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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
No, Steve Jason will not be entering LL
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
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02-12-2017, 12:13 AM

January 17 2017, the day that Steve Jason decided to return to the XWF and join Lethal Lottery.

A gust of the wind, the sound of thunder, a modified Delorean tearing through space and time, skidding to a stop in the parking lot of the XWF corporate headquarters. Just another day in the XWF!

Micheal Graves: That was sick! What year is it?

Jesus looks to Micheal as if to say seriously, dude?

Jesus Christ: It's 2017...

Micheal Graves: Oh, I figured we'd go back to a time before Steve Jason was born, and wipe him out of existence all together like the Terminator.

Jesus Christ: We're ripping off Back to the Future, not Terminator! I brought us back to the day that Steve Jason met with Vincent Lane to negotiate his return.

Micheal Graves: And what do you want me to do, beg him not to sign the contract?

Jesus reaches behind his seat, and pulls out a steel pipe, handing it to Micheal.

Jesus Christ: Not exactly. I want you to Tonya Harding that bitch!

Micheal takes the pipe, and looks to Jesus like, really dude?

Jesus Christ: It's either that or you get eliminated in the first round of LL.

Micheal looks a little annoyed.

Micheal Graves: Wait a minute, are we forgetting that I've beaten Steve Jason before?

Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ! Everybody knows that Steve Jason had the flu during that match.

Micheal Graves: Well they do now!

Jesus Christ: His dog also died minutes before the match began, and he sprang his ankle tripping over some loose wires in the back, and when he tripped, he hit is head pretty hard. Also, he was dealing with a herniated disc from a prior match and let's not forget...

Micheal quickly places his hand over Jesus's mouth to silence him.

Micheal Graves: That's enough, I get the point.

Jesus's eyes grow wide as he notices something through the windshield. He points forward and excitedly yells.


Micheal looks confused for a second.

Micheal Graves: What? Oh... right

Micheal removes his hand from Jesus's mouth, and Jesus repeats.

Jesus Christ: Looks, he's over there!

Micheal turns his attention to what we assume is Steve Jason walking through the parking lot. I can't say for sure, because the camera doesn't bother trying to get a shot of it, and instead remains focused on Graves and Jesus.

Jesus Christ: This is your chance, go bludgeon that knee!

Micheal Graves thinks about it for a moment. It doesn't seem right to injure a co-worker and legend just because he poses a threat to Micheal winning a match, but any doubts that Micheal had are quickly washed away when he realizing that it's Jesus fucking Christ telling him to do this. I mean, it has to be the right thing to do, right?

Unfortunately as Micheal gets out of the car the screen fades to black. XWF does not currently have the rights to show Steve Jason in any of their promo material. Doing so could open the company up for a lawsuit, and we have enough talk of lawsuits already with Bobby Blackcoat running around. However I did say that the SCREEN fades to black, and not the SCENE fades to black, so the cameras are still running as we listen to the picture less audio. The sounds of a man jogging at a brisk pace, followed by a loud clunk! A man screaming in agony, and another fleeing the scene. A car door shutting, and an engine cranking.

Jesus Christ: Oh my me, you did it!

The sound of tires peeling out of the parking lot.

Micheal Graves: Of course I did, you told me to!

The screen fades back in, full picture video once again folks.

Jesus Christ: I didn't think you'd actually do it!

Micheal Graves: Should I not have?

Jesus Christ: No no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I never cared for that pretentious asshole anyway. Besides, now Steve Jason won't be the mystery partner for Higgers. You've managed to improve your chances a great deal.

Micheal Graves: I kinda feel bad. Not only did I just injure SJ just to further my own career, but I robbed the fans out of getting to see the legend in action one more time.

Jesus Christ: He was just going to flake out as soon as he lost a match anyway, don't sweat it.

Micheal Graves: So now what?

Jesus pulls a pair of shades over his eyes, looking cool as fuck.

Jesus Christ: Now we go back... to the future!

Micheal Graves: Great Scott?

Jesus Christ: That was supposed to be my line bro!

Speed, lightning, BOOM, fire tracks. You know what's up.
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