02-04-2013, 06:09 PM
Handlers Names: Tim
In-Ring Name: Jason Ortiz
Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Jason Ortiz
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning
Wrestler Date of Birth: 8/27/1983
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 170lbs
Hometown: Seattle Washington
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Super Face
Physical Build Description: Athletic (Swimmer Build)
Ring Attire: 80's style Orange long tights. Big thick white elbow pads and knee pads.
Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Casual, skater style.
Ethnicity: Caucasion (He is only 1/4 Mexican.)
Pic Base: I have my own pic base. (Poser)
Wrestling Style: High-Flyer
Strengths: Confidence. Strong Will. Fast. Aerobatic
Weaknesses: Easy tempered. Terrible against submissions.
Entrance Theme Music: Composure - August Burns Red
Entrance Description: The camera wides as the sounds of Composure by August Burns Red hits the speakers. It takes a couple seconds before Jason hits the stage. He comes running out, with orange and green lights flashing everywhere. He stops running at the top of the stage and does 3 really fast turns then poses with his hand resting on his cheek. The crowd begins to screen, cheering his name over and over. Jason begins to come down the ramp, clapping the hands of all his fans. He gets to the bottom of the ring and slides in. Standing up, he runs over to one of the turnbuckles and jumps up. Lifting his hands in the air, then doing his signature hand resting on his cheek.
Manager (if applicable): N/A
Manager's Pic Base:
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Aerial Moves: Diving Bulldog, Diving shoulder block. Flying half cab. Flying neckbreaker. Shooting star leg drop. Flying elbow drop. Springboard. Axe Handle elbow drop.
Attacks: Crossbody. Backhand chop. Flying clothesline. Fist drop. Leg drop. Flying forearm splash. Toe kick. Eye poke. Running clotheline. Standing headbutt. DDT. Pile driver. Falling back suplex. Standard Suplex. Bulldog.
Trademark Move(s): Money Shot
Description(s): Superkick
Primary Finisher: The Rehabilitation
Description: Front Flip Piledriver
Secondary Finisher if applicable: Decimate The Weak (Used only if main wrestler cannot be flipped due to their excessive weight.)
Description: Flying Elbow drop from the top rope. (Macho Man Randy Savage Style.)
Favorite Weapon if any: Chair
Additional notes:
The Legend. 2000-2004. Former XWF Heavyweight Champion (3 seconds lol), 2x Canadian, X-Treme, Tag Champion (w/Cooper), Stable Champion.