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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
My Kingdom for a Cupper
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-27-2013, 01:12 PM

David wasn't quite sure what he was expecting when he opened the dilapidated fridge. It was likely that this abandoned house he and his brain-roommate called "home" had not seen electricity in many years. But he had nothing to lose in trying. He needed his fix. His caffeine fix.

Almost immediately after opening the stained fridge door, he yelped like a burned dog and slammed it shut before placing himself in front of it to hold it closed, as though some Cthulhu-like eldtich abomination were about to tear through it. Gasping a bit, he shook his head, trying to regain some composure in the face of filth. From across the room, Mystica could only chuckle as he sat in the frame of what used to be a glass window.

"See something nice?" snickered David's darker half, glancing over his shoulder at David.

"How is it that the only cream we have in this place is that mold on the bottom drawer that I gaining sentience?"

David glanced back at the fridge and shuddered. With terrified hands, he reached atop the fridge to retrieve his cup of tea, now horrifically lacking any hope of dairy content. With a disgusted grimace, he sipped the tea and was quickly overwhelmed by an aroma of honey and bergamot. It was way too strong for his liking.

"You're such a child," Mystica sneered, looking off into the sunny distance. The trees were still blotting out the sun, but the hot day was trying to power through. The light was beginning to shine through the leaves, much to Mystica's disdain.

"A child is a man without milk for his goddamn Earl Grey!" David shouted, tossing the contents of his cup into the wrecked stone fireplace. Sighing, he placed the cup on the remaining square of what he assumed was once a counter. Unbalanced by gravity, the cup slid off and shattered on the cold wooden floor. David cursed loudly, rattling the bits of glass still stuck in the windowframe.

"Easy, tiger," Mystica yelled across the house. "Wouldn't want to wake the neighbors..."

He glanced out into the woods and chuckled. No one for miles.

"I'd very much like to put one neighbor to sleep..." David muttered, glaring across the way at his counterpart. "How long does this have to go on?"

"How long does what have to go on?" asked Mystica, returning the steely glances.

"How long do you maintain control of me?" David pondered, marching across the room to get into...his own face. "How long until I get my life back? Do you expect me to roll over for you every Wednesday and let you go out there and hurt people?"

"Do you want to win or not?" Mystica growled back, throwing his legs off the edge of the windowframe and staring his white-clad equal in the eye.

"Last I checked..." David began, counting on his fingers. "You held the Tag Titles for a whopping one defense. And you lost them on that defense."

"Elisha's fault," Mystica returned, sounding like a petulant teenager. "Eli said so. And we all know his word is--"

"His word is worth nothing!" exploded the words from David's mouth. Almost immediately regretting it, David slammed his open palm across his lips to stop any more words from leaking out.

"Oh..." Mystica snickered, firing David a wicked grin. "Is that it? Insubordination? Listen, little man. I run the show here now. And you, my have dreams and hopes and all that. And so do I. And as long as I have control here, we are staying put. Letting the inner demons flock in the fields. You yourself said Eli is a friend. Well, David...I think I see it your way now. Eli truly is a man of genius. He has a light inside him, brewing, growing--"

"Festering," David finished the words for Mystica, much to the monster's chagrin.

"Look, mate. If you want out, that's fine and dandy. But here's the deal. We have one body to share. And me? I like it here. It's home. It's cozy. It's bloody brilliant. We have a good thing running for us here. We follow that man's ideas to the very punctuation, and he will lead us to glory. War is coming. And we have a general."

"And you're...what? His right hand man?"

"Lieutenant," Mystica corrected, working with his own metaphor. "And loyalty leads to promotion. Eli is a grand leader because he recognizes potential. Do you not see that?"

"I knew that before you stuck your ugly head in my business!" David retorted, wagging a finger in Mystica's face.

"Right, well...the tables have turned on this one. Now I'm the one in charge of you. You are below me, David. You don't have a say. If I give the order to kneel, you ask which knee. When have your little friends on the outside done something for you? When was the last time your friends on the outside handed you a title?"

"When's the last time you kissed someone?"

"Oh, is that what it's going to come down to? Alright, then. I'll ship back to The Promise :and and find that redheaded bitch and tow her back here. I'll tell her all your dark secrets. I'll show her all your lies and guilt and scars! And you'll say..."

He began to prance about, throwing up his hands in faux-dramatic fashion, trying to impersonate David.

"Oh, it's not true, my dear Whats-er-name! It's just my evil other personality telling you lies!"

He stopped as he reached inside David's personal space, placing his hands on his hips in confrontation.

"I'm sure she'll understand your insanity. Because we have one body, David. And right now..."

He smirked as the illusion of David fluttered away.

"You're seeing double."

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
  • August 2013 Superstar of the Month (Thank you all so much!)
  • 1x US Champion
  • 1x X-treme Champion
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