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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Bringing Out The Worst Pt 3
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-08-2016, 08:42 PM


“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees The Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” -Winston Churchill

The streets of Olso were much different than anything Chris has experienced before. He came here a week early to get used to the culture, and to really know the place he was going to beat Doc D’Ville in. Nobody made eye contact here. Nobody smiled. It was cold outside and cold in every one of these people’s blank, expressionless faces.

They certainly didn’t look American. They looked depressed, although all of the oil money in the country meant that Norway had a shit-ton of disposable income among it’s citizens. Why was everyone so depressed? It was time for Chris to do a little research, put that History Major at USF to some good use.

Pulling out his trusty smartphone, which worked over here (thanks Verizon), he began to do a little research on the country he was going to beat Doc in. Norway, like most of Europe, had centralized medicine. That means that doctor’s here have quotas. Other than delivering babies, it is difficult to get the medicine you need all the time. In Norway, all hospitals are funded by the public as part of the national budget. However, while medical treatment is free of charge for any person younger than the age of sixteen, residents who have reached adulthood must pay a deductible each year before becoming eligible for an exemption card.

What that means is that once a doctor who performs, lets say, ACL surgeries, reaches his quota number that year he shuts it down until the next calendar year. So sometimes patients can go for a long time without getting the treatment they need. It is very similar to Canada. Why do you think so many Canadians come to the US to get treatment? How are they actually helping people

All citizens are otherwise responsible for the annual deductible - which averages around 2040 Norwegian krone. Norway’s health system also does not cover specialized care for those above 16 years of age, and anyone needing treatment such as specialized physiotherapy are required to pay an additional deductible. While health appointments themselves are encompassed by the deductible, extra materials and medical equipment are often covered by the patient.

Norway also does not produce a bulk of pharmaceuticals. imports the majority that are used in its health system. This has resulted in most residents having to pay full price for any prescription. Pharmaceutical exporting is overseen by the Ministry of Health and Care Services. Insurance coverage for medicine imported from outside the country is managed through the Norwegian Health Economics Administration (HELFO).

Chris looked away from his phone, disgusted.

“Is this really how these people have to live?” Chris said out loud. “This is why the country is failing. This kind of reminds me of you, Doc, in a way. You claim to be ‘helping’ your patients but all you do is take from them until they have nothing left. What kind of doctor are you? And think about this, when you need medical expenses after our match, how much will you have to shell out for treatment?”

Chris continued reading. According to the Euro health consumer index in 2015 the Norwegian health system was ranked third in Europe but had inexplicably long waiting lists.*

Chris decided right then that he was going to take it upon himself to help these people. Everyone needed a little chaos in their life, anyway. They needed to get away from the norm for a while. They needed to smile. He would truly help people, even if Doctor D’ville didn’t.

Seeing a man sitting on a bench outside of a cafe, he noticed the man was coughing. Perfect. Chris slithered over and sat down next to him. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out what looked like a ticket.

Chris took his smartphone back out, and went to Google Translate. He typed in, “Hey there, how are you doing today? My name is Chris Chaos, from the XWF, how are you?” and showed it to the man after clicking “Translate to Norwegian”.

The man looked at him, a bit puzzled why this man was sitting there, why he was talking to him at all, and why he had to do it through a phone. Chris nudged the phone at him, urging him to type a response back.

“I am fine, just a little sick. No big deal. Thank you for asking.” The man typed back in Norwegian, and hit “Translate”. At least the people in Norway had manners.

“How do you feel about Doctors?” Chris typed.

“What is this, some sort of survey?” The man typed back.

“Sort of. Now answer the question.”

“I think they are crooked, corrupt and terrible. They don’t do anything and they charge us all sorts of money that we don’t have for procedures that we need. They claim it is government subsidized but you need to jump through a lot of hoops to get the card and-----”

“Okay, my battery life won’t last forever,” Chris said out loud, snatching the phone “but I think I have something that will make you feel better.”

He showed the man the ticket in his hand. Typing out on his phone “this is a ticket to the upcoming show for XWF we are holding here in Oslo. It is in that stadium right down there...” Chris pointed to the stadium off in the distance, “and you are invited to attend. For free. Don’t worry, its actually free.”

The man took the ticket and nodded with a smile.

“I am facing a doctor at the event. Who are you rooting for?”

The man looks at the message and nods frantically, pointing at Chris.

“Say it with me….fuck Doctor D’Ville.” The man looked hesitant, and confused. Chris slowed down, “fuck…..Doctor…..D’Ville. Come on, say it.”

The man tried. “Fook Doktor Deeevil.”

“One more time,” Chris said, “Fuck Doctor D’Ville”.

“Fook Doktor Deviiile” The man said. That would have to be good enough. The message got across.

Grinning, Chris gets up and shakes the mans hand before walking away. He heard the man practicing the new English sentence he just learned as Chris strolled on.

“That is how you help people” Chris said, “that is how you cure them. You give them what they want. Hell, I should be a doctor. Doctor Chaos. I like how that sounds.”

Continuing to walk, he repeated this process with almost every Norwegian he saw. By the time Chris was done, he had at least 300 people, all with tickets in hand, saying “Fook Doktor Deeevil”. He knew that they would be so excited to be a part of the action, they would be chanting it at the event. This was crazy, complete chaos. The people were literally yelling it, and laughing. Over and over they repeated it. “Fook Doktor Deeeevil!” This was madness! This was Oslo!

Home field advantage was now officially his.

"Doc, don't you realize what Wednesday Night means? It means your credibility is on the line. You need this win more than I do. There is nothing I like more than shattering dreams and crushing expectations. You need to beat me into oblivion, and then some, to still be looked at in the same light you are in now. That is the beauty of this situation. The tables are turning. All week long I have heard how this is a career defining match for me, but maybe, just maybe, this is a career defining match for YOU. You are expected to win these matches. This is gut check time, Doc. Because what happens when I come in there and beat you? Will you crumble, and fold, or will you continue to rise above and keep up your dominance? Will you make excuses like "you weren't prepared" or will you man up and admit that maybe, just maybe, I am better than you.

Because lets face it, I am.

You know it. I know it. This entire roster knows it. Nobody has enough grapefruits to say it, but they know it deep down inside. I have said it time and time again, your days at the top are numbered. You have awoken a sleeping giant, and now the only option you have is to get out of the way or get crushed by my giant foot. I will tell you the same thing I told Ginger on Savage. You might as well not even show up. By not coming and sticking me the proverbial middle finger will actually look better for you than taking a loss in the center of that ring.

Because that IS going to happen.

Sometimes you can't hide from the truth. You can run from a lot of things in life, Doc, but the truth is not one of them. Even the devil himself, who you seem to be buddy buddy with, can't and won't help you. You can channel your inner demons all you want, but losing to me will just create new ones. I WANT you to bloody me. I crave it. I want to taste my own blood. I wan't to taste yours, too. Blood doesn't scare me. Red goes good with blonde, frankly.

I have you by the balls, metaphorically, of course. I don't want to touch those shriveled old prunes in real life. But think about it. What can you possibly say to boost your case? You will beat me? You have a good record here? I haven't faced anyone worth facing yet? I am new here? It is old and stale, Doc. There is nothing that you can say that anyone has never heard before. Face it, Doc. You have lost your leverage.

The ball is now in my court, and I ALWAYS have home-court advantage. It is up to you, now make a move."


“It’s Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It’s Whether You Get Up.”- Vince Lombardi

Chris sat in a hash bar a few blocks outside the stadium. He had more tickets to give away. He had more chaos to cause. He had more “Fuck Doctor D’Ville’s” to teach. This was going to be fun. More fun than he had had in a while. He was almost giddy with excitement. But it was an evil giddy. Like a child who kills his parents then smiles in court kind of giddy.

The ceiling was a cloud of smoke. Chris’s eyes were turning red and he was getting a little buzz. He loved it. This would never be allowed in Florida. Or anywhere in the US for that matter. As shitty as their medical system was, this sort of made up for it.

Chris got up and walked over to a table of Norwegian’s who were enjoying some hash and a good brew. Did they have good beer in Norway?

He wasn’t here to drink, he was here to accomplish a mission. Turn the entire city against this geriatric prick he was facing Wednesday Night.

There was a hospital down the street. The same one Doc would be in after Warfare. Maybe he would go pay a visit to some “doctors” after. Show the world just how fake that title is.

Pulling a chair out, Chris took a drag from the hookah on the table. The Norwegian’s stared at him. Blowing out and coughing, Chris slammed the tickets down on the table.[i] “These tickets are for you, all you have to do is say one phrase in English for me”.
Luckily, there was one Norwegian at the table who did know English. He translated. Saved Chris the battery life. [/i]

“What does we haf say?” The semi-English dude, who was wearing flannel with tight jeans, ew, said.

“Simple,” Chris said, “to get these tickets….FOR FREE...just say, Fuck Doctor D’ville.”

The Norwegian’s looked at each other, a few laughed. They questioned if he was serious. He was deadly serious. When they saw his face, they stopped giggling.

“Fuck….Doctor….D’ville” Chris said again, sliding the tickets away. Apparently, Norwegian’s loved free shit because they all began to shout his request under threat of losing the tickets.

“FOOK DOKTOR DEEEVIL!” They all yelled in unison, prompting some looks from others in the bar. Again and again they shouted it, having a jolly old time with it. “FOOK DOKTOR DEEEVIL!” “FOOK DOKTOR DEEEVIL!” “FOOK DOKTOR DEEEVIL!”

This was amazing. He had these people eating out of the palm of his hand. All for some free shit. And he thought American’s were bad. Sheesh.

These people were too easy, except for one. He wasn’t really saying the new English phrase. What, he was above learning English?

“Why aren’t you saying it?” Chris asked the translator to ask the man.

“He doesn’t want to,” the translator said, “he likes Doctor.”

Chris grinned. “Oh yeah. Ask him if he is positive about liking Doctor D’Ville….ask him one more time."

The translator asked and the man nodded. Chris stood up, putting his hand on his goatee and rubbing.
“Okay...okay...” he said, calmly.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he hit the man with the Wrong Side of The Tracks super-kick, knocking him over and sending his beer flying.

“Ask him if he still likes the doctor now” Chris said, spitting on the man before exiting the bar to the chant….. “FOOK DOKTOR DEEEVIL!” “FOOK DOKTOR DEEEVIL!” “FOOK DOKTOR DEEEVIL!”


“"So, it appears to me, that one fact is more clear than ever before. Doctor D'Ville sits to pee. What’s the matter Doc, cat got your tongue? Or does that county fair face painted tag team partner you have have it occupied with his asshole? You are awfully quiet. Is that because you know I am right? Is it because you know there is nothing you can say to me? Everything I have said is factually correct. Everything I said you know is right. Inside, deep down, you know I can’t be wrong. Is it because you know that I am the future and maybe your days truly are numbered as top dog? I have turned half a city against you with little to no effort at all. It is beautiful, in its own chaotic kind of way.

So as you can see, I have arranged it so that you have more than one enemy going into this match Wednesday Night. You have an entire nation sitting on they edge of their seats, rooting for you to lose. You were crowned 'King of the XWF' back in the day...well consider me God then. I know, I told Muddy there wasn't one, and there isn't, but I also told him that I AM one. And last a checked a 'god' usurps a king. I am god because I am your maker, and you will meet me soon enough. 4 days, Doc. 4 Days until your reign at the top ends…..4 days until I keep getting up no matter what you throw at me. 4 days until I continue to come at you over and over and over again because getting up to continue to fight is in my nature. Quitting isn’t. 4 days until your throne is taken over and atop it sits a 28 year old blonde with the best set of locks this company has ever seen. 4 Days Doc…..until you meet your maker.

How does it feel?

Fade to black.

XWF RECORD: 6-2-2 ....because a double pin is a draw and a draw is not a loss so fuck off!
[Image: nPydNTa.jpg]
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