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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Roster Pages of Inactive/Former Names
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Paradoxica Offline
This one.

XWF FanBase:
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08-10-2013, 08:51 PM

In-Ring Name: This one's name is Paradoxica.

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): An attempt to learn past the surface? A real name? How concerning.

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: If this one were returning, would it not be apparent?

Wrestler Date of Birth: A birth date is not necessary, for this one is quite capable and is indeed old enough to be a professional wrestler.

Height: Upon the most recent measurement, this one stands six feet, two inches tall.

Weight: The most recent calculation of this one's weight has reported that it weighs two hundred, fifteen pounds.

Hometown: Another attempt at getting to know the backgrounds of the potential employees. A simple security check when given the real name does not suffice?

Personality: This one would prefer others inferring its personality through the actions that it performs.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): This one has no time for silly matters such as alignment!

Physical Build Description: Hidden. This one does not allow a single glimpse at its body.

Ring Attire: See pic base

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: See pic base

Ethnicity: This one has no ethnicity, it is a citizen of the world.

Pic Base: Noob Saibot

[Image: noob_saibot_edit_by_Sandslash.jpg]

Wrestling Style: This one is a student of the craft, having the knowledge of multiple styles.

Strengths: Able to adapt to any situation, proficient in multiple styles, knowledge of the elders in his brain and warrior's blood pumping through his veins.

Weaknesses: This one is too smart to list his weaknesses out in the open.

Entrance Theme Music: "Mad World" by Gary Jules

Entrance Description: This one solemnly walks toward the ring as "Mad World" by Gary Jules plays. It ascends to the top turnbuckle upon reaching and first climbing the apron. It watches the crowd for a moment, before dropping off and standing in the corner of the ring.

Manager (if applicable): This one has no manager.
Manager's Pic Base: N/A

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves: This one knows a variety of moves, and uses them all frequently. However, to coincide with the maximum, there will only be twenty listed.

1. Drop toe hold
2. Arm wrench
3. Knife edge chop
4. Scoop slam
5. Headbutt
6. Repeated low kicks, aimed at the opponent's knee/calf
7. Suplex
8. Hip toss
9. Hurricanrana
10. Lariat
11. Backbreaker
12. Piledriver
13. Powerslam
14. Superkick
15. Mounted punches, followed by headbutts while choking out the opponent
16. Muscle buster
17. Cutter
18. Assault Driver
19. Brainbuster
20. Flapjack

Trademark Move(s): There are a few moves that this one would consider "trademark." The names are as follows:
Curse of the Warmonger/A Drink to the Drunkard Class/Clansman's Call
Description(s): Powerbomb/Airplane spin, after which, this one runs the ropes to gain momentum as the victim still staggers about. Once the victim stops staggering, it's too late to react to the lariat that's delivered./Death Valley Driver, often done onto the apron

Primary Finisher: A New Tribute
Description: Some sort of "Super lariat" - This one whips the opponent into the ropes, bouncing off the ones opposite right after. Once close, this one winds up and delivers a lariat with enough force to knock an opponent unconscious.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Back to Where They Came From
Description: Vertebreaker, often times done onto the apron for increased damage

Favorite Weapon if any: This one prefers its giant hammer (which looks like this picture, sans the MK logo of course)

[Image: 5TbS8IV.jpg]

However, it is capable and more than willing to use any weapon to its advantage.

Additional notes: This one has nothing else to add at this point in time.

[Image: paradoxica_zps1d2e397b.jpg]
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