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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Let The Storm Rage On (Part 1)
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ZakMisery Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

12-10-2013, 09:38 AM

A yelp filled the dark forest as the hooded figure fell over some roots, scraping his face on his path to the forest floor. Gasping escaped his lips as he laid there for a minute, catching his breath before he forced himself to get back to his feet and took off running again. He fucked up…managed to damage his home life…again.

Finally, he broke through the wood line and dropped to his knees in the soft snow, his pale skin blending in perfectly with the virgin snow.

Don’t let them in…Don’t let them see…Conceal don’t feel…don’t let them know…but it’s a little late for that now isn’t it?

He stood and pushed his hood back, his once golden eyes now a sharp blue. His eyes snapped over to the woods, listening for the sound of footsteps in the snow but nothing greeted his ears or graced his sharp eyes. His hands suddenly formed into fists and the snow around his feet flew back several feet, painting the trees behind him in white.

Slowly, he opened one hand and summoned a ball of ice, his eyes reflecting in its clear surface as he focused on his family. A blurred image appeared in the ice, making the vampire focus a little harder to make the image sharpen.

Micah was pacing the bedroom, her eyes flashing over to Madyson, who was asleep in bed, How long is this going to take?

Nova looked up from the little girl, his ember eyes flashing, Leave me, Micah. You should be going to get Zak.

He’s the one who did this!

It was an accident! You know damn well that he would never hurt Madyson.

He just did!

The alien snarled and stood, his eyes filled with anger and worry, Get. Out.

I’m not leaving you alone with her!

Nova snapped his wrist and sent flames towards the vampire, The longer you pester me, the longer it will take. Madyson will only remember the fun, she won’t remember the accident. It will be best if Zak kept his power away from her but that will be hard considering its sudden appearance.

He turned back to Madyson and placed his hand on the little girl’s forehead, his eyes slipping closed as he changed the girl’s memories.

What will we have to do?

Keep it from everyone but us. I’m afraid that he’ll lose his cool and he’ll do more than what he did with Madyson.


Nova looked back at Micah for a moment before looking back at Madyson and removing his hand, The worse he’s done is given someone a brainfreeze…but he has the ability to freeze someone’s heart, freeze their entire body, create an eternal winter or impale someone. He managed to turn the ballroom into a winter play land, Micah. There really isn't any telling what he can do.

Micah moved to Madyson’s side and brushed her hair back, her eyes looking at the two inches of white hair, It was just an accident…

Accidents happen; it’s what you do with the aftermath that determines if it will stay just an accident or a major problem.

The image in the ball vanished as Zak pulled his hand away, the ball of ice smashing into a millions pieces as it hit the ground.


He snapped his head around and growled, sprinting away from Nova’s voice. He couldn’t go back…he was too dangerous.


Zak slammed into the icy ground with a heavy thud and his cheek cutting open on a sharp piece of ice. Nova’s voice was getting closer and Zak had nowhere else to go…He closed his eyes and thought of any place other than here and just as Nova entered the clearing, Zak had vanished in a swirl of snow and ice.

[Image: 218207.jpg]
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