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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Ain't that sweet
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BenitoAngelo Offline
Let's go kill someone, eh?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-01-2016, 06:57 PM

You seriously think you intimidate me? I'm 10 times the man you are, and at least 20 times the wrestler you are! I am the personification of class, and you try to be scary, but kid, you fail. You lost your accomplishments, bit wrestling isn't what you have done, it's about your next match. And Strange, your next match will be a loss.
Good job by the way, for winning a match where you had teammates to support you. I have many friends and associates who could join me, but I try and be a one man army. I don't need anyone else to help me win, strange. Strange, you are pathetic. You say that you say you are the Lord of lunacy, that you have killed. Killing is something I have to do on a daily basis. And if you are insane, it will just make my match against you easier.
Lestrange, you are just another wannabe, and I'm a leader. You try, but I'm not buying it mate. When we go one on one, one of us will win. One of us will lose. I see 2 possible options. 1, you quit. 2, you get pinned. Why do you even try? I'm better then you strange, and I'll prove it this Warfare.

Part of World's Friendliest Mafia with Jervis Cottonbelly
Part of PATROL with Jervis Cottonbelly, Thomas Nixon, and Guppy Parsh
6x HeavyMetalWeight Champion, 1x Trios Champion (/w Guppy Parsh and Jervis Cottonbelly)
[Image: 34diwx5.jpg]
Thanks to Micheal Graves for making my banner
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