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Ted and Dave
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Ted and Dave Offline
Commentary Legends

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-21-2016, 05:03 PM


In-Ring Name: Ted & Dave

Wrestler's Real Name: Ted & Dave

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New Characters (returning)

Wrestler Date of Birth: Ted - 1980's Dave - 1980's

Height: Ted - 6" Dave - 6.3"

Weight: Ted - Overweight Dave - 120 lbs

Hometown: Camden Town, London

Personality: Stoners, Here because there buddy Chris Macbeth is, dont really care about wrestling

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener

Looks Description: See Pic Base

Ethnicity: See Pic Base

Pic Base: Ted - [Image: Seth-Rogen-009.jpg]
Dave - [Image: Anthony-Mackie-320x160.jpg]


Strengths: The amount of weed they can smoke.

Weaknesses: No wrestling ability at all.

Entrance Theme Music: Cypress Hill - Hits from the bong

Entrance Description: Hits from the Bong blares out over the PA system and Ted and Dave walk out onto the ramp. They fist bump each other before walking down the ramp asking the people in the crowd for snacks to help with there munchies.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Ted crouches behind opponent and Dave pushes him over, Hiding behind each others. Running Away, Pile on
( If somehow they manage to get an opponent on there back on the mat they will both jump on to make the pin.)

Trademark Move(s): Bong
Description(s): Get there opponent high,

Finishing Move(s): Mac Daddy
Description(s): They ask there buddy Chris Macbeth for help.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks: Anything they can get there hands on to make up for there lack of wrestling skill

Additional notes: Literally have no moves

[Image: erg2kx.jpg]
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