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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
New King of Extreme Pt. 1
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TroyTurner Offline
The Fucking Career Killer

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

08-18-2013, 02:18 AM

The biggest main event in the history of XWF is under a week away. The 3-Way Xtreme Title match may signify a new era in the XWF with virtually the entire federation starting fresh at its conclusion. Will there be a new Xtreme Champion to head into this unknown and exciting period in the federation? A 3 Man Battle will decide. The Lionheart Mike Harrison, Angelus and…

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfmYAvlweO6xJnmVNs2ta...P26N_2pHnw]

{Troy Turner}
Profit profit boy I got it…

Troy Turner is in the basement of his mansion in Atlanta Georgia. The basement has been converted into a state of the art gym. Inside is free weights, machines, treadmills, ellipticals, a steam room, juice bar and plasma screen TV’s in every corner of the customized gym. The square footage is massive, yet Troy Turner doesn’t allow anybody else down to use it. Troy is currently jogging on the treadmill while singing along to the tunes on his IPod. Troy hits the cool down button as the camera finishes its panoramic shot of the gym and focuses on MFTT

{Troy Turner}
Pretty impressive space huh? Can’t imagine what my competitor’s basements look like. Well except for Harrison. He must have posters of me all over the place with DIE written across all of them in blood. Or sperm…whatever is handy at the time. I hope he has the shot with me holding the giant rope in my underwear; Joy loved that one.

Troy continues his cool down while wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel.

{Troy Turner}
Mike. We have developed quite a bond haven’t we? Our experience here is the same both debuting at the same time both coming out on top last Warfare were wicked and yet beautiful in a morbid way. Wrestling can have that effect on things. But it all had to come to an end eventually…you know… with it ending in my victory. Wait sorry… I DIDN’T PIN OR SUBMIT YOU YET. Phew. I know you might be touchy about that. But you disappoint me Mike. Instead of people just owning up to defeat and being done even before the match begins… they continue to try and fight it. And I ask why? Mike you have issue with me because you decided to stick your fat fucking face in my business, business being my title match at Warfare so… Im going to bring you down mentally and physically when that fucking bell rings Im going to break you. You brought that on pal, you have nobody to blame but yourself. You want to be Xtreme! try to rid the wrestling world of a parasite like Troy Turner? You'll shoot…and you’ll fucking miss. How bout you aim lower… I hear people dislike Angelus a bit… start off with the small fish before taking on the Great White.

Troy hits the stop button on the treadmill and walks over to the juice bar and grabs a water.

{Troy Turner}
Mike The "Lying Heart" is Xtreme? Unbelievable, Mike It’s a joke that you’re in this shit and not Cam Lang or shit even El Rey who take their lumps and fight like men. But hey…I’m actually happy you beat Stevie Angelus, and found your lucky ass in the fire with me, and please save everybody more bitching and crying and invites to a pity party that im sure you both will throw. Oh and thanks for the help promoting the battle, your efforts are greatly appreciated, NOT!

Troy Turner gives a sarcastic thumbs up to the camera before mixing some recovery powder in his water.

{Troy Turner}
I bet that’s my fault to. Speaking of the help promoting events, thanks as well to our Champion. My champion. Angelus... The very man who put Stevie on his 13 year old Bitch ass. Angelus… the very man who took all the momentum and hard work Stevie put into the Xtreme Title and relegated it to nothing. Angless I’m not sure, maybe you missed the memo… BUT. The Xtreme Champion is supposed to be the MOST crazy deranged sick motherFucker around. THE very best the federation has to offer. I know, it shocked me too when I found out. You see you are supposed to set the standard for the rest of us. You are supposed to make someone like, Terry Funk, get up everyday… take his morning pain pill, and want to give 110% just so he can match the effort the Xtreme champ is putting into the product. Angie you are without a doubt the most inconsistent wrestler in the history of the profession. One week you are worth a shit, the next you are a Champion. I can’t figure you out, and thankfully after The 3 Way I won’t have to any longer. Because once I become champ, your shots are over for good.

Jeeves, Turner’s long time butler and friend, comes down the steps with Troy’s gold pimp cup.

Troy I brought your Purrr…

Jeeves notices the camera.

Your Protein drink. I brought your protein drink sir.

{Troy Turner}
Relax Jeeves, you can say Purple Drank. Although you’re black… so you should probably say sizurp. None for the next two weeks though, hardcore training baby. Grill me some chicken with a side of carrots for after my workout please. Gotta gain some lean muscle mass for this one; don’t want these losers thinking they can throw me around.

Jeeves leaves the gym as Troy Turner walks over to the padded mats and starts doing some crunches. Troy Turner finishes his set of crunches before standing up and flexing his stomach showing off his impressive six pack.

{Troy Turner}
Failure comes from a lack of preparation, I’m always prepared. Always. Outside help, cheating, I get shit done. Wait did I say cheating? Oh God, The ER are talking a takeover once again! When does it ever end? son of a bitch! I just can’t win. Oh wait… yes I can. It’s these shitheads who can’t win!! Mike you have written quite a resume for yourself here in XWF. 0 losses, one little win BAM a shot at a title. How’d you pull that one off? It must be your great sense of humor. No that can’t be it… you stopped being funny in like 2007 and Bobby Heenan stopped being funny in 1997. That leaves only one man responsible for all your success…and I use that word loosely, Motherfucking Jason Smith. You are one lucky Jerk Mike, if it wasn’t for Mr. Smith, I really don’t know what you’d be doing…although I know it still wouldn’t be as good as coming to the warroom and getting a fucking sledgehammer to the head.

Troy laughs to himself and takes a look at the weight rack sizing up what weight he’ll start off his bicep workout with. Troy grabs two weights and starts doing bicep curls. Troy maxes out his rep before placing the weights back down and selecting a heavier pair.

{Troy Turner}
Angelus I know you are an extremely proud individual. I mean, why wouldn’t you have an ego. You made being a geek… cool! You took the dream of Rob Van Dam and Jean Claude Van Dam and made it a reality. Be a nerd that nobody likes, and make it to the main event. Quite the accomplishment, you may be indeed the greatest Super face in the history of this business. Forget me, I was beating up tigers, bashing old men with sledgehammers, crippling people… but you? You… and Mike… Your not ready for the hell im going to put your bodies thru…and you can forget about whatever you did that you claim makes you Xtreme.

Troy stops his rep and starts laughing to himself. Troy drops the weights and walks over to change the channel on his plasma T.V.

{Troy Turner}
I’m sorry you girls will have to live your XWF career in the shadow of Troy Turner. But don’t feel too bad, everybody has. Believe me, it’s a big fucking shadow. You just got caught in the darkness but im sure you'll try so hard. But hey, You must be doing something right I guess, but unfortunately it ends in the same manner it always will Me winning the gold on the big show, and you lost in my spotlight.

Troy stops the channel surfing at an infomercial of the shake weight. Troy shakes his head.

{Troy Turner}
At The 3 Way Xtreme title match all the confusion ends. Because nobody can copy or match my success. We live in a results driven society. People respect you when you win, ignore you when you lose. While everybody else backed there way into this match with mediocrity, I’ve laid out a path of victories and dominance that can only culminate in a Xtreme Title win. Destiny is on my side, it’s my reward for building this house.

Troy Turner flashes his million dollar smile before picking up a different pair of weights. The camera slowly fades as Troy continues his workout in preparation for the most anticipated main event in the history of the XWF.

[Image: troy_zps1385e6e7.jpg]
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