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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Can't Fight This
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-12-2013, 12:19 PM

*Scene opens up with LJ Havok and Dre Chambers outside. LJ Havok is standing up pacing back and forth smoking a cigarette. And Dre Chambers is sitting in a chair pleading with Havok not to do something.*

LJ, you can't do it. What you are contemplating is bad news. Just calm down and think rationally.

Rationally?! Rationally?! Christ, Dre, you have yet to get a taste of the spotlight, and you are already telling me how to run my career.

Not at all. I just thought--

*Havok cuts him off*

I know what you thought. But I promise you it is all part of the plan. I haven't been walking around here making promises I can't keep. Every promise I have made since my debut here was all within reason.

Just as long as you're sure this is a good idea

Damn right it is a good idea. All the cards are falling into place. The dreams I have been having are all starting to make sense. And I don't know why I didn't see it before.

Aight. Just be careful. I'mma go in. See ya in a few.

*He leaves and then Havok takes the seat and flicks the cigarette onto the asphalt. Moments later his phone rings and he answers it. He listens and agrees for several moments. And then he speaks.*

I agree with every single thing you have said. And don't worry I got this. I will keep them at bay. I will destroy them. Everything is in place. We just have to wait for the oppourtune time. And just so you know I will destroy John Austin tonight. Oh and AoD has no chance in hell. Yes. Uhuh. Alright. I will talk to you later.

*Dre's head is sticking out the halfway open door.*


Oh yeah I talked to him earlier he seems ready for Warfare.

Dude seems ready to throw down. And that is probably a good thing. I'm gonna need him to bring everything he's got so that AoD doesn't have a chance to walk out on their own free will.

I'm sure...I'm heading back in. You want some water or somethin.

Yeah. Thanks man. I owe ya one.

*Dre shuts the door and Havok stands up. And then Steve Sayors walks out of the doorway holding a microphone*

You have time for an interview, Mr. Havok?

Nothing but time. Come on. I have a match soon

*Sayors hustles over there with microphone in hand.*

I feel like we have already done this today. What more could you possibly want?

There are rumors going around about a rift between you and Jordan Caliban. Is this true?

What? No. We were never that close to begin with. I admire him because he has balls and he has my back...Next question.

We saw live feed of the end of a heated discussion between yourself and Andre Chambers. Can we get a glimpse into what that was about?

It's a surprise and kind of a personal matter at the same time. Everyone will find out what I have in store NEXT Monday. It is really nothing to anyone besides the people involved. And most of them have no clue.

Well okay. Are you prepared for your match tonight against John Austin?

Yes, and I have answered that question several damn times. NEXT

Now to the real reason why I am here...AoD. Do you feel threatend at all by these men?

No and here's why. They spew the same garbage over and over about how. Caliban and I are the odd couple. About how we are more bark than bite. At this point, everyone on the XWF roster has heard their ramblings. Everyone knows that Caliban and I have them right where we want them. You wanna know why? It is because we are younger and smarter than them..Not to mention we are in better shape. I'm walking proof. I should still be in the hospital right now, but I'm not. Any normal man would still be sitting in a hospital bed right now, after what Luca did to me...Not only that but we can cut promos anywhere. We don't need to hijack newscasts or be a part of a "reality" show. They do all of these just to gain noteriety and fans. I, personally, don't give a damn about a fanbase. But it is probably good that they do. They need the masses to feel sorry for what is going to happen to them. What is going to happen to the XWF as a whole. The winds of change keep blowing. The Savior..I have been preaching of change since signing. And it is all going to happen much sooner than everyone thinks....Are you done with your questions yet?

Just a couple..What would happen if you were proven wrong in your conquest to domination of the XWF?

Everyone would have to watch their back. And when I say everyone. I mean EVERYONE. Let me break it down for you like this...The XWF has its heros and its villians. I am neither of those things anymore. I realize now that it is all about spreading truth and destruction. It is about sending a message to anyone who thinks they can stop this change. People like John Madison. People like him who seem to be so comfortable in their position that they don't see the big picture. People like AoD who are much more concerned with their past and their personal issues to see what is in front of them. The whole roster has been warned. It's their decision to wise up or just to walk about in ignorant bliss.

Here is the last question.. Your past seems to be a troublesome topic for you to speak on. What makes it so troublesome?

I'm going to make this as basic as I can with out revealing too much. I was a dumb kid. I got involved with people who I knew were no good. And I saw everything happen in my mind piece by piece. And I couldn't do anything to stop it. I can't even go back and make things right. Are we done?



*Havok shoves Sayors out of the way, all the while thinking"What am I doing?" over and over in his mind. He shakes it off and walks into the building as the XWF fades to black*

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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