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John Black, you tried to fight Scully cuz yer Dumb!
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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-29-2016, 01:39 PM

Alfie's Home
Miami, Florida

It's been a few days since Scully's friend, Alfie was attacked by some homo bashers. Skull found Alfie battered and bloody in an alley way, when they were meant to meet for a drink. Alfie had to go hospital, he had a few injuries; A broken rib, 2 shiners, stitches on his forehead, cheeks swollen, fat lip and bruising all over. Alfie's attacker's really did a number on him.

Alfie was at his home now, feeling sore and led on the sofa with a blanket. He is watching 'Teen mom', what a load of bollocks that show is. Alfie liked it though, he thought it was funny. Teen girls who can't keep their legs closed and don't know what contraception is. His boyfriend, Jamie was running around after him and treating him like royalty. Jamie brings Alfie a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top and places it on the coffee table. Alfie smiles and whispers thanks.

'Rat-a-tat-tat' the door knocks then the door bell goes. Jamie looks through the spy hole and then opens the door. It's Scully. Scully has a box of chocolates in hand. Skull enters the hall way, closing the door behind him. He and Jay whisper.

"Alright Jay, how's the patient?"

"Hey, still very sore and in pain, ya know?"

"You look tired mate."

"Been a long few days, I'm alright though. I'm good. I have to be, ya know?"

"I'm gonna be here for a bit, go and have rest or something."

"Okay I will do, I appreciate that. Thanks pal."

Scully follows Jamie into the living room.

"Someone here to see you, babe's."

"Hey Alfie..."

"Hey Skull..."

"I'll leave you guys to it."

Jamie takes off to bed. Skull hands Alfie the chocolates and sits on the single chair.

"Thanks for the chocs."

"No worries bro. Wow... You look a lot worse than I normally do after a wrestling match."

"Thanks buddy."


Scully looks at the TV and see's what Alfie is watching.

"What's this shit?"

"Teen mom. You never watched it before?"

"Nah and I don't think I want too. Bunch of Slags."

"Ya can't say that."

"Sorry.. Trash bag, hoes! Is that better?"

Alfie tries to laugh but it hurts. Alfie coughs before finishing is hot choc.

"Would you like a drink? *Alfie goes to shout* Jay....."

"It's alright. I'll get it. I've let Jamie go to bed."

"Oh okay... Help yourself then. Unfortunately, I can't have alcohol cuz the tablets I'm taking."

"It's cool. I'm not going to have alcohol either. Just a glass of water for me."

"Okay can you get me a Ribena please?"

"Sure thing."

Scully gets up from the chair, picks up Alfie's empty cup and takes it into the kitchen area. Skull goes into the fridge, grabs Alfie's Ribena and grabs himself a glass from the cupboard. He adds the ice out of the dispenser, followed by the water. Skull grabs the drinks and head backs to the living room area. He hands Alfie his drink and sits back in the chair.

"So how's Aston and Natalie?"

"They're good man. Aston is quite a good little man. Being a dad is my biggest achievement in life by far."

"He is definetly cute. I'll have to pop over when I'm better..."

"Anytime pal. I can always bring Aston here. We'll have to go out for that drink another time. If I ever see those Cunts who did this to you, I will leave them in wheelchairs. Have you heard from the pigs?"

"Not yet."

"Man, they are such turds. If ya want something done right, ya do it yourself. They probably won't do shit, man."

"True. Your parents still over this way?"

"Yeah, they're looking at properties here. They all want to come over. I've offered to pay their deposit for them."

"That's nice of ya. I see you're facing John Black at the Pay-per-view?"

"Yep, unfortunately. Everyone knows I'm going to win. Anyone who bets against me is an absolute mong."

"That's true mate. I'm suprised he has a job in the XWF. I reckon I could do a better job in the ring than that clown."

"I'd have to agree with that, bro. You definitely take a beating better than he can. I won't have to try too hard."

"Hey let's do some Scullycam."

"It's cool man, you're hurt."

"Hurt, not dead. Just bring the camera here. It's in the spare room, upstairs."

"But Jay is asleep."

"It's cool, just be quiet."


Scully takes a drink of his water and then puts the glass down. Skull creeps up the stairs, trying to avoid the creeks. He heads towards the spare room but notices Alfie and Jamie's TV on, the door opened slightly. Gay Porn on the TV. Skull quickly turns away, feeling a bit grossed out. He enters the spare room and grabs the camera without hesitation..Skull sneaks back downstairs, trying to get the image out of his head. Skull enters the living room and passes Alfie the camera.

Alfie sets the camera up and Scully sits back down in the chair., trying desperately to forget what he seen. Alfie gives the thumbs up to begin Scullycam.....

"Welcome to another addition of Scullycam. Wassuupp XWF Galaxy?! Are we all doing star jumps? Getting excited for the pay-per-view with the worst name ever? Okay, maybe I should be talking more about my opponent but he can wait, he ain't exactly important is he?! So as I was saying, who came up with that gay name, Snow Job? Like I said before, XWF presents Blow Job. I heard through the grapevine, that this is an XWF PPV of old, maybe it should of stayed that way.

However, the event itself is going to be good, regardless of its pathetic name. The vacant tag-team championships up for grabs, we are guaranteed NEW tag-team champions. The Hart Championship is on the line, the Intercontinental title, Fernando will probably lose the Xtreme Championship at some point and the main event every body is looking forward too.. Vinnie Lane against Trax in a Universal title match. What makes it way better?..
The Scully Meister is in action. Yeah babay....

My opponent, I guess I have to talk about him at some point. His name is John Black and it hasn't changed, he still takes it up the bum crack!
He was on some cheap ass radio station, did any of you hear it? Probably not considering JB was the special guest. I doubt you can even pick that shit up on the radio frequency. DAB won't want that shit either. This station.. 'Absolute Shite Radio' had JB live on air, huh? This is no way to boost ratings or even get a station reconised. No wonder that CTG guy whatever his name was, was pissed off to have the 'XWF'S Resident Job ber' on the show. Or we could call JB the XWF'S Resident Black !

I was going to stop giving this radio station more mentions than its ever had. I mean, I'm advertising this piece of turd for free. But calling it 'The Breakfast Club?' How dare they insult one of the greatest films of all time?!

Could the XWF management not find me a more worthy opponent? What about one of the PA technicians? Or the chef? Or what about that secretary known as Dan, who sucks Tyrone off for.. Nothing! Do you know I actually feel insulted that I have to face this loser?! I got a question JB. Who you threatening to be 'Busted', Buster? You're threatening to bust my face? Please! You can't do shit cuz you ain't shit, bitch!

It's apparent JB, you need some sex?! If you weren't so fucking ugly and special, you might not have this issue. Do you even know how to use your cock? I think a prosi is your only hope, maybe ask Gilmour if you can borrow Maria for the night. If you have some bux that is? You probably wasted it, like you've wasted your sorry excuse of a life. I will happily give you some bux just so you can get laid.

It also appears you don't pay attention, which suprises me considering you don't do fuck all around here. I am no longer a member of the Black Hand. I am no longer an associate of Pest. I don't need him nor do I need that shitty group. The Skull is a lone ranger, not a power ranger.

When asked about ring rust, JB answered with this rubbish."

NOT JUSTIN BIEBER Said:JB: It’s like this, I hate being in the ring since god knows when I’ve wrestled, that is what ring rust means to me.

"You are an embarrassment to tards like Dim with dumb and dumber comments like that. You're such a Mongoloid. Wherever that guy went, who became the XWF Champion, please comeback and hand that title to John Black! He deserves it more than anyone. What was his name? The guy who pinned JB's boyfriend, yes Tommy Wish, in the triple threat match? You know the one when I lost the title? Mad Max? Even he was embarrassed of the title I created, he ran away. I gotta admit though it was quite cool. It had John Blacks mum on the front, remember?!

Look I'm gonna say this out loud, JB you are more than Scully was four or so months ago and I had freaking brain trauma! I hope you have some kind of reason, similar to what I had, like brain trauma. Just to explain why you are indeed spech?! Otherwise you didn't develop properly. I would like to recommend the experimental drug to you, John. The one that made me normal again.."

Absolute Shit Radio Said:Caller #1: Aey you durr, Hohn Clak… you stoopeied do do head dummy… you bak to Africa! You don’t dersert to win da qualifier matc to my hombie Skullu..

[Then the whole room was in utter silence as JB cracked a smile and spoke to the first caller.] 

JB: You know what kid, your right I don’t deserve to win… I dersert to beat the living shit out of said Skullu…NEXT!

"I can't believe the ' ' caller sounded more intelligent than John Black. You don't deserve to win? Well that's obvious. But if you had a pair of balls, some kind of wrestling Skills, had some fight, desire, heart and just any kind of talent, then you would be able to give me a decent match. It's up to you to prove you deserve it. So far you've only proved you should be in a retirement home, hitting carers and drooling over Margaret or Mavis. You've just proved just how poo you are! Oh and that you deserve the XWF Championship.

Dersert? You can't mean dessert as in apple crumble or ice cream? Or desert? As in the hot, sandy desert? Dersert? Congratulations, you just created your own word!

What the fuck was the last bit too?
'the living shit out of said Skullu…NEXT!'
I can even understand Tush better than whatever you said. You my friend are a spastic!"

"What the fuck did you just say? And I don't mean I'm offended, I mean what the fuck does that simpleton shit mean? Man... I feel guilty that I have to beat someone up, who is mentally challenged."

XWF Jibber Job ber Said:XarT, you fuckin sell out but I won’t diss you like that; but let me DON’T run my mouth anymore on Scully, I’ll prove why I can still hurt that man and what he stands for in XWF.

"XarT? You're good man, another word created. Two in one promo? Man, you're on a role. Once again, you don't make sense. Stick to licking windows, pal. Those shitty radio presenters are rooting for you, the only three people on the planet. Everyone knows the Skull is going to beat you and you know it too. If you prefer, don't show up, save you more embarrassment. JB, you're going to get Sculled! Da End Scully Has Spoken!"
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