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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
This Means War (Alexandra's 3rd Solo piece)
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-27-2013, 12:34 PM

They wanted it; they craved it, the truth from my lips. They wanted to know, why the moon, why the darkness, why was Alexandra so violent, yet so beautiful. Deep inside Alexandra hid a painful past, one she kept secret from everyone, including the one she held close. The one she loved didn’t even know of this dark past. Not that she could ever tell anyone. They would never understand who she truly was. No one could ever understand what was on the inside. What made her who she was? That was the true mystery behind those blue eyes. What did she hide behind that sarcasm and wit? What was the real story, behind Alexandra Callaway? What brought her here? What are the demons she keeps hidden? Why did she bounce between good and bad so much? Why did she put off this air of being evil, yet be so willing to help people out? Truth of the matter, she was a monster, turned that way, by the evilness of others.

“Two Households, both alike in dignity, in fair… Aww... Fuck it. This isn’t Shakespeare, and there’s not a pair of lovers on dueling sides. This is about right and wrong, good and evil, winning and failing. This is about Eli James thinking he is completely untouchable. This is about the tyranny of one man over many. This is about a man who preaches about corruption, but corrupts those around him.”

Alexandra walks a bit through the wooded area when she comes upon a cabin, obviously withering with age, and clearly uninhabited for years. She stares at the building for a few minutes before she pushes the door open and walks inside the home. Broken glass is scattered across the floor. Alexandra’s had brushes across the table top for a moment before she starts to speak again. As she walks across the home, she pours gasoline on objects, obviously, some serious shit is about to go down here.

“Hey Preacher man, you want to sit there in your rocking chair, your woman on your lap and talk about ridding the world of impurities and sin, when you the very leader corrupts those around you. You want to preach about monsters, who’s right and who’s wrong. When the only monster I see is the so called good man, corrupting a man with a purer soul than he. No no.. I’m not talking about you, so put that wet dream to bed. In time you’ll see, you cage a monster long enough, you destroy the human within, and that monster you create will tear you to shreds, that is, if I don’t do it first.”

Alexandra walked around a bit more, remembering everything that had been told to her as a child, when her family would come here to morn. She made her way into the room, looking down at the old now fading blood stain on the floor, and she remembered why she became this way. She remembered what made her snap.

“You see this spot right here.“ Alexandra points to a blood stain on the floor, where a giant puddle of blood once was. “It was here that something was taken from me. Something so pure, something that made me the woman I am today. A life, that was so pure, so innocent, stolen with one swift slice. My world fell apart in that instant, but did I let it destroy me. No, I let it build up inside me; I became what I am today. I became the monster I feared as a child. That life that was taken was the life of my twin. My mother bled to death on this very bed. Not that I can weep for her. She was a drug addict and a horrible mother, but my twin, so innocent in the womb, perished with her. That blood is the blood that flows through my veins. That baby’s flesh was the same as mine. We were two souls that would have been forever bound, now forever separated. It’s time to let go, to let my twin’s soul rest. This long, holding it in, never letting anyone know why I am so messed up, why I am so unstable. Well there’s your fucking answer.”

Alexandra pulls out a match, striking it on her pants. She holds it up looking at the fire, as she holds it between her and the camera. She stared at it for a few moments, then threw the match down, and ran from the house. She crumbled outside, looking up at the fire that raged on, consuming the building. She closed her eyes, taking a few moments to pause in silence for the soul that perished due to the stupidity of one human.

“Eli, its men and you, like you that turned me into this…this… monster. It’s those who try to corrupt something so pure, to mold it to what they want. That’s what makes me turn into a little anarchist, set buildings on fire, and become the vigilante you will fear. You lead a group of sheep into a battle that they cannot win. I feel bad for the good men on your group that you are corrupting into believing that they have a chance in winning in this war.”

Alexandra smirks.

“Perhaps you haven’t taken the time to look and see who your band of merry men would be going up against. There’s Angelus, who is pretty much a bad ass, I speak from experience as I’ve been in the ring with him. A living legend who kind of lives up to the legend,” She motions to herself. “A biker with stunning anger management issues, a couple of really strong guys, and one tiny man with a huge passion for this industry. Now I don’t know about you, but there’s only one man on your little team that I even see as a shred of competition, and that’s Mystica. The man who you are turning into a monster, he could be the wild card. That is if you don’t force him to lay down for you and sacrifice himself.”

Alexandra paused again, looking around the woods. She climbed to her feet and dusted herself off.

“Mystica, if you can hear this.. you aren’t the monster he’s made you out to be. Shake off that power he has over you, embrace who you are, who you were, and who you will always be.”

Alexandra looked away, climbing onto her motorcycle and starting it up.

“This means war.”

With that she cut the camera off and sped off into the night.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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