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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Two STEP-Sisters fighting over me... poor me!
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-13-2016, 08:51 PM

[We see Tommy inside his new townhouse outside of Brooklyn at ten in the morning; he walks with his robe on to his spacious living room and sits on his new sofa. He then turns on his flat screen TV to see what’s on the tele, he see’s a commercial for the Shove It Rumble, and before he could write out the details, his cell phone goes off and answers it.]

Tommy: Hello?

Jonee: Tommy!... I heard you living in Brookyln now, how was the moving?

Tommy: Not so bad, well it was a pain to get some stuff in, but it was alright tho’

Jonee: Alright cool, so I’m also living in New York on the Lower East Side, you should try to come through to my place.

Tommy: Eh, I don’t know about that…

[Then he lowers his phone on the sofa to scribble the details for the rumble and the participants to it. Then he puts it on speaker so he can hear well.]

Jonee: Why Tommy Why?... are you sayin’ you don’t want to see me?

Tommy: Yeah, you’re just a jump off for my pleasure, I think im not ready to step foot to your crib.

Jonee: Awh common’ I have my stepsis with me and we need some company. We were thinking some Netflix and chill session with some weed, you should think about it!

[Then he hangs up the phone, gets out of his sofa to get his exercise in for the day. About quarter to five in the evening, we see Tommy dressed up in shorts and Black Tee driving up to Jonee’s townhome in the L.E.S of New York. He drives up slowly watches for any thieves that might mess with his car he ends up parallel parking five blocks down her door. Once he leaves his car, he walks down to her house and see’s her on the front stoop with a joint in her mouth.]

Jonee: Ay Tommy, you finial decided to come here. Oh yeah, please don’t mind the mess and smell, it’s been awhile since I’ve done anything clean in there.

[Then Tommy and Jonee go into the house, and Tommy was observing how much trash and tampons laid out in the house. She tried to clean up, but her stepsis ended up coming out buck naked looking like Abbi Jacobson with red hair blasting out some awful EDM on her spotify list. Then Jonee turns off her speakers and started to berate her.]

Jonee: What the hell are you doing? We have a guest here!

[Then her stepsis then eye detect Tommy’s way, and goes up to him. Then she awkwardly tries to press her cup c breast his way to greet him.]

Annie: Oh hey there… my my… I heard lot’s bout’ you from Jonee, I hear you are a wreslter and a rapper?

[Jonee then pulls her away from him, and he starts to blush a bit as he speaks to Annie.]

Tommy: Well I’m a wrestler and… well a somewhat fair rapper. I don’t do the raps you hear on the radio, they all suck a doodles into the noodles. Shi--

[The still nekkid Annie then drags Tommy to the semi clean living room, then Jonee takes notices and tries to intervene with some store bought cookies and fruit punch.]

Jonee: hey guys who up for some punch and cookies! They are all freshly store bought this morning for the occasion. Tommy take so—

[Then Annie grabs a cookie and playfully teases it to Tommy’s mouth. He at first was hesitant, but ends up biting it. Then they both sit on the sofa and she touches him in a way that would get her own steps is upset.]

Jonee: STOP IT ANNIE, you need to stop taking away guys I like.

Annie: Seesh Jonee, you seem to forget that YOU meet this dude in Texas at a nightclub. Plus, you already have a boyfriend who’s doing upstate for murder.

Jonee: To--

[We see Jonee slaping the shit out her big mouth stepsis, and the room was silent. After a fifteen minutes of silence, we see Tommy attempting to leave the house, but Jonee and Annie both pull his arms to stay.]

Annie: Please stay Tommy!

Jonee: Don’t worry about my jailbird EX, he’s in death row now. So we can both be together for ever and ever.

[Tommy pulls them both off his arms and looks at them like if he is trapped by pussy magnets. He pat them on their heads like children for doing a good job, and speak to them.]

Tommy: Girls Girls, let me tell you something; I like you both…as uh.. fukbuds.. but nothing more than that. I hate to break up what you guys got ya know? I’ll show myself out the door, Jonee I’ll call you next time when I have the chance.
Just like that, we see Tommy exiting Jonee’s home and they both look at one another in confusement as the scene dies off.

Shit, I got two sisters fighting over me; I’m some special fucking snowflake on a summer’s eve. Nah I’m just a regular guy who seems to flock all the thoties of the east, now before I bore you, I am going to partake in a Scramble for an unsanctioned championship for Anarcy. I know I won’t come out as the winner, but if I do, I’ll personally go to the XWF Headquarters and ask the powers that be to at least make it legit.


I know at least most of the guys in this will make it something legit for fans at home to care about. You fans are going to encounter myself, Shade, Jakob Davis, and the Champ himself, Space Ghost from Coast to Tankin Coast, and lest we forget the lovely Alexis Riot. All these guys in this match, I have a message for them, each one of em’.

Shade…Shade you a spade that’s gonna get played… played like a domino in game of chess... fuck you and your whore, just know that she's gonna play home wrecker with me once I take you out of the equation after this match is up.

Jakob Davis.... Rookie... Rookie...put your A-Game in this, because it's easy for rookies like you to get caught up into jumping into title shots you don't deserve. Jakob, just stay out of my way...and you'll see another day before you consider no showing to the next bookings coming up if I get my hands on you.

Alexis Riot... the only reason why you in this... is that Reeve has a thing for you. I don't blame him, if I was him i'd book you into matches that involve with titles...BUT I don't have that power. Man fuck it, Alexis just know that your boy Reeve isn't going to protect you in this match, you will get hurt right back into Warfare with open arms...i'll personally guarantee it.

Ghost Tank, man you also have been on that title steeze... all I remember is that Reeve was trying to take that title AWAY from you... I know you lucky to keep the belt due to your actions in this show, but that shit will be put in a body bag of irrelevance. GT, I know you are willing to give that belt away to anyone, well let me tell you this; even if I don't get my hands on you, all the others will do the durty werk while I chill in the cut, then i'll just pick the scabs and leftovers of your body in that ring. I might pin you and obtain that belt myself, who knows?

So to all my competitors in this Scramble this, bring your A-Game cuz against me you'll have to take a HideYaFace on tables, chairs, Japanese Tables that don't break, oh hell the walls if they don't break through in!

See you bitches in CaliFlorida!

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