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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Evil Beginnings Part 2
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Matt Lennox Offline
I cry like a baby

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09-10-2013, 05:09 PM

Our friend Tim is continuing driving down a long open road in his red pick up truck. He sees a sign that says "Cleveland Ohio Rest Stop In 3 Miles". He looks down in the seat next to him and grins.

Tim- Well Matt, we are almost to Baltimore buddy. I can't wait to see you, I hope you remember me from the last time we met. You know its been almost 12 years since we really had a conversation. Although, I have met you a couple times since then but we didn't really talk. I am really upset you didn't recognize me though last year! I am really upset the way you talk about your father in your DVD, I mean come on he's your dad Matt! You know he loves you, what if he sees your DVD?

Tim does an impression of Matt's voice.

Tim- I don't care Tim, he is an asshole and he is a good for nothing drunk who will never amount to shit.

Tim Switches back to his voice.

Tim- Matt that was very rude! I know you don't mean that. You are a very kind man and I know your "mother" raised you better than that. I mean after all she raised you right? That's what you said in your movie! What the fuck Matt!

Tim slams on the brakes and pulls over on the side of the highway next to the rest stop with an insane look in his eyes.

Tim- I'm sorry Matt, I didn't mean to get mad. I have really bad issues with my anger and after all I am a recovering alcoholic. Matt, I need to take a piss. Wanna come?

Tim grabs the book of pictures that he is saying is Matt and walks into the restroom still talking to the book.

Tim- You know Matt, I bet your father taught you a lot of things to know as a young child. Hell I even bet he taught you how to piss right. Hahaha. Listen when we get to Baltimore I am going to tell you why you need to take back what you said about your dad. Who knows?! Maybe he is a changed man!

All the men in the bathroom are staring at Tim due to the fact he is talking to a book. Tim is done peeing and turns around and looks at all the men.

Tim- What the fuck are you looking at! Cant you see I am talking to my friend here!

A little boy starts laughing as Tim walks out of the bathroom back to his truck and the father of the boy follows him to his car.

Man- Listen asshole! I don't care that you talk to a book or anything, that's all you. But when you cuss in front of my boy, that shit ain't right!

Tim- Hey now, I'm not trying to start any trouble. Me and my friend Matt are trying to talk in the John and you all are staring me down like I am crazy.

Man- I just told you, I don't care who or what you talk to while you take a piss. But swearing in front of children is fucked up, you should know that. Don't you have any fucking kids?

Tim- As a matter of fact I do, so why don't you mind your own fucking business and back off.

Tim shoves the guy but drops his book in the process. He goes to reach for it but the man kicks it aside.

Man- Listen psycho, you don't want fuck with me. Keep your book over there with that douche bag wrestler on it.

Tim gets up and gets in the mans face.

Tim- He is not a douche bag, he is my best friend and me and him are going to talk about his father when I go see him in Baltimore so you better go pick it up.

Man- Make me.

Tim pulls out a pocked knife and stabs the man twice making the man drop to the ground. The mans wife sees what happens and screams. Tim grabs the Matt book and gets back into his truck and speeds off leaving the scene of the crime.

Tim- Matt, me and you are always getting into trouble aren't we? Woo! I love the adrenaline rush I get when I fucking kill somebody! Woo! Yeah!

Tim continues speeding down the road as the camera fades from him driving to Matt Lennox preparing his things for Shove It Into Space. His wife Laura comes into the room.

Laura- You almost ready hun?

Matt- Just about, I am kinda nervous about going to space. And did you see the stipulation! There is gonna be creatures from Australia in the match, I could get kicked in the face by a kangaroo and die!

Laura- Don't worry about it baby, I know you will do fine. You are going to win the match and walk out TV champion.

Matt- Thanks babe. I keep getting this feeling that something bad is going to happen though. I keep having this dream that this guy with semi long hair and a beard is trying to kill me and everytime I try to run, I cant.

Laura starts rubbing Matt's shoulders.

Laura- Awe, Is my wittle Matty having nightmares.

Matt- Yeah, well if you keep doing that. I think I might have to take care of some things before Shove It Into Space if you catch my drift.

Laura- Oh, and whats that?

Matt jumps on Laura and the two start making out as the camera fades.
Scene Over
Part 3 TBC

[Image: 311kzti.jpg]

1 time XWF Xtreme champion
2 time FTW UFO E1999 champion
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