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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
One Stormy Night (RP 2)
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John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-04-2013, 03:28 AM

ACT 2: Come Together for Satan's Call

John has been very outspoken in a few recent promos he has done for Warfare and Madness. Fans around the world have taken a liking to the newest incarnation of John Austin while others are just jaw smacked at what he has became. No-one knows exactly what is going on in that brain of his and maybe it is better that way. There is not enough medication in the world to help this man.

We open up our scene in what looks like a paradise type setting. The sun shines brightly below. The palm trees sway to and fro through the breeze blowing through. The sun glistens down on the lake that overlooks the area. SUDDENLY! we begin hearing marching footsteps and we see those infamous men wearing the black masks and garb walk onto scene. They stop and stand side by side of each other.

John walks up into scene looking like death incarnate. He greats each man one by one. He stands in-front of the group and they all look up at the camera.

[Image: 1a5ba934-b4a0-477b-b258-8f10e8c2924a_zps1534e71a.jpg]

Hello everyone. My name is John Austin and I stand before you today in what many would call paradise. People will look at the trees behind us and see the water and get lost in the aurora of relaxation. For us, this is not paradise. Our paradise is watching those we hate burn in the flames of darkness. Our paradise is swimming in the bloody shores of fate. We came together for Satan's call. As a matter of fact, being together as one is our paradise. We look at those who fell before our feet and we scoff. We told you all that these things I have spoken of will happen and guess what it did. Maybe you should listen to my family unlike others, we do what's best for our souls and we always spread the message of hate and evil.

This Wednesday, a calling is taking place. The lifeless limbs will raise up from the ground and begin grabbing endless victims, specifically Sincere Lee Wild, Theo Pryce and Olive Pendershore. These three that I speak of have made a mockery of what my family represents. They think they are evil and ready to unleash destruction but what they don't understand is if you don't know the meaning of the words then how you can be so evil or how you can unleash that destruction you promise. There is nothing I can't stand worse in this world than individuals who pose as something they are not, mainly you Sincere Lee Wild.

Baby girl, you claim to be this dark disturbing creature. You claim to be in-touch with the dark lord that I serve and protect. YET! behind the make-up and character you portray, you are nothing more than a fallacy. The dark lord himself would like nothing more to see you burn in the fiery pits of damn-nation and I will see to it that you do. You have made a mockery of his name and it is time for this charade to stop. I am going to take great pleasure in hearing those bones break and seeing them ache. Your soul will be mine come Warfare and when I bring it to my lord for his feast, I know your soul alone with conquer his thirst. Your time as XWF's queen of darkness is coming to a end. So enjoy the time now because your clock is ticking......

Theo Pryce, the business man. You are quintessentially the poster child for why this world we live on is in the shape it is in. You drive your fancy car to and from work. You spend money frivolously and you put the mom and pop stores out of business. You preach corporate America but all you are is a lost soul among the living. We have a term for you down in the darkness of hate and it is called canis exprimamus. There is not enough money in the world to save you from the hell my family will be serving out. We are not stopping till your three lifeless corpses are spread out all over the canvas. We will light the black candles and prepare you for your arrival to the altar of hate.....

Olive Pendershore, you young naive little girl. You are the one trying to make a name for yourself in this company and you pick a fight with three of those most evil individuals they have? You must not be that smart BUT THAT'S OKAY! you see, you are going to experience what it is like for all those who dared defy his name. You have the perfect teachers in this world with Andrew, Christine and I. We will show you that the only path to righteousness is to accept the wicked and evil ways of the darkness. I always speak of the moon shining brightly and Olive this retains to you. The next time you are out in the open and see the moon, look up. I want you to stare in its glaze while it hangs up there in the sky. Accept it for what it stands for and BREATHE IT IN!!!!!!!

These groups have ran rough shot and the time for this has to stop. We will go through you all one by one till we get to our common goal. Our dark lord has the altar ready for you all and guess what?'s feeding time. Listen to him howl through the flames of hell. He is calling each and every one of you out and it is your choice to accept him into your lives or not. I hope each and everyone of you make the right decision. I have accepted him and my family of brethren have accepted him. He is the TRUE alpha and omega and he unlike these so called prophets, he has saved our souls and made us one.

The blood is washing ashore and it is time for us to go swimming. Theo Pryce, Olive Pendershore and Sincere Lee Wild, purify yourselves because come Warfare, our hell and personal punishment awaits you. Each and everyone of you will be going down with the rest of the souls of the undead. PATER MEUS DIABOLO, VENIMUS!!!!!!!!!

John begins laughing with a strange tone as he slowly walks off scene. We see each of the five men bow their heads as our scene quickly ends.

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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(10-04-2013), Andrew Morrison (10-04-2013), Christine Nash (10-04-2013)

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