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The Questioning
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-27-2017, 01:50 PM

Two Days Ago, undisclosed location

You FAILED Grimson.

Shane Grimson, Agent Reeves and his female associate and several armed guards are standing in an empty room with blue walls and a metallic door. Grimson is still in his Executioner armour, its been several hours since he attacked Trax and left him beaten and bloody in a New York street, returning back to the base to report back to Agent Reeves, who was unsurprisingly, unsatisfied with Grimson for failing to finish the job, standing there looking at Grimson with his cold blue eyes as he speaks.

Why did you not kill him?

He saw my face and...I don't know, I just got thrown off...

Him seeing your face is EXACTLY why you should of made sure you killed him then and there, do you know the complications that will arise now that he's seen your face and you've left him alive?

I'm sorry.

"Sorry" will not suffice.

Agent Reeves pulls out a remote device from his pocket and presses the button, as soon as he does several thousand jolts of electricity courses through the armour Grimson is wearing electrocuting him, he shrieks in pain and drops to one knee as the armed guards surround him.

Take Mr Grimson to his quarters, he can stay there until further notice and beleft to think about his inexcusable failure to complete the task given to him.

Two of the guards in the room grab Grimson arms while another opens the door, the two guards holding Grimson who's head is slumped down, barely conscious and drooling thanks to the massive electric shock, drag him out the door out of sight while Agent Reeves calmly fixes his tie.

Most disappointing , next time, he will do as expected... he won't be given another chance after that

Reeve's female associate nods as they two walk towards the door leaving the room as the scene fades.







Trax opens his eyes and blinks several times as his eyes adjust to the glaring light above him. He looks around him, he's in a bed in a hopsital, with his best friend Paul "Extreme Machine" hunter and the renegade lost in time Eve at his bed side.


Hospital man, medics found you and Jackie just laying in the street after a bystander called an ambulance, brought you here.

Trax immediately sits up and then winces clutching his bandaged ribs, cracked.

Jackie...where's Jackie!?

In another room, she's fine she just fainted from shock more then anything else, you however....what happened man? You kept murmuring "Grimson" in your sleep...

Yeah, Shane Grimson.

I don't understand, you took care of him.

Trax shakes his head.

I thought I did too, I felt his neck snap in my hands, but he's alive, and he's... different... I need to find him, before he finds me. I didn't get a chance to get a lock on his aura to find him that way but I NEED answers...and I need to settle this once and for all.

I hear ya dude, you're best off going to the morgue Grimson's body was sent too, I'll make a couple calls, get you in.

Thanks, I need you to do another favour too, get yourself, Jackie and Eve somewhere safe, don't want any of you guys getting hurt while I'm trying to deal with this, its me he came after. sure?

Yeah... sure.

Trax sits up again and get out the bed still clutching his ribs, as he does a doctor walks into the room shaking his head.

Please get back into your bed Sir, you're suffering multiple cracked ribs and internal bleeding, you need to stay put and allow your body to heal.

Trax still clutching his ribs, cracks a slight smile.

On the contrary Doc, my body can HEAL just fine.

Trax concentrates his energy, his eyes glow amber as an aura of light washes over him, the cracks in Traxs ribs heal themselves and bleeding stops as his body regenerates itself as the Doctor watches on in shock. Traxs eyes finally stop glowing and the aura glow around his body diminishes also as Trax body stops healing, now good as new. Trax then proceeds to unwrap the bandages off his torso, letting them fall to the floor as he looks at Paul.

Make the calls.

The Next Day

The scene opens in a mortuary , the coroner is currently looking over one of the newer "deliveries" to the establishment, a fresh new corpse laid out on a table, when a flash of light followed by an off screen cough causes him to perk his head up. The coroner looks in the direction of the noise and sees Trax standing there.

Ahem. must be Trax, I was expecting you did you get in here? The door is locked?

You must not watch much TV I take it, how I got here is unimportant I have some questions for you.

The coroner hastily nods and pulls a sheet over the dead body he was looking over.

Yes yes I'm aware, how can I help you?

I'm aware this is the morgue which Shane Grimsons body was sent to, or so I thought, I believed him to be dead but he ATTACKED me and my fiancé on the way to the airport last night, I want to know how that's he survived me snapping his neck.

That's not possible, he didn't survive, he was DOA for sure when we he got here, his body has been disposed off, I can even pull up the records....

So, you have NO idea just how a man that looked and sounded EXACTLY like Shane Grimson is out there somewhere, with superhuman strength and durability by the looks of it to boot?

N-n-no...of course not...

You are a terrible LIAR, you know that? I can see it on your face, you know something...tell me, he hurt my fiancé, TELL ME!!!!

Trax walks towards the coroner with balled fists, the man steps back holding his hands forward defensively.

Please, please! I don't know HOW they did it, I'm not meant to say anything, them coming here was supposed to be confidential just seemed so wrong, they took a DNA sample from Grimsons body before I put it in the burner and left but I don't know what they did with it... you have to believe me!

They, whose they?

I don't know! My bosses told me to allow them to come in here and do whatever they pleased, I can't remember their names and if I ask my higher ups they'd be suspicious as to why and if you ask I'd lose my job! I just know it was a man and a woman...the woman didn't speak but the man...he was very secretive, didn't say much, if I recall, he was some sort of...sort of Agent for something?


Trax pauses... and remembers... remembers the man that came to his house a few weeks back, looking to "enlist" Trax on the behalf of his unnamed employers and utilize his powers for the " benefit of the country"... what was his name? Something beginning with R...Richard? Roger? Reeves...?

Reeves...that was it.

Trax then remembers how when he declined Reeves offer, he attempted to blackmail Trax over the murders of Madame and Lucius Frey, murders which Trax committed that not many people knew about....Trax demanded Reeves leave his property, which he did, not before stating something rather ominous.

" I doubt its the last we will see each other, farewell."

Reeves then made his leave, however, what Reeves did not realize, is that Trax, incredibly suspicious of Reeves... had scanned and locked on to his aura before his departure...allowing Trax to track and find him at any time...

Um, hello?

Trax snaps out of his train of thought as the coroner just looks at him puzzled.

You OK? You was just staring into space...

I'm fine, you've told me enough, I think I have a lead, thank you.

Really? Wha-

Trax teleports away before the coroner can finish his sentence as the scene fades.

Few Minutes Later

The scene opens in a exquisite Italian restaurant in uptown Manhattan, Agent Reeves is seated at a table along with his female associate, the appear to be enjoying a nice dinner complete with wine as a guard stands behind Reeves keeping watch. As Reeves slurps some spaghetti and his associate sips some of her wine, Trax walks through the front door and makes a bee line for Reeve's table, as he approaches, the guard walks up to Trax.

You're going no furth-


The guard falls down KO'd as Reeves and his associate look up at Trax, Reeves smiling.

Ah, Trax! Good to see you again, what brings you here?

It'll be me doing the questioning, what was it you said when we first met? Doubt it'll be the last time we see each other? Something like that? Guess you was right on the money, yesterday a man that looked like Shane Grimson attacked me and my fiancé, I went to the morgue Grimsons body was sent to, just come from there in fact, the coroner didn't tell me much, he couldn't...he was unable to... on top of that, he seemed scared to...but he told me enough. Told me a man and a woman came to him on a confidential visit and took a DNA sample from Grimsons body.

Trax looks at Reeves, then at his associate, then back at Reeves.

You two wouldn't happen to KNOW anything about that right?

Reeves smirks some more and then wipes his mouth with his napkin before answering.

Of course not, no idea what you're talking about my friend.

Listen you slimly littl-

Trax takes a step forward and Reeves associate pulls a hand gun from out of her purse and aims it Trax's face, there are series of multiple clicking noises around the restaurant and Trax looks around to see several men and some women all pointing cocked guns at him as Reeves continues to smile.

Not another step Trax, you can't just come in here...making baseless accusations with NO evidence, that's how people get into trouble, trouble is something you should be looking to avoid, with your shaky reputation of going around and just killing people as you see fit.

Trax looks around the room some more, at the several guns pointed at his direction, the people not currently pointing a gun at him however are all continuing to eat their meals as if the on going situation is completely normal, even the waiters are still buzzing around like its nothing. Trax raises an eyebrow and looks back at Reeves.

Listen man, I don't know what your game is, but if I find out for definite you had something to do with that attack, they'll be Hell to pay. I'm not sure what sorta fucked up game you're tryna play, but I'm not playing it, understood? Fucking with me is one thing, fucking with my loved ones is another, you understand?

Reeves wipes his mouth again as his associate and several other people in the restaurant continues to point their guns at Trax.

Understood. Now if we're done here? I'd like to order some dessert.

You think this is a joke? I'm keeping tabs on you, I have a lock on your aura, I can find you anywhere anytime which is how I found you here. I know there must be a connection between you and the superhuman Grimson lookalike, I will deal with him if he attempts to attack me again and then once I can prove you two are in cahoots I'm coming for YOU.

Ah... OK then, sure thing...but tell me how did dealing with this Grimson lookalike work out for you the FIRST time?

Trax goes to say something but then...has a change of heart, instead simply choosing to curse under his breath, before he teleports out of the restaurant as Agent Reeves laughs and his associate and the other people in the restaurant withdraw their guns. Reeves turns to his associate.

Trax can track me but for whatever reason he is unable to track Grimson, that is good. However... this means I cannot be in direct contact with Grimson until Trax has been dealt with, inform our friends back at facility, delegate Grimsons supervision to Agent Moore for the time being.

Reeves associate nods, Reeves smiles and goes back to slurping his spaghetti as the scene fades.


Ah... Caedus, Cady Cady Cady.

Listen man, I like you...really I do. You're a great talent here in XWF.A fighting champion. People love you. I respect you, we've already been through that. But man, aren't you just NUTTIER then squirrel shit.

But the tin foil AWAY because this whole conspiracy theory bullshit you're running with is more ridiculous than Dolly Waters accusations that SOMEONE, somewhere, actually considers her a big enough threat or whatever to try and frame her and remove her from XWF.

Before I go into that whole mumbo jumbo bullcrap you soiled my ears with let me just reiterate something because I guess maybe I wasn't CLEAR enough the first time, my apologies, I am not overlooking you OR unfamiliar with you. I am totally aware of what you're capable in the ring, I've seen what you can do, I was there when you almost got pinned by Scully of all people remember that? Yeah I've seen what you can do first hand man. What I meant when I alluded to being unfamiliar with you was not me referring to your in ring skills, no, I've scoped you out and seen how you work, what I meant was that I'm unfamiliar with the short of drivel you come out with in your promos because for the most part I don't watch them. I've only watched the promos you cut for the match against Bourbon and Scully and the promo's you've cut for this match for obvious reasons, and if your recent promos are an indication of the nonsense you attempt to spew hoping it sticks I don't intend to go back and watch any of your old promos or promos after this match either, THATS what I meant when I said I was "unfamiliar" with you. I knew you was handy in the ring, well against people not named Scully apparently, but I had no idea just how crazy you truly are when you step in front of a camera and attempt to cut a cohesive promo.

"Thinking do rag" haha good one man, yeah I know you're not Ghost Tank, even with this broken brilliance bullshit he's doing right now he makes more sense then you. However don't get it twisted like I said I'm not overlooking you, no, Jim Caedus is fully capable of beating Trax its true. I've lost to worse people than you I admit, but on the other side of the coin I've also beaten better men then you too. Anything can happen in XWF. But Jim Caedus beating Trax at Lethal Lottery? That I will NOT allow to happen, no matter what.

And no Caedus you didn't get under my skin, I was just responding to those comments because I was trying to HELP you by pointing out how unoriginal and tedious they are, you're welcome. Come on you seem like quite the eloquent and intelligent man, well so you attempt to portray yourself as anyay, always using big and fancy words you've taken straight out of a thesaurus, show some of that Caedus flair and be a bit more original in your comments aimed towards me would ya?

There you go again with more of that conspiracy bullshit, before I get into that in more depth I'd just like to explain that yes, I've killed people, I've done illegal things but only when absolutely necessary. Just like I will break YOUR fucking neck if I deem it absolutely necessary which I'm steadily beginning to think so if you do not take that goddamn tin foil hat off your head. For the last time I did NOT know Dolly was Buronan nor did I care to know because who was behind the mask didn't mean fuck all to me. Yes I've had this aura sense since the beginning of my powers manifesting but as I explained I only started USING it fully a few weeks ago man, oh it did take practice if you actually watched my promos you'd KNOW I had to practice with it before I got the hang of it, it didn't take much practice though because I'm a quick learner in all trades I work in, even being a super hero, but still, I didn't just master this shit just like that. You're KILLING me here Caedus because you're actually going to make me agree with Dolly here, my aura sense has literally nothing to do with anything pertaining this match so get the fuck over it. Buronan is Dolly Waters and Dolly Waters is Buronan, big deal nobody cares, seriously get the FUCK over it. Making a big deal out of trivial shit, you have MUCH more pressing matters to think about my friend. You don't have to worry about me and Dolly conspiring to jump you, beating you is a one Trax job. I cannot for the LIFE of me believe how much of your recent promo was focused on my aura sense, something that has NOTHING to do with this match, and me apparently knowing Buronans true identity. I don't give a fuck what you or the fans think y'all can all form a line and stand there as I bitch slap every single one of you, you wanna call me a liar? That's cool. I'm calling you a bitch, yes I WAS backstage with you and Cadryn but I zoned out and stopped paying attention to the conversation because you two were gossiping like my fiancé does with her "girlfriends". Seriously, two grown ass men gossiping about trivial shit , that's female shit,Trax don't play that, keep me out of that shit.

Me scared of Dolly? Again with these stupid accusations, literally just throwing shit at the wall. Yup I'm really scared of Dolly, so much so I've trashed talked her more then anyone else in this match. I'm scared to talk about her backstage when the cameras are off but I'm more then happy to throw shade at her in front of a camera for her and millions of other people to hear, because that makes a lot of sense right? Right. Jesus how tight IS that tin foil hat?

You wanna talk about being some sort of weapon, that's cool because I've partnered with you TWICE now and I know how to dismantle you, Jim Caedus I'm jus gonna come out and say it...Bourbon was right for dropping your ass because you are insecure as FUCK. I thought he was just joking when he mentioned you constantly messaging and calling him asking if you two were still friends, how you was doing promo wise for your matches, how you was doing in your matches etc but I've worked with you TWICE now and I know that shit Bourbon was saying was actually true. You're talented but my God you need to grow a spine, constantly questioning your skills and your worth, always thinking you're not good enough, which is what you revealed to me in that bank when I saved your goddamn life and had to watch you crying like a bitch while you told me how much of a disappointment you were to your friends and family, remember?

Listen Caedus, I HATE to break it to you, but come Lethal Lottery you're NOT going to be a good enough and you WILL disappoint your friends and family when you fail to take the briefcase home motherfucker. Oh and guess what? We don't NEED to work as a team anymore because a little coke sniffing birdie called me as I'm sure he called you after you cut your last promo and told me this match is NO LONGER A TAG MATCH, nope, Cadryn has been deemed so shit he's removed from the match, he is out of here and this shit is now a TRIPLE THREAT. Which means FUCK working as "cohesive unit", fuck our "friendship" this shit is now well and truly every man for himself and I can FINALLY go back to being a lone wolf again... just the way I like it.

I couldn't be happier, I'm sure Dolly Waters also couldn't be happier at the news considering it was obvious her and Cadryn were gonna lose the tag team match, but don't wipe out the party crackers just YET Dolly because even though you're not gonna lose due to having a worthless partner you are STILL going to lose, like your ex-manager Paul Heyman likes to say "That's a spoiler"

What I would like to know Dolly is what did you have to pull to get Vinnie to turn this into a triple threat? Gave him a couple of pills that rhyme with your first name beginning with "M"? Maybe slipped a couple of those in his drink and got him to rearrange the match while he was in his drugged up state? It don't matter, it makes no difference, Cadryn was practically a non-factor anyways so it makes sense, just sucks now for you because that means you in fact are going to be the one that takes the pin now because as much of a nut job as he is... Caedus still impresses me more then you... and it sure as hell ain't ME taking the pin, believe that.

You amuse me though kid. This whole back and forth we got going, you calling me a worthless dumbass, me calling you a slutty crackwhore, its been fun. Although it still bugs me how contradictive you are, whether you indirectly or directly bring up the past you STILL bring up the past and its apparently perfectly acceptable for you to allude to past events to either make me look bad or you look better depending how you wanna look at it but when I do that I get hit with the " Stop living in the past Trax!" dribble. Typical female with your double standards, you make less sense then Caedus at times and THAT is an impressive feat but whatever you say. I'm living in the past? Ok then lets talk about the future.

Lets talk about the future where I beat both you and Caedus in the same match, I don't care who I have to pin to do it but I will do it and in turn I will win that briefcase. Then? I cash in on either Gabe Reno and Chris Chaos and here's the kicker I'm not waiting until AFTER Lethal Lottery is over to cash in the briefcase, nah, I'm cashing that motherfucker in the same night on whoever wins the Universal title match. That's right, I'm hereby announcing that I'm cashing in the Lethal Lottery briefcase...AT Lethal Lottery. Stupid idea? Considering I can heal myself on command right after the triple threat I don't think it is to be honest. I am walking out of Lethal Lottery not with the briefcase....but with the UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Then? Reno or Chris Chaos will get their rematch and history will NOT be repeating itself, I will NOT lose that title on the first defense, not again, lose it and have little bitches like you who can't hold a candle to me not let me hear the end of it? Not on my watch my sweet summer child. I came back solely to win that championship so when I accomplish that, I will hold onto the championship with a VICE GRIP and not you, Caedus, Reno, Chris Chaos, Doctor D'Ville or anyone else will be able to take it from me.

So that's my future, you want talks of strategies? How's that for one?

Lets talk about YOUR future now Dolly.




Oh see that's the thing, after this match, you won't have one. Not because someone "framed" you and caused you to go into exile again, but because when I make you eat your words, when I crush your dreams, your little heart won't be able to take that and you will go back into exile, WILLINGLY.

You ask what your father has to do with anything, on the surface nothing, but the more I hear from you the more I actually begin to wonder what actually makes you tick? What drives you? You can do a lot of mental damage to someone when you know what makes them tick, what TRULY makes them tick, not just what THEY tell you, what truly makes that person that person. Is it your disdain for him? Is that why you and Dukey have become so close, your mutual hatred for your fathers? I've been doing this a lot longer then you Dolly, believe me when I say, picking apart at someone's mind and unravelling it is one way of ensuring victory before you even step into the ring. You probably think that makes me stupid for TELLING you this but here's the thing...there's more then just one way to beat you, I don't NEED to rely on trying to pry into your brain to throw you off, if that don't work then well, there is still sheer unadultered brute force to fall back. Fuck your flimsily knee strike, that worked the first time because you caught me unsuspecting and unaware, in this match when I'm expecting and bracing for the strikes that shit won't help you. You want to talk about peoples weaknesses? All you've done is talk about peoples weaknesses promo wise according to you, let me bring up my in ring strength, I am the best pure striker in XWF bar NOBODY.What am I gonna do when you hit your running waters? What are you gonna do when I connect with the TRAP SILENCER before you connect with that and send your dislocated jaw flying into the nose bleed stands?

Dolly for real though listen... just like Caedus I'm not over looking you though. I've admitted several times you're skilled. In fact I've given you more credit then you've given me in our respective promos. But you are still irrelevant in the grand scheme of things because I refuse to be set back once again and that's a promise as well as a fact. You're good, so is Caedus, so am I. We are three of the top wrestlers in this company no doubt. So much so this winner of this match might not come to skill, or experience, it'll simply come down to who WANTS it more and neither of you wants it more then ME. I am focused on winning this more then anything else. Nothing else matters especially none of the trivial shit Caedus is droning on about, me and you both realize that his talk of auras and your identity are pointless, he's completely unfocused on what matters and because of that he's gonna fail when he steps in that ring because his head is foggy on not focused on what actually matters, as for you, yeah you're focused. More focused then Caedus, you're focused on what matters which is good but here's the thing, as I've already said, I'm completely focused, completely determined, so you wanting this win to define your legacy and being focused on what matters...simply WON'T MATTER when this is all done and dusted and my arms raised in victory, unfortunately for you and Caedus though you won't be able to "skip" the moments that lead up to that one. Peace.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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