done a very good job of pacing themselves. It’s been full steam ahead since the bell rang!

Luca Arzegotti - They both have something to prove, Johnson. Gilmour is trying to prove that he can actually still win a match, and Jim needs to prove that he deserves that Universal Title. Because as far as I’m concerned, if you lose to Peter Gilmour, you aren’t worthy to hold any title here in the XWF, even the Federweight.

Old Man Johnson - How can you say that Luca? Gilmour has pretty much held every title that this company has to offer!

Luca Arzegotti - Yeah, and you once held hands with Roxy Cotton, doesn’t mean you deserve her!

Gilmour realizes that Caedus is on the opposite side of the ring! Gilmour climbs through the ropes and to the outside. Gilmour approaches the cage, and puts both hands on the cage and takes the first step to climb up. Caedus begins to stir, and see’s Gilmour starting to make his ascent up the cage wall. Caedus grabs onto the ropes and using all of his strength, pulls himself up to his feet. Gilmour is about halfway up the cage. Caedus begins looking to Gilmour, then the cage wall next to him. Caedus quickly hops half way up the cage, using the ropes as a springboard. Both men are nearing the top. Gilmour throws his fat leg over the top of the cage and glances back at Caedus. Realizing that Caedus is also near the top, Peter begins to rush to make it down for the win.

Old Man Johnson - This could be it right here, Luca! Gilmour has made it over the top!

Luca Arzegotti - Quickly, Pete, Caedus is right behind you, and ain’t nobody want that bum to win.

Gilmour pulls his body over the top of the cage and carefully begins his descent. Caedus reaches the top as well, and glances back at Gilmour, noting how close he is to winning.



Caedus lunges his body over the top of the cage and free falls to the ground! Gilmour drops from about halfway down the cage. They both seemingly hit the ground at the same time!



Richard Wang is standing on the outside of the ring and seems to be confused as to who he should announce as the winner. Mika Hunt comes running down the ramp and the two of them begin discussing something. You can only assume that they are discussing the potential winner of this match.

Old Man Johnson - I’m honestly not sure, Luca! It all happened so fast, I couldn’t tell who hit first. If I had to guess, I’d say it was Gilmour since he fell from a shorter distance.

Luca Arzegotti - It had better be Gilmour, Caedus is an idiot who almost killed himself on purpose!

Suddenly the X-tron fires up with a reply of the two men hitting the ground from various angles. Mika Hunt and Richard Wang watch attentively as the footage plays a few times.

Richard Wang walks over to Tig O’Bitties and whispers into her ear. Gilmour is up to his feet. He’s gasping for air and looks to be absolutely spent. Jim Caedus hasn’t managed to make it to his feet yet. The 25 foot drop to the cement has him out for the count, but Robert Main and Micheal Graves appear out of seemingly nowhere to check on their friend and stablemate. Both men manage to lift Jim to his feet as Tig O'Bitties makes her announcement.

Tig O’Bitties - Ladies and gentlemen. Referee Richard Wang has informed me that after reviewing the footage of the final seconds of the match… The winner of this match via escaping the cage…



Winner: Jim Caedus!

Old Man Johnson: Huge opportunity. #1 contenders match right now for the Hart Championship!

#1 Contender Match for the Hart Championship
Danny Imperial
- vs -

Tig O’Bitties: The following match is scheduled for one fall. The winner of this match will become the #1 contender for the Hart Championshipppppp! First, weighing in at 200 pounds… Mysticaaaaaaaaa!!!

First eight chords ring out as a pale blue mist leaks from the floor. Mystica walks in slowly, draped in a flowing pale grey robe, which he discards after he passes through the mist. He glares down at the ring, gives a slight smirk, and places his hands together in front of his face, as though locked in thought. After bowing his head for a moment, he walks calmly down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

Old Man Johnson: Mystica looks ready to go here tonight!

Luca Arzegotti: We’ll see. My money is on Danny Imperial! Hands down! What the heck is a Mystica anyway?

Tig O’Bitties: His opponent weighing in at 215 pounds… “The King Of The Jungle” Danny Imperiaaaaallllll!

"Hail To The King" Blares through the speakers as laser multi-colored lights move haphazardly through the stadium. As the heavy guitar drops, two opposite flares shoot out from the base of the entrance. A grinning Danny Imperial walks out from behind the curtain, light on his feet. He's dressed in his usual open cotton white half-sleeved shirt, royal blue briefs, knee high black boots and open finger tape all the way up to his elbows.

He strolls down the ramp towards the ring, smugly glancing from side to side, giving Betsys in the crowd a wink as he passes them. He slides smoothly into the ring, climbing up one of the turnbuckles. He holds both hands up into the air, his ring finger and index finger bent, to create a tri-pronged crown symbol.

He leaps off the turnbuckle, walking to the center of the ring as a blue light shines on him. He simulates a crown on his head, lifting the imaginary crown and placing it at the center of the ring. He walks back to a turnbuckle, and lies across the ropes awaiting the bell!

Old Man Johnson: Look at the confidence of Imperial! The winner of this match will get a shot at the Hart Championship!

Luca Arzegotti: I really do feel sorry for whoever wins this match. They will go on to face “The Omega” Robert Main! Member of AX3! Even if you win this match you lose!

Old Man Johnson: Luca, Robert Main is a very tough champion! He has only lost one match ever, since debuting in the XWF. To top it all off! He was never pinned. It was his partner. Robert Main has never been pinned to the canvas! There’s the bell here we go!

Imperial slowly drops from the turnbuckle, walking towards the center of the ring where he is met by Mystica. The two men get nose to nose jawing each other for several moments. Both motioning around their waist, saying they are going to be the champion.

Imperial finally has enough. Imperial pushes Mystica laughing. Before Imperial can finish laughing Mystica slaps Imperial in the face and follows with a few overhand rights sending Imperial into the ropes. Mystica continues the attack with several huge chops to the chest. Sending Imperial to one knee. Mystica wasting no time hits Imperial with a running knee strike.

Dropping Imperial to the canvas. Imperial trying to gain some distance and catch his breath rolls underneath the bottom rope to the outside. Imperial takes a few steps back towards the ramp holding his head trying to shake off the cobwebs. Mystica climbs to the top rope leaping off with a diving cross body. Imperial looks up grinning catching Mystica!

Old Man Johnson: Look at the strength of Imperial!

Luca Arzegotti: I think it might be payback time for Mystica!

Imperial rams Mystica into the ring post back first several time never letting go. Mystica yells out in pain! Imperial then scoop slams Mystica onto the steel ring steps. Mystica hits with a thud bouncing off of the steps onto the floor! Imperial walks around the steps standing over the downed Mystica.

Imperial grabs Mystics by the throat pulling Mystica up off the floor. Imperial hits a Snapdragon Suplex. Mystica again bounces off the floor. Imperial pulls Mystica up off the floor again this time rolling Mystica into the ring. Imperial follows mocking the crowd on his way back into the ring. Imperial stands over Mystica Raises both hands to the sides of his head, simulating him taking off a crown from his head, placing it on the chest of Mystica!

Old Man Johnson: CROWNING! This might be over right now!

Imperial pulls Mystica from the canvas and signals for “Crown of Thorns”! Imperial turns Mystica around and goes for the “Crown Of Thorns”! Mystica grabs the hands of Imperial, trying to stop the move. The two struggle in the middle of the ring for a few moments when Imperial uses his brute strength locking in the “Crown Of Thorns” in the middle of the ring.

Old Man Johnson: “CROWN OF THORNS”! If Imperial can get Mystica to the mat locking in his legs! This one is over!

Mystica tries despertaly to get to the ropes. Imperial is just too strong. Mystica lowers his center of gravity and begins throwing elbows into the ribs of Imperial.

Imperial wincing in pain with each shot from Mystica but never letting go! Out of desperation, Mystica rams the back of his head into Imperial's face and nose. Imperial instantly let's go grabbing his face!

Old Man Johnson: Mystica is out he needs to move right now!

Luca Arzegotti: Look Imperials nose is dripping blood! Mystica might actually have a chance!

Imperial goes to reapply the “Crown Of Thorns”! "Colour Out of Space"! Mystica sends Imperial to the canvas! Imperial lands on his stomach, blood now pouring out of Imperials nose! Mystics grabs Imperial by his legs placing him into a Boston Crab! Mystica pulls back laying all his weight on the back of Imperial.

Imperial looks around and quickly realizes he is in the middle of the ring with no place to go! Imperial starts crawling towards the ropes dragging Mystica with him. Mystica releases the Boston crab stomping the small of Imperials back several times. Mystica pulls Imperial up to his feet. Mystica takes one big step back and super kicks Imperial. Imperial stumbles back into the turnbuckle. Mystica hits Imperial with a running forearm. Imperial drops to one knee pushing Mystica away.

Right as Imperial pushes Mystica away. Imperial leaps up hitting a huge close line sending Mystica to the canvas! Imperial rushes over mounting Mystica throwing wild shots into Mystica,s head and body. Mystica is covering up well. Imperial gets up followed by Mystica. Mystica kicks Imperial in the gut and hits a snap DDT. Mystica walks over to the ropes. Stunned Imperial is already moving and about to get to his feet. Imperial now standing still bent over! Myrtica bounces off the ropes "Fhtagn" Mystica turns Imperial over for the cover!

Luca Arzegotti: "Fhtagn" It’s over! Here comes the ref for the count. Damn it Imperial!




Old Man Johnson: My god Imperial just kicked out! What heart!

Mystica leaps off the canvas yelling at the ref motioning a 3 count. The ref shakes his head no way. Mystica frustrated hops over the top rope waiting for Imperial to get to his feet. Imperial starts to stir slowly making it to his feet. Mystica grabs the top rope "Winged Horror"!

Imperial sees it coming rushes across the ring leaping into the air SPEAR! Both men crash down to the canvas. Imperial is up first. Mystica now up both men trade punches back and forth stopping in the middle of the ring. The two continue trading in the middle of the ring when Imperial kicks Mystica in the gut whipping him into the ropes. Mystica bounces off the ropes.

Imperial goes for a close line. Mystica slides in-between his legs Mystica pops up quickly but is met with a Spinning elbow. Mystica falls back into the ropes bouncing off them coming back with a Flying clothesline...


Old Man Johnson: IMPERIUS REX!

Imperial covers!




Winner and NEW #1 Contender for the Hart Championship- Danny Imperial

Danny Imperial is standing in the ring with a huge smile on his face.

The lights dim as the spot light follows Robert from behind the curtain. Robert is wearing his signature long black leather jacket blue jeans and snakeskin cowboy boots. Robert stops mid-stage grinning from ear to ear. He slowly unzips his leather jacket revealing The Hart Championship Robert pats the belt a few times before pulling a microphone out of his pocket. He stares out into the crowd pointing at fans with AX3 signs. After a few moments interacting with the XWF fans, Robert places the microphone close to his mouth and begins to speak.

”Danny I bet you are wondering why I am out here right now! You keep looking around the ring like someone is going to get you! Listen it’s just me! I wanted to be the very first person to congratulate you on becoming the number one contender to my belt”!

Robert golf claps

”Now that’s out of the way! Danny Imperial, now that realization has set in. Let’s be honest for a second. Do you actually think you have a chance again me in the ring? I’ve never been pinned. How do you think you are going to beat me? That was a rhetorical question! You cannot and will not beat me! Face the facts! You don’t have what it takes to beat me in the ring! I’ve beaten the very best and you’re not even close. Now if I didn’t have a match tonight! A championship match I might add! One AX3 is going to win! That will be my second gold strap by the way! If I didn’t have that Trios Tag Title match. I’d come down there and personally show you a Dead Man’s Hand!”

Danny motions for Robert to head down to the ring! Robert smiles slowly walking down the ramp and stops just before he gets to the ring. Robert climbs the ring apron shouting at Danny. The two men shout at one another for a moment before Imperial throws a hard right knocking Robert off the apron to the floor. Robert gets up slowly smiling as he grabs the microphone once more!

Forget this! We will fight on my terms! You’ll pay for that punch! Sooner than later!

Robert turns his back and waves off Danny. Robert slowly holding his jaw makes his way up the ramp as Imperial throws his hands up begging Robert to come back to the ring and fight! Robert stops and turns around smiling as the lights go off! As the lights come back on "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves is standing behind Danny with a steel chair in hand. Graves taps the Television Champion on the shoulder. Danny turns around and gets red poison mist blown in his face. Danny immediately grabs his eyes yelling out in agony. Graves then lifts the steel chair over his head and smashes Imperial over the head sending Danny to the canvas. Robert Main then slides into the ring ripping off The Hart Championship Robert grabs Danny by the hair pushing the belt into Imperial's face.

”This is as close as you will ever get!”

Robert tosses the blood covered championship to Graves and picks up Danny and delivers a DEAD MAN’S HAND planting him in the middle of the ring. Robert motions for Graves to pick Imperial up! Graves places Danny in a full nelson. Robert picks up The Hart Championship

”You want a shot? Here it is!”

Robert bounces off the ropes and hits Danny in the face with the belt. Graves then turns Imperial around and hit Grave Conciquinces. Robert smiles as he reaches into his leather jacket pocket and pulls out a can of red spray paint. Robert writes a bold AX3 on Danny chest and stomach. Robert smiles placing one foot on the chest of Imperial raising The Heat Championship and can of spray paint high into the air! Graves then too raises his hands into the air as both men mock the hostile crowd. Commercial break!

Warfare is back from break and the cameras are backstage following Steve Sayors who is running.

Steve what's going on?

Guys I just got word that Thaddeus Duke passed through this hallway just a few seconds ago.

He says as he continues to run. Awkwardly.

I'm trying to catch up with him before he leaves the building!

Sayors rounds a corner and the camera follows. As the camera makes the bend, Thaddeus Duke is seen down the hallway. Sayors runs harder.


Finally, Sayors catches up with him.

Thaddeus Duke, Steve Sayors. I wanted to know if we could get an explanation for what you just did to Dolly Waters out there?!

Sayors shoves the microphone in Thaddeus' face, but he just keeps walking.

Dolly Waters trusted you, Thaddeus. Why did you do what you did?

Thaddeus grabs Sayors by his head and shoves him into the brick wall beside them and continues on. Sayors falls to the ground and Thaddeus, with Waters' Xtreme title, walks through the exit and gets into a waiting car. The car drives off.

Connecticut plate: DUKE

Guys I'm not positive, but I don't think he wants to talk to me.

Back to you.

Old Man Johnson: Well, Luca I still can't get over just how shocked I am that Duke would betray his tag partner, before they even had a match together!

Luca Arzegotti: Lay off the viagra, Old Man, you excite too easy.

XWF Trios Championship Match
[Image: SDipzoK.png]

Drake & The Revival
- vs -
Michael Graves, Robert Main & Chris Chaos

Old Man Johnson: So it's time for our Main Event! Drake and the revival take on AX3 but with everything going on with Micheal Graves it's now going to be 2 on 3 Luca!

Luca: And? It's Main and Chaos. That's basically Shaq and Kobe.

Old Man Johnson: It's still a numbers game. AX3 will have to be on their game tonight.

The Revival Steps out with their hands raised, Drake behind them.

Tig O’Bitties: This match is set for one fall, and it is for the XWF Trios Championship! Introducing first, the team of Drake and The Revival!

They walk down to the ring with a smug look, very confident. Getting into the ring they all lock hands and throw them in the air.

Their celebration doesn't last long as AX3's music hits.

Tig O’Bitties: And escorted to the ring by Jenny Myst, the team of Robert Main and Chris Chaos, AX3!

Robert Main Chris Chaos and Jenny Myst step out from behind the curtain. The crowd boos. Chris has on his red wrestling tights (same ones he wore in he chamber), Main has his black AX3 tights on, and Myst has a tight black skirt and button top.

[Image: eXpSiCy.jpg]

Luca: Oh my, look at the little Minx! The Diva of the Damned alright. Damnit!

Old Man Johnson: Black just like her soul.

Luca: Oh take a Cialis and shut up!

The three walk down the ramp towards the ring. Like the beginning of the show, Chris steps through the ropes and holds them open for Jenny who steps through, flashing her ass and her white panties with a litle wiggle. The three circle and throw their arms up before she exits and the teams go to their respective corners.

Main starts versus Scott Dawson.

Old Man Johnson: Here we go! The main event!

Luca: This is probably why Savage has had better ratings.

The two tie up, and Dawson whips Main into the corner. Running with a splash he comes back off and dropkicks Main back into the corner. Dawson walks over and tags Dash Wilder, who steps in. Just as he gets into the ring, Main explodes out of the corner with a clothesline.

Jenny claps on the outside and Chris reaches out. Main tags and Chris steps in, Main holding Wilder, and Chaos elbows him in the shoulder blades, taking him to one knee. Main steps out as Chaos stomps away on Wilder. Picking him up by the head Chris lifts him for a scoop slam and drops him down to the mat.

Chris then bounces off the ropes, going for a leg drop but Drake clubs him from behind from the outside. Chaos turns and punches Drake, as he flies off the apron. Dawson grabs Chris and locks up and Chaos drops to his knees, slamming the neck of Dawson against the ropes and sending him to the outside.

Wilder is up, and Chris turns around into a clothesline which sends him over the ropes to the outside. Wilder turns around and Robert Main comes off the top rope with a flying forearm.

Old Man Johnson: My god! This has been an action packed match so far!

Luca: AX3 has The Revival right where they want them here.

On the outside, Drake and Dawson are double teaming Chaos, but he is holding his own. Fighting the two men off, he whips Drake into the steps but turns around and gets a kick to the face from Dawson. Jenny now steps across and gets in the face of Dawson.

He grins and she shoves him. He goes to punch her, but Main grabs his arm, whips him around and drops him with a DDT onto the mat. Rolling into the ring, Chris slaps the turnbuckle with frustration.

Old Man Johnson: Chaos is about to lose it here.

Luca: If Jenny keeps coming over here by the table, I'm gonna lose it too.

Wilder is back in. He charges Chaos, who ducks and pops him up in the air, dropping him face down. Picking him back up by the hair, he whips him into the corner. Wilder sits down in the corner and Chaos hits a running knee. He tags Main who is now back on the apron.

Main steps in and picks up Wilder delivering several punches. A small cut forms above his eye. He pulls Wilder out to the center of the ring. BAD DREAM!




Drake is in to break it up!


Dawson is back in. Chaos and Main back him into the corner with punches.

Old Man Johnson: All hell has broken loose here!

Luca: Chaos damn near broke Drake in half!

Main pulls Dawson out to the middle of the ring.


Old Man Johnson: It's over!

Chaos lifts up Wilder, EQUALIZER.

Chaos pulls Drake over and sets him on top of the other two. Main and Chaos both put a foot on the body's.

"COUNT! COUNT DAMNIT!" Chris yells at the refs.





Old Man Johnson: Our new Trios champs-and what's this?

Universal Champion, Jim Caedus along with Micheal Graves appear on the runway to join in the celebration- only the celebration turns into a complete beat down of the hapless Drake and The Revival.

Tig O’Bitties: The winners of this match and -----

Jenny Myst grabs the mic from Tigs. She walks up the steps.

Myst: Sorry, Tigs, but this moment requires someone who has more than just saggy tits going for her. Allow me. The winner of the match, and NEW XWF TRIOS CHAMPIONS, AX3!

Chaos rolls out of the ring and grabs the belts, throwing them into the rig.

Drake is pulling himself up with the ropes. Chaos crouches down, in position and WHAM!

Old Man Johnson: OH MY GOD! Chaos damn near took Drake's head off with that title belt!

Jenny then enters the ring after digging through her purse. She pulls out the fuzzy pink handcuffs we saw the week before.

Luca: Oh yeah! Things are heating up now!

Old Man Johnson: Someone put a stop to this!

Jenny takes the Revival and handcuffs Dawsons right arm to Wilders left arm. Main slides a table into the ring. Chaos lays the two handcuffed men on top of each other onto the table. Chris picks up Drake, lifting him onto his shoulders.


Old Man Johnson: Oh my god! Look at the position they are bent in! Their arms have to be broken from being cuffed!

Main locks the Beggar Lock onto Drake as Chris and Jenny grab the spray paint and begin spraying Drake's body down, writing "AX3" with the paint- Caedus starts stomping Drake's face, and Chaos joins in as Main breaks the hold and he and Graves start working over the disabled Revival.

Old Man Johnson: What a brutal beating, Luca! Ax3 is absolutely destroying Drake and The Revival.

Luca Arzegotti: What a gay name.

Old Man Johnson: Does any of this mean anything to you, Luca?

Luca Arzegotti: Nah, not really.

Old Man Johnson: Oh that's just real great- right now Drake is- WAIT! WHAT IN THE HELL! JANE IS MARCHING HER WAY TO THE RING AND SHE DOESN'T LOOK PLEASED AT ALL!

Luca Arzegotti: Damn them titties are bouncy.

Ax3 hasn't noticed Jane's entrance, and as she slides under the ring, Chaos and Caedus continue stomping into Drake's face. Jane shouts out for them to stop and gets in the way, standing overtop of Drake and pushing Chaos back in the chest. Caedus lifts his arms up in innocence.

Jane : Two weeks, Chaos? This deal barely lasted two hours!

Jane turns toward the ramp and motions an X with her arms, signaling for the medics to come down and assist The Revival and Drake. She turns her attention now back to Ax3,

Jane : "What was I thinking, expecting that you animals could keep Graves in line?!? YOU CAN'T EVEN KEEP YOURSELVES IN LINE! You've all left me with no choice but-"

From out of nowhere Jenny Myst slaps Jane who falls to the mat on her backside, holding her face.

Jenny Myst: That's about how much we care about your thoughts, fuggliduckling. Now send that message back to Vincent Lane and that silver spoon fed whore, Roxy.

Jane takes a step back and just as she does the crowd pops as “Greenback Boogie” by Imarobot hits the airwaves signifying one thing…

Luca Arzegotti: Now we’re talking.

Theo Pryce steps out of the back with a microphone in hand. Seemingly in no rush Pryce walks down to the ring at a moderate pace. He climbs through the ropes and takes a few steps forward positioning himself between Jane and the whole of AX3.

Theo Pryce: Well isn’t this just predictable. I’m just curious but did anyone out there actually expect these jerkoffs to comply with the rules? Anyone? Anyone at all?”

The crowd all starts shouting no or various more colorful versions of while Pryce stands defiant in front of AX3.

Theo Pryce: Here’s the deal. I suspended you Graves and for reasons that still make absolutely no fucking sense to anyone with a pulse Vincent Lane felt the need to lift that suspension and after you and your fellow fuckwits pleaded with Jane here to for leniency and swore up and down that you all would follow the rules, here you are. Doing the exact fucking opposite.

A couple days ago I told you all that I wanted to fire you but that I couldn’t. And that’s true. I couldn’t. My lawyers warned me that firing you would most likely result in legal action being taken against me and the company.

But then it hit me.

I have more money than God and what good is money if you can’t fuck people over with it.

Micheal Graves…



Mother Fuckin


Graves eyes light up. The other members of AX3 including Blackstone start screaming at Pryce who stands there with a smile across his face.

Theo Pryce: Gentlemen if you please.

XWF Security lead by Tommy Gunn walk out to the ring 12 deep. The security team all climb into the ring at once as Gunn motions towards Graves.

Theo Pryce: Now if any of you assholes think that trying to stop what is about to happen here is in your best interests then please by all means do so and see yourself handed walking papers along with your friend.

As their faces turn red and the rage builds within them the remaining members of AX3 stand silent as Tommy Gunn, Jane and XWF security escort Micheal Graves out of the ring, up the ramp and through the curtains.

Theo Pryce: Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey Hey Hey. Goodbyeeeeeee

Pryce continues to troll AX3 for a few more seconds despite being outnumbered 4 to 1.

Something that AX3 quickly picks up on as they begin to surround Pryce like lions stalking their prey.

Theo Pryce: Come now fellas, you didn’t really think I came here alone did you?

Before anyone in AX3 can even react the remaining members of The Kings™ slide into the ring while Pryce takes a step back so as to stand in line with his comrades.

Theo Pryce: I guess you all thought I was just fucking around before when I told you that things were going to change around here. Now maybe you realize just how serious I was. And if for some reason you feel the need to test me just a little bit further then you will find out that this…this right here…this is simply the appetizer. Now, get the fuck out of our ring.

Caedus and Main each take a step forward as if they are ready to engage the enemy but Chris Chaos thinks better of it and instead motions to his troops that right now would be a time to retreat and rethink their next move.

Old Man Johnson: My goodness folks! Things in the XWF appear to be absolutely nuclear right now!

Luca Arzegotti: Nuclear? Really? Fuck my life...

Old Man Johnson: That's all the time we have this week! We'll be coming to you live in two weeks as we continue to pave the road toward High Stakes 2! GOOD NIGHT!

The broadcast ends.

This was my first ever show and I was honored to bring it to you! But it wouldn't have been possible without:

-Credits and thanks to-
Cadryn Tiberius
Paul Heyman
Jefferson Jackson
Mike Graves
JT Washington
Dolly Waters
Theo Pryce
Robert Main
Chris Chaos

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[-] The following 19 users Like Jane Carver's post:
(05-03-2017), (05-03-2017), (05-03-2017), (05-04-2017), Barney Green (05-03-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (05-03-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-03-2017), Guppy Parsh (05-03-2017), JackCain (05-03-2017), Jefferson Jackson (05-03-2017), JimCaedus (05-04-2017), John Samuels (05-03-2017), Mezian (05-04-2017), Misty Waters (05-04-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-03-2017), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (05-04-2017), Super Mario (05-03-2017), Theo Pryce (05-03-2017), Vincent Lane (05-03-2017)
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-03-2017, 05:08 PM

Via Twitter:
[Image: tpHo33I.jpg]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves's post:
Imperial (05-03-2017), JimCaedus (05-04-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-03-2017, 06:56 PM

Good match jim

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
JimCaedus (05-04-2017)
Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-03-2017, 08:44 PM

Backstage we find Cadryn Tiberius being tended to by medical personnel.

Now, wait a damn minute, I got something I wanna say.

Cadryn hop off the gurney, barely holding his own weight, he manages to steady himself with the support of the gurney.

Barney Green. Woooooooooo, goddamn boy. I underestimated you, you still got it, son. I ain't never been through some shit like that, that was intense. Now I see why you're a legend! Get your ass in here boy, I wanna shake the hand of the toughest son of a bitch I've ever met in my damn life.

Cadryn lays back down on the gurney while medical personnel resume their work on his mangled flesh. With one arm extended, Cadryn waits patiently for Barney Green.

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Cadryn Tiberius's post:
Barney Green (05-04-2017), JimCaedus (05-04-2017) [-]
Imperial Offline
The Unchained Prince


XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-03-2017, 11:08 PM

As the paramedics strap Danny into a gurney, his fingers are still clutching his Television Championship tightly. With a grimace on his face, he attempts to raise himself and avoid being strapped in.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, Main."

He drops back to the stretcher, unable to say or move anymore.

The Unchained Prince

[Image: werwolves-eyes-for-Jason-Momoa.gif]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Imperial's post:
JimCaedus (05-04-2017)
Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-04-2017, 05:03 AM

(05-03-2017, 08:44 PM)Cadryn Tiberius Said: Backstage we find Cadryn Tiberius being tended to by medical personnel.

Now, wait a damn minute, I got something I wanna say.

Cadryn hop off the gurney, barely holding his own weight, he manages to steady himself with the support of the gurney.

Barney Green. Woooooooooo, goddamn boy. I underestimated you, you still got it, son. I ain't never been through some shit like that, that was intense. Now I see why you're a legend! Get your ass in here boy, I wanna shake the hand of the toughest son of a bitch I've ever met in my damn life.

Cadryn lays back down on the gurney while medical personnel resume their work on his mangled flesh. With one arm extended, Cadryn waits patiently for Barney Green.

Green slowly limps into the scene. His face covered in dried up blood and looking like he went through hell, Green walks up to Cadryn and goes to speak.

Barney: Kid, You got a bright future in this business. I may not be at the top of my game anymore but I now know you are the real deal. Keep doing your thing and good things will come your way. It was an honor to face you.

Green shakes Cadryn's hand.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Barney Green's post:
Jane Carver (05-04-2017), JimCaedus (05-04-2017)
Cadryn Tiberius Offline
The Essence Of Excellence

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-04-2017, 06:46 AM

Cadryn grasps Barney's hand and shakes it sternly.

The pleasure was all mine, sir.

The Essence Of Excellence -The Reverend - The Messiah - The Reflection Of Pinfection - Jester™

(Updated and Reset: 3/31/23)
Win - Lose - Draw
0 - 1 - 0

Cadryn's Butthole (Backstage Page)

Honorary King™ For The Day!

October 2017 Star Of The Month
May 2017 Star Of The Month
2017 Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
1x XWF Tag Team Champion (Pintner: Michael Graves)
2x XWF Hart Champion
1x XWF Television Champion
2x XWF Federweight Champion
5x XWF Heavy Metalweight Champion
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[-] The following 3 users Like Cadryn Tiberius's post:
Barney Green (05-04-2017), JimCaedus (05-04-2017), Theo Pryce (05-04-2017) [-]
Misty Waters Offline
TITLE - X-treme Champion

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-04-2017, 07:28 AM

"..........Duke. I'mma' kill you."

2x KWA Unified Southern Glory Champion
6x KWA Middleweight Champion
4x KWA Tag Team Champion
1x XWF XTreme Champion

-Dumb Dolly records that no one cares about-

3x XTreme Champion
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

3x Star Of The Month
August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Misty Waters's post:
JimCaedus (05-04-2017)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-04-2017, 08:36 AM

Thaddeus is in an unknown location as he polishes the Xtreme title. Dolly Waters' Xtreme Title.

Ya know Dolly, I thought about giving it back. You know, like UPS it or something. But, I think I'll hang on to it for a little while.

Ya know, for safe keeping.

Thaddeus stops polishing the title and stares into the camera for a few moments before forcing a smile and sending a wink toward Dolly Waters.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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JimCaedus (05-04-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-04-2017, 12:55 PM

"That _was_ a good match Gilly, I thought you had me...and it was an honor to face the Xtreme God of the XWF. Ain't no one else like you bro. Much respect.

Ms. , apologies for the beat down on Drake and The Revival...just a little payback, on my part anyway, for the pricks tryin' to break my motherfuckin' leg not long ago.

Theo...what the FUCK!?"

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

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In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
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Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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(05-04-2017), JackCain (05-04-2017)
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-04-2017, 01:30 PM

Did what happened on Warfare confuse you Jim?

Seemed pretty straight forward to me.

Graves was suspended.

Then his suspension was lifted with the understanding that he would follow the rules laid out for him.

He didn't.

And since suspensions obviously mean dick around here I decided to kick it up a notch and hand him his walking papers.

You should thank me. Now you guys can get back to worrying about getting your faces kicked in by The Kings™ and not when Graves is going to get arrested for all the child porn he no doubt has on his hard drive.

I'm sure you little bitches can go and grovel to Vinnie Lane like you did Jane to see if he will rehire your friend. Wouldn't shock me in the least if he did seeing as how his testicles seem to have vanished since I got back.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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R.L. Edgar (04-22-2021)
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-04-2017, 01:52 PM

Uncle, saying his balls vanished would insinuate he had them to begin with. We don't agree on much, but surely this is one of them.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2017, 02:05 PM

Theo Pryce has been talking about my testicles since 2014, when I relieved him of some Trios gold almost single-handedly. His dong worship intensified to the point that he founded his little Kingdom for the express purpose of getting some of his shine back.

Almost three years later and I'm still the only reason Theo is still relevant in any way.

This dude has almost Gilmour levels of coattail riding to thank for his entire career. Why don't you just get behind Samuels like you do in the ring and let him have the big office instead of you?

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-04-2017, 02:22 PM

That's some truly Trump level revisionist history there Vinnie. Next are you going to tell me that Andrew Jackson was really upset at what he saw going on with World War X?

My relevance in the XWF was solidified while you were still banging groupies in the back of whatever dive bars you paid to let you get booed off stage.

It's interesting you bring up riding coattails when your single biggest claim to fame, the only moment anyone will ever remember you for was the moment you slid Shane 's cock down your throat and then asked him if you could tickle his balls too. CCWF ring a bell? You had to sell out to get anyone to give half a fuck about you.

Meanwhile I had already done everything I needed to do in this business and had already left to go enjoy my spoils.

If I've been talking about your balls since 2014 that's because that's when the search for them began. I'll let you know the moment someone is able to locate them.
You have my word on that.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2017, 02:45 PM

Oh is that what you remember, Theo? Been hitting the powder a little harder in your old age maybe?

I was already the reigning Universal Champion when the CCWF went down. Ask your better... fourth... Doc D'Ville, I'm sure he remembers the timeline.

And when I got cashed on and had my reign sullied by Trax? Illegitimately I might add, by the rules set forth in our contract with the IWGP? Did I sit back and let my Big Black Friend go win it back for me like you did, or did I go get it done myself?


From the moment I snatched those belts from around your black pajama wearing waist I became your obsession, leading directly to you recruiting two partners better than yourself to - everyone finish along with me - get the job done for you when you couldn't. Shit, man, I defended those titles with Peter fucking Gilmour on my team and you still had to have Madison do the hard work before you tagged in and hogged the W.

You hung around long enough to talk a big game, but once that Universal Title was around my waist you decided you didn't want to try for it anymore, didn't you? And you vanished for the entire year I held it for, too. Convenient, if you ask me.

You want to find my balls, dude? Check your chin.

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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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05-04-2017, 03:03 PM Heart  re:Wednesday Warfare: 05/03/2017 -->

Vinnie, you've always been a cool dude with me. I'm sure you see that this termination is both unfair, and non beneficial to the XWF. My contract was... Is Ironclad! You know the level of pain I can bring to this company financially if I decide to fight this.

Do the right thing, take control of your company. Prove to Theo that you still have the balls to make the right decision and bring me back! Come on Vinnie, I'm counting on ya!
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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05-04-2017, 03:09 PM

Wait, who the fuck are you?

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-04-2017, 03:17 PM

Samuels won the title back for me? Did he now?

Can you point me towards the evidence you have to back up that claim?

Winning it back for me would have meant him giving me the title afterwards but that didn't happen did it?

No. No of course it didn't. Because as I've said time and time again once David's cashed in on me and relieved me of having to continually defend a title I never gave a shit about in the first place I had absolutely zero reason to go and win it back.

I must apologize though. I was wrong earlier when I said that the only thing people would remember you for was selling out. That was wrong of me.

What people will really remember you for is for being the only guy not named Barney Green to lose to Peter Gilmour more than once. And you didn't just lose to him twice. No that would have been too easy but no you had to take your level of shit to another level and lose to him not once...

Not twice...

Not three times...

But four times.

Four fucking times you were in a ring with Peter Gilmour on the opposite side and four separate times you walked out a loser.

Hell, I don't even think Barney Green has managed to pull that off.

But go ahead, talk about how you defending titles with Peter Gilmour somehow put you at a disadvantage.

Seems to me that you were the one dragging down Peter.

And if that wasn't bad enough you are the single reason Scully the can even show his face around these parts. Another fucking loser that you somehow managed to make look like a halfway decent wrestler.

Yeah your resume really scares me.

You should be thanking me for stepping away when I did because if I hadn't you'd have still be stuck piddling your way through the mid card with the Hart title.

A title you won with Paul Heyman's help I might add.

A title you later lost to a little irish chick named Ginger Snaps. I guess that'll happen when Heyman isn't there to help you out.

But to me about riding coattails.

Fuckin fraud.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2017, 03:24 PM

I think all that vape juice is messing with your head Vinnie! You know damn well who I am and what I can do to this company if you don't right this wrong!

Either give me back my job, or sell me Dolly Waters.

Your choice...
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2017, 03:27 PM

Bra-fucking-vo, Theo, you and Peter now have the exact same talking points regarding my career. You should be on a plaque together. My bad on Scully though, that one really is on me.

Now you want to talk about the way I brought a dead title back to life for the betterment of the XWF and wrestling as a whole? Jesus, man...

Yeah dude, Paulie and I have a little thing called mutual respect. After that shitheel Kirk Maclay tried a double cross on me, I made a mutually beneficial business deal with the guy who brought me to the XWF in the first place. I got the respect I deserved for once and ended up winning as a result. Big shock, right? And we ALL made money when the Madness ratings tripled overnight as a result.

Theo, one question. If you didn't send Samuels after the Big Belt, then how did he get the shot?



It was your shot. That you "didn't want," because apparently winning isn't what you pride yourself on? What are you, a Browns fan?

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-04-2017, 03:42 PM

(05-04-2017, 03:27 PM)Vincent Lane Said: Bra-fucking-vo, Theo, you and Peter now have the exact same talking points regarding my career. You should be on a plaque together. My bad on Scully though, that one really is on me.

Now you want to talk about the way I brought a dead title back to life for the betterment of the XWF and wrestling as a whole? Jesus, man...

Yeah dude, Paulie and I have a little thing called mutual respect. After that shitheel Kirk Maclay tried a double cross on me, I made a mutually beneficial business deal with the guy who brought me to the XWF in the first place. I got the respect I deserved for once and ended up winning as a result. Big shock, right? And we ALL made money when the Madness ratings tripled overnight as a result.

Theo, one question. If you didn't send Samuels after the Big Belt, then how did he get the shot?



It was your shot. That you "didn't want," because apparently winning isn't what you pride yourself on? What are you, a Browns fan?

Thank you Vinnie.

Thank you so much for bringing that up.

Winning isn't what I pride myself on when I've won everything I ever wanted to win.

Even winning gets boring after a while Vinnie.

But you wouldn't really get that would you?

Cause from where I'm sitting you've been doing a whole lot of losing lately.

Losing your title to a then losing control of the company.

What's next Vinnie? You gonna lose that hooker you pay to be your arm candy?

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2017, 03:59 PM

I know you'll be shocked by this information, Theo, but it's possible for women to spend time with a man without being paid to do so.

And it's funny that you mention my stake in this company. Since the day you so rudely had the wall in my office demolished and fucked up my whole Feng Shui, I've been working tirelessly on minimizing the damage you and the Kings are trying to wreak.

See dude, you might have a 50 percent stake, but so do I. Don't act like you're any more powerful than I am around here... because although our ownership stakes are the same, our titles are not.

I've got some contracts just waiting for signatures, dude. Don't get too comfortable in that throne.

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-04-2017, 04:47 PM

Vince eat a snickers. You get all cunty when you're hungry.

You are acting like I am trying to take the company from you when in reality 50% is all I need. All I want really.

Why would I want to run this place all by myself? Who the fuck even has time for that?

50% is perfect.

But more to the point what exactly have I done that's been such an affront to you?

Are you really that mad about me knocking down the wall between our offices?

I thought that doing so would allow for some more collaboration between us.

But instead you've acted like the grumpy old man of the neighborhood screaming "Get off my lawn" from your safe space.

Seriously, all I've done is try and deal with the problems that you've ignored like this Micheal Graves fiasco. And that former GM of Savage.

Your GM's reached out to me. Not the other way around.

We haven't gone after any of your champions or fucked with a single member of the roster, save for AX3, which in case you haven't noticed has been a thorn in the side of your roster prior to us returning.

And now you want to come The Kings™ by bringing in more talent? By all means.

More talent means more money for us. So by all means. Bring in everyone you can find. It won't a damn bit of difference to us.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-04-2017, 06:17 PM

just get in the ring both of u

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2017, 06:26 PM

(05-04-2017, 06:17 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: just get in the ring both of u

I want to get into the ring...
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2017, 06:28 PM


As your employer I want to assure you that you are appreciated as a genuine legend of the XWF.

As a man, though, I want to point out that my last in-ring victory was May 29th, 2016... and it's STILL more recent than yours.

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-04-2017, 06:32 PM

uh i won a few weeks ago buddy boy.. check your cpu..

and mikey.. u need your life taken from u

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-04-2017, 06:43 PM

(05-04-2017, 06:32 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: uh i won a few weeks ago buddy boy.. check your cpu..

and mikey.. u need your life taken from u
That's just not very nice. What did I ever do to you Petey?

Oh yeah, I screwed you out of going to the finals of Lethal Lottery, then I embarrassed your ass at the following pay-per-view, when I took you to school in your own match type.

You so upset you done went and put on an extra 50 pounds.


I'm trying to gain an extra 97 pounds though.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-05-2017, 02:46 PM

if i had my way, Kevin Anderson would have you executed by lethal injection ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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