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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Bit of Talk
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-10-2016, 10:24 PM

As Tchaikovsky played in the background, He had spent some time, learning about those in the tournament, learning about his tag team partner, Bearded War Pig. Ghost Tank had spent some time off, after the loss to Felix. Zeke did nothing for Ghost Tank when it really mattered, and was 'suspended' for now, until Tank felt he was ready to pull the Freak off the bench.

He sat upon his gothic skull throne, still stained with blood from a very long time ago reading the papers within his right hand, a dossier, looking at more than just Bearded War Pig's name, and his city, it showed him his military record, his combat action, his psychology report.

He didn't say a single word, as he thumbed through word after word, sentence after sentence, paragraph after paragraph. He sighed softly, looking through every page several times, before standing up, walking over to a mahogany desk, placing the report on top of it before moving to sit back down, beginning to think deeply, as Waltz of the Flowers sounded inside his chamber.

"First, I want to congratulate you, Joshua Payne. Would you rather be called by your ring name? I can understand that. I'd rather be called Ghost Tank, but once people know of your real name, it's hard for them to change back. My name is Oswald Autem Sephtis. I came from a privileged family, where my father and mother had their fingers in many metaphorical pies, which left me many stocks, many companies, and a lot, and I really mean a lot of fucking money. When they died, though, I left and nearly burned the home to the ground as I left.

I was thirteen.

I didn't come back to my home until a couple years ago, near the end of twenty-fourteen. So, nearing my thirty-third birthday, I came back, and resumed control of all the companies, stocks, and gained all of the money in my accounts. So, nearly twenty years later, after living off of nothing, and meeting my wife, I learned that while I could condition myself to live with next to nothing but enough money for food, I'd much rather live with a fuck ton of cash at my disposal.

Before I became the man you are tagged with, I was somewhat unleashed, crazed. I grew out of what I used to be. I was a monster controlled by those with more willpower than I. Last year was the year of my liberation. When I stopped becoming the crazed protector, and I became Death, the Destroyer of Worlds. Since then, I became more powerful, became more hard to destroy. I am a two time champion, once of the Intercontinental title, and now of the title I am still having work done to. It needs to be remade, thanks to a bitch denting it. Blessing in disguise though. It should reflect Owen Hart, not Bret Hart. Not just honor him, but be in the style of Owen, the Black Hart.

Now, onto our opponents. Do you know who I think is going to be in our way? Four men. Sure as hell isn't Barney Green, Equinox, Drezdin, any of the imbeciles in La Familia, whoever Legend Killer is. It isn't even going to be John Black, Reaver, Jerkbeast, and Greg.

No. The four men in our way onto our war path to the tag team title match, is Doctor Louis D'Ville, Unknown Soldier, Peter Gilmour and Michael McBride.

These four men, are established men. Three of them are above me. Michael McBride is below me. Doc because he actually held the Universal title for a long time as well was the King of the Ring, until Lane came around and took the Universal away. Soldier, because he has not just one case, but two and the ability to have a third. Gilmour is someone I've faced twice. I've lost once, I've won once. These three men above me, are the true threats. You will have to come at them with your entire being if you want us to win. Just like I will.

Michael McBride was in a triple threat for my title, and he fucking lost. He had a shot, he didn't beat me, nor did he beat Jakob. I won by pinning Jakob. I still have my title today, because he wasn't worthy.

For those we have to face in the first round? Jerkbeast is nothing more than a little smack talking shit, and Greg is a nobody. I know nothing about Greg, nor do i care to know anything. Only Jerkbeast will come out with something, and I know that he will go down hard and fast, just like a cheerleader at Prom night.

Bearded War Pig, you asked if I am a descendant of the Nephilim. No, I am not. I do contain the power within me, however, to destroy many in my path. I hope that you, too, have that power contained inside.

And Peter, I spoke about those times we fought. You neglect our actual first bout. Where YOU got PINNED by my tag partner. Not Morbid, YOU got pinned. You want to cherry pick, Gilmour, of our matches. I won't let you. Because just know that so far, in singles matches you are up one to zero. However, this isn't singles, is it? This is a tag team bout.

Where I am one to nothing against you.

Bearded War Pig and I will most likely face either you and McBride in the second round or the finals, but we both know, Gilly, that this doesn't favor you, does it? It favors me.

Soldier... Doctor. I can't wait to face you two in the ring for the second or the final round.

Joshua, we are going to destroy them. They will all soon hear the screams as I do. I know you hear screams, but soon, theirs will be added to the collection.

To all of you out there hoping to win...

Can you hear it yet?


[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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