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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Revelations/PunkNews interview
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-28-2013, 06:16 AM

"We are the promised ones and nothing's in our way. They can try but they'll never stop us. Tell all our enemies we're ready for the war. We've been here and we'll never die. Now they have nowhere to go."

*A field with sun shining down. Nothing is wrong. Everything is peaceful and perfect. Havok was in pure serenity at the moment. A smile stretched across his face. He had found his happy place. He had fought accepting things as they way they were. He had finally seen the light. Something still told him the the preacherman dwelled in darkness, but to nevertheless truth into his leadership when it came to this war or no one would make it out alive. All of a sudden LJ Havok is joined by the company of three others. Andre Chambers, Troy Turner, and Cam Lang. It seemed so surreal. Andre approached him.

Don't have any fears. Just remember who your true family is. Don't cower to no man's congregation. Remember what this war actually means.

*Troy Turner and Cam Lang also both nod in agreement. And then all three fade out into the air. Havok was taken by surprise but it did not scare him. He just looked on into amazement. He was thinking that the war would come to fruition Wednesday. Wednesday bombs would be dropped. People would not walk out the same.*

*Havok opened his eyes and had a slight grin on his face. He knew what was going to happen. He knew who to trust and who not to trust. Havok got up put on deoderant and cologne. From there he put on his regular style of beat up blue jeans and his A Day To Remember t-shirt. He had to go and have an interview for PunkNews' video interview serious. He was legitimately excited for this interview. He had no doubt that some of the questions would revolve around 'Challenge Accepted' but he was okay with it. He would answer the questions precisely and honestly. Because lets face it, punk rock fans can smell a lie a mile away.*

*A few hours later at a skatepark just on the edge of San Diego. There is a single camera man and the interviewer who went by the name of Drake Savage. The guy had five o'clock shadow and long dirty blonde hair and he was wearinga red Misfits shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. They manage to get everything situated and both Savage and Havok sit on a picnic table. And then the interview starts.*

Okay might as well get the obvious question out of the way. You a fan of A Day To Remember?

*Savage points at Havok's shirt and smiles*

Yes. Always have been. They have an intangiable quality that I love. Pop punk, straight up punk, and metal, they do it all. I admire the hell out of that. Plus they are really nice dudes.

Fair enough. I wanna talk about your match on Warfare later this week. But you fans wanna know so much of your musical past and your band Challenge Accepted. That cool?

Sure, man.

What's the news on Challenge Accepted? We haven't heard anything in a while.

It's just one of them things, man. Personal problems have gotten in the way. But it will be okay. Who knows? We may get back together sometime down the road. I'm happy wrestling right now.

Okay so what music did you grow up listening too?

Not what you would think. (laughs) Before I found bands like Rancid, Goldfinger, and the Offspring. I listened to a little bit of everything. I listened to everything from Eminem to Creed, even some country unfortunately. My earliest musical memory is Tom Petty. I still listen to him to this day. Listened to "Free Fallin' earlier.

Respectable. From that point to now, how do you think your musical tastes have changed?

They have changed a lot honestly. I very rarely listen to stuff that gets heavy play on the pop stations. Some stuff may catch me. But these days I listen to mostly anything rock oriented. And of course Tech N9ne.

What's on heavy rotation on your gym playlist?

I tend to stay away from softer stuff for my workouts. I genuinely crank up heavy A Day To Remember, Avenged Sevenfold, Stick To Your Guns, Five Finger Death Punch, and Hatebreed.

So a metal playlist?

Yeah sorta I've always thought Stick to Your Guns and A Day To Remember had a punk quality though.

Do you have any guilty pleasures that you are holding back?

Unfortunately I kind of like Black Veil Brides. I know it's an unpopular thing to say, but fuck it...Oops. Can I say that?

You're good you can say whatever the fuck you want. So what's your stance on straight edge.

Who the hell do you think I am? CM Punk? (laughs) I don't have anything against them people, but its not for me. I see no problem with getting a drink or smoking one every once in a while. I do keep it natural though. Minus the damn cigarettes I smoke. I know I need to quit those though.

I think that's repectable. Now on to wrestling related questions. Do you miss Caliban?

Fuck no. We're trying to erase him from the history of the XWF. Next question(laughs).

A lot of people have noticed you don't see eye to eye with your partners in the Wargames match..More specifically Eli James. What does that mean for the cohesiveness of your group?

Honestly, it doesn't mean shit to me. I didn't sign on to this match to join a cult. I signed on for no other reason than to wrestle. Whatever my team does it is on them. I will not be the reason that we lose. I don't feel left out either. I'm pretty damn happy not being in a position of being brainwashed. I've seen it time and time again. Crooked "men of God" using religion to get what they want. It's selfish and it's one of the many reason that I, like many others don't do organized relgion. Fuck all of them. We are a team for one night.

You don't like Eli? Care to share why?

He's too pompous for his own good. He has himself convinced that he is doing God's work. And the more I get to know him the more I see through his act. He's using it as a crutch. And I've faced my demons. I'm golden right now. And I haven't felt this good in a long time.

The opposing team. What are your final thoughts an them before this broadcast ends?

Yeah. Troy, if shit goes down I got your back. Everybody else better watch their back. I don't know what my team has planned, but I will stop at nothing to win. I have good karma on my side, and I am feeling at peace. All the negativity is buried at the moment. But I am going to be completly honest, I cannot I will not say that the the negativity won't reemerge. And when it does, everyone is in trouble. For some reason especially Tony Santos. The guy just annoys me, and I want punch him in the face more than anyone else. Like I said everyone better watch their step. Family excluded. Family means more to me than championships. I talk alot about loyalty. I choose Extreme Revolution loyalty over some team full of people I hardly know. So get ready tonight is going to be interesting.

Alright. thanks LJ. This has been PUNKNEWS, bringing you all news in and around the punk community. If you wanna read up on more about Havok's personal life, favorite movies, or favorite wrestlers head over to our website. I'll see ya next time.

*After signing off the Havok shakes both of their hands and Havok then walks off. He is about to head to the arena to get ready for his match.*

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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(08-28-2013), Christine Nash (08-28-2013), TroyTurner (08-28-2013)

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