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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Travis McCoy Offline
The Real McCoy

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-14-2016, 08:48 PM

“I love what we do in the ring but what really keeps me coming back is this. The verbal sparring before hand. I love the back and forth. I refresh the XWF website all day on my phone to see if an opponent, or really anyone has posted something. I love it. I love the art of cutting a promo. It's what evens the playing field. You could be five foot even and a hundred pounds soaking wet and if you can cut a good promo you'll have a job forever, hell you may even succeed. That's why I'm so impressed because after 15 years of watching hundreds of promo's directed at me, and thousands in general, I've watched one so bad.

I honestly don't want to reply.

I'm impressed in your level of failure Joey. Literally thousands of promos and that was the worst. On my death bed I'll remember that and hold on for a few more seconds to get something else in my mind as I pass. I'll fight off death himself for a few more seconds, so that is not the last thing I remember. It didn't make sense, it lacked basic intelligence, you called your so called well practiced move the tejas clover leaf. You had one of the worst therapy sessions I've ever seen. That's a pretty well worn path in the world of wrestling promos and you don't seem to understand how therapy works. Then strangled her because she believes what literally everyone in the world believes about wrestling. You took a pretty well known saying “I've forgotten more about … than you've ever known.” and took it literally.

Ginger! Ginger! Please, wherever you are, please save me. At this point I'll take your love triangle Gilmore Girls, OC bullshit if it means I can cleanse my pallet from that abomination I just watched.

I know people watching this are probably going to look up that garbage after I told you about it. I fucking despise you all and I'm begging you, don't do it. It may make your grandchildren . It's half the reason I don't want to reply because I don't want to dump that shit on my fucking enemies.

The worst part is, I feel like I have to. Maybe it's because it's part of why they pay me. Maybe it's stupid manly pride but I have to produce something...

So I've got a plan. Instead of replying to that I'm going to replace Joey's promo in my mind, and hopefully all of yours with this. He's black, he's a smaller gentleman, and it's waaaay better than the shit Joey just dribbled out.

I'll give you a second. When you come back I'll have my reply.


Travis sits in his office/apartment in the back of the Brothers McCoy wrestling school with his lap top open. The lights are off, the only thing illuminating his face is the light from the computer screen. He's on the edge of his seat. He stares into the monitor aghast at what he's watching. His headphones are on, the light fades to black and it's obvious the video has finished. He sits back in his chair eyes wide, there is...something there. Some look we've never seen from Travis. He looks into the camera and begins to open his mouth before stopping and burying his head in his hands.

He removes his headphones, stands walks across the room and turns on the light. He walks back to his desk sitting on it facing the camera.

“Joey, I've been doing this a long time. 15 years. Over that time I've seen thousands of promos I've been impressed and disgusted. But never...have I Most people go for fear, I've seen throats slit, I've seen women stalked and atrocities I cannot even speak of. Some men go for the humor, jokes and physical comedy. I've been sick to my stomach, I've laughed often, I've felt rage. But I've never felt the way I do right now.

The tone of your voice, your lower teeth... I must admit when you started, I thought this was going to be a standard Joey promo. Going to 'lavines to get some pants for you and your niggas.' I sincerely apologize for using that disgusting word Joey. I'm only quoting you, I'd never wish to offend a man of your stature and promo ability by using that horrendous word. It's might not be the last time in this promo and I beg on bended knee that you could find a place in your cold destructive heart to forgive me.

When you started I thought I knew all the dips and turns your promo would take. Even when you said you were going to steal dem pants because you didn't have any money I rolled my eyes

'aw look at the poor nigga kid who can't buy pants. He's going to pull on my heart strings and try to get me to understand the plight of a black man with a diminutive Spanish name growing up in Texas.'

But you did Joey.

You fucking did.

I felt your pain. I felt it in my balls man...MY FUCKING SCROTUM.

I don't think everyone gets it like I do. They may roll their eyes and see it as black man jive when you asked that girl 'WHATS THAT SMELL LIKE' but I get it. I get it because that girl was a rich white girl. You walked up to a beautiful white girl in Texas and struck up a deep meaningful conversation. You meant whats that that money smell like. To walk into Lavine's and try on skirts knowing you won't have to steal them. You meant what's that security smell like. What's that PRIVILEGE smell like?!

That's why she was speechless, because she got you. She understood you Joey. The love and relief you must of felt when you looked on that cracker face and she looked back. Not with hate, not with pity, with understanding. She got you. I've never known love Joey but in the moment of you telling the story I felt your love.

Thank you Joey.

I understood why you were so aggressive in the Chick-Fil-A. It wasn't a good move but I get it. She took you to a white mall. You were out of your comfort zone, and on top of it you didn't have money to pay! Were you supposed to tell this woman you were poor? You know a man's job is to provide. That's why you never saw yours because he was out trying to make a living for you. Although I do applaud your taste in soda.

Dr Pepper is rad.

Just like you Joey

Just like you.

After losing the power you do like any man would. You assert yourself as dominant. You tell that bitch to wait for your approval before she sits her sweet ass down. Her people dominated yours for centuries. It's your turn to take charge. Good on you man. Good on you, and in a moment of pure brilliance PURE FUCKING brilliance. You break all the stereotypes she believes about you by taking her to an arcade. Joey when this is all over me and you are going to sit down and you're going to teach me how to pick up women because you're fucking brilliant. It's not your fault this pompous white bitch likes to shop, and in your frustration. After hundreds of years being kept down, this white woman fills all the honky stereotypes and you explode. You tell her you don't have any money. You just fucking put your dick on the table and you tell her that she's going to have to support you.

Fucking hell Joey...I just...”

Travis looks down in his hands. His voice cracking. He looks up as a tear rolls down his cheek. No bullshit pussy weeping, one manly fucking tear. Like the one every man squeezes out while watching “A Field of Dreams” or the Wayans brothers classic “The Sixth Man”.

“I just can't imagine how hard that was for you. I don't think I can go any further. I'm not replying to your promo as much as I'm just telling the people what you said and why. I'm so sorry Joey but I can't continue any further. The people will understand the rest Joey. You so perfectly put your story out there that the world understands the plight of the black man now.

Joey. There is one more thing I have to say. I couldn't sleep if I didn't look dead into the camera and hope I'm staring into your eyes because you need to hear this.

Nothing you did...was unforgivable.


I don't want to go too far here but Joey...

You may have just cured racism.


Well racism against black people.

Fuck Mexicans.

Those guys are wack.”

Travis wipes his face and looks dead into the camera. Hopefully deep into Joey's eyes.

“I love you Joey.”

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