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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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04-22-2017, 07:09 PM

[Image: k6XGnt9.jpg]

APRIL 22ND, 2017


Featuring Special Guest House Performers...







Television Championship Match


- vs -

- vs -

PER RULE: 15 Minute Time Limit * Weekly Title Defense
MATCH TYPE: Triple Threat * First Fall Wins * DQ * Count Outs
(Want more information about this match? Hover over the names, pictures or titles.)

- vs - - vs -
Caedus has breezed through a litany of challengers on his way to putting a strangle hold on the Television Championship. BUT will recent Hart contender and nearly Champion himself, Mister Tidbits, find himself with a new strap of gold to present to Father Slathe; OR can the on fire new comer Danny Imperial make a statement that would be heard loud and clear across the XWF locker room for years to come?

No music, no fanfare, an unfamiliar face walks out onto the stage.

Jim Ross
That’s the XWF Director of Operations, J.T. Washington… What’s he doing out here Colten?

I don’t know JR, but that son of a bitch has no business out here on MY SHOW!

[Image: slnx31j.png]
J.T. Washington
Ladies and gentleman, it is with great regret that I announce that before Savage went on the air tonight, XWF Television Champion Jim Caedus was attacked by an unknown assailant. I have been informed by our medical staff that Jim Caedus is not in any condition to compete here tonight.

However, the XWF Television title is required to be defended on a weekly basis, and just because Jim Caedus can’t wrestle, doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to have a TV title match! So I am officially changing tonight’s match to a singles match between Mr. Tidbits and Danny Imperial to crown a NEW Television champion!

The crowd erupts as J.T. quickly turns around and heads backstage.


Jim Ross
It may not be any business of mine Colten, but it looks like he just did!

The Lights begin to flicker on and off at a slow pace, gaining speed until they are almost seizure causing for about ten seconds. Suddenly they shut off leaving the arena completely silent and engulfed in darkness. Then dark purple, queen's purple, and crimson red pyro's begin to erupt down the rampway toward the ring, fans erupt in excitement, "Boo's, Cheers, and Mainly drunken slurs enjoyment. The Jumbotron flickers on...

Tig O’Bitties
The following match is scheduled for one fall, and will crown a new Television Champion! Intrducing first, hailing from Parts Unknown, and weighing in tonight at 236 pounds. Accompanied to the ring by Father Slathe, MISTEEEERRRR TIIIDBIIIIIITSSS!

While the video plays on the large screen a man dressed as a priest known as Father Slathe walks out from behind the curtains at the top of the ramp way, his arms out looking for praise as he casually walks down the rampway with a cigar lit in his mouth dangling below his thick and long black mustache. Making his way about halfway down, he stops and takes a large drag on his cigar, letting out a couple smoke upside down crosses before licking his lip and lower mustache. Father Slathe then walks over to an unlucky fan with a lady friend and proceeds to put his cigar out on the male's forehead, stunning him long enough so that Father Slathe can force a sloppy wet tongue included Kiss on the fan's also unlucky lady friend. Most the time they almost faint in disgust, but kind of are aroused from the tickle of the stache. Father Slathe then quickly bolts to the ring sliding underneath the bottom ropes with the fan quickly in pursuit. Father Slathe in the ring climbs to his knees and hands palms together faces the outraged fan begging and pleading for forgiveness. When suddenly the music stops, Father Slathe starts chuckling out loud with a devilish grin. The Lights shut off once again but quickly come back on, a very sharply dressed Mr. Tidbits stands in the ring with his head slightly tilted to the left staring a hole through the fans back with the black eye sockets of his leather mask. The crowd begins to scream "Behind You!" just as the male fan turns around, Mr. Tidbits begins an onslaught of fists backing the fan into a bare turnbuckle before grabbing him by the throat and Military pressing him over his head and sending him flying over the top ropes and smashing to the ringside floor. Mr. Tidbits then dusts his shoulders and hands off, before returning to his master, Father Slathe, to await his command to destroy.

Tig O’Bitties
And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 215 pounds and hailing from New York City, New York… DANNY IMPERIAAAAL!!!

"Hail To The King" Blares through the speakers as laser multi-colored lights move haphazardly through the stadium. As the heavy guitar drops, two opposite flares shoot out from the base of the entrance. A grinning Danny Imperial walks out from behind the curtain, light on his feet. He's dressed in his usual open cotton white half-sleeved shirt, royal blue briefs, knee high black boots and open finger tape all the way up to his elbows.

He strolls down the ramp towards the ring, smugly glancing from side to side, giving Betsys in the crowd a wink as he passes them. He slides smoothly into the ring, climbing up one of the turnbuckles. He holds both hands up into the air, his ring finger and index finger bent, to create a a tri-pronged crown symbol.

He leaps off the turnbuckle, walking to the center of the ring as a blue light shines on him. He simulates a crown on his head, lifting the imaginary crown and placing it at the center of the ring. He walks back to a turnbuckle, and lies across the ropes staring at his opponent.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Here we go! We see our competitors circling the ring. Imperial and Tidbits fake going at each other. They finally collide in the middle of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up. Tidbits is backed into the corner. The ref calls for a break. Imperial backs off, but then goes to work on Tidbits in the corner. Imperial steps away and yells for Tidbits bring it. Tidbits rushes towards Imperial. Danny hits a massive clothesline on Tidbits. Danny shouts at the crowd and storms around the ring, his adrenaline pumping. Danny turns his attention back towards Tidbits only to find that Tidbits is back on his feet and ready to fight.

Jim Ross
This isn’t the easy fights that Danny has been getting for the last couple of weeks! Tonight Danny Imperial is going to have to work for it if he wants to win!

Easy opponents? Work for it? Are you trying to insinuate something JR?

Jim Ross
No no, I’m simply pointing out that Danny Imperial isn’t facing a Vlad Vesquez or Dr. Psycho tonight.

No, he’s supposed to be facing Mr. Tidbits, AND Jim Caedus.

Jim Ross
For those just tuning in, Jim Caedus was attacked by an unknown assailant before this match could begin. According to J.T. Washington, Jim was unable to compete tonight and thus was forced to vacate the Television title.

Tidbits and Imperial start to circle one another once again. This time as they go for the collar and elbow tie up. Tidbits goes for a side headlock on Imperial. Danny tries to power out but Tidbits applies more pressure. Danny yelling as pressure is applied by Tidbits. Imperial then hits Tidbits with elbow shots to the midsection to break the hold. After breaking the hold, Tidbits and Imperial get in each others face screaming at one another. After a few seconds, Tidbits pushes Imperial. Imperial in retaliation pushes Tidbits. Back and forth. Back and forth. Tidbits throws a right hand. Imperial throws a right hand. They both just start letting loose a flurry of right hands at each other. Imperial gains the advantage and sends Tidbits off the ropes. On the rebound Tidbits gets leveled by a shoulder block by Imperial. Imperial looking down at Tidbits signals for him to get up. Imperial goes off the ropes but is met by an axe kick by Tidbits. Tidbits is quick to follow up with a Jumping Butt Splash! Tidbits sits on the chest of Danny Imperial as Father Slathe yells from outside. Tidbits jumps to his feet and lifts Danny Imperial up from the mat. Tidbits drags him to the corner and lifts Danny up to a seated position on the turnbuckle. Tidbits climbs up to the second rope and grabs Danny for a superplex. Imperial fires off a couple of shots to the ribs causing Tidbits to release the hold. Danny shoves Tidbits off of the ropes. Tidbits lands on his feet and stumbles back a few steps. Danny Imperial jumps off of the top rope with a double axe handle! Tidbits drops to the mat. Imperial sizes him up and drops an elbow across the chest. Danny stands up and postures to the fans. Tidbits makes it up to one knee. Father Slathe is banging on the apron, trying to wake his pet up. Danny trns his attention back to Mr. Tidbits. Danny walks over and grabs Tidbits by the mask. Tidbits responds with an uppercut between the legs.

Jim Ross

“I didn't see a low blow JR, now shut up and enjoy the match!”

8:26 Remaining

Tidbits back to his feet. Telling Imperial to bring it on. Imperial walks towards Tidbits, but Tidbits hits a dropkick to the knee of Danny Imperial. Tidbits goes to work on the knee of Imperial. Just stomping away at the knee. Tidbits grabs the injured leg and rolls Imperial over into a half crab. Tidbits starts cranking on the injured knee applying more pressure with each crank.

Jim Ross
“Mr. Tidbits looking for the submission!

“I have a feeling that it's going to take more than that to scare Imperial away from ”

Imperial is screaming in excruciating pain. He's asked if he wants to give up? Imperial screams NO! Imperial crawls towards the ropes, inching closer and closer. As Imperial inches closer to the ropes Tidbits starts landing punches on the injured knee.

Jim Ross
“ My god I think Mr. Tidbits is trying to rip the leg right off of Danny Imperial!”

“ JR! It's a shame he doesn't apply more pressure to that damn knee!”

Imperial is still in the clutches of the half crab. Imperial finally makes it to the ropes. The ref calls for a rope break. Tidbits continues to apply the hold. As the ref starts to count.





Tidbits finally breaks the hold. As he's jawing with the ref over continuing the hold. Imperial is laying on the mat clinching his knee in pain. Tidbits walks over as he goes to grab Imperial he rolled up into an inside cradle.



Kick out!

6:11 Remaining

Tidbits caught off guard, he slides out of the ring to collect his composure. Meanwhile inside the ring Imperial gets to his feet with assistance from the ropes. Imperial while nursing his knee sees an opportunity. As Tidbits turns around, Imperial using the ropes rope springs himself over the top rope hitting a crossbody on Tidbits as both men hit the floor. Both men are out on the floor as the ref starts the count.






Both men start to stir. Imperial is first to his feet still nursing the knee. He limps towards Tidbits who had just made it to a knee. Imperial tries to whip Tidbits towards the steps but is reversed and Imperial is sent into the steps.




Tidbits rolls into the ring. He yells for the ref to keep counting.


4:56 Remaining

Imperial is up to the rope and barely beats the count, but is back into the ring. Tidbits is beside himself. Rushes over and grabs the injured leg of Imperial but is met by a boot to the face. Imperial makes it to his feet and limps towards Tidbits. Imperial lands a right hand. Tidbits throws a right of his own. They both start firing off at one another once again.

4:19 Remaining

Neither man willing to slow down. Both just exchanging blows. Tidbits gains the advantage. Tidbits positions himself behind Imperial, he grabs Imperial for a German suplex. He keeps his grip for a second, then a third German suplex. Tidbits gaining momentum signals the end is almost near. He picks up Imperial and whips him into the corner. Tidbits looks on as his eyes open wide. He sees his opportunity, he takes off towards the corner and hits the Bitty Splash! As Tidbits backs away, Imperial comes stumbling out of the corner. Tidbits grabs Imperial by the head. He motions to the crowd and delivers a T.D.D.. Tidbits then goes for the cover.



Kick out!

3:23 Remaining

Jim Ross
“ He kicked out! My god these two are putting each other through hell! Neither man wanting to give an inch!”

T-Kato” JR, let's not forget that these two are fighting not only for pride but the XWF Television Title as well! So, of course, they're going to put each other through hell!”

Tidbits sets on the mat looking back at Imperial wondering what he has to do to put him away. Imperial starts to come to his senses. Tidbits gets back to his feet and tries to grab Imperial. Danny fires a right hand to the midsection of Tidbits. Imperial starts to rise to his feet. He starts landing big right hands rocking Tidbits. Imperial whips Tidbits into the ropes and hits him with a devastating spear. Imperial goes for a cover.



Kick out!

2:06 Remaining

Jim Ross
“ I thought Danny Imperial just tore Mr.Tidbits in half with that spear!”

“ Yeah, but JR it'll take more than that to get the job done!”

Danny is upset, lifts Tidbits up to his feet and reaches in for the grapple. Tidbits slips the grapple attempt and fires back with a punch to the head and a kick to the midsection. Imperial doubles over as Tidbits reaches out, lifting him up.

Tidbit of a Headache!!!

Jim Ross

Mr. Tidbits covers Danny Imperial and hooks the leg.




Mr. Tidbits


Singles Match

- vs -
PER RULE: One on One Bout * Disqualification/Count Out Applies
MATCH TYPE: Standard Rules * Pin/Submission/DQ/Count Out Of Any Kind Counts
(Want more information about this match? Hover over the names, pictures or titles.)

- vs -
John Blaq is trying to establish himself on a roster full of talent, including a new crop led by the mysterious Mezian. After managing to be pretty successful early on in his XWF career, Mezian will face the challenge of a man he knows little about in an effort to keep things rolling. Will he be able to, or will John Blaq throw him into a dark corner to collect his thoughts?

Tig O’Bitties
The following match is set for one fall! Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 225 pounds and billing in from Baaaaltiiimoorree, making his return to the XWF Ring… JOHN BLAQ!

Eugh, this little loud mouth prick finally has his first match, can’t wait to watch him get beat.

Jim Ross
This match will make it clear, was Blaq all talk or can he back up his choice words?

As “Elevators” plays through the stadium, John casually walks out onto the stage, his mask on his face. The lukewarm reaction he receives from the crowd doesn’t seem to phase him. Without a glance right or left, he simply walks down to the ring. He takes the steps up, sliding between the second and third rope, and stands in the middle of the ring awaiting his opponent.

Tig O’ Bitties
And his opponent, weighing in at 230 pounds, he bills from Cincinnati, Ohiioooo… Meeeeeeeeziaaannn!!

The stadium’s light dims and a blue hue washes over the crowd. Smoke pours out over the stage and a crazed looking man steps out through the curtain. He holds his head high, a smile on his face and raises his arms. Walking through the smoke, he speaks to the odd fan and continues towards the ring. As he approaches the ring he shifts his gaze to John Blaq, unwavering, as he slides under the third rope. The referee checks both opponents for any hidden weapons as the lights return to normal and the music cuts.

This lunatic is going to take Blaq straight to the asylum with him!

Jim Ross
We haven’t seen Blaq in the ring for a long time, this’ll be interesting folks.

The referee calls for the bell and Blaq immediately sneers at Mezian through his mask. He steps back from his fighting stance, raising his hands to either side of his body and flipping off the crowd. This is answered by some boos here and there. Mezian doesn’t appreciate the indifference of John, charging him into a quick lift tackle and slamming his back into the mat. Having caught John off guard, Mezian reigns right hands into the side of John’s face, which isn’t covered by his mask. Using his knees to pin Blaqs arms to the mat, Mezian’s strikes go unblocked.

Jim Ross
Oh, Mezian did not like that, look at him go.

John, refusing to let the onslaught continue, twists his body so that his feet come up and around Mezian. Whilst pulling Mezian’s neck backwards with his feet, he uses the momentum to prop his body up. Mezian’s head crashes into the mat, John quickly brings his legs around Mezian’s neck, pinning his shoulders down in a form of roll-up.




Blaq trying to end this quick, hah! He’s not getting off that easy.

Kicking out viciously, John is thrown off balance and onto his back. Mezian rolls up onto his feet and rushes the ropes. On the rebound, he drops a quick elbow on the downed John. Unable to move away, the elbow catches him in the chest. Mezian pulls John up to his feet, hooking one arm over his neck and throwing John into a belly-to-belly. Mezian is quickly back on his feet, stalking his opponent. John pulls himself up into a sitting position, shaking his head and glancing at Mezian.

Jim Ross
Thunderous suplex there by Mezian.

Mezian grins, going to the ropes once again. This time however John’s ready, dropping to his belly to avoid a collision. Mezian jumps over Johns frame and bounces off the ropes once more. When he comes back, John catches him in the gut with a right leg, dropping him into a sharp DDT. John rolls Mezian over for the cover.




Jim Ross
That’s two covers by John, he’s trying to end this quick but Mezian won’t allow it!

Mezian rolls onto his knees, using the ropes to pull himself to his feet. John meets him in the middle of the ring and the two begin to trade right hands. Mezian. Blaq. Mezian. Blaq. Mezian. Blaq. Mezian. Mezian. Mezian. Mezian pushes John back to the corner with some hard right hands, before whipping him face first into the turnbuckle. John is dazed as he bounces off the covering, Mezian picks him up quickly, delivering a GORYBOMB. John’s head slams off the matt with a sickening sound.

That’s right! Go for the cover- WHAT’RE YOU DOING?!

Mezian glances back at the downed John, looking back towards the turnbuckle and climbing up it. He gets to the top, and turns to face Blaq’s body, still lying in the middle of the ring. Mezian flashes his arms in the air and the crowd, obviously on his side, begin to edge him on to jump. Mezian leaps off the turnbuckle going for a leg drop on the back of Blaq.

At the final second, Blaq rolls away towards the rope. Mezian lands with a thud, the impact sending waves of shock up his spine. Mezian drops to his back, holding his lower back with one arm. He rolls around the mat in pain as Blaq gets to his feet. With a smile behind his mask, Blaq picks up Mezian and sends him spiraling into a German suplex. Blaq moves away from the body, waiting and watching as Mezian grabs the base of his back and tries to get back up on to his feet.

Fool! It all started with thinking you knew how to fly, idiot.

As Mezian finally stumbles onto his feet and turns to face Blaq, a boot flies out of nowhere, aimed for the underside of Mezian’s chin. SUPERKI-NO! Mezian ducks under the leg, slipping one arm between Blaq’s legs and and picks him up, slinging the struggling John over his shoulder. Mezian grips tight, and John fights for his life.

Good, good, punish him.

Jim Ross
Weren’t you just trying to get him to finish the match?

That was before I realized Mezian had this in him, now quiet.

Mezian glances through the crowd, giving them his crazed smile and drops Blaq into an End is Nigh! John falls to the mat, body limp and a gash over his eyebrow, blood leaking down his face. Mezian drops to his knees, still looking at the crowd as he covers Blaq.





That’ll show this big mouth, go back on vacation rapper boy, we don’t need you

Jim Ross
Ooft, that was a crushing victory by Mezian! Wonder if Blaq will continue his chatty ways.

After the grueling match that John and Mezian, They can barely move as they begin to exit the ring to the back, Suddenly the all the lights in the arena turn off, As a commotion breaks out in the crowd. When the lights return we find a massacre on the out and a barely moving body inside of the ring. The body on the outside of the ring is Identified as John who is busted open and left in his own pool of blood. While inside the ring is Mezian who is visibly in pain and he is finding trouble to move his body In the corner of the ring is Shade watching Mezian crawl himself up from the ground.

Jim Ross

The crowd comes unglued when they see Shade. He has his bat with him while he acts like a hunter watching his prey. When Mezian pulls himself up from the ground Shade rushes him with a running knee to his face. He then picks Mezian from the ground and hangs on the ropes and ties him to it. He then gets his bat and starts swinging at Mezian's face as the crowd watches in horror as Shade brutalizes and disfigures Mezian face with his bat as he draws blood leaving Mezian's face covered his own blood and the pool that was also created at his feet.

Jim Ross

Referees and Officials started to rush the ring telling Shade to stop his brutalization of Mezian. He calmly agrees with them as he walks out of the ring towards the back with officials. Once the officials had freed Mezian, Shade turns around and does his signature gun taunt at Mezian as again the light goes out. Once they come back on again Mezian is on the stage where Shade kicks him in the gut and delivers Bow Down at the top of the entrance ramp. Before the Official could get to him. As they usher Shade to the back, He looks down on Mezian before walking to the back with many officials making sure he does nothing more. But before he disappears into the entrance way he shouts.

''Welcome to Hell boy aka Savage''.

Singles Match

- vs -

PER RULE: One on One Bout * Disqualification/Count Out Applies
MATCH TYPE: Standard Rules * Pin/Submission/DQ/Count Out Of Any Kind Counts
(Want more information about this match? Hover over the names, pictures or titles.)

- vs -
Jenny Myst has decided to try her own hand at wrestling after years of escorting former Universal Champion Chris Chaos to his own laundry list of victorious matches. Will the "chaotic" winning tendencies of her love carry over into her own run in XWF lure; or will the local Witch, Isabella Ravenwolf, put an early end to the budding brouhaha of a career?

Jim Ross
Colton, it is time for the ladies match. That evil, cold hearted wench Jenny Myst versus Isabella Ravenwolf!

Damn right, Jim! A good ol' catfight! One is a creepy goth chick and the other is a gold digging slut! This is why I love this program.

Jim Ross
Just keep yourself zipped over there, Kato.

O' Death begins to play over the P.A.The lights go out in the area and all is silent for a few moments before three lighting bolts strike the top of the ramp. Soon afterward the lights turn back on and there is sitting on top of a large black horse, with eyes red as blood.

Tig O’Bitties
The following match is set for one fall and is a women's division match! Introducing first, from Salem, Massachusetts, Isabella Ravenwolf!

The horse begins to make it's way down the ramp and soon reaches the ring. Isabella hops off. She pets her mighty Shire before releasing him of his duties. The horse runs off busting into flames and disappears into smoke. Isabella gets into the ring and waits for the match to start.

Jim Ross
This woman gives me the chills

That's probably an age thing, Jim. You may want to get that checked out.

Oh yeah! The hottest chick in the business!.

Jim Ross
Do you have no standards?

Jenny Enters the arena when the Drums hit for the first time in her entrance music, Around the 20 second mark.

Tig O’Bitties
Introducing next, she is the "First Lady of AX3 and has asked to be introduced as, "The Diva of the Damned, from Las Vegas, Nevada...Jennnny Myyssstt!

[Image: dlLF04i.jpg]

Saunters to the ring elegantly until she gets to the front side of the ring. She hops up onto the Apron and leans back over the top rope while lifting a leg. She then throws a leg over the second rope and and bends at the waist (Stacey Keibler or Velvet Skye Style), She pauses between the ropes while bent over and since she typically wears short skirts she give the cameraman and that side of the crowd a nice show. She waves her backside back and forth a few times before kicking her leg up and finishing the step into the ring. She turns back to the side of the crowd that she entered on and shoots them a wink and slight smirk.

Walking to the opposite turnbuckle she stares at Ravenwolf and waits for the bell to ring.

The bell rings and Jenny and Isabella circle. It is Isabella attacking first and grabbing a fistful of Jenny's blonde main and throwing her to the mat on her ass. Jenny slaps the mat, and gets back up and Izzy shoves her back down again.

Jenny bounces back up and Isabella laughs to herself, but Jenny hauls off and slaps her. A little blood trickles at the corner of Isabella's mouth, and she smiles a wicked grin. Jenny grabs her and the two lock up. This time Jenny whips her into the ropes but Isabella shoulder blocks Myst on the way back, knocking her down again. Jenny rolls on the mat as Isabella stomps her a few times, before lifting her up by the hair and kneeing her hard in the gut. Isabella flips Jenny over with a hip toss.

Jim Ross
This heartless wench is really showing her inexperience here.

Yeah but look at that outfit!

Isabella goes to suplex Jenny, but the blonde bombshell gets a thumb to the eye, causing Isabella to stumble back. Bouncing off the ropes she hits the now stunned Ravenwolf with a clothesline. Posturing to the crowd, who boos, she smiles a wide grin. A few kicks to Ravenwolf, but the dark one uses the ropes to pull herself back up. Jenny charges and Ravenwolf ducks it, flipping Jenny over the ropes to the outside where she lands hard. Jenny is slow getting up and Isabella is slow getting out there to greet her. When the two meet, Jenny is back up. Ravenwolf grabs a handfull of hair and walks Jenny towards the bariicade. Before she can slam her face first, Jenny skirts around and shoves Ravenwolf face first into barricade. Jenny shows how scrappy she is by driving a shoulder into the lower back of Ravenwolf, then grabbing her by the hair and sliding her into the ring. Jenny rolls into the ring, and Ravenwolf tries to get up. Jenny is in pursuit. Ravenwolf ducks her charge and shoves Jenny into the ropes. She proceeds to drive a shoulder into Jenny's midsection.

Then another.

Then another.

Each one producing an audible "ooff" from the blonde.


Jenny takes a stumble step out and Isabella delivers a huge DDT. Bridge pin.



Jenny kicks out at 2.

Isabella grabs Jenny's head and slams it down on the mat. Jenny rolls over onto all fours. Isbella goes to kick her in the side but Jenny grabs her leg and flips her onto ther back.



Izzy kicks out quick.

Jenny is up and Isabella begins to stand up. A standing dropkick from Jenny, an impressive move for a rookie, catches her on the chin. Isabella is down!

Pin her! Pin her Myst!

Jim Ross
Jenny showing her inexperience here by not pinning Isabella! That could cost her.

Jenny flaunts to the crowd, then goes to the top rope. She throws her arms up then rubs her tits before going for a top rope splash. She took too long however and Jenny crashes and burns, as Ravenwolf moves.

She's gonna pop her tits if she keeps trying and failing at moves like that!

Jim Ross
Serves her right. Wench.

With a handfull of hair, Isabella punches Jenny a few times, who now also has a little blood in the corner of the mouth, and steps back, delivering a drop kick of her own and putting Jenny on her back.

Cover by hooking the leg.

Mika counts



Jenny gets a shoulder up again. Isabella tilts her head to one side. Picking Jenny up, she locks her arms for a German Suplex. Delivering, she goes into a bridge pin but Jenny slides out somehow, gets around Isabella, pulls the witch's legs up and steps on her hair!



3---NO! Isabella kicked out at the last minute! Jenny looks at the ref, yelling three!

Jim Ross
Myst almost stole one there!

Myst picks up Ravenwolf and whips her into the ropes. On the way back Jenny knees the witch in the gut. She whips her into the other turnbuckle and knees her again before throwing her down by the hair. This time though, she stays on her. A few kicks and she picks Isabella up by the hair. Jenny shows a bit of what she has learned by executing a perfect DDT, flattening Ravenwolf in the process.

I bet Chaos taught her that!

Jim Ross
He teach you how to suck ass too? You know he's AX3 right?.

You kiss your mother with that mouth, Jim?

Myst doesn't pin, however. She keeps the assault going, getting down on one knee and picking up Isabella's head by the hair and raining forearms and punches down, showing a mean streak. Grinning to the crowd she picks up Isabella gain. Holding her by the head, she goes for one of her finishers "Gold Digger", which is a running bulldog off the ropes (stratusfaction). When she starts to run though, Isabella shoves her and she bounces into the corner. The witch of the XWF then slashes Jenny in the corner with flying forearm. Getting up onto the second rope she puts Jenny's head between her arms and jumps.


Jenny is flat out.

Jim Ross
It's over! It's buh-gawd over! Pin her! Pin the wench!

Isabella covers but Jenny shows some sort of ring awareness and gets a foot on the middle rope after a 1 count.

Isabella is clearly frustrated now, but Jenny rolls out of the ring. After a few seconds, Ravenwolf pursues. She grabs Jenny by the hair and goes to slam her head into the announce table, but Myst counters and shoves her into the time keepers area. Ravenwolf is back and dives from behind Tigs to attempt to tackle Jenny, but Jenny moves and the dark one hits the ring post. Stumbling back, Jenny rolls her head first into the ring. Going over to Tigs she shoves her off her chair and grabs her purse from the time keeper area. Ravenwolf is back outside now and Jenny goes for a kick. Isabella catches it but the young rookie hits an insaguri that knocks Ravenwolf back against the ring apron. Jenny rolls her into the ring, hits a back breaker, then rolls back out of the ring and begins rooting around in her purse again. Grabbing a small itme out of it she puts it inside her skimpy top and gets up on the ring apron. Right before she goes to step in, a weary Ravenwolf grabs her by the hair again and tries pulling her into the ring by the hair when Jenny reaches into the top part of her bikini top. She can't quite reach it, and the ref tries to break the hair pull up. Jenny goes to punch Ravenwolf, who ducks, and Jenny hits the ref!

Jim Ross
The ref is down! This isn't good! It plays right into Jenny's favor!

If need be I can fill in and execute my referee powers to finish this match!

Jim Ross
Oh you just sit right there. Stop it....

Jenny breaks the hair hold and jumps down to the outside, going back towards the purse. Suddenly, Ravenwolf snaps her fingers and the purse catches fire!

Jenny backs up from the flames and turns around. Ravenwolf is giving her the finger symbol to "come here". Jenny reaches towards the expensive coach bag then, visably angry, turns and jumps onto the apron. Ravenwolf advances and Jenny reaches into her bikini top, pulling out the item, its pepper spray!

Jenny pepper sprays Isabella who stumbles back.

Jim Ross

Chris Chaos is in the ring in the far corner. He is crouched down, signaling "come on" with his hands and bobbing his head madly with a sick grin.

Isabella screams and covers her eyes and turns around.

Just then she is cut damn near in half with a SPEAR!


Jim Ross
This is absolutely disgusting! That's a woman, damnit! Chaos should be ashamed of himself! The bastard! Ravenwolf is broken damn near in half by god!

Chaos rolls out of the ring, Isabella is out cold just as the ref comes to. From the outside Chris says "pin her!" She tosses him the pepper spray can but looks at the unconcious witch below her. She looks at Chris, then back at Isabella, and shakes her head. She points to herself and says "I wanna do it!". She lifts up a now limp Ravenwolf and slaps her, knocking her down then the butt drop. PINK PERFECTION!




The first lady is 1 and 0! She wanted to do it herself, Jim! She did it!

Jim Ross
Oh yeah, she did it herself alright! This is disgusting! These two need to be stopped damnit!

Tig O’Bitties
The winner of this match, The Diva of the Damned, JENNNY MYYYSST

Jim Ross
She's damned all right!

Chris and Jenny are in the ring. He holds up her hand as she smiles big. He twirls her around and kisses her then holds her hands back up again before the two exit the ring.

Jenny Myst


Singles Match
- vs -

PER RULE: Single Fall * One on One
MATCH TYPE: Standard Match * First Fall * DQ * Count Out
(Want more information about this match? Hover over the names, pictures or titles.)

- vs -
Dr.Psycho has been mentally "around the block a few times", as they say, but can all that experience make him the right one to take down RANDOM? Whether it be morphing, or just downright weird, we can never be sure which version of RANDOM will be at SAVAGE. Will the mystery foil the plans of Dr.Psycho, or will RANDOM's identity be brushed a side in place of a psychotic Beating?

Tig O’Bitties
Introducing first, weighing in at 503 lbs, from who knows where, Random!

Riding his trusty Silverback Gorilla, Jones Sampson, Random begins coming down the ramp! Random sends Jones Sampson to ringside as he lays in the middle of the ring, humping away, until his opponent enters the ring!

Jim Ross
You know, Colton, I’ve never seen anyone ride a Gorilla to the ring before.

Who cares about the Gorilla?! Where’s Gary Busey!?

Jim Ross
He’s dead Colton! Random impaled him on a spear!

Tig O’Bitties
And the challenger, weighing in at 199 lbs, from Baltimore, MD, Dr. Psycho!

The lights in the arena go dark and Dr. Psycho begins making his way down to the arena. He slowly walks down the ramp before sliding into the ring, a demonic way about him, he begins posing for his fans. The lights come back on and he is ready for the match to begin.

Jim Ross
Random definitely has his work cut out for him tonight, Kato.

It depends on who Random decides to be tonight. So far he just looks fat and stupid!

The bell sounds and the match begins!

Random and Dr. Psycho meet in the center of the ring. Random extends his hand, looking for the traditional handshake with Dr. Psycho. Dr. Psycho refuses to shake his hand. The two argue in the middle of the ring for a moment before Dr. Psycho hits Random with a stiff clothesline, knocking him to the mat!

Jim Ross
It sure didn’t take him long to send a message to Random, Colton.

Yeah, it looks like Dr. Psycho actually means business here tonight.

Dr. Psycho picks him up and whips him into the corner. Dr. Psycho runs full steam ahead, hitting Random with a massive uppercut that sends him crashing to the mat. Dr. Psycho grabs Random by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Random breaks the hold and shoves him backwards. Dr. Psycho stumbles backwards a few feet before charging forward and hitting Random with a barrage of punches.

Jim Ross
It looks as though Random’s counters have no effect on the Dr. Psycho!

That’s probably because Random hits like a soggy noodle, JR.







Chaz Bobo steps in to break the two mean apart.

Random is out on his feet. Dr. Psycho grabs him and hits him with a DDT!

Jim Ross
Ohh, that’s one hell of a DDT! That could be the end!

Thank God, I can’t take much more of this.

Dr. Psycho goes for the pin!




Random kicks out at the last minute.

Jim Ross
That was a close call for Random, Kato.

If it get’s that close again, I’ll ring the damn bell myself.

Dr. Psycho quickly climbs on top of Random once more and begins pounding away! Chaz Bobo pulls Dr. Psycho off of him once more. Random lays motionless in the middle of the ring. Dr. Psycho begins dragging him towards the middle of the ring, but Random kicks his feet into the chest of Dr. Psycho knocking him away and down to the mat! Random does a kip up and quickly is on his feet. He grabs Dr. Psycho and whips him into the ropes! Random hits grabs him and hits him with an inverted atomic drop!

Jim Ross
It looks as though Random may be making a comeback, Kato.

He needs to transform into a winner, is what needs to happen!

Dr. Psycho stumbles about holding his groin, Random bounces off the ropes and hits him with a dropkick!

Random goes for the cover!

Jim Ross
This could be it right here!

Do it, Random!




Dr. Psycho kicks out with ease. Random can’t believe it and begins to throw a fit in the middle of the ring.

Jim Ross
Random doesn’t seem too thrilled with that, Kato.

Of course not, he had the match won!

Dr. Psycho gets to his feet and capitalizes on the opportunity of Random having his back turned. Dr. Psycho grabs Random and spins him around, kicking him in the midsection, and setting him up for a suplex!

Random goes up and comes crashing down to the mat.

Jim Ross
Textbook suplex from the up and comer, Kato.

Lame. Someone needs to bleed to make this worthwhile.

Random writhes in pain as Dr. Psycho begins walking around Random, like an animal stalking its prey.

Dr. Psycho grabs Random by the arm and puts him in an arm bar type submission hold!

Chaz Bobo slides in to check on Random!

Dr. Psycho wrenches back on the hold as Random yells out in pain.

Jim Ross
Dr. Psycho has the armbar locked in, how long can Random hold on?

Just tap out already, do us all a favor!

Chaz Bobo checks again, but still Random does not tap out.

Random begins crawling and reaching for the ropes.

He finally gets close enough and reaches out!

Rope Break!

Chaz Bobo forces Dr. Psycho to relinquish the hold.

Jim Ross
Random is lucky he was able to get to the ropes, he couldn’t hold on for much longer!

Right you are, JR.

Dr. Psycho begins yelling at Random to get up, to get back to his feet.

Dr. Psycho grabs him and pulls him up. Dr. Psycho whips him into the corner and begins celebrating in the middle of the ring.

Random bursts out of the corner like a man on a mission, clotheslining Dr. Psycho from behind! Knocking him down to the mat. Random jumps on top of him and begins slapping him in the face over and over again!

Jim Ross
Looks like Random got his second wind, Kato!

Did he have a first wind?

Chaz Bobo tries to break the men up, but Random pushes him away!

Random begins biting the ear of Dr. Psycho, reminiscent of Mike Tyson!

Jim Ross
Oh my God! He’s biting the ear of Dr. Psycho! Somebody stop this..

Bite it clean off!

Chaz Bobo manages to knock Random off of Dr. Psycho. Random rolls out of the ring and begins running around crazily, Gary Busey chasing him!

Chaz Bobo in the ring, checking on Dr. Psycho as blood pours from the side of his head due to the ear injury he suffered from Random!
Random slides back in the ring, Chaz Bobo begins warning him that another attack like that will cause him to get disqualified! Random argues back and forth with Chaz for a moment before turning his focus back to Dr. Psycho.

Dr. Psycho now to his feet, begins running towards Random!

Random falls to the ground and hits him with a drop toe hold, sending Dr. Psycho face first on to the mat! Random mounts him and begins trying to do some variation of an inverted ankle lock!

Dr. Psycho lays there smiling as Random proceeds to turn his ankle the wrong way, causing little to no pain whatsoever!

Dr. Psycho kicks Random off of him and hops to his feet! Random can’t believe the shear strength of Dr. Psycho and falls to his knees, begging him not to administer another beating!

Random gets to his feet and the two men begin exchanging blows in the center of the ring. Random is stunned with a big right hand, and he turns and stumbles away. Dr. Psycho moves in closer. Psycho wraps his arms around Random. Random kicks backwards, hitting Dr. Psycho is a low blow! Random turns around to reveal that he has transformed into Ric Flair!

Jim Ross
It looks like Random Flair’s trick knee just acted up!

Random Flair!? What is this horseshit!? You can’t just change into other guys mid match!!

Random Flair locks in the figure four leg lock! Dr. Psycho tries to fight it, but he quickly realizes that he has no choice but to tap out!

Jim Ross
Random Flair just won this match, and he did it with the Figure Four ladies and gentlemen!

That was dirty! Dr. Psycho was robbed!

Jim Ross
No Colton, that wasn’t dirty, it was Random, from the Randomest Player in the game!


Singles Match

- vs -

PER RULE: Savage Sanitarium Match * One on One * No Escape
MATCH TYPE: No Disqualification * Pins * Submissions * First Fall Wins
(Want more information about this match? Hover over the names, pictures or titles.)

- vs -

This one started several SAVAGE's ago when Chaos worked with GM Colton Kato and speared Cadryn in a plot to get to Micheal Graves. Now Tiberius will be lying in wait for the vengeance he feels will be his at any cost. WILL he take it to Chris Chaos and make him regret the spear; OR will Chris Chaos add another notch to his nearly full accomplishment belt inside the new Savage Sanitarium Cage?

Tig O’Bitties
The following match is a Savage Sanitarium match! This match is no disqualification, in order to win, you must pin your opponent or make them submit! Coming to the ring at this time, weighing in at 200 pounds, and hailing from Morgantown, West Virginia… CAAAAAADYN TIIIIIIIBERIUS!!!

The overhead lights in the arena go dim as strobe lights begin to flash in rhythm to the sound of thunder crashing in the distance. The crowd goes wild as the fog rolls thickly from the top of the ramp as Cadryn Tiberius slowly makes his way out of the back. He stands tall in the midst of the fog as a storm rumbles behind him. Cadryn begins walking down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans on the way down. Cadryn climbs the apron and enters the ring, pausing for a moment in the middle before tossing his white Stetson cowboy hat into the crowd.

Jim Ross
Cadryn may have bitten off more than he can chew tonight Colten!

Cadryn has been crying to me for weeks that he wanted to face Chris Chaos in the main event of Savage JR. I figured, if he wants it that bad, let’s make it special!

Jim Ross
Special my ass! You’ve put this man in a situation where his very livelihood is on the line!

Maybe, but I’ve also put him in a situation where IF he can beat Chris Chaos, then Chris can’t make any excuses! Inside of the Savage Sanitarium, ANYTHING GOES!

Tig O’Bitties
And his opponent. Hailing from Clearwater Beach, Florida, and weighing in tonight at 240 pounds… CHRIS CHAAAAAAAAOS!!!

He steps through the white steam as the riff drops, and he has on an AX3 T-Shirt. He walks down the ramp, Jenny in arm. Once ringside, he grabs the steel structure that surrounds the ring. He pulls on it, checking its integrity. He walks up the steps and stops before entering the ring. He points to Cadryn and tells Chaz Bobo to keep him at bay. He enters the ring as the entrance is sealed behind him. He removes his shirt and tosses it to Jenny on the outside.

Jim Ross
Ladies and gentlemen, if you have small children in the room, I would suggest that you ask them to leave. I’m sure that this match is going to prove to be one of the most horrific acts of brutality in the history of Savage!

You must not be too familiar with the history of Savage huh JR?

As the doors to the cage are shackled and locked, both Chaos and Tiberius are checked for any hidden weapons. The lights cut out and “Hail to the King” begins to blare through the stadium.

Danny Imperial and Dolly Waters stand side by side at the top of the ramp, grins on their faces and matching bats in their hands. The two walk down the ramp and circle the caged ring, Dolly is dressed a black leather jacket with the words “Revolutionary Prime” printed on the back, and Danny is wearing his usual ring gear but with a grey basic t-shirt over his body.

The lights return to normal and the music stops playing, Dolly and Danny keep pacing about the sides of the cage, their bats swinging as they walk.

The bell rings and this match is underway. The two men slowly circle the ring. Neither of them quite ready to make the first move. Chaos makes a quick dash towards Cadryn. Cadryn jumps back and Chaos stops in his tracks, smirking. Cadryn slowly moves towards Chaos, Chaos prepares to lock up. Chaos reaches his left hand out, Cadryn looks at it, then Chaos. Cadryn slowly reaches up and locks grips with Chaos. Cadryn puts his right hand up, but Chaos throws a sucker punch that floors Cadryn. Cadryn tries to get back to his feet, but Chaos kicks him hard in the ribs, causing him to fall back to the mat. Chaos is full of himself, taking Cadryn lightly at this point. He struts over to Cadryn and waits for him to get back to all fours. Chaos hooks Cadryn's head under his arm and delivers a clubbing blow to the back. Chaos lifts Cadryn up to his feet and drags him over to the ropes. Chaos hits a couple of clubbing blows to the back of Cadryn, then grabs him by the back of the head. Chaos looks out to the crowd with a demented look. Chaos rears Cadryn back and slams him face first into the cage, but Cadryn blocks the impact reaches back and slams Chaos face first into the steel bars instead. Chaos crumbles to the mat, dazed and confused.

Jim Ross
Chaos was off to a strong start, but Cadryn Tiberius just used that steel cage as a great equalizer!

You know, Cadryn doesn’t look like much at first glance, but from my experience since taking over Savage, he’s proven to be a sleeper here in the XWF. Everyone seems to underestimate him, but at any moment he can pull out a big win!

Caydrn was unable to capitalize, and Chaos is back to his feet. Chaos and Cadryn meet up in the center of the ring. Chaos throws a hard right hand, but Cadryn manages to slip it and fire back with a couple of jabs. Cadryn begins dancing around Chaos like a boxer. Chaos throws another right, but Cadryn slips it and fires back with one of his own. Chaos with another right, no a fake, Chaos throws a left and staggers Cadryn. Chaos moves in with big right, followed by a left. Cadryn puts up his guard as Chaos begins unleashing a flurry of strikes his way. Cadyn backs into the corner as his forearms absorb most of the blows. Chaos throws another big right, but Cadryn slips under it, and maneuvers behind Chaos. Chaos turns around and is blindsided with Cadryn’s own flurry of punches. Jab, jab, right to the body, left to the body, right uppercut! Chaos is rocked back into the turnbuckle. Cadryn grabs his arm and runs with him, slamming Chaos head first into the steel cage! Chaos is rocked by the shot and falls to the ground. A small spot of blood appears on the forehead of Chris Chaos. Cadryn drops to one knee, mounting the former Universal Champion. He grabs Chaos by the hair and begins pounding on the cut with a closed fist. Ten punches later, and that small trickle of blood is a heavy flowing river. Cadryn stands up and postures for the crowd as Chaos tries to regain his senses. Cadryn turns his attention back to Chaos, moving in for the kill. Jenny Misty climbs up on the side of the cage and begins screaming like a maniac. Cadryn smiles and turns his attention away from Chaos and towards Jenny. Cadryn walks over to the side of the cage where Jenny is hanging on and screaming up a storm. He reaches through the bars and grabs Jenny by the back of the head. Cadryn moves into steal a kiss. CHAOS WITH A LOW BLOW! Cadryn releases Jenny as his knees come together and he crumbles to the mat. Chaos uses the ropes to assist him to his feet. Chaos with a fire hotter than a thousand suns burning behind his eyes, begins to circle Cadryn. Chaos proceeds to stomp a mudhole into Cadryn’s ass before aggressively pulling him up to his feet and whipping him into the turnbuckle.

Jim Ross
Chris Chaos is fired up now! I wouldn’t want to be in Cadryn’s shoes!

STINGER SPLASH! Cadryn stumbles out of the corner, but Chaos shoves him back in. Chris takes off running to the opposite side of the ring, then cuts back towards Cadryn. STINGER SPLASH! Cadryn stumbles out again, out on his feet. Chaos grabs Cadryn, lifting him up above his head in a Gorilla Press. Chaos walks closer to the cage, preparing to throw Cadryn into the steel bars. Cadryn manages to slip out, landing on his feet behind Chaos. Chaos turns around, THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED! Cadryn connects with a superkick. Both men drop to the mat!

Jim Ross
This has not been a wrestling match folks! This is an all out brawl for survival inside of a hellacious cell!

This is money JR, pure and simple! Jefferson Jackson could learn a thing or two from me over on Warfare!

Both men fight to get to their feet first. Cadryn makes it up first via the ropes. Chaos follows soon behind him. Cadryn stumbles out of the corner. Chaos hits a wicked spear out of nowhere! Chaos attempts a pinfall.




Cadryn’s not done yet! Chaos and Cadryn both manage to get to their knees. Chaos starts yelling at Cadryn, pointing his finger in a threatening manner. Cadryn responds with a big slap across the face! Chaos holds his cheek in shock before responding with a slap of his own. Cadryn fires right back with another slap, and Chaos does the same. Back and forth, back and forth! Chaos slips in a closed fist! Cadryn is rocked and falls back to the mat. Chaos doubles over in exhaustion, taking a moment to catch his breath. Chaos finally gets back to his feet, wiping the blood away from his eyes. Chaos stalks Cadryn as he begins to stir. Chaos waits until he is on his feet and lifts him up across his shoulders. It looks like we’re about to see The Equalizer! Cadryn managed to slip out! Cadryn fires off a superkick, but this time Chaos was expecting it and side steps! Chaos connects with a back elbow, then grabs Cadryn’s arm and whips him towards the ropes, only to pull him back for a short arm clothesline. Cadryn drops to his knees and slides under the attempted clothesline! Back to his feet with the agility of a cat, and still holding onto Chris’s hand, Cadryn pulls Chaos in close and hits a codebreaker! Cadryn back to his feet climbs to the top rope and flies off with a diving elbow drop! Cadryn hooks the leg!




Jim Ross
Chaos barely with the kickout!

This match has turned out to be a lot closer of a contest that anyone would have thought going into it. Anyone but me that is!

Both men take a moment to catch their breath. Cadryn is on his feet first. He grabs Chaos and drags him over to the cell wall. Cadryn begins slamming Chaos head first into the cage over and over again. Cadryn releases Chaos, who falls back against the ropes. Cadryn dumps him over the top rope and back into the ring. The blood is down completely covering Chris’s face and has began spilling over to his chest. Cadryn springboards from to top rope and hits a splash on Chaos. Cadryn again attempts a pin fall!




Cadryn can’t believe it! He hops back to his feet, and lifts Chaos up, Chaos reverses and ends up behind Cadryn. GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are slow to get up. Chaos grabs Cadryn, but he breaks free and connects with ANOTHER SUPER KICK! Caydrn drops to a knee. He crawls over to make the cover, but Chris Chaos locks in HELL’S GATE!

Jim Ross
Chaos has Hell’s Gate locked in! This could be the end of the match right here!

Cadryn is fighting with everything that he has. Chaos doesn’t have the move fully locked in. Cadryn manages to slip out of Chaos’s grip. Cadryn rolls away holding his throat and coughing. Chaos is gasping for wind.

Jim Ross
These two men have gone all out since the opening bell! This match is really taking it’s toll on them!

I’ve got to admit JR, even I’m surprised by how hard Cadryn is taking the fight to Chaos. This isn’t the Cadryn Tiberius that we’re used to seeing. He’s really pulling out all of the stops in an effort to win this thing!

Jim Ross
But so far it hasn’t been enough!

Chaos is back to his feet first. He leans against the ropes still trying to catch his breath. Cadryn is just beginning to stir. Jenny Myst calls for Chaos’s attention. He looks to her and she slips him something through the cage. Chris places the Brass knuckles around his fist as Cadryn finally manages to get back to his feet. Chaos marches towards Cadryn. He throws a stiff right, but Cadryn blocks it! Cadryn fires back with a right of his own. The knuckles drop to the mat, and Chaos stumbles back, falling into the corner. Cadryn spots the knuckles laying on the mat. He looks to them, then to Chaos, then back to them. Cadryn picks them up as the crowd roars. Cadryn places them around his fingers and marches towards Chaos. Chaos flies out of the corner but is met with a sick shot to the temple with those brass knuckles!

Jim Ross
Cadryn with the brass knuckles! This could be it right here!

Suddenly AX3 member Robert Main runs out from the back! Robert begins scaling the domed cage, hanging out about half way up and drawing Cadryn’s attention. Dolly and Danny quickly rush over to attack Main, but Main jumps down from the cage and dodges Danny Imperial's wild swing of the bat. Main begins walking up the ramp backwards, not taking his eyes off of Dolly and Imperial who remain at ringside standing guard.

Jim Ross


Theo Pryce, John Madison, and John Samuels appear at the top of the stage. Robert Main turns around to see tThe Kings and readys himself for a brawl. The Kings separate making way for "Doctor" Louis D'Ville who walks out of the back puffing away on a cigar. All four men come marching down the ramp. Jim Caedus comes running out from the back and hits D’Ville in the back of the head causing him to stumble forward. The other three members of The Kings turn around and begin brawling with Caedus. The numbers prove to be too much for him as Caedus is beaten down to one knee. Robert Main comes running up the ramp but is intercepted by a recovered Doctor D’Ville. The two begin brawling. Doc eventually gains the advantage and hits The Lobotomy on Robert Main!

Jim Ross

Back in the ring, Cadryn turns his attention back towards Chaos who is still out from the brass knuckles shot earlier. Cadryn drops the knuckles and cover Chaos.




No! Chaos kicked out at the last second!


Cadryn rolls off of Chaos and sits on the mat beside of him. His eyes are bulging out of his head with a look of utter shock. Cadryn brushes his hair back with both hands as he contemplates his situation. Outside of the ring, The Kings seem to have retired backstage as medical personnel are seen assisting Robert Main and Jim Caedus backstage.

Jim Ross

It looks like Cadryn is signaling for “From Dusk Till Dawn” JR!

Cadryn grabs Chaos by the hair and lift him up to his feet. Cadryn grapples Chaos, but Chaos springs to life and begins firing away with a flurry of right hands. Chaos whips Cadryn into the ropes. On the rebound Cadryn is leveled by a devastating Big Boot! Chaos now has a wild look in his eyes as he squats in the corner waiting for Cadryn to make a move. Cadryn is half dazed, fighting to get to his feet. When he does he is broken in half by a powerful spear! Chaos postures to the crowd, calling for the big finish. He scoops Cadryn up… The Equalizer! Chaos lays across Cadryn back first. Smiling and nodding with the count!





Jim Ross

It’s a fluke! If Chaos would have hooked the leg, this would all be over right now!

Chaos can’t believe it! He screams at the referee before jumping to his feet and bullying Chaz Bobo into the corner. Chaos begins to circle Cadryn. He kicks Cadryn over to his stomach and slaps the back of his head. Cadryn begins to stir. Chaos slaps him in the back of the head once more, trying to wake Cadryn up. Cadryn gets up to one knee. Chaos leans over and begins taunting him, shouting in his ear. Cadryn is finally on his feet, but obviously still dazed. Chaos moves in closer looking for The Equalizer.


Jim Ross

Come on Chaos, get up!!!

Cadryn gazes upon a fallen Chris Chaos with glassy and dazes eyes. Without the energy to stand, Cadryn begins crawling towards Chris Chaos.

Jim Ross
Cadryn is just inches away from winning this match!

Cadryn continues to crawl towards Chaos. He’s almost there, he reaches out to drape his arm over Chris.

When suddenly

The camera pans to the stage where lime and purple laser lights are panning as “Madhouse” plays over the sound system. Fog begins to roll onto the stage as we await Micheal Graves.

Jim Ross
MICHEAL GRAVES!? What is he doing out here? The last we saw of Micheal, he was in the hospital after a brutally justified attack from Dolly Waters!

This has got to be a trick JR! Graves list of injuries included an orbital fracture, a shattered nose, and a fractured jaw! Graves is listed as missing action for the next 12 to 16 weeks!

The music continues to play as Cadryn somehow manages to make it to his feet and prepare for a fight.

Jim Ross

We notice a figure crawling up from a trap door in the ring just behind Cadryn. The figure is dressed in lime green with a thick protective skull mask on.

[Image: DhmVi6m.jpg]

Cadryn, sensing that someone or something is behind him, turns around.


Jim Ross

Graves grabs Chaos and drapes him over Cadryn.




Jim Ross
Chris Chaos did it! He beat Cadryn Tiberius, but it took the help of Micheal Graves for him to get the job done!

Hey, this isn’t a tainted victory JR! Need I remind you that ANYTHING GOES in the Savage Sanitarium!

Chris Chaos

Singles Match

- vs -

MAIN EVENT PER RULE: Tables Match * One on One * Non-Title
MATCH TYPE: Single Fall * First Put Through Table By Opponent Loses
(Want more information about this match? Hover over the names, pictures or titles.)

- vs -
The Kingslayer returned to make it known that this former Universal Champion is no one to mess with. After a match up with another former Champion last week, can Davids handle the current XWF crown holder in a non-title tables bout? OR will 'The Radical' extend his hot streak by beating another top talent on his way to a special legacy?

Jim Ross
Up next folks, is a main event caliber match! The returning Steve Davids, who came within a bulls eyelash of defeating Chris Chaos, goes one on one with the reigning Universal Champion, The Radical himself, Gabe Reno!

JR, its a tables match right here on Savage and if Davids’ performance last time out was any indication, he most certainly still got it!

Jim Ross
No doubt about it, Colton! But this week he’s up against The Man and this one should be a barn burner!

Tig O’Bitties
The following contest… is a TABLES MAAAATCH!

Tig O’Bitties
Introducing first! From London, England! Weighing 2 hundred 75 pounnnds!


Darkness fills the arena and there is total silence. As the music picks up Steve emerges in the shadows, with one single beam of light shining down on him. He slowly makes his way down the ramp before grasping hold of the middle rope and pulling himself onto the ring apron. He climbs into the ring over the middle rope, and riles himself up for the match.

Tig O’Bitties
His opponent!

Tig O’Bitties
From San Diego, California! Weighing 2 hundred 4 pounnnds!



Golden strobe lights and dimming fill the area as "Golden Age" by Woodkid hits the loudspeakers. Mixed reactions of love and hate fill the mixed crowd as The Radical emerges in green and black tights reading 'The Very Best, Nothing More, Nothing Less' across the back. He smiles under a Black hood before sprinting and sliding into the ring, removing his hood and telling the ref to "start the fucking match already".

The referee obliges and signals for the bell. Davids charges headlong toward Reno. Reno though, is quick as a hiccup and ducks under him while side stepping the attack. With Davids now vulnerable, Reno delivers stiff punches and hard knees into the kidney area of Steve Davids, causing him to stumble forward toward the corner. With Davids backed into the corner, Reno charges forward and delivers a running drop kick to Davids. Davids bounces off the turnbuckles and stumbles forward, dropping to a knee. Reno runs and bounces off the ropes. On the rebound, he again delivers a drop kick, but this time to the side of Davids’ head, dropping him instantly.

Jim Ross
The champion! Going right after the larger Steve Davids here and not backing down!

Reno’s the bigger man when Davids is on the mat, JR!

Reno, using his cat-like quickness is back to his feet in the blink of an eye. Again Reno to the ropes, after the rebound he leaps into the air, flips and lands a Rolling Thunder on Davids. Davids now rolls onto his side as Reno gets back to his feet. The champ makes his way to the outside of the ring where a plethora of tables await. Some stacked, some stood up, all of them wooden and painful.

Reno looks around for a brief second then digs around beneath the ring and pulls out a steel chair. He slams it off the ground and heads back into the ring where Steve Davids is beginning to get up. With Davids on all fours, Reno slams the chair into Davids ribs causing him to back away in pain. Davids rolls over and back onto all fours where Reno swings the chair hard, connecting with Davids back.

The champ is warming up!

Jim Ross
He’s beating Davids like a government mule!

Davids writhes in pain on the mat, kicking his legs as he tries to clutch his back. Reno isn’t done. He winds up again, this time, jamming the chair edge into the midsection of Steve Davids. Reno tosses the chair, but not to the outside. He tosses it at Davids and the chair bounces off and lands a couple feet away.

Reno makes his way to the outside and grabs a folded table lying against the security barricade. He drags it a few feet before sliding it into the ring.

Here we go JR! The first table is being introduced!

Jim Ross
Business is fixin’ to pick up!

After sliding the table into the ring, Reno slides in after it. Once back to his feet, Reno leans the table against the corner and turns his attention to Davids. Davids is using the ropes to aid his ascent to his feet when Reno grabs him and whips him toward the tabled corner. Davids is forced toward the corner, but wisely puts on the brakes and stops himself from crashing into the table.

Reno notices quickly though and charges toward Davids. Davids spins, Reno leaps, Davids falls to the mat and Reno crashes into the tabled corner. The table busts backward over the turnbuckles and Reno falls over it to the arena floor, giving Davids his first opening in the match.

That’s a serious miscue, JR!

Jim Ross
Davids has an opening here!

Steve Davids is back to his feet and he looks around for Reno, unaware of what happened. Davids spots Reno lying on the arena floor and heads to the outside. Davids grabs Reno by his hair and pulls him to his feet. He then grabs Reno around the midsection and drives him back first into the barricade. Reno winces in pain as Davids lets off before falling to his knees.

Davids, beginning to feel the momentum swing heavily in his favor, delivers a giant kick to the gut of Gabe Reno, sending Reno rolling and clutching his ribs. Davids closes in on Reno and pulls him to his feet by his hair. He then lifts Reno off his feet and drives him back first into the ring post before unceremoniously dropping him to the floor.

I don’t know JR. Steve Davids is starting to pick Gabe Reno apart here!

Jim Ross
Indeed he is, Kato! Davids is a methodical monster!

Davids spies a table set up nearby and grabs Reno by his hair. Rather than lifting him up, he drags him several feet toward the table. Davids then decides to pull Reno to his feet and places him gently onto the table. Davids, working slowly here, climbs to the ring apron and eyes up his opponent. He runs along the apron and dives off with Mick Foley-style elbow to Reno!

But Reno rolls off the table in the nick of time and Davids crashes through the table!

Wait! Did Reno just win the match!

Jim Ross
No, Kato! Reno has to physically PUT Davids through a table, Davids can’t send himself through one!

Both men are down. Reno though is starting to gather himself and is slowly getting to his feet as Davids lies within the rubble of the destroyed table. Davids now, is also beginning to rise. Reno is to his feet and is quick to notice Davids ascension. Reno hops onto the apron and shakes off some cobwebs before turning his full attention to Steve Davids.

Davids gets completely to a vertical base and begins to turn himself around to find Gabe Reno. Reno runs headlong across the ring apron. Just as Davids finds Reno, Gave leaps into the air, and front flip’s, nailing Steve Davids with both feet and both men crash to the floor.

Reno now, with momentum swinging back into his favor, turns his attention to another corner of the arena floor where another table, go figure, is set up. Reno, once back to his feet, ventures over to the table and drags it toward the center, and positions it so that one edge is propped up on the ring apron, and the other on the barricade.

With the table where he wants it, Reno again returns his attention to Steve Davids. Reno stops short of Davids who is beginning to stir, and peels back the protective floor padding.

Jim Ross
In my experience, it’s never a good thing when that covering gets pulled back!

No. Never.

Reno grabs Davids and places his head between his legs. Reno tries to lift, but can’t get him all the way up. Reno lifts again, and this time gets Davids vertical, before planting him head first on the exposed concrete!

Jim Ross
By Gawd! Reno just drove Davids head first into the concrete!

Human skulls aren’t meant to take that kind of shot JR!

Jim Ross
Davids may be out here after that pile driver!

Reno gets back to his feet and pulls Davids to his. Davids is on dream street and doesn’t know what is left or right, up or down. Reno guides him toward the table then backs off. Davids bumps into the table, causing it to shift and fall, with one end still hung up on the barricade. Davids stumbles and falls to a knee before getting upright again.

Jim Ross

There’s no way he gets up now! That’s two successive vicious shots to the head of Steve Davids!

Reno takes a moment to reset the table where he wanted it, then grabs Davids and pushes him onto the ring apron. Reno follows him up and shoves him toward one corner. The universal Champ then gets into the ring and climbs to the top rope and traps Davids head in a front face lock.

Now facing the set up table, Reno tries to jump off the top with Davids head still trapped, but he goes nowhere. Davids has his feet firmly planted on the apron not allowing Reno to move. Reno reacts quickly, sending fists from his free hand, and knees into Davids midsection and his face. Davids slips out of Reno’s grip and staggers backward, precariously close to falling off the apron and into the table.

Davids catches himself though and rights himself just as Reno leaps off the top, aborting whatever he was shooting for and electing to go for a cross body bock!

Jim Ross
Davids caught Reno in mid air!

What strength he has, JR!

Davids turns, still clutching Gabe Reno, to face the ring with his back to the table. Davids leans forward, then throws Reno over his head in a modified fallaway slam, sending Reno down through the table below!

"Kingslayer" Steve Davids

Reno remains in the ring following his match, visibly angry and kicking at the table bits and breathing heavy while Davids makes his way up the ramp.

[Image: tumblr_o9aoo1T4vk1rmv1vdo5_r1_400.gif]


But then, the lights go out.

And after a moment...

The fans erupt. Gabe painfully limps forward. His expression washes over in shock, as does the Kingslayer's. Steve stops in his tracks midway up the ramp.

Jim Ross: Oh, what in _the_ _hell_?

Jim Caedus steps forth from the egress and onto the stage, 24/7 Briefcase in hand. He regards his fans as the music plays on.

Jim Ross: What is he doin' out here?

T-Kato: What's with the accusatory tone?

Jim Ross: As if you have to ask! Jim Caedus isn't booked for this match, he's a member of Ax3 and he just lost his precious TV Title; does _any_ of that sound like a good combination? This is bad news for SOMEONE.

Jim begins his way down the ramp, now focused on Steve Davids.

Jim Ross: And it looks like Steve Davids is the target.

T-Kato: Gabe Reno and Jim Caedus recently displayed some camaraderie in the hallways down at HQ. ...Maybe he's here to offer "The Radical" a spot in Ax3 after taking out a winded Kingslayer. A bit of revenge for Reno, a show of loyalty.

Jim Ross: _Gimme_ a _break_!

In the ring Gabe is smiling wickedly.

Caedus slows as he reaches his target......

......and nods as he passes him by.

Steve frowns, reversing his way up the ramp, on guard, before turning and heading for the exit.

In the ring, Reno wilts, his face drains of color.

Jim Ross: So much for _that_ theory. I guess that leaves only TWO possib-

T-Kato: How 'bout we give Jim a chance to do what he came here to do and find out?

Jim approaches the commentary table, laying the 24/7 Briefcase before Kato's position.

Caedus: Keep an eye on that for me please.

T-Kato: Will do.

Jim turns to the officials at the timekeeper table and asks for a mic. They oblige. He begins ascending the nearest ringside steps, signaling to the camera and the sound guy in the back to cut the music.

Gabe flinches and moves to exit through the ropes and escape from his position, wincing in pain.

Caedus: Gabe, calm the fuck down. This ain't what you think.

Reno remains near the ropes, ready to dash if necessary... he gauges the fans' reactions which have died down to murmurs of curiosity as Jim steps onto the apron and through the ropes casually. He slowly strides over and extends his hand.

Caedus: Come on bro, lemme shake your hand. This is embarrassing.

Reno again gauges the faces of the fans, seemingly unsure of what to do. He looks to Caedus who continues standing there reaching out to him, eyes sincere.

Gabe takes his hand and Caedus pumps it up and down.

Jim Ross: Yep...Ax3 has a new member! Sunuva_bitch_!

Caedus: You know...I've wanted to team with you for some time. I extended an invitation to join Ax3 a month ago backstage..._before_ you were the Uni champ...and you turned the invite down.

Gabe starts to backpedal slowly, painfully.

Caedus: Gabe, what'd I say? This ain't what you think it is, take it easy. Gabe stops and Jim closes the distance between them. You may be the XWF Universal Champion _now_ and I may be Mr. 24/7...but that doesn't change a thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm in no rush to take that title, Gabe, I'm more interested in joining forces.

The fans snap to life with a chorus of boos, disappointed. Jim pays them no mind.

Caedus: And when I say join forces I mean _without_ Ax3.

Jim Ross: What!?

T-Kato: Holy shit.

Caedus: And is it any wonder why? Soon as that cocksucker Chris Chaos joins up, who is it that was tossed outta the Trio Tag match versus Drake and The Revival? Me. I'm out, Chris is in, how much more obvious can it get? And guess what, Gabe? .....I don't appreciate bein' treated like a piece of fuckin' _shit_ to be scraped off the boots of Ax3 when they've tired of my presence! I _knew_ this shit was coming too, I fuckin' _KNEW_ I couldn't trust Graves! _Main_ though? That's even worse, he's supposed to be a true brother, that backstabbin' _bitch_!

Reno softens and smiles a bit.

Caedus: Yeah, you know it's true, don't you? Everyone does. Main and I have been friends for months. _MONTHS_! Now he pulls this shit... Fuck Ax3. I should tear this fuckin' Ax3 T I'm wearing to RIBBONS and cram 'em down Chao's throat just as soon as I



Before that can register with Gabe or anyone else for that matter, Jim steps forward with a stiff headbutt and cracks Reno in the face!! The fans explode with excitement.


Caedus gestures wildly for the referee, who obliges and calls for a bell to ring!



"The Radical" raises his hands to his nose, blood flowing, eyes watering as Jim energetically hops back a few feet before lining up, running and hitting the HARDEST Wrexus Plexus he's ever executed, Reno nearly flying off his feet entirely as he's sent scrambling back from the middle of the ring against the ropes at high speed!

T-Kato: SHIT!

Jim's eyes are wide, expression amped up, preparing....

Reno rebounds and shoots forward RIGHT towards CAEDUS'S WAITING ARMS


The fans erupt!

Jim HOOKS THE LEG!! Mika rolls her fine ass into the ring.



Jim Ross: Is this it!?

3!!! The arena shakes with ovation.




Reno lies still as an official enters the ring holding the XWF Universal Championship.............he hands it to Jim.

Jim holds the strap to his chest and falls to his knees....... He looks up to the sky......... He speaks inaudibly though undoubtedly to his his wife and daughter.....then shoves the strap face up to the heavens in triumph as the fans again erupt.

Mika struts over as Jim rises to his feet. She raises his left arm, he raises his right, Uni title hanging, glistening in the light. Flashbulbs illuminate around the arena as thousands capture the moment.

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[-] The following 13 users Like Vincent Lane's post:
(04-22-2017), (04-22-2017), (04-23-2017), Guppy Parsh (04-22-2017), Imperial (04-23-2017), JackCain (04-24-2017), Jefferson Jackson (04-22-2017), JimCaedus (04-22-2017), Misty Waters (04-22-2017), Shade (04-23-2017), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (04-22-2017), Super Mario (04-22-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-22-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-22-2017, 07:40 PM

guess ill be the one to take it from jim now :P

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
JimCaedus (04-22-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-22-2017)
Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-22-2017, 08:18 PM

The Xwf cameras catch up to Mezain in the trainer's room where the doctors are trying to sew him up.
He is still bleeding heavily from his face and nose. Mezian just sits there calmly while they treat him.
He mumbles something to his friend Matt. At first, he doesn't seem like he wants to do what he asked.
he finally agrees and pops Mezian's jaw back in place. Mezian writhes in agony as he moves his jaw
around. he looks into the camera.

You believe you have won, don't you?You have just made things worse for yourself. By the time I'm
done you will have nothing. I will take your pride, I will take your happiness I will destroy all you hold
dear and burn it to the ground. And when you are broken and beaten I will extinguish the light in your
eyes. In the end, you will have nothing, you will have no Hope.You have been warned there will
be no other chances.

The cameramen are asked by Security to leave so they can question Mezian.The door closes,
only leaving the trainer's room door in the frame. The screen fades black.

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

  • W/L/D
  • 23/15/0

  • 3xHeavyp Metalweighti Championn
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[-] The following 3 users Like Mezian's post:
JimCaedus (04-23-2017), Shade (04-23-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-22-2017)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-23-2017, 05:25 AM

(04-22-2017, 07:40 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: guess ill be the one to take it from jim now :P

Mandatory Universal title defense against Gilmour incoming.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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[-] The following 4 users Like Mr Killjoy's post:
JimCaedus (04-23-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-24-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-23-2017), Theo Pryce (04-23-2017)
Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-23-2017, 01:59 PM

A cameraman spots Shade after the show walking out of the building with his blood-stained bat with an Official who is keeping a distance after the action he took early on in the night. the cameraman walks behind them as the Official shouts at Shade saying.

Official: What the fuck was that all about. Why are you here tonight and Why the fuck did you attack Mezian.

Shade does not respond to the scalding of the Official, Which made him more furious with Shade which only makes the rant more severe when he directed it at Shade, he continues.

Official: You're giving me the silent fucking treatment!!!, Oh you're priceless you know that, you are giving me the silent treatment after what you did. Don't worry when the higher ups hear about this you will be out of a job.

Shade just continues to ignores the Official walking out of the building with the job he set out to do done.

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Shade's post:
(04-23-2017), Mezian (04-23-2017), Theo Pryce (04-23-2017)
John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-23-2017, 03:25 PM

Samuels pulls a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the blood off his knuckles.

Samuels:"How 'bout that? Me and my friends here just came down to the ring down to enjoy some good ol' fashioned fisticuffs, maybe throw our adoring public some officially licensed Kings™ merchandise, and the welcome we get? Our new universal chickenshit tried to jump us from behind."

Samuels examines the bloody handkerchief.

"Emphasis on the tried.

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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[-] The following 2 users Like John Samuels's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (04-23-2017), Theo Pryce (04-23-2017)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-23-2017, 04:52 PM

Wow-wee! What a show, am I right?


Well, allow me to start off by congratulating the NEW XWF Universal Champion, Jim Caedus. Watching you grow from a little runt in this company to the underhanding, untrustworthy, sneaky rat that you are now just curdles my insides... or maybe its butterflies? I AM a bit estatic, Mister Caedus, because not only have you placed the LARGEST target on your back by winning the Universal Title, but now it's lit up in neon lights my friend. Attacking me from behind was your first fuck up as champion... and it will soon equal your downfall as champion. No warnings, bells or whistles.... No forgiveness or reconciliation. You, Mister Caedus, are fucked. You'd better surround yourself with more of those pathetic friends of yours.... or maybe trim that rats nest of a mop on your head so you can grow a pair of eyes back there.

Now, if you could see through all of the fists and boots that my fellow Kings™ were burying you with, you would have seen fellow AX3 member Robert Main being dropped on his head..... How IS your melon, Mister Main?

I'd provide you with a similar scenario, sir, but hopefully the lesson has been learned that when The Kings™ are present..... You best just lie down like a good boy.

We're not here to make names for ourselves, gentlemen. We are FAR beyond that. We are here to take the names that YOU have made for yourselves and piss all over them.

Best of luck, friends.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
JimCaedus (04-23-2017), John Samuels (04-23-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-23-2017), Theo Pryce (04-23-2017)
The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-23-2017, 05:42 PM

Father Slathe: "Ha, ha, ha! Jimmy where were you? Honestly, I was hoping to cross one of you little dick prick's off of my list. Too bad some little fairy must have beat you down pretty bad for such a caliber of a fighter and warrior you are, hahaha. No, we all know it wasn't because you were attacked. It is simple you are AFRAID. Oh but don't think you got away and just because the gentleman known as The Kings, I believe, want your HEADS! Doesn't mean The Truth won't find you and when it comes, we are bringing The Monster of Htaed!"

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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[-] The following 3 users Like The Monster of Htaed's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (04-23-2017), JimCaedus (04-23-2017), Theo Pryce (04-23-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-24-2017, 09:26 PM

(04-23-2017, 05:25 AM)TRAX Said:
(04-22-2017, 07:40 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: guess ill be the one to take it from jim now :P

Mandatory Universal title defense against Gilmour incoming.

if u make it there I'll be ready. we got some unfinished business don't we bub?

[Image: tumblr_mm8v8bltjM1rotdcto1_400.gif]

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-24-2017, 09:45 PM

(04-24-2017, 09:26 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said:
(04-23-2017, 05:25 AM)TRAX Said:
(04-22-2017, 07:40 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: guess ill be the one to take it from jim now :P

Mandatory Universal title defense against Gilmour incoming.

if u make it there I'll be ready. we got some unfinished business don't we bub?

[Image: tumblr_mm8v8bltjM1rotdcto1_400.gif]

Er...we do? The last and only two times we've faced each other in a match the end result was me pinning you both times, what unfinished business do you speak of, want me to pin you for a third time? Third times the charm as the saying goes?

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-26-2017, 01:25 PM

yest we forget I hit you with gilmour cutters, endgame, DEATHSTRIKE, etc.. and still took u to the limit

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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