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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Revenge or forgiveness? - RP 2
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"The Phantom" Jack Kronus

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08-28-2013, 08:01 AM

I woke up with someone knocking at my door. It was around 4 AM. I quickly made my way throught the gigantic entrance hall. When I reached the door, I looked throught the peephole. I couldn't belive my eyes. Behind this door stood a man I hadn't seen in 5 years. I was not sure if I should the door, but he probably had a good reason to come here.

"Dennis? I hope you have a fucking good reason to come back after what you did."

I met Dennis 5 years ago. Back in the day, Dennis was a thief. Not just a thief, but THE thief. He stole everything, from valuable paintings in museums to Snickers and Diet Cokes in vending machines. He was also the man that you should talk with whenever you wanted to know anything about anyone. Dennis used to be a good friend of mine. We did many robberies together, and we even shared a room for some months. However, our friendship ended when he lured me into a trap. 5 years ago him and I were part of a gang called "The Ghosts". We were always fighting with other gangs. Usually we would just mess around in each other's neighbourhoods, burning trash cans and spray painting the walls. However, there was a gang that was way more serious that any of us. They called themselves "The Black Snakes". They used to do more violent stuff like murder and rape. I used to be a pain in their asses, always ruining their plans. However, Dennis betrayed me, selling me to the Black Snakes in exchange for a place in their ranks. That day I took the biggest beat down of my life. Fortunately, I was able to run away. That was the last time I ever talked with Dennis.

"I know you and I aren't friends anymore, but I just came here to warn you."

"Look, if this is another trap..."

"Please, you have to trust me. The Black Snakes... They are after you. They want to kill you!"

I was shocked. Why would they want to kill me? I moved to the United States years ago, and I haven't heard from them in a long time. Why now? They could have killed me when they had the chance, years ago. Why would they want to do it now?

"Why should I belive you?"

"I got proof right here. I am well placed in their ranks, so I get acess to the most important information."

Dennis then showed me many messages that he had recieved on his cellphone. There were all kinds of messages, but one of them sparked my interest. It said "sunorK seid 8/28"

"Why would they want to kill me?!"

"The Black Snakes now run a gambling business. Most of them have bet thousands of dollars in your team's defeat, in the next War Games. If they are able to kill you, they would increase their chances of winning this bet."

"But... Would they do such a thing just to win a bet?"

"Usually they wouldn't do such a thing. It is way too risky. However, the amount of money at stake is way to big. They will do anything to make your team lose. And since you are one of their oldest enemies, they will have no problem to kill you.

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you one of them now?"

"To be honest Jack, I also came here to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. I lost one of the few true friends I had."

I didn't know what to say. One side of me wanted to punch him so hard for everything he had done. The other wanted to forgive him. I decided to stay neutral.

"Thanks for the warning. Now, could you please leave? I am very tired and I need some sleep."

"Alright. Oh, I also want you to have this."

Dennis then handed me a Glock pistol.

"What's this for?"

"The Black Snakes always pack some heat. You should pack some too."

"Hey Dennis..."


"Give me a call. We can always order a pizza or something..."

Dennis smiled.

"I will be looking forward to that..."
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