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Warfare - 8/28/13 - WARGAMES!
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-30-2013, 12:06 AM

[Image: w-ps1_zpsa1cfb188.png]
The War Room
San Diego, California

#1 Contenders for the X-Treme Title
(Winning team members face the X-Treme Champion.)

Peter Gilmour (Captain)
"Lionheart" Mike Harrison
Jack Kronus
Sokolov Red

- vs -

Paradoxica (Captain)
Cam Lang
Christine Nash
Jason E Smith
Smoke Man

5 on 5 War Games

Team Gilmour and Team Paradoxica are already all in the ring, when the cameras go live and this 5 on 5 War Games match to determine which team will be the #1 Contender for the X-Treme Title, is already churning with energy!

It seems that this match finds everyone evenly paired off. Peter Gilmour is locked up with Paradoxica. Mike Harrison is exchanging blows with Smoke Man. Christine Nash is stomping on a downed Sokolov Red. Jason E Smith is pounding on JTC. Jack Kronus and Cam Lang are really wailing on each other.

Paradoxica hits Gilmour with a Headbutt followed by a Scoop Slam! Gilmour smashes to the canvas! Gilmours hands fly out frantically as he catches Paradoxica by the leg and pulls him down to the canvas. Paradoxica crashes next to Gilmour and the two begin to roll around the ring, as they tussle and pound on one another. Paradoxica eventually gaining the upper hand as he rolls on top of Gilmour and begins really going at him with some grounded punches! Over and over Paradoxica slams his fists into Gilmour's head as Gilmour throws his arms up and attempts to ward of the strikes, the best he can.

While this is happening, Lang is delivering a Dropkick to Kronus! Kronus hits the canvas and Lang follows up that Dropkick with a Leg Drop! Lang's legs smash right into Kronus' throat! Kronus begins gagging and Lang rips Kronus from the canvas as he moves into position to deliver a Spin-Out Powerbomb but in a split second Kronus squirms his way out of it and gets Lang with an Uppercut, that sends Lang stumbling back. Kronus then executes a Clothesline followed by a Body Slam!

As this is going on Nash hits Red with a Slingshot Somersault Senton! Harrison catches Smoke Man with a series of lefts and rights, right before getting him with a European Uppercut and a Double Arm Suplex! Smith is slamming his fists into JTC's head repeatedly, before mixing it up with a Chokeslam and a Knee Drop to JTC's face!

Blood spills from JTC's nose as Smith covers for the pin!


Kickout by JTC!

Smith leaps up and stomps his feet in anger! Smith pulls JTC from the canvas and tosses him into the corner before diving to hit him with a brutal Spear!


Nash steps back and gets in the way!

Smith smashes into Nash instead!

Nash drops and Smith stands up in time for JTC to recover from being tossed into the corner. JTC flies at Smith and catches Smith with a Diving Crossbody followed up with some stomps to Smith's ribs, stomach and midsection! From there JTC runs towards the ropes and uses them to spring off and come flying back to a downed Smith! JTC crashes down with an Elbow Drop! JTC covers for the pin!


The pin is broken up by a Running Big Boot to JTC's head from Sokolov Red! JTC falls to the side and Red delivers a Leg Drop to a still down Jason Smith! But here comes Nash with a Running Hurricanarana, to both men! Nash covers both men for the pin!


Oh but it's broken up by JTC coming in with an epic Suicide Dive! Bodies scatter across the ring! Harrison is knocked down by a flying Nash! While Paradoxica is taken down by a soaring Jason Smith! Everybody has been knocked down in this odd turn of events!

Slowly Gilmour begins to rise first as he shakes his head and looks around.

Seeing Paradoxica down, Gilmour dives into action and rushes over to him. Gilmour starts stomping the shit out of Paradoxica , before ripping Paradoxica from the canvas and delivering a Brianbuster! Peter yanks Paradoxica from the canvas, yet again and this time gets him with a Powerslam! Gilmour covers for the pin!


Broken up by a Corkscrew Plancha from Cam Lang! Gilmour rolls off to the side and right into a Standing Moonsault from Christine Nash! Then Gilmour receives a Double Knee Face Breaker from Jason Smith! From there Smoke Man peels Gilmour from the canvas and hits him with a Standing Dropkick followed by a Knee Drop to Gilmour's nuts! Gilmour is in pain! Team Paradoxica has completely taken turns brutalizing Peter Gilmour, while Gilmour's team seems to be having issues on recovering as quickly as Team Paradoxica had.


That was the sound of a pair of handcuffs...

...slipping onto Peter's wrist, connecting him to the ring post.

Paradoxica and his team then take turns kicking and punching Gilmour, while Gilmour is helpless and handcuffed to the ring!

Peter Gilmour has been handcuffed to the ring and is being beaten mercilessly by members of Paradoxica's team.

Pyro explosion.

The Brotherhood has seen enough and makes their way to the ring. Duke, Griffin, Nightmare, Dukes Messenger and Nightmares 'Apprentice' Chris Macbeth.

Inside the ring, Gilmour continues to be beaten as Paradoxica and company look over their shoulders and watch the Brotherhood as they make it to the ring and enters.

Paradoxica backs his team off of Gilmour and into the other ring. The Brotherhood looks on at Paradoxicas team and Duke points at Pete. Griffin uses the bolt cutters, this time to cut the handcuffs off of Peter Gilmour. Once free, Gilmour falls to his hands and knees. Worn out from his brutal beating.

Duke takes a microphone from inside his cape. He looks at Paradoxica and his team. He continues looking and points at Gilmour.

Duke: "This right here, has gone on long enough!"

Members of Paradoxicas team attempt to advance toward Duke, but are pulled back by Paradoxica.

Duke looks down at Pete.

Duke: "Ya know, I said I was going to leave you on your own tonight. I wanted to see if you'd sink or swim without help. It's quite obvious which one it is, Pete."

Paradoxica moves forward and enters the ring containing the Brotherhood. Duke instructs his men to back up. Paradoxica looks up at Duke and down at Gilmour. Paradoxica helps Pete to his feet then whips him towards the ropes. Paradoxica runs off the far side. Both men rebound almost simultaneously. Paradoxica knocks Pete out cold with his New Tribute lariat which looks remarkably similar to Dukes Soul Shot lariat.

Paradoxica turns and looks at Duke. Duke looks back at him. Paradoxica moves a little closer and Duke extends his hand. Paradoxica looks down at it, then grasps it and the two men shake. Paradoxica then steps toward the Brotherhood and joins them in looking toward Duke as he lays chest down on the mat next to a barely conscious Peter Gilmour.

Duke: "Pete, I like you. I don't want you to take this personal. After all, this is a business and we're at war with a far greater enemy than yourself.

"See, Pete, your failures in the ring have overwhelmingly outweighed your fighters spirit. Others have tried and tried to point it out to me and until recently, I've refused to listen.

"Pete, you're out. Your time within my Brotherhod is now over. Paradoxica now takes your place. You might be thinking to yourself that you'll get revenge on me, on us. So be it. Just remember something. If it wasn't for Sebastian Duke, you wouldn't have made it into the chamber match. If it wasn't for Sebastian Duke, you would have been laid out countless times by John Madison and his band of misfits.

"If it wasn't for Sebastian Duke, Pete, you might not still be walking. If it wasn't for me.... you'd never have had the chance to get to John Madison.

"I know what you're thinking right now. Where's Poppa Feder? I know you'll want to find him. I know you'll want him to carry you to gold again. All I can say is, when that time comes, and you do find him and bring him back, you're gonna have to earn your shot. Just because his name is Feder, guarantees him nothing.

"See, I accepted the fact that in this war, we would suffer defeats at times, but Pete, you take losing to a whole new level. I can't have that, Pete. I can't employ those that fail every damn time they are in a match against the Black Circle."

Duke stands up.

Duke: "Remember Pete, this wasn't personal. One day you'll see that. One day you'll see that you just didn't quite fit in with the rest of us and there's nothing wrong with that.

"I have nothing against you, Pete. I still admire your fighting spirit. Your willingness, win or lose, to put your body on the line.

"You're on your own, Pete and I will be watching you. The Black Circle is going to smell blood in the water and they'll be circling you and I'm sorry for that. Just know, that even though your time with us is over, I still consider you a friend, and I always help my friends.

The Brotherhood begins to leave.

Duke: "Good luck, Pete."

Duke drops the microphone and exits with his Brotherhood, as "Dark Ages" by Two Steps From Hell plays.

That's when every single member of Team Gilmour finally, fully recovers and dives on Paradoxica !

Mike Harrison hitting Paradoxica with a High Knee Strike! Jack Kronus catching Paradoxica with a Backbreaker. Putting Paradoxica right in position for a Diving Leg Drop from JTC! Followed by a Shooting Star Press from Sokolov Red!

Paradoxica is down and really feeling the pain as Peter Gilmour looks on, with a mixture of happiness, for that total take-down to Paradoxica from Team Gilmour and anger, that it took them this long to recover and help out. Yes; Gilmour, has a strange mixture of happiness and anger, crossing his face and it's really something few others can pull off. He also manages to sneeze during this weird combo of happy and sad, which just makes the whole facial transgression look even more bizarre. Luckily Paradoxica 's team members rush into the ring and pull the camera's attention from what's going on with Peter Gilmour's face.

Cam Lang Spears Sokolov Red and begins stomping the heck out of him in the corner! Christine Nash soars into the ring and crashes into Mike Harrison with a well executed and quite impressive, Slingshot Somersault Senton followed up with a Single Knee Facebreaker! Jason Smith plows into JTC with a Clothesline and then hits him with a devastating, Death Valley Driver! Then Smoke Man careens into the ring and gets Jack Kronus with a High Knee and then a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Then Paradoxica rises to his feet and shakes his head about as he appears to try and regain his bearings. Paradoxica and Gilmour exchange looks and instantly race towards each other. Gilmour hits Paradoxica with a Shoulder Breaker and a Yakuza Kick, followed by a Fireman's Carry! Peter slams Paradoxica onto the canvas! Paradoxica is in pain, but manages to catch Peter with a Low Blow! Gilmour Drops to his knees and Paradoxica climbs to his feet slowly. Paradoxica delivers a Roundhouse Kick to Gilmours head that sends Gilmour to the canvas! Paradoxica pulls Gilmour up and instantly executes a Hip Toss to Gilmour that sends Gilmour to the ropes! Gilmour flies into them and soars back right into a Superkick! Gilmour drops and Paradoxica yanks him up again only to deliver a Powerslam! Paradoxica covers for the pin!


Kickout by Peter Gilmour!

Peter Gilmour surges up from the canvas, like a man possessed and tosses Paradoxica off him! Gilmour leaps up off the canvas like he's on fire! Then he dives towards Paradoxica and hits him with a Spinning Leg Kick! Paradoxica shoots back! Gilmour charges, but as this is happening Cam Lang has Sokolov Red in a Boston Crab!

Red looks like he's about to tap when Jack Kronus, breaks up the pin with a Suicide Dive. Red slumps to the canvas, but Lang is to his feet and catches Kronus with an Enzuiguri. Yet, here comes JTC behind Lang, delivering an Enzuigiri of his own! Lang crashes Kronus and JTC covers for the pin. He's got to be dazed though cause if this pin goes down, then he'll be technically securing a win for Paradoxica 's team, since Kronus is at the bottom of this pin sandwich! Luckily, Nash breaks the whole thing up before the count can even begin, when she smashes into all three with a Diving Crossbody!

As everyone rises to their feet, Lang doesn't hesitate to fly towards JTC! Lang gets JTC with a Superkick to the face, followed Standing Moonsault! From there Lang takes off towards the ropes and ascends them, within seconds. Lang leaps into the air and hits JTC with a 450 Splash! The crowd screams in excitements as Lang covers for the pin!



Peter Gilmour turns away from stomping on Paradoxica and drops to his knees as he screams out - NOOOOOOOO!

It's too late though.

Cam Lang, scored the pinning pin fall for - Team Paradoxica !

WINNER(S): and new number one contenders - TEAM PARADOXICA

[Image: warfare_zpscfebeef3.jpg]


#1 Contender for the King Title
#1 Contender for the United States Title

Angelus (Captain)
Alexandra Callaway
Griffin MacAlister
Shawn Steele
Tony Santos
Troy Turner

- vs -

Eli James IV (Captain)
Casey Jones
Death Merchant
Jessie Diaz
LJ Havok

6 on 6 War Games

Mystica and Angelus look across the ring to each other. These two met just one week ago in a four-way ladder match where Angelus won by a hand. This should be an interesting way to kick off Wargames to say the least.


The bell rings and Mystica bursts after Angelus on the attack! Angelus tried to kick Mystica on his way over, but Mystica ducked his head, grabbed Angelus by the throat and threw him against the cage wall. Mystica retains his grip on Angelus' throat as he uses his other hand to punch Angelus' head into the cage. This is a dangerous spot for Anj, that cage can scrape him up pretty bad if Mystica hits hard enough.

With his hand still around the throat of Angelus, Mystica puls Angelus off the cage wall and then throws him right back into it! Mystica goes right back to punches.


Mystica pulls Angelus off the cage with a running bulldog, flips Angelus over, and goes right back to work with more punches. We notice that Mystica has his fists taped up for this match. He knew that that the referees wouldn't be there to rule against closed-fist attacks. Mystica pulls Angelus up to his feet and throws him face-first into the wall opposite of where he was initially pounding Angelus into the fence. As Angelus bounces off the wall, Mystica scoops him up and then shoots him into the side of the cage like a fucking dart!


Mystica chokes Angelus on the middle rope. Angelus's face nearly turns blue before he finally elbows Mystica in the groin. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Angelus is finally able to gain some distance between himself and Mystica. Angelus catches Mystica across the side of the head with a running clothesline. This gives Angelus some time to catch his breath as the clock counts down to zero.


The next entrant is... LJ HAVOK!

Oh my, that means Team Eli has the 2 on 1 advantage!

Angelus will need to survive for three minutes before his teammate arrives. He sees LJ Havok making his way down the ramp and nails Mystica with a running kick to the head!

LJ Havok puts one hand on the cage of the door, and Angelus walks straight up to him. Havok slams on the brakes now as Angelus waits close to the door. If LJ opens that cage door, Angelus will kick his head in. Instead, LJ Havok makes his way to the other side of the cage where the second door is located. That same door will lead to the second ring. Angelus follows LJ from inside the cage though, shadowing his movement towards the second door. Eventually, Angelus and LJ are in the same exact position as before but in the second ring and by the second cage door. LJ tells Angelus to step away, but Angelus refuses to.


Mystica finally recovers and charges after Angelus. Mystica's movement distracts Angelus momentarily allowing LJ Havok to approach the cage door. However, Angelus catches Mystica coming in and tosses Mystica's body into the cage door just as LJ Havok went to open it! LJ Havok's crashes down into the outside padding. Seeing that LJ is down, Angelus goes right back to work on Mystica with some stomps. Angelus applies an arm wrench on Mystica and then kicks him in the stomach. Angelus then sets Mystica onto his shoulders... could it be time for the Sudden Death (GTS)? Angelus is about to go for it but LJ Havok finally runs into the ring and attacks Angelus from behind, breaking up the finisher.


LJ Havok is now kicking away at Angelus. Angelus tries to fight back, but LJ Havok puts him in a front face lock-- simple yet effective for the time being. Normally, Angelus could easily fight out of this hold, but Mystica is right there kicking away at Angelus while Havok keeps the front face lock in tact. The numbers have finally caught up to Angelus, but he'll just need to survive the rest of this minute.

Mystica is just landing kick after kick into the ribs of Angelus while Havok maintains the front face lock. There's nothing competitive about this; this is just punishment for Angelus. Finally, Mystica's kicking leg gets tired after we lose count of how many times he kicked Angelus in the ribs. Havok and Mystica pulls Angelus up to his feet, and as a team, they lift and throw him back-first into the cage wall! Angelus lands chest-first on the mat with a nasty thud.


Finally, the next entrant is... TONY SANTOS!

Yes, Tony will reunite with his fellow Bostonian. Santos runs up to the door, but Mystica and LJ Havok are sure to meet him there. Once again the door of the cage is a danger spot as either one of Mystica or LJ could kick it into the face of Tony Santos if he tries to enter. Mystica instructs LJ to stay on top of Angelus while he guards the doors from Santos. Havok lays into Angelus with some nasty stomps. He drives the sole of his boot into whatever body part he can with no specific target in mind. Once Havok is tired of kicking Angelus around, Mystica "tags" in and they switch roles. Havok is now on door guard duty while Mystica lays into Angelus with kicks. Santos tries to enter through the door, but Havok kicks it into Santos. The door just grazes Santos, but enough to keep him away.


Mystica throws Angelus into the ropes. He tries to catch him with a hip toss, but Angelus does a front flip and lands on his feet! Angelus then rolls Mystica over with a northern lights suplex! Havok's attention drifts away from Santos and over to Angelus and that's when Santos enters the ring! Havok redirects his attention to Santos but it's too late-- Santos runs through him with a double leg take down and proceeds in punching the shit out of him!

Angelus and Santos pick up Mystica, and they take him out with a Total Elimination!

[Image: total-elimination-o.gif]

They see Havok stumbling around on his feet like a drunk, and so they decide to give him the same treatment. Another Total Elimination by Santos and Angelus to LJ Havok!

These Boston Boys are showing great chemistry thus far.


Angelus takes Mystica over to the cage wall. Santos grabs Havok and walks over next to Angelus. The duo then begins to rake Mystica and Havok's faces across the cage at the same time!

Angelus stands Mystica onto his feet. Santos grabs Havok and shoves Havok's head into the groin of Mystica like a freakin' battering ram!

Angelus then rolls Mystica over into...a BOSTON CRAB!

At that moment, Santos does the only thing that makes sense in this situation. HE grabs Havok, pulls him to the center of the ring, and locks him in A BOSTON CRAB!

Holy shit, them two Boston boys have Boston crabs applied to their opponents!

Mystica and Havok are squirming around in those Boston crabs as they try to hang in there. They need to survive until their next teammate comes out.


The next entrant is... DEATH MERCHANT!

Deathy--erm, DEATH MERCHANT hauls ass into the ring-- but wait-- he has something in his hand! It's a fucking tire iron!

The band of officials try to stop Merchant from entering the cage with the tire iron, but Merchant strikes all six of them down with the object. Merchant then enters the ring and breaks up the dual Boston crabs by hitting Santos and Angelus with the tire iron. That tire iron is like contraband in a match like this.

Merchant is now choking Angelus with the tire iron. Santos interrupts the hold by restraining Merchant with a choke hold. Merchant takes the tire iron that he was using to choke Angelus and smacks it into the temple of Santos!


Mystica and Havok regain their footing now as they work on Angelus. in the other ring. Meanwhile, Merchant continues on Santos with the tire iron. Merchant throws Havok into the ropes and takes a swing with the tire iron, but Santos ducks, rebounds off the ropes, and catches Merchant with a flying head scissors. Santos now has the tire iron in hand. He waits for Merchant to recover and then swings the tire iron into Merchant's stomach. Santos holds the tire iron against the throat of Merchant and drops him with a Russian leg sweep.

Santos walks over to the other ring where Havok and Mystica are knocking Angelus around. Santos clotheslines Mystica with the tire iron. He goes after Havok for the same move, but Havok counters with a drop toe hold. Havok then takes the tire iron that Santos had and uses it across Santos' throat for a camel clutch.


Angelus interrupts the camel clutch using a running kick to the head of Havok. Angelus then takes Havok to the mat with a German suplex. Mystica and Merchant both run after Angelus for an attack. Angelus tries to counter with a double clothesline, but Mystica and Merchant run through Angelus and throw him against the cage wall. Merchant then pulls Angelus towards him and drops him with a piledriver!

Santos jumps off of the top rope and lands on top of Mystica after a crossbody. However, Merchant grabs Santos immediately after and throws him over the top rope and into the second ring with a gutwrench suplex!


The next entrant is... GRIFFIN MACALISTER

Griffin walks into the ring with a lit up cigarette in hand.... He walks up to Death Merchant and puts out the cigarette on Merchant's face! Merchant holds face in pain as Griffin kicks him in the knees. Griffin then gives Merchant a hip toss into the cage wall. LJ Havok runs after Griffin, but Griffin tosses Havok into the next ring over with a back body drop.

Santos, Angelus, and Griffin regroup in the ring where Mystica and Merchant are down. Santos runs off the ropes and sling shots himself over the top rope, into the ring containing Havok, and lands on top of Havok with a slingshot somersault. Santos then continues to work over Havok in the ring.

In the other ring, Griffin slams Mystica back-first into the turnbuckle with a running powerbomb. Angelus goes for a spin kick to Merchant, but Merchant ducks, and gives Angelus a full nelson slam.


Griffin and Merchant go toe to toe now. Griffin hits Merchant with a punch, and Merchant returns with a punch of his own. Griffin lands another punch, and Merchant returns fire with a knee to the sternum. Merchant pulls Griffin in for a piledriver, but Griffin reverses it into a back body drop, sending Merchant flying into the cage wall. Merchant lands on the back of his neck as he's sandwiched between the cage wall and the ropes.

In that same ring, Angelus pulls Mystica out of the corner that he was powerbombed into earlier. Angelus goes to work on Mystica with some repeated strikes to the chest. While this is happening, Griffin is setting himself up in a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Angelus sees this and lifts Mystica up off his feet. Angelus then places Mystica onto Griffin's shoulders. With Mystica on his shoulders, Griffin drops Mystica in the center of the ring using a powerbomb off the second rope!


Mystica, Merchant, and Havok are in a bad way now. They really need for this minute to run down so that they can get the 4 on 3 advantage.

Santos calls Griffin and Angelus over to the next ring over.

Griffin and Angelus leave behind what's left of Merchant and Mystica in the other ring as they go to meet up with Santos who has Havok in a headlock. On the way over, Griffin picks up the tire iron that's still in the ring.

Santos and Angelus push Havok down on his knees and stand behind him as Griffin stands in front of him; he's trapped!

Havok is on his knees, looking up at all three man as Griffin bounces the tire iron over the palm of his hand. Havok is pleading for Griffin not to use that tire iron on him even though he and his teammates didn't have a problem using it earlier. Griffin motions for a swing and Havok covers his face with his arms. However, instead of smashing Havok in the face, Griffin tosses it over to Santos who then bashes Havok over the back with the tire iron! Havok goes down like a sack of potatoes following the downward strike.


The next entrant is... JESSIE DIAZ!

Diaz runs up to the door of the cage where she's met by the trio of Angelus, Tony Santos, and Griffin MacAlister. She notices quickly that all three of her teammates are down and out. Usually, her team would be at an advantage right now, but it's Angelus, Tony, and Griffin who are standing with the tire iron in their possession.

Diaz has no other choice, she opens the door, slides under the bottom rope, and is met with an onslaught! Santos and Angelus throw her into the ropes. Santos and Angelus go to hit Diaz with a double clothesline, but she ducks, runs off the ropes again, and takes down Santos and Angelus at the same time with a double DDT.

Diaz might just overcome these odds, but wait-- Griffin attacks her from behind with a chop block. That poor woman! Griffin grabs Jessie and gives her the Reality Check (Twist of Fate)! But wait-- Merchant has recovered and joins that ring. Merchant pushes Griffin across the ring with a shoulder block. Santos runs after Merchant, but Merchant hits him with a shoulderblock as well.


The numbers catch up with Merchant though as Angelus delivers a back kick to the stomach of Merchant. Angelus then throws Merchant into the air and gives him the Sudden Death (GTS)! Mystica shows up out of nowhere and he takes Angelus down with a hurricanrana! Santos goes to attack Mystica, but LJ Havok catches Santos from behind with a neckbreaker. All seven participants are down now...


All seven participants are now rising to their feet at the same time. Jessie throws a high kick into the head of Griffin. Merchant takes out Jessie with three consecutive headbutts. Santos throws an enzuirgiri into the head of Merchant. Mystica takes out Santos with a super kick. Angelus hits Mystica with the roundhouse. Angelus turns around and... REVELATIONS (Spinning forearm) from LJ Havok! LJ tries to follow up with a spear, but Angelus counters with a Lion Tamer (Hell's Gate)!


The next entrant is... ALEXANDRA CALLAWAY!

Just as Jessie Diaz was about to break up the Lion Tamer, Alexandra Callaway jumps into the ring and throws Jessie down by her hair. CAT FIGHT! Callaway smashes Jessie's head into the ring mat. Callaway then throws Jessie over the top rope and into the other, empty ring.

Callaway reveals that she has brass knuckles! She goes to punch Jessie, but Jessie blocks the punch and takes her down into an armbar. Santos walks over into their ring and stomps Jessie in the head. At that moment, Death Merchant gets involved as well by attacking Santos.

It's now Santos and Callaway versus Jessie and Merchant in one ring. And Havok and Mystica versus Griffin and Angelus in the other ring.

The two teams go back and forth with some back and forth brawling as two more participants enter the ring over the next six minutes.

6:00 and two entries later...

Casey Jones of team Eli and Troy Turner of Team Angelus are both in the caged ring.

The ten man 5 on 5 brawl continues with it being evenly spread over the two rings.


LJ Havok takes out Troy Turner with a Gore!

Jessie Diaz goes to work on Griffin MacAlister with multiple kicks to the torso.

Angelus drops Casey Jones with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker.

Mystica goes back and forth with Santos in an exchange of punches.

And Death Merchant has Callaway in a full nelson hold.


Merchant holds Callaway up with the full nelson and whips her into the side of the cage. He then goes to help Mystica with Santos. Merchant and Mystica double team Santos with some kicks and punches. Mystica then throws Santos into the ropes, and Merchant catches Santos with a power slam. With Santos down, Mystica flies off the top rope and lands an elbow drop down onto the heart of Santos.

Havok leaves Turner behind and shoots after Griffin for a double leg take down. Turner comes up behind Havok though and gives him a hip toss into the turnbuckle. Turner then takes Havok, scoops him up, and slams him into the cage wall.


Angelus and Casey Jones go back and forth with punches. Angelus misses with the spin kick, and Casey drops him with a back stabber. Casey puts Angelus in a rear chin lock and brings him up to his feet. Casey transitions into an armwrench, and then takes Angelus out a with a kick to the face. Casey then runs off the ropes and lands a double foot stomp into the chest of Angelus.

At that moment, Santos slingshots himself over the top rope and into Casey with a shoulder block! Mystica follows closely behind Santos though and jumps off the top rope and into Santos with a missile drop kick.

Angelus grabs Mystica following the missile drop kick and throws Mystica onto his shoulders for the Sudden Death (GTS), but LJ HAVOK CUTS ANGELUS IN HALF WITH A GORE!!!


The final entry for Team Eli is Eli James IV!

Eli James IV slowly makes his way down to ringside and doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get involved in the match.

LJ Havok continues to work over Angelus by raking Angelus' face across the steel fence.

LJ turns around and walks into a big boot from Turner!

Turner goes to work on LJ, but Jessie puts the Shackled (Fujiwara Armbar) on Turner!

The back and forth action continues as three minutes go by.

It's time for the final entrant, and of course it's


[Image: test-o.gif]

Steele runs into the ring and he's on a fucking rampage!

Eli, who wasn't even in the ring yet, got his face smashed into the side of the side of the cage.

Steele then walks up to the cage door and rips that motherfucker off of its hinges! holy shit!

Steele takes the cage door and swings it into the back of Eli James!

Steele then enters the ring with the cage door in hand. Death Merchant and Casey Jones run after Steele, but Steele rams the unhinged cage door into their chests, knocking them down.

Jessie Diaz runs up to Steele and tries to punch him, but he catches her by the wrist. Steele then pulls Diaz in and gives her a fallaway slam into the side of the cage!

LJ Havok runs into Steele with a forearm strike but it doesn't hurt Steele at all! Steele spins LJ around and gives him an over head belly to belly suplex on top of the unhinged door that he brought in earlier!

Mystica is the last one left, and he catches Steele off guard with a clothesline. It doesn't knock Steele down though; it only dazes him. Mystica goes for another MystiKick but Steele smashes through him with a lariat.

Steele is on an unstoppable roid rage!

Eli James comes up behind Steele and hits him in the back with a sledge attack. It only pisses Steele off though as he grabs the fat man by the throat and lifts him onto his shoulders! It looks like he's gonna go for the Steel Driver (Fireman's carry into a DDT)... but Casey Jones interrupts with a dropkick to Steele's knees.

Casey hammers down into the face of Steele. He then drags Steele over by where the cage door was place on the mat, and drives Steele head-first down into the cage door with a double underhook DDT!

But wait a minute, it's that damn tire iron again! Troy Turner smashes Casey Jones over the head with the tire iron. Casey is now bleeding from his forehead.

Death Merchant runs up to Turner and catches him with a swinging neck breaker. Merchant turns around shortly after and is met by Shawn Steele.

Merchant and Steele, the two biggest guys in the match, comes face to face now. Merchant shoves Steele-- what's he thinking?-- and Steele fights back with an uppercut. Steele shoots Merchant off into the ropes and gives him an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline.

Shortly after, Jessie Diaz and LJ Havok walk up to Steele and lay into him with consecutive chops. Each time LJ's hand leaves Steels' chest, Jessie's replace it with hers. The chops are non stop as they back Steele into the corner.

Havok drops down to his hands and knees for a double team move. Jessie gets a running head start, springboards off of Havok's back and into Steele... who catches her! Oh no! Steele throws Jessie away with a powerbomb! Havok stands back up though and Gores Steele right after the powerbomb on Diaz.

Griffin walks up to Havok and catches him off guard with a POA (Code breaker into a Hell's Gate)! Griffin has the submission locked in while his teammates fight off the other members of the match. If Griffin can make Havok tap out and pass out then his team wins!

Havok looks like he's about to tap... but wait-- Eli interrupts the POA with a running elbow. Eli then grabs Griffin, pulls him into the corner and locks on the Sabbath Nap! (hanging sleeper hold from turnbuckle) Eli is shaking Griffin around while Griffin hangs helplessly. Griffin is about to pass out-- but wait, Tony Santos takes Eli out with a springboard drop kick. Santos tries to take Eli down into an armbar, but Mystica interrupts with the MystiKick! Mystica then puts Santos into a Crippler Crossface! Mystica might win it now.

But not for long. Shawn Steele and Alexandra Callaway grab the unhinged cage door on both sides and slam it down onto Mystica!

Shoulder tackle by Merchant to Steele! Callaway jumps onto Merchant's back to try to stop him, but Merchant slams his body and Callaway back-first onto the downed cage door. That's a lot of weight that just crushed Callaway.

Merchant then delivers a boot to the midsection of Troy Turner, and drops him with a pile driver.

Death Merchant looks to be in control... that is until...

[Image: tumblr_mqtuhofKXC1qbzvoco1_500.jpg]


Angelus slams into Merchant with a running back kick into the big man's gut. He then gives Merchant an axe kick.

Casey Jones and LJ Havok try to get involve but Angelus hits a crossbody through both of them!

Jessie Diaz stumbles onto her feet just in time as Angelus gives her a fireman's carry slam followed by spring board moonsault.

Mystica catches Angelus with a chop across the chest. Angelus absorbs it though and delivers a chop of his own back into Mystica's chest. Mystica chops Angelus again, and Angelus chops Mystica back. Mystica nails Angelus with a spinning back chop to the side of the head that dazes Angelus. Mystica runs off the ropes and goes for the MystiKick, but Angelus rolls out of the way. Angelus then takes out Mystica with the Whole F'n Show! (Super kick)

Eli James slaps Angelus into a side headlock. He begins to sing Amazing Grace as that's the lead-in to his finisher, but Angelus breaks loose after an eye gouge, and then whips him around into the Lion Tamer. (Hell's Gate) Eli James might tap out here!

Angelus might be moving onto the crown, but no! Casey Jones leaps onto Angelus with an elbow drop. Jones then gives Angelus a Curb Stomp! Holy shit, what a move. Jones can't do much with that in order to win the match though. Jones applies a rear naked choke on Angelus.

Wait damn, fucking minute... Cam Lang just ran down to ringside and he's handing something to Troy Turner through the empty hole where the cage door used to be. The officials manage to carry Cam Lang out of the area, Lang was able to transfer the foreign object to Turner just in time. What is it... by gawd' it's a golden chair folding covered in diamonds! That chair must have cost at least a million dollars to put together. Turner has decided that he wants to win this match in style! Turner takes the golden, diamond covered chair and smashes Casey Jones over the head with it! A diamond was chipped off of that chair and is now embedded in the flesh of Casey Jones.

Death Merchant runs after Turner, but Turner boots him in the stomach and gives him the Canceled (Reverse DDT) onto the gold chair! Turner then applies the Shut Up Time (Lion Tamer). Turner is now a tap out away from winning it all. But from behind, Jessie Diaz attacks Turner with a running drop kick to the back. Turner and Diaz go back and forth now. Turner takes a big swing at Diaz, but Diaz ducks, and goes behind Turner for a sleeper hold!

Turner is fighting for dear life but can't shake Diaz off of his back.

Turner falls down to one knee.

The referee checks Turner's responsiveness with the arm raises...



What the...


Havok just turned his back on his own damn teammate! Turner is shocked as well as he looks up at LJ Havok who's putting the boots to Jessie Diaz. I think LJ Havok wants that king match to himself, or something.

LJ yells at Troy Turner...

LJ: "I just saved you from losing the match. Make sure no one fucks with me, I want that crown match!"

LJ hands Troy Turner the golden, diamond encrusted steel chair. That stupid looking chair which shouldn't be in this match in the first place.

Turner throws Jessie Diaz into the other ring with the rest of the battling competitors while LJ Havok drags Angelus to the center of the one that he and Turner are still occupying.

LJ Havok: "Make sure no one steps through those ropes!"

Havok goes to lock in a Crossface on Angelus, but Angelus powers out! Angelus rises to his feet with Havok laying on his shoulders. Angelus is going for the Sudden Death (GTS), but Turner turns around and rams the chair into Angelus's sternum. Angelus falls flat on his face as Havok locks in the Crossface. Damn it, I can't believe Turner just hit his own team captain with the million dollar chair.

The other contestants in the match begin to notice the situation at hand and find themselves staring down Troy Turner from the other ring while LJ Havok holds Angelus in a crossface.

Death Merchant looks over at what's happening and says fuck it! Death Merchant is leaving the cage!

This isn't good. Both team's ships are sinking with the Extreme Revolution coming out on top!

Death Merchant has surrendered, thus is barred from the match.

The remainder of both teams seem to have come together though as they see that the Extreme Revolution is trying to screw them all. Turner is the only man who stands between the eight men and women and LJ Havok. But he's got that chair ready to be swung at whoever steps into the Extreme Revolution's ring.

But wait, Shawn Steele has emerged into the picture with the cage door that he tore off the cage earlier in hand! He tells everyone to follow behind him as he step through the ropes while holding the cage door in front of him. He's using it as a shield! Meanwhile, Alexandra Callaway has armed herself with the tire iron that was brought in earlier as well. This doesn't look too good for Extreme Revolution!

The group of eight enter the ring that contains ER and Angelus with Steele taking the lead. Turner swings the chair at Steele, but Steele blocks the shot with the cage door. Steele then charges into Turner with the cage door, and slams him up against the turnbuckle! Steele holds Turner in place with the mesh of the cage door while Alexandra Callaway smacks Turner with the tire iron!

Havok realizes that he's fucked but still maintains his Crossface on Angelus, cranking back as hard as he can. Everyone begins to jump on Havok but Havok refuses to let go of the hold, he wants this win so bad that he's willing to betray his entire team. Havok tries to maintain the submission hold, but the numbers are too much. Santos, MacAlister, Jones, and Diaz hoist LJ Havok into the air and they dump him into the opposite, empty ring.

Callaway and Steele pull Turner out of the corner who's gone limp from the beating that he endured from the tire iron. Steele press slams Turner over the top rope and into the other ring where LJ Havok is down and out. Callaway and Steele then enter that ring to take care of the two ER members.

Now in the other ring, it's MacAlister, Santos, and Angelus, brawling against Eli, Casey, Jessie, and Mystica.

Casey Jones takes Angelus by the throat, and gives him a reverse STO on the unhinged door. Jones then gives Angelus a curb stomp face-first into the steel mesh of that cage door.

Jones returns to his feet and immediately gets crushed by Griffin MacAlister who leaped off the top rope and smashed the golden chair into Jones' head. Griffin then throws Jones into the other ring.

Jessie Diaz attacks Griffin with some punches. She spins Griffin down to his feet and into the Shackled! (Fujiwara Armbar) Jessie is bridging her body as far back as she can as she tries to rip Griffin's arm off of his shoulder!

But wait, Santos runs in for the save... he takes the golden chair and smashes Jessie in the face with it after a running drop kick.

Tony throws Jessie into the other ring.

Tony and Griffin recover to their feet as Eli and Mystica look across the ring to them. Mystica and Eli both run after Tony and Griffin for some clotheslines, but Griffin and Tony both duck and catch both men into a pair of flap jacks!

Griffin and Tony both look at each other, trying to anticipate each other's next move... Griffin walks up to Eli James and locks in the POA (Hell's Gate). Tony immediately runs up to Mystica and locks in the Santos Strech (Sharp Shooter).

Mystica is punching himself in the face as he tries to keep himself from tapping out. Tony is sitting on his back with that sharpshooter.

Griffin keeps the triangle choke applied as Eli tries to power out of it. Eli manages to lift Griffin and fall forward with a powerbomb, but Griffin maintains the hold.

Mystica refuses to tap out although Santos is applying as much pressure as humanly possibly.

Eli is barely able to hold on at this point.

It's all gonna come down to which of these two men can endure the most pain...

Eli looks like he's ready to pass out. If he does, then that means Griffin wins...

Santos sees this and he must figure that he can't take that chance. Santos releases Mystica from the sharp shooter. He then grabs the tire iron and stands over Griffin who still has the triangle choke applied to Eli James.

Griffin looks up at Tony in horror as Tony stands over him with a sick smile on his face. Tony raises the tire iron above his head... and begins whipping Eli James over the back with it! Holy shit! Griffin has the triangle choke applied to Eli while Tony whips Eli over the back non-stop with the tire iron!

Mystica tries to intervene, but Callaway runs in and takes him out with a roundhouse kick.

Eli refuses to tap while he's being choked by Griffin and whipped by Tony.

The pain is too much for Eli though as he passes out! It's all over!

Griffin MacAlister has won the match!

Tony discontinues the lashing on Eli as Griffin's music begins to play over the PA.

Griffin cannot believe it. He lets Eli down as he hears his music playing. Tony drops the tire iron and helps Griffin up to his feet.

A referee runs into the steel cage to raise Griffin's hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen... the winner of this match by knock out, and the new number one contender for the King of the XWF: Griffin Mac-"

The announcer is interrupted by a second official.

What the hell is going on now?

The second referee is explaining something to the announcer.

The announcer comes back over the PA...

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match by knock out, and the new number one contender for the King of the XWF: Tony Santo--"

Again, the announcer is interrupted-- this time by the referee who originally declared Griffin as the winner. There seems to be a conundrum here. Technically, Eli James was knocked out by both Griffin MacAlister and Tony Santos. Was that Tony's game plan all along once he saw that Eli was closer to passing out than Mystica was?

At that moment, Giovanni Ferrari and John Madison enter the ring as the cage is lifted and the other contestants leave the ring. It's now Giovanni, Madison, Tony, Griffin, and the band of referees who are reviewing the match outcome.

Our cameras move in closer to hear the conversation.

John Madison: "We have a conundrum on our hands, Gio. A real conundrum!"

Black Referee: "Dawg, I'm sayin' dat if Tony hadn't pulled out dat tire iron than it woulda been a different story."

Referee: "In the end, it was Griffin's choke hold, Jerome."

John Madison: "With a conundrum of this magnitude, the only thing we can do is declare a draw and call off the match. Fuck it."

Giovanni Ferrari: "No, no. Here's what's gonna happen..."

Gio whispers something to the announcer. The announcer takes Gio's message and announces the final decision...

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, and the new number one contender at the King of the XWF... Griffin MacAlister! And Tony Santos!"

John Madison: "WHAT?!"

Angered by the decision, John Madison grabs the tire iron off of the mat and smacks Griffin MacAlister in the stomach with it! Griffin collapses down to the mat as Madison stands frozen in place. Tony Santos stares across the ring at Madison. All other personnel clear the ring, leaving only Madison, Griffin, and Santos.

Madison stands over Griffin with the tire iron and smashes him in the ribs with it. Madison keeps his eyes on Santos who watches on. What is going through Tony's mind right now? Why isn't he stepping in to help Griffin?

Madison smiles at Santos and drives the tire iron once again down into the ribs of Griffin MacAlister. MacAlister is coughing up blood while Santos watches on with a blank look on his face.

Madison finally lets up on Griffin and walks over to Santos.

Santos prepares himself in case Madison tries anything.

Instead, Madison walks up to Santos, and drops the tire iron next to Santos' feet.

Our camera crew moves in closer to hear what Madison is saying to Santos.

John Madison: "You didn't stop me from beating him... You won't be able to stop me from beating him in our match either. See you soon."

WINNER(S): and new number one contenders, Griffin MacAlister & Tony Santos

Unbelievable. We now have two number one contenders for the King's crown. The next King match will be:

Coming soon to Madness

King of the XWF
Griffin MacAlister
- vs -
John Madison ©
- vs -
Tony Santos

Next week, we'll find out who from Team Angelus will go onto face the United States Champion on 9/11 Warfare.

Speaking of the 9/11 edition of Warfare, we'll also see a six-way elimination X-Treme Rules match:

09/11/13 Warfare:

Xtreme Title
Angelus ©
- vs -
Cam Lang
- vs -
Christine Nash
- vs -
Jason E Smith
- vs -
- vs -
Smoke Man

See you next week!
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(08-30-2013), (08-30-2013), AlexandraCallaway (08-30-2013), Cam Lang (08-30-2013), Christine Nash (08-30-2013), Jason E Smith (08-30-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (08-30-2013), Minxs (08-30-2013), Mystica (08-30-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-30-2013), Shawn Steele (08-30-2013), Smoke (08-30-2013), The Lionheart (08-30-2013), Tony Santos (08-30-2013)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-30-2013, 12:43 AM

Ooc: Congrats to Griffy on getting to face the king, and to Santos. Great showing everyone.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-30-2013, 01:54 AM

OOC: Agreed that was awesome. Great show everybody!

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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Christine Nash Offline
The Twisted Angel!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-30-2013, 04:04 AM

Awesome results loved it. Fun to read.

1 team win

DTA - Don't Trust Anyone!!!

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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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08-30-2013, 06:23 AM

OOC: Good match. Congrats to Santos and Griffin.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
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2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-30-2013, 06:35 AM

figures i get fucked over.. nothing new. same shit different week.

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
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Former Universal Champion
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-30-2013, 08:30 AM

OOC: That was wonderful! Congrats to Santos and Griffin! What a match! And as usual, thanks to the writers! Excellent work!

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
  • August 2013 Superstar of the Month (Thank you all so much!)
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-30-2013, 09:43 AM

i hope maddy beats both of them.. sorry gotta say it

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
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Former 2X Trios Champion
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Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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08-30-2013, 10:00 AM

(08-30-2013, 09:43 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i hope maddy beats both of them.. sorry gotta say it

I hope you drown in a chocolate cake.

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Shawn Steele (08-30-2013)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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08-30-2013, 10:38 AM

OOC- It was a close main event this week, even with Death Merchant MIA. I hadn't even noticed in the judging until I did an actual head count.

Santos and Griffin, give me a Madness date for any day of September (besides the 2nd of course) and we'll rock it.
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Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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08-30-2013, 12:15 PM

(08-30-2013, 10:38 AM)Juan Madison Said: OOC- It was a close main event this week, even with Death Merchant MIA. I hadn't even noticed in the judging until I did an actual head count.

Santos and Griffin, give me a Madness date for any day of September (besides the 2nd of course) and we'll rock it.

Well, Mr. Mexico, September 16th is Mexican Independence Day, and it just so happens to be on a Monday this year.

Also, awesome, awesome show. Great job, writers. I'm gonna have to throw my hat in the ring for this writing gig at some point soon.

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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TroyTurner Offline
The Fucking Career Killer

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

08-30-2013, 12:24 PM

Ooc: very veery awesome can I trademark the Million dollar Chair lol

[Image: troy_zps1385e6e7.jpg]
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08-30-2013, 12:31 PM

ooc/ I figured it would fit seeing as how everything Troy owns has diamonds and shit, lol.

Sep. 16 is good with me, Tony. We'll see what Griffin thinks.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-30-2013, 03:15 PM

Tony I hope griffin kills u

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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08-30-2013, 03:19 PM

(08-30-2013, 03:15 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Tony I hope griffin kills u
[Image: 123.jpg]

I smile for you, Sweetie Petey. I smile for you.

We'll have our day in the ring soon enough. Until then..

[Image: Shawn+Michaels++39.jpg]


September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-31-2013, 11:18 AM

id love to rearrange that pretty face of yours

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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AlexandraCallaway (08-31-2013)
Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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09-01-2013, 10:30 AM

(08-31-2013, 11:18 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: id love to rearrange that pretty face of yours

Aw, you think I'm pretty?

*Bats eyelashes*

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-01-2013, 10:58 AM

pretty ugly yes mr santos

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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