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Shove It Saturday Night 2/9/2013
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-11-2013, 12:02 PM

Shove It Saturday Night
Saturday, Feb 9th
Live from the TD Garden - Boston, MA

Lexi Sheckler
- vs -
John Black
X-treme Rules

Blair Sully
- vs -
'Poltergeist Porno' match

Luca Arzegotti
Neil Capra
- vs -
Christian Carter
Crimson Dong
GUEST REF: John Madison w/ pepper spray
Standard Tag w/ Decapitation finale
The person who gets pinned WILL BE decapitated!

Beautiful Reginald
- vs -
Tommy Carlos King
The Newly Bred Beast
Standard Tag

North Korean Championship
Your Angel
Fred XL revealed as John Madison!
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
GUEST REF: North Korean War Criminal w/ giant hammer
3 on 1
X-tremely fair match!!!

Show Finale
Contract signing
Angelus & Shane sign a contract for... something
Angelus will be fired & his family/friends hunted down if he does not meet w/ Shane for this signing

Fireworks kickout the show in classic fashion as the fans cheer in anticipation for what should be quite an evening! We've got the debut of Lexi Sheckler to look forward to... we've got a tag match which promises to show us a live decapitation after it concludes... and we've got the North Korean Championship on the line in what's being billed as an "x-tremely fair match" pitting the current champion against THREE opponents at once, with North Korean War Criminal enforcing whatever rules he pleases as the special guest referee! Last but certainly not least, we've been promised a very eye opening "finale" to this evening's show when Shane and Angelus meet face to face in the middle of the ring for SOME kind of contract signing?

Many questions have been circulating around this entire event, and now we're about to find all of our answers out!

Lexi Sheckler
- vs -
John Black
X-treme Rules

John Black makes his way to the ring and awaits his opponent for this evening. After a few moments... nothing.

The fans look around in anticipation but eventually a commotion of confusion begins to set in among them. John Black paces in the ring and finally we are taken back stage as the X-TRON shows our live audience exactly what is transpiring.

A round of boos fill the air as none other than Shane himself is seen, grabbing hold of Lexi Sheckler's arm and urging her forward!

: Come on Sheckler... you're up! I honestly don't have all day here and neither do these fans.

Lexi lets out a bit of a sigh and seems torn.

Sheckler: I know, but...

: But what? There are no buts on MY show. It's time for you to get out there and show them all what you're made of.

Sheckler: I know that, and I'm going to do just that. It's just... I hope I did a good enough job motivating John Black and I am actually wondering if I should go easy on him tonight - after all, I know he needs this win more than I probably do. There's also the issue of him originally claiming that if I beat him, he's going to force me to eat my own tampon. I just don't want to get off on the wrong foot with him or anyone else, ya know?

Shane lets out a very loud and overly frustrated sigh.

: Wow... ok... here's how this works.

Shane grabs her arm harder and is now forcing her down the hallway as the boos in this arena multiply many times over.

: You're going to walk down that aisle, step into that ring, and show me why the hell I signed you to such a lucrative contract. I don't even give a damn if you win or lose out there but if you go out there and throw this match just to help "motivate" John Black any further, I'm not going to be very happy.

Shane continues walking her along the back hallway as she struggles to break free from his grip.

Sheckler: You don't need to force me along here, ok? I'm going! It's just that I hold certain things dear to my heart more than people like you, obviously.

Shane stops and releases her arm, staring right into her eyes and lowering his tone.

: I don't know or care what you mean by that. I care about only one thing... and that's you living up to the hype. You've made your way through past wrestling organizations and you've been quite a success. Now, it's time for you to reach heights you've never dreamed of and you're going to do it on MY show, in MY company. You can "motivate" people all you want... you can go read books to kids as much as you want when you're not here competing, but when you're here I expect you to shed some of that "goodness" and set your values aside. I expect you to COMPETE and I expect you to WANT the win, above all else. And you know what? If you do win here tonight, which I doubt highly considering how flawed your outlook is on everything we stand for... and if John Black DOES try and force a tampon down your throat, I expect you to put him in his place!

Lexi jumps back as her eyes get wide. She lets out a gasp and looks both ways, not sure how to react!

: Now you walk through that curtain, you make your way to that ring, and you PERFORM for me. Got it?

The booing is at an all time high right now. The fans can't believe what a piece of shit Shane really is! This young lady hasn't even had her first match in XWF yet and she's already being bullied and told how to act? Shane has reached a new low! Even John Black, in the center of the ring, is clearly upset at what he's seeing and shaking his head in disgust.

Without another words, Lexi drops her head a bit and walks in the direction that Shane is pointing. The camera fades out as now we're left waiting to see Lexi make her way through the curtain.

After a few moments, the fans let out a generous pop as Lexi walks out from the back! She seems to be fighting back her hesitation and forces a smile as she stands atop the ramp and looks out into this sea of fans who have come to fully support her this quickly. Lexi takes a deep breath and lifts her hand, waving to the fans in a very graceful manner and mouthing the words "thank you" to all of them as she makes her way down the ramp.

Many of the fans are in awe at the pure level of beauty that exudes from this woman as she very cautiously approaches the ring. One of the male fans, looking to be in his 20's, really seems to be a big fan of what he sees as he's yelling to her and holding out his arms asking for some kind of embrace. Lexi stops and looks at him, giggling, and then tells him...

Sheckler: I um... well, thank you so much! I tell you what, hun, after my match I'll give you a small hint of what you're asking for, ok? I promise!

The fan cheers and screams "YEAH!" as he can't wait to see what Lexi has in store for him after the match.

Lexi continues making her way toward the ring and finally enters as John Black seems to really feel bad for his past comments, and for what he just saw that rotten son of a bitch Shane put her through. He stand back in his corner and allows Lexi to properly prepare as she grabs the ring rope and gives it a tug before looking to the ref and signalling that she's ready.


The bell sounds and John Black very slowly approaches the middle of the ring as Lexi takes in a deep breath and also steps forward. She looks Black in the eye and...

...extends her hand! She's offering a friendly hand shake and looks like she's saying something friendly - possibly motivating - to John at the same time. John Black quickly nods his approval and obliges, accepting the handshake. She fans let out a cheer as they're excited to see these two put on a great contest for us all!

After the handshake, both competitors begin to briefly circle one another before they finally lock up. Lexi has no problem holding her own, as at 5'11 she is nearly as tall as John Black is. Both of them struggle back and forth for a few moments before Black finally gets the upper hand and locks her in a tight headlock. A slight round of boos emanate from the crowd as Black wrenches away on her before Irish whipping her into the far ropes. Black attempts to catch her with a clothesline on the way back but instead she ducks under and flips up behind him into a crucifix pin attempt!

The fans let out a generous pop as the ref dives in...



...KICKOUT! Lexi quickly gets back to her feet as Black also rushes to his feet, surprised by that quick near fall. Lexi relaxes her stance and lets out an innocent giggle before looking out to the fans who are definitely supporting her tonight. Black smiles and shakes his head "no" as to imply that it's not going to be that easy.

The two of them lock up again and this time it's Lexi with the quick control as she ducks around behind Black and wraps her arms around his torso, pushing forward into the ropes to slingshot back into some kind of maneuver but Black holds onto the ropes and Lexi loses her grip for what may have been some kind of german suplex attempt or a roll up pin attempt. Lexi regains her footing as Black turns toward her and charges, catching her with a hard lariat!

The fans let out a chorus of boos as they naturally have been put into a position to fully support Lexi Sheckler after all they've seen. John Black looks around somewhat unsure how to react to this, but by the time he turns his attention back to Lexi, she's already springing back up and connecting with a picture perfect dropkick square in his face! Black goes stumbling back, holding his face, as Sheckler charges in with a follow up SPEAR! Black goes down hard as the fans basically explode at the sight of that power move so easily taking the bigger of the two down! Sheckler doesn't even acknowledge the fans or hesitate for a split second as she instantly mounts Black and blasts him with two solid shots to the face with her right forearm, then immediately maneuvering into a rear naked choke!

The fans are eating it up! They're loving it! She's finally coming out of her shell!

The ref checks the hold and Lexi quickly changes it into an actual chicken wing with her legs wrapped around Black's torso. Black uses his free arm to try and reach for that nearby rope but Lexi is wrenching away on his other arm and his neck with all her might!

The ref keeps asking Black if he's going to give it up, but he refuses. He somehow inches closer to that rope and grabs it...


The ref informs Black that the hold cannot be broken by a rope break and Black forces all his might to pull himself closer to the rope and then actually goes under the rope, falling to the outside which takes Lexi with him and the hold is finally broken.

The fans boo as Lexi tumbles a few feet away from where Black landed and Black rubs his neck in pain. Black slowly gets to his feet as Lexi does the same a few feet away. Lexi has her eyes locked on Black... runs toward him... and never saw Black pull that steel chair out from under the ring!

CRACK! Black catches Lexi right in the skull with the chair shot! Lexi falls back and hits the ground hard as a chorus of boos fill the air. Black looks out to the fans, shrugs, and says "but it's x-treme rules!"

Lexi holds her head as Black re-enters the ring with the chair. As Lexi gets back up, she looks at her hand and sees some blood on it from where she was holding her head. The chair shot has busted her open!

John Black looks surprised when he sees the blood running down her face and looks down at the chair in his hands as though he didn't even realize he struck her that hard. When the camera focuses in on Lexi Sheckler's expression; however, there is a much different look in her eyes than we've seen yet here in the XWF... she stares down at her bloody hand in what can only be described as a refined rage, building and building with every passing second. Her eyes finally shoot back up toward John Black and she slowly climbs up onto the apron without taking her eyes off of Black.

John Black looks out to the crowd and seems to hesitate, but then decides to go for it in this x-treme rules match!

He rushes toward Lexi who is still on the apron and he slams the chair down!

Lexi drops back down just in time to let the chair strike down into the top ring rope and bounce back up smacking John Black right in his own face! The fans let out a huge pop as Black stumbles back but keeps hold of the chair! Lexi quickly slides into the ring under the bottom rope and John Black begins to move toward her with the chair but she lands a quick side kick to the chair, smashing it back into Black's face again!

Black goes down and the chair goes flying as Blood is now beginning to pour from a fresh wound on Black's face. Lexi leaps as high as she can and DRIVES her foot down into Black's face upon landing, following up with several more stomps to his bloodied face. Black tries to cover up but Lexi begins kicking Black's arms and then lands some kicks to his ribs. She stomps his stomach a few times, causing Black to sit up and try to block those shots but that leaves him in a wide open sitting position for Lexi to drive her boot into his bleeding face again with an incredibly hard kick!

Between John Black's blood flying all over and Lexi's still bleeding head, this match is quickly turning into a bloody massacre!

Many of the fans are beginning to find this scene disturbing as Lexi pulls Black up to his feet and plants his face with a hard DDT that leaves a blood stain on the canvas where he landed. She keeps her arm locked around his neck after landing, choking him as she brings him back up again and lands a kick to his midsection... followed up with SHECKLER'S REVENGE! (a double underhook piledriver!)

The fans let out a collective "Ooooooh" on impact of the move and as she pins Black the referee quickly dives in for the count...




Winner: Lexi Sheckler

CRACK! A kick to John Black's fallen body and another stomp to his face quickly lets us know SHE IS NOT FINISHED YET!

Lexi looks around the arena and by this point is starting to get mixed reactions instead of solid cheers. The look of disgust on her face tells us, quite frankly, she doesn't give a flying fuck!

Lexi exits the ring and begins looking under the ring for something. Has she planted something there before the event started???

She eventually pulls it out...

It's... oh my god... IT'S A TAMPON!

She yells out loud for all to hear!

Sheckler: If John Black loses to me, he's going to make me eat my own tampon, RIGHT?!

A few of the fans cheer and others just have no clue how to react as Lexi takes the tampon and wipes some of her own blood off of her face with it! She enters the ring and stares down at John Black with a vicious look in her eyes. She looks down at the blood soaked tampon, holds it in her closed fist, and then...





And now she's SHOVING it into John Black's mouth! Oh my god! This is absolutely revolting!

Lexi stuffs it all the way in just like the Million Dollar Man used to stuff hundred dollar bills deep into his opponents' mouth! The fans are completely disgusted and many of the parents are shielding their children's eyes at this point as Lexi KICKS John Black's jaw closed, causing him to bite down on the tampon so hard that a small amount of blood jumps up out of his mouth from it. Black begins to cough and choke on blood as the inside of his mouth appears to also be bleeding on top of that! It's possible she caused him to bite his own tongue just now as well!

The fans are mostly booing or trying not to throw up at this point, but Lexi just glares out into their eyes with a look of pure hatred mixed with slight satisfaction. She realizes her job here is complete as she spits down on John Black's body, and we're talking one massive glob of spit that she summoned from deep within! What's wrong with this woman?!

As Lexi makes her way out of the ring and starts heading toward the back, she remembers that she made a promise to that male fan who was ogling her and trying to get some attention from her. The same fan seems to have a much different expression this time though... as she approaches where he is and he actually tries to back up!


She blasts the guy right in his face with a hard fist and busts his nose in one clean shot!

Sheckler: I told you I'd give you a little something after my match, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

She reaches back to blast him again but XWF officials runs up and stop her just in time as the fan holds his bleeding nose in pain and retreats quickly. Lexi yanks her arms free from the officials and very angrily makes her way up the ramp to a chorus of boos and basic "what the fuck" expressions on the faces of these fans!

The last thing we see of this horrendous scene is none other than Shane standing atop the ramp, all smiles, and applauding Lexi Sheckler's actions as she welcomes her to the back and they both disappear out of sight.

What in the living HELL did we just witness here tonight?

Blair Sully
- vs -
'Poltergeist Porno' match

Cyren can't be located and when officials find Blair Sully, she tries biting their dicks off! The officials are forced to beat her down with the billy clubs they were armed with by Shane , just in case she tried biting their dicks. They bloody her up and leave her hideous face looking even worse and more swollen than it usually does! These officials are ruthless under 's rule!

Winners: All of us!

Luca Arzegotti
Neil Capra
- vs -
Christian Carter
Crimson Dong
GUEST REF: John Madison w/ pepper spray
Standard Tag w/ Decapitation finale
The person who gets pinned WILL BE decapitated!

Neil and Dong start it out.

Dong chants tonight?

Non-existent. XWF's favorite underdog? The man who's come so close to winning some big matches, but has never won.

Is in a match where the loser gets his head lopped off.

Dong humps toward the left side of the crowd.


Dong tries a hump to the other side.


Suddenly a low chant starts.








THIS CROWD IS CHANTING THE FUNERAL MARCH!!! Dong's time is up and this crowd is letting him know!

A cold sweat runs down the back of Dong's neck he tries to brush off.

Neil doesn't seem as nervous. A cool smile across his face.

Dong gets set...

He cartwheels...


He heaves Carter into the ring! TAG! Carter's it!

Carter yells the deepest curses he can to Dong, who cartwheels his way to the back.

Carter continues to yell sticking his head over the ropes.

He turns...

INTO CAPRA'S BOOT! Sets him up and Turns around...

MIND BREAKER! Planted center of the ring!

Capra walks to his ring! Tag to Luca!

Luca climbs to the top!




Luca covers!




Winners: Neil Capra & Luca Arzegotti

Madison gets back to his feet after counting to three...

Neil and Luca both split after an impressive win.

Leaving Carter...

And the guillotine...

The crowd starts a new chant...





Carter gets up and is desperate to get our of the ring. He backs up...


Carter tries a right hand...

Madison empties pepper spray into his face!

Carter rolls around on the mat, his eyes burning!

The guillotine gets wheeled up and into the ring. The front row gets a tarp to protect them from splash or rolling heads.


Madison pulls Carter, still covering his eyes, into the guillotine!


Madison nods to the back.


smiles as he presses the switch...

The blade drops...




The crowd screams as red flies onto the tarp...

John Madison gets a running start and kicks the head into the crowd as the fans lift their arms into the air for the field goal symbol!


How the hell is this show even still on the air after the atrocities that we've seen performed here tonight?! What the hell can possibly happen next?

As Luca Arzegotti walks backstage after his match, he and the lovely Victoria approach the locker room. Finding the door to his locker room, he reaches the handle of the door and opens it, finding a smirking Stagger Jones there with a cigarette in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.


Stagger Jones breaks the bottle over the head of Luca Arzegotti, sending him to the floor. Stagger grabs Victoria by the throat and slams her into a wall. He gets close. Fear rises in her as she feels his hot beer-breath on her face. His sweaty palms across her neck. His eyes locked into hers in a still gaze

Jones: You know... I'm not a bad guy. I had to choose somebody, y'know? You guys just happened to be the first to show up. Now, don't take this personally. I just want your man's head on a stick. Understand? How's next Saturday sound for you guys? is it... A date?

Before Victoria could even comprehend what was said Stagger Jones grabs her by the wrist and falls backward with a foot in her face, delivering what he calls "Greet the Feet" knocking her out cold. Stagger slowly rises to his feet and looks down at the sleeping beauty he just left on the floor.

Jones: Oh, I'm sorry. I must have tripped. All this drinking, y'know? I just get so clumsy...

Stagger Jones spins around at the sound of grumbling. Luca Arzegotti is starting to come to, gripping the spot on his head where the bottle collided. Stagger Jones kneels down next to him and stares off into space as he wipes the hair from his face. His eyes are still. His voice is cold.

Jones: Hey... Hey dude. I think she likes me. I mean, look at her. She's just fallen so hard for me, yknow?

And with that Stagger Jones stands up and gives Luca a swift kick to the head, knocking him out cold. Stagger laughs menacingly as he walks off.

Beautiful Reginald
- vs -
Tommy Carlos King
The Newly Bred Beast
Standard Tag

Beautiful Reginold and The Newly Bred Beast start off the match. Mr. XWF is standing on the ring apron as he cheers Beautiful Reginold on. Mr. XWF claps his hands and yells Beautiful Reginold's name out. It really seems like Mr. XWF is in a jolly mood! As the match begins both Beautiful Reginold and The Newly Bred Beast lock up. As this is happening suddenly from the ring apron Mr. XWF climbs to perch himself at the top of the turnbuckle. Fans mummer in curiosity as Mr. XWF's actions go unnoticed by the ref. Then with the form of a spandex wearing, dome headed Greek god Mr. XWF dives towards the ref in perfect formation. Striking the ref with a diving headbutt. The ref goes down and is immediately unconscious. Mr. XWF rising quickly to his own feet gives Beautiful Reginold a thumbs up as he loudly instructs to Beautiful Reginold...


Beautiful Reginold seems uncertain at first so Mr. XWF encourages him with another thumbs up. The Newly Bred Beast was literally standing there while all this went on too, not attempting a single move as all that time passed. Beautiful Reginold sets into action and hits The Newly Bred Beast with a right hook and just as Beautiful Reginold is about to hit The Newly Bred Beast with the ROCK BOTTOM. Mr . XWF strikes Beautiful Reginold with a low blow. Beautiful Reginold goes down and Mr. XWF hits The Newly Bred Beast with the ROCK BOTTOM! The Newly Bred Beast is down! Mr. XWF begins stomping Beautiful Reginold in the nuts while Beautiful Reginold is still down. As Mr. XWF is doing this he begins screaming...


Tommy Carlos King waking up from his nap on the ring apron finally notices the ref out and decides to join in this mad cap shuffle. He climbs the apron and dives towards Mr. XWF to catch him off guard and tackle him. However like a highly trained ninja Mr. XWF senses that and turns just in time to catch Tommy Carlos King in mid air by the neck with his right hand. Mr. XWF is still stomping the shit out of Beautiful Reginold's balls while he's also holding Tommy Carlos King by the neck. Taking a step back from Beautiful Reginold's badly bruised nutsack, Mr. XWF delivers a devastating ROCK BOTTOM to Tommy Carlos King. Tommy Carlos King goes down but The Newly Bred Beast is on the prowl. He attempts to sneak attack Mr. XWF but with the reflexes of a finely tuned jungle cat Mr. XWF spins around and hits The Newly Bred Beast with the ROCK BOTTOM! Three men are down and one of these men has a very damaged ballbag while Mr. XWF stands tall towering over all of them like a mighty warrior who's slain all that oppose him. Then you can just tell Mr. XWF has an idea coming forth, mostly because he screams out....


Mr. XWF then drags The Newly Bred Beast to the middle of the ring. From there he drags Tommy Carlos King to the middle of the ring and lifts him up placing him on top of The Newly Bred Beast. He then begins to use his foot to make Tommy Carlos King shove into the backside of The Newly Bred Beast. Mr. XWF is making Tommy Carlos King hump Newly Bred Beast! The crowd yells with disgust as this happens, no one wants to see this happen! Mr. XWF hears these yells and reacts like he's got a better idea. We know this because he screams....


Mr. XWF then runs over to Beautiful Reginold who is still rolling about clutching his damaged scrotum. Mr. XWF pays this no mind as he lifts Beautiful Reginold up and carries him over to where both The Newly Bred Beast and Tommy Carlos King lay. Mr. XWF tosses Beautiful Reginold on top of Tommy Carlos King and then Mr. XWF climbs on top all three men. He begins humping Beautiful Reginold, the motion causing Beautiful Reginold to hump Tommy Carlos King and somehow making it so Tommy Carlos King is humping Newly Bred Beast. This is some sick shit that's happening! Mr. XWF has some excellent control and humping abilities!

Mr. XWF reaches down and grasps Newly Bred Beast as he delivers a Camel Clutch to all three men while still humping! The ref wakes up and is greeted by this bizarre submission meets molestation going on and doesn't seem to know what to do. Mr. XWF doing a submission move to everyone including his own partner! Beautiful Reginold is in tears at how much sheer torture his balls are going through. Even now the friction is killing his bruised and swollen man melons. In the end though it's Newly Bred Beast who taps, being on the bottom of the man pile and having his head wrenched back is too much. The ref calls it as it is and the match is thankfully ended.

Winners: Mr. XWF & Beautiful Reginald

After the match, Mr. XWF begins to celebrate untill...


He's leveled from behind with a well placed superkick to the dome!

"You know I've heard you talking some shit about me in your weak ass promos! I figured I'd say hello!"

It's Sarah Saint James!

Mr. XWF starts to get up and she kicks him in the groin! NO!!! That boy with the big ol' dick is gonna have a hurting dick!

SSJ: Oh I've got a special treat for you, you sick freak! Let's do a ONE TIME 69!!!

She hoists up Mr. XWF and actually delivers a devastating tombstone piledriver to him! It's her patented "One Time 69" finishing maneuver!

She looks down at him in disgust and kicks him a couple times for good measure.

SSJ: Was it as good for you as it was for me... PRICK?!

The fans are in shock as Sarah Saint James has laid waste to The People's Cock here tonight!

North Korean Championship
Your Angel
Fred XL revealed as John Madison!
- vs -
Griffin MacAlister
GUEST REF: North Korean War Criminal w/ giant hammer
3 on 1
X-tremely fair match!!!

As we get set for the main event of the evening, our cameras open up backstage to see Griffin MacAlister already being attacked!


John Madison catches Griffin right in the face with a knee lift that sends Griffin reeling backward, being caught in a quick reverst DDT by NAZI!

Madison and NAZI put the boots to MacAlister aggressively as officials flock to the scene and try to break it up.

: Stop! Stop right now!

Everybody freezes and looks at Shane .

: Not you, Madison and Nathaniel... I meant MY officials! STOP interfering in this match!

What the... ??? Shane is actually stopping the officials from breaking this assault up! Madison and NAZI gladly continue stomping on MacAlister as Shane sends the officials away.

: It's nothing personal, Griffin, and I hope we can remain friends... but this match has been booked as an "x-tremely fair handicap match" and I'm going to see to it that it lives up to that name!

What the hell is Shane talking about? He's doing the exact opposite of that! Madison and NAZI drag MacAlister up and plant him against a wall where NAZI holds him and Madison backs up a few feet, grabbing a large Bowie knife from Shane !

John Madison charges with the knife aimed right at MacAlister's throat! He's not even going to wait for the guillotine to try and sever Griffin's head from his body!

Madison: I'm taking your head!!!


Right into the wall!

Griffin somehow maneuvered out of the way just in time after kneeing NAZI in the groin!

Madison tries to pull the knife out of the wall but Griffin kicks him in the back and blasts him in the side of the head with several closed fists. Griffin pulls Madison back by his hair and then SHOVES him face first...

RIGHT INTO THE HANDLE OF THE KNIFE IN THAT WALL! Madison's face actually pushes the knife deeper into the wall by slamming into its metal handle - that HAD to hurt!

Griffin pulls Madison back and punches him in the kidney, then smashes Madison's face into the handle of the knife again! Madison gets woozy and slowly turns toward Griffin without even being able to focus...

Griffin backs up several feet as just watches very intently and seems to enjoy everything he's seeing. Griffin charges toward Madison...


Drywall and debris fall all over Madison and MacAlister as NAZI recovers and grabs Griffin's leg to yank him back out into the hallway where he drops an elbow across his chest and follows up with several knee strikes to Griffin while he's down.

Griffin grabs NAZI's leg and yanks him to the ground. Griffin then mounts NAZI and begins punching NAZI in the face.

Madison rips a board from the broken wall and charges towards Griffin who is still repeatedly punching NAZI in the face. Madison swings the board and cracks it right over the Griffin's head. The blow sends Griffin toppling off NAZI.

NAZI climbs to his feet and once again both Madison and NAZI take to stomping Griffin while he's down.

Griffin struggles to rise to his feet through the onslaught of stomps and kicks. Finally standing but still doubled over Griffin lurches forward and charges into NAZI. NAZI and Griffin both go sprawling down the hallway.

Griffin and NAZI both rise to their feet at once and Griffin immediately reacts by delivering a Dropkick to NAZI's face. Griffin climbs to his feet quickly after as he grabs NAZI and tosses him through the opening leading to the entrance ramp.

Madison charges Griffin right after this happens and both go flying through the entrance and down the ramp smacking into NAZI who was just rising to his feet.

Shane follows walking briskly but stops right at the entrance opening. A smile crossing the sadistic bastard's face.

Madison, NAZI and Griffin continue the fight down the ramp towards the ring. With Madison and NAZI working together. NAZI grabs and holds both Griffin's arms behind his back as Madison begins repeatedly punching Griffin in the face.

Shane shakes his head in disgust.

Shane : Griffin don't start getting lazy, fight back!!!

How can Griffin fight back with both hands behind his back?

Griffin suddenly jerks his head back and headbutts NAZI in the face with the back of his head. NAZI releases Griffin and Griffin tackles Madison.

Both Madison and Griffin fall forward and land even closer to the ring as Griffin begins to repeatedly punch Madison in the face and head.

NKWC approaches from the side of the ring, a rather large hammer slung over his shoulder and an angry scowl plastered across his face.

NKWC: This tardiness is unacceptable!

NKWC swings the giant hammer and it strikes Griffin in the back of the head sending Griffin flying and smashing into the side of the ring.

NKWC looks down at Madison with disdain as he lifts his hammer and brings it down.


John Madison quickly rolled out of the way of the blow.

NAZI finally making his way down the ramp right as that happened soon feels the wrath as NKWC swing the giant hammer again and catches NAZI in the shoulder with it.

NKWC: Tardy! Tardy! You are all guilty of being tardy to this match! Tardiness is unacceptable! Tardiness is weakness!

Madison on his feet runs to the ring and begins rummaging under it. Meanwhile Griffin gingerly climbed to his feet and has begun exchanging blows with NAZI.

NKWC scowls. He seems to be still pretty upset over the tardiness of all the opponents.

Madison still rummaging under the ring smiles as it appears his hand has landed on something he likes. Pulling his hand out the object is revealed to be a blowtorch! What does Madison plan on doing with that?

Madison runs over to NAZI and Griffin as he switches the blowtorch on. Madison begins laughing like a madman as he runs towards both NAZI and Griffin with a large flame spurting out the blowtorch. Madison must have that thing turned on high!

Both NAZI and Griffin duck away from the blowtorch wielding Madison and Madison turns and continues running towards Griffin now.

Madison: I'm gonna set your head on fire and then I'll cut it off!

Griffin running to get away from Madison makes a fatal mistake by stumbling. Madison is on top of him within seconds. The blowtorch just inches from Griffin's face. The flame singeing the tips of Griffin's hair. It looks like Griffin is gonna be burnt to a crisp.


NKWC strikes Madison with the giant hammer and Madison goes flying off of Griffin and away from the ring like a rag doll. Madison lands with a thud several feet away.

Griffin rolls away from the blowtorch that dropped from Madison's hands and right into a swing from NKWC's hammer. NKWC then picks up the blowtorch and smiles. Now NKWC has a hammer and a blowtorch! NKWC ancestors must be smiling down on NKWC today!

Griffin staggers up to his feet and glares at NKWC and kicks the blowtorch from NKWC's hand. The blowtorch goes spinning as it flies off into the crowd. Shrieks and screams are heard as it severely burns several people in the audience. Official run into the crowd to take care of the blow torch.

NKWC scowls at Griffin MacAlister as he raises the oversized hammer and charges towards Griffin.

Griffin moves out of the way and NKWC slams right into NAZI with the hammer.

Griffin makes his way over to NAZI who is now down thanks to NKWC's hammer.

Griffin lifts NAZI to his feet and hits him with a Reality Check!

Griffin quick to his feet pulls NAZI to his feet again. Griffin attempts to deliver a second Reality Check to NAZI.

NAZI stops this move and grabs Griffin by the throat as he begins choking Griffin. NAZI pushes Griffin with all his might forcing Griffin down to one knee as NAZI continues to choke Griffin.

As this is happening Madison has already recovered, located a guillotine and began to push the guillotine towards the ring. Once Madison gets the guillotine to the top of the ramp he kicks it and it rolls down the ramp hitting both Griffin MacAlister and NAZI.

Laughing maniacally Madison runs down the ramp.


Madison runs up to Griffin who was slowly getting up from being knocked aside from a runaway guillotine. Madison quickly hits Griffin with a low blow and then a knee to Griffin's face. Madison then tosses Griffin next to the guillotine as he continues to laugh.


NKWC strikes Madison with the giant hammer.


NKWC strikes Griffin with the hammer as Griffin was rising up from being tossed near the guillotine.


NKWC strikes NAZI just as he was rising up from previously being knocked down by the runaway guillotine.

Something seems wrong,

an anticipation of some sort begins to build,

a low roar begins.

The sound of electricity sizzling and popping fills the arena from high above.........................


Suddenly the lights begin to flicker, going between a dim red hue and an unusually bright white. After a few seconds the lights turn up so bright that all the fans in attendance have to shield their eyes!

"Dream Warriors" by Dokken bleeds through the sounds of confusion and causes a low level reaction from the fans who realize what this means.

The time has come to live our dreams and believe in an existence we've otherwise been removed from in what we call our everyday lives.

The bright lights very slowly lower to a tolerable level as fans look up and see it.

The competitors in the ring are all still down and out as something appears high above them, descending from the very top of the arena.

Once our eyes are finally able to focus, we see what can only be described as something beyond any level of heaven and hell...

A chariot of fire being led down through the air by a flaming horse, and whipping the horse violently seems to be the one we've come to know only as "Your Angel!"


His voice carries through the air as the impossible proceeds to unfold before our very eyes. The otherworldly sight slowly glides down, descending closer and closer to the ring as it circles over the fans who have no idea what to make of this.


Another hard strike to the flaming beast with that flaming whip increases the speed as the chariot of fire begins to spiral downward faster and faster.

Down in the ring, the competitors are beginning to come to and realize just what's happening high above their heads. Griffin MacAlister covers his eyes to shield them as though he were peering deep into the sun, and lets out a "what... the... fuck..." as John Madison and NAZI also begin to recover and seem to have just as hard of a time digesting what their eyes are showing them.

The beliefs of the mind are only as strong as the backing it's given by our sight,

our sight is only as accurate as the walls of our mind allow its own indulgence to purge,

a neverending cycle; a circle, if you will, of triumph trumped by atrocity before our senses can intervene,

and tell us,

we've all been pawned to the deceived conscious of collective human awe,

and we fall.






















The entire ring has exploded into a ball of flames!

Fans are shrieking in horror and backing away from the front row as the heat instantly fills the area and flames rise high into the air.

And there, standing atop the ramp next to Shane , watching this all unfold...


Shane himself seems paralyzed and unable to even react as he simply watches Your Angel begin his slow march down the ramp toward the inconceivable level of destruction and chaos that has been caused by what we originally believed was him riding a flaming chariot.

XWF officials and crew members of the area all rush toward the blazing inferno with fire extinguishers to try and put out the blaze, filling the area with even more thick clouds of white smoke and distorting our view.

Your Angel continues to slowly walk down the ramp,

He has a mic in hand,

Raises it to his mouth,


As the smoke clears, a massive pile of metal can be seen still sizzling and cracking with the sounds of electricity. The "thing" coming down from above was some kind of mechanical structure all along and sparks are flying out from it in every direction. Around the ringside area, all the competitors can be seen coughing and patting themselves down from the flames that had latched on to their very beings.

Your Angel: When I spoke of transcending time and altering futures earlier in your mortal week, I left a "man" by the name Son of Alasdair grasping for reason and spewing nonsensical rot as a retort to my laying down of the map to his destiny. The one you all call MacAlister has a message waiting for him, and I, I am the one to deliver it in full service.

Your Angel approaches Griffin MacAlister, who even after everything he's been through tonight with smoke still rising up from him, lunges toward Your Angel with a spear attempt that Your Angel was already waiting for, turning it into an instant underhook DDT reversal and using MacAlister's own momentum to drive his own skull into the very bottom of the steel ramp. The sickening dent left in the steel gives us good reason why MacAlister is instantly knocked out cold as Your Angel slowly picks the mic back up and rises to his feet, cracking his neck before looking down at his prey in disgust.

Your Angel: And that message, is this.

He lifts his free hand slowly up into the air and calls out to the heavens as smoke still surrounds the ring and the smoldering remnants of the ring are still not completely out.

He yells in a loud, deep, Godly sounding voice that he was not previously speaking with.

[Image: 2-9-yourangel.gif]




and with that, the heavens answer his call as Your Angel drags Griffin by his throat, up the ramp and out of the way?


The hot coals land on John Madison, NAZI, North Korean War Criminal and all of the officials and staff who were just attempting to STOP the blaze set forth by the crashing chariot of fire!

Screams fill the air as all of them are pelted with flaming rocks for only a few mere seconds, but long enough to set everyone ablaze once again and leave everyone in shambles.

Your Angel looks on, expressionless, and then turns back toward Griffin who is still pretty much out of it.

Your Angel: They won't be the ones to end what your lies and counterfeit actions have led the world to believe could be seized by the severed heads of MacDonnell,

He looks on as even more people run out from the back with fire extinguishers to try and stop the blazing inferno that once was the ring and save the competitors before they suffer serious, or even deathly, burns beyond recognition or survival.

He looks back at Griffin who is now starting to stand as he holds his head in excruciating pain.

Your Angel: If anyone at all, it has already been me. Remember that I'm here, for, you...... if you'll have me. Son of Alasdair, I am but one, I am of nothing less and nothing more than your angelic savior. BEHOLD!

He throws the mic off to the side into the fans and makes haste directly toward the chaos in the middle of the arena and grabs North Korean War Criminal by the throat, pulling him up and clenching his hand around his neck so tightly that he almost crushes his windpipe as he says something inaudible to the rest of us. He throws North Korean War Criminal back down with a hard thud and proceeds to make his way over to NAZI and John Madison. He observes as both of them finish getting "put out" by the crew with the fire extinguishers. Both of them are in no condition to continue this match.

Your Angel reaches under his coat and produces a 3 foot long blade of some kind with some kind of foreign writing engraved into it from tip to hilt. Your Angel looks at the blade as he holds it horizontally in front of his eyes and he speaks the phrase in whatever tongue it's written.

He grabs Madison and NAZI and gets behind them both as he locks the blade in place right across both of their throats! He looks directly at North Korean War Criminal while speaking directly to Madison and NAZI who are locked in his grasp with that long blade across their throats!

Your Angel: I believe one of you has something to say to the referee of this farce contest, yes? I believe one of you wants to keep your head and would like to SUBMIT to me your every ounce of being and will so that the next stage of what you'd call "destiny" in your limited understandings of paths may unfold, yes?

He tightens his grip and the blade begins to cut into both of their throats! Madison begins to struggle a bit but the blade digs deeper and he stops, but yells out the exact opposite of what Your Angel was waiting to hear!

Madison: Do it! DO IT! Take my fucking head!


Your Angel: As you wish.

Oh my god! No! He can't be serious!

Your Angel begins to pull on the blade!

NAZI: NO! I submit! Don't listen to him! This shit isn't worth it!

North Korean War Criminal rings the bell! It's over!

Your Angel instantly and without care, simply releases both men and allows them to crash to the ground with their heads intact as he's already walking away from them as though they never existed to him. He places the blade back under his coat as North Korean War Criminal quickly makes his way over to the North Korean Championship.

He grabs it and walks toward Your Angel!

Has Your Angel seriously just raped and pillaged this main event to such an extend that he's just WON the North Korean Championship by way of forcing his own partner to submit?

North Korean War Criminal grabs a mic and makes it official!

NKWC: What you've all witnessed here is a travesty of justice! What you've all witnessed here is EXACTLY what the North Korean Championship division is all about! Ladies and gentlemen, your North Korean Champion...

and he walks up the ramp as Your Angel looks on without any expression or reaction.

NKWC: Griffin MacAlister! By way of submission! Great job!

CRACK! North Korean War Criminal smashes the belt into Griffin's face and knocks him out with it! He drops the belt over his body and makes his way up the ramp toward Shane who is CLAPPING!?

: Bravo! Good show! Great performances all around! HA!

What? approves of all of this?! Shane and NKWC make their way to the back as Your Angel approaches MacAlister and looks down at him.

Your Angel: As I told you, I'm here, for you. I'll be the one, Son of Alasdair. Mark my words, and embrace the greeting you've received. "She" sends her regards from deep beyond your realm of understanding, and she asks that you look in the mirror and see the hole that's been left in you by the part of you that's been killed by our undertakings. Live, in, peace; and remember, I came, and I'm here, for you.

He looks out to the fans who have no idea what the hell is transpiring.

Your Angel: I'm here for all of you.

The lights immediately drop to pitch black and seconds later rise to such brightness that everyone must once again cover their eyes. When they return to normal, Your Angel is gone but the North Korean Championship belt has been left beside Griffin's body with that 3 foot blade plunged right through its center!

Show Finale
Contract signing
Angelus & Shane sign a contract for... something
Angelus will be fired & his family/friends hunted down if he does not meet w/ Shane for this signing

After the hell we just saw breaking loose in the main event and the complete destruction of the ring, Shane walks out from the back and remains up on the stage for this "finale" of sorts.

He has in his hand a contract on a clipboard and a mic in the other.

: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for Angelus and I to come to terms on this contract!

Shane holds the clipboard high in the air as the fans mostly boo him, still completely unsure of what kind of contract he's got in his hand.

: Without any further delay I'd like to welcome none other than... ANGELUS! Get out here and let's get this taken care of!

After a few moments, Angelus walks out from the back with a very serious expression on his face. He eyeballs and then looks in both directions and even above him to see if any kinds of traps are waiting for him. Once he feels the coast in clear, he steps right up to Shane and looks him in the eye.

Angelus: Alright, I'm here. Now what's this about, ?

Shane smiles and responds with much enthusiasm.

: Well, first of all... I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done last month! Even though you've managed to get even further on my "bad side" than you already were at the start of the month, you somehow impressed the XWF world and everyone in it enough to be named...


The fans let out a huge pop! Angelus takes a step back and is completely caught off guard by this announcement! He looks out to the fans as they give him a standing ovation and he just takes a moment to let this all sink in.

: That's right... we may have had our differences in the past but I'm all about forgiving and forgetting, and going separate ways in peace. The fans have spoken and I've listened! It was a close call between you, Flynn, and Sebastian Duke but I guess these fans just fancy a bloody thief now don't they?

The fans begin to boo Shane once again.

: I guess when you showed your true colors and stole the US Title, a lot of these ingrates felt a connection with you and felt you were their hero for taking something that another man rightfully earned!

The booing continues as Angelus lets out a slightly annoyed sigh and crosses his arms.

: So who am I to argue? If they want a backstabbing, cowardly, worthless, THIEF IN THE NIGHT as their superstar of the month then you better believe I'm going to give it to them! HA!

Angelus has heard enough! He snatches the microphone from Shane's hand and gets right in his face.

Angelus: I think I've heard about enough of this. Is that all? I've got somewhere to be and it's anywhere that you're not!

Shane produces another mic from his pocket and laughs as Angelus rolls his eyes.

: Hahaha! If only Flynn count produce extra belts as fast as I produce extra mics when you steal them... haha! Anyway... I definitely agree with what you just said about us being anywhere that the other is not. I honestly can't stand you after the way you let me down and stabbed your family - The Black Circle - in the back! That's why I've got THIS contract that's going to solve all of our problems.

Shane hands the clipboard to Angelus along with a pen as Shane continues to explain.

: You see... I don't like you and you don't like me. In fact, I don't EVER want to see you anywhere on my show again. This contract hereby releases you from any and ALL duties relating to Shove It Saturday Night, as well as grants you a full release from The Black Circle. You just sign that contract and we'll never have to be in each other's hair again... deal?

Angelus looks over the contract and after a few moments, he raises the mic.

Angelus: ...................and that easily I'm done being hounded by you and I'm done having you threaten my friends and family? We just go our separate ways and that's that?

Shane nods in approval.

Angelus: ............... DEAL!

Angelus signs the contract as Shane begins to smile very menacingly. His eyes light up as he watches Angelus finish his signature and Angelus slaps the clipboard to Shane's chest while saying one last thing.

Angelus: I look forward to never doing business with you again, .

Shane takes the contract and looks at it for a second as Angelus begins to walk toward the back.

: Oh... um... Anj? There's just one more thing.

Angelus stops and hesitates. He very slowly turns around to look at Shane and looks ready to strike at a moment's notice if Shane pulls anything funny.

: Did you happen to read the fine print at the bottom of this? You know... the part about how an official member of The Black Circle is going to be responsible for BEATING you OUT of the group? Heheheh...

Angelus stares a hole right through and raises the mic to his lips.

Angelus: You actually think I missed that? Yeah, I saw that hidden at the bottom. Do you know why I signed it anyway? Because I just saw what happened to John Madison and NAZI in the main event and I actually can't wait until one of them tries to "beat" me out of your little group. Neither one of them are in any condition right now to take me on and we both know it.

Shane smiles...

He nods...

: You're right. We DO know that...

...and that's when it happens...


The sound of that metal baseball bat cracking Angelus in the back of his head is so sickening that the fans jump in shock! Even Shane jumps back as he wasn't quite ready for it just yet!!!!

Angelus crashes face first into the steel as that metal bat is brought down onto his back with a sickening thud!

One more strike, this time to the left side of his body, sends him tumbling down off of the stage and landing through a table with electrical equipment on it!





: Let us ALLLL welcome the newest member - and first ever FEMALE member... of THE BLACK CIRCLE!!!

Shane's words echo through the arena as complete shock fills the arena! Lexi Sheckler was reading stories to innocent children just the other day in her most recent XWF promo and now.... NOW THIS?!?!? She has completely hoodwinked us all!

: Tonight marks the beginning of a new age! The Black Circle was tested here tonight in the main event, and survived the test with flying colors. My men are now stronger than ever, and let me assure you all that my female is as strong as she has EVER been. Together, we will enforce the Law Of not only on my show but across the entire XWF as I see fit! There's not another group that you could possibly throw together who would stand a chance against the likes of NAZI, John Madison, and Lexi Sheckler with SHANE D. at the helm! Angelus has been granted his freedom and you can BET your asses he's never going to try and come anywhere near me or my Black Circle again... and when he sees us approaching whatever miserable joke of a show he does end up performing on, he's going to run like a scared dog with his tail between his legs. SHOW US WHAT HE'S MADE OF, LEXI! SHOW US ALL! Let's hear it for our January Star of the Month as he has his brains bashed out of his skull!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

Lexi Sheckler jumps down off the stage with that bat and CRACKS it down into Angelus' leg and then cracks him again in the skull! She stomps his face with her boot and then goes back to beating him relentlessly with that bat all over his body in his half conscious state. The fans shower Lexi and Shane with boos and begin throwing massive amounts of trash at them as Shane only laughs! He's loving every second of it! Lexi blasts Angelus in his shoulder with the bat and then pushes some electircal equipment over, on top of him, and sparks begin to fly! Fans scream in horror as they watch the January Star of the Month buried in metal and showered in sparks!

What the hell have we seen here tonight?! What do Lexi Sheckler, Shane , and the rest of The Black Circle have in store for us NEXT week? is on a power hungry warpath and there seems to be nothing that can stand in his way now, and Angelus is GONE from Shove It Saturday Night for GOOD!

Is there any hope left?

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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