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Stuck in Madness (rp 4 of 7.999)
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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08-18-2013, 08:01 PM

What the commoners are saying:

"I'm not so good with rookies and bring up morons like Chris Macbeth and others. So what I lost to some no name talent rookies that are now gone from this promotion. SO WHAT!" - Peter Gilmour cutting a promo against Peter Gilmour. So what!"

The cameraman picks up from our last taped promo which takes place on Monday night after Madness. We start off with a behind view of The Black Circle members a they walk through the parking garage of the Wells Fargo Center. We're approaching midnight by this point as John Madison, Shane , and Luca Arzegotti begin to search high and low for the limousine that they arrived in at the start of the event. Apparently, the trio wasn't informed about their limousine being demolished by Sebastian Duke and his buddies.

"Well, where the fuck did you leave it, Shane?"

"I-- I thought they parked it in this spot. They must have moved it."

Fatigue is beginning to take its toll on the three Black Circle members as they scratch their heads in the middle of the dimly lit parking garage. Suddenly, John Madison remembers back to a moment where he overheard a discussion taking place backstage about a limousine being destroyed earlier in the night.

"Shit, I think some people were talking about a limo being smashed to bits by Duke and his truck. Surely that couldn't have been our limo; we had a security team devoted to protecting that thing!"

At that moment, Luca and Shane remember hearing about the incident as well. They must not have thought much of it initially.

"Are you serious?" cries Shane as he begins to search his phone for the number of the limo driver. "Who would do such a thing to the king's limo!"

"The same people who handcuff a man to the back of a motorcycle and drag him around the ring apparently!"

As the group of three continue down towards the east corner of the parking garage they begin to notice broken glass and scraps of metal scattered across the cement. The piles of debris grow bigger in size as they follow the trail of wreckage. Finally, they stumble upon their limousine, crushed to pieces. Yes, it is literally in pieces!

"Why?" shrieks Shane as he drops to his knees and begins to dig through the remains of his limousine. "Why would they do this to our limousine? I've had this same limo since 1999!"

"My... dog..." muffles Luca as he holds his ribcage. "Fluff... Fluffy..."

"Your dog?" questions John Madison as he becomes more frustrated with Luca. "Who cares about your fucking dog right now? Can't you see that Shane 's 1999 limousine has been destroyed? What does your fuckin' dog have to do with any of this?"

Luca Arzegotti points to the pile of metal that was once a stylish 1999 limousine. Shane is cradling something in his hands... it's... it's the body of a small dog-- a fluffy Pomeranian to be exact. The dog is motionless in Shane's arms as Luca remains horrified by the sight of his deceased pet.

"Aw shit... I forgot that you bring Fluffy to all of the shows with you."

Luca melts to the floor as he begins to mourn the loss of Fluffy.

"So now Shane doesn't have his limousine and Luca doesn't have his pet. Wow, The Brotherhood, wow.

Whatever happened to settling fights in the ring?

You know what, cameraman? Let's leave Shane and Luca here to mourn over their losses for a couple of minutes. Just tragic. You see, The Brotherhood did all of this because they know that they cannot beat The Black Circle in a wrestling ring. They can't hurt us with a loss in the ring so they try to hurt us with a loss outside of it. What's next, Duke? Are you going to shit in Luca's fish tank and kill his pet fish? I guess I should've expect this kind of behavior from the man who murdered his fiancé and unborn child in cold blood. The whole time you probably imagined that limousine was your child. Just terrible!"

Shane and Luca continue to mourn over the loss of their loved ones as John Madison distracts the cameraman. The camera follows Madison to the other side of the parking garage where they can talk privately.

"I want to talk more about my upcoming match. It's next week for those of you who haven't heard. It's on a show dubbed 'Mega Madness' and so apparently that gives Peter Gilmour and the rest of his gang to right to be mega about everything.

This match isn't just about Gilmour and his pals though. There's also some shit going on with this LJ Havok guy being involved in the match. At a time like this when my friends are losing their vehicles and pets, it's difficult for me to remain focused on the task I have in front of me, but I will continue on because I am the king. So, it's time for me to shift my focus onto LJ Havok for a minute. You might be surprised by what I have to say about LJ Havok.

Where should I start with LJ Havok? Well, for starters, he's earned himself the opportunity of a lifetime to step into the ring with the King of the XWF-- an opportunity that so few have earned yet so many strive for. An opportunity which, unlike Peter Gilmour, he earned through his own hard work. I'll be honest, at first LJ Havok wasn't even in my top five as far as who I thought would make a worthy opponent for me. It actually surprised me that a wrestler who's been here since two weeks ago is even involved in the contender's match. But that's Paul Heyman for you; can't manage talent relations worth a damn. I have to hand it to LJ though, he won a match that contained some of the toughest superstars in our sport. Superstars like Sebastian Duke, The Rock, and Mr. Satellite.

Sebastian Duke is a former United States Champion and a reigning Tag Team Champion. This man also survived after I buried him alive in Las Vegas.

The Rock won the WWE Championship just last year. He might have let go of himself since joining the XWF, but he's still one of the most respected men in our sport.

Mr. Satellite is a former TV and US Champion. He's also a two thousand year old alien who's destroyed planets with his bare fists.

So needless to say, LJ Havok earned one of the most impressive victories that I've seen as of late.

But back to Paul Heyman, who I think has been aware of LJ Havok's abilities this entire time and is trying to fool me. I think Paul Heyman wanted me to overlook this hungry 'rookie' and focus on the "big fish," which would be Peter Gilmour-- presumably. Of course, Pete is more like a sardine-- a really fat one at that. Regardless of that, it seems to be a pretty popular opinion among the rookies that I'm overlooking or "underestimating" my opponent LJ Havok. Of course, that would be the rookies' way of thinking since no veteran would dare to accuse me of overlooking anyone, EVER.

Maybe LJ Havok and these fresh rookies aren't aware my accomplishments.

Maybe he doesn't know that I've won matches before which involved numerous rookies.

Maybe he doesn't know that I won a rookie battle royal within my first month of being in the XWF.

Maybe he doesn't know that I tore through a thirty man gauntlet at Gauntlet City; a gauntlet which featured its fair share of rookies. If LJ would do his homework, he would know that the last thing John Madison does is overlook anyone, including rookies. That's right, LJ. I've beaten everyone from the greenest novice imaginable to some of the most respected, grizzled veterans. I've beaten both of those types of superstars and everything in between. And although nobody respects Peter Gilmour, I'm gonna do it again to the two of you on Monday Mega Madness. I'm going to beat one of the oldest members in the XWF and one of the newest members in the XWF in one match.

So to address your concerns-- no-- I am not underestimating you. You'd probably like that, though, wouldn't you? You would probably like for me to underestimate you so that you can get an easy win, just like Peter Gilmour would like for me to just forfeit the crown so that he too can get an easy win.

Although that is a weak strategy on your part, I respect your desire to at least beat me for the crown. At least you don't want to just be handed something like Ms. Gilmour does. You're not the begging type like Gilmour is, are you LJ? You seem like the type of guy who wants to take advantage of an opportunity the first chance you get. Something about you tells me that you like to have a strategy before you go into matches. Do you, LJ? Do you like to play smart?

I'm asking this because I have a strategy that will be beneficial to both of us.

I'm actually surprised, LJ. I thought you would come to me first when it comes to what I'm about to bring up. You seem like a smart player; someone who would pull the carpet out from under you if you weren't paying attention. However, you seem so focused on this theory that I'm overlooking you, which is kind of ironic. I think YOU are overlooking ME and you're overlooking the match itself.

Whoa, whoa-- wait-- LJ Havok is overlooking John Madison? Yes, that is exactly what is happening, otherwise I wouldn't be the one coming out with the most logical plan. It's a simple thing really. Listen closely...

Look at the stipulation, LJ...

Quote:Paul Heyman: It will still be a Kill the King Match. In order to be the King, you have to beat the King. That's all staying the same.

Hmm, and on top of that...

Quote:Paul: Blah, blah blah Lumberjack Match. Blah blah blah, I'm a fat Jew. Oh and there will be NO INTERFERENCE in the King Match

So, are you thinking what I'm thinking, LJ?

I see you nodding you're head, and I know what you're about to say...

Quote:What LJ should be saying: Oh my God, Maddy, we should totally work together in this match and take out Peter Gilmour first so that this can be the one on one match that it was supposed to be.

Congratulations, LJ. You got it!

You see, these stipulations can work to your advantage, LJ... if you take advantage of them.

After all, Why should YOU, the Brooklyn Rumble winner, have to waste your time on Gilmour AGAIN? You've already proven that you're better than Gilmour. Why do you need to deal with his fat ass all over again? Peter didn't earn this match, LJ, he was thrown into it. YOU earned it, LJ. You went through thirty of the best that the XWF had to offer in one night.

You know who else went through thirty of the best superstars that the XWF has to offer in one night?

John Madison

That puts you on my level, LJ. Congratulations.

You belong in a very exclusive club that consists of wrestlers who have beaten thirty wrestlers in one night. A club which consists of names like: Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold!, and John Madison.

And now... the newest member of that prestigious club: LJ Havok!

I see great potential in you, LJ. Under my guidance, I could teach you many great things. Just look at what I've done for Luca's career. That boy is on his way to the top!

Your first lesson? Well, it's the same as Luca's first lesson which he performed well at Wild Card Weekend: Get rid of Gilmour. Yes, it really is that easy.

There's two of us and one of him. We both know that Peter does not belong in that match. You know why Peter doesn't belong in that match, LJ?

Say it with me...


(And just for the record-- because his fiancé is a man.)

Good. Now, why the hell aren't we working together in order to trim that excess fat out of the match? LJ. you gain NOTHING-- at all-- by beating Peter Gilmour in this match, hence the "kill the king" stipulation. On the other hand, I retain if I beat Peter Gilmour-- and trust me, I'm gonna pin Gilmour first because he is the weakest of the two of you. That was the only reason that I threw Peter Gilmour into the match in the first place. I need someone in there who I know is weak, just in case LJ Havok isn't just some stupid rookie. I don't know what you're capable of, LJ. I can only go off what I've seen, and so far I've seen you go through thirty wrestlers in one night. How do I know that you're not a John Madison clone and you had some plastic surgery and tattoo work done in order to hide your true identity from me? This could all be part of Paul Heyman's plan; to use John Madison to defeat John Madison. Maybe he even injected you, the clone, with some of Mr. Satellite's alien blood to make you superhuman. Crazier things have happened in the XWF, trust me. You won a thirty man match, we're nearly the same size, and the headlocks that we use look very similar. I smell a conspiracy brewing.

But I cannot say for sure. I won't know until I have stepped into the ring with you, LJ, and again-- that is why Peter Gilmour is in the match. He's there in case I get into trouble and need to pin someone really quick.

However, I'm a generous guy, so I'm willing to push all of this aside and let the two of us settle this thing man-to-man or man-to-clone. The more I think about it, the more intrigued I am about facing a clone of myself. It might just be my toughest challenge so far. So what do you say, LJ? Will you join me in feeding the fat pig to the crocodiles? In other words, let's toss Peter Gilmour fat ass out of the ring and let the lumberjacks deal with him while we wrestle.

You're probably saying to yourself,

"oh Maddy! Fuck you buddy, I know you just want to be able to have it easy"

Well, LJ, if you do say that (which I hope you don't) then you would be implying that me going one-on-one with you would be easy. You don't think that, do you?

Look, there's just no way you can pass up this offer unless you're straight up . We destroy Gilmour, and then we feed him to the lumberjacks. Trust me; Peter Gilmour won't be able to get back in the ring as long as you tell your Extreme Revolution friends and I tell my Congregation and The Black Circle friends to not let him back in. And I'm pretty sure that The Brotherhood won't lift a finger seeing as how they make fun of him enough already.

You'll probably wonder next why I didn't make this offer to Peter Gilmour seeing as how I view YOU as the stronger competitor and therefor it would make more sense for me to take you out first.

Well, LJ, the answer is quite simple as to why I didn't make this proposal to Peter Gilmour:

BECAUSE HE'S FAT! (and his fiancé has a penis...)

Haha! Come on, say it with me, everyone.

BECAUSE HE'S FAT! (and his fiancé has a penis...)

Also because Peter Gilmour fucked himself when he made those slanderous remarks about me and my friends, and because he continued to do so after I graciously gave him the King Match. Not to mention; he aligns himself with Duke, attacked Luca with his bike, and is responsible for the murder of Fluffy Arzegotti. Oh and he confessed to being a pedophile too.

I mean, he even calls me a every five seconds. If he wants to do that then more power to him, but I'm not going to make a deal with someone who speaks to me in that tone. Seeing as how he's homophobic and believes that I am a homosexual, I doubt that he would even want to make a deal with me.

But you don't seem to be that ignorant, LJ. You seem like someone who's above making homophobic remarks, consuming mass quantities of food, and dating transgenders.

What do you say, LJ? On Monday Madness let's kill Peter, and then we can move onto giving my people a proper king match."

To be continued!
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