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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
You gotta be shitting me pt 2
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-04-2016, 01:37 PM shitting me, I mean it's one thing that some months back I got challenged by the biggest piece of monkey shit...littleraly...that the xwf has ever had on a roster then killing him hopefully for good in a first ever human torch match in Crimson dong.....but.....***sigh***...seriously this mother fucker!? Really? Him? Yeah I know that I now have a 4-12 record and not 0-16 Detroit lions record and still suck but come on here Jesus god damn Christ here..advant..garde..guy. Last time I remember if my memory serves me correct the guy faced Luna Hightower and got his ass ended by a sledgehammer and ended up in a hospital. FUCK DAMN IT TO HELL!!!!!!!! Of all the vagina growing cuntless that Frodo had to book me on with is this homeboy. FRODO YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD why in the sam hell him? I mean yeah I still suck with a 4-12 record but why couldn't I get my ass whooped by a xwf diva? Or get some stupid ass local competitor? Damn...damn...damn it! ***sigh*** well look at the bright side of it is another idiot that the xwf won't have to worry about period. That and don't get me wrong or anything I've got nothing but love and respect for Luna Hightower but at least I get to finish what she could not do that is put his ass in hospice care, if he's even able to fight. None the less if there is some miracle fluke of a chance that his ass does make it where he can face me..then I'll promise all y'all boys and girls that his ass will permitnetly be in hospice care. I know your watching and listening to this advant garde guy some where I'm warning you that if you think about getting up I'll put you right do win where you were. All you are right now is another step of some one that needs to be to get rid of. And when it's all said and done if all goes well I Drezdin and the xwf will never see you EEEVVVEEERRR AGAIN!

Victorjia:aaahhh not to fuck up your promo or anything but you can use Frodo in your promo or even mentioning him at all BJ, you know that.

Drezdin:***sigh*** first of all no shit Einstein doc obvious I know that I can't and secondly I'm not using him all I'm doing is mentioning him, that's completely legal, and three if I did he himself woulda texted me or called me. Oh and by the way yes you did fucked it up.

Victorija:still if you did do it or not he will take action

Drezdin:like what sit on me rape me upper cut out cold? What? How?

Victorija:I dunno, you know him more than I do

Drezdin:like I said before if I did he woulda called me or texted me about it. And that's beside the point. The point is this it's not about what I did or his ass when it's all said and done just like the last idiot I faced advant guys.....

Victorija:garde bro..

Drezdin:what ever, like was saying just like the last idiot that I faced I'll do the same shit to advant but putting him in hospice care...PERMENITLY!

(the scene fades to black)

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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