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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
A Need For Acceptance
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Kimmy-K Offline
You are beautiful! I'll always love you!

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-23-2013, 08:41 PM

Kimmy walked through the backstage area and came to her locker room, looking nervous. She opened the door, walked in, and shut it behind her as usual. She looked at the mirror... And saw nothing but her reflection, yet she knew not to let that fool her. At any moment, that reflection could turn into somewhat of a monster. While it didn't seem to want to hurt her, it had already forced her into words and actions against her own morals. She felt ashamed and scared. What could this creature do to the people she cared about? What kind of trouble could it get her into. Her mind had been racing for days, just trying to find a way to make things right after her trash-talk gone wrong from last week. Kimmy leaned back on the door and a tear ran down her face as she continued to think about it all. How bad she felt for saying those things, when she knew it wasn't her fault. She couldn't even put her finger on exactly what she was crying about, but everything that had occured lately seemed to be too much. Having taken a break from being around this psycho in the mirror, Kimmy finally felt ready to face it and try to do something about it. But what she would do was still a mystery to her.

Kimmy: Well... Where are you?

Her reflection turned its head, while Kimmy was still. It looked at her, and placed a hand to its own cheek.

ʎɯɯıʞ: You mean me?... I never left, Kimmy.

Kimmy: We need to talk about things.

ʎɯɯıʞ: Ooh, a talk. I love a good talk. Of course, you're only going to tell me that I need to leave you alone now. Right?

Kimmy: Not exactly.

ʎɯɯıʞ: Don't lie. That's exactly what you're here about. I'm no idiot. You somehow think I'm making things worse for you in the long run.

Kimmy: It just isn't fair. I can't do what you told me to do. I don't want power in XWF or anywhere. I just want to be me.

ʎɯɯıʞ: Sure. And where does it get you? So you threw Hunter Payne around the ring a bit. Big deal. I liked your use of glitter, admittedly, but you didn't do much else in the match.

Kimmy: I did plenty.

ʎɯɯıʞ: You weren't the one to get the controversial pin and advance the majority of your team to the next round, were you?

Kimmy: No, Smoke Man did. He's a great competitor and he really deserved--

ʎɯɯıʞ: What? To take all of your glory. I bet half the fans in the arena that night don't even remember who Kimmy was. But they tweeted and talked about that great pin Smoke Man got. Don't you wish you could be talked about? Don't you wish he hadn't hogged the spotlight?

Kimmy: He was the team leader, anyway. And he got the pin by himself. Fair is fair.

ʎɯɯıʞ: Fair is simply what you make it. See, I don't think it's fair that someone that pathetic got the spotlight on him like he did. And now you have to face him. Are you going to let him have the spotlight again? Or maybe it's John Austin's turn? And if by chance your team won this round, you'd just let NAZI do the work, right? Let him look like the better member of the team? What a waste of your great talent.

Kimmy: I will give this match my all, but if NAZI gets the fall, I respect that. And if the other team wins, I understand. They're only trying to--

ʎɯɯıʞ: Steal your spotlight? As always.

Kimmy: Stop saying that. It isn't mine to take. I am a good competitor, but I'm really not that great. I'm not the best wrestler out there and it really doesn't bother me if I don't make it to round three! I don't need to win this tournament. What matters is my friends and my sister. That's all. I don't like the spotlight for a very good reason. I......

ʎɯɯıʞ: I know. You don't love yourself, do you? You love everyone else, but feel like you're not worthy of being noticed.

Kimmy: No!

ʎɯɯıʞ: Yes. You aren't confident about who you are. Your smiling face masks the pain of not being accepted by those around you. You smile at them and get ignored. You're booked against them, and find yourself on the end of insults that cut you deep. And deep down, that's what makes you cry. You wish they would accept you but they never have and it seems they never will. Which of your friends have you talked to lately?

Kimmy: I've been staying with Amy and purposely keeping out of contact most of the time. They're not avoiding me or anything. And... I've spoken with Hunter.

ʎɯɯıʞ: Yeah, you have. Didn't he trick you into a date? When will that happen?

Kimmy: I don't know. And he didn't trick me. Fair's fair. It was a draw. And we'll have a match at some point. He's keeping his side of the bargain.

ʎɯɯıʞ: Yeah, so he says... He's just trying to show you off. Arm candy. And candy for... Some other purpose.

Kimmy: What?... Wait... Ewww....

ʎɯɯıʞ: See? You're not interested in him. You don't need him or his stupid bet-inflicted date. And your other friends don't care enough to acknowledge you. If you want to feel accepted, you need to be the one choosing who's accepted around here. Because they look at you like nothing but a burden to be discarded. A pest. That's what they think. You annoy them. And if you have power, and you're the one that people try to impress... You'll never have another problem fitting in. That's why I'm doing this for you. And Amy's got her heart in the right place but knows nothing about the business. And she never did fit in any better than you did. Now, please. Ignore what they all say about it, and finally take what you want.

Kimmy: It's too selfish!

ʎɯɯıʞ: Yeah, I guess you're right. You better get going. You have a lot of bowing down to your superiors to get to. Maybe if you hang around them contantly and do everything they tell you to do, one of them will accept you as being... Useful.

Kimmy hangs her head and cries.

ʎɯɯıʞ: Crying again. This almost seems routine. But I really do mean it when I say that it's all your choice. Be a nobody and a bottom feeder, or be a leader who is always aknowledged for every word and action. Just walking into a room will make people stop and look. They won't argue with a word you say. They won't point and laugh anymore. Your pain will be gone, and they will be afraid. They can feel how you've felt all your life. Your every word warping the playing field of the XWF and allowing you to finally stand up to the people you never felt you could stand up to.

Kimmy: I... I need to do this, don't I?

ʎɯɯıʞ: You do. When you have that power, nobody has to be hurt unless they bring it upon themselves. You can even help more people. And I know you like helping. So, are you ready to face Austin and Smoke Man?

Kimmy: Yeah. And I won't lose. I can't lose. I will never lose to anyone who thinks they'll hold me back.

[Image: DDWnd.jpg]
Who says, who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's hurtin'?
Trust me, that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
Who says?
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