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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Devil of Detroit pt. Two
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-02-2016, 06:27 PM

Pre-Match Weight Training Video
Time: 2000
Date: Sep. 3rd 2016
Location: Trump International Tower

The scene opens up inside the weight room of the Trump International Tower, where Bearded War Pig is in the middle of a Burpee, Pull-up, and Deadlift circuit. Sweat is pouring off of B.W.P’s beard and hair, streaming down his back and chest like rivers of the earth. His vision is a little blurry from the lack of oxygen to his brain, holding his breathe more and more as time goes on in the HIIT style circuit. B.W.P finishes his last Deadlift and begins to move toward the pull up bar when he notices the camera crew lurking from behind a couple weight racks.

B.W.P looks at his watch and shakes his head grabbing a towel off of the bench next to the deadlift station; he begins wiping his face clean. Tossing the towel back on the bench he begins walking like a proud gorilla toward the camera all his muscles popping and glimmering from the perfect lighting and glossiness from the sweat droplets. Once making it about three feet in front of the camera man, he smiles happily. For about two seconds and he suddenly erupts like a volcano, tossing a weight rack to the side sending the weights crashing.

The camera crew begins to back away in fear, as the camera bounces around for a few seconds barely focused you see a naked arm reach closely across the lens. Then the camera focuses and you can see a sweaty beard, then you can hear B.W.P’s voice as he strangles the cameraman.

“You fucking blood sucking fucks couldn’t even wait until a man is done with his training before barging in my temple and fucking with my aura! I should rip your fucking head off and shit down the hole which it would leave!”

Bearded War Pig then pushes the cameraman back into the wall and starts laughing.

“I’m just fucking with you bro, I knew you’d be coming, my agent told me to make another appearance, even if my opponent hasn’t yet. I’m new I get it the more exposure the better for us. So calm down keep rolling, maybe I will show you boys a couple things to bring some sexy back, eh? Your girlfriends would appreciate that a lot, maybe you might just want to toss her my number, and she’d really appreciate that.

Enough about you no bodies though, might as well use this time to talk about my match against Seth Connor and get a little of my background out there, since I was in the middle of training, I may take a break or two from talking to keep the blood flowing. Which happens to be something I love more than anything adrenaline, I love the feeling of the thick American blood flowing through my muscles. Probably why I love conflict, love hand-to-hand combat, and probably why I loved being a Marine.

Yeah wrestling is different, I am sure, I have never done it before professionally nor did I wrestle in High School, and I never made it to college. Well at least not a real college, just kill college, what I like to call the Marine Corps. Any ways before I get all fucking side tracked and what not, it doesn’t matter that I have never done this before, I have been brought up to not take shit from no one. I’ve fought in a war multiple deployments, I am not afraid to lace up the boots, toss on the elbow and knee pads, and go toe to toe with the greats! Let alone another rookie like myself. So all of you doubters, naysayers, and flat out haters, prepare for disappointment.”

Bearded War Pig hops up on the pull up bar and busts out thirty strict pull ups in about a minute, dropping down off the bar, he grabs his Coolgear water bottle and takes a gulp. B.W.P then turns back to the camera wiping his beard clean.

“I’ve been preparing for this match my whole life, without even knowing it, all the runs, the hikes, the physical training courses, and workouts with my brothers in arms. All of it will make this task of defeating Seth Connors in a Tables Elimination Match, as easy as a five-dollar whore! You think you will wear me down, think again; gas mask death runs couldn’t wear down this machine, I am indestructible. So when the win just seems unattainable after we meet in the squared circle and the bell rings, don’t feel so discouraged; you were placed with an impossible task.

Honestly if your little shrimp dick ass shows up I personally will be impressed and will have respect for you, if you don’t, I would understand. Who in their right mind would want to go head to head against a killing machine? Literally my brain housing was wiped and remolded to not respond to terror with cowardice but to meet it head on with death and destruction! The hearts and minds concept to a Marine is two to the chest and one to the head! Most think that is fucked up but without that mindset in theatre you might as well dig your grave...

In all of the short twenty-six years of life I have never thought about digging my own grave, keep that in mind Seth. Two to the chest and one to the head, because that is all that will be on my mind, putting you threw as many tables as possible until I am proclaimed the winner. Just assuming that is how the match is won, like I said this is new to me. Not like pussy pounding, I have all the experience in the world in that category. Well I guess I should take my sorry ass back to the weights. Can’t wait to meet you Sethy poo, hope to hear from you before then, maybe you might entertain me a little!”

Bearded War Pig winks in the camera and smiles under his lion mane of a beard. He quickly then makes his way back over to the deadlift rack where he left the four twenty five on a bar for reps. Without any wrist wraps B.W.P grasps the bar and begins exploding from his feet all the way up to his shoulders just transferring energy, executing a proper deadlift. Holding at the top for about three seconds and releasing the bar completely. B.W.P resets for another rep as the camera fades to black.

The Devil of Detroit pt. Two
Time: 2300
Date: Aug. 3rd 2016
Location: Detroit, Michigan

Continued from The Devil of Detroit pt. One...

Bearded War Pig looks at Smut who is still ridiculously wearing his sunglasses and smiles while shrugging his shoulder. The two men quickly exchange weapons again. B.W.P licks both his pistols in a perverted seductive way. Smut just stares awkwardly for a second before shaking his head.

“Sorry these are my babies, Betty and Cyan...

Just as Bearded War Pig tries to explain his actions, Crack, Pow, Snap, bullets from 9mm impact in the walls right next to Bearded War Pig and Smut. Both men quickly dive for cover while sending cover fire up the staircase, B.W.P lands just next to the staircase, while Smut retreated back into the hallway. B.W.P quickly scrambles to his feet, pressing his back to the staircase and aiming his pistols upward toward the second story. A smile etches it’s way across his face as his eyes make contact with slight movement between the stairway rail banister.

Bearded War Pig’s natural instincts kick in and he aims down the barrels and squeezes the triggers gently, two rounds launch from the .40 cal. Smith and Wesson custom pistols. The bullets rip through the wood and pierce a thug in his chest twice sending him crashing back into an upstairs wall. B.W.P then quickly takes cover behind the couch knowing the gang will return fire. B.W.P sniffs his pistols and begins laughing maniacally before hollering to Smut.

“Holy shit these cockroaches, really don’t like when you kill when of their own! Fucking ignorant little shits!”

“Let’s just get this fucking done and over with, someone has had to report the gunshots already, you crazy bastard!”

“Have you forgotten where the fuck we are? We are in the Devil’s playground and daddy feels like playing! Blitzkrieg!”

B.W.P. bows his head, eyes closed in prayer as a wicked smile etches across his face and his eyes open with a piercing look of destruction. B.W.P then spins off the staircase wall and steps right in front of the stairs full sprint pistols hot. Smut instantly reacts from the code word “Blitzkrieg” by charging right behind watching to the side of the top of the staircase. B.W.P lets rounds fly down range ripping through body after body, forcing the thugs to retreat back from the stairway to upstairs rooms.

One of the thugs decides it is a good idea to try and hit them from the angle at which Smut aims his sawed off shotgun. Only to be met with a wall of pellets before he can even raise his Glock to chest level, the thug smashes back through a bedroom door where some more young females have taken cover. B.W.P makes it to the top of the steps and keeps his pistols aimed at two of the bedroom doors that he can see, taking a knee; he waits for his back up. Smut makes it to the top of the stairs and aims his sawed off shotgun down the hall toward the only bedroom B.W.P can’t cover.

Bearded War Pig raises to his feet from the kneeling knowing the thugs are scared and incompetent to carry out another assault on the two seasoned combatants. Most the time B.W.P would not get complacent or comfortable but he could tell these men where amateurs and weren’t of any real concern or threat to them. He then scratches his head with the barrel of one of his pistols trying to figure out what to do now, with the man he wants barricaded in a room. A light clicks as he begins to chuckle.

“Okay listen up cock bags, we are just here for your home boy Killer J, we don’t need to kill everyone. Honest to god, I’d rather not kill all you young buck wannabee fuck faces!”

A thug calls back from the barricaded room.

“Mother fucker, you must be one of them dumb redneck crackers, my niggas is loyal, they’d never bite the hand that feeds!”

“You must be Killer J then! Good, glad to know we didn’t drive all the way over here kill a bunch of you’re niggas for nothing. Oh and good thing I wasn’t asking them to bite you, I asked them to just not and try and bite me while I hang you up and beat you senseless like a human punching bag!”

Another thug hollers out from a room with no door or barricade.

“Like homie said, aint none of us biting the hand that feeds, cracker jack!”

Bearded War Pig shakes his head.

“God damn you thug life mother fuckers are stupid as box of rocks, I am not asking you to bite, I am asking for you to turn your heads... Ah fuck it, maybe actions speak louder than words.”

B.W.P looks to Smut and points at the room with no door or barricade and signals the international kill them signal a slit of the throat with his pistol since his hands are full. Smut smiles and nods as he begins silently creeping toward the door, as soon as he makes breach he lets three shells fly, shredding any living and non-living object in the room. Smut then dead checks all the bodies and returns to cover one of the doors B.W.P was covering. Smut laughs out loud.

“Oh if you dumb shits didn’t get what just went down, my friend mowed down a whole room full of you roaches and now we are about to do the same to another! Since your boys are loyal as fuck or just plain , why don’t you do the leader like thing and give yourself up? You’re homies will for sure always talk about how Killer J sacrificed himself so they may continue to be a shit stain on society! You all aren’t even good criminals, you try to rip off the guy who supplies your arms, what the fuck is that shit?!”

B.W.P and Smut give the thugs a minute before they commence the second destruction of the trap houses upstairs rooms. Commotion and discussion can be heard from the room that is barricaded. B.W.P looks to Smut and smiles as he points toward the door. The doorknob twists and a voice echoes from behind.

“Okay fools, I’ve decided no more of my homies need to die, I will surrender myself, just please don’t waste no more of my men, they don’t deserve this!”

“Just get your fucking ass out here with in the next ten seconds and no one else dies, scouts honor! You know how us white boys love the scouts!”

The door to the bedroom opens slowly and out walks a black man with spiked hair and piercings all over his face, along with tattoos, otherwise known as Killer J. Smut keeps aim on the door as B.W.P walks over to Killer J who keeps his empty hands up over his head. B.W.P tucks a pistol in his pocket and grabs Killer J by the back of the neck collar region on his shirt and begins forcing him toward the staircase. Smut follows covering their six as B.W.P leads point one hand on the package the other on his pistol.

After making their way down stairs the thugs upstairs begin to move out the bedrooms and toward the staircase, Smut fires a warning shot up the stairs at the steps at the very top ruining the top four steps. B.W.P then picks up the pace to the back door and exits the house throwing Killer J off the back porch; he then steps out covering the second story back windows. Smut quickly turns and exits and aims in on Killer J.

“Get your ass up and make your way back over the farthest back part of the fence!”

Smut demands as Killer J obeys orders and quickly scurries to his feet, making it to the back of the yard and over the fence, Smut and B.W.P slightly behind, with B.W.P watching their six. Once over the fence the three men make it back to the El Camino, which they parked behind an abandoned building down and alley. B.W.P pushes Killer J toward the bed of the El Camino and smiles.

“Meet my ladies Betty and Cyanide!”

Bearded War Pig Pistol whips both sides of Killer J’s head, like a pistol-whip sandwich, Killer J instantly goes blank and falls over the tailgate into the El Camino bed. B.W.P and Smut then climb in the vehicle and speed off in the dark of the night, B.W.P screams out to the thugs as they pass the shootout house.

“When your generals ask, The Devil of Detroit was here! Bahahahaha!”

End Scene.
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