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The Innovator and The phoenix..Rp #2 Vs 2
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BrianLance Offline
Knows No Pain

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-27-2016, 04:13 PM

[Image: NweNQaD.jpg]

The scene opens to show the Chkalov Staircase which connects Minin and Pozharsky Square with the waterfront on the Volga River in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. The camera slowly zooms in on a single person dressed in black standing at the top of the staircase. As the camera gets closer to the figure you realize it is none other than Brian Lance. He stares off in the direction of the river. The chilly evening air allows you to see his breathe as he breaths.

B: Man, I can't believe this is happening now.

Brian says as he turns away from the staircase and begins walking as the camera follows.

B: This wasn't suppose to go this way. Don't get me wrong I wasn't expecting this to be a walk in the park. I knew Daulton would put up a fight but Seth... I never would have thought he would have done that to me. We're less then a week away from Snow Job and my match against Two. This is goin to set everything back but if I can at least get Seth to co-operate for this match I'm sure the results will make Daulton believe in my vision for us. This is our chance to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of destruction. I know if we work together we'll have this company eating from our hands once again.

Brian mumbles to himself as continues to walk down the pathway. Eventually stopping by a memorial with a raised square area with a flame burning in the center.

[Image: CzG00Nk.jpg]

Brian walks over to the memorial. He places both his hand on the black stone that surrounds the flames. He stares intensely at the flame for a moment before speaking again without breaking eye contact with the flame...

B: It's a beautiful thing isn't it? It's an eternal flame dedicated to the citizens that died in world war two. It amazes me how people find fire a beautiful thing as long as it is controlled and confined. Like this little flame here as long as it stays there just flickering away it's a pretty thing. However if this flame was to be givin freedom everyone around here would try and kill it.

I can easily say this little flame here is like me. Quietly staying in place constantly restricted and contain. Here in this current state I am considered harmless. However like this flame here if givin the right opportunities I could flash up and consume all that stand in my way. As I see it right now my True debut and come back begins at Snow Job.

Two I showed you all the respect I could however now you have become the next step. You get to walk out and face The Innovator in one of his favorite matches. That is if you even make it to the ring. The way I see it me and you are the opening match and shit has to start on the right track. So I think I shouldn't have to wait for you in the ring. Two unfortunately for you I will be hunting you! If I'm able to find you backstage before the match Taco and me ain't goin to have any choice but to wreck you right then and there. As soon as I arrive I'm coming for you and then after I quickly dispose of you I'm moving on to the next target on the list.

Our little match against Pest and Bobby Bobbins allowed me to view things a little differently then in the beginning. See before that lost to them I really thought I could walk in here and just step back into the glory of the ol' days. Damn we'll say I had a bit of a reality check of my own. The good ol' days around here are long gone and it's a new era. Snow Job marks the rebirth of The Innovator of Pain. It's time to remember with X-Treme Wrestling is all about. Two our match is falls count anywhere which means IF I feel like dragging your sorry ass to the damn rafters I can. If I want to drag your ass into the damn street I can. See Two the world will be the Innovator's playground and you will be used as an example to show the rest of the XWF roster why I'm the Innovator Of Pain.

Two I will be straight-up with ya. This match IS goin to be the most brutal experience of your life. I'm goin to beat you with everything that's not tied down. You are goin to bleed like an open facet. Serious guy you might not want to even show up. See I have a point to prove and that involves you begging me to end the match. Yes that's right Two YOU WILL beg me to stop. You will beg for me to show mercy on your poor soul. Snow Job could very well be your last match in the XWF. My task requires a sacrifice and Two you are it!
A kid screams in the distance causing Brian to flinch and look away from the flame. He looks around with a confused look on face.

B: How long did I zone out for?

Brian mumbles softly to himself as he rubs his eyes. He looks at his phone then quickly walks off camera as it fades to black....
The scene opens back up to show Brian Lance exiting the back of a Taxi cab onto a dimly lit side road. There is just enough light to make out Brian reaching into the passenger window of the Taxi then the car drives away. Brian pulls out his phone and looks at it. The light from the screen on his phone allows a dark figure to be seen walking up towards Brian from behind. The figure grabs Brian by the shoulder causing Brian to flinch and spin around to come face to face with the figure.


Brian screamed at the figure who is heard laughing.

B: Damn it Jimmy you scared the shit out of me. Fuck you can't be sneaking up on people like that.

Brian continues to rant as Jimmy is now doubled over laughing. After a few moments Jimmy quits laughing and regains his composure.

J: Come on Brian the door is over here.

Jimmy says as the two walk about six feet then turn and disappear through a door. The scene then jumps to show Brian and Jimmy sitting on a couch in a small modest Russian home. The room is generically decorated with no personal signs of the owner Jimmy. There are no pictures on the walls just a coffee table with an assortment of magazines and a television hung on the wall across from Brian and Jimmy. Jimmy sits to Brian's left wearing baggy blue jeans and a blue and gray hooded flannel.

B: Damn Jimmy doing good for yourself as usual I see.

J: You would know Brian. You're the reason I'm fucking stuck here.

B: Well dip shit if you would do what I hired you for you can get the hell out of here. Look Jimmy I need that crystal. Come on man, Out with it! Tell me you found it!

J: Brian I don't know what is going through your head but I went through a lot of crap for this crystal. I can't believe I let you talk me into doing this.

Jimmy slides his arm deep into the side of the couch where he sitting. He fumbles about for a second before pulling his arm out and setting a piece of orange crystal on the table.

J: There ya go man.

B: Good Job Cousin.

Brian says as he pick up the small oval piece of orange crystal and examines it in the light.

[Image: NqMg05R.jpg]

J: No problem but I still don't understand what the hell it's for or why I had to come out here to get it?

B: Honestly you didn't have to come out here but I'm here and I couldn't do it myself. Look I have been doin some studying and I think I figured out a way to get the voices to stop. I think I might have a way to control them.

J: Oh you're goin to start seeing a doctor again?

B: Ah no! The meds block them yes but I want to control them. I want to use them together as one and I believe that with the assistance of the right crystals which are said to help focus the mind and soul I will be able to control them for once. This one orange crystal is just the start. Soon they will have no choice but to listen to me for a change. I could finally become whole and go back to way things were before all this crap started.

J: I still say you need the doc more than some dumb crystals but that's me.

B: Screw you man, Look Jimmy I'm serious! This is Carnelian. It's said to be a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. It's said that it increases your personal power and physical energy.

J: Brian, So am I! You need a damn Psych doc not some crystals.

James replies as he laughs at Brian and shakes his head.

J: OK Brian so what's the next step? You said this is only the start. So what do you have up your sleeve now?

B: Well First things first. Snow Job is quickly approaching and...

Brian is cut off by the sound of his phone vibrating in his hoody pocket. Brian slides his hand into his pocket on pulls out his phone. He taps the screen as he raises the phone to his ear.

B: What's Up?

Brian says into the phone.

B: OK he said what?..... Hmm.. OK.. OK I got ya..... I'll take care of it....... Look I will call you back later..... Yeah OK.

Brian taps the screen then slips it back into his pocket.

B: Hey Jimmy seems you're not the only one that thinks I need a doc.

Brian says with a small evil grin on his face.

J: Wait what? What the hell you talking bout?

B: It appears Two has finally broke his silences. From what I just heard the guy has no clue what's coming. This time I have a point to prove. Our tag match meant nothing. I obviously didn't care bout that match and neither did he. I'm not a team type person. I'm not looking to be buddies or make friends. Truth is we signed up for Snow Job and management didn't think we deserved a single's title shot so they put us in the opening match.

They put us in a meaningless match. In their minds it's meaningless wrestlers in a meaningless match. See I can't stand for this. Am not just some washed up wanna-be. This is the chance I was waiting for. Nothing personal towards Two but this match is where it all begins. Once I dismantle him and leave him laying lifeless on the floor somewhere the management will take note. Not just them but the XWF as a whole will take note. It's now time these guys learn what it means to be the Innovator's target. Snow Job will be the rebirth of the "Innovator of Pain" for like a Phoenix my legacy will rise from the ashes of destruction.

Brian pauses from his rant and turns to look at Jimmy.

B: Sorry man. Didn't mean to rant like that to you.

J: Wow, It's cool man but you need to save that stuff for your promos.

B: Yeah I know man.. Look I got to get some sleep tonight. You call me a cab?

J: Yeah let me go get my phone.

Jimmy says as he gets up and walks into the other room.

J: So what's the deal with the rest of the crystals?

Jimmy says from the other room.

B: I'll call you after I get the rest of the details and don't worry I got you a ticket
home for tomorrow.

J: OK thanks man. Cab will be here shortly.

Jimmy says as he walks back into the room and the scene fades out......

[Image: D0q1Bko.jpg]
[Image: xSWA8Kd.jpg]
The Original "Innovator Of Pain"
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