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Wednesday Warfare 3/1
Author Message
Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

XWF FanBase:
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03-03-2017, 08:17 AM

OOC - I am SO sorry for the late results guys. Things just didn't pan out right this week. Enjoy.

[Image: 3K7QPMJ.jpg]

Coming at you from Arena Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico... XWF is continuing LETHAL LOTTERY FOUR!!!! ... THIS IS WEDNESDAY NIGHT WARFARE!!!!

Warfare opens up to the picture of a wooden door backstage of the Arena Monterrey with a placard reading: Human Resources.

There’s an unidentified hand knocking at the door.

“Come in!!!”

The door opens as a huge cloud of vape lingers into the office. We see Jane , XWF Human Resources Director sitting behind her modest desk.

[Image: bf79d02664abf914368059aa0a993865.jpg]

“Oh! Vincent! How are you good sir?”

Jane stands and leans over her desk, her girls nearly falling out of her shirt as she reaches across and shakes Vincent Lane’s hand. Vincent’s eyes are glued on Jane’s chest as he totally misses the hand shake and grabs for some air.

“Charmed, Jane.”

“Up here, Mr. Lane.”

Vincent breaks eye contact with her breasts and makes it with her eyes,

“Oh. Right. Sorry I’ve just got something BIG to discuss… I mean HUGE… I mean it’s a PAIR of things… Um the card tonight has some real slobber KNOCKERS…. Ack! I mean…”

“Vinnie… does Roxy know you’re here?”

“Oh. Um no. I mean YES! Listen! TITS! I mean damnit! JANE! I need your help!”

“Well why didn’t you just say so? Why are all of you guys so afraid to cum to my office?”

Jane starts fanning herself down with her hand and grabs a handkerchief from her desk, wiping away some sweat beads from her cleavage.

“Yeah… I have no idea why that would be.”

“So what can the HR department do to assist you today, Vincent?”

“Listen, Jefferson is a little under the weather today. Kato is busy getting things ready for Savage, and I need someone to manage over Warfare tonight. Do you think you could help out?”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear about Jefferson! Though I didn’t….”

Jane leans in toward her computer and starts feverishly clicking with her mouse,

“…See where he called in today. I’ll be sure to remind him that he needs to call in prior to being absent. I might just have to beat him for it next time!”

“Right. So can you help?”

“You’ve got it! But I’m going to need to hurry up and get some things finalized from the show… including your signature on this...”

Jane hands Vincent a clipboard with a piece of paper attached.

“Ah, now this looks promising. Glad to see you going out of your way to put together some extra work… Jefferson my not like it but…”

“I’ve got all of the materials on standby, I just need your Hand-cock.”

Lane looks up, sweat forming on his forehead,

“What did you say?”

“Your Hancock. I need your signature.”

“Jesus. It is freaking hot in here.”

“I know…”

Lanes scribbles down his name on the piece of paper and hands it over to Jane.

“Great! I’ll start getting the show ready to go live right away!”

Lane get’s up and stumbles his way to the door, murmuring something under is breath,

“What’s that?”

“You’re the best I said!”

“Oh, it sounded like you said breasts.”

Lane scurries his way out of the office like a recovering meth addict in a dope house. He slams the door on his way out, placing his back against the wall and panting heavily. He can hear Jane talking to herself through the door:

"I'm going to have to change this silly blouse! It's not accentuating my features enough!

Lane looks horrified and takes off down the hallway.



'Cereal Killer' Cadryn Tiberius & Scully
- vs -
Michael McBride & Talia Areano

Tig O'Bitties: “Ladies and gentlemen this match is your opening bout and is a round two Lethal Lottery Match. Introducing first.”

Tig O'Bitties: “Weighing in at 170 pounds, from Morgantown West Virginia. CAAAADRYNN TIIIIBERIUS!!!!!”

Cadryn enters the arena wearing a pair of revealing pink cheerleader shorts. Cadryn dances and struts down to the ring, tossing cereal into the crowd on his way to the ring. Cadryn tosses the cereal box into the crowd and rolls into the ring. Standing up with his hands raised high as he soaks in the crowds praise. 

Tig O'Bitties: “ Introducing his partner.”

[pink] “ Weighing in at 225 pounds, from Birmingham, England. This is SCULLY!!!!!

 Suddenly the arena lights go red and "Angels Fall" by Breaking Benjamin blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage. He looks around at the XWF Galaxy in attendance and smirks. The chorus of boos fill the arena in disapproval of Skull, he shrugs it off and slowly walks down the ramp, ignoring them. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and smirks once again at the crowd. He raises his arm in the air as the boos become louder. He walks up the steps and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans whilst slowly moving both hands from his face to the floor, gesturing "A look at me" type taunt, before raising the arm once again. Scully enters through the middle rope and into the ring. Skull walks over to the far turn buckle and climbs to the top. He holds his hands in the air for everyone to see and then does his "Look at me" taunt. The Scully Meister spins himself round and chills on the turnbuckle with his arms folded. His music fades out.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “These two should be an interesting combination!”

Tig O'Bitties: “Introducing their opponents, first from Wicklow in Ireland weighing in at 235 pounds. MIIIIIIIICHAEL MCBRIIIIIIIIDE!!!!!!!”

Michael McBride makes his way to the ring.

Tig O'Bitties: “ Introducing his tag team partner, now residing in St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 125 pound TALIA ARRRRRREAAAAANOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!”

 "Till The World Ends" by Britney Spears is heard on the sound system. Talia comes out from behind the curtain. When she gets to the ramp, shower fireworks reign down on her. She walks down the ramp with her hips moving back and forth and she is swinging her arms. She gets on the apron and enters the ring between the ropes. After that she walks over to the ropes on the right side and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face. She then gets off the ropes and walks to one side of the ring and waits for the officials to start the match.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “ This should be an interesting bout!”


We see both teams in their corners deciding which one will start the match. We see McBride standing in for his team. As it appears that Cadryn will start for his team. Cadryn and McBride circle one another trying to gain the psychological advantage. They meet up with a collar and elbow tie up. McBride pushes Cadryn into a corner where the referee calls for a break.




We get a clean break from McBride, but Cadryn comes out of the corner firing lefts and rights to McBride's body. Cadryn then hits a clothesline on McBride. Cadryn starts to taunt to the crowd. Cadryn is back on the attack with kicks to the mid section of McBride's body. We see Scully on the apron giving Cadryn approval. Cadryn picks up McBride, but McBride fires right hands of his own to Cadryn's body. McBride goes for an Irish whip off the ropes. He catches Cadryn with a scoop slam. McBride drags Cadryn to his corner and goes for a tag. In comes Talia, and she immediately goes to work on the mid section of Cadryn. Cadryn makes it to his feet and is stunned for a bit. Talia goes for a drop kick, but Cadryn saw it coming and side steps. Cadryn looks over at Scully who wants the tag. Cadryn picks up Talia and whips her into the corner. He walks over and tags in Scully. Cadryn grabs Talia's arms as Scully climbs to the top rope. Scully comes crashing down with a double ax handle on to Talia's arm. Scully starts to work on the arm of Talia.

Scully whips Talia into the corner. Scully gets a running start and hits a splash in the corner on Talia. Scully takes a few steps back a goes for another splash, but is caught by a boot to the face by Talia.
Scully is stunned and is caught by a roundhouse kick by Talia. Both are on the mat looking to make the tag to their partners. Talia makes it to McBride and Scully makes it to Cadryn. McBride runs full steam towards Cadryn. Cadryn ducks under the clothesline attempt and hits a drop kick on McBride. Cadryn then picks up McBride and hits a snap suplex. Cadryn climbs to the second rope and yells for McBride to get up. As McBride makes his way to his feet Cadryn comes off the ropes with a devastating tornado DDT.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “What a Tornado DDT by Cadryn!”

Cadryn goes for the cover.




Dewey Gobblecoque: “I thought Cadryn might have had it there!”

Cadryn picks up McBride and whips him into the corner. Cadryn tags in Scully, as Scully enters the rings he points over to Talia. Cadryn walks over to Scully and whips him into McBride in the corner.
Scully laughing walks over to McBride and picks him up. Scully then whips McBride into the ropes, but Talia makes a blind tag. Scully catches McBride and hits a T-bone suplex. Unaware that Talia made the tag. Scully gets up and turns around into a spear by Talia.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “What a spear by Talia!”

Cadryn is jumping around on the apron wanting a tag. Scully is on the mat clenching his mid section in pain. Cadryn is trying desperately to get back in the match. Scully reaches out for the tag. Cadryn reaches out as McBride tries to grab Cadryn, but Cadryn kicks him away and makes the tag. Cadryn comes in and hits a clothesline on Talia. Talia tries to get up but Cadryn catches her with a DDT before she can even get up. Cadryn goes for a cover.





Dewey Gobblecoque: “That was so close! I thought it was over!”

Cadryn is in disbelief. He clenches his hair. Cadryn gets back up and looks down at Talia. He takes off on to the ropes and lands a knee to Talia's face. Cadryn walks over to Talia, but Talia rolls Cadryn up in a small package.




Dewey Gobblecoque: “Wow! Talia caught Cadryn off guard!”

Cadryn is up quick to his feet, as is Talia up to hers- but quickly Cadryn grabs Talia by her woman parts... he looks uncomfortable.

Dewey: What a lucky man!

Nixon came out of the crowd, McBride had his back turned to him as he was focusing on the match, Nixon grabbed McBride by the leg and pulled him off of the apron, the Irishman turned to see his rival with a knife in hand, Nixon went to stab McBride in the throat but he moved out of the way in time, but not quite fully. Nixon was able to stab McBride through his cheek!. McBride fell to his knees in pain, Nixon still had hold of the knife. He looked down at his enemy and smirked. That's when he yanked the knife to him, which caused McBride's mouth to be cut in half! Blood was everywhere as McBride was rolling around on the ground holding his slit cheek in pain. Nixon was quick to book it as security rushed down to stop Nixon from straight up murdering McBride. Nixon had gone back into the crowd laughing as he had got some revenge on McBride. He stopped and turned to see McBride still on the floor but was sitting up and looking right at him with an angry look. Nixon held up the knife with a sick smirk upon his face.

He scoop slams her to the mat... hits the ropes and lands a crushing double leg drop! CADRYN COVERS!




Winners- Scully and Cadryn Tiberius

Dewey: AND JUST LIKE THAT! Cadryn and Scully are moving on! Sad, I know this Mexican crowd was really pulling for Talia.

Broken Oswald Autem Sephtis & Shade
- vs -
Bobby Blackcoat & Crucifix

Tig O' Bitties: The following contest is a tornado tag match! Since the Unified X-Treme Champion will be participating, if he is pinned or submitted he will lose his championship!

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing first! From Chicago, Il, weighing in at three-hundered twenty-six pounds! HE IS the UNIFIED X-TREME CHAMPION!!!!!!!

Broken Oswald Autem Sephtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moonlight Sonata plays and Alysia is on the stage off to the side, near the rampway, with the audio system connected so her playing could be heard. As the song hits its first more frantic notes, Oswald walks out from the back, arms out wide, as the crowd begins to chant "DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!" and he moves his arms, swaying to the music. He makes his way to his wife, giving her a kiss as she plays, before making his way to the ring, swiping his right hand across the air in a horizontal fashion, joining the crowd in their chants. He then jumps up to the apron, and moves through the middle of the ropes, resuming the cutting of the air and chanting with the crowd. Finally he waits for the match to begin, and during that time, he takes off his Hellraiser Warrior's cassock.

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing his tag team partner... SHAAAAAADE!

As the Arena becomes pitch black suddenly black w blue lighting then goes on and the X-tron Show Shade's mask enter the screen and the wording appears saying ''Death Walks Among You'', smoke begins to fill the arena and shattered glass falls from the entrances way as a crow flies out of the entrance to the stage. It then begin to circle the stage before Shade walk onto the stage with Hope and gesture a gun with one hand and pretend to shoot (basically Kenny Omega bullet club gesture in his entrance). The crow then land on Hope's left shoulder.

They walk to the announcer area where there is a chair for Hope. Hope kisses his mask around the cheek area and the crow then lays in between Hope's knees. Shade then removes his trench-coat and lays it beside Hope, He then walks up then steps until he reaches the apron. He then walks across the apron until he reaches the middle where he does Kenny Omega's gun shoot taunt, He gets into the ring.

Tig O' Bitties: And their opponents, first... From Parts Unknown... BOBBY BLAAAAAACOAAAAT!

Bobby invites "Unapologetics" to download a special app for his matches. When his match begins, it triggers all of the screens of the app users' phones in the arena to be locked with a giant, blinking B. And he walks to the ring.

Tig O' Bitties: And his partner...From Charlotte, North Carolina... weighing in at Two-hundered-ten pounds! CRUUUUUUCIFIX!

The image of a silver mask with blood stains appears on the tron as "Show Me A Leader" by Alter Bridge begins to play over the sound system. A man in a hood walks out on the entrance ramp, looking down at the floor. He slowly raises his head to look to the ring before throwing back his hood to reveal a mask that resembles the one on screen. The man slowly pulls the mask from his face, revealing the face of the "Carnage Killer" Brian Crucifix. Crucifix throws the mask down on the ground before charging down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope before walking to the side that would be to his right, and leaning over the top rope to yell something to the fans. Crucifix walks back to his corner and crouches up against the middle turnbuckle.


The four rushed each other and started to trade blows left and right, Oswald and Blackcoat duked it out while Shade and Crucifix battled it each other. Oswald got the upper hand on Blackcoat due to his large size, he grabbed the man, picked him off the ground and tossed his ass right back down, Blackcoat's head bounced off the mat below, he held it in pain as Oswald started to stomp him out like as he was on fire. While that was going on, Shade was getting suplex by Crucifix. Shade held his back from the impact. Crucifix picked Shade up to his feet and Irish Whipped him into the corner before ran at him, he went to clothesline him, but Shade raised his boot in time and clocked Crucifix in the face, this caused him to stumble backwards and right into his partner and Oswald. All three men fell over. Shade shook the effects of the suplex off before going off to aid his partner and former mentor.

Dewey Gobblecoque-"Well shit, Blackcoat was fucking up Ghost Tank, er I mean Broken Tank. Yes, I'm not going to say his whole name. Too lazy for that shit."

Shade went to grab Blackcoat, but was met with a punch to the gut from him. Shade then took an uppercut to the chin as Blackcoat started to beat him down, Oswald trapped Crucifix's arms and started to headbutt him over and over, Blackcoat knocked Shade down before rushing over to help his partner, he took the Broken one's leg out from under him and Oswald went down. The two ganged up on him and started to stomp down on him. They got the Xtreme champ up to his feet and both lifted him up for a double suplex, but Shade speared both of them and all four men bit the dust and now were laid out in the ring.

Dewey Gobblecoque-"Dear God, this is fucking awesome. All four men are giving it their all. What a battle."

After a few moments of catching their breath, all four men were getting up at the same time. They backed up from each other and now it was just like at the start of the match and again they all met in the center of the ring and fought like their lives were on the line. Blackcoat kicked Shade in the gut and planted him down with a DDT, Crucifix was kicked in the gut as well, Oswald put Crucifix's head between his legs before lifting him up off the ground. The Broken One jumped into the air and hit a nasty Spike Piledriver, Crucifix bounced up into the air from landing on his head so hard. Blackcoat and Shade had gotten out of the ring at some point and now were fighting it outside of the ring. Oswald was quick to pin Crucifix.



THRE-Nope! Blackcoat had gotten in the ring in time and broke up the pin but Shade was right behind him and he grabbed Blackcoat and pulled him off of his partner and started to punch him, Oswald rose up and smirked at Shade, he told him to get Blackcoat to his feet.

Broken Oswald-"BROTHER BLACKCOAT! I knew you'd come! Now you face your DELETION!"

Oswald told Shade to get up on the top rope as he set Blackcoat up for a powerbomb, The Broken One lifted Blackcoat up and was about to slam him down, but Crucifix came in with the save! He dropkicked Oswald's leg and Blackcoat swung backwards and hit a wicked hurricanrana on the Broken One, he held on and landed on top of him, Blackcoat reached back and hooked his legs, the ref went for the count.



THRE- Shade had jumped off of the top rope and landed on top of the two with a leg drop which saved it for his team. Oswald was up to his feet but a little dazed, he shook his head of the cobwebs and set his sight on Crucifix. Shade saw Blackcoat getting up, he rushed over to him and the two fought it out like two hungry wolves fighting over a piece of meat. They fight to the corner back and forth as this match begins getting out of control! Shade gets Blackcoat dangling on the rope and clotheslines him over it! Blackcoat manages to grab and keep ahold of Shade on his way over and the two end up on the outside!

Meanwhile, the two legal men are having their own battle in the ring. Crucifix gains the advantage with right hands to the face of Broken Oswald. At least it appeared he did. Oswald just absorbed each punch to the face like they were nothing and suddenly interrupted the strikes with a kick to Crucifix's midsection!

Oswald wastes no time and grabs hold of Crucifix......... AND HITS THE DELETION!

Oswald with the cover!!




Winners - Broken Oswald Autem Sephtis and Shade

Peter Gilmour & Michael Graves
- vs -
Robert Main & Justin Sayn

Tig O’Bitties: “The following match is part of round two in the Lethal Lottery tournament. Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds… MICHEAL GRAAAAAVES! ”

The lights dim as the entrance stage begins to fill with smoke. The opening cords of "Mayhem blast over the PA system as a large wall of fire engulfs the stage. As the fire fades away, Micheal Graves walks out from behind the curtain. The metal riffs of Halestorm continue to pound on as Micheal stands there for a moment, surveying the crowd. Micheal slowly walks down the ramp as a small burst of fire erupt at the sides of the stage. The lights rise back up as Micheal rolls into the ring and takes a seated position leaning against the turnbuckle facing the stage.

Tig O’Bitties: “and his partner, weighing in at 260 pounds… PEEETER F’N GILMOOOOOUR!!”

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of COMANCHE by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Mia Yim come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Mia as they wait his next victim.

Tig O’Bitties: “And their opponents, first weighing in at 220 pounds… “The Omega” ROBERT MAAAAAAAIN!”

As "Broken Dreams" by Shaman's Harvest begins we watch as Robert "The Omega" Main slowly rises up from the depths of the stage, his back turned to the ring as he rolls his shoulders.

Following Tig's introduction, he turns as the music begins to rise, and after the lyrics "I make them for you" hit the speakers, just as the sting hits, he raises his firearm to the sky, pulls the trigger and unleashes an automatic salvo that has his pockets of fans around the arena cheering enthusiastically. He then hops off the small platform, passes his weapon to a crewman and begins to walk to the ring, avoiding the outstretched hands of the fans in disgust along the way. Once Robert reaches the apron, he eyes those in the ring, smirks, then ascends the stairs to his corner and steps between the ropes exuding confidence.

Tig O’Bitties: “and his partner, weighing in at 225 pounds… JUSTIN SAAAAAAYN!!”

Misery starts to play. Lights go out. A red spot light hits him.He is in a crouched position. He then rises slowly to his feet with his hands together in a praying position. He looks up with a very twisted grin on his face as he moves towards the ring. He steps up onto the apron wipes his feet as he enters the ring. He then stands in the middle of the ring with his hands in the praying position once again and again giving a twisted grin.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “It looks as though Graves and Justin Sayn are set to start this match.”


Justin Sayn rushes in to attack Micheal Graves. Micheal sticks his hand out, holding Sayn back like a child who is wildly swinging his fist, but too far out of reach to connect. Graves looks over to Robert Main with a big goofy grin on his face.


Robert Main looks VERY upset with his partners inability to do anything worthwhile so far in the ring.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “This is like a scene out of a cartoon show, what even is this right now!?

Graves pushes Sayn back a few feet and shoots forward hitting him with a vicious clothesline. Sayn flips in mid air and comes crashing to the ground. Graves mounts Sayn and begins unleashing a flurry of lefts and rights.

Graves glares at Main once more before landing one last crushing right hand into the side of Sayn’s mutilated face. Graves gets up, confident that he has made his point, and begins walking to his corner. Graves tags Gilmore, and with a sadistic smile Gilmore runs over and begins assaulting Sayn the same way that Graves was previously. Blow after blow lands as Sayn looks to be completely out of it. Gilmore jumps up and begins taunting Main. With his back turned to Sayn he continues to mock Main and their lackluster offense thus far.

But wait, there is some movement behind Gilmore. It looks as though Sayn has made it to his feet! Sayn with all of his might pushes Gilmore into the opposing corner. Gilmore didn't see it coming! Robert Main unloads a powerful haymaker rocking Gilmore, sending him crashing to the mat. Sayn dives toward his corner for the tag!

But he falls short and misses his partner's hand by a couple of feet. Robert Main is throwing a fit in the corner. He can’t believe that his partner just did that! Gilmour is now stalking Sayn who is just now getting back to his feet. Gilmour grabs Sayn from behind and hits a devastating Belly to back suplex. Sayn looks to be out of it! Gilmour taunts Main once again.


Main has had enough, he steps one leg throw the ropes, but Chaz Bobo is quick to block his path. Gilmour grabs the unconscious Sayn and runs towards the corner that Graves is in. Gilmours slams Sayn’s back off of the turnbuckle, and spins into a powerslam. Graves slaps the back of Gilmour mid move and quickly climbs to the top rope. Graves flies off the top rope with a picture perfect moonsault, crashing into Justin Sayn just as Gilmour rolls out of the ring.

Graves with the cover!





Robert rushes towards Gilmour and plants him between the eyes with a right fist! Gilmour drops to the floor! Robert Main begins stomping on Graves! Main’s being relentless!

Chaz Bobo grabs Main and pushes him away from Graves. He’s instructing Main to return to his corner.

Graves finds his way back to his feet and the aggressive assault continues. Graves grabs Sayn by his hair and fires him like a bullet into the ropes. Sayn bounces back towards Graves, Graves grabs him and hits Sayn with a sidewalk slam, driving Sayn in to the mat with superior force. Sayn lay there in the ring, seemingly unconscious. Graves pulls him to his feet again, picks him up, and begins unloading various martial arts type strikes. Sayn falls to the mat again. Robert Main begins pounding away at the turnbuckle, obviously frustrated that hs has been completely cut off from Sayn. Graves smiles at Main, causing him to try and enter the ring before he is cut off by referee Chaz Bobo.

Graves makes his way to his own corner and tags Gilmour in once more. Gilmour rushes towards Sayn like a dog after a piece of meat. Gilmour mounts the poor little guy and grabs Sayns head with his left hand, while delivering a flurry of punches with his right. Gilmour pauses the action to look up to Robert Main. Robert stomping his feet and cussing up a storm. Gilmour laughs as he looks back down at Justin Sayn and delivers a few more shots to the head.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “This is a trainwreck! Justin Sayn can’t hold his own against the likes of Gilmour and Graves, and Robert Main hasn’t even been a part of the match yet!”

Gilmour stands up and circles Justin Sayn. He nudges him with his foot, looking for any signs of life. He finds none. Gilmour looks back to Robert Main and signifies the end of coming up with a crotch chop. Gilmour pulls Sayn up to his feet. Sayn is standing there, wobbling around like a Mortal Kombat character awaiting a finishing move.



Dewey Gobblecoque: “ENDGAME! IT’S ALL OVER!”

Gilmour doesn’t go for the pin though, instead he looks to Graves and shouts.


Gilmour tags in Graves. Graves stalks the fallen, beaten, busted, broken, dead? Justin Sayn. Graves grabs Sayn by the hair and pulls him up to his knees. Sayn collapses into Graves, drooling on Graves thigh. Graves looks to Main who looks like he is about to blow a gasket, then he looks back to the broken Justin Sayn.


Graves tosses Justin Sayn into his corner as Peter Gilmour begins flipping his lid. Main slaps Sayn on the chest, climbs into the ring, and throws Sayn out onto the floor. No regard for his partner's safety. Main charges Graves, who is already expecting it, Graves tries to brace himself, but Main proves to be too much, spearing Graves straight to the mat. Main begins unleashing a barrage of punches straight into the side of Graves head. Graves is stunned! Doing his best to protect himself, he manages to get Main off of him, and get back to his feet. Main takes off darting towards Graves and hits him with a strong clothesline, knocking him back to the mat once more. Main looks at Gilmour and smiles as he picks Graves back up by the back of his head. A handful of hair and scalp, Main slings Graves in to the corner. Main takes off running and hits Graves with a running missile drop kick, right in his chest! Graves falls to the mat gripping his chest.Now it’s Peter Gilmour who is upset with his partner.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Graves may have made a mistake allowing Robert Main to tag in, but you’ve got to respect the fact that he didn’t want the easy win… Well, unless your name is Peter Gilmour.”

Robert Main places a foot on the throat of Graves and points in Gilmour’s direction. Gilmour replies by giving Robert Main a two bird salute. Main grabs Graves by the hair, and lifts him up to his feet and lifts him up on his shoulders, ready to deliver the Dead Man’s Hand. Graves isn’t out of it yet though, he hits an elbow to the side of Mains head, and another, and another. Main topples over, dropping Graves to his feet in the process. Graves stumbles towards his corner, and collapses, making the tag to Gilmour on his way down.
Main makes it to his feet, but it’s too late, the tag has been made and here comes Gilmour! Gilmour rushes towards Main and clotheslines him, but Main doesn’t go down. He stumbles back a few feet. Gilmour, determined, rushes him again clotheslining him once more, no effect! Robert Main stands in the middle of the ring taking everything Gilmour has for the moment! Gilmour can’t believe it. Gilmour goes for another clothesline, Main is ready to absorb yet another one, but it’s a fake.

Out of nowhere Gilmour hits Main with a Yakuza Kick!

Main hits the mat immediately. Gilmour regains his composure and gets back on the offensive once more. Gilmour pulls Main up to his feet and hits him with a vicious Powerslam. Gilmour begins to show the obvious height and weight difference he has over Main. Gilmour picks him up once more and whips him into his own corner. Main is ready, looking for the tag, but Sayn is nowhere to be found! He’s still laid out on the outside of the ring. It looks like Main is on his own for now. Gilmour rushes in colliding with Main, using that weight advantage as a weapon. Main collapses once more. Gilmour sadistically smiles. Gilmour picks Main up and hits him with THE INFECTION, adding insult to injury!

Gilmour with the cover!





Peter Gilmour is shocked! He can’t believe what just happened! He climbs up to his knees and argues the count with Bobo. Chaz Bobo isn’t changing his call though, it was only 2! Gilmour stands up, a sinister look on his face. He lifts Main up…


Dewey Gobblecoque: “NO, ROBERT MAIN REVERSED!”


Gilmour is out, but Robert Main is too tired to capitalize!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Desperation move on the part of Main, but he’s not going for the cover!”

Both men lie there for a moment before Chaz Bobo decides to start a ten count.


Nothing, both men are out of it!


Graves is clapping and stomping his foot on the apron, trying to encourage Gilmour to get up!




Robert Main starting to show signs of life.


So is Gilmour



Both men are up to their knees.


Both men manage to make it to their feet!

Gilmour rushes toward his partner for the tag!


Dewey Gobblecoque: “Gilmour desperately needed to tag in Graves!”

Inside the ring Gilmour is collapsed over the ropes, Main is leaning into the corner on the other side of the ring.

Outside of the ring Justin Sayn and Micheal Graves are trading shots! Left by Sayn, Right by Graves it’s back and forth, and for the first time in this match, Justin Sayn is looking impressive in his showing! Graves hits Sayn with a big right hand! Sayn stumbles back, but rushes in and hits Graves with a chop block to the throat! Graves drops to a knee, coughing and gasping for air. Sayn then Rolls into the ring and hits Peter Gilmour with BRAINBUSTER!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Impressive move for such a little guy!”

Sayn rolls out of the ring and makes his way back to his corner. Graves has also regained his composure and climbs back into position for a tag. Both men in the ring realize their opportunity to get some fresher blood in there and begin working their way to their opponents. Gilmour on his hands and knees and Main using the top rope to help with his way around. Both manage to make the tag simultaneously and Graves and Sayn rush back in and it's a repeat of what happened outside! Rights and lefts flying everywhere!

Graves works Sayn into the corner and beats him down some, but Sayn comes right back and kicks Graves right in his gut! Graves stumbles back as Sayn backs up onto the second turnbuckle. He jumps off looking for an axe handle, but Graves throws out a boot of his own and kicks Sayn in the neck throwing him back into the corner. Graves runs in, picks him up, and sets him on the top rope....

Dewey Gobblecoque: "The Final Embrace!!!"

Graves throws Sayn across the ring and crawls right over top of him pulling the leg back hard for the cover!!




Dewey Gobblecoque: Graves and Peter move on to the next round! Big win!

Winner - Micahel Graves and Peter Gilmour

Graves and Gilmour meet up in the middle of the ring. Graves grabs Gilmour’s hand and raises it in victory.

Suddenly Gilmour snatches his arm back and turns to face Graves.

Gilmour shoves Graves,

Graves shoves Gilmour.

Now it's a full on brawl!

Graves and Gilmour are trading shots in the middle of the ring!

Gilmour manages to stagger Graves with a big right hand!


Dewy Gobblecoque: “Gilmour just laid out Graves!”

Gilmour continues the assault! Graves is being destroyed by a flurry of vicious stomps!

Robert Main is back in the ring!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “This doesn't look good for Graves, Robert Main is about to join in on the fun!”




On Peter Gilmour!!!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “What in the hell!? Why did Robert Main save Graves?”

Graves rolls over onto his side, sitting up slightly and holding the back of his head. Him and Robert Main have an uneasy staredown for a moment. Main nods to Graves and rolls out if the ring.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Was that a sign of respect from Robert Main!? What else could be his motives for saving Micheal Graves?”

This Message is sponsored by PATROL: People Against the Rigorous Oppression of Lizards

A shot of the XWF set up in Dealey Plaza. Venom Vega is looking for the turnbuckle powerbomb! But Thomas Nixon catches Venom Vega with the VICTORY ROLL!

Gaylord: Uh-oh! Nixon snuck in the Victory Roll! He grabs the ankles!

The referee counts slams the mat for the three count!

The video transitions to a grayscale filter, and Michael McBride hops the barricade! Nixon turns into a Celtic clothesline!

McBride lifts Nixon into the air and powerbombs him through the announce table!

A medical team arrives and seems to be stretchering Nixon out of the building! And Nixon is in a hospital bed, his ribs taped, and Guppy Parsh is at his side.


In a zoomed out shot, dozens of black rottweilers bark loudly.


Nixon yells emphatically "MCBRIDE! McBride, you son of a bitch, come out here and fight me like a man!"

"Don't be a coward! Meet me face to face, and let's settle this!"


Stone Cold Steve Austin has blood dripping from his cut forehead. Bret Hart wrenches the sharpshooter, but Steve Austin refuses to tap!



McBride collapses on the mat! Nixon pummeled him from behind! He's looking for revenge! He's lining up for a powerbomb through the announce table!




Nixon is lifeless in the ring. McBride stands over his victim, taking a drag from a cigarette. HE JAMS IT IN NIXON'S EYE


The rottweilers' pitch black fur contrasts their shining metal collars.


Nixon squirms on the mat in pain, as Guppy tries to console him.


Nixon dawns an eyepatch, looking at his reflection, with a sadistic smile on his face. And he laughs.


- vs -
Thomas Nixon
- vs -
Mister Tidbits

Tig O'Bitties-"On his way to the ring, standing at Six Foot and weighting in at 205 pounds, from Philadelphia! He is the former Television champion, Thomas Nixon!"

"My Sacrifice" by Creed booms through the arena, and the crowd cheers in anticipation for the beloved Thomas Nixon. As Scott Stapp's voice plays over the PA, Nixon appears on the stage wearing his black trunks and cape. What stands out to the crowd most is the green lizard insignia on the back of the cape that represents what Thomas is truly fighting for. Nixon races down the ramp, as the crowd applauds him and his cause, whether he is completely insane or not. Nixon hops on the and climbs up the far turnbuckle. Taking off his cape, he then holds it like a flag and gestures at the insignia. The crowd roars in approval, before Thomas enters the ring.

Tig O'Bitties-"Next on his way to the ring. Standing at Six Two and weighting in at 236 pounds! From the Unknown! Mr.Tidbits!"

The Lights begin to flicker on and off at a slow pace, gaining speed until they are almost seizure causing for about ten seconds. Suddenly they shut off leaving the arena completely silent and engulfed in darkness. Then dark purple, queen's purple, and crimson red pyro's begin to erupt down the rampway toward the ring, fans erupt in excitement, "Boo's, Cheers, and Mainly drunken slurs enjoyment. The Jumbotron flickers on...

Tig O'Bitties-"And the final opponent. Standing at Five Eleven and weighting in at 200 pounds, From Nowhere In Particular. Killjoy!"

comes out waving to the crowd, half walks/half dances to the ring giving high fives along the way. Hops onto the ring apron and steps through the top and middle ropes, onto the turnbuckle and begs the crowd to cheer.

Ding Ding

The three men mad dog each other as they sized up their one another but soon Nixon went on the attack and went after Killjoy, Mr.Tidbits joined in and the two doubled teamed him, punching him down into the corner of the ring. Tidbits then elbowed Nixon in his damaged eye, which caused him to stagger back holding it in pain. Mr.Tidbits kept on his attack on Killjoy, but Nixon now mad, rushed the clown hater, grabbed him from behind turned him around and hit him with a palm strike to the face of Tidbits. Killjoy took the legs out from under Tidbits and he went down, that's when Nixon and Killjoy ganged up on the fallen Tidbits. They stomped away at him before pushing him out of the ring. Now it was just Killjoy and Nixon. They attacked each other, trading blows left and right but Nixon got the upper hand with an European uppercut then quickly followed up with an Exploder Suplex. Killjoy hit the mat hard and held his back in pain. Nixon went for the pin, hooking Killjoy's leg.



It was broken up by Mr.Tidbits, he grabbed Nixon and Irish whipped him into the ropes, on the rebound, Mr.Tidbits hit a Japanese Armdrag but didn't let go and turned the move into an armbar on Nixon. They were in the center of the ring, the clown hating sumbitch wrenched the arm as hard as he could. Nixon's arm felt like it was going to break.


Killjoy caused the submission to be broken up, he kept kicking Mr.Tidbits over and over again before getting him to his feet and trapping his arms with an underhook, Killjoy repeatedly headbutted Mr.Tidbits over and over, before letting him fall to the mat, Nixon came up and speared Killjoy to the ground and let lose a fury of punches, Tidbits crawled over to the ropes and used them to help him up. Killjoy was able to give Nixon a thumb to the eye that Michael McBride injured which made Nixon flip out in pain.

Dewey Gobblecoque-"Oh fuck that had to hurt! Killjoy that sneaky fucker! Almost Jew like."

Mr.Tidbits ran at Killjoy who about to punish Nixon but was stopped with a bulldog, Killjoy's face hit the mat hard and bounced off of it. He picked Killjoy up to his feet and tossed his ass out of the ring. He turned to face Nixon but he was nowhere to be found, this confused the man. Nixon had rolled out of the ring to get a breather and now was right behind Mr.Tidbits. Nixon jumped onto Mr.Tidbits's shoulders and Victory Roll!




Tig O'Bitties-"The winner of the first fall. Thomas Nixon!!!"

Mr.Tidbits was not fucking happy one bit, he soon jumped at Nixon and clotheslined him. He went to finish his work but Killjoy popped out of nowhere with a clown mask!


This was a mistake on the part of Killjoy, thinking it would scare the man, it in fact did but it didn't make him run away as he had thought. Oh no. Mr.Tidbits freaked the fuck out and punched Killjoy so hard in the face, that the mask flew off of his head. Mr.Tidbits grabbed poor Killjoy and started to bash his head into the turnbuckle multiple times.







Nixon tried to run up on Mr.Tidbits but was met with a boot to the face. Nixon went down. Mr.Tidbits grabbed Killjoy and lifted up onto his shoulders so Killjoy was sitting on top of him. He reached up, pulled down his head and slammed him down! Tidbit of a Headache!(Joker Driver)

Tidbits pinned Killjoy.




Tig O'Bitties-"The winner of the second fall. Mr.Tidbits!"

Mr.Tidbits got up and now was calm, he grabbed Killjoy to finish him off one more time, But Nixon came up from behind and rolled Tidbits into a schoolboy pin.




Mr.Tidbits was able to kick out in time, but all three men were at their limits. They were tired from the epic battle that had been going on. Tidbits and Nixon were to their feet and were trading blows, Killjoy being weak from the impact of the finisher was crawling to them. He wasn't out of the fight yet, the other two were so focus on each other that they didn't noticed Killjoy coming up on them, the prince of pranks hooked his arms under both of them and rolled them backwards with a schoolboy!




Tig O'Bitties-"Winner of the third fall. Killjoy, the ref as informed me that it only counts as [one. So the match will carry on!"

Killjoy pinned both of them at the same time, but it only counted as one pin for the trickster and now all three men were laying in the center of the ring out of breath.

Crowd-"THIS IS AWESOME-Clap clap clap clap clap-THIS IS AWESOME-Clap clap clap clap clap-

Dewey Gobblecoque-"I'm with the crowd on this one folks! This is pretty fucking awesome!"

They all slowly take a corner and pull themselves to their feet. Nixon rushes after Mr. Tidbits in the corner, but Tidbits ducks and sends Nixon to the outside of the ring! Killjoy tries the same thing but Tidbits rolls out of the way! Killjoy bounces off the turnbuckle and backs right into Tidbits!

Dewey Gobblecoque: "Tidbit of a Headache! He grabs the leg!!"




Tig O'Bitties: "The winner of the match..... Mr... Tidbits!!!

Winner - Mr. Tidbits

'Ya Boi' Shaun Crowe & Hero Xtreme 7.9
- vs -
Buronan & Jim Caedus

Tig O’Bitties: “The following match is part of round two in the Lethal Lottery tournament. Introducing first, weighing in at a supposed 350 pounds… SHAAAAAAUN CROOOWE! ”



The guy working the strobe lights has a seizure at his desk, resulting in a dazzling display of flashing lights as Chance the Rapper's "GoodAssIntro" plays over the PA system.

From behind the curtain, over the music the crowd can hear someone shout "IT'S YA BOI!" before Shaun Crowe EXPLODES out from behind the curtains, swaggering down the ramp as hella dolla bills rain from the ceiling. The crowd goes into a frenzy over tha paper before realizing it's just Monopoly money. Shaun hops up onto the apron and shouts "IT'S YA BOI" once more, prompting a small portion of the audience to chant it back at him. He smiles and steps into the ring, doing the white girl shoulder dance while waiting for his opponent.

Tig O’Bitties: “and his partner, weighing in at 300 pounds… HEROOOO X_TREEEEEME SEVEN POINT NIIIIIIIINE!!”

A bloody casket with purple skulls lowers from the rafters suddenly the wire snaps and it crashes into the ring. The casket explodes into confetti and then Hero Xtreme 7.9's music starts playing except….

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Hero Xtreme seems confused by the music playing here tonight. I guess someone forgot to inform him that the XWF ran into complications securing the rights to his normal theme song, and apparently somebody is having a laugh at his expense.”

Hero Xtreme shrugs as a bunch of poultry walk out onto the ramp. Hero follows them with an axe and tries to chop their heads off. Any of the turkeys he manages to kill are given to kids in the audience.

Tig O’Bitties: “And their opponents, first weighing in at 140 pounds… BUROOONAAAAAN!!!

The arena goes completely dark, all but for a white spotlight that follows Buronan down to the ring as he makes his entrance. Burnonan climbs the turnbuckle and looks out into the crowd as the lighting is restored. He front-flips from the tunrbuckle into the ring and does a heroic pose in the center of mat.

Tig O’Bitties: “and his partner, weighing in at 230 pounds… JIM CAAAAEDUS!!”

"Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begins to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer introduces the party pooper; an extremely gentle euphemism. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates XWF Television Champion Jim Caedus, TV Title strap around his waist, steps out and the house lights come up.

His hair hangs freely, his eyes devoid of emotion. He glances around at the majority population of fools who have no idea who he is as small pockets of more experienced fans and smarks suddenly erupt with excitement and recognition. None of it, good or bad, seems to get anything other than a dead gaze from Jim Caedus.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps, places the Television Title lovingly upon it then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.

The bell sounds and here we go!

Starting the match will be Caedus and Hero Xtreme. The two competitors have a stare down in the middle of the ring for a moment before Hero Xtreme pushes Caedus. Caedus stumbles backwards a bit. Still managing to stand his ground. Caedus steps back up to Hero Xtreme and pushes him back. No matter the strength of Jim Caedus, Hero Xtreme towers over him, barely moving an inch. Hero Xtreme throws a straight right into the jaw of Caedus, practically knocking him out of his boots! Caedus hit’s the mat, and just looks up in awe at the strength and size of Hero Xtreme. Hero Xtreme backs up and allows Caedus to get to his feet. Caedus visibly upset by what has transpired runs full head of steam at Hero Xtreme clotheslining him square in the abdomen. It has little to no effect on Hero Xtreme. Hero Xtreme grabs Caedus by his throat and slings him into the corner. Here Xtreme begins unloading rights and lefts on Caedus. Hero Xtreme stops and Caedus slides down to the mat, still slouched over in the corner.

Hero Xtreme walks over to his corner and tags Crowe. Crowe comes in, and picks up where Hero Xtreme left off. Blasting Caedus with multiple kicks to the abdomen before laying one final kick to the head of Jim Caedus.

Crowe walks away, celebrating in the middle of the ring, taunting Buronan. Crowe returns to the corner and picks Caedus up by his hair. Caedus deflects and breaks his hold! Standing clothesline levels Crowe! Caedus seems to be regaining his composure, and begins to mount an offense. Caedus picks Crowe up by his hair and whips him into the ropes. One the rebound Caedus hits him with a Tilt O’ Whirl Back Breaker! Crowe writhes in pain as he lay on the mat clutching his lower back.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “That’s why he’s a double Champion folks, Caedus has taken control of this match early on!”

Jim stomps Crowe in the face, then the gut, then the face again! Crowe rolls over onto his belly to try and deflect Jim's attacks, but Jim doesn’t give a damn, he stomps on Crowes fingers, causing Crowe to reel his hands in. Jim then kicks Crowe in the ribs, and again, and again. He’s demolishing Shaun Crowe, and all he’s doing is stomping and kicking!

Jim walks a circle inside of the ring with his arms outstretched, taking in the fans boos. Shaun Crowe manages to get back to his feet. Jim smiles and waves him in, Crowe rushes Caedus looking to create a little bit of offense for himself and his team, but Caedus has a different plan. Caedus grabs a hold of Crowe and puts him in a bear hug. He wrenches away as Crowe cries out in pain. The referee calls for the break, but before he can break the hold, Caedus belly to back suplexes Crowe right into the turnbuckle! Crowe looks to be out cold!

Jim points to Hero Xtreme with a sadistic smile painted across his face. Jim walks over to Buronan and seems to discuss strategy with his partner. Shaun Crowe uses this time to tag in Hero Xtreme. Buronan takes notice of the tag, and points for Jim to look behind him. It’s too late though Jim is whipped into the opposite corner by Hero, but not before Buronan managed to make the tag. Jim slams hard into the corner, and Buronan springboards into the ring, catching Hero Xtreme from behind with a bullbog!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Hero didn’t see the tag!”

Buronan rebounds off the ropes, and hits a dropkick square between the eyes of the seated Hero Xtreme! Buronan runs to the corner and hops onto the top rope. Hero is quick to get back to his feet. Buronan leaps opp the top rope with a crossbody, but Hero catches him in mid air!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “JIM CAEDUS OUTTA NOWHERE!!!”

Jin Caedus exploded out of the corner and shoulder blocked Hero’s legs out from under him! Chaz Bobo is no standing over Jim Caedus yelling at him to return to his corner. Hero falls backwards on to his back with Buronan on top of him! The referee turns around and begins to make the count.



Hero kicks out before three! Jim Caedus is pacing the apron getting psyched up, ready to explode at any moment. Buronan goes to make the tag, this is the moment Caedus has been waiting for, but Hero cuts him off before he makes it to his corner! Hero picks Buronan up and powerbombs him with a vengeance in the middle of the ring! Buronan lay motionless in the middle of the ring, Hero Xtreme stands over him, menacingly. Hero directs his attention to Caedus, Hero raises a hand and motions for him to join him in the middle of the ring. Caedus takes a step through the ropes but is quickly cut off by Chaz Bobo. Bobo has his back turned, and while he does Buronan uses this opportunity to hit Hero with a cheap shot right to the crotch! Hero drops to one knee, Buronan jumps up and sprints towards his corner.


Caedus is in. Caedus runs and clotheslines Hero so hard he practically takes his head off! Buronan is back in now, they begin to double team Hero. Hero can’t handle the both of them and falls to the mat in pain. Caedus and Buronan begin landing hard kicks to the body and legs of Hero Xtreme! Caedus picks Hero up off of the ground. He whips him into the ropes Hero rebounds and ducks a clothesline. Oh the rebound Hero jumps through the air with a shoulder tackle, but he is hit with the Purgatory Punch out of nowhere!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “HOLY SHIT!!!”

Hero Xtreme is out cold as Jim Caedus takes a few steps back, shaking his now throbbing fist. Jim moves in for the kill. He grabs Hero and applies…




Jim has the rear naked choke locked in tight! Hero Xtreme is fading fast!

The referee lifts Hero’s arm

It drops

Chaz Bobo checks again

And again Hero’s arm drops

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Hero Xtreme seems to be out cold!!!”

Chaz lifts Hero’s arm one last time

And it drops



Jim looks worried, he tries to tighten the hold, but it’s no use. Hero’s is getting amped and Jim is powerless to stop his big ass from getting to his feet, Jim on his back, desperately holding on the the HYB and all. Hero is back on his feet, he begins walking to his own corner, all with Caedus on his back! Hero makes the tag, Crowe is back in! Hero slings Caedus off his back and over the top rope to the floor below! Bobo begins to count










Buronan jumps down onto the floor and hoists Caedus up.



Buronan uses the chance to tag himself in on the way. Hero smiles and invites Buronan to the center of the ring. BURONAN ACCEPTS AND RUSHES HERO! He lands a series of kicks and chops with lighting fast speed! Hero looks staggered and dazed as he falls to one knee...

Buronan hits the ropes, runs and wraps his legs around Hero's head, smashing his skull into the mat with a spike hurricanrana! Hero is dazed but not down! He staggers up and stumbles near his corner. CROWE MAKES THE TAG!

Shaun Crowe runs at Buronan, but quickly Buronan sends a violent eurpean uppercut to his throat! The pace slowls as Crowe stumbles around the ring, awkwardly gasping for air and crying out in pain. Crowe falls back into the corner and begs for Buronan to leave him alone, but Buronan runs up to Crowe and connects with an impressive step-up enzeguri!

Crowe falls face first out of the corner. Buronan scales the ropes and dives off with his moonsault leg drop called....

Dewey: Dikucilkan!!!!!!!!!

The leg drop smashes down onto Crowe's alrady damaged throat.

But what's Buronan doing?!?


Caedus begins shaking off the cobwebs as he sees his partner pointing to the incapacitated Crowe. Caedus doesn't hesitate and slides down for the cover.






Winner- Jim Caedus and Buronan

'Mister F'n Dominance' Trax & Robbie Bourbon
- vs -
Doctor Louis D'Ville & Donald J. Trump

Dewey: “Wow, what an extraordinary showing in this Warfare, this Lethal Lottery tournament has me ready to go camping because this kind of excitement has me pitching a tent! Well let's not waste any more time, we have our next Lethal Lottery match coming up, and it should be one hell of a showing. Hopefully, Trax and Robbie can get on the same page and put Doc D’Ville and Mr. President Donald Trump. Looks like the first contestant is making his way to the ring now.”

Tig O’ Bitties: “The following contest is a Lethal Lottery round two, standard tag, one fall, from Las Angeles, California, standing six feet four, and weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds, TRAXXXX!”

“You’re Da Man” by Nas blares from the PA system.

Walks down to the ring in his wrestling attire and a black trench coat that reads "Mr. FN' Dominance" and shades, he looks around at the crowd pointing and beating his chest smiling.

He starts walking down the ramp but from out of nowhere it's.. who is that? HOLY SHIT! It's Peter F'n Gilmour. What the hell is he.. or wait, Peter's getting revenge from Savage after Trax attacked him before his Hart Title match with Robbie Bourbon. Peter beats Trax up on the ramp as Robbie just looks at this and smiles. Peter looks at Robbie and flips him off before signaling he wants another shot at the belt since Peter got royally screwed thanks to Trax's attack before the match.

Peter picks Trax up and throws him into the stairs with such velocity it comes off its hinges.

Peter: You want to attack me from behind motherfucker? Get your ass up!

Trax is down and holding his shoulder from the stairs spot. Peter picks him up and throws him in the ring. Peter tells the fans to SUCK HIS DICK as he slowly gets in the ring. Robbie looks like he's going to help his partner but him and Peter lock eyes. Robbie then moves back and signals with his hands for Peter to finish the job. Peter picks Trax up but Trax hits Peter in the balls. Peter grimaces but then laughs. He's got balls of steel! Or his SUPER DICK blocked the blow. Peter laughs as Trax tries for the Trap Silencer but Peter ducks it and then BAM! GILMOUR CUTTER!

Trax is laid out as Peter looks at what he's done. He looks back up at Robbie who gives him a slight clap of his hands. Peter flips him off and asks for the mic. [/i]

Peter: I hope you learned your lesson Trax.. Don't fuck with GOD! Try that shit again, and I'm going to break your neck. So fuck you, fuck everyone here and you all can SUCK.. MY..

Peter raises the mic as the fans say "DICK" in unison. Peter then drops the mic like he just delivered a pipe bomb. He again looks at Robbie Bourbon and signals he wants the Hart Title as he heads up the ramp as referees check on the condition of Trax.

Trax pushes the referee away and finishes his walk to the ring. He crawls under the bottom rope and just throws a fist in the air. He does a bit of his shadow boxing before the music changes and Tig announces his partner.

Tig O'Bitties: "And his partner.. Standing six foot five, weighing two-hundred and ninety pounds....... He is the XWF HART CHAMPION...... RRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOBBBBBBIIIIEEEEEEEE..... BOOOOOOOUUUUUURBOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!

A series of fireworks fire off on the stage as Robbie's music starts to play throughout the arena. Across the X-Tron, we see the exact same thing as what is traditionally used as Robbie Bourbon's banner on the XWF website as Robbie steps out. He raises his arms to 45 degree angles while the X-Tron shows clips of Robbie standing on top of the Elimination Chamber followed by the massive dive through the top onto Trax, Robbie forcing Vinnie Lane to sign his contract mid-match, and Robbie delivering the final blow to Barney Green's career by way of Robbiebomb onto the hood of the car. Robbie starts to calmly walk down to the ring, taking his time to get there. He climbs the ring steps, stands on the apron, and turns his back to the ring, and raises his arms at 45-degree angles while jawing to the crowd, which is singing along to me, Don Quixote. Robbie then enters the ring and points at the referee, jawing at him. He then spins, hops on the second turnbuckle, and raises his arms at 45-degree angles again.

He steps off the apron and notices Trax giving him an evil scowl holding his arms out like.. "What the fuck?!". Bourbon returns the scowl and brushes his four fingers under his chin.

Dewey: “Oh brother, if these two are going to want to move on to round three they better stop bickering amongst one another, get their arrogant heads out of their Asses and focus on the match!”

Tig O’Bitties: “Their opponents, introducing first hailing from possibly the swamps of Sulphur, Louisiana! Standing six feet two and weighing two hundred and thirty-three pounds, Doctor Louis D’Ville!”

The lights go out in the arena followed by an eerie red glow. Smoke rises from the entrance way and the Doctor emerges from it. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks out among the crowd, then slowly begins walking towards the ring. The Doctor climbs the ring steps and into the ring, he stands on the second turnbuckle and holds his arms into the air as the lights flash back on. The Doctor stays on his side, not taking and eye of the arguing team of Bourbon and Trax.

Tig O’Bitties: “His partner, hailing from Washington, D.C., The Honorable Mr. President Donald Trump!”

“The Pledge of Allegiance” begins to erupt from the PA system, as Red, White, and Blue pyro and fireworks begin to erupt from the top of the ramp working their way down toward the ring. Once they reach the ring the lights shut off, quickly Red, White, and Blue rapid pyro bursts from the turnbuckles, the lights come back on, the fans are standing most with hands over their hearts, suddenly the Pledge of Allegiance ends. “Grab Em by The Pussy” by DJ Scatscratch, a dubstep beat mix of Donald’s recorded voice remixed then blasts from the PA, a limousine begins to drive down the ramp with American flags on the side of the windows, it is surrounded by Secret Service agents. The crowd begins to chant, “Grab Em by the PUSSY! Grab Em by the PUSSY! Grab Em by the PUSSY!” the limousine stops at the bottom of the ramp, one of the secret service members opens the passenger back door and out steps another secret service agent, followed by Donald Trump, wearing a bright big smile.

Dewey: “Wow, would you look at that smile, I bet Melania was in there blowing that old wrinkly worm of his! Wait, is he adjusting his toupee? She must have been really working him over, well all four men are in the ring now, looks like Doc and Bourbon are going to start this one off.”

Inside the ring the referee signals for the bell.




D’Ville wastes no time, charging forward with all his speed and might, he connects with a lunging clothesline, taking Robbie clean off his feet. The crowd reacts in awe, usually, it isn’t that fast before Bourbon is put to the mat. Robbie quickly rolls to all fours and climbs to his feet shaking his head he charges in, both men lock up face to face, teeth gritting, each trying to overpower the other. Sweat begins beating down both of their faces, as it seems to be a Mexican standoff, neither man able to budge the other. D’Ville’s arm begins to grow shaky, Robbie smiles, and quickly reacts to the giving of strength shown by D’Ville, he plows forward. Robbie then throwing Doc off balance quickly pulls Doc’s head in between Robbie’s side and inner bicep. Robbie then squeezes tightly and with his free hand grabs Doc’s waistline.

Robbie Smiles out to the crowd and raises Doctor Louis D’Ville straight into the air, Robbie takes a couple steps around the ring demonstrating his strength, before falling backward sending Doc crashing to the mat hard. Robbie’s body takes a little impact itself, as he is a little slowly to rise.

Dewey: “Holy hell what a Vertical Suplex, it even took a little out of Robbie “Mother Fucking” Bourbon, XWF’s HEART Champion, and let me tell you what that man certainly has the heart the Heart Champion should have! Ladies and Gentleman Robbie is back to his feet and is back on the offensive, dropping stomps to the rib section, Doc covers up, but the force and power from Bourbon just appears to be too powerful, the impact is barely even slowed from the Doc’s arms. This isn’t good for Trump and especially The Doctor, let's see if he can turn this around.”

Bourbon stops stomping away on Doc’s ribs, Trax is at his turnbuckle screaming and waving for the tag, Bourbon looks over and chuckles, waving his hand in the motion of “Yeah right!” and turns back toward The Doctor, Trax grows furious. Robbie grabs the Doc from the mat and raises him to his feet, executing two throat chops before grasping his left wrist, Robbie then spins with all his weight, swinging D’Ville into the ropes. D’Ville’s back connects with the ropes launching him back toward Robbie. Robbie catches The Doctor and spirals executing a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, the audience pops in excitement.

Dewey: “Man Doc’s back must be in a serious of pain, hopefully, he can prescribe himself some Percocet for that pain, he will be feeling it in the morning. Robbie is now climbing the turnbuckle once again ignoring Trax call for a tag, Trax is getting bored over there at ringside, he wants in on the action. I don’t blame the guy, he is a main eventer, he has more fire in his belly than Robbie has a belly! Doc is still squirming on the mat holding his back, Robbie isn’t paying any attention, just riling the crowd up from a dangerous place. Wait what’s this?”

Trax attempts to climb in the ring without a tag, the referee turns and begins struggling to push Trax back out of the rings through the ropes which he came. Donald Trump points to one of Secret Service agents then into the ring, “Time to Make XWF Great Again!” five Secret Service Agents storm the ring while the referee has his back turned. Two of them quickly grab Bourbon from behind and sending him flying across the ring and off of the turnbuckle. Bourbon lands on the mat hard on his neck and upper back, rolling into the turnbuckle opposite of the one he was standing on. The other three then quickly surround Bourbon and begin to give him a real nasty Boston Beat Down, meanwhile, Trax is still fighting with the referee. Once noticing the interference, Trax gives up so the referee will turn his attention back.

The referee takes his time to make sure Trax isn’t just trying to pull a fast one, once he feels Trax has finished attempting to enter the ring without a proper tag, he turns back around. To find both Bourbon and Doc lying on the mat, he looks at Bourbon then at Doc and shrugs his shoulders, the Secret Service agents have exited the ring and returned to their posts surrounding and protecting the President. Doc is the first one back to his feet; he delivers a few punches, followed by a hard elbow to the left side of Robbie’s jaw. Robbie spits some blood to the side of the ring as his vision blurs a little and his head starts to throb a little. D’Ville continues the assault now throwing the occasional kick and knee into the combos like a Tekken fighting combo.

Dewey: Holy shit the match just made a hundred and eighty-degree turn, The Doctor is being relentless right now and what a huge capitalization our President of the United States made while the referee was distracted. Trax’s impatience may have just cost his team the match there; I can’t believe he would do something so selfish. Oh wait what is happening in the ring, it looks like something big is about to happen, Doc just nailed Robbie with a running elbow, oh no Robbie. No Doc, No, please, oh he did it, he just dropped the dazed Robbie with a running Bulldog, those Secret Service agents must have really worn into Robbie.

Robbie Bourbon’s face bounces off the mat flipping him back over on his back, he covers his face and begins rolling back and forth in agony, while The Doctor climbs to his feet a little breath taken. After receiving a decent beating at the beginning and have been in the match the whole time so far, he slowly starts walking toward his corner, checking on Bourbon every couple steps. Bourbon still is in pain lying on the floor, The Doctor extends his arm and hand out toward Trump while breathing hard, Trump looks to his head Secret Service Agent who shakes his head “no” Trump tosses his hands up and shrugs his shoulders while biting his lower lip and tilting his head to the right.

The Doctor doesn’t care and steps forward, about to force the tag but has his hand smacked down by a Secret Service member. Meanwhile, behind him, Robbie has made it to all fours and is crawling toward his corner, the Secret Service agent points behind The Doctor, who doesn’t turn right away. Robbie uses all his might and lunges from all fours toward his corner with his arm and hand stretched beyond belief, his handclaps with Trax’s hand. Trax quickly ducks in between the top and middle rope, before taking off in an adrenaline filled sprint toward The Doctor who is facing away.

[white]Dewey: “Oh no this isn’t going to be good, not with the momentum Trax will have built up, turn around Doctor D’Ville, turn around for Christ sakes! Oh no, Trax connected with a huge clothesline from behind, I believe The Doctor’s skull just broke from the impact of his head bouncing off the turnbuckle. Trax is rabid; he must really want to win this Lethal Lottery tournament. If you are just joining us, you’ve been missing one hell of a show and a match for the books. Trax is relentless, he just keeps assaulting D’Ville with flurries of punches, elbows, knees, and even forearm smashes. This isn’t fair Trump wouldn’t accept the tag, something should be done!”

Trax is raising Doctor Louis D’Ville to his feet, he dazes him with a jab to the forehead, before quickly slamming the Doc’s head between his ribs and his inner bicep, to fall backward and drop the Doc on his skull with nasty DDT. Trax then climbs to his feet and walks to where Doc’s legs are lying lifeless, Trax begins to attempt to lock in a Sharpshooter, Doc uses what life he has left to kick Trax off and into the ropes. Trax slingshots back toward Doctor D’Ville, only to be tripped up with a toe hold, Trax crashes face first slamming the bridge of his nose into the mat hard. He begins rolling around holding his nose.

Doc slowly low crawls to the ropes, his hands grasping air, his right hand finally grabs the rope followed by his left. He pulls his body closer to the ropes and slowly raises his chest off of the mat and reaches up toward the middle rope with his right hand; it falls back to the bottom rope. Doc D’Ville takes a deep breath and attempts to climb to his feet once again, this time his hand reaches the middle rope, he pulls himself to his knees, the fans are on their feet wilding out. “Doctor D’Ville! Doctor D’Ville! Doctor D’Ville! Doctor D’Ville! Doctor D’Ville!” They scream as he makes it completely to his feet, his head dangling and resting on the top rope as well as most of his weight. Taking four deep breaths, slow exhales and even slower inhales.

Slowly he turns around to be met with a closed fist from Trax square to the jaw, Doc almost tumbles right over the top rope, Trax grabs ahold of his wrist and whips him toward the turnbuckle where Robbie waits. Trax walks right in the referee’s vision while Robbie begins to choke The Doctor from behind with his tether he is to hold for a legal tag. Trax makes it over to the corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle where he begins to deliver hard rights and lefts to the top of The Doctor’s head. Robbie makes the blind tag and enters the ring stomping away at Doctor Louis D’Ville’s midsection, while Trax continues to pound away on his head.

Dewey: “Oh come on Trump, get in there and help out your partner for fuck's sake! This is a team effort, so far you’ve done nothing but sick you goons on Robbie once. This is despicable if Trump doesn’t do something soon, I don’t know if The Doctor will have what it takes to continue, both Trax and Robbie Bourbon are burning bright and hot, they aren’t letting up what so ever, the referee isn’t even attempting to break this carnage up. Dammit Trump be a man of duty and honor and get in there!”

Trump begins to wave over to D'Ville for the tag while he takes the beat down from both Trax and Robbie Bourbon. Trax is finally forced out of the ring by the referee and Bourbon brings Doc up to his feet. Bourbon picks up Doc on his shoulders and swings him around... Trump tags himself in!!!!

Dewey: "What did Trump just do?!"

Doc grabs the top rope and pulls on it, throwing Bourbon off balance, who is also a bit shocked that Trump tagged himself in... He loses Doc on his shoulders who falls who smacks off the apron and falls out to the floor. Trump wipes off his shoes and steps into the ring. He reaches inside his pocket and pulls out his checkbook!!

Dewey: "Trumps trying to bribe Robbie Bourbon out of the match!!"

Boubon laughs and takes a few steps back. He looks around to the crowd, but before he can react Trax slaps him on the shoulder and flies by him!!



Trax quickly covers the President as the Secret Service men all begin rushing back into the ring!!




Dewey: Wow! That happened fast!! I don't think Doc even knows the match is over!"

Doc rises up and looks over the apron and sees Trax and Bourbon sliding out of the ring with the referee as the Secret Service men swarm in... but it's too late! The referee raises the arms of Trax and Robbie Bourbon who are advancing the to third round! Doc laughs hysterically at the scene of the President lying on his back unconcious in the middle of the ring and his two opponents sharing a victory on the outside. Doc falls back down onto his back and slithers away under the ring.

Dewey: "Where's he going?!"

Tig O'Bitties: "The winners of the match, the team of Trax and Robbie Bourbon!!!

Winners - Trax and Robbie Bourbon

Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Chris Chaos

DEWEY: “We are back and Warfare is ready for the main event!”


DEWEY: “What’s this?”

Paul Heyman’s Extreme Theme plays.

DEWEY: “Paul Heyman is set to join us here on Warfare!”

The Mexican crowd chants for Paulie as he stops on stage with a microphone in hand.


The crowd cheers. Cheap pop. Heyman’s a Jew. He’s the King of Cheap.

This match you are about to see is a showcase. It’s rare that a main event of this magnitude is shown on regular XWF programming. This is a pay per view quality match up and it deserves pay per view quality announcing. It deserves pay per view quality attention.

This match is the current, reigning, defending Universal Champion against an up and coming star. The top dog, versus a very likely future challenger. This match deserves to be celebrated.

As a result, Tig O’Bitties and the entire announce crew, you can take the rest of the night off! This match deserves bigger and better than you!

DEWEY: “I resemble that comment, Mr. Heyman!”

The announce crew vacates the premises quickly.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce your play by play and color commentary team for tonights main event…. JOEY STYLES!

Joey Styes emerges from backstage and shakes Paul’s hand on his way by.

Without further delay, allow me to introduce your ring announcer… MICHAEL BUFFER!!

Buffer also shakes Paul’s hand as he walks by.

While those two gentleman get set to go here, I have one further announcement. This match is big, we know that. See, I want there to be no excuses. The winner wins, the loser loses but whoever wins this match, it’s going to be because they deserve it! It’s going to be because they earned it!

With that in mind, I am barring from ringside the Universal Champion Chris Chaos’ manager as well as Thaddeus Duke’s entourage! It will be one on one, it will be straight up, it will be man versus man with the better man coming out on top!

Enjoy the match!

JOEY STYLES: “It’s WARFARE! With just a little touch of MADNESS!”

The ring bell is struck three times, slowly. Drawing the capacity crowds attention to the center of the ring where Michael Buffer awaits.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “Ladies and gentlemen… it is time… for the MAIN.. EVENT… OF THE EVENING.

“Are you READYYY!?”

The crowd volume turns up.


The crowds anticipation heats up even more.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “Then… for the thousands in attendance… and the MILLIONS… watching around the world… Ladies and gentlemen…. LLLLLLETS GET READY TO RRRRUMBLLLLLEEE!”

JOEY: “No one else does it quite like Michael Buffer!”



The Illuminatus Iron Cross banners hang above each corner of the ring. In each corner, white light shines up toward the banners, being the only point of light.

The Warrior Song “Aer Vis” begins to play.

The "Prelude" to Aer Vis begins as 6 Knights of the Illuminatus Guard in dress armor make their way toward the, now dim white lighted entrance ramp. 3 on each side. Swordsmen, banner carrier, swordsmen. The bell toll begins in Aer Vis as the Knights remain in position, the swordsmen forming a pointed arch way with their swords. As the last bell sounds, a golden colored spotlight shines on the entrance stage, showering the Illuminatus Prince in his dress armor and crimson cape adorned with the Iron Cross.

His man James Edwards stands behind him. Thaddeus Duke makes his way toward the ring. Just before reaching the swordsmen the six men kneel, driving their swords point first into the ramp. Thaddeus rounds the end of the ramp toward the ring steps, slapping hands with some fans at ringside. He smiles as he takes selfies with his admirers.

Once in the ring, James removes the dress armor from the Prince, now ready for battle.

JOEY: “I guess the entrance spectacle is one thing Thaddeus adopted from his fathers time here!”

“Die Mother Fucker Die” by Dope plays.

Steam emits from the entrance stage as the Universal Champion emerges from backstage along with Jenny Myst, the Universal title slung over his shoulder. He stops initially amid the steam, then continues to walk toward the ring. Once he’s at the middle of the ramp, he drops the Universal title off his shoulder, clinging to it with one hand, then bolts for the ring and slides in.

As per the orders of Paul Heyman, both Jenny Myst and Duke’s entourage begin to make their way to the back. At the stage, some jabroni jumps the rail and grabs a handful of titty before Duke’s entourage beats down this jabroni. The bloodied jabroni stands up wearily and Jenny kicks him in the balls.

Mexican authorities take it from there.

Back in the ring, the two competitors stand toe to toe in the center. Chaos looking very serious. Thaddeus with a smug smile. Thaddeus touches the Universal title and Chaos mouths something like “enjoy it while you can, you’ll never have it.” To which Thaddeus laughs.

MICHAEL BUFFER: “This match... is a non-title First Blood match that may well send waves through the XWF…

“Introducing first…

“He hails from Old Saybrook, Connecticut, but now resides in Vatican City. He stands 6 feet even and weighs in at 2 hundred 10 pounds.

“He is the master… of the First Strike super kick… he is the number one contender to the Xtreme Championship… ladies and gentlemen… THADDEUUUUS DUUUUUUKKKEE!”

The crowd cheers their almost overwhelming support for the so-called “boy-king.”

MICHAEL BUFFER: “His opponent… He hails from Tampa, Florida… Now residing in Clearwater Beach… He stands 6 feet 5 inches and weighs in at 2 hundred 40 and one-quarter pounds… he is the master… of the Equalizer modified DDT… ladies and gentlemen… he is the heavyweight… champion… of the Universe… ladies and gentlemen… CHRIIIS… CHAAAAOOOOSSSSS!”

JOEY STYLES: “To quote my old friend Jim Ross… this match will not be for the faint of heart… this match will be an absolute slobber-knocker!”

Non-Title Main Event
Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Chris Chaos
First Blood Match

The bell rings to signal the start of the match and the two main are in their respective corners, staring at each other. The anticipation builds throughout the capacity crowd. Duke and Chaos must have had the same idea at the same time because they both dart for the center of the ring simultaneously and begin throwing right fists at each other.

JOEY STYLES: “A lot has been said between the two over the last week or so, these two are ready to get it on! Where there wasn’t really animosity before, there probably is now!”

As the slugfest continues, Thaddeus Duke gets the upper hand, nailing successive shots to the temple of Chris Chaos, getting louder cheers from the crowd at each passing blow. However, Chris Chaos turns the tide. As he nails successive shots, the crowd boos louder with each shot.

Chaos swings for his fourth unanswered strike, but Thaddeus Duke ducks it and quickly grabs Chaos by the waste from behind, shoving him forward toward the ropes. Chaos uses his wherewithal to grab the ropes on the rebound, sending Duke tumbling backwards, but he rolls over to his feet. As Chaos turns to face his opponent, Duke jumps and lands a dropkick to the face of Chaos, sending him tumbling through the ropes and down to the floor.

From the floor, Chaos stays on one knee, looking back into the ring at his opponent, perhaps slightly embarrassed that he didn’t anticipate that quickly enough. In the ring, Duke backs off, giving Chaos an opening to get back into the ring. Chaos takes it and slides back in.

Once again the two meet center ring but this time elect to tie it up old-school style. It’s a stalemate initially, but Chaos with the height and weight advantage forces Duke back into the corner. The referee asks for a clean break at the ropes, but he knows these two competitors are under no obligation to consider the rules of the squared circle.

Duke and Chaos oblige though, breaking cleanly, but Chaos is a man not to be trusted. He thrusts an elbow into the side of Duke’s head, not once, not twice, but three times. Then, follows that up with a cheap slap to the face of Thaddeus Duke. This enrages Duke and the young man bursts from the corner, tackling Chaos to the mat. Body shot after body shot, face shot after face shot. Being on the mat, Chaos has no defense so he wisely covers up, limiting the damage from any blow Duke delivers.

JOEY STYLES: “At the start, these two seem to be as evenly matched as it gets! Neither man has yet to gain a clear advantage! Just like in football, it may come down to who makes the fewest mistakes!”

Duke steps off of Chaos, yelling at him to get up. Chaos, a bit weary from the onslaught, slowly gets up but is put right back down with a lariat from Duke. Chaos hits the mat but gets right back up, only to be floored a second time. Again, Chaos gets right back up. Duke goes for a third, but Chaos ducks under it, spins around quicker than Duke, and lands a clothesline of his own to Thaddeus Duke, sending him over the top rope and down to the floor.

Down on the floor, Duke gets back to his feet. Chaos doesn’t give him the opportunity to collect himself though, and flies over the top rope with a slingshot plancha, landing on Thaddeus and crushing him to the floor. Chaos gets back to his feet quickly and grabs Thaddeus by his hair, lifting the young man to his feet. Chaos whips Duke toward the security railing and he crashes hard back first. He doesn’t go down, but definitely winces in pain as Chaos begins rushing toward him. As Chaos nears, Thaddeus counters, ducking down and tossing Chaos up and over the railing, landing on his back on an open area of concrete behind the railing.

JOEY STYLES: “That one is gonna hurt a little. Spines weren’t made to smack into concrete!”

Duke, still hanging out by the railing, looks back over his shoulder at Chaos lying on his back. Thaddeus ventures out toward the outlet of the entrance ramp. Turning around to face Chaos, now starting to get back to his feet, Duke charges toward the fencing, leaps onto the top of the railing and runs it like a tight rope. Chaos gets to his feet but not in time to anticipate what’s coming next as Duke sunset flips off the railing and lands on Chaos, driving him back to the concrete.

Some fans nearby pat Duke on his shoulder before security backs them up.

Duke gets back to his feet and hops back over the railing. As he awaits Chaos’ return, Duke starts peeling back the padded floor covering. Chaos struggles to his feet, but does so, and staggers forward toward the railing and the awaiting Thaddeus Duke. Duke grabs him in a front face lock and attempts to suplex him over the railing. About half way up, Chaos is able to shift his weight, stopping his ascent. Duke tries again, but Chaos counters with a hard punch to the chest, stunning his younger opponent just long enough for Chaos to counter him totally. Chaos lifts Duke up in a suplex but tosses him head and chest first into the bare concrete with a slap and a thud.

Duke lies on the concrete, not moving, which buys Chaos time to gather himself and hop back over the railing while shouting back at some hecklers at ringside.

JOEY STYLES: “It’s tit for tat. These two men have studied each other well and are trading big blows now! It’s heating up, ‘F’ers!”

Rather than go back to work on his opponent, Chris pulls up the ring apron, searching around underneath for a weapon. Any weapon. What he pulls out, is a steel chair. When he turns around to face Duke, he’s almost to his feet. The crowd begins to stir, attempting to warn Duke of the incoming strike. Thaddeus doesn’t realize it though and as soon as he turns around…


JOEY STYLES: “What a shot! Chaos dented that chair over the skull of Thaddeus Duke!

“And it doesn’t look like he’s done with that chair!”

Duke drops like a rock, sprawled out on the floor. Similar to the Garvin Stomp, Chaos uses the chairs edge and jams it into different bone joints of Thaddeus Duke, rendering him in a lot of pain, yet the kid still smiles. After the joy of using the chair like a ram, Chaos tosses the chair into the ring, then grabs another one from under the ring and tosses that in too. Chaos then returns his attention toward Duke, still lying, but now stirring, on the concrete floor. Chaos grabs him by the hair and lifts him up, then drags him toward the ring and rolls him in.

Chaos himself climbs into the ring and grabs the dented chair from a few moments ago and jams it in the corner between the turnbuckles. When he turns around, Thaddeus is in the opposite corner, trying like hell to get back to his feet. Chris advances towards him and whips him toward the chair corner…



JOEY STYLES: “Oh my GOD! Duke reverses and Chaos is tossed head first into that chair in the corner!”

Chaos stands up momentarily, then collapses to the mat. Thaddeus limps toward him, still nursing the chair shots to his knees from earlier. He grabs the unused chair as Chaos starts to get back to his feet. Chaos, still feeling the effects of running head first into a chair isn’t quite sure where he is much less where his opponent is. Duke slams the chair down into Chaos’ skull as he staggers toward the middle of the ring, collapsing him again. Duke isn’t done though. He swings the chair, bringing it crashing into the Universal champions chest. Chaos flops over on his back, and Duke does it again, whipping him over and over with the chair, bringing similar pains to Chaos that Chaos brought to Duke.

Duke tosses the chair and hops out of the ring, leaving Chaos on the mat. Duke himself roots around under the ring and retrieves a four or five foot long box with the word SYLVANIA printed on it.

JOEY STYLES: “Here we go! Fluorescent light tubes!”

Thaddeus tears open the box and pulls out a light tube and slides back into the ring with the tube in hand. Chaos is now beginning to stand up and Duke awaits, ready to strike. The crowd noise thickens in anticipation. Chaos is up and Duke swings. Chaos ducks behind and grabs the light tube from Duke’s hands. Chaos swings and Duke now ducks through, Chaos missing with his swing. Duke throws a right fist into the side of Chaos’ head, stunning him for a moment. Duke whips Chaos to the ropes…


Chaos sends Duke toward the ropes and runs to the far side. Both men bounce off the ropes on opposite sides. On the rebound Chaos swings, but Duke ducks under, snatching the light tube with a quick back hand grab. Chaos didn’t see it coming and is confused for a second. Chaos spins…


Duke smashes the light tube over the side of the head of Chaos, swinging it like a baseball bat! The referee checks for blood on Chaos. No blood, but an obvious welt!

JOEY STYLES: “I don’t know who is going to win this match, but it is clear, both men are going to know, after its all said and done, that the other man came to ball!”

Chaos lies on the mat, clutching the side of his head, below the eye. Duke however, exits the ring and roots around again, this time pulling out a ten foot ladder. He slides it into the ring, then slides himself in right after it. Duke stands the ladder up near the corner, with Chaos slightly off of center of the ring mat. Duke climbs the ladder and steps over to the front, facing Chaos. The crowd heats up some more as Duke leaps off the ladder ala Shawn Michaels with a body splash…

JOEY STYLES: “Chaos wisely rolls out of the way at the last possible second!”


And burn!

Duke hits the mat, coming up empty! Chaos gets to his feet, albeit slowly. Duke remains on the mat with the wind knocked out of him. Chaos lifts Duke up, wrings the arm, and delivers a short arm clothesline, dropping Duke back to the mat. Chaos drops himself to the mat and rolls out. He recharges a few seconds before sliding a table out from under the ring. Rather than sliding it in the ring, he sets it up on the outside, just a few feet from the ring apron.

Once he sets it up, Chris Chaos slides back into the ring. He lifts Duke up and puts his head between his thighs, setting up for a possible pile driver. Instead, Chaos lifts Duke all the way up for a power bomb, but Duke knew it was coming and grapevines his legs around Chaos’ head, then begins throwing punches into the side of the champions skull, staggering Chaos backward a little. Duke swings his body back downward, flipping the Universal champion to the mat with a hurricanrana counter.

Chaos doesn’t stay down though as he pops back up off the mat. Duke charges toward him, but eats a big boot to the face, grounding him instantly. Chaos, feeling in control for the time being steps to the ring apron. Duke staggers to his feet, using the ropes within Chaos’ reach to aid him. Chaos reaches between the middle and top rope and grabs Duke by his hair, pulling him through the ropes to the apron. Once again, Chaos places Duke’s head between his thighs and lifts him up into a power bomb. Rather than slamming him to the harder apron versus the interior ring mat, Chaos elects to power bomb Duke through the table set up on the floor!

JOEY STYLES: “It’s not looking good for Thaddeus Duke, here. Chris Chaos is now in firm control of this match!”

Chaos leans against the ropes, facing the ring but with his head turned back toward his opponent as he continues to recharge. Chaos then drops to the floor, obviously deciding on what his next move is. He looks around the ring for a moment then clues in on the still bare concrete floor that Duke peeled up earlier on. Removing some table debris in order to get to Thaddeus, Chaos lifts up his opponent and pulls him to the bare floor area. Duke is a rag doll at the moment as he’s still suffering the effect of the table. Chaos knees Thaddeus in the ribs, doubling over the boy-king. Chaos places Duke’s head between his thighs and lifts him straight up in the air, driving Duke head first into the concrete with an extremely vicious pile driver.

JOEY STYLES: “Duke could very well be unconscious here!”

Chaos is back to his feet after shoving Duke’s head off his lap. Chaos, methodical in his approach, lifts Duke up off the floor then up in a fall away position. Rather than slamming him, he rams Duke back first into the ring post. Then a second time for good measure, before laying him up on the apron. The Universal champ then rolls himself into the ring and heads toward the ladder, still standing in the far corner of the ring. The champ folds up the ladder as Duke tries to pull himself up using the turnbuckles in the far corner.

Duke is up.

The champ, with the ladder like a battering ram charges toward his opponent.

Duke spins.


JOEY STYLES: “Chaos just used that thing like a battering ram, driving it straight into Thaddeus Duke’s forehead!”

Duke falls to the mat, rolling over on his stomach as he nurses his head. Chaos points at the referee, then mouths the words: check him.

The referee moves in, trying to roll Duke over in order to check for blood. He’s finally successful in doing so, but there’s no blood to be found, just a lot of redness. Chaos drops the ladder and moves in toward Duke. He lifts the young man to his feet and positions him against the ropes near its center. Chris applies his weight to that of Duke, trapping the young mans arms between the now intertwined middle and top ropes. With Duke trapped, Chaos goes to work, punching his opponent in the forehead numerous times.

Chaos, knowing he’s still in firm control here, returns to the ladder and lifts it up. He moves back a couple of paces, again intending to use the ladder as a battering ram, with Duke’s arms trapped, he has no defense for it. Chaos charges toward Thaddeus, only for Duke to lift both legs up and kick the end of the ladder. It doesn’t affect Chaos, other than sending him staggering backward. The ladder inadvertently hits the referee in the head, knocking him out cold.

Thaddeus back flips over the ropes, freeing himself in the process as Chaos is slightly distracted by the inadvertent blow to the referee. As he returns his attention to Duke, Thaddeus is already flying through the air, landing a springboard drop kick to the ladder and causing Chris Chaos to fall to the mat.

JOEY STYLES: “There’s some life yet in the young man from Vatican City! Don’t touch that remote control, ‘F’ers!”

Chaos is up quickly, but leaves the ladder on the mat. Duke, still slow to get up, begins to feel the adrenaline kicking in. Duke uses the ropes to aid in getting up. Both men are up now and facing each other from opposite sides of the ring. The ladder, the referee, the remaining chair, the shards of glass from the fluorescent bulb still scattered throughout, but somehow, for all the landscape that is around, the eyes of thousands are square on the Universal Champion Chris Chaos, and his very much game, and perhaps one day title challenger, Thaddeus Duke.

Chaos gives Duke a “bring it on” motion with his hand, almost smiling as he does it. Thaddeus is always smiling, and he’s more than happy to bring it. The two charge to the center of the ring, and begin a brawl for the ages. The crowd of future illegal immigrants to America cheer when Duke lands a big shot and boo when Chaos lands one.

Before long, Chaos lands successive shots, inciting louder boos. Then the tables are turned and Duke lands successive shots, inciting louder cheers. When Chaos lands his next shot, he follows it up with an elbow to the face of Duke, stunning him in the process. Chaos presses Duke toward the ropes and whips him to the far side. Chaos himself bounces off the ropes. On Duke’s rebound, Chris goes for a devastating spear, but its telegraphed by the younger man as he leap frogs Chaos. Chaos uses the ropes to stop himself from diving out of the ring.

Chaos turns…



Duke lands his super kick, flooring Chaos. Chaos is flat on his back, incidentally lying on top of the ladder. Duke steps through the ropes quickly and ascends the turnbuckles. Duke leaps off the top rope and lands the Savage elbow on the Universal Champion, sandwiching him between Duke and the ladder!

JOEY STYLES: “Final strike from Duke!

“But that took a toll on both men!”

Thaddeus is slow to get up as Chaos lies on the ladder. Thaddeus reaches down and slaps Chaos in the face, bringing him to. As Chaos begins to stir, Duke heads for the top rope yet again. Chaos, for sure slow to get up, is trying to steady himself in almost a three point stand. Duke jumps off the top rope and drives Chaos face first into the ladder with a Bulldog!

The referee, by now, is back up but groggy. He checks on Chaos but notices only a few scratches where his face hit the ladder.

No blood yet.

Duke exits the ring down to the floor. He grabs that box of SYLVANIA bulbs from earlier and places it in the ring. Duke jumps onto the apron and climbs into the ring. He slides a bulb from the package and stands near the corner. Thaddeus squeezes the bulb between his knees as he pretends to adjust imaginary batting gloves. On cue, albeit in broken English, the capacity crowd begins to sing TAKE… ME OUT TO THE BALLLLLGAAAAME...

JOEY STYLES: “I guess its the 7th inning stretch here in Monterrey!”

Thaddeus can’t help but laugh as he delivers a couple of warmup swings, all the while, Chris Chaos is struggling to his feet. Chaos gets to his feet and turns around…

Duke swings….

Chaos ducks and hits his knees…

LOW BLOW from the Universal champion!

JOEY STYLES: “I guess its one strike and you’re out!

“Chris Chaos! Perhaps trying to lay claim to the NEW dirtiest player in the game with that low blow!”

Thaddeus doubles over and drops the bulb to the mat. Chaos grabs the bulb and swings it hard after he gets to an upright position, smashing it over Duke’s back. Again, only scrapes, no blood. With Duke on his hands and knees, still nursing his groin, Chaos backs up and delivers a running boot to the side of Duke’s head, causing him to tumble through the ropes and down to the floor.

Chaos follows him outside, quickening his pace compared to earlier on in this match. He grabs Duke by his hair and drags him over to the announce table. Chaos then places his opponent face down on the announce table and grabs the bent up chair before ascending the apron.

JOEY STYLES: “Oh for fucks sake! I don’t know why I thought I’d get to keep my table for once!”

Chaos ascends the turnbuckles, still carrying the chair…

He leaps….


Duke telegraphs!

With Chaos in mid-air, Duke jumps to his feet while still on the table and delivers a stunning RKO to Chaos, taking both men through the announce table!


“And both men are down and out here on Warfare!

“What a match we have witnessed here tonight!

“And folks, there’s still no blood from either man so this match WILL continue!”

Both men lie within the demolished announce table. Slowly but surely, Thaddeus Duke begins to make his way out of it. Using Joey Styles for support, Duke pulls himself to his feet. The young man clutches his ribs as he staggers toward the ring and rolls in.

On the floor, Chaos starts to crawl out of the rubble himself, still somehow clutching the bent up chair. He inches his way toward the ring and pulls himself up using the apron and the chair for support. Chaos then rolls himself into the ring, not far from where Thaddeus Duke lies.

Both men begin to pull themselves together and climb to their feet. Chaos finally drops the chair as he stumbles back first into the corner. Thaddeus, now on the other side of the ring is up and at ‘em. Noticing Chaos slumped in the corner, he charges. Chaos pops out of the corner, and just as Thaddeus’ charge nears him, Chaos ducks down and lifts Duke into fireman’s carry…


The bell rings as Dukes face gets busted open and Chaos drops to his knees, completely exhausted.


Dewey: "An INCREDIBLE night here in Monterrey, folks! A lot transpired tonight and we're almost ready for the NEXT ROUND OF LETHAL LOTTERY!! Cadryn Tiberius, the Ceral Killer! Scully! The XWF LEGEND Peter Gilmour! Michael Graves!! Buronan!! TV Champ Jim Caedus! Mister F'n Dominance Trax! And Robbie Bourbon ALL advance to the third round! The drawings are around the corner, tune in fans!! HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!!

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[-] The following 13 users Like Jefferson Jackson's post:
(03-03-2017), (03-04-2017), Guppy Parsh (03-03-2017), Jane Carver (03-03-2017), JimCaedus (03-03-2017), Mr Killjoy (03-03-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-03-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-03-2017), Random (03-03-2017), Shade (03-03-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-03-2017), Thomas Nixon (03-03-2017), Vincent Lane (03-03-2017)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-03-2017, 08:25 AM

Just want to say a huge THANK YOU to JJ.

Dude put a buttload of work in this last few days to get this show up, and he did a great job.

You my boy, blue.

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Vincent Lane's post:
JimCaedus (03-03-2017)
Thomas Nixon Offline
Saving the Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-03-2017, 08:33 AM

"I may not have won my match, but I certainly can't complain. The sweet taste of vengeance is satisfying for now.

McBride, how's your face feeling? It's not a real war unless both sides have battle scars."

Ambassador of the Lizard People
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[-] The following 4 users Like Thomas Nixon's post:
(03-03-2017), JimCaedus (03-03-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-03-2017), Vincent Lane (03-03-2017)
The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-03-2017, 08:40 AM

Father Slathe: "The dismemberment of the XWF has just begun, soon all will fear The Truth!"

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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[-] The following 2 users Like The Monster of Htaed's post:
(03-03-2017), JimCaedus (03-03-2017)
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-03-2017, 08:48 AM

"Robert Main, chin up... You put on one hell of a performance tonight, but like I told you leading into this match, not even you are good enough to carry Justin Sayn into round 3.

I appreciate the save by the way, who knew that Gilmour would prove to be a turd at the end. Looks like Graves vs Gilmour is in the cards now. Let's see how these round 3 teams pan out."
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[-] The following 1 user Likes "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves's post:
JimCaedus (03-03-2017)
Killjoy Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-03-2017, 08:50 AM

Just for the record I was aiming for your other eye there Tommy. No hard feelings...

[Image: HYcOmH9.jpg]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Killjoy's post:
(03-03-2017), JimCaedus (03-03-2017), Thomas Nixon (03-03-2017)
Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

03-03-2017, 09:07 AM

God is applauding.

Hero Xtreme 7.9: Jim Caedus, congratulations on finally making it after 21 years, and my sincere apologies for not crossing paths with you and making that happen sooner. My manager told me three things about you, that you were a gay rapist, that you were homeless, and that you stunk, but you proved that not all homeless people stink. Whatever you did, I'm not curious enough to probe your mind and see for myself, but whatever you did, whether it was showering, simply applying deodorant, maybe you douched because you got a date tonight, or just brushed your teeth. I hope the homeless veterans start doing what you do.

God stopped clapping at some point. He has absolutely no problem saying that at all despite almost being choked unconscious.

Hero Xtreme 7.9: This was a great main event, way better than when I had to carry that monkey Trax to a barn burner. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you XWF for continuing to run without me. Thank you for letting me be apart of this tournament. Jim, I'm sorry for having to unleash NOCMM on you. The next time we meet, if it'll be Lethal Lottery V or June of 2028, I will be the one to cut promos against you and it'll be my honor. I hope by then you grow out of being a , then it'll be more of a challenge to think of owns. You were the star of this month, not Peter, not Trax, not Ghost Tank, not Dr. D'Ville, and definitely not Chris Chaos. If you keep going and keep not smelling too bad you'll go places. Make that nothing belt into a top title. If anyone can do it then it's you.

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Hero Xtreme 7.9's post:
JimCaedus (03-03-2017), Thomas Nixon (03-03-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-03-2017, 09:16 AM

ooc EXCELLENT SHOW, damn dude, match writers you had me in stitches for this card, thank you for that!!

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

Hate Post Like Post
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-03-2017, 09:18 AM

ooc: Hero...I've never been tested like with you brother. I'm sorry for some of the things I said man, I know I can get crazy =/ You had me gasping me for air during our promos bro

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-03-2017, 10:24 AM

Trax is backstage leaning against a wall, still in his wrestling gear but now wearing a black top that reads "MrDominance2020" in bold white letters, he takes a sip of water from the water bottle in his hand then turns to smile smugly at the camera.

Bye Doc. I guess you was right, Trump CAN'T take a Trap Silencer...but it didn't matter who your tag partner was right? Right.

Trax throws his head back and laughs hysterically, pouring the water over his head as the scene fades.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-03-2017, 10:29 AM

Oswald is upon his feet, standing there with his wife, as the piano is being packed up to be taken back home as a cameraman came up to him and he smiled wide

"Ahhhhohhhhhh! I knew I would win! I want to thank Brother Shade for holding up his side! I want to thank my opponents for trying as hard as they did! I am still the Champion of X-Treme, and I will continue to hold this title until the Seven Deities show me the premonition of my defeat and I will gladly drop it! This Battle of Wednesday was not the time when I would lose it!

I wish to congratulate all of those that participated! The show was marvelous! Everyone did such a fantastic job! Now if you will excuse me, I have a two year old that requires the attention of both her mother and father!"

With that they'd take their leave, making their way back home to Chicago.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Mad Scientist

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-03-2017, 11:30 AM

We see Robbie Bourbon from behind as he's leaving the arena. He's toting his luggage behind him by a long handle as it rolls along, and we notice the Hart Championship slung over his shoulder. He stops and turns, and we see that he too is wearing a t-shirt that reads "MrDominance2020". He sets his luggage down, raises both hands into dual "victory" signs, which also look like peace signs. He then turns and continues about his way.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
Mr Killjoy (03-03-2017)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-03-2017, 12:22 PM

Just my luck. Heh heh. See ya soon, Trax.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
Vincent Lane (03-03-2017)
Bobby Blackcoat Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-03-2017, 01:17 PM Video  re:Wednesday Warfare 3/1 -->

Bobby Blackcoat is backstage, beaten to hell, bearing many marks of battle and a squinty eye.

Bobby Blackcoat
: I know you are expecting me to have another post-show ragefest. But I learned my lesson. I breathed. I smoked good weed with a fan behind the building. So I have some important words.

First, I am absolutely heart-broken that Oswald attacked me in the match. He immediately ran to me. He made no mistakes about it. He was out to beat me up. Fair play, it was a contest. Only one team could win. And tonight's match was really important to me, as it will be my one and only time ever appearing on Warfare...

I mean... I understand. It was important for you to win as well, Oswald. But you really wanted to hurt me. I had no choice but to throw back or you would have killed me. Really, as soon as the match began, I was in fear for my life. Oswald is a dangerous competitor. This beating was possibly worse than when he spiked my head into his floor during the Federweight Scramble...

He was brutal. He destroyed my partner and I. I give him a lot of credit. I truly do. But I am devastated. Heart-broken that our friendship meant so little to him that he would completely disregard my well-being. I wasn't even human to him. If I hadn't fought him off of me, he would have kept kicking, punching, and stomping until I was dead. Until I was a mudhole. It's going to take a lot of time for me to recover from this.

I have an upcoming match, very soon, with a newcomer named Kropotkin. I am going into that match badly injured, badly hurt. And once again, though I have only ever trained leg maneuvers, I found myself unable to use any of my moveset or use my strategies. I just froze up out there, again. In training, I can focus on the knees and really take out their base... And that was my strategy for Kropotkin but... I must say, I am finding myself unable to function out there under the lights... I just can't get a grip!

Bobby drops his head in defeat, clutching at his injured ribs.

Bobby Blackcoat: I really must go back to the drawing board and form a new strategy. I apologize to my fans on behalf of Blackcoat Enterprises. My team has disappointed all of us. And maybe some of my staff must be replaced. But we will push forward.

That brings me to my other opponent, Mr. Shade.

Shade, I am conceding defeat. On behalf of Blackcoat Enterprises, I hereby drop all charges in the investigation of the murder of a man in Brazil. Video evidence we gathered from you seemed irrefutable, but upon further investigation the details we were able to find were murky at best. After you inflicted physical punishment upon myself, I hope you will accept my apology on behalf of myself and Blackcoat Enterprises. You are the better man.

Not only was our investigation a failure, but we failed to formulate a game plan that could deal with Shade. I underestimated his power, his size, his speed. It is almost... superhuman. The inhuman power of Mr. Tidbits, I was able to overcome. If not for Chris Chaos, I would hold a victory over him. And I assure you, the power of Shade is far greater. Shade inflicted a serious amount of damage on me in a short amount of time. I was completely overwhelmed and destroyed, and they disposed of me quickly. I put up little fight.

This is the cold reality I must face. But we will work on our mistakes, and we will discover a way to some day compete with such physical and mental prowess. Shade is a phenomenon. And Oswald is competitive to an obsessive degree. There is no finding openings in his attacks. You can only survive and respond.

I will be watching the future paths of Shade and Oswald with admiration, taking notes, as they move forward. But for me, I must move down in rank, I must seek a lower tiered opponent to learn and work my way up. I have been battered and bullied since my in-ring competition began. Chris Chaos is going to end my career if I don't change my approach.

I take nothing away from Kropotkin. But at least I will be able to focus on one opponent for the first time. Given my condition, it will be an extremely difficult match. You see, I am but the burning steel thrown into the scorching fires of the XWF. Those fires have been fed by the contempt for my lawsuit, my investigation, and my revolutionary ideals. But I can assure you all this:

The people calling for my professional death like Caius will have to face my perseverance. And I believe, eventually even Guest will give me respect for my efforts. I have taken my due payment beatings from some of the greatest in the world. Jim Caedus, Chris Chaos, Tidbits, McBride, and now Shade and Oswald. Whether they realize or not, as they beat me down I paid attention. I pick things up. I've been learning.

I will improve. I will kick that door down.

And I would like to leave you with the announcement that a court date has been set for my trial against the XWF and Mr. Lane.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Bobby Blackcoat's post:
JimCaedus (03-04-2017), Vincent Lane (03-03-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-03-2017, 05:07 PM

great show guys. was shocked me and graves won. i thought main put up excellent work and couldve won. but its all good. onto round 3!!

and robert main... you'll pay for what you did..

graves.. next time listen to me.. but if u wanna throw down be my guest

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-03-2017, 05:45 PM

"Oh don't worry, we gonna throw down Gilbert!
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-04-2017, 02:21 PM

"As long as we go to the finals bub"

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(03-04-2017), (03-04-2017)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Peter Fn Gilmour's post!
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-04-2017, 06:35 PM

OOC:sorry for the late response. I just today left the ER my flu almost killed me. Great show guys.

"Peter if I were you. I'd worry more about Graves at this point. Pushing this any further would be a bad career move."

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
(03-04-2017), (03-04-2017), JimCaedus (03-04-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-04-2017)
Donald Trump Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-05-2017, 12:10 PM

Trax interrupted a yuge deal that was in progress between myself and Mr Bourbon. I had Bourbon in the palm of my hand, prepared to surrender and go home a rich, healthy man. But Trax bullied Mr. Bourbon during the match. And now Mr. Bourbon will have to go through life paying an arm and a leg at hospitals because of Obamacare. We all know it will happen because Bourbon gets hurt easily (sad). This match should have ended in a disqualification due to Trax's illegal involvement in the deal. Trax is a perfect example of why people like him are so far behind in society. It's because they can't keep their hands to themselves when smart men are having an adult meeting. Trax, you should be ashamed. Prepare to go to war. Bourbon, I would love to still have you on the team so here is our new, modified deal:

You give me your spot in the tournament.
I will give you $50,000

Think about all of the neat things you could buy Robbie.

Also, Doctor D'Ville would rather laugh and watch his career go down the toilet instead of being a good teammate. (pathetic)
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[-] The following 2 users Like Donald Trump's post:
Bobby Blackcoat (03-05-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-05-2017)
Bobby Blackcoat Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-05-2017, 03:03 PM

Thank you for all that you've done, Mr. President. I am a huge fan of your business acumen and political integrity. However, the government has no place interfering in the lives of marijuana smokers. As you sadly know from the loss of your brother, alcohol takes lives. But marijuana does not. If you're concerned for our safety, maybe you should make alcohol illegal.

Legalizing marijuana would help prevent interaction with drug dealers. Teens who smoke marijuana would no longer have a gateway to opioids, no more than when they try to buy beer from 711.

Thank you for your time and I truly hope you will reconsider allowing the government to raid homes, shoot dogs, and handcuff grandma for a gram of a harmless plant. Obama increased raids. Not good. I hope you will examine this situation and where the danger actually lies.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Bobby Blackcoat's post:
The Monster of Htaed (03-05-2017)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Bobby Blackcoat's post!
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-05-2017, 10:24 PM

(03-05-2017, 12:10 PM)Donald Trump Said: Trax interrupted a yuge deal that was in progress between myself and Mr Bourbon. I had Bourbon in the palm of my hand, prepared to surrender and go home a rich, healthy man. But Trax bullied Mr. Bourbon during the match. And now Mr. Bourbon will have to go through life paying an arm and a leg at hospitals because of Obamacare. We all know it will happen because Bourbon gets hurt easily (sad). This match should have ended in a disqualification due to Trax's illegal involvement in the deal. Trax is a perfect example of why people like him are so far behind in society. It's because they can't keep their hands to themselves when smart men are having an adult meeting. Trax, you should be ashamed. Prepare to go to war. Bourbon, I would love to still have you on the team so here is our new, modified deal:

You give me your spot in the tournament.
I will give you $50,000

Think about all of the neat things you could buy Robbie.

Also, Doctor D'Ville would rather laugh and watch his career go down the toilet instead of being a good teammate. (pathetic)

Hey Trump, all your talk about money got me wondering, how much did it cost to surgical remove my size 13 from your face after I delivered the most satisfying Trap Silencer of my career? And that move has won me World titles. Oh and you do realize if Bourbon takes your offer, which he won't, you taking his position would means you'd be up against me again next Wednesday right? Which means that's gonna be another trip to ICU for you.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

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