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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Demon Enters
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Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-12-2013, 10:41 AM

The room is black and silent. A tapping is heard in the background, it is slow yet melodic.


A light flickers in the back of the blackened room showing only a glimpse of the room. In the back a splatter of blood paints the wall with the lines of a body etched around the splatter. The light flickers with a buzzing sound that could attract flies.

The light turns off completely. A moment passes and the tapping increases in noise and rhythm.

Tap Tap....Tap Tap....Tap Tap...Tap.

The buzzing of electricity overtakes the tapping until the single light comes on into the center of the screen. It is a weak, but effective light. Sitting in a steel chair is Scott Charlotte. He is leaning back in the chair with a grim smile of a murderer.

"Days past. Days to come."

He speaks in a melodic tone that resembles the tapping from earlier. The buzzing of the light increases until the light is gone. It flickers on and off faintly for a moment showing momentary glimpses of Scott Charlotte.

The flickering stops once again until vicious laughter welcomes the darkness. The buzzing returns and the light pops back on to see the same figure in a different light.

Scott Charlotte is no longer in the chair, but is replaced with a masked man.

The Wraith. He sits in the chair for a moment taking in the shock value he expects to ensure upon the viewer.

"Go ahead, take a moment. I realize this must be quiet strange maybe even shocking. Or you could be one of the frequent viewers of Scott's speeches. You may already know about me and you may have had enough of hearing about me. I shouldn't segregate those who are puzzled to the ones who are annoyed. I should treat you all the same. As vermin."

His vicious and raspy laughter fills the darkened room. The Wraith is another form of Scott Charlotte. Scott suffers from a personality disorder that came to light a year ago in his last stint in the XWF. Scott felt he defeated the Wraith after seeking medical attention, but over the last few weeks The Wraith has presented himself to Scott from the smallest to the largest of things.

"I'm sure you were all expecting another rousing tale from the crypt, but instead of the tale why not get the crypt? Scott will be back later to finish his experience in a place I like to call home. He likes to paint the story as the hero conquering his villain while I like to paint it in a realistic and red color.

It was the day Scott delved deeper into his madness something you, the viewer, has recently discovered about our substance abusing hero.

Although that is a wonderful topic to fall into, it is not my primary reason for being here. You see, Scott is about to face off against the Goliath's to his David on Wednesday. He can't win unless he calls in a favor from a God. So here I sit in this pseudo horror room with blood splattered in the shape of a human behind me. I apologize for that, the janitor wasn't very happy we were using his closet for this, so I had to subdue the problem."

He laughs as his murderous ways considering them to be the greatest joke of all time.

"I won't be able to make it to the match on Wednesday, but I can offer my sort of moral support. Scott is finding himself in a fight against a man from space, a supernatural force. A man that he has found himself obsessed with. An obsession that has helped me return once more so I thank this space man for that. He the ultimate scapegoat. His arrogance flows from him more than the souls of the river Styx. He says things like Scott is no match for him and that him boasting over his prowess over Satellite is ridiculous. He will be stomped out like a fisherman against Godzilla, is that right?

I hate to give you the benefit again, Satellite, but I have to agree with you. Scott is no match for you, but you see Scott hasn't been feeling himself lately. He will have a bit more fight in him come his match. Eventually his fragile mind will crack and his demon will be let lose. That day may even be the day you finally see your own mortality. I could care less if Scott wins this match to be honest. I just wanted give a fighting chance, because I consider him my own flesh and blood. Well, technically...he is."

The Wraith takes a moment to examine his body showing off the similarities between his and Scott Charlotte's. They are both the same.

"He will never be more than the guy that you pin, but you will be more than the guy that I break in half. How many times have you died, Satellite? Too many to count? Too many to name? Something we have in common. The countless tortures of our former lives washed away in the sand by the waters of time. I'm supposed to be using my words against you, but all I can find myself doing is relating to you. From one God to another, I presume, but you are no God. You are not human either. You do not reek of there stench. No you reek of something much worse, you reek of an immortal. You blood runs thick which is the reason you think so highly of yourself. If we were to cut you, blood could fill the entire Pacific Ocean and you'd still boast. You'd say that you saved millions by allowing them a sip of your god like blood. The blood of a madman.

I'm sorry, I guess I am confusing your blood with mine. The blood of a madman is much more dangerous. You seek out to live among humanity, but I only seek to destroy it. Consider yourself lucky then. Lucky that it shall be Scott Charlotte who you will face and not myself. Which now begs the true question of the ages.

What happens when two immortals clash?"

He lets out a vicious laughter that overtakes the room allowing the buzzing in the lights to return. The buzzing increases as the laughter increases until finally....


The light bulb's burst and glass flies everywhere in the dark abyss of the room. The laughter continues until it finally dies down to silence. Nothing.

"Oh god."

[Image: Scarecrow-batman-begins-11593756-300-449.jpg]

(1x) Hart Champion
(1x)X-treme Champion
(1x) Tag Team Champion w/ Q.C. Thug

Current Record

[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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