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Elisha's Dream, or Eric's Dream?
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

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08-19-2013, 12:08 PM

Following a tough victory over Tony Santos on last week's Warfare and being left alone by The Congregation and The Black Circle on Eli's special Sabbath show, Elisha is alone. He's no longer sure what to think. His constant battle from past memories of who he once was and the reminders of who is currently is. His confusion about Eric's daughter Lacey and Elisha's mother Lacey plagues the dark soul. He's becoming the odd man in the woods that nobody really wants. He doesn't want to succeed, but he does. He doesn't want to be alone, but he doesn't want anyone around him.

After his victory over Tony Santos, he thought Eli would be pleased and would regain trust from his fellow teammates. He began fasting several meals just to keep his hunger at the edge so when he would get in the ring, he would be ready to win.

Eli announced that on his show Elisha would be teaming with Black Circle member Luca Arzegotti. This would be a chance for the dark horse, Elisha, to start stepping into the light of Eli's eye. Instead, Luca no showed. Eli didn't come and join to fight by the side of his monster, but seemed occupied with his new monster Sincere Lee Wild. Mystica, a former teammate, sat at the announce table and watched John Austin and Death Merchant tear Elisha's doll and weaken Elisha's soul.

There he sits. Alone in a dark cave with some paper that Eli wants him to write on. Two books that Eli gives everyone, the Bible and the Book of Eli, sits on the dirty ground collecting dust. Dr. Baker hasn't come around since Warfare and is wondering if he'll ever return to talk about things or if he also abandoned the monster.

Elisha sits like a cold child deep in his cave, holding his legs close to his chest, and a ripped up Lacey doll in his lap. No mumble, no words, and no tears. He sits still and in silence with his eyes open staring into the darkness.

As the hours go by and it gets way into the night, Elisha's emotions start draining him dry. His always alerted eyes slowly start to close down.

Elisha begins to dream.

He 'wakes up' and in his lap is the lacey doll, fully sown together, looking into his eyes.

"Lacey had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Lacey had a stupid lamb. Hehe. Eeeeelisha? Hehe. Don't die on me. I love you."

Eric Rex is sitting in the living room watching Ghostbusters I with his daughter, Lacey Rex, on a couch eating pizza. A knock is heard on the door. Eric pauses the movie and gets up to answer it. It's police officers with two large men wearing all white.

"Eric Rex? We've come to take Lacey into custody. You're not fit to be her parent.

Eric tries to fight them off, but is tased then handcuffed. Eric lies on his living room floor watching them take Lacey out of his home.

"DADDY! I want my daddy! Daddy? Help me!"

Eric Rex is looking through a small window in a door into a completely white room. A white table is in the middle with two chairs on opposite sides. Sitting in one chair is Elisha's mother, Lacey, holding his Lacey doll. In the other chair is the sweet, nicely dressed Lacey Rex, Eric's daughter.

"Elisha is such a good boy. When mommy's hungry, he goes out and brings me something to eat. Such a good boy.

"Eric's the bestest daddy in the whole wide world! He can beat up your daddy!

"Where is your daddy, then? Prove it.

"He's coming! You'll see. Everyone will. He won't leave me. He'll find me and rescue me. And beat you all up.

"Elisha doesn't need to prove anything. Such a handsome son. He has guidance now from a great man. He has purpose. All Eric wanted was money.

"Eric had friends! Eric had me! That's all he needed. Shut up!

"Why did he let them get you? Does he really care? You're not his daughter, just a used little girl he found to put money in his pocket.

"He couldn't fight everyone off! He does care! I'm not just some girl he found. I'm his daughter! YOU'LL SEE!


Eric starts to bang on the window yelling at Lacey. She puts her head down and starts to cry. The dark Lacey, Elisha's mother, turns her head towards the door and sees Eric. She smiles.

Eric closes his eyes and opens them. It's Elisha without a mask. He's covered in blood. It's tripping from his mouth. He opens his eyes and he's staring in a mirror in some dark house. All he hears are men's voices saying "OBEY. SACRIFICE. OBEY. SACRIFICE." He hears Eli's distinct laugh close by.


He takes his right hand and starts to dig deep into his face with his long sharp fingernails, as if he were trying to rip off a mask. He hears a familiar voice screaming in fear. It's Lacey's voice. Elisha wants to turn around to check on her, but all he can say is what the other men are saying.


Below Elisha's face is a doll. Ripped into pieces. A note beside it that says "Death Merchant".

"You destroyed the one thing I had in my possession until she would visit again. That is what should make you be afraid. Do you not know I have nothing to live for? I am a monster in the woods that haunts for fun. My purpose is not to bring laughter to a child's life, but to be the one to cause judgment and bring destruction on the souls of mankind.

Eli's message was preached since his arrival. Eric denied it's truth. Sal denied it's truth. WE ALL denied it's truth. One by one it started to come alive. It started to make perfect sense.

Long ago we were placed on Earth in a perfect environment, in perfect unity with the Almighty, and with anything we could ever have wanted. WE were selfish. WE wanted more. WE wanted to be in control of our destiny and be Almighty. WE reached out and took hold of the dark desire of our heart. SIN marked us forever. Every day, WE try to fix the brokenness in our lives with more sin. It doesn't fix, but destroys us. It slowly breaks us down like a cancer in our body, except it kills something much more valuable than this body. It destroys our eternal soul.

Eli came with the message on how it can be fixed. He wanted to bring life and restore our souls to the way it should have been long ago. WE all ignored this message and it is our sin that created the evil that lurks inside us. That evil became a living thing and has manifested itself into many hearts that people label as monsters.

We are not the monsters hiding in the closest, or underneath someones bed. No. We are monsters because you see us as different. We are monsters because our lives are strange and dark. We are not the made up monsters you want us to be. We are the prophets of the coming judgment.

I am the prophet of doom. I'm afraid you were just placed in a un-winnable situation.

I do not fear spiders or any creature that crawls on this Earth like a mere man. To you, those spiders put fear in your heart. To me, it's a source of protein.

If only you were fighting Eric Rex, things might be on your side. Eric would drop at the sign of the color green. I enjoy red.

I smell your fear, Death Merchant. You talk a big game. You'd like to be a monster, but you're far from it. Your words may sound tough to the person walking the streets and may even put fear in another man's mind. I smell the truth, Death Merchant. I smell the fear that's in every sentence you speak. I smell the fear in every word that slips out from your mouth.

I sleep in the pit of this Earth, deep inside woods that people would not wish their worst enemy to stay the night. There's no light where I lay my head. No pillow to place my head. To covers to keep my body warm in the winter. No spray to keep the bugs away. So don't think I'm afraid of a Black Widow, Tarantula, Brown Recluse, Golden Silk Orbweaver, Ground Crab Spider, Metallic Crab Spider, North American Jumping Spider, or any other type of spider that may be there would fighten me. They're all here with me, along with many other types of animals you would fear.

They. Fear. Me. You. Fear. Me.

Let me ask you something, Merchant. Have you ever tasted death? I have. Have you ever had the taste of another flesh in your mouth? I have. Do you live in a place that doesn't have lights to show you the way? I do. Have you had someone special taken away from you by force? I have.

If you believe I'm afraid of you, then you've really not encountered any monsters I've seen. You are but a speck. A talking toy that's just wound up and wants to play. I don't play, Merchant. I feast. I destroy. I rip the flesh off bone and destroy their soul. I am the cause of why you can't sleep. I am the cause of fear that's behind your eyes that others may not see. I am the reason you're talking so much about spiders and not enough about the monster that lies before you.

Elisha starts to cough up blood. He can't breathe. He falls to his knees and passes out.

Eric wakes up in his queen size bed at home Eli purchased for him a few weeks upon his arrival. In his arms is his prize possession, his daughter, Lacey Rex. Eric tries to get woken up from a long night's dream. He notices a missed call from his phone. It's from Sal. He picks up up and returns the phone call.

"Sal. You'll never guess the dream I just had. You know that guy that just arrived, Eli James? He may look innocent and like just another guy off the street wanting to wrestle, but he's bad business. We need to drop all ties with him and try to get him out of the XWF. I think he's going to destroy our friendship, take Lacey away, and make me into something else. Like a monster of some sort. Ok?

Eric wakes up. Him calling Sal was a dream. He's in bed by himself. He starts to get up in panic mode to look for his daughter. He searches every room in the house and can't find her or any sign of her. He starts to yell for her, but no reply. He sits on the couch in the living room thinking he's crazy. He slowly looks up and sees a toy box sitting on a table. Inside the box is a doll called "LACEY". He begins to laugh it off that it was all a dream after some bad pizza.

Eric decides he needs some more rest and heads back to his bed. He walks back in his bedroom and there is the girl that tried to seduce him from Eli's camp. Emma-Lee. Laying in his bed under the covers as if they just had sex.

Eric wakes up and he's sitting in a white room at a table. Across from him is the monster Elisha.

"W-W-Welcome E-E-E-E-Eric. Been a long t-t-time.

"You're fucking real?

"I am. Y-Y-You a-a-a-are not. Right?

"I'm real. You're just a creation from Eli's insane world. He used me, crucified me, and took me to that shit hole barn.

"No. No barn. Nobarnnobarnnobarn. Not g-going back. NO!

"This is a dream, right? Eli. You. Us. Lacey. Knightmask. It's just one big damn dream.


"He started this shit. It was him. He wanted to start a feud with me and then disappeared! Him and fucking Wallace Witasick. All Wallace had to do was pay me and give me Knightmask, but instead he took off. Eli came along and had money Wallace should have paid me and I was dumb to take it. I was just drugged by Sal as a prank, right?


"Good, so how the fuck do I wake up and get back to kicking ass?

"N-N-N-No. Y-You not r-r-r-real. I here. I'm m-m-mmmonster. Prophet of Doom.

"Nnnnnooo. You're a fake. Eli's a fake. Everyone is a fake! I'm still at war with the Marines then.

Eric gets out of his chair and just starts screaming. Elisha begins to mumble and rock back and forth. Eric tries to get out of the white room and wakes up. Eric's in Eli's house. There's a piece of paper with a rock holding it down from the wind, and it says "Wednesday Night Warfare, August 21, 2013: Eric Rex verses Death Merchant in a Arachnid Casket Match. Record a Promo." Eric realizes everything about Elisha was just a dream and he's still around as himself with Eli. He takes the camera that's near the note and takes it outside. There's a casket with spiders crawling everywhere around it. Eric steps on a few of them when they get near him.

"Death Merchant. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you're going against the one and only Eric Rex. I've been in tougher battles than you'll ever know. My whole life I had to survive. This match is not going to be any different than my life. I'll survive it, pass you by, and place you into the past except you'll be living in this casket with these damn spiders.

I'm not a spider guy myself. I fucking hate spiders. I hated biology. I hated science. There's two subjects I always enjoyed in school. Math, because I love money, and Gym, because I'm a fighter who survives.

If you think for one second you're coming into our match Wednesday and expecting it to be easy, then think again. I've heard it over and over again that Eric Rex is a piece of a shit. He's an easy one to pass by. Every damn time I step in the ring or get a job to do, I get it done and prove every one wrong. I'm the beast in this fucking place. I'm the monster you feared when you were a kid asking your little mommy and daddy to check for before you went to sleep at night.

I'm going to make you look like a bitch in front of everyone in the XWF. They'll know Death Merchant is a Peter Gilmour JUNIOR and nothing more than that. A fat ass who thinks he's better than every one else is all you are and all you'll ever be. You just came in this place at the wrong time, Merchant. Sorry to see your ass get placed in a casket locked with spiders, but it's how it has to be. I didn't make the match, but I sure will finish it. I will take whoever is in front of me and complete the task at hand, because the result means more money in my pocket and that's what I love. We'll go in the ring, look at each other, and go to war. The difference will be I'll be walking out with more bills and you'll be sitting in a closed casket full of spiders.

Welcome to your future, bitch.

Eric notices Mystica in the distance burying two tag team titles. He hears Eli whisper "Before the rooster crows, you'll deny.."

It's still somewhat dark outside. Elisha wakes up, still in his cave. He see's his Lacey doll still torn to pieces from the hands of Death Merchant from Sunday.


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