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Africa might not be so bad.
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-04-2016, 08:52 PM

Johnny was showing me our house, it was a small square little one bedroom house with a parlour and a kitchen and a tiny water closet. I walked through it and imagined where we would put things, a couch, a telly, a table for two, luckily it already had a bed. Johnny didn't seem too interested in the house, more so on getting back to work at his lab. This makes me sad, I traveled thousands of miles to be here. He should be happy that I'm here. This displeases me, so I turn and face him, a sad look is upon my face.

Aren't you happy I'm here?

I catch him off guard, this is good.

No, I am. I'm really happy. It's just that I have to get work done, we only get this house as long as I can produce results, and I can't do that from here. You stay, decorate how you can, and want. I love you.

He kisses me on the cheek and heads off to work. I don't like being abandoned, so I do what any Ginger would do; I unpack my bags and start trying to set up the house. It needs more than I can possibly provide, so I make a list of things we need. A couch, a telly, some art pieces, and maybe a dog. I want a puppy called Garbanzo. This is a perfect list, I just need to get the items, and the food. There's a truck the company said we can borrow if we need to get some stuff for our house, so I borrow it. The nearest town with the stores I need is about an hour away, and I'm by myself, this doesn't please me, but Johnny has to work.

The drive was boring, and filled with nothing, the radio in the truck doesn't work, and I was alone, so it dragged on forever, but I get to town and do what shopping I need to do. A new couch, a new telly, some food, I forgot to check if we have a fridge or not, a set of dishes, some pictures and a bed for the puppy. He even got his own little doggie bowls for his food and water. It was so adorable. Now, I just needed to go and find this puppy, which wouldn't be hard I'd imagined. I was incorrect, I shuffled through this city for 2 hours trying to find someone selling a puppy. I found one! It was a lovely mutt dog, I didn't haggle the price, I just needed him. He was mine, and he was called Garbanzo. This day would be perfect, and I rushed home to show Johnny. He was already at the house waiting for me, a look of fear upon his face.

Where did you go? I was afraid something happened to you?

I hold the puppy up so he can see it.

I bought a puppy. He's called Garbanzo. He will be our baby until we have a baby, then he will protect our baby.

Johnny shakes his head. He doesn't seem to be enthused with the idea of us having a puppy.

Babe, you were gone for a really long time, I thought something happened to you. You have to be careful out here. This place isn't like home, there are actual criminals here.

I had to go get us stuff. Don't you like Garbanzo? What about our new furniture?

Johnny looks around the still empty room.

What furniture?

Oh! Right. A light bulb goes off in my mind. I forgot to show him the furniture.

It's in the truck. We might need help getting it out of the truck.

With Johnny's walkie talkie he calls for help, and we get the things unloaded, and Garbanzo plays around with the people in the house. Some stop and pet him, others don't, but I make sure he's always safe. After the stuff is unloaded, we all enjoy a nice big meal that I cooked. Because, housewife status. The meal is delicious, and everyone loves my cooking, because I'm adorable and a master chef. Ten points to Ginger for being adorable and a good cook. We eat, and everyone leaves, Johnny sits on the couch and I rub his feet while we talk. This routine happens fairly mundanely for 5 weeks, and every night Johnny tries to put a baby in me. It feels fantastic, but I don't think I ever get pregnant, just happy as a wife. Garbanzo grows so big so quickly it's ridiculous. There's no phone that I can use to call Tiffany and George, so I don't try and contact them. One day soon we'll get internet, and I can email them, and maybe see how the XWF is doing during my absence. One day, but not today. Today I have been in Africa for one month, and 2 weeks, today Johnny is going into the field to find a baby rhino. He was planning to take a DNA sample from the Rhino to see if he could clone a Rhino Horn or something.

Johnny thought this would allow him to lower the amount of Rhinos being killed, and thus keep the Rhino Population on the rise. Today, I'm cooking some rice and beans and sausage for Johnny when he gets home. The food is ready, and I'm waiting with Garbanzo. Hours creep by, and still no Johnny. Something isn't right, so I head over to his lab to find out. It's cold outside, and I'm not expecting it, it should be warm, Garbanzo follows closely to me, trotting his puppy feet along with me. The tent was filled with people, and none of them seemed happy. A few hushed conversations were going on, but I couldn't understand anything.

Johnny? Where's Johnny?

The chubby girl with the round face comes over and hugs me. I don't know what is going on, but I suddenly feel a rush of sorrow.

What's going on? Why are you hugging me?

My voice is shaking, and broken. I hear that it's higher than normal.

I'm so sorry. There was an accident.

I push her off of me and rush to see what she's talking about. I can't believe it, Johnny is laying on a table with blood all over him. I see his chest rise and fall, so I know he's still breathing. People are trying to keep me away but I fight through the crowd, my Johnny needs me. He needs me bad.

I wake up on the kitchen tiles, I don't remember passing out here, nor do I remember leaving my bed. There's an empty vodka bottle by me. I must have got pissed and passed out here. Makes sense, the booze will kill my emptiness. Maybe it'll make Johnny come here and love me? Who knows, but I am really hungry. Somehow I manage to get to my feet, and stagger around the kitchen, looking for something. It would appear that I found it, a box of pancake mix. A loud squeal escapes my lips, and then I collapse. Someone stirs in the room behind me, there's no furniture so I should be able to see who it is, but I can't. My eyes don't work like they're supposed to. I might be scared if I wasn't hoping for things like this to happen.

Are you ok, Ginge?

I don't think so, I mean, with everything that's happened I doubt I'll ever really be ok.

No, sweetie, I meant right now.

Oh, I don't know. I can't see, and I'm really hungry. I want Pancakes, but I can't make them. You need eyes to make them. Johnny used to love my eyes.

Your eyes are just closed. And I'm sure he still loves your eyes. Go sit down and I'll make you pancakes. Then we need to talk.

Trust me, he doesn't love my eyes anymore.

My eyes open, and Tiffany helps me to my feet, then she guides me a place where I can sit while she cooks for me. Assessing the situation, and the look in my eyes, she knows not to ask what I mean. Best friends can tell these kinds of things.

We've got to get you some new furniture soon, babe. You can't live without any.

Oh, it's on its way from Africa. And Garbanzo. He should be here soon. Garbanzo is my dog.

Her head is facing away from me as she heads to make me breakfast, I don't have to see her eyes to know that she rolled them.

Of course he is. Why is your dog named Garbanzo?

What a stupid question. Did Tiffany get dumb while I was gone?

What a stupid question. Did you get dumb while I was gone?

She turns around and shoots me this cold look. I don't care, she should know the answer.

You know, I get that shit's been hard for you since Africa, and I don't really know what happened between you and Johnny, but I can't help but feel like you hate me for some reason. Tell me what's going on or get over yourself, girl.

You want to know my issue? You want to know what makes me so hostile and angry? Ok, here it goes. I come home from being in hell for the last 3 weeks to find out that you've taken my brother and my furniture and I literally have no Johnny, no George, and no damn couch to sleep on. I'm lucky I even have a fork to eat my pancakes with. My problem is that I have nothing in my life, except misery and my dog Garbanzo, and you have everything. Garbanzo isn't even here right now. I just have misery.

Tiffany stops grabbing for a bowl to make the pancakes in and slowly walks over to me. Her arms find my stomach and hold me. I feel less alone and less empty. I should apologise to her.

You didn't lose everything. George and I got a new house, because we got married. You said you weren't coming back, so we borrowed the stuff. Henry wouldn't leave, so we'd come over and take care of him all the time for you, and we left your room alone. Whatever happened with Johnny, I'm so sorry for. Hopefully he realises what he's missing and comes back for you. But, you have me, and you have Georgie. You will always have us. Don't be miserable, girl. I love you.


She nods, I feel her chin dig into my shoulder as she does so. I can't handle this right now. Too much loving will make me forget about Johnny. I don't want to forget that pain until I die.

I have to go record something for Cain. I have to let this anger out.

I break the hug and run to my room and slam the door shut. I watch Cain's promo and hide under my covers. His promo is boring, and he is stupid. Cain is really stupid. He doesn't understand the stories of the bible, but wants to pretend like he's some kind of beast from biblical times. What a joke. What a worthless person to be in this federation.

Cain, tell me why I should care about anything you have to say or do in this federation? Why should I give you even a tiny shred of attention? What makes you so special? Will you do anything to impress me? Or make me feel intimidated? Will you fill this emptiness in my soul? No, of course not. You're nothing to me, and I don't even really want to be in this match, or the one on next Warfare, I'm just trying to make the pain stop, or to die. Whichever one comes first. And Cain, I hope you understand this really important aspect, if you're going to pretend to be something, try and figure out how to be that person actually, and not some sort of failed attempt to be him. Know enough to pass basic things. Like for instance, anyone who has ever followed the bible and the story of Cain and Abel knows that Enoch, the son of Cain, is not Enoch to the ancestor of Noah, thus he was not involved in the flood. They also know that Cain from the bible was not granted eternal life, because you know that wouldn't make any sense. Why would you be punished with eternal life for murdering someone and lying to God? Or, are you calling people who actually study the bible for a living liars? Because the most common answer is that Cain was branded on his forehead or a horn. You know, so people can know who he is. Cain, you're boring. Stop being boring, and stop being some poor kid's version of what would make an awesome story. You're a fraud, and a bad one at that. Go back to whatever it is you were really doing before this.

Say fuck, Ginger. Do it.

No, I'm not saying it. Why are you here?

Bored. Wanted to make sure you didn't die, and bored. Plus, I like taunting Cain.

Urgh. Tiffany ruined it.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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