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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Betrayal of Two Tales.
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

10-09-2013, 12:10 PM

Betrayal's Aftermath

Betrayal's Aftermath

The assault comes unexpectedly.
It catches you
Overwhelmed with grief,
You pray for death to release you.
Any death - to stop the pain.
But death does not come.
The world as you knew it is in ruins.

Life goes on.
You drag yourself
Out of the rubble and the muck.
You claw your way to firmer ground.
You build anew.
Only this time,
You anticipate the perils that lie in wait,
You shore up the foundation better.
You build a fortress.
You vigilantly guard the door.

Carla J Nelson

The shot opens. Blackness. Candles suddenly light up and surround a grey coffin. Winds of change gently drift past as a flash blinds the camera man and the candles go out. They relight moments later with a hooded man standing tall in front of the coffin. All that can be seen of his face is a jagged grin behind a fierce beard and glints of evil in his eyes. Cackling slightly his voice is deep but airy. The whispers are blood curdling.

“Have you all missed me?...

Dusk has surrounded me for far too long. I was abandoned years and years ago by Father and it is now that I have been abandoned by everyone else in my life. My soul has been torn too far and the people around me could not bare the toll it was taking on them and I could not bare to watch.

They feared of my delusion but really it is them who are deluded... They shall miss their leader. I shall rise to the top because evil shall always rise...”

He cackles once more as the lights go out behind him but he continues to speak.

“The situation with in the XWF is far worse than I ever imagined. The Brotherhood fight with the Black Circle and more and more stables continue to form by the day. A war is coming...

I am back not just to play a part in this war though, I am back to achieve more glory than ever before...

In my return I understand I am facing Zak Misery. The man that the freak Mr. Supernova is dating. How convenient it is that on my returning match I get to destroy the lover of the man who foiled my chance of becoming the United States Champion.

Vengeance is inevitable.

Zak what I find so shocking and tantalizing about you is your wretched belief to be an actual monster. You are nothing of the sort. The XWF only has one true monster and you're listening to him right now. These words are honest and these words are true.

I do not need my companions to achieve greatness because it has always been me. It always will be me. Destined for glory and destined for gold. With or without those who betrayed me...”

A beam of light flashes once more and the coffin opens slowly as the candles relight. The man grabs a victim from the coffin who is tied up and gagged and throws him onto the concrete floor. A tear trickles into the fierce beard. The gagged man clearly pleads for mercy but the bearded man just shakes his head and walks away leaving his victim, Blaine Davids, for dead.

Who shall this man fight for? Who shall he represent? What's the part that he is going to play? Why has he left Blaine for dead?

The night before.

Steve sits amongst the roots of a grand oak tree whilst staring up at the glistening stars. Wearing rugged grey running trousers and a white vest top he pushes his hair out of his eyes to enhance his view. They twinkle at him mysteriously as sweat drips into his rugged beard.

A man in a black gown and hood waddles towards Steve and stands in front of him. Short as a stump and as seemingly old as the oak that Steve sat amongst. His voice was croaky and devilish, whimpers of sadness flew through his mummers. Rain slowly drifted from the sky as ambiguous clouds floated sheepishly.

“You should be king. These men who do battle for that crown are simply not worthy...

You allow others to hold you back.”

Steve says nothing, He simply continues to listen eagerly. His stomach starts to churn as if butterflies were fluttering within him.

“They shall continue to fight and you must stay strong, there will be many who shall try to hold you back such as those who surround you now.

These people are traitors. They do not believe that you can return to the XWF after your third mental break down. They do not believe in you. They do not want you to continue on your path of greatness!”

“Do not fill mind with your bullshit. Lies and torture are not within me any more and I shall not have any more blood on my hands do you understand me?”

“And why not Steve? You have been a murderer from the day you were born when your Mother died as she gave birth to you. Your destiny is not just glory you know. Fate has titled you a murderer. That is one thing you cannot run away from. You cannot hide from. Not a psychiatrist in the world can save you from the fact that you are nothing other than a born killer.”

“I am much more than that old man, I am an honourable man.”

“If it helps you to sleep at night then continue to tell yourself that but we both know that this is false. You are a man of cruelty. You always were and you always shall be.”

The man grinned and stared, his wrinkles indented like the creases in a leaf. Thunder grumbled in the background as the clouds began to cry faster than before. The two men were sponges soaking up the rain.

“One thing that has always remained true to me is...

that amongst the fog, the mist, the torturous rain, and the deathly crashes of lightning.

All men are evil.






Steve awoke from a horrendous nightmare. Sweat flooded his bed as he sat up in shock. His look of terror suddenly turned to a look of delight as the evil began to flow through his suffocated veins once more.


[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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