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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Wrestling Mats and Shit
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-05-2016, 06:48 PM

Wrestling Mats and Shit
Time: 1400
Date: Sep. 5th 2016
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

The Scene opens inside the Trump International Tower wrestling room, where a huge section of a whole floor is walled off and filled with wrestling mats for the XWF superstars to train. The camera is zoomed and focused on one man particularly, Bearded War Pig. He is grappling with a trainer who seems to have him in size and skill; the trainer is pressing B.W.P towards the edge of the mat in a Muay Thai clench. B.W.P quickly breaks the clench with two forearms through his trainer’s biceps, just seconds before he would have been tossed out of bounds.

Bearded War Pig then ducks to the right and shoots through making it through his trainers guard. He then spins quickly and shoots inward wrapping his arms around his trainer’s waist, rolling his shoulders into his sparring partners thighs. B.W.P’s fists then smash into the back of the trainer’s knees, sending him falling backwards. As the trainer looses his footing, Bearded War Pig quickly transitions from a take down into an arm bar, with a heel to the face. B.W.P uses the connection of his heel to his advantage as he tries to thrust his hips up under his trainer’s shoulders deeper.

His sparring partner and trainer quickly reacts to the thrusting of B.W.P’s pelvis and raises his leg and foot to B.W.P’s hip and digs his heel in. Just as he begins to apply pressure, he also rolls in to the arm bar and delivers a swift elbow right across B.W.P’s cheekbone. B.W.P releases the arm bar and quickly covers his face and rolls out of the way of any more of his trainer’s blows. His trainer quickly climbs to his feet and smiles looking at the cut across B.W.P’s cheek.

Bearded War Pig smiles back from the ground, as his chest rises high and low, not in the best shape of his life, but looking decent. His trainer comes in with a swift kick to the right ribs; B.W.P winces and quickly gets back in a tight defensive position. This next time the trainer goes to stomp B.W.P he quickly catches his foot and twists his ankle with such force and aggression it spins the trainer right off his feet, sending him smashing into the mat face first. B.W.P doesn’t hesitate to climb to his feet and get back in a fighting stance a few feet away to catch his breath.

While B.W.P is catching his breath his trainer on the ground quickly scurries even further away on his back watching Bearded War Pig’s every move, which is nothing more than the heavy breathing. The trainer smiles and then climbs to his feet. He quickly presses forward, both men lock up in the center of the mat and begin to try and muscle one another. B.W.P’s trainer drops to one knee and slides B.W.P on his shoulders and then slams him to the mat with a hard back-fall. The trainer then gains footing and bends down lifting B.W.P to his feet only to lock him in a Full Nelson and sending him right back the mat with a Full Nelson Slam.

Bearded War Pig smashes the mat hard; back first, his head snaps and hits even with a even harder second. His vision goes a little blurry as he sees a fast approaching opponent. Knowing this could very well be him come Saturday or Wednesday, he quickly wipes his eyes and shakes his head. Just as his trainer’s hands grasp his arm and begin lifting him in the air. B.W.P quickly pulls back and kicks his trainer in the gut keeling him over; B.W.P capitalizes and drops his trainer face first with Snap DDT out of nowhere.

Bearded War Pig rolls on to his stomach and smiles as his trainer is rolling around the mat holding his face and wincing in pain. Bearded War Pig lifts himself up in a push up position and then to his knees, smile still stretched across his sweating fur covered face. B.W.P takes a deep breath knowing he will have a little before his trainer recovers. He then begins laughing.

“I am sure my agent sold you on the fact I wouldn’t know jack about wrestling, well he didn’t know I use to have a little stint in a backyard promotion, my buddies and myself ran. We where in high school, but we where obsessed with wrestling!”

His trainer now shows sign of regaining his barring as he is now on all fours; B.W.P goes in almost connecting with a huge boot to the side of the face. His trainer quickly rolls out the way and climbs to his feet almost in one solid combat roll motion. The sparring partner then quickly sprints full speed and connects with a clothesline sending B.W.P flipping and smashing into the mat on his back. The trainer waists no time and lifts B.W.P up and quickly wraps his arms around his waist from the backside. B.W.P’s trainer then sends all his energy backwards as he lifts him from the ground.

Just as B.W.P is up over the trainers’ head and backwards his vision is clear and he notices his agent, he screams.

“You’re DEAD you pip squeak!”

Bearded War Pig manages to blabber our before he goes crashing down into the mat from his trainer’s German Suplex. His trainer quickly gets up and begins moving in when he notices B.W.P’s agent who happened to hire him standing there briefcase in hand, balding hair line, nerdy glasses, and a little too small of a suit. The trainer stops his aggressive posture and begins shaking his head before smiling.

“Oh B.W.P you are one lucky client, I was just about to really start making you work for everything on this mat!”

“What Jimmy, I was just about to put the hands to you son!?

Bearded War Pig says holding the back of his head eyes closed and still laying on the mat at least with a smile on his face.

“Maybe you’ll get that chance after your baby sitter is done breast feeding you! He looks serious, hahaha, I told you it isn’t Jimmy, and it is James Grunder.”

James Grunder, Bearded War Pig’s trainer then turns away and begins to walk off leaving B.W.P and his agent to business. B.W.P’s agent walks over to the still fallen B.W.P, he kneels down so he can talk calmly amongst the noise from wrestlers training.

“Hey bud sorry to come in here during the middle of your training schedule, but you don’t really leave me any choice when you don’t return my calls. So why you are down there, why don’t you think about what you want to say about your tag tournament with your partner Ghost Tank? The Fans and the company want to hear from the new stars as much as possible, come on, this isn’t all just going to come free, you need to put in some work!”

“The only fucken reason you’re talking like that is because I can’t feel my face right now, that dude fucking slammed me into a LSD trip I think! Just fucking with you, but you’re stupid ass better be gone by the time I can get up or I am going to beat you until you shit your fucken pants!”

“Whatever you say asshole, just make sure you fucking cut a promo here before you two faggios get back to whatever fucked up shit you wrestlers are into.”

“I swear to fucken God Arney you better hope I get real fucked up on something after this sparring session or he really knocks me stupid, because if I remember this shit, you’re dead!”

“Make sure to do the promo or you will end up broke, understand, we need some endorsements, we need to get your image out there, the people need to want to see you in commercials doing shit they do. So make it happen, remember to mention your tag match, that will be this ones main focus a few things about Seth Connors and the Tables Elimination Match is alright but keep main point on the tag tournament, win that, we could be seeing a pay increase sooner than later, understand? Good!”

Arnold Greyson, B.W.P’s agent whom he refers to as Arney, slaps Bearded War Pig on the face slightly and then walks off toward the wrestling room exit. Bearded War Pig rolls over to his stomach and begins slowly crawling to his feet shaking his head not believing that little shits actions and words. Once gaining his ground and slowly stretching his back, he notices the camera man has come up close enough for a promo.

“Talk about kicking a guy when he is down, you happen to get all that on camera, I am sure the viewers and my opponents would love to see all that bullshit! So I suppose my agent sent you over here saying I would cut a promo real quick, so why the fuck not... So I don’t just have to worry about Seth Connors and a Tables Elimination Match, I have to worry about a tag team tournament, great just great. Seriously I am fucking pumped nothing beats the thrill and adrenaline of hand to hand combat, well besides bullets and bombs.

I know right then and there it may seem like I am no wrestler or have any reason of being in the ring amongst some of the greats, well I simply don’t give a shit. Those so called greats don’t have no reason of being in the ring with me! That goes for my tag partner too, keep up or stay out of my way, I need this shot at gold, I am fucking poor bro! Yeah it is true, if I don’t make this whole wrestling career pan out, I might as well find myself in a halfway house. It doesn’t bother me though it makes me want it that much more.

Ghost Tank I hope you get a chance to watch this if you aren’t watching it live on XWF’s website already, I hear you are a freak of nature, good, I could use a partner with such legend. What are you a descendent from the Nephilim? That would be badass if I do say so myself bro, but it doesn’t matter though, you are a giant who can do lucha libre shit, that is intense! I am impressed and that is really hard to do. So I can’t wait to work with you or not, I understand you may just want to stay out of each others way, that is fine, just pull your own. I am in this for the win.

Now on too our opponents, Jerkbeast and Greg Busdriver, who in there right mind, would sign these asshats? I mean I don’t really know anything about them, but their names say all I need to know. Hell if it was just those two that I had to worry about I wouldn’t even bother with all this training. I say that because they will just be one team of three we will face. I will make it to the last tag match of the tournament that is a guarantee, with or without Ghost Tank. I don’t know we might just have to let Ghost Tank handle those two morons. I mean like those two could be of any threat...

So now there is like six other teams minus Jerking Greg the Busdriver off and us, in whom we will have to face at least two of them and not having any clue which team they could be, sounds like the odds are in my favor. You know a jerk off like Gilmour can’t handle the pressures of unknown chaos; the guy seems like a total Tool bag of Douche, I am just assuming, never met the guy nor care if I do formally that is. I may see his punk ass in the ring come the tag tournament, in which case prepare to be used as a shit rag my friend. I will literally ball you up and wipe Ghost Tanks ass with you!

This tournament is going to be a night to remember, bodies are going to be put to the test, I mean everyone better be training on their stamina. It won’t matter how technical you are come the third round and your gas is on empty motherfuckers. You all better get out off the couch and get some hardcore endurance training in. Make those balls sweat bitches! I know for sure my ass is going to be hitting my training sessions extra hard, leaving myself in a puddle of sweat. Of course as long as I don’t get interrupted all the time to talk about my feeling and what not...

You want to see how the tag team tournament goes, spend the cash and buy some tickets to the show, then you will get to see first hand how it looks when men put their bodies on the line for the sport. I know all of the names obviously deserve some recognition, hell we are all part of the mother fucken XWF! That alone is a statement, can’t take that away from any of the men I may face, but what I can take away from them is their dignity, their will to compete, and their chance to become tag team champions this month!

So to all of you fine gentleman partaking in the fuck fest of tag team matches, good luck, train hard, and prepare to have your asses kicked all over the damn Trump International, I don’t play by the rules. Let me get a chance to bash some ones head in with a chair or any other object, I’ll take it. All is fare in love and war! So bring your bats and balls and lets give one hell of a show. Tootles for now bitches, daddy has to get back to the mat.”

The scene fades as James Grunder makes his way back to the mat to begin sparring with B.W.P again...
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