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Savage Saturday Night 9/24
Author Message
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-24-2016, 08:09 PM


Benito Angelo
- vs -
Athena Boudreaux
- vs -
Triple Threat

Luna Hightower
- vs -
Kitt Kennedy
2 out of 3 Falls

Chris Chaos
- vs -
Isabella Ravenwolf
Winner gets a guaranteed placement in the match to determine the new Savage Championship next week

The feed cuts backstage where we see Mr. Vincent Lane sitting at his desk going through some papers. There’s a knock at the door,

“It’s open…”

Vincent looks up from his work to see Paul Heyman, smug grin on his face, walking into his office.

“No need to get up sir; this will only take a minuet.”

Paul grabs a chair from the side of the room, pulling it to the center of the room and turning it backwards before sitting down.

“Ya’ know, Vinnie, I had heard some…”

Paul twirls his hand in the air as if he’s reaching for the right word to describe what he’d heard,

“…things, through the grapevine of course, and the grapes sounded very, very sour.”

Vincent walks around and sits on the front of his desk,

“I wouldn’t call it sour grapes, Paul. I just have a real issue with what you decided to do last Saturday night on Savage.”

“What kind of issue Vinnie, me singing Dolly Waters as my new client? Does it make you nervous or something?”

“Who you decide to do business with is strictly your business Paul.”

Vinnie stands up and walks over to a portrait on his wall, he stares at it for a moment then turns back to address Heyman,

“But I must say, not only do I think it’s a poor choice… I think its career suicide.”

Paul makes a peculiar face,

[Image: 14dir87.0.png]

“But that’s not even the issue at hand, Paul. You see while you and your new ‘client’ have been skipping show bookings, I’ve had to put out your fires…

You are adored here in the XWF; you’re a damn icon, not just here but to the entire wrestling community. So for you to get on national television and derogate our product the way you did, well not only is it hurtful, but it’s a huge slap in the face.

Not to mention I don’t appreciate you trying to use your leverage to Shanghai our broadcast. You know damn well you weren’t supposed to go on last, especially going on last to parade around your little Barbie doll the way you did…”

Paul stands up now; he and Vinnie are face to face,

“What’s the matter…? Loverboy? Afraid my Barbie doll is going to steal your thunder?”

“Do you really think for one second that I am the least bit afraid of that no-talent having, daughter of a drunk? She’s a kid, Paul you’re going to get her killed…”


The sound of bubblegum popping can be heard as we see Dolly Waters enter the picture, obnoxiously, and almost intentionally, smacking her gum as she looks up in Vinnie’s face,

“Is that so? Well how about you go ahead and make your dreams come true, Lane. How about you book me against someone who can get me…”

Dolly takes the gum from her mouth, wads it up, and sticks it to Vinnie’s hair,

“…outta’ yer’ hair forever.”

Vinnie is beside himself in anger, he grabs Dolly's contract from his desk as if he's ready to wad it up, but a pleading Paul Heyman grabs his arm to stop him,

“Hey c’mon Vinnie… c’mon Vincent! Cool it down, now I know the shareholders are pissed off at you, because you haven’t found a big match for Dolly yet, but now’s your chance. You can make some big money, and, potentially put my client on the shelf.”

Dolly is standing behind Paul, smiling and sticking her tongue out at Vinnie as he rips the nasty pink chewing gum from his hair,

“Alright! Little brat! You’re on! The October 1st addition of Savage, I have just the opponent for you! Paul, you’re little puppy dog there is going to learn what it’s like to square up with the big dogs!”

[Image: tumblr_mm5dqwGeFK1rb0hf3o1_500.gif]

Dolly begins laughing as her and Paul exit Vinnie’s office. An irritated Lane stands there for a moment before kicking his desk,


Frodo is sitting in his office at his desk, when Katie walks in and hands Frodo a letter. He reads over it, and then balls it and up and throws it at Katie.

"FUCKING SHIT! FUCK! Apparently I can't do the Bra and Panties match because of fucking Girard. Fine, because Lane is afraid that sponsors won't be sponsoring us and funding us if we do more of this stuff I have to have more tame matches, and no sexual harassment. Fuck. Fine. I can do this."

Only in Detroit...

The Xtron lights up and the screen begins to display a video of a custom black El Camino pulls into the parking garage attached to Joe Louis arena where Savage Saturday Night just went live. The driver pulls the vehicle up to the backstage doors of the arena; the vehicle comes to a halt, followed by the silence of the purring engine. The driver’s side door to the El Camino swings open; the camera starts low where a pair of tan combat boots lands on the cement floor. As the driver slides out of his vehicle the camera slowly rises to the face of none other than Bearded War Pig.

Audience: Bearded War Pig! Bearded War Pig! Bearded War Pig!

B.W.P wears a smile, his flak jacket from the Marine Corps, and a pair of woodland camouflage bottoms, and “Sugah” on his left shoulder. Bearded War Pig steps aside and slams his door behind him, leaning “Sugah” against his door, he reaches into his pocket, removing a cigarette case holding his joints and a zippo lighter. B.W.P sparks one of the joints up and takes an enormous drag before making his way to the bed of his El Camino with “Sugah” back on his left shoulder.

The camera scans inside the bed of B.W.P’s El Camino to reveal a black diamond plate toolbox and a large green sack squirming around, with hand and footprints pressing against it now and again. Bearded War Pig quickly hops up in the back of the bed and begins kicking the living shit out of the green deployment bag; muffled moans and whines are picked up from the audio equipment. Which seems to make Bearded War Pig even angrier as his kicks become knees and eventually overhead swings with “Sugah” until the bag stops moving and making noise.

Bearded War Pig: You should have just stayed asleep mother fucker! Now, here in the D, you are going to see what the Devil of Detroit is all about you pathetic Bitch!

Bearded War Pig sets “Sugah” up against his locked tool box and lifts the sack with the person in it up and tosses it over his right shoulder like a sack of potatoes. With his left hand, B.W.P grabs his “Sugah” off from the toolbox and climbs down out of the bed of the El Camino. Making his way inside the arena through the back doors of the parking garage, Bearded War Pig makes his way through security dragging the end of “Sugah” on the floor. Making it to his locker room Bearded War Pig looks around, no one in site, he opens his door and walks in slamming the door on the camera crew behind him.

The Xtron goes blank as the audience bursts into roars of anticipation and excitement wanting to know who could possibly be in the sack...

Benito Angelo
- vs -
Athena Boudreaux
- vs -
Triple Threat

As the bell sounds Benito and Athena look at one another… and they rush towards the massive frame of Barney Green! They each throw a submarine dropkick to Barney’s knees, and the big man collapses forward onto his belly.

Barney turtles up as Benito and Athena rain down shots onto his body, Benito stomping his head and Athena throwing punches into his ribs and sides. Barney rolls over onto his back, and Athena drops an elbow right into his crotch! Barney smiles! He liked that shit!

Athena seems confused momentarily, and it gives the much, much bigger Barney Green time to wrap his tree trunk legs around her midsection and squeeze her in a body scissors!

At the same time, Barney catches one of Benito’s stomps and trips his other foot with an ankle pick… he’s got him in an ankle lock! Barney has both of his opponents in submission moves!

Benito slams his calf down across Barney’s jaw, again and again, with sickening ferocity! Barney is forced to release the ankle lock as well as the leg vise, and Both Benito and Athena start to get to their feet… NASTY CLOTHESLINE FROM Benito to Athena! She just about flipped over! Looks like that alliance is at an end! Benito with a quick cover!



Barney drags him off!

Barney mounts Benito and starts burying forearm shots into Benito’s face, and Angelo’s mouth is busted up! Barney is just giving him the business!

Athena sees the carnage and she leaps on Barney’s back, sinking in a rear naked choke! Barney stands up and the smaller girl tries to wrap her slender legs around his hips to lock in the choke… Barn looks a little wobbly…

Barney charges backward, slamming Athena Boudreaux into the corner! The poor girl, she might be the latest woman to have her pelvis shattered by the Boston Brawler!

Athena slumps down to a seated position, and Barney sees his chance… Barney yanks down his gym shorts, revealing the bizarre leather fetish jockstrap he’s got on underneath! What is that thing? Is it tying his pecker off with no blood supply???

Barney grins and slaps his ass cheeks with both hands… STINK FACE!!!! Athena got her pretty face buried all up in that ass!

Here comes Benito! He charges Barney and nails him with a running dropkick! Barney falls backward onto Athena, and he hits his head on the buckles! Benito takes advantage, driving a series of stiff knee strikes to the face of Barney Green… now Barney’s wearing the crimson mask!

Benito takes a few steps back and claps his hands on his knees… he runs forward, jumping with both knees forward towards Green… but Barney slides out of the way! Athena gets a face full of Benito’s knees, and Barney grabs Benito by the head and face, gouging at Angelo’s eyes! He’s got a full fishhook in his mouth with three fingers, too!

Benito jams a thumb into Barney’s eye! Barney rolls off of Benito, and Angelo scales the ropes… he’s sizing Barney up, and he leaps just as Barney gets to his feet… O FACE!!! The jumping top rope stunner connects, and Benito hooks a leg…



Kickout by Green!

Barney’s blood trickles into his mouth, and the taste of it seems to rejuvenate him! Barney and Benito both get up, and they start trading hard rights and lefts… Barney gets the upper hand when Benito swings a wild haymaker, and Barney ducks under spinning Angelo completely around… atomic drop! Barney hits the ropes… cross body block! Barney with the cover now!



Benito gets a shoulder up!

Barney pounds the mat in frustration and pulls Benito up by the hair… Benito with a low blow! Benito grabs Barney as he lowers his head and drops him with a DDT! Benito grabs Barney’s legs… h’s going for a lion tamer! He’s got one leg bent back… Barney’s struggling… Benito has it locked in! Barney’s in agony!

Barney’s hand hovers over the canvas… will he tap?

His career flashing before his eyes…

Every hardcore match…

The World Title…

Dozens of victories over Peter Gilmour…

Is this how it ends?

Barney’s hand raises…

…. Into a fist!

Barney slams the fist into his own face, screaming in a war cry! He’s got himself pumped! He rolls suddenly, twisting his body around and tossing Benito off of him!

Benito hits the ropes and comes back with a clothesline…. No effect! BARNEY’S BULKING UP!!!

Barney reaches into his pocket and pulls out a can of Grizzly Wintergreen, packing a lip in the middle of the match. It hits his system like Popeye’s spinach, and he rushes at Benito, taking him down with a huge running backside attack! Naomi calls it the rear view!

Barney looks up into the lights and climbs the turnbuckles! He’s at the top! Is he going to do a moonsault???


Benito manages to scoot away, dragging the lifeless body of Athena to where he was a moment before. Barney Green crashes down onto Boudreaux, the moonsault hit with perfection and actually collapsing a section of the ring! Barney’s on to of Athena!




Benito jumped onto Barney at the last second but it was too late, the match is over! Someone rescue Athena!

Pounding the Meat Bag!

The aerial camera pans the crowd, the audience in a roar after the display the three XWF superstars just put on for the crowd in the triple threat match. After scanning the crowd where a man was spotlighted while stuffing his face with two maybe three hot dogs at once, a women flashing her “chesticles”, and the last one a small child upper cutting his father in the nuts for forgetting his candy bar. The Xtron switches to a ringside camera that is shooting Gaylord Cockshafer and Mike Stump who have a few words about what they all just witnessed.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Oooh buddy, someone please get that man an ice pack and some Motrin, his balls have to be in his throat! If you are just tuning in you missed a great beginning to another Savage Saturday Night!

Mike Stump: Yes they have Cockshafer, what a spectacular showing the three superstars put on just moments ago in the ring, but more importantly you missed a fat man in a rain suit smashing wieners! At least two at a time...

Gaylord Cockshafer: Shut up Mike no one from Detroit cares about a fat man inhaling wieners, they want violence and controversy dammit. So stay right here because next, we have...

The lights cut out for about three seconds, before flickering back on along with the Xtron.

Gaylord Cockshafer: What the hell is this!?

A cameraman found his way into Bearded War Pig’s locker room through the vents while the triple threat was taking place; he begins filming inside the locker room for all the fans to see on the Xtron. Bearded War Pig has the sea bag with a human being in it dangling chained up to a hook on the ceiling, as he paces back and forth puffing on a doobie. Katie Smackins is sitting on a futon fixing her makeup in a compact mirror, looking all skanky and prostitute like.

Mike Stump: It’s fucking Bearded War Pig and he still has that person inside that bag, who could it be?

Gaylord Cockshafer: I have no clue, but let us see where this goes, shall we?

Bearded War Pig stops and puts his doobie out in an ashtray. Quickly he turns back to the bag which starts to move again, a smile finds it’s way across B.W.P’s face as he starts to hit the bag with his bare fists like it is a punching bag. Landing punch after punch, combo after combo, Katie watches in complete seduction as Bearded War Pig’s back muscles flex and hardened with each strike, making her lady clam moist. B.W.P now begins to throw the occasional knee and elbow strikes in his combo’s, while still moving his feet if he was actually in a fight.

The cameraman switches to Katie Smackins who has now begun to rub her own legs very seductively, lower lip hidden behind her top teeth. Katie slowly gets up and starts walking towards B.W.P who is still going strong on the sea bag with hard punches, knees, and elbows.

Mike Stump: Hot damn, I think we might see some sweet sexy time action!

Gaylord Cockshafer: Partner I believe you are correct, that Bearded War Pig is one lucky fella.

On the Xtron Katie is now reaching toward Bearded War Pigs back while he is dancing around the bag like Muhammad Ali or some shit. Her hand gently caresses his sweat glistening back; Bearded War Pig quickly spins around grabbing Katie by the wrist, startling them both. B.W.P quickly releases her wrist after realizing who it is but goes off on her.

Bearded War Pig: God Dammit Katie, can’t you see daddy is fucking busy right now, I am dealing with a disrespectful twat waffle! So please just get the fuck out of here why I play meat bag with my buddy strung up in the sack. Oh and take that fuck face in the vent with you!

Katie looks at B.W.P with a disgusted facial expression before turning around and storming off while pouting under her breath. She stops in front of the vent still pouty.

Katie Smackins: Hey mister camera guy, I would get on out of there and come with me, daddy isn’t being very nice right now, somebody put him in one of those Mr. Hyde kind of moods...

Katie Smackins starts heading toward the locker room door as the cameraman comes tumbling out of the vent and follows in pursuit. They close the door behind them and suddenly a loud bang echoes throughout the hall and the locker room door indents outward from inside. Katie just shrugs her shoulders and walks off...

End Scene.

Chris was taping his wrists. Savage was underway, but he didn't care. He was lazer focused on Isabella in the main event. He heard the music, heard the crowd roar, but really, to him, nothing else mattered.

There was a slight knock on his door. He ignored it at first, and the knock continued, repeating until it got louder.

"Goddamnit, go check that" he told the attendant who was taping him. "Whoever it is must have a death wish".

He walked away and was heard talking, in hushed tones, to someone. Sounded female. Isabella? Was she there for an early attack? He was ready, clenching a fist.

What he saw, though, shocked him. In walked new signee Jenny Myst. God was she hot. She had on A Short Red dress. Skin tight and lowcut. Showing off plenty of cleavage. The bottom of the dress was ended only an inch or two below the bottom of her awesome ass. 4" Black High Heels, Black Stockings, the tops of which would ended below the line of her dress.

"Sorry, but I don't remember ordering an escort. Damn backpage....they must really need the busines---"

He was cut off as the blonde put a soft finger on his lips and sat on his lap, legs across his waist, facing him. She spoke in a seductive tone.

"I am here for one thing Chris. You will get me where I need to go. You will take me to the top. You will show me whats its like to be the best....." she licks her lips, "because, in my opinion, you are the best". Chris stared at her cleavage, which was now near his chin.

Chris raised an eyebrow, her pink underwear rubbing his junk.

"And whats in it for me?"

"Me" she said, running a hand across his chest. "I can manage you....and you can manage me if that makes sense. But the real question is, can you handle me?"

Chris grinned......

"I think I like that idea. Be here, before the main event tonight. But you better pull your weight....I am not afraid to add you to the list of broads I've chin checked around here."

Jenny rubbed her hand down around her "area", and up is chest to his face. Swinging her legs off him she muttered "Oh, I can pull more than that". She left the room, leaving Chris alone with his erection.

Luna Hightower
- vs -
Kitt Kennedy
2 out of 3 Falls

Gaylord Cockshafer: Holy shit, what a showing here tonight on Savage it has been a ball buster, the fans are out of control and we have had some pretty entertaining things happen including our first match, what a triple threat that was!

Mike Stump: Yeah great show so far, I just want to know who Bearded War Pig has inside that green military bag.

Tig O’ Bitties: The Following Contest is a Two out of Three falls count Match, introducing the first competitor hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Weighing in at one hundred and forty-five pounds, Luna Higggghhhh Towwwwwwer!

Take The Wave by Naifu plays over the P.A. system. Luna walks out from the back. She stands at the top of the ramp and checks her M-9 Bayonet to make sure it's sharpened and ready for battle. She puts it into the sheath that's attached to her belt then makes her way down to the ring, gets in and stands in one of the corners and waits for the match to start. She cracks his neck and knuckles while waiting for Kitt to make his way to the ring.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Wow this match should be good, I bet Kitt Kennedy is excited to be able to put his hands on a sexy ass lady.

Mike Stump: I would let her whoop my ass, then fart in my mouth, hell I’d even hold it in like a bong hit.

Tig O’ Bitties: Now introducing her opponent from St. Louis, Missouri. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds standing six feet tall, Kitt Kennedy.

The arena goes black as "Last In Line" hits the P.A. system and bright spotlights begin to flash on and off randomly through out the arena, lighting up bits of the stage for a brief second as they flash. Slowly through rising through the stage appears a silhouette of a man with his arms stretched out straight and as he has completely risen through the stage you can see that his back is to the ring and he remains motionless. As the lyrics begin the figure whips around and the spotlights stop on the man to reveal Kitt Kennedy standing at the top of the ramp. Kitt slowly makes his way down the aisle way, smirking to the crowd as he heads towards the ring. As Kitt slides into the ring the spotlight cuts off of him and four new spotlights flash on, one on each side of the ring. As the lyrics "We'll know for the first time...." hit, the four spot lights begin to circle around the ring, slowly becoming faster and they make their way to the center of the ring. As the lyrics "We're the last in line!" blasts over the P.A. the spot lights merge into one light it focused on Kennedy who is standing in the middle of the ring, head back and arms raised, soaking in the reaction from the crowd.

With both wrestlers in the ring Chaz Bobo, the official referee for the bout signals for the bell.




Kitt Kennedy is still taunting the crowd, while Luna Hightower wastes no time, she charges in connecting with a solid clothesline almost knocking the surprised Kitt Kennedy to the canvas. She quickly strikes again with a flying forearm, it lands right across Kennedy’s forehead, this time taking him off his feet. Kitt quickly scurries toward the closest turnbuckle almost in a modified crab walk, with Hightower hot on his tail. Once in the corner of the turnbuckle, he places his hands up like please don’t, Hightower pays no mind and quickly latches on to his wrists with her hands. He fights back as she lifts him to his feet, they grapple up both in the standing position.

Kennedy weighing more begins to over power her almost collapsing her to her knees, she quickly releases and ducks through his left arm and torso. Quickly Kitt reacts, spinning around to push Luna with abrupt force into the turnbuckle. Kitt then charges elbow first right into Luna’s face while her body pressed against the hard surface of the turnbuckle, bruising her back and ribs a little. Kitt then begins to land right after right enclosed fists to the head of Luna Hightower. Referee Chaz Bobo begins the count of enclosed fists landed.











Chaz Bobo now intervenes by putting his own body in harm's way forcing himself between a dazed Luna and Kitt Kennedy. Kennedy backs off and opens his fists to show he is going to obey the wishes of referee Chaz Bobo. Luna uses the break up to her advantage she quickly pounces out of the corner like a scared feline who quickly turns the tides by Irish whipping Kitt into the turnbuckle himself. Hightower then begins an onslaught of her own, with rights, lefts, kicks, and knees. She stops before Chaz breaks it up, grabbing Kitt by his right wrist she slings him across the ring and back first into the catty corner turnbuckle. She takes off sprinting her self only a second after releasing Kitt, almost as soon as his back smashes into the corner her body connects with his in a full speed cross body.

Luna bounces off of Kitt who’s back absorbs all the impact against the turnbuckle, without her weight pressing against his anymore, he comes stumbling out of the corner almost as if he was drunk. Luna capitalizes by running into the ropes, turning back first right before pressing against them, using them as a slingshot, she comes sprinting off of them connecting with a dropkick to the knee of Kitt. Kennedy forcefully smashes to the canvas face first with his legs kicked right out from underneath him, Luna lands next to him but not in pain. Quickly she climbs to her feet while Kitt slowly sits up, Luna smiles and drops Kitt back to the canvas with a kick to his spine.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Damn that had to of hurt, those combat boots straight to your spine, ouchy.

Mike Stump: Yeah she calls that move the Spinal Tap, I know something I would like to tap!

Meanwhile in the ring Kitt Kennedy is rolling around holding his back while Luna is making her way toward Kitt with a smile on her face. Once making it to her opponent she goes for a stomp, but Kitt rolls out of the way, Luna attempts another stomp, missing again, this time, she is met with a leg sweep out of nowhere. Taking her right off her feet Kitt Kennedy quickly follows with a horse kick from the mat into Luna’s ribs, giving him enough time to make it to his feet with her still on the ring canvas. Luna starts to climb to her feet, while she struggles in pain from the boot to her ribs, Kitt bounces off the ropes and comes flying back with a Springboard Back Elbow, laying Luna Hightower out, like a wide receiver getting nailed by a middle linebacker.

Mike Stump: Wow, what a hit, the tides have changed for sure.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Oh no, poor Luna, she was doing so great too.

Kitt Kennedy angrily storms toward Luna who is not moving from the hard and heavy blow from Kitt’s elbow to her skull. Kitt Kennedy makes it to the top half of Luna, grabbing her by the hair, he begins to lift her up from the mat, he quickly hoists her in the air, looks to be setting up for his finisher, “Lights Out.” Kitt has Luna in the air for what seems to be a Tiger Driver but quickly turns it into a Sit Out Powerbomb.

Gaylord Cockshafer: No, no, Luna, please be okay, I can’t believe he would nail women with Lights Out, one of his finishers, it isn’t right. Luna, please don’t let him pin you!

Mike Stump: Even if he does it is a best two out of three, remember dummy!

Kitt Kennedy is in the ring pinning Luna’s shoulders to the canvas. Chaz slides to the mat slamming his hand down.




Kitt Kennedy has just sealed the first win of the match, he quickly scrambles to his feet and walks to a turnbuckle climbing halfway up and raising his fist in the air. The fans roar in excitement. Meanwhile, Luna begins to stir, Chaz is making sure she is okay, she makes it to her feet, dazed, vision a little blurry, she barely sees Kitt charging at her. Chaz backs away allowing the two to continue the bout since Luna has made it to her feet on her own. Kitt makes it about a foot away and begins to pummel Luna with lefts and rights, Luna too dazed to cover her face stumbles backwards after each blow. Kitt continues fiercely with closed fists punches before he toe kicks her right in the stomach keeling her over in pain; Kitt quickly wraps his right arm around her head and neck. Quickly he falls back smashing her face into the canvas with a DDT, Kitt quickly covers her trying to end the match.

Chaz falls to the mat.



Kick out, Luna throws all her weight into her hips and bucks Kitt off of her body an inch from losing the match. Kitt can’t believe it, he quickly climbs to his feet and begins to just kick and stomp Luna like she was being jumped into a gang or something. Chaz Bobo quickly pushes himself in front of Kitt and begins pushing him back trying to stop the onslaught. Kitt forcefully tosses Chaz to the side and continues the unfair attack, kick, stomp, and kick, kick, stomp...

Luna begins to go, berserker, her hair turns red, she catches Kitt’s foot in his last attempt to stomp the life from Hightower, who somehow magically got a second wind and incredible strength. Ripping Kitt straight from his feet while almost shattering his ankle from the torque she applied to the twisting of it. Luna crawls and mounts her victim as she begins landing punches everywhere from Kitt’s nipples up, throwing in a few elbow strikes here and there. Luna is pulled away from a now bloody Kitt, for she had busted his nose open with the last elbow strike she landed.

Now standing she pushes past Chaz and lifts Kitt to his feet. Only to send him back to the canvas with an over the head belly-to-belly suplex, Kitt crashes to the canvas hard. Luna quickly hops back to her feet without even using her hands, so pumped; she quickly grabs Kitt by his hair returning the favor from earlier. She nails him with a knife-edge chop, over, and over again until is body is pressed into the turnbuckle, she then climbs up and wraps her legs around his neck. Hurling him across the ring with a Hurricarana, Kitt crashes but quickly rolls to his feet.

Spinning around Kitt quickly takes off charging toward Luna, who quickly lays Kitt Kennedy out with a vicious palm strike to the heart region of Kitt’s torso. Luna wastes no time and drops herself on top of the lifeless Kitt Kennedy while Chaz begins the three count.




Luna quickly scrambles to her feet and steps back waiting for Kitt to get to his feet, both wresters one and one, next three count or submission resulting in a tap will be your winner. Kitt slowly begins to stir holding his chest as if his heart were ripped from his chest. Luna just smiles knowing if she would have used any more strength his heart would have exploded from his back like a cannon ball firing from a cannon. Chaz kneels beside Kitt making sure he is all right, Kitt nods his head slowly climbing to his feet, stopping to take a small break on all fours. Kennedy then continues to stir to his feet, upon arrival, he is met with a hard right to jaw.

Luna swings with a wild haymaker; Kitt dodges the punch and runs toward the opposite direction of Luna. Hightower takes off in the opposite of Kennedy; both wrestlers explode off the ropes, directly sprinting toward one another. They both connect with a vicious clothesline from hell, both wrestlers backflipping in the air and crashing down hard on their heads. Neither move for a few seconds, Chaz begins the ten count. Will the match end in a draw or will one of them make it to their feet?










Kitt is on his feet!!


Luna is still out. The bell rings.

Kitt Kennedy has won his debut!

Chris Chaos
- vs -
Isabella Ravenwolf
Winner gets a guaranteed placement in the match to determine the new Savage Championship next week

Before the bell can even sound, Chaos and Isabella meet in the center of the ring, locking up like hockey players and begin exchanging a flurry of right handed closed fists. Chris finally lands one clean right on the bridge of Ravenwolf’s nose, causing her to stagger back and fall into the ropes.

Chaos bounces off of the ropes across from Ravenwolf and at full speed nearly decapitates her with a nasty looking clothesline that sends both of them over the top rope and on to the floor.

The Ref begins a Ten Count


Chris has Ravenwolf by the hair and slings her face first into the barricade. She’s kneeling now infront of the barricade holding her throbbing head and Chaos backs a few steps and takes off running toward her,



Chris attempts a running knee to the face, but Isabella is somehow able to duck underneath his legs, grabbing Chaos’s right ankle, dropping him to the ground and locking in a calf crusher,


Chris is screaming in pain, but is starting to wiggle free from the submission. Realizing this, Ravenwolf breaks the hold for a minuet so that she can lock it in better…



Ravenwolf stumbles back a bit, but then uses her length to fall forward and connect an ugly right hook of her own as she falls to her knees,


This infuriates Chaos who starts raging! He lifts Isabella up and drops her directly on her head with a vicious DDT





Chaos uses his strength to stand up, but Isabella still has a hold of his hair, delivering multiple head-butts now. Chaos pulls away, causing Ravenwolf to rip out chunks of his hair, he steps back and charges at her…



The Ref calls for the bell after the slowest Ten Count in history.

Tig O’Bitties: “Ladies and gentlemen, this match is a No Contest!”

Mike Stump: “Damnit! I hate when this happens!”

Gaylord Cockshafer: “But wait a minute! Is that? YES IT IS!”


Frodo appears from behind the curtain with a mic in his hand, and only a sock covering his willy.

Frodo: “Nah, nah, nah, nah! Did you people really think I was gunna’ let a match this important not have an outcome?!? Nah fuck that! This match is going to determine a contender for the Savage Championship!

I’m ordering this match be restarted, RIGHT NOW! Oh… and with NO HOLDS BARRED RULES!”

The crowd goes into a frenzy as the bell rings again.


Chaos is up to his feet first and stumbles into the crowd a bit, using a fans seat to catch himself before he falls over. Chris pushes the fan out of the way, grabbing his chair and folding it up, but as he turns around Ravenwolf has a chair of her own and is swinging it right at Chris’ head!

Chaos picks up his chair and blocks the blow, which causes Isabella to drop her chair as she bends over favoring her hands. Quickly Chris positions the top of his chair right in Ravenwolf’s throat and then slams her down onto the pavement.

Mike Stump: “Goodness! There’s no way she can breathe after that!”

Chaos grabs the back of Ravenwolf’s tights and begins running her to ring side again and…


Chaos slings Ravenwolf directly into the ring post, splitting her head wide open! He rolls her under the bottom rope and into the ring, and then goes for the cover…



3! NO!


Chaos lifts up Ravenwolf, and scoops her up for a body slam, but wait! Ravenwolf reverses and rolls Chaos up into a small package pin…



Chaos easily kicks out, but Ravenwolf is ontop of him quickly, whipping him into the ropes and landing a nice dropkick on the rebound, Chris is up quickly, but Ravenwolf hits another dropkick! Chris is up again quickly, but now Ravenwolf lands a painful roundhouse quick… this one keep Chaos down as Ravenwolf begins yelling at the crowd.

She exits the ring and grabs a steel chair, and begins to make her slow ascent to the top rope.

As she reaches the top rope she is met by Chaos, but he his met by a kick directly to the face causing him to fall on his back in the center of the ring.

Ravenwolf dives off of the top rope with the steel chair under her arm and crashes down onto Chaos with a sickening Diving Elbow Drop, damaging both competitors! It takes Ravenwolf a few moments before she can actually go for the cover…




Chaos was a pubic hair length away from losing this match!



Ravenwolf is pissed, and picks up the chair and starts wailing on Chaos. A chair sot to the back, a chair shot to the arm, a chair shot to the legs, a chair shot to the head! Chaos is flopping around the ring like a fish…

She steps back, whipping away the blood from her eyes and begins motioning for Chaos to stand up, and after a few moments he does, staggering around like a zombie.

Ravenwolf charges with the chair, she’s going to take his head off!


Mike Stump: “HE’S SETTING IT UP!”

EQUALIZER! Chris Chaos lands the sickening swinging DDT directly on the chair! Ravenwolf is out of it, but somehow she’s able to roll out of the ring, Chaos is down in the center of the ring.

The crowd begins chanting…
“This is awesome! This is awesome!”

After a few minutes of applause, Chaos gathers himself, as does Ravenwolf who is now sliding in a table into the ring, she has something else in her hand…
It’s a barbedwired baseball batt!!! She slides under the rope and tackles Chaos down and is now grinding the barbedwire into his face!

Mike Stump: “OH MY GOODNESS! Ravenwolf is mangling Chris’ beautiful face!”

Gaylord Cockshafer: “Chris looks worse than CM Punk!”

There is blood everywhere as Ravenwolf continues to slice Chaos’ face open with the barbedwire, somehow Chris gets an arm free and bashes Ravenwolf’s nose with his palm multiple times causing her to fall off of his body. As he stands back to his feet, the barbedwire bat is dangling from his forehead.

Chris grabs the bat and tares it from his flesh. He’s raging now and begins wildly swinging the bat at Ravenwolf who is rolling out of the way on the mat. She grabs the tables and shields her body as the bat ricochets off from the table and fly’s back, striking Chris in the face.

She gets up while Chris is down and sets up the table, positioning it by the turnbuckle and sets it on fire! Chris is up, but quickly Ravenwolf grabs his arm, places her boot on his face and drops both of their bodies to the mat…

Chris falls back and is leaning on the flaming table, his flesh is getting charred. Ravenwolf takes off running toward him, but he catches her with his trademark super kick, THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS!

He falls on her body…




Chris is ready to finish this! He drags her to the corner near the burning table and sets her up on the top rope, his strength is unreal as he sits on the top buckle and now has Ravenwolf lifted above his head…

Gaylord Cockshafer: “OH MY GOD!!!!! NO!!!!!”

Chaos vaults Ravenwolf off the top rope with super gorilla press! RIGHT TROUGH THE BURNING TABEL!


Chaos lifelessly falls on top of her for the pin…


Isabella mutters something under her breath, and the lights go out. The Arena is completely dark, and then just as quickly it returns to light. The lights are back on, and everyone is gone. Everyone waits in silence, and anticipation. The whole arena is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. And then Frodo comes running out from the back completely naked, except for a sock on his willy. No, he's halfway down the ramp and the sock has fallen off.

"Where the fuck are they? WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY COMPETITORS?!"

He turns to the announcers and time keepers, and they all shrug. Little Feather struts over to Frodo, takes his shirt off and poses for the camera.

The old ones speak of a place where Shadows and Light dance in harmony. This where Little Feather believes the two have gone.

Frodo shakes his head, damn sexy model fucks. And damn Lome's order not to sleep with any more employees. Fucking Girard.

"Little Feather, when you find them, tell them that they both will be in the Savage Title match. I'm going to dinner. War Pig, come on."

Disrespect Me?!

The arena is lit up, the audience going insane, loving every match and spot, a few fights had even broken out during matches between opposing fans. The aerial cam spirals around the arena once again displaying just how intense the fans have become. Just before “Monster” by Stemm blasts over the sound system; a clip of combat scenes begins to play upon the Xtron. “As I fall further away from myself!” vocals from the song, echoes throughout the arena, red, white, and blue pyro begins to erupt down the sides of the ramp. A man exits behind the curtains onto the ramp leading to the ring, his identity is covered by smoke from the pyro, as he begins walking down the ramp it is none other than Bearded War Pig, Patriotic pyro still erupting from the sides of the ramp, while the fans are screaming and raging, almost in a riot state or manner, but not quite as to the intensity of the Charlotte Riots. Bearded War Pig is not alone, he ha his green sea bag with a human resting on his shoulders.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Holy shit the fans are going insane for the rook B.W.P!

Mike Stump: Well this is his hometown, it isn't any surprise, I am more surprised that he didn’t have a match tonight, probably pisses a lot of fans off, I'd bet.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Yeah but he has a Championship match Wednesday, management probably didn’t want him to get hurt or anything, they have a lot more riding on the match he has on Wednesday, to risk anything crazy happening to him here.

Mike Stump: I suppose, but Bearded War Pig is a decorated war Hero, I am sure he could of handle any scrub Frodo or Lane could have thrown at him!

Bearded War Pig tosses the green sea bag in the ring under the bottom ropes, the bag begins to squirm around and roll toward the opposite side of the ring. Bearded War Pig climbs into the ring and walks over to each turnbuckle climbing half way up and raising his right arm with his fingers making the shaka symbol, similar to the hands next to his “Boom” tattoo on his front waistline. Bearded War Pig hops down off of the last turnbuckle and walks to the ropes closest to the commentators’ table. Calling for a mic, one is tossed to him from some tech guy working cords and what not next to Gaylord and Stump who are anxiously waiting to hear what the “Devil of Detroit” has to say.

Bearded War Pig: What the fuck is up Detroit!?

The audience begins to roar like a mighty lion on the plains of Africa, Bearded War Pig smiles and begins pacing around the ring, waiting for the fans to quiet down. Bearded War Pig stops in the center realizing if he doesn’t say anything the fans may never calm back down. He slowly raises the mic back to his mouth, which is smiling from ear to ear.

Bearded War Pig: Okay, okay, if you would please settle down, I have something I must say and express to all the fans and especially the one's here tonight, who feel they were screwed. I know for damn sure there are at least a few of you who are disappointed in not being able to see one of Detroit’s own in this ring beating the piss out of some scrub, but it isn’t going to happen. At least not officially! You all know me, I am not a man that follows rules or obeys authority very well, so I figured I would bring my own fun.

Some of you probably heard the radio broadcast from the local station ninety-two point three, where a certain Deutsch nozzle was blatantly disrespectful. Well, I don’t take too kindly to disrespect fucktards like this man. So unofficially you will get to see me in action after all. I’ve learned a lot from this great city and one of the most important things I learned is you have to be a man of violence to get respect around here. So my question to all of you is simply, who is ready for some violence?

Bearded War Pig gets the fans pumped and enthusiastic again, as he beats the mic on his chest, amping the audience up to about a ten. Bearded War Pig then drops the mic and walks over to the green sea bag that had to of seen a couple of deployments. The sand stains all over it were kind of a dead giveaway. Bearded War Pig unclips the bag as a man comes crawling out all bruised and bloody. The man quickly scurries away from Bearded War Pig and sits in a corner of the ring up against one of the turnbuckles, his ass still on the canvas of the ring. Bearded War Pig is smiling, as he doesn’t remove his eyes from the man, Bearded War Pig picks the mic back up.

Bearded War Pig: Look what we have here? He is a little cocksucker who goes by the name of Mr. Chase, the Deutsch from the radio station. Mr. Chase, what is the matter? You don’t seem so cocky now that you aren’t tucked safely in a booth at the radio station. What now you don’t feel the need to try and belittle me and my skills, well since you have so much doubt in my capabilities, maybe a demonstration is in order, I mean it would be useful for you, a little warm up for me, and most importantly the fans will get what they deserve.

The crowd roars again as Bearded War Pig starts walking toward the cowering and shaking Mr. Chase, who seems to be tearing up, knowing a bunch of pain is about to be inflicted upon him. Bearded War Pig stops about four feet from the poor bastard who has dropped into the fetal position.

Mike Stump: Oh damn, that man isn’t even going to try and defend himself, he looks like he is about to be a rape victim, maybe someone should intervene.

Gaylord Cockshafer: Well you can be my guest because I am not coming in between that Devil Dog and his meal!

Bearded War Pig looks out the fans and smiles before dropping the mic. B.W.P then looks at Mr. Chase who is now on his knees hands up begging and pleading for Bearded War Pig to leave him alone, B.W.P smiles and walks over to Mr. Chase. He extends his hand out to Mr. Chase like he is going to help him up, the fans begin to “Boo” in confusion. When suddenly B.W.P uses the hand he has extended to smack Mr. Chase, who falls back head first into the second turnbuckle tie in. Bearded War Pig then begins to charge the turnbuckle, driving his right knee viciously into the face of Mr. Chase, blood spills from his forehead. Bearded War Pig then bends down and lifts Mr. Chase’s limp body up, leaving him standing in the turnbuckle while turning and walking almost to the opposite cornered turnbuckle.

Bearded War Pig turns around and charges back like a middle linebacker from hell and spears Mr. Chase in the corner, almost ripping him in half. Chase falls from the turnbuckle landing face first belly down on the canvas. The Audience erupts in excitement like the crowd at a gladiator battle or something. Bearded War Pig then runs bounces off the ropes and nails a huge baseball slid right into the side of Mr. Chase’s head. B.W.P then grabs the unconscious radio host and tosses him over his shoulders. Walking toward the same turnbuckle, Bearded War Pig sets the radio host on the top turnbuckle facing out toward the audience. He then raises his arm with the “shaka” symbol being displayed with his hand and fingers.

The fans get wild again, knowing what is next Bearded War Pig climbs the turnbuckle, stopping at the halfway mark and drops a few closed fists on the top of Mr. Chase’s head, with each one the fans count out loud.











After the tenth fist indents the skull of Mr. Chase, Bearded War Pig throws up the “Shaka” once again, making the crowd react like a pack of wolves some getting physical with their neighbors, others starting a mosh pit, security begins to take the crowd, using non-lethal tactics to try and disperse the violent activity. Bearded War Pig then wraps his arms around the dazed Mr. Chase, with a sadistic smile, Bearded War Pig lifts Mr. Chase to his feet at the top turnbuckle, Pig raises one last “Shaka” hand and arm signal before he explodes all his energy upward and back. Executing a portion of his finisher known as the “Wargasm”, well just the backflip German Suplex part of the finisher.

The crowd goes silent in disbelief after the loud “Thud” of the men crashing to the canvas from the top turnbuckle with extra force from B.W.P’s energy. Which makes the Chief of Security call off his goons. The audience now focused on the ring watching, waiting for what Bearded War Pig has in store for them. Pig slowly climbs to his feet, while Mr. Chase lays completely spread out and lifeless. Bearded War Pig makes it to his feet, his hands on his thighs bent over a little, he begins to smile, which slowly turns into laughter of joy and accomplishment. Bearded War Pig walks over to where he dropped the mic and picks it up. Before speaking he walks over to the turnbuckle, which they had just crashed from. Pig leans in the corner a little winded from the high-risk move he just executed.

Bearded War Pig: Now maybe some of you won’t doubt my abilities and maybe more of you will have faith in one of your own, I am bringing the gold back to Detroit, come Wednesday night, when I face off with Dillinger. No, I don’t expect the exact same outcome as here tonight, simply because I don’t believe Dillinger is a pussified bitch like Mr. Chase here. However, the outcome will be me leaving with the Intercontinental Championship Belt, and with another solid victory under my belt! Until Wednesday you degenerate fucks. Oink, Oink, Mother Fucker!

Bearded War Pig drops the mic, “Monster” by Stemm begins to blast from the loudspeakers, and Bearded War Pig climbs out of the ring and begins walking backwards up the ramp not taking his eyes off the badly beaten Mr. Chase in the middle of the ring, now being checked on by the XWF medical staff, as the scene fades.

The End.

Tig O’Bitties: “Please welcome to the ring, Paul Heyman!”

Paul makes his way out from behind the curtain, and heads toward the ring,

“Hey toots, no need for the introduction, I’ve got this. Oh and great tits by the way… can we all please give a round of applause for Tig’s tits?”

The crowd cheers while Tig blushes,

“That’s all she has going for her, she deserves that!
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. I am the advocate of the reigning, defending, undisputed XWF Federweight Champion of the World, DOLLLLLLY WAAAAATERS!

And much to the dismay of XWF’s resident CEO, mister Vincent Lane, seeing as how we are now…”

Paul looks down at his watch,

“5 minutes past broadcast; I’ll be hijacking the end of the show for the second straight week. But don’t worry; the shareholders up in NYC will be glad to see that the show will end on a high note again.

But I’m here to regretfully inform all of you that again, due to the gross incompetence of the XWF management team, my client will not be participating this evening.

In the XWF’s infinite wisdom, last week they left that bulbous pig, and sorry ass excuse for a Hart Champion, Ghost Tank, in charge of the show… oh and it shows, as he helped drive the ratings off of a cliff from Mt. Kiliman-fuckin-jaro and right into the ground!

I guess while also being the worst Hart Champion of all time next to Drew Archyle and forever tarnishing the title’s reputation, Ghost Tank was too busy fantasizing about the opportunity to feel-up on Luna Hightower as he’s trying to pivot toward her being his title’s contender, RATHER THAN RUNNING A DECENT SHOW!

So rather than booking my client, the ratings magnet, the beloved, the destroyer of jaws, Dolly Waters, they let, Ghost Stank…”

Paul stops and chuckles,


Laughing with tears in his eyes now,

“GHOST STANK! Parade around out here like some sort of long running epileptic joke, boring us all to death… EARTH TO GHOST TANK, FILTER FUCKING SUCKS!

And don’t worry, Ghosty, I’m not in any way trying to suggest that my client should face you for the Hart Championship, although it would be the best thing to happen to the belt since Vinnie Lane carried it; BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T EARNED AN OPPORTUNITY TO FACE MY CLIENT!

Though I may not handle® myself the way I used to, we all know that I know a thing or two about running a good program, and this pitiful crap we’ve been broadcasting lately, is anything but good. It’s abysmal.

You see, not even the prospect at having a new exclusive Savage Champion can entice wrestlers, or viewers, to partake in the tomfoolery that current exists with this program. I wouldn’t even dare wipe my ass with the current card.

It’s not just Savage either, the entire brand, including Warfare is suffering, so please tell me why in the blue hell would a talent like Unknown Solider, Peter Gilmore, Dr. D’Ville or Scully even dare opt into such a booked show?

Well I have a gift for you, ALL OF YOU, and her name is DOLLY FUCKIN’ WATERS!

Dolly Waters is a gift from the heavens, because guess what? In the last hour last week, particularly, the last half hour when my client and I were out here, the ratings fucking QUDRUPELED! And the management team thinks that Dolly Waters shouldn’t be the Savage Champion? Well she already is without even holding the belt! Because Dolly Waters is the only thing keeping this shit hole show relevant!”

Dr. Louis D’Ville’s music hits! Paul looks happily surprised as the arena gives the Doctor a huge pop!

“Now Mr. Heyman, I really must say, when the rumors surfaced about little Miss Waters hiring a new manger…”

The Doctor continues talking while walking down to the ring,

“…I was intrigued. But you were certainly the last person I expected she’d hire, and before you call me a misogynist, or an ageist, or whatever negative connotation you’d like to paint me as; it’s not because I don’t she’s talented…”

D’Ville enters the ring, his voice growing more stern and serious as he looks Heyman right in the eye,

“…Because I know firsthand how talented Dolly Waters is, I know firsthand what potential she possesses. What I don’t know is why she’d hire you; the one man who will surely rip away the one trait Dolly has that can make her truly unstoppable.

And certainly, I do expect Dolly to garner a great deal of accolade and success under your watch, after all, you are Paul Heyman; but if you really care for her, if you really want to see your client become all that she was born to become, then release her to me, Paul… because you know, and I know, just what I am capable of doing for her.”

[Image: 16544%20-%20autoplay_gif%20gif%20laughin...%20wwe.gif]

Paul begins laughing hysterically in D’Ville’s face, as the usually cool and collected Doctor seems to grow a bit frustrated.

“So let me get this straight, I just signed on with the hottest free agent in our industry, the one person with the potential star power to eclipse even the likes of Vinnie Lane; THE ONE PERSON WHO CAN TAKE ANY TITLE, ANY TIME SHE WANTS, THE ONE PERSON WHO AT THE AGE OF ELEVEN DEFEATED YOU WHILE YOU WERE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, THE ONE PERSON WHO CAN ACTUALLY DRAW A BIG STAR LIKE ‘THE BIG BAD WOLF’ DOC D’VILLE TO A DUMPSTERFIRE SHOW LIKE SAVAGE… and you want me to just hand her over to you?

Because of some special trait you claim she possesses?

Well guess what Doc, it aint happening’, not now, not ever, and on top of that, with all due respect sir, you can kiss the whitest region of my ass!

…Dolly Waters, ain’t goin no-fuckin’-where.”

The Doctor approaches Heyman and grabs him by his tie,

“Mr. Heyman, I do fear you’ve forgotten just who it is that you’re dealing with…”

Heyman looks scared shitless, but still responds,

“Maybe, Doctor… But I also believe that you’ve forgotten.”


The arena explodes with excitement!

Dolly Waters’ music hits as she comes rushing toward the ring and slides under the bottom rope, D’Ville turns and swings on her, but she ducks and slides under his legs, connecting to the back of his knee with a kick, and following up to the back of his head with a punch combo.

D’Ville hits the ropes and covers up while Dolly continues to land strikes, but out of nowhere he reverses and now has her on the ropes, beating her head in…

Up in New York the Shareholders are getting calls from the cable network, THE RATINGS ARE GOING THROUGH THE ROOF!

The backstage empties with security, refs and XWF Superstars as they desperately scramble to break up the brawl between Waters and D’Ville.

The lights suddenly flicker out, then come back on and Doctor D'Ville is up on the stage!

The show closes with Dolly being restrained in the ring; Doctor D’Ville up on the stage winks over at Dolly and blows her a kiss, while the young lady begins laughing and wiping away some blood from her lip.

As the broadcast ends, Vinnie Lane turns off the flat screen TV in his office. He sits there quietly for a moment, intertwining his fingers together and sitting his chin onto his hands… His eyes squint, as he exhales deeply through his nose,

“Interesting. Very, very interesting.”

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 7 users Like Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
(09-24-2016), Kitt Kennedy (09-25-2016), Misty Waters (09-24-2016), Muddy Waters (09-24-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-24-2016), The Monster of Htaed (09-24-2016), Vincent Lane (09-24-2016)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-24-2016, 08:26 PM

Ghost Tank sighs, shaking his head and Paul Heyman's words. He wore his black suit and green tie, yawning softly before speaking,

"The reason why I chose Filter to open the show, is for one simple reason: to make the local fans happy. Do you think I truly enjoy Filter? No. I do not. I have better tastes in music than that. However, they are from the very same city the arena that hosted us in. The fans left happy as hell. Until I see the proof of ratings and not just words from your own lying mouth, will I know how well the XWF Galaxy liked or disliked my show.

Now, Dolly is nobody. A champion, but still a nobody. Oh no, she won the Cruiserweight equivalent of the XWF, and I don't mean the good times of that title, oh no, I mean the period of time when Hornswoggle was the champion. That's how low I think of the Federweight belt. It is the lowest form of title this company has. If you look at our website, you cannot even see who is the Federweight champion. You have to go to a tiny little link and do a little digging into it in order to find out who the hell the champion is.

Even the site shows low regard to the belt. So what makes you think she is going places? She won the shittiest belt in our company, so we must bow down to her? She won it twice, so it proves she's the greatest champion of all time?

No. All it shows is that you have fallen on tough times, Mr. Heyman. But what could I expect from a man who had Curtis Axel, a man that was a third generation wrestler, one that has been practically out of sight and out of mind out of WWE?

Soon, Dolly will be just like him. Out of sight. Out of mind."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-24-2016, 08:32 PM

Nate Higgers walks out of the Waters dressing room, holding what looks like a used maxi pad and giving it a good sniff.

Mmmmmm, yep.

Looks like little Dolly's a woman now!

[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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Misty Waters Offline
TITLE - X-treme Champion

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-24-2016, 08:38 PM

(09-24-2016, 08:26 PM)Ghost Tank Said: Ghost Tank sighs, shaking his head and Paul Heyman's words. He wore his black suit and green tie, yawning softly before speaking,

"The reason why I chose Filter to open the show, is for one simple reason: to make the local fans happy. Do you think I truly enjoy Filter? No. I do not. I have better tastes in music than that. However, they are from the very same city the arena that hosted us in. The fans left happy as hell. Until I see the proof of ratings and not just words from your own lying mouth, will I know how well the XWF Galaxy liked or disliked my show.

Now, Dolly is nobody. A champion, but still a nobody. Oh no, she won the Cruiserweight equivalent of the XWF, and I don't mean the good times of that title, oh no, I mean the period of time when Hornswoggle was the champion. That's how low I think of the Federweight belt. It is the lowest form of title this company has. If you look at our website, you cannot even see who is the Federweight champion. You have to go to a tiny little link and do a little digging into it in order to find out who the hell the champion is.

Even the site shows low regard to the belt. So what makes you think she is going places? She won the shittiest belt in our company, so we must bow down to her? She won it twice, so it proves she's the greatest champion of all time?

No. All it shows is that you have fallen on tough times, Mr. Heyman. But what could I expect from a man who had Curtis Axel, a man that was a third generation wrestler, one that has been practically out of sight and out of mind out of WWE?

Soon, Dolly will be just like him. Out of sight. Out of mind."


"Oh Ghost Tank, cry me a fucking river. You talk all of that crap, yet you weren't man enough to come out to that ring and challenge my words. Go ahead and say that my client isn't worth your time, but obviously she's worth Dr. D'Ville's time, so blow it out of your ass you coward.

No one has time for your excuses.

2x KWA Unified Southern Glory Champion
6x KWA Middleweight Champion
4x KWA Tag Team Champion
1x XWF XTreme Champion

-Dumb Dolly records that no one cares about-

3x XTreme Champion
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

3x Star Of The Month
August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-24-2016, 08:49 PM

(09-24-2016, 08:38 PM)Dolly Waters Said: Paul:

"Oh Ghost Tank, cry me a fucking river. You talk all of that crap, yet you weren't man enough to come out to that ring and challenge my words. Go ahead and say that my client isn't worth your time, but obviously she's worth Dr. D'Ville's time, so blow it out of your ass you coward.

No one has time for your excuses.

"Because D'Ville apparently has nothing else to do but appear on this show. I, however, have a young up and comer, trying to put me in the ground. So he's trying very hard to beat me.

D'Ville has Robbie Bourbon and Arby Beef. Which isn't much of a competition. Mostly because D'Ville has Unknown Soldier on his side.

He's trying to get back into the limelight, and I don't have to. I don't have to go after someone like Dolly Waters, who, if you recall my OPEN CHALLENGE, could've accepted it, and I would've fought her, instead. So, you going on and trying to put me down, trying to call me a coward? Yet you didn't say 'Dolly Waters will face you!', nor did many other people that could've fucking showed up and said they'd face me. So, either it shows the cowardice of me, or maybe, juuuuust maybe, it shows just how cowardly the rest of the locker room truly is.

They all want to talk shit about me. They all want to tear me down. But NONE of them came out and accepted my challenge.

So, how about you do what you do best, Heyman, and tuck your tail between your legs and run. Or, in this case, shutting your mouth up."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Misty Waters Offline
TITLE - X-treme Champion

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-24-2016, 08:54 PM

[Image: tumblr_muyadhp4KI1sc9c73o3_250.gif]

2x KWA Unified Southern Glory Champion
6x KWA Middleweight Champion
4x KWA Tag Team Champion
1x XWF XTreme Champion

-Dumb Dolly records that no one cares about-

3x XTreme Champion
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

3x Star Of The Month
August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Misty Waters's post!
Guppy Parsh (09-24-2016)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-24-2016, 09:02 PM

(09-24-2016, 08:54 PM)Dolly Waters Said:
[Image: tumblr_muyadhp4KI1sc9c73o3_250.gif]

[Image: tumblr_nxxq93Kjay1ucjaoho1_540.gif]

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr. Oz's post:
Guppy Parsh (09-24-2016)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-24-2016, 09:10 PM

"You kids."

[Image: MuttleyAni.gif~c200]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
Misty Waters (09-24-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-24-2016, 11:02 PM

uhh when did barney green ever beat the greatness that is PETER FUCKIN' GILMOUR?

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Misty Waters (09-25-2016)

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