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Monday Night Madness - 1/20/2014 -- Part 1
Author Message
Morgan Eldred Offline
Co-GM of Madness

XWF FanBase:
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01-21-2014, 11:23 PM

[Image: madness3.png]

Date: January 13, 2014
Arena: Allstate Arena
City: Chicago, Illinois


The lime pyro explodes all over the Bankers Life Fieldhouse as Madness hits the airwaves! The crowd is looking completely pumped for tonight’s episode! The camera zooms down to Joey Styles as “The Sound of Madness” roars!

JOEY STYLES: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It’s a mad, mad world out there, and this…is…MADNESS! We are LIVE and utterly SOLD OUT in Indianapolis, Indiana! And I am Joey Styles, your voice of—“

???: “’scuse me, mate.”

Joey is suddenly joined at the announcer’s table by a strange man, who adorns a headet.

[Image: IT-geek.jpg]

???: “Wanted to get a good seat for tonight, y’know?”

JOEY STYLES: “Who the hell are you?”

???: “The name’s Donnie Gross. I’m Mr. Eldred’s latest addition to the announce booth. He figured – oh, what was it – that every good modern show has at least two fellows on commentary. So…I’m your new partner, my friend.”

JOEY STYLES: “Uh…okay. I don’t really NEED a partner, but…”

DON GROSS: “Let’s just get to the action, shall we?”

JOEY STYLES: “Right…partner…?”

Suddenly, the cameras that are focused on Joey and Don quickly zoom above, towards an entry way in the stands.

Paul Heyman walks through the door way with two Riot cops flanking him on either side. The Riot cops clear the way down the stairs and lead Paul toward ringside. Once the reach the barricade, Paul holds up his Madness ticket and takes a seat in the first row, just to Joey Styles right. Heyman's Riot cops head back up the aisle and eventually disappear through the door way.

JOEY STYLES: "I'm kind of shocked to see Paul here. I guess the former General Manager of Madness is nothing more than a fan tonight."

DON GROSS: “Aren’t we all, Jamie?”

JOEY STYLES: “It’s Joey.”

DON GROSS: “Right you are, Jack. Let’s get Madness started!”

“Touch Me I’m Going to Scream Part II” by My Morning Jacket plays.

DON GROSS: “I have to say, this guy really impresses me. We have so few intellectuals in this business. It’s a breath of fresh air.”

JOEY STYLES: “You may like his vocabulary, but he doesn’t look like much of a fighter…”

DON GROSS: “He’s calculating, mate. And I am a sucker for Latin.”

“I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Levi Storm is the model of physical perfection! I’d be putting my money on him tonight.”

DON GROSS: “Do you figure he was named after the blue jeans company?”

JOEY STYLES: “I don’t really know, but I guess we’ll find out the answer to a bigger question – brains or brawn?”

The Linguist
- vs -
Levi Storm
Standard Rules

The ref signals for the bell, but neither competitor moves for his opponent. Rather, the two seem preoccupied with their own matters. While the Linguist stands with his hand upon his chin in thought, Levi Storm is busy admiring his own biceps. He gives his left arm a kiss. And this is the opportunity the Linguist was waiting for! He rushes forward and kicks Levi right in the gut!

The former male model, now doubled over, is suddenly taken to the mat by a quick armdrag from the Linguist, which soon turns into an arm-bar hold. Levi tries to pump himself up with a few self-inflicted “wake up” slaps to the face, and it seems to work! He suddenly rises out of the arm-bar with a quick pinning predicament on the Linguist!


Quick kick out!

Levi takes the fight to his opponent with a series of cobbering blows to the head, but the Linguist makes it to the ropes. The ref pulls Levi away and gives him a stern warning regarding the rope break. Being the strategist he is, the Linguist uses the ref’s momentary distraction to springboard off the ropes and deliver a back elbow to Levi’s face! The model goes down to the mat, but soon bounces back onto his feet. The Linguist rushes him, and Levi goes for a clothesline, but the Linguist ducks it and springboards off the ropes for another back elbow!

Nope! He’s caught mid-air by Levi Storm, who transforms the momentum into a thunderous backbreaker! And the pin!



The Linguist kicks-out!

Levi pulls the Linguist back onto his feet and winds up for a left hook!


The Linguist reels back, only to receive another hook to the jaw! He stumbles backward into the corner. Levi takes a running start, and goes for the corner spear!

The Linguist moves out of the way! Levi slips right between the turnbuckles and smashes his own shoulder into the ring post!

Taking advantage, the Linguist pulls Levi back out from betwixt the turnbuckles by the back of his speedo. He wraps Levi up with a full nelson! What’s this?

Dragon suplex to Levi Storm!

JOEY STYLES: “What a maneuver! The Linguist knows exactly what he’s doing!”

DON GROSS: “Might I remind you the match isn’t quite over?”

Still plotting, the Linguist waits, stalking his downed opponent. Slowly, Levi Storm makes it to his feet. The Linguist approaches and wraps his arm across Levi’s chest! He’s going for the Epilogue!

No! Elbows to the back of the Linguist’s head! The brainiac stumbles backward, and Levi nails a pinpoint dropkick to the Linguist’s chest, sending the man hurtling backward!

The Linguist bounces off the ropes, and Levi does the same off the opposite side. The two are headed right for one another!

Continuer (running Russian leg sweep)! A Continuer from the Linguist!

Both men are down! The ref starts up the count-down!






The Linguist is back on his feet.



Levi is up, strattling the ropes. The Linguist charges!

Levi sidesteps! But he doesn’t notice…the Linguist planned this out! A quick tiger feint kick (a la Rey Mysterio), and he’s back in the ring, behind an unaware Levi Storm!

Levi turns…

Epilogue from the Linguist! And a follow-up elbow drop into a pin!




WINNER: The Linguist

JOEY STYLES: "What a match we have coming up for you folks! I can honestly say I've been looking forward to this one--"

The camera suddenly cuts to a black screen. Several seconds of silence accompanies the pitch black, until a heavily synthesized voice chimes in:

"We've noticed."

Two rows of flood lights illuminate what appears to be an abandoned slaughterhouse. Row after the row, the lights reveal a long stretch of blood soaked floor. The faint cries of frightened cattle can be heard from nearby pens. As the lights reach the end of room, the outline of a large figure seated in a chair is revealed. The figure leans back, solely revealing the top of a blood red mask.

"The XWF is in the midst of a power struggle. The roster bickers and whines like a group of spoiled children. In times of turmoil such as these, men show their true colors. Evil men revel in their treachery, while the innocent suffer. These vile men go unpunished because their peers turn a blind eye in lieu of their trivial pursuits and grievances.

"But we've noticed. Morgan Eldred, did you really believe that you could use the tribulations of the XWF as a veil for your usurpation? You are no better than a common thief, taking that which does not belong to you. Make no mistake, Morgan Eldred, thieves are caught and they are punished. We have witnessed your treachery and we will not stand for it. We are the Titan, and we have come for you."

Once more, the camera cuts to black as Madness heads to commercial…

DON GROSS: “Was that, uh…one of our resident psychopaths that just spoke before the commercial?”

JOEY STYLES: “I can’t be sure…”

The duo take a glance over their shoulders at Paul Heyman, still seated in the crowd behind them. Heyman gobbles down a big handful of popcorn and waves at the announcers with a huge grin across his face.

JOEY STYLES: “But let’s not jump to conclusions. We have more Madness to get to!”

DON GROSS: “…goody.”

“Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon Plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Well, it looks like Hunter Payne has taken to wearing a mask nowadays!”

DON GROSS: “Personally, I think he’s exaggerating.”

JOEY STYLES: “Well, the man was in a horrific fireworks accident.”

DON GROSS: “Was he? I thought he just finally looked in a mirror or something. Self-esteem is vital.”

“Break the Silence” by Killswitch Engage plays.

JOEY STYLES: “And here comes Scott Charlotte! From what I’ve heard, he’s still big on his Down With campaign.”

DON GROSS: “I once knew a man who actively protested his boss during working hours.”

JOEY STYLES: “Well, how’d that work out?”

DON GROSS: “He was terminated from our place of employment at the car wash. I think he sells drugs now.”

Hunter Payne
- vs -
Scott Charlotte
Standard Rules

Hunter and Scott lock up in the middle, with Scott emerging on top with a side headlock, which moves into a take-down. On the mat, Scott wrenches Hunter’s head, but Payne manages to wiggle the duo across the mat, and gets his foot on the ropes. Scott hesitantly breaks the hold and backs off.

However, as Payne pulls himself back onto two feet with the ropes, Scott moves in to continue his assault. But as he goes to grab Payne, Hunter suddenly strikes back with a Samoan spike to Scott’s throat!

Scott stumbles away, hands clutching his throat, but Payne follows. He spins Scott around and drops to his knees to flip Scott over with a fireman’s carry takedown, which is followed by a stiff knee strike to the side of the seated Scott Charlotte’s head. Payne covers.



Scott kicks out!

Payne lifts Scott to his feet and goes for a roundhouse kick, but Scott quickly ducks under Payne’s foot and counters with a series of right-handed jabs to Payne’s mouth. Scott then kicks Payne in the gut and executes a suplex, holding the landing for a pin!



Payne kicks out!

Scott grumbles to himself and stands. Payne begins crawling toward the ropes, but is suddenly interrupted by Charlotte, who now has ahold of Payne’s leg. Hunter pushes himself up, with Scott still grabbing his ankle. Payne hops once…twice…and then rolls, sending Scott Charlotte flying forward and through the ropes to the outside!

Scott slowly gets to his feet on the outside. Meanwhile, Payne mounts the top turnbuckle! He leaps off, hitting Scott Charlotte with a double axe handle off the top rope to the outside!

JOEY STYLES: “Outstanding risk and reward from Hunter Payne, there!”

DON GROSS: “I’ll have you know that mask he’s wearing grants +3 on bravery checks.”

JOEY STYLES: “Sorry, I don’t play D&D.”

DON GROSS: “Try it. Just yesterday, Hunter Payne and I slayed a dragon. And then we sat down to play Dungeons and Dragons.”

Payne is electrified right now! He slaps his own chest and taunts for the crowd, who pop for him! He moves over to the doubled-over Scott Charlotte and grabs him by the head. Payne then drags Scott over toward the announce table and slams Charlotte’s face onto its surface!

Feeling in control, Payne makes an attempt to Irish Whip Scott into the steel steps, but it’s reversed by Charlotte! Hunter Payne is whipped shoulder-first into the ringside steps! Ouch!

Fearing the ref’s near-complete countout, Scott tosses Payne back into the ring and leaps back inside the ropes to cover him.



Payne kicks out!

With the frustration building, Scott mounts Payne for a round of punches to the head, and the crowd cheers! Scott dismounts and nods reassuringly at the crowd. As Payne reaches his feet, Scott rushes from behind and leaps over Payne to hit a rolling cutter! The sheer impact causes Payne to pop onto his feet, where he wobbles unsurely in a daze. Scott then follows up with a corkscrew neckbreaker!

But he’s not done! He pulls Payne onto his feet and locks in a full nelson! He lifts Payne up for a full nelson bomb, but Payne forces his weight down, ruining the move’s momentum. While still locked in a full nelson, Payne leaps slightly, rips his arms free of Charlotte, and executes a lightning quick arm drag! Scott’s immediately back up, only for Payne to execute another arm drag! And then a third!

Scott stands back up and goes to kick Payne in the gut, but Hunter reverses into a dragon screw! Scott attempts to get back up, but upon reaching his knees, he is met with a vicious roundhouse kick to the side of the head from Payne!

Running on pure energy, Payne once more climbs up to the top turnbuckle! With the crowd on his side, he leaps off for the Frog Splash!

And Scott rolls out of the way! Payne belly flops onto the mat!

Scott Charlotte rises to his feet and pulls Payne up with him, only to sock Hunter right in the jaw! He then delivers the Boom Sauce (two consecutive Tiger suplexes), right into a pin attempt!



2 and a half! Payne kicks out!

JOEY STYLES: “Scott Charlotte is going to need to pull out the big guns if he wants a win here tonight!”

Suddenly, Scott Charlotte sits Payne in an upright position.

…he’s reaching for Payne’s mask! He’s undone the chin strap and pulled the mask off!

Payne, suddenly realizing what’s happened, leaps to his feet and covers his face with his hands, trying to hide his “horrific disfigurement.” From behind, Charlotte violently places the mask back on Payne’s head…

Bakcwards! Hunter Payne can’t see a thing!

And he doesn’t see Scott Charlotte as he nails Payne under the chin with The Groupie Killer (high impact super kick)! Scott pins Hunter Payne!




WINNER: Scott Charlotte

JOEY STYLES: “Clever tactics from this man here tonight! Hunter Payne’s new mask spelled his own downfall!”

DON GROSS: “I’ll tell you, Joey, while that mask is enchanted with a +3 to bravery, it comes with a curse: -5 foresight.”

Madness heads off to commercial with Scott Charlotte leading the crowd in a rousing chant of “DOWN WITH !”

JOEY STYLES: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is a 15 on one gauntlet elimination match! Introducing first, from Busan Korea by way of Cornwall England, two time European and one time US Champion, The Thane of Inane, Neonero!

Cameras suddenly fix on center stage, as a series of teal and cyan pyro blasts go off, and 'Day 1' by Miyavi comes into life. With every bass beat the lights strobe different shades of white, grey, teal, cyan. Eventually as the vocals hit Neonero emerges from the curtain, walking carefree to the ring, inanely messing with fans along the way.

JOEY STYLES: And introducing his opponents, hailing from the annals of the NBA Hall of Fame, the Harlem Globetrotters!

‘Sweet Georgia Brown’ hits, and 15 men at least 6’8” each dance out onto the stage, playing with basketballs. They spin them on their fingers, hit imaginary 3-point shots, high five each other, bounce the balls behind their backs, under their knees, and all kinds of other flamboyant shit. What marks them out is their trademark red and white kits, which makes them all look identical, save for their respective heights and the fact that one of them is white (only one though). Perhaps most striking is that each man wears a Paul Heyman mask. We aren’t really sure what this is meant to mean, but we just shrug and get on with it.

The order of entrants here seems to be random, and even if it weren’t so, we have no idea who we are watching. The basketball shirts do have numbers on the back, but not being basketball fans especially we aren’t familiar enough to guess who is who. All that we know is that for sure Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant are in there somewhere.

JOEY STYLES: This match is also NO DQ, and will end when either Neonero or the entire Harlem Globetrotters team has been eliminated. I –

Styles is about to suggest the match begins, when Nero grabs a mic.

Morbid Angel! Sebastian Duke! You’re a fine couple of fellers and all, but I’ve noticed something I find quite disconcerting: the amount of matches and wins on your record! Now, a little birdy told me that Sebastian Duke has been counting every pin in Gauntlet matches as a victory. Therefore it was only logical that I request this match. One night, 15 wins. Watch and learn, lads. My aim is to reach 50 wins this year, and when I look back and see you both on 30 something, don’t feel too sour!

Nero grins like a moron, and the referee calls for the opening bell. A man just short of 7 feet tall is first in the ring, jumping over the top rope like a luchador, spinning on his ankles. Immediately Neonero kicks his standing leg from beneath him, and he falls awkwardly onto his backside. Nero immediately locks on an STF, and the man quickly taps.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the first fall, Neonero!

A second man sprints to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope, only to be met with a legdrop to the back of the neck, snapping his face into the mat. Immediately he floats over and locks in a cross face, making sure to fish-hook the corners of the guy's mouth, which is exposed beneath the Heyman mask. He taps fervently, and Nero pushes his head away in disdain. As he does, the mask falls from his face, revealing him as none other than Magic Johnson. Nero can’t help laughing, immediately loving the fact that he can tell the world he ‘beat Magic Johnson one on one’.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the second fall, Neonero!

We look up to the stage, and find that the third entrant is busy pissing into the crowd. We kind of know who this is. Nero is having none of it, and grabs a basketball, running up the ramp and throwing it full force at his crotch. The man doubles over and is clearly pissing on himself now. Nero shakes his head and drags him to the ring, and he puts up no fight as he concentrates on tucking his cock back into his kit. Nero smacks his head into the ring post and blood trickles down beneath the mask, as he rolls gingerly into the ring. Nero picks him up slowly, revelling in the moment, and hits a deliberately stiff falling neckbreaker, covering him for the three count.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the third fall, Neonero!

The white man is number four and we all scratch our heads trying to remember a famous white basketball player. He actually throws some punches, which Nero sells with glee. The man now attempts a little shake rattle n’ roll, but on the final strike Nero ducks, nipping behind him, and kicks him in the backside, comically sending him face first into the turnbuckle at second rope height. As soon as he naturally bounces back, Nero hits a reverse DDT and pins him for the three count.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the fourth fall, Neonero!

Nero counts to 4 on his fingers, and taps his arm as if he’s looking at a watch. He starts to prance around the ring, inanely getting into his ‘hammer dance’ routine.

It’s at this point that five Harlem Globetrotters decide they’ve had enough, and all storm to the ring at once. The referee shrugs, given that it’s no DQ. I mean, why enforce the number of people in the ring at once when it’s no DQ anyway? As the first two slide in, Nero hits the ropes. The other three are still running to the ring, and Nero ducks under a pretty hefty looking double clothesline, hitting a double bulldog. He immediately dusts himself off in disgust at using such a shit move, but needs must. One of the Globetrotters grabs his ankles from the outside, and drags him to the outside.


Oh shit, one Globetrotter just smacked Nero in the back with a steel chair! The crowd is going nuts! The Globetrotters are all collectively surrounding Nero now, stomping him into the floor! He’s getting beat like a ghetto snitch! Suddenly the lights cut, for a period of no more than 5 seconds. When they rise, we find that the globetrotters are now kicking the shit out of one of their own, and Nero is lounging on the top rope, giving a cheeky wave. Uncharacteristically, he takes flight and hits a cross body on the pile of basketball players, who collectively catch him, throwing him back over the top rope. He lands on his feet, and shrugs, admitting to himself that he probably should’ve seen that coming. The two fallen globetrotters are rising to their feet in the ring now, and Nero helps them up: DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER! Good Lord, we haven’t seen that move since 1990. Nero covers both men and the ref counts, as the five Globetrotters on the outside clamour to get in the ring, but to no avail. It’s a three count!

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the fifth and sixth falls, Neonero!

Five men now enter the ring at once, surely an insurmountable task! Not to mention the four still upon the stage, who are still throwing each other cheeky trick throws and playing to the crowd. Nero lounges over the top rope, and one man charges him, immediately being back-body dropped out of the ring! A second suffers the same fate, and the remaining three realise rushing Nero will have no positive outcome. For a moment all four men stand at different turnbuckles, then Nero rushes one Globetrotter, who nimbly spins out of the way, but rather than smack himself into the turnbuckle, Nero jumps onto the second rope, hitting a springboard cross body, knocking him over. Rather than cover, he immediately rushes the next man, but is cut off in the center of the ring as the other tries to clothesline him: running neckbreaker for his trouble! As both of his comrades lie fallen, the third man gulps a little. Nero grins like a maniac, beckoning him forward.

WHAT THE FUCK?! Nero suddenly sprints to the ropes, once again hitting the second rope midair, and has just smashed a 7-foot tall man square in the face with his knee! It’s the SHINING TRIANGLE! We’ve never seen the like of this. The man is knocked out and unable to raise his hand once, and is therefore eliminated.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the seventh fall, Neonero!

Nero nips up and grabs one of the two fallen men left in the ring, hitting the Paralyser (sitout package piledriver)! Instead of covering, he grabs the other man, dropping him with the same move, right on top of his team mate. He then covers both men at once for the easy three count.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the Eighth and Ninth falls, Neonero!

This clusterfuck continues, as Nero drags in the two men still lying prone on the outside. The first receives The Torching of Rome, and the second receives a falling neckbreaker. Instead of covering them, Nero beckons the four men yet to enter down to the ring. Hesitantly, two oblige. The first enters the ring beneath the bottom rope, immediately receiving a shining wizard. Nero is building a kind of ‘Globetrotter tower’ in the center of the ring. The next man enters and Nero immediately torques his neck, dropping him hard with a second falling neckbreaker, picking him up and then power bombing him on top of the three team mates already out in the center.

Nero is about to cover the man pile, when number 14 rushes to the ring and breaks the count at two. This one seems to have some fight in him, and Nero receives a few shots to the head, backing him into the corner. Clearly a little tired at this point, Nero covers up, absorbing the shots as best he can. The Globetrotter spits into his hand like he was The Rock, and sends a final huge fist towards Nero’s face, but Nero ducks, causing the Globetrotter to smack his fist full power into the ring post. With no padding to absorb the blow, the crack of bones against steel is audible. He recoils in horror, holding a crippled hand, and Nero uses the opportunity to hit a Pele kick, which smacks right into the injured hand! The Globetrotter screams in agony now, and a smattering of blood showers over the first couple of rows at ringside. Nero sticks his tongue out like a maniac and low blows the Globetrotter with a punt, then hits a bridging fisherman suplex onto the pile of bodies. Somehow the referee decides that all of them have their shoulders down, and he counts to three.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth falls, Neonero!

Finally we are left with number 45. We immediately realise this is Michael Jordan, as he removes his mask! Jordan sprints to the ring, leaping like a luchador through the second and third ropes, and rolling as soon as he lands. Nero applauds and Jordan looks a little confused. Nero motions for Jordan to wait a moment, and starts to untie the boots of one downed Globetrotter, the pile of five men still sitting in the middle of the ring. It takes forever since there are so many laces, but eventually he pulls a boot from one of the prone men, and proceeds to smack Jordan about the head with it. The fans start to boo this disrespectful action but Nero just laps it up. As soon as Jordan falls to a single knee, Nero throws the boot into the crowd, where fans almost start a riot fighting over it.

And then...

Thumbs Down in the Pit! Nero smashes Jordan in the face with a shining wizard, instantly hooking in the triangle choke. Jordan taps furiously, blood dribbling from his face.

JOEY STYLES: The winner of the final fall, and the match, Neonero!

Nero now inspects the carnage, before having a brainwave, collecting the Heyman masks from all the downed Globetrotters, then arranging them all in a line, facing the entrance ramp. He stands behind them, 15 in total, and shrugs, counts to fifteen with his fingers, feigning shock, and mouthing the words ‘Sorry, Paulie’, as we cut to commercials...

Back from break, the camera finds Madness General Manager Morgan Eldred at his desk, looking rather disconcerted. We suddenly zoom out to find that Eldred is seated across from a very serious looking dark-haired man in police uniform. His shining badge gleams in the fluorescent light as he leers over the desk at Eldred.

OFFICER: “So what’s it going to be, Mr. Eldred? Are you going to hand him over to us, or do we have to take him kicking an screaming?”

MORGAN ELDRED: “Well, officer…I have a bit of a conundrum here. See, I know you’ve got your arrest warrant and all, and that’s fine and dandy with me, but I’m afraid the man you’re looking for is my employee, and he is scheduled to compete tonight.”

OFFICER: “The law waits on no man, Mr. Eldred.”

MORGAN ELDRED: “I respect that. And in no way am I looking to impede the flow of law enforcement. But the issue is, Frodo Smackins is under contract here with the XWF. So if you take him away now, he’ll be breaking his contract. And that’s a conundrum in and of itself. I seek to do my job efficiently, and I plan to deliver on the match I promised. Frodo will have his match with Peter Gilmour.”

OFFICER: “That’s not going to happen, sir. The law’s the law, and, just like you, I’m just trying to do my job.”

Eldred sighs.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Right. I know how the American law system works…but perhaps I could delay your arrest for, oh say…”

Eldred suddenly reaches inside his sport coat and removes a stack of hundred dollar bills. He plops it onto the desk and slides it toward the policeman.

MORGAN ELDRED: “…twenty minutes?”

The officer looks puzzled for a moment, and lulls over the offer for a moment before reaching for the stack of cash and slipping it into his trousers pocket. He nods to Eldred and gets up from his comfortable-looking chair to leave.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Oh, detective?”

The man looks back at Eldred over his shoulder, the doorknob still in hand.

MORGAN ELDRED: “Perhaps I could sweeten the deal even further?”

OFFICER: “…I’m listening.”

DON GROSS “Oh, dear. What has Mr. Eldred in mind?”

JOEY STYLES: “I don’t know, Don. Half the roster are psychopaths, let alone the GM himself!”

We suddenly shift from Eldred’s office back to the ring, where Joey Styles stands with a microphone in hand.

JOEY STYLES: "Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to your NEW European champion!


Amos James comes out as his music plays. The large European champion walks to the ring with a chorus of boo's from the capacity crowd. He enters the ring and stands just a couple of feet from Joey Styles.

JOEY STYLES: "Amos James, your Congregation leader, Eli James IV has bestowed upon you the opportunity of a lifetime! He has given you the European title! How do you feel about that?"

From out of nowhere, just as Amos is about to speak, a man dressed in black complete with a black ski mask sneaks into the ring and delivers a chop block that takes out the knee of Amos James.

Joey Styles retreats to the corner.

Amos struggles to get to his feet and the masked man helps him up and places him in an inverted DDT position, before twisting him down to the mat with the Cross Rhodes.

The masked man jumps back to his feet and stares down at the fallen champion. The masked man picks up the European title and looks over at Joey Styles. The masked man gives a one finger motion to "come here."

Styles nervously comes closer. The masked man rips the mic out of Joey's hands and shoves him to the mat. The masked man takes off the mask and tosses it onto the current champion.

It's Wyatt Reynolds!

Charlotte Dyson, all smiles as she walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring. She stands next to Wyatt.

WYATT REYNOLDS: "I get the feelin' yall might have suspected it was me beneath that mask. I've come here tonight tell y'all, that Wyatt Reynolds and Charlotte Dyson have joined the Madness roster...

"I've also come to claim the European title.

"See, if Eli James can just give titles away to his friends that haven't earned shit, then it's only fittin' that I can come in here and take it without earnin' it!

"I'm not waitin' for Morgan Eldred to give me an opportunity. I'm just gonna do what I always do... I'm takin' it!"

Wyatt drops the microphone and he and Charlotte, along with Amos James' European title, exit the scene.

Madness fades to commercial.

The Administration Network's Monday Madness Representative

[Image: ETplk8L.png]
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(01-21-2014), (01-22-2014), (01-21-2014), Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (01-22-2014), Morbid Angel (01-21-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-22-2014), Scott Charlotte (01-21-2014), The Linguist (01-22-2014), Theo Pryce (01-22-2014), Wallace Witasick (01-21-2014)
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Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-21-2014, 11:44 PM

"As expected...a victory. Hunter, you might want to get a new mask, I don't think you're to be able to see out of that one. Oh well, it was a nice try. I won and you didn't even see it coming. In hindsight you should have been more prepared. I bet Nostradamus couldn't see that.

Okay....I'm done with the sight puns. Moving on!"

(1x) Hart Champion
(1x)X-treme Champion
(1x) Tag Team Champion w/ Q.C. Thug

Current Record

[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Scott Charlotte's post!
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (01-22-2014)
Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

XWF FanBase:
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01-22-2014, 12:05 AM

Oh fuck! I lost to Scott Charlotte?!


I'm never gonna be able to show my face again...

Hey, I guess the mask does come in handy huh!

By the way, my face was almost burned off a few days ago! So you should consider yourself lucky, you barely squeaked by with a victory against a burn victim. I should be in the ICU right now!

We will have a rematch when my deformity has healed! Mark my words Scotty!

OOC: lol. Good job Scott,

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Hunter Payne's post:
The Linguist (01-26-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-22-2014, 10:58 AM

good shit

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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