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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Ballad of Mr. Radio V Act 3 (RP 3)
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Mr. Radio Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-04-2013, 05:05 PM

Ballad Of Mr. Radio V

My eyes opened, I knew it was time for the first assault against the Centurions. I grabbed my gear from my personal armory and when I was in front of the elevator, it opened and Shawn was in it. I walked in the elevator and put my hand on Shawn's shoulder. When we got to C.I.C. I saw Legacy, John Shetland, and surprisingly Gunnar was aboard! apparently while I was sleeping Shawn told Trent to go out and pick up Gunnar. I walked up to him and shook his hand and told him it was an honor to have him back upon my squad. He had grown a beard, it suited him. We were now right behind the centurion cruiser and I stood on a table and made a speech to my Squad. "I want all of you to know that this isn't a final assault, this just an attack against them to make them weak, weak enough for us to be able to even stand a chance against them! This is a high risk mission but we have no choice but to do this. If we don't do this then we will fall...We can't let the Centurions just beat us this easily! More than half of Command was destroyed by these sons of bitches that have been dead for more than one hundred years! We are going to stop them, We are not going to let them win and take over the Universe. This universe is ours! Plus when the time comes, we have Legacy with us and he will destroy the X-Factor before Centora, their leader figures out how to activate it and destroy literally everything. Let's steal that Core and get the fuck out of there. I believe in every single one of you. Now let's move out, Until the end!' We all yelled and picked up our rifles and went to the shuttle bay to be launched to the Cruiser. We were moments away from either weakening the Centurions majorly or facing immanent death. I suppose it was time to find out.

All of us hoped into the shuttle and waited patiently for the AI to secretly get us in there with out being detected. Shawn started to tell me that if anything happened to any of us, He said it has ben an honor to work along side me. He not only made a friend, but he found a brother. He put my hand on his shoulder and assured him that no one is going to die, I promised him. He took his dog tags off and handed them to me. He smiled and said just in case. I asked him if he was sure, He told me to put them on just in case something happens. I did what he asked and put them on. He turned to his left and looked out the window so he could look into space. Gunnar said hey and he told me good luck and fist bumped me. A few minutes later we had landed on a small platform where there was no Centurions, we all hoped off and looked around. This place was huge, There was no way we were getting any ground if we were to stay together. I was taking a risk with this and ordered John and Legacy to be the scouting party and look around and be silent. I gave John a Radio and told him to Radio in just in case he and Legacy finds the core. He started complaining about being paired up with Legacy. I told him that if he wanted to be on my squad then he has to damn well listen to my fucking orders. He told me to go fuck myself and told legacy to follow him. I told Shawn and Gunnar to stay close behind me, We went Right and found a large corridor. The walls were Like a Crimson Color and had some Black stripes going down them. We heard A small Squad of Centurions yelling "They're Command Soldiers" we lifted our Rifles and got in cover behind the walls leading into the room that was on the right side of the corridor. We had to take them out quickly before the gunfire was heard throughout the whole Cruiser and we become extremely fucked. It only took us about a minute and a half to take them out. I honestly thought that the Centurions would be more of a challenge, they're just normal soldiers with heavy armor. I better not get cocky now.

We continued down The corridor and noticed two guards patrolling the Corridor, There were three of us so we had to think of something quick because those pricks could probably alarm the whole Cruiser if we didn't take them down as fast as possible. Gunnar pulled something out of his bag, It was Two Silencers and he handed them to me and Shawn and he told us to put them on our guns. He told us to attack when He says now. Gunnar walked right into the middle of the Corridor and the Guards were confused and told him to put his hands up. they asked him who he was, One guard said that he was a Command Soldier. Gunnar said Now and me and Shawn bursted out cover and shot them bot h in the head. Gunnar pulled his Gun back out and said that's just what Mercenaries do baby! I then heard my Radio beep and I asked John how he was doing. He said that he found the core but there are thousands if not Millions of guys in the room. Apparently the Core is in the same room as Centora. I told John that we would be there in a few minutes and to just sit tight and don't let anyone see them. I told Gunnar and Shawn that John and Legacy found the Core, unfortunately that is also where the Throne room is. While we were running back down the Corridor we were stopped by a big squad of Centurions. We got behind some pillars and got into a fire fight with a mixture of Centurions and Pylonians. These sons of bitches were putting up a fight! It took us about a good eight minutes to get passes them because their was a lot of them. We rushed to where John and legacy were. John asked what took so long, I told him that the Centurions and Pylonians know we're here. I have no idea how we're even going to be able to get in there and get out in one piece.

Shawn lifted his head and rifle and told us that he would do it. I looked at him and asked him if he was crazy, If he went in there alone he would die. Shawn took a deep breath and told us to leave. I got in Shawn's face and told him that I'm not losing brother like I did Jessica. He told me that there's no other way! Jessica died because she was ignorant, she didn't know any better, He said that if he doesn't go than non of us are getting out of here. Shawn touched my chest and told me to keep his Dog Tags and make sure that no one forgets about him. A cold chill ran down my spin when Shawn said that. He turned towards the door, I grabbed his shoulder and told please...He looked at me and said Go! Gunnar, Legacy, and john all ran to the shuttle where it was waiting for us. I looked at him and said goodbye...My brother. He smiled and shook his head. I Ran off towards the Shuttle. I hopped on and sat next to Gunnar, I told the AI to et back to the ship now. I didn't want to stay there any longer. I knew Shawn was about to go, I have lost so much ever since the centurions arrived. My wife died, I lost my son, and Now my Brother is about to die. I can't even think about it right now... I have nothing now...We had to take down the Pylonians if we wanted to take the Centurions down, they are what is making the Centurions almost unbeatable. That's our next step.

Shawn's Last Stand

Shawn walked into the large room with Rifle at hand. Centora stood up from his throne and told all of his Millions of soldiers to not fire. he stepped down and started to laugh. he said that the Best Friend of Commander Radio is risking his life for the greater glory of the universe. Shawn smirked and pulled a grenade out and chucked it at the large Core. Centora looked as if he wasn't expecting that. He Told Dragon along with all of his men to kill him. Shawn started shooting his gun and taking many Troopers with him. He was taking several bullets to just about everywhere. his Adrenaline was the only thing keeping him standing at this point. At about forty kills he ran out of Rifle ammo and pulled his pistol out. He aimed directly at Dragon and put a Bullet directly in his skull. With his last remaining breath he took a shot at Centora, He skinned his cheek. Shawn took one last breath and was then shot down. Shawn laid there...motionless. Centora then walked up to his body and put a final bullet in Shawn's head to make sure he stays down. Centora grabbed his face and screamed. He threw his helmet on the ground and shot a random centurion in anger.

First lieutenant Shawn Bowdrey
September 16th 2122 - December 27th 2154

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