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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Good Laugh in a Dark Place
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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08-26-2013, 07:49 PM

It's been a strange few days at The Village and The Promise Land. Some of those who live at the Promise Land have felt somewhat abandoned by their fearless and loyal leader. He's helped them so much, so naturally they can't trust their feelings of abandonment. He left without placing anyone in charge and without saying much about where he was going or when he'd be back.

The ones who live there are a wide variety of people with different backgrounds. There's those just knew about the James family, their dedication, their compassion, and their godly character and thought it was the perfect opportunity. Some would stumble upon the place whether by word of friends or just on the road searching for something. Eli never asked many questions from people. He put them to work and got to know them by watching their work ethic, interaction with others, and he just happens to be a good people reader. You don't have to tell him too much information. He just knows. There's a few who Eli had brought himself for a wide variety of reasons themselves. Parents abandoned kids.. and Eli stepped up. Weather destroys homes and leaves a family to defend for themselves on the streets, and Eli shows up with open arms. He has welcomed people from all walks of life with all sorts of pasts. If anyone could bring this group of people together and place them in one location to work as a unit.. it was Eli James IV.

With so many different people at the Promise Land.. and the unity Eli has pushed.. it was just a matter of time before stories overlapped and people began to over think things. Once someone over thinks something.. it can result in the "conspiracy theories". Rumors began to spread, but would quiet down with Eli's presence. Once he left, a few small talks would begin, but since he's been gone more than usual.. more talks have progressed.

One rumor going around is that Eli may, in fact, be God. Maybe he's been talking in third person about himself.

Whenever there was a devastating natural disaster, Eli would be there to help. He showed compassion on everyone, preached hope to their hopeless situation, and would give them a chance to follow him to a new home at The Promise Land. Several families took him on his offer and don't have any regret. When someone is dealing with an issue, Eli seems to be there ready to talk and knows exactly what the person is feeling. His wisdom seems to go beyond anyone else and his mind is full of knowledge. Applicable knowledge. He's slow to get angry, even at a person who makes several mistakes. He does discipline when its necessary and removes anyone he sees is not helping the cause. A 'wolf' among the sheep so-to-speak.

Another rumor is Eli is bored with life and wants to see what people will do or believe if you were provided for.

He preaches about being the light of the world and his message of love, yet sacrifices a man for an unknown reason.. and out comes his prophet. Elisha is a monster who lives in the darkness. He loves the darkness. He stays in the middle of the Earth without any interaction really. He feeds off the flesh of animals and seems to be crazy. This seems to be the opposite of what Eli had preached to them for several years. He brings in an intelligent man that everyone had seemed to like, until they learned about his deeper.. darker side known as Mystica. Eli had let two monsters live on this pure land who enjoyed the darkness. Eli even let one of them do a sermon in his place, which was unheard of.

Not many there know about his past as a Marine or member of a Biker Gang. His family history is somewhat taught to all the kids as a part of their education. Sometimes Eli himself would visit the classrooms to talk to the kids.

Eli really is a good man. It's because of who he is that makes those talk about him abandoning them and spreading rumors more difficult to accept. Still, the talk won't stop.. at least it won't until Eli returns to the Promise Land. The majority are afraid to talk or even think about those ideas since it's thought Eli knows what the heart is saying before someone opens their mouth. There's a fear of Eli.. some out of what he may do.. but also a reverence fear. A fear of respect.

Due to his absence and not really putting a person in charge.. Mary-Beth and Emma-Lee led the people in songs of worship to the Almighty this past Sunday. Rachel and Sarah James, Eli's two sisters, had shared a brief message they heard from their great grandfather growing up about the Almighty.

At the Village, those rumors don't exist. In fact, nobody talks outside of their own home. It's quite the difference between the two places, and those who know about both places aren't really sure why. Does Eli really embrace both the light and darkness? Does he enjoy bringing about death and life? Some of those questions are slowly being answered in strange ways.

It's Monday night. It would usually be Monday Night Madness, but it was canceled for a week as a order of it's GM Paul Heyman. Superstars are spending their time doing something else. Eli is in his rocking chair.. rocking back and forth.. in the middle of the Village.. a slight scream could be heard in the distance. Eli sings..

Eli James IV "Ohh sinner man, can’t you hear me say
Ohh sinner man, you better Get Down On Your Knees And Pray... Get down get down get down get down Get Down On Your Knees And Pray... Get down get down get down get down you better Get Down On Your Knees And.. Pray.

Sincere Lee Wild is strolling around Eli looking at him with a little smile she's trying to hide. Mystica, Death Merchant, and Casey Jones are standing a few feet away from Eli holding lit lanterns. There's also a lit lantern sitting on the ground by Eli's feet.

Eli James IV "No matter how much darkness is around.. there light always makes it run away. I'm not an evil man. I'm not a man to embrace darkness. I embrace the truth. I call to everyone, but not everyone answers the same. A person's response is theirs. I only open my hand and offer. I'm not gonna force a persons will.

I do have advice. Nuggets of wisdom that are just as good as your gold you love so much.

Pray. Get on your knees and pray.

Angelus.. Callaway.. Griffin.. Steele.. Santos.. Turner.. shhh. Just find yourself a place to kneel down and pray for the Almighty to show you mercy. All ya gotta do is ask. Hehehe.

Pray and ask for mercy.

Eli's tone changes from calm to loud and intense.

Eli James IV "Don't expect the answer to be nice! Don't expect mercy to come to you and your sinful desires. You've embraced the darkness, but where there's darkness.. there I am. The light to remove it.. by force if necessary.

Angelus.. you finally wanna come outside and talk. Way to be a leader. I hear fear in your voice. I see fear in your eyes.

Pronounce your name? That's the message you have for me? How about Angie's list? Is that it? Angus? One that feeds off grass and becomes another's meal? Is that it? Hehe.

Oh, no. Angelus' words got better. He called those who follow truth kool-aid drinkers. Congrats, man. Ya got me. You said somethin' no one else has told me before since I've been here. Ya here that, Mystica? You drink kool-aid! You hear that Wild? You're drinking kool-aid! It's a joke. Busted wide open. Hehe.

Don't pretend to know what the real world is, man. Don't. You make yourself look foolish. Have you seen what I've seen? Nah. I've seen it all. The good.. the bad.. the evil.. the darkness.. the light.. the betrayal and the loyal.

The real world is living without your precious technology and working with your hands.. fourteen hour days. Apparently you're good at running your mouth. It's full of lies. Anyone wanna take a guess when Angelus lies? Every time he opens his mouth.

The real world. Heh. I've been here long before you. You think you know what's real? You don't have a clue, boy. The real world is right in front of you and you don't even know it. In your fictional 'real' world.. you're the best.. you're the smart guy.. the best of the best. In reality, you're another boy that can't pay attention to the truth.

I appreciate you proving my point yet again. I'm southern, that means incest, right? I'm a preacher? That must mean I speak lies.

Hehehe. Ya hurt my feelings. Hehehe. Fools label me without knowing anything about me. You base me on history.. and there's where your ignorance enters in.

An ignorant fool is blinded by his own stupidity. So stay blind. That's your choice. I follow the truth, and that's where I'll remain.

Thank you, Angelus. Thank you for showing how stupid you are and how much of a failed leader you are. You've opened yourself up for everyone to see that you really don't understand the real world.

Eli continues to rock and relax a bit more.

Eli James IV "Ya know what tires me out? It's not fightin'. It's not workin' outside with my hands in the heat of the day. It's hearing people talk like they know what's real.. like they know the truth about who I am and what I do. It's tiring to hear people open their mouths and spit out stupidity. I came here to bring a chance at redemption, but it seems the darkness is working hard at stoppin' the light.

Your work leaves a toil on the body.. mine leaves does that and places a burden on my soul you'll never understand. That burden, though, is slowly falling off. All of you people out there are making your choice. You just have to hope your choice.. doesn't deliver you into the wrong hands. Hehehe. Sleep well..

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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