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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday night Warfare 4/27
Author Message
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-29-2016, 10:39 PM

Ghost Tank
- vs -
Literal Death Match, Death vs Death
First to stop his opponent's heart wins, no referee necessary, only a doctor to call it and make it official when somebody's DEAD
Winner earns Hart title shot, of course...
Note: The XWF will most likely have some sort of weird ass voodoo priest, warlock, or special treatment masseuse lurking around to bring the fallen one back to life, unless Vinnie Lane just decides it's not worth it to revive whoever loses!

Marvelous Keith
- vs -
Tony Santos
- vs -
Triple Threat, 1 Fall

Liddle J
- vs -
Unknown Soldier
Liddle J names the stipulation in his first promo for the week!

Hart Championship
Peter "The Fucking King of Wrestling" Gilmour
- vs -
Sir Chris MacBeth
Standard Match

Intercontinental Championship
- vs -
Standard Match

X-treme Championship Extreme Starmaker Match
Frodo Smackins & Rebel Star
- vs -
Jon Willis & Marilyn Starr
X-treme Rules, No Tagging Required, 1 Fall

-The X-treme Title is 100% on the line through this entire match, using Warfare's new system!

-Literally ANYBODY who roleplays for this episode of Warfare is eligible to submit a unique and creative attempt at pinning the X-treme Champ, and the success rate of those attacks will depend on this formula: 30% RP power + 50% challenger's pin attempt creativity and effectiveness + 20% hidden variables - vs - 30% RP power + 50% mandatory defense strategy creativity and effectiveness of the champion + 20% hidden variables.

-If somebody outside of the match wins the X-treme title during the match, the match immediately becomes non-title and continues after the new champion exits to the back

-If Willis or M. Starr manage to pin EITHER of their official opponents for this match, and the match is still for the title, that person immediately wins the entire match for their team AND becomes new X-treme Champion. Yes, Rebel Star CAN lose the title for Frodo if she is the one pinned! We weren't kidding about it being X-treme Championship Extreme!

The ring is decorated with the obligatory red carpet thing that denotes esteemed events as well as black leather furniture. A bottle of champagne sits on a circular table in the center of the ring, a pentagon of wine glasses around it. A single spotlight shines down on the ring as The Union's theme blasts over the speakers.

The London crowd erupts in cheers for the XWF's "British Badboys" as they emerge from behind the curtain: Ted and Dave first, waving like idiots and mugging for the crowd and the cameras. The recently crowned XWF Tag Team Champions Sir Chris Macbeth and Scully are next, their freshly shined titles slung over their shoulders, the smiles on their faces genuine; the feeling of being surrounded by almost 100,000 of their proud countrymen brings about a surge of pride almost greater than the one they felt upon being awarded the belts in the first place. Finally, Tush emerges, bringing up the rear and the crowd breaks out in a "THANK YOU TUSH" chant.

The entourage make their way to the ring as the raucous crowd continues to go absolutely ape shit for their home-country heroes. Once the whole posse is in the ring, Ted calls for one of the ringside staff to hand him a microphone, which he then hands over to the X-Treme Knight, Sir Chris Macbeth.

CHRIS MACBETH: "Hellllllooooooo Wembley, and welcome to the official party celebrating the success of your Tag Team Champions, The Union."

The crowed erupt in a mix of cheers and some randomly singing the chorus to Fat Les - Vindaloo. Chris smiles lowering the mic from his mouth soaking the atmosphere in.

CHRIS MACBETH: "This is awesome, you are awesome and we are so pleased to be the ones to finally represent this great country and yourselves with success within the XWF. Knowing you are all back here when were travelling the world is a great inspiration to us and we vow to never let you down and to keep pushing forward taking what you and we deserve. RESPECT!"

CROWD: "Vindaloo, Vindaloo, Vindaloo Vindaloo, Nah Nah!"

Chris points out to the front row of the crowed towards a very attractive lady in the front row. Ted and Dave climb out of the ring and help the lady over the barricade and and into the ring.

CHRIS MACBETH: "Oh by the way, this here is Monika, you may all be seeing a lot more of her here in the XWF in the coming weeks and like all of you she gets to witness the crowning of the new Hart Champion after I beat the day lights out of The Resistance muppet Peter Gilmour."


Macbeth bows for the audience before passing the mic to Scully.

SCULLY: "First of all, we love you England!"


The Union smile at the fans who continue to give them plenty of attention.

SCULLY: "Thank you, thank you all. Chris Macbeth, it is a pleasure to hold these tag-team championships with you. I now have a partner I can be proud of, a partner who will be reliable and a partner who won't cost us the tag titles. My second reign as XWF Tag-Team champion and it feels fucking epic. The Union are here to take over the XWF, we will bring you entertainment, in and out of the ring. Whether we are speaking on the mic or simply destroying opposition, we are the injection that the XWF'S needs. Not only do we celebrate winning gold...

Tush, although you have to leave us for a short while, you will always be The Union. You will always be apart of this group, even in your absence, your spirit will be with us and quote frankly The Union will not forget you. Yo

Tonight on Warfare, Chris becomes the NEW XWF Hart Champion when he beats Peter Gilmour. I will easily dispose of the returning Tony Santos and that loser, Marvellous Keith. Tonight is another night for The Union to celebrate. Form your stables like The Resistance and be demolished. No one and The Skull means no one is good enough to beat us. No one is good enough to carry our bags.

Before we get crazy up in this joint, I would personally like to say thank you to Alfie Halliday, may you Rest In Peace!"

Another round of applause overtakes the crowd as Scully nods, smiling, and passes the mic to Tush.

Tush brings the mic to his lips and begins to speak when all of a sudden Makaveli, Madison Monroe, Peter Gilmour, and Dim: "The Professor of Insanety" appear on the ramp, causing Tush to scowl and lower the mic as the crowd boos insanely loud, drowning the Resistance in the most nuclear of all heat.

MAKAVELI: Look at this, who knew the XWF had circus attractions
Fake ass bitches, from me you get no compassion
You might be askin why, I'm here for this interaction
It is pretty simple, this is just a distraction
Ill get into your head, and I'm gunna scramble it
Wait till you face me, an see if you can handle it
My money is on no, nigga you can not compare to me
Rest your head tonight, youll be having a nightmare of me
Youll never get my face, erased from your memory
You countin' crack change, I count stacks from the treasury
Hold those titles tight nigga, soon they will be taken
I don't mess around nigga, so do not be mistaken
The Resistance is here, and were comin straight for you
The Union will be exterminated, its simply just too late for you
But that's enough for me, ima let Peter Gilmour finish you!

The Resistance charge down the ramp, looking for Union blood. They slide into the ring and immediately get met with stomps from Tush, Macbeth, and Scully while Ted & Dave take Monika and lead her out of the ring. All three men on the mat explode to their feet and meet the Union boys head on, trading blows back and forth.

Makaveli exchanges blows with Tush!

Chris Macbeth and Peter Gilmour are trying to tear each other apart! If someone doesn't stop neither man will be in any shape to compete in their match later tonight!

Dim's tugging on Scully's hair while Scully throws punches that land flush with the Professor of Insanety's stomach.

Furniture is being smashed and ripped apart as they continue to just beat the piss out of each other!

Security shows up at the top of the ramp, ready to hit the ring when all of a sudden someone jumps the ringside barricade and charges into the ring, getting right up in the action, teaming up with Scully to take on the big man Dim! More fans try to jump the barricade but by then security is at the ringside, restraining the fans in the most safe and humane way possible: by smacking them in the face with their nightsticks.

They then slide into the ring and pry the two stables off of each other, slapping the zip-ties on everyone and leading them all to the back. The cameras get finally get a good look at the first man to jump the barricade and the crowd goes wild when they see his face on the X-Tron!

Ted, who is still at ringside somehow, grabs a commentary headset and screams into it in an obnoxious falsetto.

TED: Oh my god! That's local boxing prodigy Felix Braddock!!!!

One of the members of security who's still at ringside, clobbers Ted with his nightstick and zip-ties him before leading him up the ramp to the back with the rest of the warring groups.

At the top of the ramp Macbeth lunges for Gilmour, screaming at the top of his lungs, before being tackled to the ground as Warfare fades to commercial.

Ghost Tank
- vs -
Literal Death Match, Death vs Death
First to stop his opponent's heart wins, no referee necessary, only a doctor to call it and make it official when somebody's DEAD
Winner earns Hart title shot, of course...
Note: The XWF will most likely have some sort of weird ass voodoo priest, warlock, or special treatment masseuse lurking around to bring the fallen one back to life, unless Vinnie Lane just decides it's not worth it to revive whoever loses!

I will not bow by Breaking Benjamin plays as the Arena becomes Pitch Black Then Black w blue lighting then goes on and the X-tron Show Shade's mask enter the screen and the wording appears saying Death walks among you. Smoke beings to fill the arena and Shattered Glass falls from the entrances way and a Crow Flies out of the entrance to the stage. It then begin to circle the stage before
Shade walk onto the stage with Hope and gesture a gun with one hand and pretend to shoot and his baseball bat ace in the other pointing at the Ring. the crow then land on Hope's left shoulder and Shade's right Shoulder, as They walk slowly to the announcer area, where there is a chair for Hope. As shade leaves hope kisses his mask around the cheek area and the Two birds but after they fly up and circle the ring. Shade then makes his way to the steelsteps where he throw his arms out and then putting it back in his trench-coat, he then walks up then steps until he reaches the apron. He then walks across the apron until he reaches the middle where he does suicide shoot to the head taunt, he gets into the ring after. The Raven and crow flies of his overhead still circling the ring above before they land on his shoulders while he is pointing his bat at the ( Entrance or The opponent depending on if he came out first or second ) as dark firework goes off making a X shape from the ring post and smokes starts to fade away.

Perfect Cell Theme plays over the PA and The sound of metal scraping against the ground rings through the arena. As the lights begin to brighten, it reveals the source, as he wears shackles around his ankles and wrists, with the chain connecting the two scraping along the ground. As he walks to Alysia, he pulls her to his chained up form. After a kiss, he lets her go, yanks his arms apart in a lowercase t, and follows it up with yanking the ankle shackles off. Once down he rushes to the ring, leaping over the top rope, rolling forward and springing up to his feet. He then pounds his chest as he lets out a roar.

The match starts with a bang as Tank delivers a massive boot to the chest cavity of Shade. Shade slams into a turnbuckle with a thud, and slumps down onto the mat. Tank charges at him again, but Shade pulls a pistol out from behind his back, and blasts Tank with it. Blot blot blot. Oswald drops to his knees, and holds his chest. He pulls them away, and sees pink splattered on his chest. He looks angry and gets to his feet.

Crack: Goddamn, that nigga got shot.

Katie: Sad.

Tank is standing over Shade and screaming while punching down at the man. He's cracked Shade's mask, and blood begins to drip from it. Shade chuckles as Tank lifts him into the air, and throws him out of the ring and straight into the barricade. The Giant jumps onto the turnbuckle, and leaps to the ground below. There's a massive thud as Ghost lands, and the beast moves towards the Spanish Announcers' table. Pablo, the announcer is terrified as Tank grabs him by the collar to throw him out of the way. Pablo responds before he can be tossed, he digs deep into his pocket and pulls out a canister of Mace, and blasts Tank in the eyes. The Beast drops him, and steps back, throwing his hands to his eyes to try and stop the burn. Shade is up on his feet, and running up on Tank's behind. The Giant is tased by Pablo as Shade is behind him whipping him with the pistol.

Ossy goes down, and Shade begins to fire the paint gun into Tank's spine at a close distance. Each shot sends another pink ball directly into his giant spine, and each elicits no reaction from the giant. Pablo turns and runs as far away as he can, while Tank just kneels and waits. Shade gets fed up, and storms off to the table. He picks up the PA system, and begins to bash Tank's head in with it. Tank goes down in a heap, and Death continues to bash the felled giant's head. He's bleeding, and not moving. The on scene doctor rushes over to feel for a pulse. Tank's heart is still beating, thus the match is still on. Shade disconnects the cable from the wall, and attaches it to Tank's body, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. He is twitching as the power surges through him, but the beast rises to his feet, and rips the cable from his torso.

The mighty Ghost Tank stands tall, and holds the cable in his hand. Shade begins to swing wildly for an attack, but Tank blocks it, and shoves him to the ground. Oswald wraps the cable around his fist, and begins to savagely beat Shade in the torso. Each punch sends a jolt of electricity through his opponent, and forces a skipped beat. The armour on Shade's body begins to sizzle and smoke through this assault, but yet he continue to breath and struggle to fight back. Feeling tired of the game, Tank rips the armour off of Shade, exposing his bare chest to the world. One quick punch directly to the heart stops the motion of Shade's body. The onsite Doctor rushes over, but Oswald forces the doctor back with his massive paw. The cable is slowly unwound, and touched to Shade's chest. A sizzle, a burning smell, and a convulsion. It's quickly removed, and fed through the crack in the mask to touch Shade's bare, bleeding flesh. The convulsions continue while he tries to fight to pull the cable away. And then they stop. The Doctor rushes over, pulls the cable out, and checks for a pulse. He gives a silent head shake to the crowd.

Crack: Your winner is Ghost Tank. Now, the EMTs will work to revive the fallen Shade.

Before they can begin, Twisted Sister's I wanna Rock blares through the arena, and the new owner of the company, Loverboy Vinnie Lane, aka the Real Nigga Pimp, struts down to the ring, looking very official in his new white suit with the signature bedazzled monogram on the back. He stands right over Shade's body, preventing the EMTs from doing their job. Hope, Shade's girl, rushes over to try and remove Vinnie. He just chuckles his Vinnie chuckle, and shoots her his billion dollar smile. Yes, ladies, his smile is worth more than a million.

"Now, dude. I'm not a monster. I will let Shade be revived as was the agreement. However, before we do this, you need to agree to be Ghost Tank's servant for one full month. Not that February short month shit, either. 31 days, dude. Straight. Deal?"

We go backstage to see Frodo Smackins in a service area of the arena, when suddenly he's surrounded by Bourbon Men. The 2021 Black Hand approaches him, Pest with the robotic arm, Morbid Angel with two eye patches, and Robbie Bourbon with the black mask.

Welp, little guy, this is it. We came all the way through time and space for this. No hard feelings, but, well, you never were anything special to begin with.

As Robbie finishes speaking, the Bourbon Men all pick up Frodo and start to carry him outside into the bay of the arena. We see XWF trucks parked here.

Think about it, heh, this was like taking candy from a baby, only I think babies are a little tougher than your silly little ass. Put him down.

The Bourbon Men place Frodo on the concrete, and he turns and punches one of them! He clocks another! As he rears back to slug a third, Robbie grabs his wrist and spins him around. Robbie then spits in his face.

How dare you!

How dare you strike my Bourbon Men? Don't you know who the fuck I am? I'm...

As he speaks, a monster truck pulls into the bay and runs over the 2021 Black Hand, flattening them and leaving them as a messy puddle of human on the concrete floor. Out of the monster truck steps Robbie Motherfucking Bourbon. The legit one.

You dumb motherfucker, fucking with my girlfriend, coming back in time, the people all already fucking know there ain't but one...




Robbie spits on the puddle of goo on the ground that used to be his future self. He turns and looks at Frodo.

Oh, well, hey there little guy. Shit, hey, is that Prince William?

Robbie points, and Frodo turns, giving Robbie the ultimate opportunity to launch his attack on the X-Treme champion by giving him a roll-up!




Frodo kicks out of Robbie's pin attempt.

"Get out of here."

In Frodo's office he's sitting at a desk, going over paperwork before the match. His phone rings, and he quickly answers it.

"Hey. Frodizzle. Sup?

Ok. So what?

I gotta fire them?

But, really?

Fine. I'll do it at the end of the show. Yeah, I'll bring in that one. Ok."

Marvelous Keith
- vs -
Tony Santos
- vs -
Triple Threat, 1 Fall

"A Lesson Never Learned" by Asking Alexandria hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, black trench coat on his back, taking slow, confident strides toward the ring. The disdain from the crowd pouring in, Tony Santos takes it all in with a smirk that would put Alex Rodriguez to shame.

The chorus (Could be the end of the world, I'd still be laid here on my own, wasting my life away!!!) hits, Santos ascends the stairs and climbs the turnbuckle, one hand raised in the air, depicting the championship he always assumes he holds. Boos mixed with indecision rain in from the crowd, Tony still smiling, still loving the life he lives and the job he holds.

Santos jumps off of the turnbuckle and hits the mat with his two feet, giving one more raised arm to the crowd, then turning toward the entrance ramp, awaiting his opponent...

The arenas lights go red and "Angels Fall" by Breaking Benjamin blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage and looks around at the XWF Galaxy in attendence. There is a mixed reaction from the fans. He slowly walks down the ramp, ignoring the fans. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and smirks at the crowd. He walks up the steps and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans whilst slowly moving both hands from his face to the floor, gesturing "A look at me" type taunt. He then jumps over the top rope and into the ring. Scull walks over to the far turn buckle and climbs to the top. He holds his hands in the air and then does his "Look at me" taunt. The Scully Meister spins himself round and chills on the turnbuckle with his arms folded. His music fades out.

i want a new drug by huey lewis and the news plays as Marvelous Keith moves to the ring.

The bell rings, and Keith runs at Scully, but not before Tony Santos is able to knock them both to the ground with a double back elbow. The two men hit the ground, and the legend glares over them. He spits down on Marvelous Keith, which hits Keith directly in the eye. Scully begins to stir and get to his feet while Tony drops down and mounts Keith and throws a series of punches to his face. Scully joins in on the bashing of Keith by stomping on Keith's legs. The women in the audience begin to cheer for Scully as he destroys the Canadian Crusher. Keith uses all of his massive force to throw a kick to the knee of his British Attacker, Mchael. With Scully backing off, the throws a big old fist to Santos' legendary jaw. Keith is free from the abuse of the duo of Destruction, but not for long as he pops to his feet and is already being charged by Scully. Keith ducks under it, and grabs Scully for a Suplex. The Brit is down, and the Legend moves towards Keith to take him down, but has his body rocked with a Sidewalk Slam that sends 15 Packs down in a heap.

Keith is up and pacing around the ring while he taunts Santos and Scully. Michael begins to get to his feet, but Keith comes charging back, and drops Michael back down with a fist to the jaw. Michael goes down again, but not before Old Smokey is on his feet and standing right behind Marvelous Keith. Santos taps Keith on the shoulder, he turns around, and gets a backhand slap to the face. The crowd goes ape shit for Santos. There is a massive clap and a cheer for him, causing him to strut around and pull a cigarette from right behind her ear. He lights it up, and begins to smoke in the ring. The audience begins to start smoking in a celebration of Santos' return. Scully is up on his feet and no one seems to notice. Tony is milking the applause as Skull sneaks up behind him and delivers the most powerful of all DDTs to Tony Santos, ruining Santos' cigarette. The Earth begins to rumble with the force of Santos' body hitting the mat. Keith is thrown up to his feet by this, and he begins to charge at Scully, only to be caught with a Sit out Power bomb. Michael Scully gets to his feet, and goes for a quick and dirty pin on Tony Santos.



Break up by Keith.

Keith hits Scully with a spear that sends him to the mat, and lands him sprawled out right next to Tony 15 Packs Santos. Santos and Scully are both breathing heavily, and Santos pulls a cigarette out of his pocket. He puts it in his mouth, and lights it. Keith leaps into the air, and drops his knee right into the throat of Michael. The Brit begins to gaps in the ring as another leaping atomic knee drop right into his diaphragm, it causes him to spit up in the ring. Keith kicks Scully's face directly into the pile of spit up. Santos chuckles as Keith moves over and begins to kick him in the ribs repeatedly, again ruining Santos' cigarette. He is getting unhappy as this comes on. He gets to his feet and prepares to square up with Keith. The two standing men begin to circle around each other, careful to not step in the vomit. They're sizing each other up, as Santos pulls another cigarette out of seemingly nowhere, and lights it. Before they can take each other out, Scully comes behind them and drops Keith with a big ass Suplex.

Scully charges at Tony Santos and slips in the vomit, and begins to stumble and fall. Santos walks over and lifts Keith up by his ear, and whips him into the corner. As Keith and Scully get to their feet, Tony slips outside of the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. He waits patiently in the corner, while Scully and Keith begin to match up in the ring. They walk over to each other and lock up. Keith easily overpowers Michael, and lifts him in the air. He drops Michael with a big ass Backbreaker. As Keith pops up and prepares for another assault on Michael, Tony Santos comes flying out of the air with a Tony Award, Shooting Star Press right on top of Marvelous Keith. He hooks it directly into a pin. Scully gets to his feet and moves towards the pin as the ref slides into place to count it.


Scully is moving, but slowly and trying not to slip in the vomit that he's spread across the ring.


He's close. He's almost close enough to break it up. He charges forward with everything he's got for a spear.


The spear connects and breaks the pin right as the 3 is counted.

Katie: Your winner is Tony "15 Packs" Santos.

Coming back from commercial, we are immediately brought back to the Wembley Stadium and back to an overview shot of the ring. Unknown Soldier stands in front of a podium with a giant pentagram hanging around the front. He's decked out looking super suave in a black suit with red cuff links. A tie which has the number 666 stitched down the front, and a giant pin on the front of his chest. It's a pin representing the new logo of his recently introduced 'SuperFecalpheliactic ExtraRapeydoucious' party. The image is of frodo smackins shitting in Scatbear's mouth with him giving a thumbs up and Soldier raping him from behind. The fans are filling the stadium acoustical surroundings with different arrangements of boos and cheers. It's a complete half and half crowd in support and disfavor of the recently announced XWF nominee. Fights and all out riots and chaos begins to ensue which brings a giant smile to Soldier's face. The fans suddenly stop fighting in order to hear him address the audience by leaning into the microphone. He first licks it in a very strange and seductive way, lathering it in saliva before he begins to speak.

Unknown Soldier: "Hello, Wannabe America!"

A chorus of boos is thrown at him after insulting the primarily British audience.

Unknown Soldier: "We keep the #RapeTrain rollin' right through the redcoats and we promise to keep it rollin' right through any country out their less important than America!"

An even louder array of boos.

Unknown Soldier: "Get'em outta' here! Get'em outta' here!"

He signals for security to dispense of the majority of the crowd that are booing him, who of course just laughs at him as they begin to get more concerned with them attacking him.

Unknown Soldier: "If you haven't recently heard XWF, Mr. Donald Trump has brainwashed my friends Peter Gilmour and Dim. They have formed a party known as The Resistance and I have responded with a party of my own. We WILL 'Make XWF Rape Again!' that I can fucking assure you. I'm here to announce the first parties official endorsement....RAPIST SHANE!"

Rapist Shane comes down to the ring and then takes off towards the stands and starts raping various fans in the audience, riling them up even further.

Unknown Soldier: "Thank you once again, Rapist Shane! We hope this is just the start of many more of you flocking to the party as we continue to spread our message all across the universe! For those of you who are on the fence or perhaps completely opposed to us. We just ask you one thing.... Just give Rape a chance.... All we are saying.... Is just give rape a chance....

Soldier starts swaying his arms in the air and begins to draw out the words, singing them now just like John Lennon would have.

Unknown Soldier: "All we are saaaaaaayin' is give rape a chaaaaaaaaance!"

Rapist Shane comes up to him and grabs his hand, leans back swaying with him and joins in chorus.

Rapist Shane: "All we are saaaaaaaayin' is give rape a chaaaaaaance!"

Morbid Angel comes flying down the ring and enters. He grabs hold of Rapist Shane's hand and leans back. Blaring even louder and more gracefully then the rest of the singers. Who know this man could hit a high C?

Morbid Angel: "All we are saaaaaaayin' is give rape a chaaaaaaance!"

Unknown Soldier: "Come on down here frodo, join us."

Suddenly, the big dick manga warfare manager comes down to the ring. Soldier gives him a smile and an outstretched hand. They interlock and frodo leans back, bellowing deep from the bottom of his heart.

frodo smackins: "All we are saaaaaaayin...."






Unknown Soldier pulled a wrench out of Rapist Shane's pants and smashed it right across frodo's midget bitch face!

He pins him



Unknown Soldier: "Kick out, bitch! Kick out!"

Soldier lifts him up and helps him kick out. Then smashes him across the face with the wrench another time.

He pins him..



Soldier again helps him kick out. This time he's really fucking pissed and smashes him across the face 666 times with the wrench.

Unknown Soldier: "Kick out again like a little fucking girl. I dare you!"

He pins him.

We might have a new Xtreme Champion!!




New XTreme Champion: UNKNOWN SOLDIER!

Liddle J
- vs -
Unknown Soldier
Liddle J names the stipulation in his first promo for the week!

"Hail Satan" by Crucifyre blares over the Xtron system"

Unknown Soldier and Greggo come prancing down towards the ring, skipping and frolicking two and fro. Sometimes just holding the others hand but most of the time holding the others penis. Unknown Soldier then prays to SATAN! in the middle of the ring while a red pentagram traces him from above in the rafters. The red disco lights tracing the pentagram around Soldier continues to encircle him constantly in a counter clockwise motion. While standing in the center of this pentagram of glowing lights, he kneels and touches both his shoulders and forehead as a sign of the Unholy trinity. In the name of the Liar, the Sinner, and the great father and lord of all that is Evil! Soldier then gets up and strokes his penis exactly 666 times getting faster and faster as the lights around him speed up in pace as well. He always wrestles with a full on raging erection for not only the increase in testosterone, but also as a scare tactic to the heterosexual male(s) or prude female bitch(es) he may be wrestling at the time.

Unknown Soldier and Liddle J are facing off in the ring, waiting to see what's going on. There were supposed to be stipulations for the match set, but they never were, so Frodo has called for both parties to wait patiently while he decides on a match type for them. The monitor in front of Crack lights up, and he reads the incoming message.

Crack: Ladies and Gentlemen, and Gender Neutral rapists, we are proud to announce that our brilliant Manager has decided to make this match a No DQ, Xtreme Rules Crucifixion match. The winner will be whomever crucifies his opponent first.

Soldier smiles sadistically and sinisterly as Liddle looks concerned. The bell rings, and Liddle J charges at Soldier, only to get caught with a spear from Satan's Soldier. He hits the mat hard, and Soldier begins to lift him to his feet, just to knock him back with an uppercut. The crowd goes crazy as Soldier lays him out. He steps outside of the ring, and the crowd is just continuing to lose their shit for him. This nigga finds pulls a pair of boards from under the ring, along with a hammer, and some nails. He throws the boards in the ring, and hops back in. Liddle J is up on his feet and trying to act tough. Soldier smacks him in the face with the hammer, and points to the boards. J looks confused and tries to act tough again, raising a fist to Soldier. But, Soldier smacks him in the knee with the hammer. He points and shouts at the lumber again, and this time slaps the nails into J's hands.

Liddle begins to place the boards in the form of a cross. Soldier drops the hammer and J uses it to nail the wood together. Soldier throws his hands up in the air in celebration. The crowd showers him with love and adoration as this is going on. As J finishes the cross, Soldier pops out of the ring, and begins to dig around some more. He find a spool of Barbed Wire, and begins to make a crown from it. J is looking pissed off in the ring while Soldier finishes his crown, and begins to braid the wire into a whip. He braids it while starring directly into the worried face of J, who continues to stand by the cross he had just fashioned. Soldier finishes his whip, and gives it a good crack. The sound sends J into a shiver forcing a half smile to adorn the Champ's face. He crawls into the ring, holding the whip and the crown.

The crown is shoved onto the head of his challenger, causing blood to pour from his scalp, and the Satanic Soldier begins to whip at the foe, pointing towards the cross. Liddle J grabs the cross, and begins to lift it up, and while being whipped by Soldier. They march up the ramp with J carrying the cross, sadly and slowly. He reaches the top of the ramp, and plants the Crucifix on the ground with a thud. Soldier whips him some more, and then drops the whip. From out of nowhere Aeon's God Give Head in Heaven begins to play on the speakers, and Morbid Angel comes from the curtain. He stands by Soldier and begins to stare down the other Satanist. Without a word, just a quick motion, Morbid Angel grabs Liddle J by the throat, and lifts him in the air and slams him against the cross. He holds him in place as Soldier begins to wrap J's arms and the cross with the Barbed Wire to hold him in place. He finishes, and Morbid releases the hold. Soldier and Morbid shake hands.

Katie: Your winner is Unknown Soldier, and he is still the Xtreme Champion.

Hart Championship
Peter "The Fucking King of Wrestling" Gilmour
- vs -
Sir Chris MacBeth
Standard Match

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, XWF fans all over the world! It is time for the XWF Hart title championship match! This will be just your typical standard match here, very unlike that crazy literal death match we saw here earlier tonight. The crowd is getting insanely wound up excited for this interesting match up between Peter Gilmour and Chris MacBeth. The Sadistic sex machine vs. the re-incarnation of the British Bulldog! As everyone sits and waits in anxious anticipation, the lights begin to dim and our ferocious English challenger prepares to make his epic entrance.

'Fucking in the Bushes' by Oasis starts booming over the X-tron and the fans are going absolutely bat shit insane for their home country hero. Normally not quite a warm reception in the States, but very well received here in England. Slowly he makes his way down to the ring and soaking up all the attention. He's wearing just a simple t-shirt with the English flag over it and a black duster. After he reaches the ring and retreats to his corner. He removes the duster and tosses it at two hot bitches with big fake titties in the front row. After receiving the duster, the two women expose these massive gazongas to MacBeth who responds with a wink and thumbs up. His music fades and he nestles himself into his corner awaiting the champion.

The lights here at the Wembley stadium go completely black. The chiming of a massive bell in the background being banged back and forth by possibly Quasimo himself is then coupled with a giant ball of fire spraying from the entrance. 'Sick like Me' by In This Moment blares over the Xtron and the reception from the fans for the Hart champion is pretty good, not quite as amped and well received as the home town hero, but Peter still gets a lot of support from the Gillyholics. His Hart Championship rests over his right shoulder and his beautiful woman Maria Brink over his left. She kisses him on the cheek and then heads backstage before he slides under the bottom ropes and sunders over into his own corner. He stands up on the turnbuckle in his corner and gives a giant X with his hands while the pyrotechnics spray fireworks everywhere.

Suddenly, the bell rings and it's quite a bit premature as it seems the ring bell guy must have been a little anxious to get this Hart Championship match started. The referee wasn't even 100% ready himself as he frantically turns around to see if any action has started. Which of course it has since MacBeth was practically snarling at Gilmour ready to attack the instant he walked out from the ring entrance. Most likely this was some sort of staged occurrence and the ring bell guy is some British fan boy here at Wembley. MacBeth takes a massive upper hand by running towards Gilly's turnbuckle and jumping up from behind him, taking him by surprise. Grabbing Gilly and engaging him with a flurry of fists to the back of the head which makes him dizzy and confused. MacBeth makes quick work of this advantage and swings Gilly around. He then drops Gilly from the second rope to the center of the mat with a tornado DDT! He goes for an early cover.



A quick kick out after two from Gilmour who is immediately helped back to his feet by MacBeth. MacBeth sends Gilmour into the ropes. Gilly flies back at MacBeth and ducks his first attempt at a clothesline. Both men fly back at the turnbuckles again. MacBeth this time attempts a drop kick on Gilly, but Gilly ducks again. MacBeth falls to the mat in pain by his failed attempt and he landed on his side pretty hard. Gilmour flies off the ropes again and lands on Macbeth with a leg drop. He pulls Macbeth up behind him, who is now laying on the mat out cold, and then applies a sleeper hold.

Macbeth's face shows that he is fighting desperately to break the hold, but Gilly applies massive pressure around MacBeth's neck with his huge muscles that make all the ladies wet. MacBeth slowly is able to get himself up to one knee. Gilly is trying to apply more and more pressure but it appears like MacBeth is going to get the upper hand back as he eventually delivers a few elbows to Gilmour's gut. Gilmour smashes MacBeth on the back by balling up both his fists and slamming it on MacBeth's spine. Gilmour helps MacBeth to his feet and then tosses his left arm over his shoulder. It looks like he's going to hit him with some type of over the top suplex, but it instead reversed by MacBeth and it is instead Gilmour who is on the receiving end of the suplex. MacBeth delivers a few elbow drops on top of Gilmour who is down. He then races off towards the turnbuckle and climbs it. Gilmour is rising to his feet and instantaneously when he turns around MacBeth comes flying at him off the top rope attempting a moonsault. Instead, Gilmour is able to turn around and gain his composure just in the nick of time. He catches him in mid air and this time is successful in delivering a ring shaking suplex. He goes for the pin.



Kick out by MacBeth! This match is already starting to turn into one hell of an event for these fans here tonight as they start chanting MacBeth's name. Hoping that their pleas will initiate a come back by their English born hero. It might be working as MacBeth seems to be regaining himself as he reaches his feet at the exact same time as Gilmour. MacBeth delivers a punch to Gilly's face which startles him a bit but still keeps him on his feet. Gilly returns the favor with a giant right fist of his own. It seems to throw off MacBeth a little bit more than Gilly, yet he still remains on his feet. They both exchange another blow but this time it seems to be less effective on both ends. Both men now fly off into opposite sides of the ropes once again. MacBeth ducks under a clothesline the first time, and then off the ropes again for both competitors, this time instead of going for the drop kick MacBeth comes flying at Gilly with a giant frog splash in mid air. Gilly not expecting it, takes the biggest brunt end of the splash and goes down hard. MacBeth lands on top of Gilly hard shaking the entire foundation of the ring again. He goes with the cover.



KICK OUT! by Gilmour! We don't have a new champion just yet! With his normal relentless attitude and even more so in order to protect his coveted Hart Championship he rises from the depths of hell and kicks out yet again! Macbeth can't believe it, but he too is slow to get up and a disturbed look on his face seeing Gilly already rising to his feet. Aiding himself by the help of the ropes. They stare at each other and both smile, ready to continue the madness. MacBeth charges Gilly and runs him over the ropes, sending him up and over them to the outside of the ring. The referee begins the count and MacBeth begins to climb the turnbuckle. He's going to go for the Party Hard to the outside! He comes flying off the top ropes, gracefully soaring as the crowd is taking and flashing pictures like crazy.

Gilly snaps from his feet, it looks like he was simply just playing dead. He catches MacBeth in mid air with a fucking Gilly Cutter!

Holy shit!

Holy Shit!

The crowd is aghast with fear as their hero may be dead. Gilmour might have just killed this poor kid. Gilmour rises to his feet while MacBeth lay unconscious beneath his feet. Gilmour lifts him up by his trunks and tosses him back under the bottom ropes and back in the ring. He looks like a rag doll and might be dead. Gilly starts climbing the ropes to enter it himself as the referee gets to an 18 count. He's certainly going to try and end this now.

Suddenly, from out of the back Scully comes running down to the ring. Certainly worried about his tag team partner's health. Gilmour stares him down and begins screaming at him to back the fuck off. Scully still makes his way down to the ring and Gilmour readies by facing his attention towards him and not MacBeth.

Abruptly again, from out of the rafters coincidentally just like Owen Hart, comes flailing from out of nowhere and landing on top of Scully is Unknown Soldier. The demonic idiot barrels from out of the dark rafters right into Scully knocking both of them out unconscious just outside the ring. Gilmour can only laugh at his friends stupidity, but silently thank him for his assistance. He slowly turns around to...


MacBeth was waiting for his moment to strike and he did.

The cover.




Crack: Winner and new Hart Champion, CHRIS MACBETH!

The crowd goes absolutely ballistic as Macbeth stands up rather abruptly with his new championship being handed to him by the referee. He celebrates by leaping up and down and engulfing himself in their cheers. He retreats and helps his friend Scully retreat backstage, stepping on Unknown Soldier's face along the way. Soldier eventually gets up after they make their way back stage and makes his way into the ring to help Peter to his feet. Peter instead, pissed as fuck, slaps Soldier in the face and goes running after MacBeth and Scully.

Walking in the back of the arena a man in a mask walks out of a closet just as Ghost Tank and his wife are heading out to the garage to head home. The man is holding a telescopic police baton, and he extends it just in the line of sight of The Phoenix and the Muse.

"What do you want?"

????????: Me? Oh, nothing really. But, my baton here? Oh, he wants an exclusive interview with you guys.The happy couple. Hehehe.

Mystery charges, and swings his baton right into Tank's knee cap, which sends him to one knee. Mystery responds by slamming the baton into Tank's head, repeatedly. He does this until Ghost Tank goes unconscious. The mystery attacker then moves towards Alysia and slams the baton into her face, busting her face open wide.

????????: Pleased to meetcha. My baton thinks you'd be a whole lot purdier if you weren't a man in a dress.

The baton comes back into Alysia, and it slams her into a wall leaving her laying out cold next to Ghost Tank. Before walking away, Mystery closes the baton and slides it into the pocket of his black suit. He retrieves a can of light yellow spray paint, and begins to paint directly on Ghost Tank's face. He then drops the can, and pulls out another can, this one is deep orange, and begins to spray the paint into Alysia's face.

????????: Thanks for the interview. I expect a follow up.

Intercontinental Championship
- vs -
Standard Match

2pac's When We Ride On Our Enemies plays as the lights dim, Entrance ramp fills with smoke/fog, and Makaveli makes his way down to the ring.

You're Da Man by Nas plays Trax walks down to the ring in his wrestling attire and a black trench coat that reads "Mr FN' Dominance" and shades, he looks around at the crowd pointing and beating his chest smiling. Before he walks to the ring like a man with a mission and climbs the ring steps before climbing onto the turnbuckle. He raises his right arm into the air, Intercontinental Championship in hand before jump off the turnbuckle into the ring. He takes off his shades and coat places them both into the corner before walking to the middle of the ring shadow boxing as he does, he then stands in the middle of the ring and raises his arm once more to show off the championship gold in his possession, before backing up into the ring corner and shadow boxing some more and bouncing up and down on the spot waiting for the match to start.

Trax and Makaveli circle around each other as the crowd begins a slow, building clap, hoping to inject life into the early goings. A large section of the audience is also making no effort to hide their continued distaste at Makaveli for The Resistance's actions earlier tonight, booing him loudly. Mak chuckles and shrugs the hatred off, stepping forward to lock up with "Mr. F'N Dominance". Or at least it looks like he's gonna do that but instead he sucker punches the champ in the nose before backing off, gesturing for Trax to come at him.

Trax does as asked and rushes in with a lariat that absolutely flattens the smaller man. He then bends over to pick Makaveli up but Mak rakes his eyes, the ref's view obstructed by Trax's big black body. Trax backs away, covering his eyes and yelling at the ref that Makaveli poked him in the eyes but the ref shrugs and says that he didn't see it. The crowd erupts in boos at the unpunished cheating by the Leader of the Resistance.

Makaveli smiles wide, pushing himself up off the mat and clapping his hands, measuring Trax up for his next maneuver. He takes a few steps closer and Trax turns around to get a huge uppercut to the jaw that takes him off-center. Trax stumbles backwards, careening into the turnbuckles. Mak, with Trax right where he wants him, takes a few seconds to antagonize the crowd further before charging into the corner, looking to deliver a lariat... but there's nobody home! Trax throws himself out of the way in the blink of an eye and Makaveli collides chest first with the turnbuckles, bouncing off them and leaving himself open for Trax to deliver a bone-crunching German Suplex! The crowd is on their feet cheering the champ.

Katie: What a fucked up series of events we have here, folks. Now the London crowd is firmly on Trax's side. The guy who forced Tush to retire.

Crack: Yeah well Brits are fuckin' stupid.

Trax doesn't miss a beat as he floats over and drops bombs from the top, striking Makaveli clean in the face. Mak dodges one of the shots however, and headbutts Trax, sending the bigger man staggering back. Mak takes Trax down with a drop toe hold before standing up and dropping an elbow on Trax's spine. And another. And a third. He grabs Trax by the dreads and pulls his head up, before slapping him right in the face and laughing about it, soaking up the crowd' disgust. He rolls Trax over onto his back and ascends the turnbuckles, leaping off for a moonsault!

Trax rolls out of the way!

BUT MAKAVELI LANDS ON HIS FEET! Even the man himself looks a little shocked by that, but he doesn't dwell on it for too long before kicking Trax in the ribs. Trax crumples down to the mat again and Makaveli grabs Trax's arm and pulls it out, before stomping on Trax's hand! He grinds his shoe and by association Trax's hand into the mat, while bowing for the incensed crowd. He finally stops and grabs Trax by the head, trying to force him up to his feet.

As soon we hear "Nigga" repeating with the flute on the X-Tron, we see JB without his metal mask on with a black pants and a hoodie, as he walks down to the ring when Trax and Tupac's alter ego were having their match as he sits near JR and Heenan.

Katie: Hey, what are you doing here?

JB: I wanted to see what our Intercontinental champ can do against the new rookie Makaveli.

Crack: Yeah, but you did punch Mak not long ago.

Katie: Is this the time?

Crack: He did attack the guy, so...

As soon we seen a HUGE spot from Trax. Crack and Katie where ecstatic while JB wasn't impressed. Crack notices.

Crack: Check that out, JB. Trax really is better than you.

JB: Yeah Yeah... Trax is great eh...

Then we see JB taking off the headphones as the leave's the table and decided to distract the ref, and he clocks him in the ring. Then there was a stare down between three men in the ring, then a fan throws a steel pipe that JB catches and he strikes it on Trax's gut and hits Makaveli in the head with it. Then Trax staggers into getting hit with a Blacklisted and he grabs a groggy Makaveli gives another Blacklisted leaving both men down on the mat.

Then after fifteen minutes of silence, we see JB getting a mic from the RA, and he speaks to the downed competitors, but towards Makaveli first.

JB: Makaveli... you aren't nothing more than a nigga who's gonna get fucked over by your white conglomerate Gilly and Dim, those guys probably won't come out to save you like a punk bitch you are. In fact, be glad I didn't commit second degree murder in the ring, because, Shane Roxy wouldn't want that to happen on live TV. Black on Black crime is too real outchea, and you don't want me to hurt you even further than I can do beyond what you feel. I hope you get back up and make your white conglomerate's proud, because I know that you might walk away from this match as the IC champion.

Then boos are emerging as JB focuses on the Champ, Trax.

JB: Not only you lost the Universal Championship to Loverboy and got "demoted" to obtaining the IC strap, you lost that steam, that steam of not giving up. You got so comfy with not wanting revenge on Loverboy, that now you are facing up thinking bout' your time as champion to be long gone. I want you to realize also, that you also still a nigga who's gonna be fucked over HARD, especially with your former opponent who now RUNS this show. Loverboy can easily say the new rookie is the champ, while you are fit to do the three count against him.

Then the Warfare security slowly started to enter the ring to remove JB from the premises while the ref gets back to his feet to see both men attempting to get up. Then JB pulls himself out of their grip and leaves the ring himself while the fans were booing him.

Trax breaks loose and delivers a shot to Makaveli's gut! He explodes up to his feet and cinches in a front headlock and throws Mak's arm around his neck, before lifting him and dropping him to the mat with a Vertical Suplex. Trax drops a series of elbows across Makaveli's throat, mirroring the downed man's prior onslaught. He then hits the ropes, leaps in the air and drops his knee down on Makaveli's chest.

Or at least he would be if Mak didn't roll out of the way. Instead Trax crashes to the mat, rolling over onto his back, cradling his knee for a moment before getting right back up. Mak's up to his feet as well, and he backpedals away from Trax, bouncing on his feet, smirking at the champ.

Katie: Makaveli now keeping his distance. He doesn't want to give Trax a chance to unleash his devastating "Trax Flurry".

Trax approaches Mak, matching him step-for-step as the smaller man circles the ring. Mak takes a step in, hoping to catch Trax off guard but the champ sees through the ruse and stays put, mocking Makaveli much to the delight of the fans in attendance.

Makaveli, who's finally had enough of this London crowd, drops all pretenses of strategy; of playing the long game, and instead charges at the champ, delivering a brutal enzuigiri he calls Indica! Trax looks out on his feet as he stumbles forward and falls face first to the mat. Makaveli turns him over and goes for the pin, flipping the crowd off.



Thr-NO! Trax powers out! Makaveli scowls and grabs Trax by the hair once more, peppering him with forearm smashes! Blood trickles from Trax's nose as a result of that assault, which the crowd gets a good look at as the referee peels Mak off of the downed champ. Mak grabs the ref's shoulders and is about to shove him off, but realizing he could be DQ'ed for such an act, especially in a city where he's public enemy number 1, he calms down and lets go, backing away to a neutral corner as Trax gets back to his feet and wipes the blood from his nose.

The pair engage in the center of the ring, trading blows back and forth! Trax gets the upper hand quickly with a lightning quick combination that puts Mak seemingly in a daze. Trax keeps the attack going, peppering Makaveli with blows to the body and the face, backing the smaller man into the corner. He throws a few punches just for good measure, before backing away with Makaveli still in the corner, supported by his arms resting on the ropes.

Trax mugs for the crowd for a second, before approaching the corner extending his leg, going for a HUGE TRAP SILENCER that Makaveli dodges! Makaveli avoids the move by ducking, dropping to his knees and somersaulting under Trax's extended leg. He hops back up to his feet and nails a second Indica! The enzuigiri sends Trax into the corner.

Makaveli grabs Trax's shoulders and leaps up, nailing a huge BACKSTABBER!

He then ascends the turnbuckles and flies off - MAK ATTACK! He nails the shooting star press to perfection, keeping atop Trax for the cover and hooking the leg, once again giving the crowd the finger with his free hand.




The crowd erupts in boos!

Katie: Your Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Makaveli

Back in Frodo's office he's looking unhappy and bothered as Katie and Crack walk in.

"What's going on, Daddy? Why do we need to be here? The match is starting soon."

????????: Well, I believe I have bad news.

The masked man from before steps out of the corner of Frodo's office.

"This is a new employee of the XWF. And I'm getting word from above that we don't need a commentary team anymore. This new associate of ours is going to be doing something special backstage, and apparently his job is going to replace yours."

"So, this whackjob in a mask is replacing us, and we're unemployed? Who's above you that called this? Lane? Fuck that guy."

????????: Oh, no. I don't work for Vinnie, nor do I work for Shane . Other assets want me here. Other important assets. Now, I'm going to keep you guys safe for the time being. I like you, enough. Goodbye.

Fontanna and Nikki are in their private locker room. With the news of Nikki being pregnant, XWF management has issued them their own private locker room for protection. The Door is locked with an armed guard standing on the outside. With the cast of characters here in the XWF you can never be to careful. Freddy is pacing back in forth the room with his hands firmly behind his back. He is shaking his head back in fourth like a mad man. Nikki is biting her fingernails nervous as can be...

Fontanna- See...Seee....these manics will try and do ANYTHING to get to me. Now she's with child and they have ALL THE FUEL THEY NEED!

Nikki- I'm soooo sorry Freddy! I swear's I was on the pill Freddy!

Freddy keeps pacing before slamming his fist through the coffee table next to where Nikki was sitting. She let out a small scream and began to cry...

Well it didn't fucking work DID IT!!!

Freddy calms himself down...

Freddy- So here is what is going to happen. My old buddy Frodo has turned the once great extreme title into a god damn circus...but good for me that I just so happen to love the GOD DAMN CIRCUS!! So I might just have to go down there tonight and make my presents known in that little title match tonight. You will stay back here under lock and key so as to not become a distraction tonight you understand me! Don't you fucking move from that couch until I get back you hear me!!!!!

Fontanna then unlocks the door and slams it behind him. He then looks toward the armed guard and hands him the key. Letting him know not to let anyone in but him. He then heads his way towards the ring....

X-treme Championship Extreme Starmaker Match
Frodo Smackins & Rebel Star
- vs -
Jon Willis & Marilyn Starr
X-treme Rules, No Tagging Required, 1 Fall

As Frodo makes his way to the ring, he is blindsided by a man clothed head to toe. At first glance, it appears to be Gator, but an announcer conveys that the color scheme of the get up is all wrong for it to be so.

Using a loaf of stale bread, the costumed man shoves it up Frodo's ass, only for Frodo to respond in the manner of George Takei.

Befuddled, the mystery man headbutts Frodo, and heads to the back, only to come back out with a purple Singapore cane and relentlessly beats Frodo with it before going backstage again.

This time, he drags out a table strewn with rusty razor wire as Crack comments on how no one noticed these objects up until now and how much it astounds him.

Frodo begins to show signs of life, but is cut off by another assault via cane. The masked man signals the end by dousing the table with kerosene and igniting it.

He sets up Frodo for a suplex as he attempts to fight out of it, but is hoisted up and plunged through the burning tetanus-shot required contraption, only to be covered up for a pin.


Frodo kicks out.

"Dude, I don't even have the title anymore. Maybe you'd know this if you didn't dress like a comic book ."

Rebel Star appears; motionless for a moment, at the top of the ramp before making a dash to the ring. Sliding beneath the bottom rope, she bounds quickly to her feet, climbs the turnbuckles, perches herself at the top and waits there for the fight to begin.

Jon Willis walks down to the ring as Rookie plays.

The lights dim as "Throne" by Bring Me The Horizon starts up. Golden pyro rains down on the stage until the beat drops, accompanied by an explosion of blue pyro. When the smoke clears, Marilyn Starr struts down the ramp, to the ring.

Frodo and Jon Willis start off in the ring together, and Willis is quickly becoming annoyed with the midget’s refusal to lock-up or engage in a typical wrestling hold.

Willis tries a tie-up, but Frodo actually licks his arm, causing Willis to recoil in disgust while complaining to the referee, who merely holds his hands aloft and looks helpless.

Finally, Frodo seems ready to go for a traditional test of strength at Willis’ behest… bot no, at the last second, Frodo drops to his knees and squeezes Willis on his junk, making a loud “honk” noise while he does it! Willis is enraged, and he drives a stiff punch right into Smackins’ temple, dropping the smaller man right to the mat!

Willis follows up with a knee drop, and a stomp, and a measured elbow drop as well! Frodo is rolling away trying to dodge the moves, but Willis manages to land all of them up until Frodo gets to the ropes and calls for the ref to back Willis up… but the ref refuses! It’s an X-Treme Rules match!

Willis gets excited and runs the ropes, flying toward Frodo with a baseball slide… but Frodo moves! Willis flies out under the bottom rope and bounces with a sick thud off of the concrete floor. Frodo smiles and leaps off of the apron… he lands ass-first onto Willis’ face! He could have broken his zygomatic bone!

Marilyn Starr races around from her corner to pull Frodo off, and Rebel meets her halfway! The two women go toe to toe but Rebel quickly overcomes Marilyn with her genetically-enhanced strength! Marilyn Starr is thrown headfirst through the barricade! It exploded right into the crowd and the petite blonde is lying face down in the front row!

Rebel grabs Jon Willis off the ground and sends him shoulder first into the steel steps! Frodo gets back to his feet and into the ring… he’s climbing the ropes… LOLNOPE TO WILLIS ON THE OUTSIDE! Willis flies into the ringside area, knocking over the timekeeper’s table. Frodo lands on his feet somehow, even though he presumably covered his body in butter or margarine before the match.

Frodo gathers himself and pulls Willis up, rolling him back into the ring. He slowly slides on top of Willis and pins him with his crotch right in Willis’ face.




Out of no where Fontanna's music hits the PA system. Fontanna comes running out onto the stage with his eyes focused on the ring but as he is heading down the ramp the X tron comes to life stopping all the action in the ring and causing Fontanna to stop as well. The video seems to be shot with a cell phone. It's the guard from outside Fontanna's locker room. His voice has been changed to hide his identity....

Guard- Freddy...your quick to trust the wrong people my boy. Thank you for the key to your room it's gonna make this so much easier for me to do what I have to do.

The guard opens the door and drops the phone on the ground. We here Nikki scream as the guard steps on the cutting the feed. Fontanna looks irate as he runs back through the curtain!

Willis got a shoulder up and Frodo seems a little surprised. He motions for Rebel to get in the ring, which she does, and then he pulls Jon Willis to his feet giving him an Irish whip right into a stunning dropkick by Rebel! Rebel Star then grabs Willis and lifts him into a fisherman’s buster! Jon Willis is taking a huge beating here tonight!

Marilyn Starr finally manages to get back into the fray as she slides under the bottom rope and charges Frodo! She’s got the ring bell and she smashes it into the face of Frodo, chiming the bell against his skull! Marilyn drops on top of Frodo and has him covering his face while she lands a barrage or forearms and elbow strikes! Wait, Frodo manages to reverse positions, and now it’s Marilyn on the bottom… but she sinks in a triangle choke! Frodo’s head is squeezed between the gorgeous thighs of Marilyn Starr!

On the other side of the ring, Jon Willis has just been bounced into a turnbuckle by Rebel Star… who follows him in with a running shoulder tackle! RIGHT INTO THE POST! Jon Willis had the wherewithal to slide out of the way at the last second, and he grabs the stunned and hurt Rebel by the back of her tights and rolls her up into a pin!




Rebel kips up onto her feet but Willis immediately drills her with a quick discus lariat! Rebel is thrown from the ring, and Willis follows her out, diving from the apron with a pointed elbow strike to the back of the XWF Queen’s head! Rebel crawls toward the corner and sits while Willis digs under the ring… and emerges with a steel chair!

Willis charges at Rebel and swings the chair like a forward hitting a game winning slap shot, but Rebel slumps out of the way and Willis hits the chair against the post! Steel on steel! Willis screams and drops the chair as his fingers vibrate with pain.

Meanwhile, Frodo’s head is still trapped between the thighs of Marilyn Starr… but he doesn’t seem to be trying to get out. In fact, he starts rubbing his face right against the crotch of Starr! Starr’s face goes red and she redoubles her effort to squeeze, her mighty thigh muscles at maximum capacity until Frodo’s head turns blue! Frodo’s eyes roll back and he sharts into his jorts. Marilyn is disgusted by the skid mark and releases the hold!

Marilyn sizes up the barely-moving Frodo and sets up… AVADA KEDAVRA!!! Starr’s knees slam right into Frodo’s spine! With a grossed out look on her face she gingerly rolls Frodo over, avoiding the brown stain on the back of his jean shorts and goes for a pin…




Star pulled Starr off of the pin and jumps into a donnybrook with the manic pixie dream girl! Marilyn hits a quick forearm strike followed by a shot to the jaw, but Rebel recovers quickly, nailing a back elbow into the face of Marilyn Starr… Marilyn covers her face and ducks, backing away! Rebel takes advantage and sends a knee into Starr’s midsection, followed up by another!

Rebel gets a third knee blocked, though, and Marilyn straightens back up with a kick to the gut of Rebel. Rebel catches her boot! Rebel Star spins Marilyn around…


Marilyn Starr bounces off of her face and lands in a heap in the corner, and Jon Willis slides into the ring and leaps onto Rebel before she can get back to her feet… he’s locks in a front face lock… DDT!

Rebel gets up, but she’s slowed… and Willis hits a scintillating Gamengiri kick! Rebel’s seeing stars! Willis braces and lifts her into a torture rack… into a piledriver! PSYCHO DRIVER!!! HE GOT ALL OF IT!!! Goodnight, Rebel!

Willis with a cover!




Frodo just saved the match for himself, but as soon as he pulls Willis off of Rebel, who rolls out of the ring, Willis turns him inside out with a spinning wheel kick!

Frodo collapses to the mat and Willis goes for a cover!




Rebel dragged Willis out under the bottom rope and quickly sent him crashing into the apron with a shoulder tackle! Rebel hops onto the guardrail… HURRICANRANA INTO THE APRON!!! Rebel might have clipped her head on the floor, though, both competitors are down and not moving!

Marilyn Starr finally gets back in the mix, pulling Frodo to his feet… but he was playing possum!


Marilyn Starr is dropped like a sack of bricks, and Frodo, still woozy, is the last man standing in the ring!

Frodo drops his shitty jorts and wipes his ass with them, then tosses the shorts onto Starr while she’s lying in the ring. Now clad in his trademark yellow thong, Frodo flings himself in an awkward slingshot onto Jon Willis outside of the ring while his skin glimmers in the lights like only buttered up flesh can!

Willis collapses backward under the weight of the flying, nearly-naked Frodo Smackins, hitting his head against the barricade as well. Rebel and Frodo then talk for a moment… Rebel lifts Willis up on her shoulders as if she’s going for an electric chair, and Frodo gets onto the apron… Frodo runs forward and grabs Willis around the throat!


Frodo is standing tall in his thonged glory, celebrating the big move with Rebel, when suddenly a pair of stained jorts hits Rebel Star right in the face! She’s blinded, and probably has pink eye!


Marilyn took out both opponents with that high risk move, and she’s quick to her feet and rolling Frodo into the ring!

Starr back in the ring after him now, and she gets a poke to the eye as she attempts to lock up… Frodo grabs her nips with a titty twister and then back up… CUNT PUNT!!! Frodo soccer kicked Marilyn Starr right in her cervix!

Marilyn doubles over and Frodo goes for a snap DDT, but Starr held onto the ropes! Frodo bangs the back of his head on the mat, and get up slowly… REVERSE STO INTO THE TURNBUCKLES BY STARR!!! CROSS MY HEART!!!

Starr immediately jumps to the top turnbuckle, then drops down into a split-legged moonsault!


Marilyn Starr hooks both Frodo’s legs and he can only flatulate in defense!



But here comes Rebel Star!



Marilyn Starr pinned Frodo Smackins!

????????: Your winners are Jon Willis and Marilyn Starr.

"Oh, Mystery Man, your identity will be revealed next exciting addition of Warfare."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 7 users Like Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
(04-29-2016), drezdin5788 (05-03-2016), Felix Braddock (04-30-2016), Jon Willis (04-30-2016), Kid Kool (05-02-2016), Makaveli (04-30-2016), Unknown Soldier (04-29-2016)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-29-2016, 11:15 PM

Ghost Tank is being attended to from the attack by the mystery man, so is Alysia. Both of them are coming out, but only one of them is able to deal with the pain well enough to talk...

"Whoever he is, will find himself dead."

He then looks around, grumbling, then moves to stand as he swats away the doctors as he stands up, and looks towards where their car, seeing the limo parked, the chauffeuse having been busy playing with Fuzen and had not seen the attack, was now wondering what had happened, and as Ghost Tank lumbered over groggily, she would immediately move to get out of the driver's seat,

"Oh my goodness! Sir! Are you okay?!"

He looked at her as if he wasn't shooting daggers at her, but it was as if he had a claymore and was stabbing it straight through her skull. Then he heard the giggle of his child, and he looked toward the vehicle, then to the chauffeuse, and sighed.

"We were attacked. Both of us. Alysia is being tended to. I don't care you didn't see what happened, I am just relieved you took care of our daughter."

She nodded, and moved to the back of the limo, opening the door for him and he shook his head, looking over to Alysia, and moving back to her while the door is shut

"Take care of Fuzen. I think Alysia is going to need to be seen at the local hospital."

He moved over to whisper directions into her ear before walking away with her nodding and getting back into the limousine, driving away. Oswald walked over to the EMTs and walking to the stretcher holding Alysia

"W-where's she going?"

He shook his head

"She's going to take care of our girl for a couple days. She'll be hidden well with Fuzen, while you are taken care of at the hospital."

Alysia tried to get up off the stretcher and he held her down

"No. It'll be fine. I'll make some calls, make sure they'll never be found until it's time to collect them. You, however, need to recover. You may be able to take playing with fire, but it's been a long time since this has kind of harm has been done to you. I want to keep you well. One of us needs to take care of our daughter and be the petals of the rose. I need to be the thorn on the stem."

The EMTs picked Alysia up, Ghost Tank following suit and moving to sit inside so he can be by her side. Before the doors closed Ghost Tank looked to the cameraman,

"Whoever you are, you have made an enemy out of me. Once I find out who you are, you will find no safe haven."

He then chuckled,

"And Shade. I said I'd kill you. I did. Don't let your girl wait too long. Otherwise, the one and TRUE Death will have reaped another soul."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-30-2016, 12:01 AM

Unknown Soldier: "I would just like to apologize to everyone for being so much better than them and walking out tonight as the Xtreme Champion. I mean, literally ANYONE could have pinned this midget idiot especially after how pathetic his kick outs are. But of course, the best did end up winning it in the end. Sorry for ruining the big night for everyone in the main event who thought their match was going to be worthwhile and ended up just being nothing more than a lackluster tag match with no meaning whatsoever. After all the build up and the hype from all of you ;( --- So very very sad and pathetic for you all I must say. Let that be a lesson to everyone that the only thing left for you to do now, is get down on your knees, open your mouth, close your eyes, and...."

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

Hate Post Like Post
Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-30-2016, 12:26 AM

Tag Champ, Hart Champ...


[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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[-] The following 2 users Like Chris MacBeth's post:
Tony Santos (04-30-2016), Unknown Soldier (04-30-2016)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-30-2016, 12:37 AM

Sheer bullshit beginners luck Makaveki.Have a rematch with me sometime if you think otherwise, but I doubt it.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

Hate Post Like Post
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-30-2016, 12:49 AM

(04-30-2016, 12:26 AM)Sir Chris Macbeth Said: Hart Champ...

Macbeth would find his phone having a voice message. It would be from GT

"Round Two, Champion."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-30-2016, 01:00 AM

(04-30-2016, 12:49 AM)Ghost Tank Said:
(04-30-2016, 12:26 AM)Sir Chris Macbeth Said: Hart Champ...

Macbeth would find his phone having a voice message. It would be from GT

"Round Two, Champion."

Round Two!

Round Yes, yes you are.

Two Title Belts I now hold.

I look forward to facing you again Mr Tank,

I however do not look forward to your body oder.

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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Makaveli Offline


XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-30-2016, 01:08 AM

(04-30-2016, 12:37 AM)Lord Dominus Said: Sheer bullshit beginners luck Makaveki.Have a rematch with me sometime if you think otherwise, but I doubt it.

Whenever you are ready to get your ass beat again nigga

[Image: MAKAVELI.jpg]
Titles Held: Intercontinental, Tag Team (w/ Peter Gilmour)
Win / Loss / Draw (Since Return): 1 / 0 / 0
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-30-2016, 01:17 AM

Suck my dick soldier!! How dare u interfere in my.mtch. we may be friends but whst u did will not go unnoticed!!

MacBitch.. watch your back.. im invoking my rematch clause and I will be the hart champion for a 4th time

OOC: my rps clearly blew away mcbitch's

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-30-2016, 01:39 AM

Unknown Soldier: "Peter, I wouldn't get too cocky and start shooting your mouth off to me like you do these other insignificant little shit stains. I actually kept Scully from interfering in the match if you would open your eyes and see that I was trying to help you. Maybe next time I'll just let both of those little Union boys dance all over your face. You also forget that in two weeks or so I'm going to have myself a tag title shot. If you'd like to keep yourself as one of the candidates to be my partner and take these straps away from these British pansies, then I suggest you re-think how you would like to speak to me the next time you do so."

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Unknown Soldier's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (04-30-2016)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-30-2016, 04:47 AM


What did I tell you guys, huh? One week in as owner and the status quo has already been blown to smithereens!

We've got new champions at every single level. New announcers.

Everything is coming up roses for the fans of the XWF!

Congrats to Soldier, Macbeth, and Makaveli... and apologies to that little cutie Marilyn Starr for having to make so much physical contact with Smackins. We have free Hep tests backstage, dude, you should grab one.

Now, it seems like there was a little miscommunication between Gilmour and Soldier tonight, wouldn't you fans say? And it also seems like Gilmour is probably the next in line for a shot at Soldier's new X-Treme Championship... so why don't the two of you settle things the old fashioned way?

Hate Post Like Post
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-30-2016, 05:09 AM

(04-30-2016, 01:08 AM)Makaveli Said:
(04-30-2016, 12:37 AM)Lord Dominus Said: Sheer bullshit beginners luck Makaveki.Have a rematch with me sometime if you think otherwise, but I doubt it.

Whenever you are ready to get your ass beat again nigga

Moron, better men then you have been defeated by me, and when we face again you will join them. How about we make our rematch a last man standing match, you pinned me for three seconds, but I'll KO you for 10 to retake the title... and if I don't...I'll join The Resistance. You pick the date and show, I'm ready whenever.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

Hate Post Like Post
[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr Killjoy's post:
Unknown Soldier (04-30-2016)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-30-2016, 06:12 AM

"Your rematch would have to be nontitle. Or, you can prove you deserve a title shot, by earning one. Oh, I know. You're going to be fighting Jon Willis.and Peter next warfare. Not a triple threat, a handicap match. Win, and we'll see about getting you a shot."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
Mr Killjoy (04-30-2016)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post!
Mr Killjoy (04-30-2016)
Equinox Offline
Mr. Ratings

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

04-30-2016, 06:50 AM

Shade has to be GT's man servant. Priceless.

[Image: q9xELSp.png?1]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-30-2016, 06:51 AM

Fuck you little man I'm not jumping through your hoops, champions can accept title challenges and Makaveli appears game, add Peter and Jon in the match for all I care though.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

Hate Post Like Post
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-30-2016, 08:42 AM

"Champions can, and managers can deny it. So, I'm denying it. Mak actually has little say on who he fights. So, no, you won't get a shot yet. Show me you deserve one. Or, don't get one."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

Hate Post Like Post
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-30-2016, 09:39 AM

Give me scully and macbitch v md and unkniwn soldier

Tag title/hart title all or nothing house of hell match!!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Hate Post Like Post
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-30-2016, 10:31 AM

(04-30-2016, 09:39 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Give me scully and macbitch v md and unkniwn soldier

Tag title/hart title all or nothing house of hell match!!!

Ghost Tank is seen at the hospital with Alysia being tended to in the ER, he watches from the room, seeing everyone's responses. Seeing Peter's idea and he immediately smirked

He picks up his cell phone, and begins to take a video,

"Peter, you have to go back into line. You see, when you were still the champion, and I had just ended Emerick's life, there was going to be two stipulations to my match with Shade. I take away his title opportunity and a guaranteed Hart championship match. Now, you lost the belt. I won my match. I either get Shade's life for good, or Hope's servitude for a month. Would've liked to have taken Shade's opportunity, maybe I still did. Maybe that's why I get the open title shot opportunity at whatever title of my choosing. Can you follow this, Peter?

You lost. I didn't. Guess who gets to have the shot at the title next? Sure as hell isn't the man who lost the belt. Guess who that leaves? If Dim's stupidity hasn't ran off onto you, you'll know that means it's me. Next Warfare, Macbeth versus Me for the Hart title. See you when I'm the champion, Peter."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
Hate Post Like Post
Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-30-2016, 01:15 PM

(04-30-2016, 10:31 AM)Ghost Tank Said:
(04-30-2016, 09:39 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Give me scully and macbitch v md and unkniwn soldier

Tag title/hart title all or nothing house of hell match!!!

Ghost Tank is seen at the hospital with Alysia being tended to in the ER, he watches from the room, seeing everyone's responses. Seeing Peter's idea and he immediately smirked

He picks up his cell phone, and begins to take a video,

"Peter, you have to go back into line. You see, when you were still the champion, and I had just ended Emerick's life, there was going to be two stipulations to my match with Shade. I take away his title opportunity and a guaranteed Hart championship match. Now, you lost the belt. I won my match. I either get Shade's life for good, or Hope's servitude for a month. Would've liked to have taken Shade's opportunity, maybe I still did. Maybe that's why I get the open title shot opportunity at whatever title of my choosing. Can you follow this, Peter?

You lost. I didn't. Guess who gets to have the shot at the title next? Sure as hell isn't the man who lost the belt. Guess who that leaves? If Dim's stupidity hasn't ran off onto you, you'll know that means it's me. Next Warfare, Macbeth versus Me for the Hart title. See you when I'm the champion, Peter."

Shade walks out of G.T Hospital room with Hope. He sigh and says.

'' Well Fuck me i'm his has you as a servant for a month, But fuck it at least it's could not be worse.''

He walks over to a seat on the hallway and reminisces about his lose. Then hope walks over and embraces him saying

I know it sucks. but it can benefit us. and i don't mean a cheap way. I mean by getting on his good side and i know you know that he is going to make you do things for him by holding him hostage. But just do it and you know even if i cheat on you you will be always number one in my eyes.

Shade sighs and they start walking down the hall, arm in arm when shade says.

''Looks Like work starts on Monday. it's going to be the start of the month of hell.''

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Marilyn Starr Offline
The Pride of Camden

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-30-2016, 01:46 PM

(04-30-2016, 04:47 AM)LoverboyVinnieLane Said: Dude!

What did I tell you guys, huh? One week in as owner and the status quo has already been blown to smithereens!

We've got new champions at every single level. New announcers.

Everything is coming up roses for the fans of the XWF!

Congrats to Soldier, Macbeth, and Makaveli... and apologies to that little cutie Marilyn Starr for having to make so much physical contact with Smackins. We have free Hep tests backstage, dude, you should grab one.

Now, it seems like there was a little miscommunication between Gilmour and Soldier tonight, wouldn't you fans say? And it also seems like Gilmour is probably the next in line for a shot at Soldier's new X-Treme Championship... so why don't the two of you settle things the old fashioned way?

Thanks for the heads-up, Mr. Lane. Or should I call you Vinnie? Which do you prefer?

Either way, I hope I managed to impress, as well as avoid a STD, in my debut.
Hate Post Like Post
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-30-2016, 02:24 PM

(04-30-2016, 10:31 AM)Ghost Tank Said:
(04-30-2016, 09:39 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Give me scully and macbitch v md and unkniwn soldier

Tag title/hart title all or nothing house of hell match!!!

Ghost Tank is seen at the hospital with Alysia being tended to in the ER, he watches from the room, seeing everyone's responses. Seeing Peter's idea and he immediately smirked

He picks up his cell phone, and begins to take a video,

"Peter, you have to go back into line. You see, when you were still the champion, and I had just ended Emerick's life, there was going to be two stipulations to my match with Shade. I take away his title opportunity and a guaranteed Hart championship match. Now, you lost the belt. I won my match. I either get Shade's life for good, or Hope's servitude for a month. Would've liked to have taken Shade's opportunity, maybe I still did. Maybe that's why I get the open title shot opportunity at whatever title of my choosing. Can you follow this, Peter?

You lost. I didn't. Guess who gets to have the shot at the title next? Sure as hell isn't the man who lost the belt. Guess who that leaves? If Dim's stupidity hasn't ran off onto you, you'll know that means it's me. Next Warfare, Macbeth versus Me for the Hart title. See you when I'm the champion, Peter."

maybe i'll come to the ring to have a closer look at u two losers.. we'll see who the REAL champ is ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Hate Post Like Post
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-30-2016, 02:35 PM

(04-30-2016, 02:24 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: maybe i'll come to the ring to have a closer look at u two losers.. we'll see who the REAL champ is ;)

"See, the problem is, I want a special match. One specifically tailored to keep people out, and ourselves, in. One of my electrifying stipulations or a resurgence of the Meathook match."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
Hate Post Like Post
Felix Braddock Offline
The Übermensch

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-30-2016, 03:02 PM

Of course you do.

[Image: qeuhwfY.jpg]
Hate Post Like Post
Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-30-2016, 03:15 PM

(04-30-2016, 02:35 PM)Ghost Tank Said:
(04-30-2016, 02:24 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: maybe i'll come to the ring to have a closer look at u two losers.. we'll see who the REAL champ is ;)

"See, the problem is, I want a special match. One specifically tailored to keep people out, and ourselves, in. One of my electrifying stipulations or a resurgence of the Meathook match."

As long as there is ventilation to help minimalize your potent body odour you can have any type of match you want.

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

Hate Post Like Post
Makaveli Offline


XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-30-2016, 04:26 PM

(04-30-2016, 05:09 AM)Lord Dominus Said:
(04-30-2016, 01:08 AM)Makaveli Said:
(04-30-2016, 12:37 AM)Lord Dominus Said: Sheer bullshit beginners luck Makaveki.Have a rematch with me sometime if you think otherwise, but I doubt it.

Whenever you are ready to get your ass beat again nigga

Moron, better men then you have been defeated by me, and when we face again you will join them. How about we make our rematch a last man standing match, you pinned me for three seconds, but I'll KO you for 10 to retake the title... and if I don't...I'll join The Resistance. You pick the date and show, I'm ready whenever.

If u can't beat them, join them

As for frodo, I don't care who I fight but those tag titles need to be in the hands of a more deserving tag team! So keep that in mind!

[Image: MAKAVELI.jpg]
Titles Held: Intercontinental, Tag Team (w/ Peter Gilmour)
Win / Loss / Draw (Since Return): 1 / 0 / 0
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-30-2016, 10:44 PM

the Resistance will grow stronger.. trust me on that!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Ted and Dave Offline
Commentary Legends

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

05-01-2016, 12:22 AM

(04-30-2016, 10:44 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: the Resistance will grow stronger.. trust me on that!!

Dave: "Oh look I'm Big bad Pete."

The Restance will grow stronger.. Trust me on that!!"

Ted: "Douche!"

[Image: erg2kx.jpg]
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