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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Shove-It! Boards » Shove-It! RP Board
The Wrath Of Madame Frey (1/2)
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

11-04-2016, 01:07 AM

The scene opens with Trax, Jackie and Paul Hunter standing outside the gates of Trax and Jackie's pristine New York mansion estate. Paul has his Escalade Rover parked up to the gate, the engine still running. Jackie has a large pink suitcase by her feet and is looking up at Trax biting her lip, not in the sexually suggestive manner she would usually, this time around in a more nervous, concerned manner.

Baby you sure about this?

Yes, I still have no idea who sent that guy to The Professors home, so until I get this sorted out I want you guys out of the city somewhere safe, you guys can't be anywhere near me.

Trax looks at Paul.

You sure nobody will be able to find out where you are?

Don't worry man, you know me and my connections brah, I know plenty of people who are expert in helping people go ghost for however long they need, whether its just a few days or a couple of years. Nobody will be able to find us unless we want to be found.

Trax nods, visibly reassured.

Good, and my mother?

Got people watching over her nursing home 24/7 man, I know you wanted to move her out the city too but the docs said that would cause too much stress on her body but don't worry man its covered. ANY sign of trouble and my boys will handle it, and they've all been given your number so they can call you right away.

Thanks man.

Trax and Paul hug, then Trax turns to Jackie and kisses her on her forehead.

Stay safe the both of you, soon as I've sorted this shit you'll be able to come back.

Baby you stay safe too.

I will do, don't worry Jackie I can handle myself, whoever is behind this is apparently going to come to me so I'll just sit and wait for that to happen, but I don't want either of you anywhere near me when that does happen, so go. Call me when you arrive at your destination.

Paul nods and grabs Jackies briefcase, Jackie and Trax embrace and she plants a kiss on his lips as Paul loads her case into the car and gets in the drivers seat, Jackie lets go of Trax and walks towards the car and opens the door to the front passenger side, she looks back at Trax one more time, before getting inside the car and shutting the door behind her. The cars engine revs and the wheels spin kicking up dirt and gravel as the car speeds off with Trax watching until the car disappears from view and he turns to head back into the mansion and the scene fades.

The camera comes back on and we now see Trax sitting at his office desk.

Hello XWF.

Me again.

I'll be honest and say my mind hasn't totally been on this rumble the last couple of days but I don't want anyone, especially my opponents, thinking that my thoughts somewhat being elsewhere means that I'm not still going to be entering this rumble Saturday and win the whole damn thing because unfortunately for my aforementioned opponents that's exactly whats going to happen. See I'm a true professional, which is why my career has been as illustrious and decorated as it has been. And true professionals like me, we can go and handle whatever business we have outside the ring and then step in the ring and handle business in there too like it ain't nothing. And that's what I'm going to do, trust me. I said in my first promo it doesn't fucking matter what any of you say or do, whether its towards me or anyone else in this rumble the end result is set in stone. Nonetheless a couple of you have done a few promos puffing out your chests and talking a whole load of nonsensical nothing as I predicted, yeah I had the unfortunate task of having to binge watch all of your promos one after the other to catch up with what's been said. Peter I'll start with you because your recorded steaming pile of verbal diarrhoea is still fresh in my mind.

Trax, for the first time in a couple of days, smirks.

Peter, Peter, Peter, despite my current on going situation I can't help but smile when I think about you, you really do amuse me. I mean what did I say when we fought a few weeks ago? I believe I said when you get to the talking part of your promos you usually start off with talking about the loss you suffered in the match you had a week or so before that and low behold before you properly got to talking about this match you covered your loss in that four way match you was in a few weeks ago, I'll ask you again what I asked you the last time we went at each other, don't you get TIRED of having to defend your prior loses week after week? Don't you ever yearn to feel what its like to be a consistent winner like myself, instead of constantly having to talk about your shortcomings because you have minimal success to talk about? I bet you do, and I bet that irks you. Don't worry Peter, after this match you can go on to explain to everybody how and why you lost this match too.

You ask why I need this Xtreme title reign, I don't, if you was actually capable of paying attention and digesting what people say in their promos properly I actually already explained that this match got turned into an Xtreme title match AFTER I opted in. Would I still of opted in if I knew this was going to be an Xtreme title match? Yes, because I like competition and it doesn't get much more competitive then a royal rumble match, I mean I should know I've won one before. But like I said I don't NEED the Xtreme title, but I'm a prize fighter and its still a top prize here so I have no issues picking it up on the way to securing my second Universal run so unfortunately for you reign #14 is probably going to have to wait until next year if it happens at all.

Talking about the Universal Championship, I have absolutely no issue with you getting a shot, I was just pointing out how I found it funny that I've been vying for a shot since I returned and the guy I beat ON my return is getting a shot before me but it doesn't matter in the end, I'm a patient man and I can wait my turn. Besides I know how things go around here, you're the proverbial Universal Champion doormat, its tradition for the Universal Champion to beat you in a title match, Doctor did it, Lane did, Scullys more then likely going to do it if he actually finds his backbone in time for the match. Shit I almost feel like my Universal title reign is invalid because I didn't beat you in a title defence match during it, pity, next time hm? Because there's going to be next time, real soon ,and I don't care who I take the belt off, whether its you, Scully or Unknown Solider. My guess? Its going to be Unknown Solider because even IF you beat Scully you're going to fail to stop Soliders predictable cash in even though you KNOW he plans to cash in that night because YES Peter as you have proven for over five years here you ARE fucking incompetent. Dismissed.

Then you got Robbie Bourbon who comes out bitching because apparently everyone who has bothered to waste their own time mentioning him, including me, has said pretty much the same thing to him. Well think about it Robbie, if a bunch of people have all come out and told you you're a waste of space and your career has gone down the toilet quicker then Jamaican Jimmys bag of weed when the Popo come knocking on his door then maybe just maybe its actually true? You talk about me dusting old trophies off, bitch at least I HAVE Trophies to dust off in the first place? What have you done like ever? When I was first here you didn't amount to shit, the most impressive thing you did was ALMOST beat Gamer Girl, when the most impressive thing you've done is ALMOST beat a pixeled teenage girl then maybe you should think about revaluating your career and possibly your whole life. Don't think I don't realize you got your hands on the tag team championships, by literally finding them in the trash, you didn't even BEAT anyone for them, so you're only title win in this company so far only came about because you got your hands on some titles so worthless they had literally been thrown away. Congratulations Robbie, no seriously I mean it. Not only that but you lost the damn things on your first defence anyway and the UNIVERSAL CHAMPION was your tag partner. That really just goes to show how abysmal you and our current "top champion" really are. But that comes to no surprise to me.

Where the fuck have you been by the way? I've had super powers since forever, I obtained them before my one on one match with Lux Lyden to decide who would be the sole holder of the Tag Team Championships, it happened literally the week after you fucked up and got eliminated by Sid Feder in that tag elimination match, too many bumps to the head Robbie? Clearly because you still think you're a superhero to "The People". Despite you once being apart of The Black hand one of the most evilest and twisted stables this fed has ever seen you hypocrite, despite the fact you come out to crickets. Mixed reaction is better then NO reaction motherfucker, at least the fans feel a type of way about me, they either love me or hate me, but the fans don't feel a type of way about you at all. Not any more, they haven't in a long time. Why should they? Why should I? Duck your challenges? It was you that temporarily retired just before we had agreed to face off let me remind your amnesic old bulbous ass. That mask is on waaaay too tight Robbie, cutting the circulation to your brain, wait no you don't HAVE a brain that's why you was pretending to be a fucking Zombie going around trying to eat other peoples. You're a joke, go back to eating brains, just know you're going to continue to eat my fucking dust. Dismissed.

Who else had shit to say to me? That's right Gabe Reno. I still don't have an inkling of a clue just who you are or just who you THINK you are but you clearly don't know SHIT about me, I AM Mr Dominance and I've shown that, I've shown that by being one of the fastest rising stars this company has ever seen , I've shown that by winning big title matches against former and current Universal Champions at PPVs where MY face is on the front cover bitch. I've beaten some of the best this place has to offer and the worst, it doesn't matter to me, and I'm going to dominate this rumble which for the most part is full of mediocre talent save for just one or two people me being one of those people. You NOT being one of those people.You think because you can do a bunch of flippy shit in the ring and talk in riddles like some Tim Hortons character you're the next big thing? Fuck off. You ain't shit, and I legit mean that OK? I'm completely shooting right now, you ain't shit, you should go and...oh and I'm completely thinking off the top of my head here...go form a tag team with GHOST TANK or something completely random and jobbery like that. Bitch. Dismissed.

Now let me focus on the actual competition in this match, Gator, first off Gator, it troubles me how me showing respect towards you apparently makes me submissive and gives you the idea I have a hard on for you. Insecure much, dunno what I expected from a man who hides behind a Deadpool mask, oh shit Deadpool reference! Bite me. Listen, yes I do respect you but that doesn't mean I'm intimidated or care for your presence in this match, I mean you being in the match means it'll be a shade more difficult to win then if you wasn't but as I've already said the end result is going to be the same. You're fully correct that me and you are top picks to be the last two guys in this, but unfortunately for you there isn't a prize for coming second place which is exactly the position you're going to find yourself in Saturday.

Am I really being a hypocrite about the whole obscurity thing? When you lose you most likely WILL disappear again don't even deny it, your appearance in this match is just one of your few annual appearances now. But lets say IF I lose this match, which is a huge highly unlikely IF.. I'm still going to be around and I don't plan on going anywhere, I have a wild card in my possession meaning I'm a contender for the Universal Champion so even IF I lose this match I'm guaranteed to move on to bigger things anyway, no that's me saying that as a scapegoat in case I lose I fully plan to win and if you best me its because you was the better man that night not because I'm rusty or wasn't trying. I'm glad you feel like you shake off ring rust pretty quick because I want to be able to say I bested Gator when he was at 100%. And don't get it twisted, there's all the chance in the world of that happening whether you admit it or not. You're better then me? How so? Because you was the man during a time I wasn't around? I know you're considered the greatest TV Champion of all time, congratulations seriously, but whose to say that run with the belt would of gone on as long as it had if I had been around during that time? We could argue all day about if it would or wouldn't but come Saturday and we meet in that ring and square up for the first time ever we may just get a good indicator to what the answer to that question is.

I'm not quite sure why you're labelling me as some Pro-Black gimmicked wrestler. Gator go ahead and point out exactly where in my first promo I exclaimed I'm entitled to anything because I'm black, and don't paraphrase either, I want direct quotes. Shit lets take it further and direct quote me in ANY promo I've ever done here where I've said I'm entitled to something or deserve shit because I'm black. Go on I'll wait.


Need more time?


That's what I thought. I don't think I'm owed shit due to my skin colour, proud to be black? Well yes but I'm more proud of the hardships I've had to overcome because of it, I've never asked for anything on a plate though, I've gladly worked for it. All for it. I ain't owed shit, I TAKE shit and own the opportunities I'm lucky to get because I've got the skills and determination to do that, doesn't matter what color I am, could be black, white, purple, I'd be like that no matter what colour I was because that's simply how I was raised. You should know all about overcoming hardships Gator I mean you're from Manchester, don't think I don't know about your city, me and Bugzy Malone are homies.


I thank you for telling me your version of the "truth" no matter how deluded and ironic your version of the truth seems to be so let me just respond in kind and tell you the actual truth, and the truth is that its not personal when I slap the shit out of you before throwing you out the ring last to win the match. And no for real, rounds on me after "mate". Dismissed.

Then you've got the blonde primadonna in the match, nah I'm not talking about Chris Chaos I'll get to him in a second. I'm talking about Dolly Waters of course! Dolly who was kind enough to throw a sideways comment at me while talking to Chris Chaos, cute, not addressing me directly is smart, keep it that way if you know whats good for you. I'm worthless huh? So worthless that when I came back more then one person hit my emails asking me to team with them to try and win the tag titles right? Hint hint, not naming any names or anything. Heh. You call yourself the most dominating superstar XWF has ever seen, but like I've already said its easy to look dominate when the people you're facing are the likes of Barney Green over the Hart Championship right? A minor dominating the minor leagues, how fitting. Listen Dolly keep doing your thing I mean that, but if I was you I'd focus more on that Hart title defense then this match because you actually have favourable odds of winning that match considering you're facing a nobody much like everyone else you've faced so far. When you step into that rumble match and come across actual real competition like myself and yes, even "Gaytor", its going to be exposed to the whole world just how much of a insignificant gnat you are, me and Jackie haven't had a kid yet due to me HATING kids so its actually a great pleasure to me for me to able to talk shit to one without having a bunch of Social Justice warriors on my ass I'm not even going to lie. Go get anal fisted by Pest you little snot nosed twerp and fucking beat it. Dismissed.

As for you Chaos, Dolly was right about one thing, you saying you was going to "give me a pass" is ridiculous and hilarious at the same time. I was going to give YOU a pass on the account I didn't really know who the Hell you were until you beat Doc, nor did I give a shit, and don't get me confused I still don't give a shit but I feel like I almost have to turn my attention to you for a split second due to the amount of bullshit you came out with. You're right the competition back when I was Xtreme Champion wasn't the same as it is now. It was BETTER back then, back when I was Xtreme Champion, Scully was a mid carder at best and The Doctor was an unstoppable beast. Now Scully is Universal Champion and Doctor loses to people like you and Alexis Riot. See the drastic drop? You can go ahead and say you're better then Doc but he not long ago pinned the Universal Champion and even though Scully sucks he's still more credible then you. A lot more men who are credible then you have tried to pin Doc and failed so excuse me if I'm a little bit pessimistic when you tell me you would of been able to beat him in a non-gimmick match. But yes you beat him, can I say the same? No on the account that we've never faced off before, duh. But I not long ago called him out and he acknowledged its only a matter of time before we go one on one and when that happens I promise to be the first person since Gator to pin him, can YOU say that and have people believe ? I can say that and people will actually think its possible which it is, you saying that would be as laughable as you saying you're going to win this match...wait.

Slaps forehead.

You actually DID say you're going to win this match, adorable. I'd bet money that if me or Gator don't eliminate you Dolly owns your ass again and does it kid. But hey at least you can be satisfied knowing Dolly will probably be thrown out straight after and then you can do what you apparently do best, blindsiding 13 year old girls when their backs are turned. And you echoing the same shit Gator said is pathetic, I mean its bad enough he pulled a statement out of his ass and threw that shit on the wall hoping that it sticks but for you to copy him and make the same dumbass comment like it holds any weight was moronic. Let me make it clear, I don't expect to win this match because I'm black, that's got nothing to do with it, I don't think my height plays a factor either so you pointing out we're the same height doesn't tear down what I was trying to get at. What I'm getting at is that I'm the best goddamn wrestler in this match bar none and since I've already won a rumble before I know all the tricks of the trade to win another. It takes reflexes and ring awareness, knowing whose in the ring and where at at all times. It takes being able to latch onto the ropes with your hands and feet quickly when someone tries to throw you over, have you seen how fast I am with my hands and feet? My punches usually go unanswered and I rarely miss a target with my Trap Silencer. My reflexes and ring awareness are impeccable and that's why I was able to walk out the last rumble I was in the winner and that's exactly why I'll be walking out of this one the winner too. Dismissed.

That's all I have to say once again, anyone I've failed to mention once again...go fuck yourself, I'm still waiting for you to give me a reason to. I don't particular want to waste any more time then I have to talking down to your suckers, got enough on my plate as it and further-

Trax doesn't get to finish his sentence as a flash of light appears directly in front of him followed by another flash and Trax is sent flying backwards he crashes through his office window and plummets two storeys down to the ground below into the courtyard at the back of his mansion. Trax lays there motionless for a few minutes before rolling on his stomach holding his head and groaning.

What the fuck just happened.

Hello Trax.

Trax gets to his feet and the colour almost drains from his face, standing a few feet aware from him, pale face twisted in a sinister grin, eyes glowing amber, is none other then the woman Trax had for thought for sure he had meet her final fate many months ago.

Madame Frey, its you... its actually you, how? You should be dead.

As should you.

Madame Frey hits Trax with another energy blast and he goes flying backwards once again, crashing into a metal gate in the courtyard and dropping to the floor like a sack of potatoes, Trax groans some more and tries to get to his feet as Madame Frey starts walking a deliberate slow pace towards him, eye still glowing.

I've been waiting a long time for this...Trax...TIME TO DIE.

Trax looks up at Madame Frey while still kneeled over on the floor as she prepares to strike one final time....


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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