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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
My package
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

06-14-2013, 04:08 PM

The sword glimmers in the light of the sun as it makes another slash upon its victim and spills the crimson blood from the veins to the floor. Another hooded man falls to the ground and his sprit leaves his body as death has approached him by the blade of Crimson Dong… wait I mean I am Crimson Cobra, or is that joke so overly used that even I am starting to use it?

I mean hell I think every time a match is coming around people pretend that Crimson Dong, or even the ole’ Crimson Deadly ever did anything more memorable than I. Other than Crimson Dong being so amazing as to make Peter Gilmour worship his evil dongness I don’t think he has many one ups on me.

But that is beside the point let’s get back to my pointless killings…

The hood comes back from the man’s head as it hits the ground. An elder man with little hair mostly bald from old age but he was still a threat, right… and all threats must be taken care of. The cell phone had this address on it when talking about the “package” that would be delivered and it must be stopped, especially if that “package” was what Crimson Cobra believed it to really be.

Even though he had just recently watched his good friend on Wednesday Warfare Cobra believed that after losing KnightMask was vulnerable and was captured by the Rodrigo clan. It was only leading to be truer as the new warehouse Cobra had infiltrated was owned by one Antonio Rodrigo. The man more commonly known as Antonio Nogueira the mixed martial arts fighter, the same man who ordered Cobra to be placed in a trunk and the man Cobra thought that he had just dismantled yet it was only a man in disguise in the last warehouse.

The man wore Antonio’s “M” as if to really be him but this time, in this warehouse Cobra only found more men with the same “M” on their robes, clothing and even under their clothing on the ninja outfit that some of these men wore.

Turning the corner after slicing another robed man to pieces Cobra is able to capture one of the men in a ninja suit. The “M” is upon his chest just as the logo was on Antonio’s when he gave the order to kill Cobra.

“Hey there cutie, nice outfit… I personally like mine more, but you are going to answer my questions or I’m going to make you look like your buddy over there.”

Cobra forces the man’s head to look around the corner at the headless body lying lifelessly on the ground. The man Crimson Cobra is holding on to nearly wets himself seeing the brutal image. Cobra can tell the man is scared and also smells what appears to be the man shitting himself.

“Did you just….”

“Did I what? I can’t answer your questions unless you finnish th-“


Crimson Cobra slaps the man senseless and continues talking.

“Never mind what I just said, why do you all have that M on your suits?”

“We are the higher ranking clan members, like jiu jitsu you earn a belt in the Rodrigo clan you earn a letter to prove your worth.”

“Well isn't that just fucking adorable? Well then what does the leader have?”

“I have never been graced by seeing the circle of the leaders but I do know Antonio Rodrigo has the biggest M on his suit, larger than all of ours at least.”


And there goes his neck; I love a good neck breaking. Ok let’s not get confused and just keep me to the talking and Mr. Writer man to the narrating. Crimson Cobra watches the man drop and his body become still and lifeless. Another senseless killing but at least this one’s head was still intact with its body.

"Hmm... Maybe I should have listened to more about the circle of leadERS... I thought it would only be one person. Oh well."

Knowing now what the M stood for Cobra was able to navigate to the higher ranking officers not even bothering with the men who stood without a letter on them. Blood was spilt and Cobra was able to reach the room that held what was most important to him on this mission.

Antonio Rodrigo, after watching him lose in a recent UFC fight and after already beating him before Cobra knew it was going to be time to finish the battle.

“You haven't forgotten my name already, have you baby?”

Antonio turns and faces Cobra, almost shocked to see that he was able to get by all of the guards in the warehouse.

“How did you-“

Interrupted by Cobra pulling out the swords, both of the steel blades were covered in red blood, and as if to be giving up Antonio dropped to both knees.

“If you going to end my life do quickly.”

His broken English annoyed Cobra. Dakota places both of the swords on opposite shoulders of Antonio.

“Where is the package everyone is talking about?”

“It come and now gone, more secure in new warehouse.”

“God damn it, you came to America, you speak a little English, now fucking speak it correctly!”

Cobra sheathes the swords and kicks Antonio to his back.

“You remind me of the putrid fuck Luca, he talks like people are going to listen to him, he talks thinking anyone cares. They don’t, I don’t. Get to the fucking point and tell me where the package is before I remove your head from your body.”

Antonio points to a computer screen that shows the address of the newer warehouse and also shows a list of its defenses. Cobra shakes his head happily knowing how to defend himself while obtaining whatever it was in the package he was looking for.

1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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